1. Define Trend analysis. Give an example (Xác định phân tích Xu hướng. Cho một ví dụ)

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1. Define Trend analysis. Give an example (trang 104)

(Xác định phân tích Xu hướng. Cho một ví dụ)

Trend analysis: study a company's past HR needs over several years to predict future needs.


2. Define Personnel replacement chart. Give an example (trang 106)

(Xác định sơ đồ thay thế nhân sự. Cho một ví dụ)

Company records showing present performance and promotability of internal candidates for the most important positions.

3. Define Critical incident method. Give an example (trang 230-231)

Keeping a record of uncommonly good or undesirable examples of an employee’s work-related behavior and reviewing it
with the employee at predetermined times.( Lưu giữ hồ sơ về các ví dụ tốt hoặc không mong muốn bất thường về hành vi
liên quan đến công việc của nhân viên và cùng nhân viên đó xem xét lại vào những thời điểm đã định trước.)
4. Define Referral and Walk-ins. (trang 116)

Referral: Employee introduce candidates and then get-rewards for successful referrals. Walk-ins: (Direct applications made
at the office) is a good source of hourly-paid workers

5. Describe explain all steps of training process (trang 187)

Step 1: Needs Analysis

Identify the specific job skills Analyze the needs of trainees

Develop specific, measurable knowledge and performance objectives.

Step 2: Instructional Design

Compile and produce the training program content, including workbooks, exercises, and activities.

Use techniques such as on-the-job training and computer-assisted learning

Step 3: Validation

Validate the training program by presenting it to a small representative audience

Step 4: Implementation

Train the targeted employee group

Step 5: Evaluation and follow-up

Assess the program’s success or failure

6. Describe all steps of a job analysis (trang 77-78)

Step 1: Use of the information: Decide how you will use the information because this will determine the data you collect
and how you collect them.

Step 2: Review background information: show the company’s division of work, how one job relates to other jobs and
where that job fits into the overall organization.

Step 3: Select representative positions: is unnecessary to analyze the jobs of 200 assembly workers, a sample of 10 jobs
is sufficient

Step 4: Analyze the job: Collect data on job activities, required employee behaviors, working conditions, human traits and
abilities needed to perform the job.

Step 5: Verify the information: Verify the job analysis information with workers doing that job and with their immediate

Step 6: Develop job description and job specification: The job description is a written statement that explains the
activities and responsibilities of the job. The job specification summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and
background required to do the job.

7. Describe the process of recruitment and selection (trang 102)

1) Decide what positions you need to fill, by using employment planning and forecasting.

2) Build a pool of candidates for these jobs by recruiting internal or external candidates.

3) Have candidates complete application forms and undergo a screening interview.

4) Use selection tools like tests, background check, and physical exams to identify suitable candidates.

5) Decide whom to make an offer to, by asking the supervisor and other on the team to interview the candidates.

8. Describe all steps of behavior modeling (trang 196)

Modeling: Trainees watch films or videotapes that show models bahaving effectively in a problem situation. The tape may
show a supervisor effectively discriplining a subordinate, if teaching how to discripline is the aim of the training program.

Role playing: The trainees are given roles to play in a simulated situation. The practice the behaviors demonstrated by the

Social reinforcement: The trainers provides feedback on how the trainees have performed.

Transfer of training: Trainees are encouraged to apply their new skills when they are back on theirs jobs.

9. Discuss the importance of a job analysis, a job description and a job specification (trang 76,82)
A job analysis:

Recruitment and selection: Job analysis provides information about what the job is about and the kind of person who you

Compensation: Job analysis information is useful for esti,ating the value of each job and its appropriate compensation.

Training: The job decription lists duties of the job and the required skills – and therefore the training that the job needs.

Performance appraisal: A performance appraisal compares employees's petformance with their performance standards.

A job description: is a written statement of: What the worker do, How they do it, and What the job’s working conditions
are. This information is used to write a job specification that lists the knowledge, abilities, and skills needed to do the job.

