Homework 07.08

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1. Grammar Introduction

A. Common and Proper Nouns

. Nouns are names forffi. ffiiffik,ffim and M*xffi.
. Most nouns are common nouns.

. Proper nouns are'ffi€##re.

. They always begin with capital letters.

E Circle the proper noun, check the common noun and write.
Common Noun PropiirNoun

r@i'rW bov
""'t' Harr..l
"'" " " "t'

2 Tokyo is a city.

3 Charlotte's Web is a book.

4 Harvard is a school.
5 The Nile is a river.

B. Singular and Plural Nouns

. Singular means ffi. Plural means ffi.
. To make most nouns plural, addryto the singular form.

. End of noun:HEffi&*ffiffi
. Plural form: add ffiffi

. End of noun:ffiEmmffi
. Plural form: change@and add gffi

. No specific rules

. Common irregular plural nouns:

man - men person - people foot - feet tooth - teeth mouse - mtce
1 - Singular and Plural *orr.$

ffi$ Write the plural form.

1 forest f.p.n9sts 5 fox

2 child 6 tooth

3 country 7 story
4 bus 8 foot

ffi Write the singular form.

1 cornPutt€r comouters bookcases

2 women

3 programs ladies

a pen a radio
small umbrella
. Use a or an with nouns. lt means 'one' thing.
'- ""-'---"-- :' " ' . Put:=before a consonant.
ani . an orange an egg
i an interesting book
. PuteE before a vowel.

. Consonants:b, c, d, f, S, h, i, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w,x,y,z
. Vowels: a, e, i, o, u

ffi Write a or an.

1 John is reading .... . ... *.... . comic book.


Jennifer is............. English name.

I have ........................ uncle in America

WowlThat is .... big octopus.

6 Amy has........... large umbrella.

2. Grammar Practice
@ Choose and write.
Common Noun Proper Noun

... f:r!gndS... . 6 ..... n4sry tl ..p!i9fly



10 15

tfuds Golden Gate Park p\fi teacher Me,{ Brown jar before
make Stanford University children fast mother go Empire State Building

G) Write a or an. Write @ if a or an is not needed.

1 A: What do ...........A. elephants have?

B:They have ......... large ears.

2 A:There is . . . . . ... bike outside. ls it your bike, Cindy?

B:Yes, it is. lt is new bike.

3 A:Are there . . apples on the table?

B:Yes, there are. And here is ...... orange.

4 A: Do you have . . ..... ...... pets?

B:Yes, I do. I have dog and ...... two rabbits.

5 A: How many legs does ...... octopus have?

B: lt has .................... . . eight legs.

1 - Singular and Ptural *ourr?

@ Check and correct the mistake.

1 lhrs rs a octopus a nd that is a crab.

2 There are three man in the room.

3 WowlThis is an big egg.

4 This is john. He is a new student.

5 There are many trees in the Park.

6 We need a table and a chairs.

@ Write the plural forms.

Mammals are warm-blooded

arrir"'a-lS . Mammals live both on land and in

{) animal
water. Some like _ and
@ mammal $ tiger
eat meat. They hunt other animals for food.
@ fox
Some other mammals, like hedgehogs and
0 bat
eat . Other mammals, like and
{} rnsect O cow
And mammals, like
@ rabbit Q plant @ hear
and rats, eat both plants and meat. -
-, -.

3. Grammar Summary

Nouns AorAn
Common Proper Singular Plural
Noun Noun Noun Noun
country l-rance school schools a teacher r: an apple
boy Harry bench benches a bike an egg
teacher Mr. Brown child children a lemon an igloo

k caunt, and,,,Nerr.egu:tt,,N,oun$

1. Grammar Link
* Go to page 106. Take Grammar Ouiz 1.

2. Grammar lntroduction
A. Count and Noncount Nouns
i Singular : Plural .

. Count nouns are the names of objects that we can count with
::-"' : :":O'" , :":l':t
a bus
buses numbers.
Noun , .l.,o lo^f lo".ro" i . Tho', roko
i . Noncount nouns are the names of objects that we cannot count
] with numbers.
i . They take gffipgffifu3and do not take#or*ffi.

. Common noncount nouns:

furniture homework mail money bread weather music information

G Read and circle.

1 I see five monkeys. ffirr

noncount noun

2 I have a good idea. count:noun noncount noun

3 There is a lot of furniture in the house. countnoun noncount noun

4 Our town has a shopping mall. count,,noun noncount noun

5 I'm hungry. I want some cheese. countlnoun noncount noun

6 There are some sandwiches for you. count noun noncount noun

G Circle the correct word.

1 My teacher gave us a lot of S6reil6lb/

2 There are ten story / stories in the book.

3 I need more information / informations on the science project.

4 ls there any mail / mails in the mailbox?

2 - Count and Noncount uounsf

B. Some

There are some sandwiches. . ffi.ffi is used with plural count nouns.
There is some milk. . @ is used with noncount nouns.
I have some money. . Useffiin affirmative sentences.
Do you have some money? . Useffi*in questions.
.#orffiis used with singular count nouns
There is a sandwich. There is an egg.

