Homework 07.08
Homework 07.08
Homework 07.08
1. Grammar Introduction
E Circle the proper noun, check the common noun and write.
Common Noun PropiirNoun
r@i'rW bov
""'t' Harr..l
"'" " " "t'
2 Tokyo is a city.
4 Harvard is a school.
5 The Nile is a river.
. End of noun:HEffi&*ffiffi
. Plural form: add ffiffi
. End of noun:ffiEmmffi
. Plural form: change@and add gffi
. No specific rules
2 child 6 tooth
3 country 7 story
4 bus 8 foot
2 women
3 programs ladies
a pen a radio
small umbrella
. Use a or an with nouns. lt means 'one' thing.
'- ""-'---"-- :' " ' . Put:=before a consonant.
ani . an orange an egg
i an interesting book
. PuteE before a vowel.
. Consonants:b, c, d, f, S, h, i, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w,x,y,z
. Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Jennifer is............. English name.
2. Grammar Practice
@ Choose and write.
Common Noun Proper Noun
10 15
tfuds Golden Gate Park p\fi teacher Me,{ Brown jar before
make Stanford University children fast mother go Empire State Building
B:Yes, I do. I have dog and ...... two rabbits.
3. Grammar Summary
Nouns AorAn
Common Proper Singular Plural
Noun Noun Noun Noun
country l-rance school schools a teacher r: an apple
boy Harry bench benches a bike an egg
teacher Mr. Brown child children a lemon an igloo
k caunt, and,,,Nerr.egu:tt,,N,oun$
1. Grammar Link
* Go to page 106. Take Grammar Ouiz 1.
2. Grammar lntroduction
A. Count and Noncount Nouns
i Singular : Plural .
. Count nouns are the names of objects that we can count with
::-"' : :":O'" , :":l':t
a bus
buses numbers.
Noun , .l.,o lo^f lo".ro" i . Tho', roko
i . Noncount nouns are the names of objects that we cannot count
] with numbers.
i . They take gffipgffifu3and do not take#or*ffi.
6 There are some sandwiches for you. count noun noncount noun
2 - Count and Noncount uounsf
B. Some
There are some sandwiches. . ffi.ffi is used with plural count nouns.
There is some milk. . @ is used with noncount nouns.
I have some money. . Useffiin affirmative sentences.
Do you have some money? . Useffi*in questions.
.#orffiis used with singular count nouns
There is a sandwich. There is an egg.
C. Any
I don't have any brothers. . #mis used with plural count nouns.
ls there any juice? . @iis used with noncount nouns.
fhere aren't any apples. . Use @+in negative sentences.
Do you have any homework? . Use Gaflqin questions.
3. Grammar Practice
@ Choose and write.
,eoutt:' n l,lsneount Norm..,
1 pQarrnts bre.aA.
4 11
5 12
6 13
7 14
2 - Count and Noncount ruounsfl
4. Grammar Summary
Count and Noncount Nouns
1. Grammar Link
* Go to page 107. Take Grammar Ouiz2.
2. Grammar lntroduction
He is a boy. . The subject is the noun or pronoun that usually comes at the
subiect (s)
The boy sees the girr. beginning oi a srmtence.
I Th" girl has a puppy. . The object is the noun or pronoun that comes
obiect {o} i sn" loves it. '' i a sentence.
B. Subject Pronouns
3 - Subiect and Obiect Pronouns.h
C. Object Pronouns
11 P9r9on
We like Mary. Mary likes us.
2nd Person iou iiie rvarv Mary likes you.
He likes Mary. Mary likes him.
3.d Person She likes Mary. Mary likes her. They like Mary. Mary likes them.
It likes Mary. Mary likes it.
My Next Grammar 1 15
3. Grammar Practice
@ Circle the correct pronoun.
1 Mike is in his room. ffil ffi, is reading a book.
7 Sam and Jenny are my friends. They / Them are my neighbors too.
8 I need to see your English book. Can you show it / them to me?
Us refers to ..............
Mary has three tortoises. She got them from her friend.
Her refers to
3 - Subiect and obiect Pronouns
Oiarhttes Wrf
Wilbur is a pig. He lives in a barn. Charlotte is
Wilbur in web. _ works hard on her web
4. Grammar Summary
My Next Grammar 1 17
1. Grammar Link
r) Go to page 108. Take Grammar Ouiz 3.
2. Grammar lntroduction .
A. Demonstratives
,,tftat , 'these
3.! O3k : I ee. +r
3 That is my brother. o
4 o Can I play with these toys?
B. Possessive Nouns
5 The
teachers room is on the first floor.
ryffi#& ',,.*"@=i.$ry
-ffi ffiffiR #,&
@ Write the sentence using the words on the left.
1 These / children / jackets
4 - Demonstratives and Possessives 1
Amez'n51 Anin:sls
4. Grammar Summary