A job specifications: the job specification answers the question “What human traits and experience are required to do the

10. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of three ways (downsizing, hiring freeze, transferring
employees) to eliminate a labor surplus (110)
11. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of three ways (hiring new employees, retraining employees,
overtime) to eliminate a labor shortage

12. For each of the following jobs, select one kind of tests you think would be most important to include in the
selection process. Explain why you chose those tests: city bus, insurance salesperson, and member of a team that
sells complex high-tech equipment to manufacturers
City Bus driver - The one selection tests which would be carried on for a city bus driver are Ability test. Ability tests helps to
assist in determining how well an individual can perform tasks related to the job. Ability test would help to know driving ability
of a city bus driver.

Insurance salesperson - Interest Test: This is conducted to find out likes and dislikes of candidates towards occupations,
hobbies, etc. Such tests indicate which occupations are more in line with a person’s interest. It is very important to know the
interest level of a sales person doing a sales job.

Member of a team that sells complex high-tech equipment to manufacturers – Teamwork skills test: This will help to
know an employee's ability to collaborate with other employees on a team to see their productivity.

13. Suppose you are a HR professional at a large retail chain. Think of 2 questions to include in interviews for
each of the following jobs. For each question, state why you think it should be included

- A cashier at one of the company’s stores

- Accounts payable clerk at company headquarters

1. Cashier at one of the company’s stores:

 How do you think good observation help the cashier’s job? This question can be asked to help cashier cover the
assigned space to manage, not let customers leave without paying. Thereby asscessing the cashier’s responsibility during
working hours.

 What are your main duties as a cashier? This question can be asked to know their duities in this position. If they
know what they would do, we mustn’t train them again. Helping us save the time.
 Do you think you are an honest person? Because cashiers work with money, honest people are needed for position
 When you check the sales money at the end of the day, what do you do if different from the recording system?
Because this situation occurs so often, it is necessary to see how the candidate behaves to see if the candidate is suitable
or not

2. Accounts payable clerk at company headquaters:

 What is the role of the accounting clerk in an organization? This question can be asked to check the knowledge
and skill-based of candidates.
 What types of bookkeeping software have you used in the past? This question can be asked to test the past
experience of candidates. Thereby understanding how comfortable they are working with unfamiliar software and learning
new skills on the job.
 Are you a meticulous person? Because businesses do not want to see the error in contracts and papers even if only a
number 0

 Do you like math? Because people who like math will not felt accounting boring

Mini-case 1

James is a human resource professional helping to improve their performance management system of a company that sells
and services office equipment. The company operates a call center that takes calls from customers who are having
problems with their equipment. Call center employees are supposed to verify that the problem is not one the customer can
easily handle (for example, equipment that will not operate because it has come unplugged) (đì tiu). Then, if the problem is
resolved over the phone, the employees arrange for service technicians to visit the customer. The company can charge the
customer only if a service technician visit, so performance management of the call center employees focuses on productivity
– how quickly they can complete a call and move on to the next caller. To measure this performance efficiently and
accurately, the company uses electronic monitoring.

(đánh giá)

James là một chuyên gia nhân sự giúp cải thiện hệ thống quản lý hiệu suất của một công ty bán và dịch vụ thiết bị văn
phòng. Công ty điều hành một trung tâm cuộc gọi nhận cuộc gọi từ những khách hàng đang gặp sự cố với thiết bị của họ.
Nhân viên của trung tâm cuộc gọi phải xác minh rằng vấn đề không phải là vấn đề mà khách hàng có thể dễ dàng xử lý (ví
dụ: thiết bị sẽ không hoạt động vì nó đã được rút phích cắm). Sau đó, nếu sự cố được giải quyết qua điện thoại, nhân viên
sắp xếp cho kỹ thuật viên dịch vụ đến thăm khách hàng. Công ty chỉ có thể tính phí khách hàng nếu kỹ thuật viên dịch vụ
ghé thăm, do đó, việc quản lý hiệu suất của nhân viên trung tâm cuộc gọi tập trung vào năng suất - họ có thể hoàn thành
cuộc gọi nhanh như thế nào và chuyển sang người gọi tiếp theo. Để đo lường hiệu suất này một cách hiệu quả và chính
xác, công ty sử dụng hệ thống giám sát điện tử.

- Muốn đánh giá thằng call thì phải có những gì? KPI ( tiêu chí đánh giá)

- Phương pháp đánh giá? Using behaviorally anchored rating scales.