G Write a, an, or some.

t Mary is wearing necklace and ................... earrings.

2 I can't go to the party. I have homework to do.

3 Can I have ...............:... information on the train schedule?

4 I am hungry. I want orange.

5 John has ............ mail in his mailbox.

6 There are ............. dictionaries in the classroom.

C. Any

I don't have any brothers. . #mis used with plural count nouns.
ls there any juice? . @iis used with noncount nouns.
fhere aren't any apples. . Use @+in negative sentences.
Do you have any homework? . Use Gaflqin questions.

G Write some or any.

1 My brother doesn't have ......... homework today.

2 Mom, are there ..... clean shirts?

3 Does Mary have ......... brothers?

4 We have ......... vegetables, but we don't have ......... . fruit.

5 The classroom is empty. There aren't .... students.

6 Can you help me? I have ......... problems.

3. Grammar Practice
@ Choose and write.
,eoutt:' n l,lsneount Norm..,

1 pQarrnts bre.aA.

4 11

5 12

6 13

7 14

pbgdtt ffiedd furniture banana yogurt knife spoon

homework postcard mail coin music cookies money

@ Chect and correct the mistake.

1 I don't have hgf money.

2 I want a egg for breakfast this morning.

3 I don't have much moneys.

4 I need an information about the bus schedule.

5 Do you have some friend in KoreaT

6 Are there any picture on the wall?

7 I want to listen to some musics.

8 You got a mail today.

9 There are some girl in the classroom.

2 - Count and Noncount ruounsfl

o Write ?, €rE, some or any.

1 A: I am thirsty. ls there orange juice?

B: Sorry. There isn't .......... . orange juice. We have . . . . milk.

2 A: ls there ice cream?

B: No, there isn't. Do you want apple instead?

@ Complete the sentence using some or any.

What you need:

raisins (1 spoon) sfifloiler seeds (1 spur) sfawberries (113 cup)

1 yogurt You need ...59..nr9..Ym*r+

2 milk You don't need

3 raisin You need

4 sunflower seed You need

5 banana You don't need

6 strawberry You need

4. Grammar Summary
Count and Noncount Nouns

& .*rubfee,t end *Hw, Frefre*ne

1. Grammar Link
* Go to page 107. Take Grammar Ouiz2.

2. Grammar lntroduction

A. Subjects and Objects

He is a boy. . The subject is the noun or pronoun that usually comes at the
subiect (s)
The boy sees the girr. beginning oi a srmtence.
I Th" girl has a puppy. . The object is the noun or pronoun that comes
obiect {o} i sn" loves it. '' i a sentence.

ffi Circle the subject and check the object.

1l I leat brQ!$iast every day. 6 Tom loves ice cream.,;
2 Mary has a book. 7 They read newspapers.

3 The birds are flying. 8 Sam and John play baseball.

4 We study English. 9 Children like candy.

5 Do you like fruit? 10 ls she sleeping?

B. Subject Pronouns

lst Person , apples.

I like , We like apples. ,

2nd Person Yoy-qpgqk Enslish , Yog !p9ak Enslish :

. + we;,,youi.he;,sheilit, and
He has a brother. ,th6.y are subject pronouns.
3'd Person She has a brother.
They have a brother. 1

It is on the desk. They are on the desk.

. A subject pronoun takes the place of a subject noun.
Jack is from Canada. He speaks English. {,Fl$rr*::;ia+k}
Mary is from Canada. She speaks English. {Sf{6i,{MAr-#,}:
Jack and Mary are from Canada. They speak English. {They"":rttgdr.and::Mar.,y}

3 - Subiect and Obiect Pronouns.h

$E Write the correct subject pronoun.

1 John is tall. .^... .......He.........;... is a basketball player.

2 Sarah and Amyare nice. are pretty too.

3 The tiger is running. is fast.

4 My mom is busy. is working.

5 A:Are you and Jenny best friends? B:Yes, ........... are.

6 A: Do study English? B:Yes, I do.

C. Object Pronouns

11 P9r9on
We like Mary. Mary likes us.
2nd Person iou iiie rvarv Mary likes you.
He likes Mary. Mary likes him.
3.d Person She likes Mary. Mary likes her. They like Mary. Mary likes them.
It likes Mary. Mary likes it.

. b;=ts;=a:E':ffihrr+t, and tt*er++rare object pronouns.

. An object pronoun takes the place of an object noun.
Sam is my best friend. I like him very much. l@t[
Amy is my best friend. I like her very much. ffi:@
Sarn and Amy are my best friends. I like them very much. {d+9 ,,**,$eri+:gffdr ffy}

ffi Write the correct object pronoun.

1 I got a new bike. I got .. ..... ... .it.. .. .. yesterday.

2 The man hits the balls. He hits .. hard.

3 The singer sings a song. She sings well.

4 Mary likes Tom. She likes very much.

5 A: I will call Mary. B:Will you call tonight?

6 A:John wants to see you. B: Why does he want to see ........

My Next Grammar 1 15
3. Grammar Practice
@ Circle the correct pronoun.
1 Mike is in his room. ffil ffi, is reading a book.

