Keamanan/Perlindungan: Resiko Perdarahan: Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan (Nursing Care Plan)

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Nursing Diagnosis Resiko perdarahan berhubungan dengan anuriema, circumsisi,kurangnya pengetahuan, DIC, riwayat jatuh,
ganggan gastrointestinal , trombositopenia, komplikasi post partum, komplikasi kehamilan, trauma, efek
samping pengobatan, pengobatan, kemoterapi ( Risk for bleeding related to aneurism, circumcisison, deficient
knowledge, Disseminated Intra Coagulation history of falls, gastro intestinal Disorder ( Gastric ulcer disease,
polyps, varises), Impaired liver function
( cirosis,hepatitis ),inheren coagulapathies ( thrombocytopenia ), post partum complication ( uterine atony,
retained placenta ), pregnancy related complication e.g placenta previa, molar pregnancy, placenta abrutio),
trauma, treatment related side effect e.g surgery, medication, chemotheraphy )
Patient Goal Tidak ada resiko terjadinya perdaragan internal dan eksternal ( No risk Severity of internal or external
Intervention ( NIC ) Outcome ( NOC )

OBSERVASI : Blood loss severity :

1. Monitor HB dan hematokrit level sebelum, setelah kehilangan darah jika 1. Visible blood loss
diindikasikan ( Monitor nilai HB, Hematokrit before and after blood loss as 2. Hematuria
indicated) 3. Frank blood from anus
2. fibrin, jumlah sel pembekuan darah, jika dibutuhkan ( Monitor coagulation 4. Hemoptysis
studies, including protrombin time, partial protrombine test , degradation fibrin, 5. Hematemesis
platelet counts as appropriate) 6. Abdominal ditention
3. Hindari pengukuran temperature melalui rectal (Avoid taking rectal temperature ) 7. Vaginal bleeding
4. Monitor tanda dan gejala dari perdarahan menetap ( cek semua sekresi ) Monitor
sign and syptom of persistent bleeding ( e.g check all secretion )


Tanggal/Jam :

Nursing Diagnosis Resiko perdarahan berhubungan dengan anuriema, circumsisi,kurangnya pengetahuan, DIC, riwayat jatuh,
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KPWT/0165-77 / RAK /13/Rev.0
ganggan gastrointestinal , trombositopenia, komplikasi post partum, komplikasi kehamilan, trauma, efek
samping pengobatan, pengobatan, kemoterapi ( Risk for bleeding related to aneurism, circumcisison, deficient
knowledge, Disseminated Intra Coagulation history of falls, gastro intestinal Disorder ( Gastric ulcer disease,
polyps, varises), Impaired liver function
( cirosis,hepatitis ),inheren coagulapathies ( thrombocytopenia ), post partum complication ( uterine atony,
retained placenta ), pregnancy related complication e.g placenta previa, molar pregnancy, placenta abrutio),
trauma, treatment related side effect e.g surgery, medication, chemotheraphy )
Patient Goal Tidak ada resiko terjadinya perdaragan internal dan eksternal ( No risk Severity of internal or external
Intervention ( NIC ) Outcome ( NOC )

TREATMENT : 8. Post surgical bleeding

5. Berikan bedrest selama perdaharan aktif ( Obtain bedrest during active bleeding ) 9. Decrease systolic/diastolic pressure
6. Berikan product darah ( contohnya PRC, atau FFP) jika dibutuhkan ( Administer 10. Increased apical heart rate
blood products e.g Platelat, fresh frozen plasma as appropriate 11. Loss of body heat
7. Hindari pasien dari trauma yang dapat mengakibatkan penyebab perdarahan 12. Skin and mucous membrane pallor
( Avoid the patient form trauma which may cause bleeding ) 13. Anxiety
8. Berikan suntikan ( IV,IM atau Sub cutan ) jika dibutuhkan ( injection (IV,IM,or SQ ) 14. Decreased cognition
as appropriate 15. Decrease HB
9. Hindari konstipasi e.g menunjang masukan cairan and melunakkan defecasi ) jika Decreased HT
dibutuhkan ( Avoid constipation eg encourange fluid intake and stool softener )
as appropriate
10. Gunakan sikat gigi yang lembut untuk oral care ( Use soft toothbrush or
toothettes for oral care )
11. Gunakan elektrik razor untuk bercukur ( Use electric razor, instead or straight
edge, for shaving )
12. Hindari procedure invasive jika memungkinkan , monitor perdarahan tertutup
( Avoid invasive procedure if they necessary , monitor closely for bleeding )

Nursing Diagnosis Resiko perdarahan berhubungan dengan anuriema, circumsisi,kurangnya pengetahuan, DIC, riwayat jatuh,
ganggan gastrointestinal , trombositopenia, komplikasi post partum, komplikasi kehamilan, trauma, efek
samping pengobatan, pengobatan, kemoterapi ( Risk for bleeding related to aneurism, circumcisison, deficient
knowledge, Disseminated Intra Coagulation history of falls, gastro intestinal Disorder ( Gastric ulcer disease,
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polyps, varises), Impaired liver function
( cirosis,hepatitis ),inheren coagulapathies ( thrombocytopenia ), post partum complication ( uterine atony,
retained placenta ), pregnancy related complication e.g placenta previa, molar pregnancy, placenta abrutio),
trauma, treatment related side effect e.g surgery, medication, chemotheraphy )
Patient Goal Tidak ada resiko terjadinya perdaragan internal dan eksternal ( No risk Severity of internal or external
Intervention ( NIC ) Outcome ( NOC )

13. Hindari pengukuran temperature melalui rectal (Avoid taking rectal temperature ) Skala Penilaian :
14. Gunakan matras terapeutik untuk meminimalkan trauma kulit ( Use therapeutic
mattress to minimize skin trauma) 1. penyimpangan sangat berat dari nilai normal ( severe
15. Berikan obatan contohnya antasida jika diintruksikan deviation from normal range )
2. penyimpangan berat dari nilai normal ( substantial
( Administer medications eg antasida as appropriate )
deviation from normal range )
16. Perintahkan pasien menghindari aspirin atau anti koagulan lainnya
3. penyimpangan Sedang dari nilai normal ( moderate
( instruct pasien avoid aspirin or other anticoagulants) deviation from normal range )
17. Perintahkan pasien menambah masukan nutrisi yang kaya vitamin K 4. penyimpangan Ringan dari nilai normal ( mild
( instruct patient to increase intake of foods rich In vitamin K) deviation from normal range )
18. Hindari konstipasi e.g menunjang masukan cairan and melunakkan defecasi ) jika 5. Tidak ada penyimpangan dari nilai normal ( no
dibutuhkan ( Avoid constipation eg encourange fluid intake and stool softener ) deviation from normal range )
as appropriate
19. Hindari mengangkat benda berat ( Avoid lifting heavy object )

Nama perawat Koordinator/PJ shift

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