Mini-case 2

After spending several weeks on the job, Jennifer was surprised to discover that her father had not formally evaluated any
employee’s performance for all the years that he had owned the business. Jack’s position was that he had “a hundred
higher priority things to attend to,” such as boosting sales and lowering costs, and, in any case, many employees didn’t stick
around long enough to be appraised anyway. Furthermore, contended Jack, manual workers such as those doing the
pressing and the cleaning did periodically get positive feedback in terms of praise from Jack for a job well done, or criticism,
also from Jack, if things did not look right during one of his swings through the stores. Similarly, Jack was never shy about
telling his managers about store problems so that they, too, got some feedback on where they stood. This informal feedback
notwithstanding, Jennifer believes that a more formal appraisal approach is required. She believes that there are criteria
such as quality, quantity, attendance, and punctuality that should be evaluated periodically even if a worker is paid based on
how much he or she produces. Furthermore, she feels quite strongly that the managers need to have a list of quality
standards for matters such as store cleanliness, efficiency, safety, and adherence to budget on which they know they are to
be formally evaluated.

Sau vài tuần làm việc, Jennifer ngạc nhiên khi phát hiện ra rằng cha cô đã không chính thức đánh giá hiệu suất của bất kỳ
nhân viên nào trong suốt những năm ông sở hữu doanh nghiệp. Quan điểm của Jack là anh ấy có “hàng trăm việc ưu tiên
cao hơn phải tham gia”, chẳng hạn như thúc đẩy doanh số bán hàng và giảm chi phí và, trong mọi trường hợp, dù sao đi
nữa, nhiều nhân viên đã không gắn bó đủ lâu để được đánh giá. Hơn nữa, Jack tranh luận, những người lao động chân tay
chẳng hạn như những người làm công việc ép và dọn dẹp định kỳ nhận được phản hồi tích cực về lời khen ngợi từ Jack vì
công việc đã hoàn thành tốt, hoặc những lời chỉ trích, cũng từ Jack, nếu mọi thứ không như ý trong một đu qua các cửa
hàng. Tương tự, Jack không bao giờ ngại nói với quản lý của mình về các vấn đề của cửa hàng để họ cũng nhận được một
số phản hồi về vị trí của họ. Mặc dù vậy, phản hồi không chính thức này, Jennifer tin rằng cần phải có một phương pháp
thẩm định chính thức hơn. Bà tin rằng có những tiêu chí như chất lượng, số lượng, sự chuyên cần và đúng giờ cần được
đánh giá định kỳ ngay cả khi một công nhân được trả lương dựa trên số tiền mà họ sản xuất. Hơn nữa, cô cảm thấy rất rõ
rằng các nhà quản lý cần phải có một danh sách các tiêu chuẩn chất lượng cho các vấn đề như độ sạch sẽ, hiệu quả, an
toàn của cửa hàng và tuân thủ ngân sách mà họ biết rằng chúng sẽ được đánh giá chính thức.
Is Jennifer right about the need to evaluate the workers formally? The managers? Why or why not? 
Explanation 01: Jennifer is very true/right about the evaluation of workers and managers formally, because there are so
many things which need to be improved so that the performance of the employees improves. Appraisal of the employees will
motivate and improve the performance of good performers, also the low performing employees will know about where to
On the other hand, it will identify the opportunities, threats and challenges to the firm. It will also highlight the key training
and developmental needs so that the goals and objectives of an organization could be match with the employee’s
performance successfully.
2. Develop a performance appraisal method for the workers and managers in each store.
1. Making agreement with the employees It shall be necessary to hold a meeting in which the purpose, procedures to apply
360 Appraisal Method and people who will receive the appraisal results will be clearly explained.
2. Building up a Common Job Description You should begin by establishing a professional board which consists of
representatives of different departments, to work out a description with skills, knowledge and experience required for each
3. Convert the behaviors above into appraisal questions To have an accurate appraisal result, based on small behaviors as
mentioned above, appraisal questions must be extracted from so as to any evaluator can understand and give the similar
4. Holding Training Course for responsible People for evaluating The evaluators shall be instructed about how to give
valuable and objective feedback.
5. Action after Evaluating The evaluated people may hold a meeting to give thanks to all the evaluators for their feedback,
make future engagement to improve and do better with their help and timely advice.
6. Calculating the score and Announcing the result The score should be calculated for different jobs, departments and