2 Sarah is a new student. I want to invite she / her to the party.

3 My friends and I are at my house. We / Us are watching a movie.
4 Amy is wearing new shoes. She bought they / them yesterday.

5 My parents have a new car. They / Them got it last month.

6 A: When do you see your grandma? B: I see she / her every Sunday.

7 Sam and Jenny are my friends. They / Them are my neighbors too.

8 I need to see your English book. Can you show it / them to me?

G) Wfrat does the pronoun in bold refer to?

We moved to a new house. lt has a big garden.

It refers to .............. ...*..nPW..hg, s.-e-......

I did my homework yesterday, but I didn't bring it today.

It refers to .........^.... ..........:.........

Andy is a new student. Let's go and meet him.

Him refers to ..............

My friends and I are in Ms. Takeda's class. She teaches us Japanese.

Us refers to ..............

Mary has three tortoises. She got them from her friend.

Them refers to ..............

There is Barbara. Let's go and talk to her.

Her refers to

3 - Subiect and obiect Pronouns

@ Write the correct subject and object pronouns.

1 A: Do you like ice cream?
B:Yes, do. I eat .......... every day.

2 A: Do your grandparents live with you?

B: No, ....... don't. We visit ....... every Sunday.

@ Choose and write.

him her

Oiarhttes Wrf
Wilbur is a pig. He lives in a barn. Charlotte is

'' a gray spider. She [ves in the same barn. are

good friends. One day, an old sheep tells Wilbur that

is going to be killed on Christmas. Wilbur asks Charlotte for- help.

Charlotte has a great idea._ can write words about

Wilbur in web. _ works hard on her web

and helps become famous. Finally,

go to a count5r fair together. Will Wilbur live past


4. Grammar Summary

Subject and Object Pronouns

Subiect Pronoun Object Pronoun i $ubiect Pronoun Object Pronoun
1s Person me US

2nd Person you you : You yo,

tiaP";;; he/she/it i him/her/it I they

My Next Grammar 1 17

1. Grammar Link
r) Go to page 108. Take Grammar Ouiz 3.

2. Grammar lntroduction .

A. Demonstratives

,,tftat , 'these
3.! O3k : I ee. +r

E Circle the correct word.

1 iIlieae / fhii,,, paintings are from ltaly. 4 ilfese / Thlsj children are third graders.

2 Do you know those / that men? 5 .,Jhg;e / fhiqt are my friends.

ls *.those / that.: your father's car? 6 ;,.
lnrs rs a new pen.
a,3 .,'Theia /

E Read and write,

t&ttitffi i1::l$insffi**:'. ti.,1.1..,,,:r,::].'-.,,t..:-,,,.,.':

,: liili:i'lt.]:.iifitliflft,,,,1,,,.:r.;,,,,,.,,r,,

1 This is a red pen. o . . IhP. s.9,. *.r:9...r9d .pF,CIs,

2 o Those presents are for Kathy.

3 That is my brother. o
4 o Can I play with these toys?

5 I want to buy this. o

4 - Demonstratives and Possessives 1

B. Possessive Nouns

. Possessive nouns show that someone has

. Singular possessive noun:
friend{ friend's
Mike { Mike's

. Plural possessive noun:

regular: friends { friends'
irregular: children { children's

p Write the correct possessive form. .

1 dog tail ' tail

2 girls dresses dresses

3 iistes wings o wings

4 women shirts o sh i rts

5 Jane bedroom o bedroom

6 . my brotfer r MP3 player MP3 player

7 my teachers I names names

G Complete the sentence using the possessive form.

t . .......ElgehsJ,tsl . . Elephants ears are huge.

2 Those are the boys , skateboards.


3 Where is the penguin home?

4 Are these women necklaces?

5 The

teachers room is on the first floor.

My mother ' sandwiches are delicious M

Mv hloxt Grammar I 19
3. Grammar Practice
@ Look and write.

: ffiffi'""' lw ,;;.;,;;:;'*";" iffi

rffi** L'

ryffi#& ',,.*"@=i.$ry
-ffi ffiffiR #,&
@ Write the sentence using the words on the left.
1 These / children / jackets

2 This / the tigers / new home

3 That / the teachers / room

4 Those / the girl / boots

5 This / my brother / homework

6 That / Mike / school

7 Those / Amy / friends

I These / students / desks

g This / your brother / book

4 - Demonstratives and Possessives 1

@ Choose and write.

polar bear's duck's GiQff€s'

Amez'n51 Anin:sls

A1l animals have something special to help them live

in the world. Giraffes' necks are long so tkrat they

can eat leaves from high trees. tong;ues are

sticky so they can catch insects. A feet are

webbed for diving and swimming. A

eyelashes are long for keeping sand out of its eyes. A
fur is thick so it can live in the snow or

ice. How anr,:razing all tkrese are!

4. Grammar Summary

Demonstratives Possessive Nouns

Singular Plural Singular Plur?|., ..
This/That These/Those child's toy/Sam's CDs friends' comic books/children's playroom

My f\lext Gramrnar '! 21

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