Mini-case 3

Jim Delaney, president of Apex Door, has a problem. No matter how often he tells his employees how to do their jobs, they
invariably decide to do it their way, as he puts it, and arguments ensue between Jim, the employee, and the employee s
supervisor. One example is the door-design department, where the designers are expected to work with the architects to
design doors that meet the specifications. While it’s not rocket science, as Jim puts it, the designers invariably make
mistakes such as designing in too much steel, a problem that can cost Apex tens of thousands of wasted dollars, once you
consider the number of doors in, say, a 30-story office tower. The order processing department is another example. Jim has
a very specific and detailed way he wants the order written up, but most of the order clerks don t understand how to use the
multipage order form. They simply improvise when it comes to a detailed question such as whether to classify the customer
as industrial or commercial. The current training process is as follows. None of the jobs has a training manual per se,
although several have.

Jim Delaney, chủ tịch của Apex Door, có một vấn đề. Bất kể anh ta nói với nhân viên của mình về cách làm công việc
của họ thường xuyên như thế nào, họ luôn quyết định làm theo cách của họ, như anh ta nói, và các cuộc tranh cãi xảy ra
giữa Jim, nhân viên và người giám sát của nhân viên. Một ví dụ là bộ phận thiết kế cửa, nơi các nhà thiết kế dự kiến sẽ làm
việc với các kiến trúc sư để thiết kế ra những cánh cửa đáp ứng các thông số kỹ thuật. Mặc dù nó không phải là khoa học
tên lửa, như Jim nói, nhưng các nhà thiết kế luôn mắc phải những sai lầm như thiết kế quá nhiều thép, một vấn đề có thể
khiến Apex tiêu tốn hàng chục nghìn đô la lãng phí, một khi bạn xem xét số lượng cửa vào, chẳng hạn như 30 - tháp văn
phòng. Bộ phận xử lý đơn hàng là một ví dụ khác. Jim có một cách rất cụ thể và chi tiết mà anh ấy muốn viết đơn đặt hàng,
nhưng hầu hết các nhân viên đặt hàng không hiểu cách sử dụng biểu mẫu đặt hàng nhiều trang. Họ chỉ đơn giản là ứng
biến khi nói đến một câu hỏi chi tiết, chẳng hạn như nên phân loại khách hàng là công nghiệp hay thương mại. Quy trình
đào tạo hiện tại như sau. Không có công việc nào có sách hướng dẫn đào tạo, mặc dù một số công việc

What do you think of Apex’s training process? How might it help to explain why employees “do things their way”?
I think Apex’s training process is very unsatisfactory. The training process that the company, APX is following is a very old
and traditional method, even though it has its own advantages; there are more disadvantages which can't help in improving
employees' performance. Employees tend to do things their own way because there probably are no proper instructions or
training programs which could motivate them to perform activities the way it is supposed to be done. The employee doesn't
have a clear idea about the job description.
The training method that is being used is the same for all the members is very traditional and requires a makeshift, where
each member is given specialized training depending upon the type of occupation. This is one of the major reasons why
different members of the organization do things their own way. Performances before and after the training should be
compared to analyze how successful the training has been and then based on the results, some incentive should be set so
the employees feel motivated and work with dedication.
What role do job descriptions play in training?
Job description plays a major role in training because an accurate job description not only aids a successful company in
recruitment, but also in training. Hiring employees without a written job description can lead to reduced productivity. Hiring a
person who is ill equipped to handle the position can be overcome with accurate and efficient training. If a person was hired,
the employer will already be aware of the additional training that this person may require in order to be successful.
Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training process at Apex. Make sure to provide specific
Improvement in Apex’s case must start with management recognizing and accepting that they have a problem with training.
They must establish a formal training program i.e. establishing an HR department, gathering a training staff, providing
classroom based instruction on the nature of the industry and skill based instruction, and practical application i.e. OJT.
Every position would have a formal (written) description. Training procedures would be documented for each position.
Supervisors would be formally accountable for training.The company will also need to most likely implement a probationary
period, where unsuccessful training candidates can be weeded out in order to save the company labor costs in the long run

Mini-case 4

Jen Ko, Consultant Manager of KK Laundry, and her father Jak Ko, the Founder Manager have an easy but hard job when it
comes to screening job applicants. It is easy because for two important jobs–the people who actually do the pressing and
those who do the cleaning–the applicants are easily screened with about 20 minutes of on-the-job testing. As Jen puts it,
“applicants either knowhow to press clothes fast enough or how to use cleaning chemicals and machines, or they don’t. We
find out very quickly by just trying them out on the job”. The more difficult problem is employee turnover. Jen and her father
need to implement practices that will reduce the rate of employee turnover. If there is a way to do this through the use of
employee testing and screening techniques, Jen would like to know about it. This is because much of the management time
and money are now being wasted by never-ending need to recruit and hire new employees.

Jen Ko, Giám đốc tư vấn của KK Laundry, và cha cô là Jak Ko, Giám đốc sáng lập có một công việc dễ dàng nhưng khó
khăn khi sàng lọc các ứng viên xin việc. Điều này thật dễ dàng vì đối với hai công việc quan trọng - những người thực sự
làm việc gấp và những người làm công việc dọn dẹp

- các ứng viên sẽ dễ dàng được sàng lọc với khoảng 20 phút thử nghiệm tại chỗ. Như Jen đã nói, “những người nộp
đơn biết cách ép quần áo đủ nhanh hoặc cách sử dụng hóa chất và máy móc tẩy rửa, hoặc họ không biết. Chúng tôi tìm ra
rất nhanh bằng cách thử họ trong công việc ”. Vấn đề khó khăn hơn là luân chuyển nhân viên. Jen và cha cô cần thực hiện
các phương pháp giúp giảm tỷ lệ thay đổi nhân viên. Nếu có cách nào đó để làm điều này thông qua việc sử dụng các kỹ
thuật kiểm tra và sàng lọc nhân viên, Jen muốn biết về nó. Điều này là do phần lớn thời gian và tiền bạc của quản lý hiện
đang bị lãng phí bởi nhu cầu tuyển dụng và thuê nhân viên mới không ngừng nghỉ.
- Mình sẽ lọc gì cho testing và screening
- Lọc theo tiêu chí gì?
Competency-based job analysis means describing the job in terms of measurable, observable, behavioral
competencies describing the job in terms of measurable, observable, behavioral competencies (knowledge, skills, and/or
behaviors) that an employee doing that job must exhibit to do the job well.- Job rotation is a practice where an
employer moves employees to a new role that is equal to their previous role, either on an ongoing basis or for a set
periodExample: Because the Unilever Marketing Department has offices all over the world where they interact with a
variety of clients, they developed a job rotation program that allows staff to work in a different area for two years.- Job
enlargement is the addition of new activities to an existing function at the same level. This suggests that a person's
current employment will include more and varied activities.Example: The salesperson who is responsible for merely
making sales and is now required to collect payment as well as deliver the order as part of his job extension.- Job
enrichment is a process that is characterized by adding dimensions to existing jobs to make them more
motivating.Example: An employee can see that doing maintenance on a machine once a week instead of once a month
makes it work better.On-the-job training is a practical approach to acquiring new competencies and skills needed for a
job in a real, or close to real, working environment. It is often used to learn how to use particular tools or equipment in a
live-work practice, simulated, or training environment.Classroom training means instruction conducted in person by an
instructor to students in an organized manner utilizing a lesson plan.Distance learning: a method of study where
teachers and learner do not meet in a classroom but use the Internet, e-mail, mail, … to have classes.Simulated
training allows learners to address common mistakes without having to face negative consequences of these mistakes.
HR staff can practice activities such as interviewing candidates, running interdepartmental meetings and completing
transactional employee processes.Here are three methods to improve employee engagement through
performance management in today’s workplace:Have an engagement discussion during the interview: Taking
the time to talk with potential employees on the meaning of employee engagement and why it is important to your firm.
Discuss what you can do to build an environment of highly engaged employees at work.Be open and honest about
your firm: Being open and honest with job searchers provides them with the information they need to make an informed
decision about working for your company. Find enthusiastic employee ambassadors: Candidates want to know that
your current employees enjoy their jobs. Having a strong team of employee ambassadors might assist you in attracting
top talent.

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