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DLL g6 q2 Week 4 All Subjects (Mam Inkay Peralta)

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GRADE 6 School Grade Level VI

Teacher Learning Area TLE-IA

Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 3-7, 2018 (Week 4) Quarter 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and skills in enhancing/decorating products as an alternative source of income
B. Performance Standards Performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products
Construct project plan (TLE6IA-0d-6) Assess the quality of Refines product based
C. Learning Competencies /  Consider deliberate policies on sustainable development in constructing enhance product using on the assessment
Objectives the project plan. rubrics. made.
Write the LC code for each  Demonstrate resourcefulness and management skills in the use of time,
materials, money and effort.

Enhancing/ decorating finished products
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Name some finishing What are the different What is rubrics? What are
lesson or presenting the new
materials that can be found parts of the project plan? the different kinds of
in our community. rubrics?
For this learning episode, we are going to construct a project plan with consideration on deliberate policies Today, we are going to use For today we are going to
B. Establishing a purpose on sustainable development and demonstrate resourcefulness in managing skills in the use of time, rubrics for assessing some of refine/improved the
for the lesson materials, money and effort. our finishedproject. products based on the
What do you know about assessment that we have
rubrics? yesterday.
C. Presenting examples/ Present the different parts of Project plan. The class will be group into Group I – IV: Use
instances of the new four. Each group will explain what information should be place on each internet or other means
part of project plan. of information
gathering to answer the
following questions:
1.What is rubric?
2. What are the kinds of
3. How do we use the
D. Discussing new concepts Group presentation on the process on filling out the parts of the Re-discussion on the different Learners’ discussion about Discuss how to refine
and practicing new skills #1 project plan. parts of project plan. product based on
assessment made.
The teacher discusses the policies on sustainable development in Discuss how to develop The teacher will show
constructing the project plan. resourcefulness and sample of Rubrics on
E. Discussing new concepts and managerial skills in the use assessing the repaired
practicing new skills#2 of time, materials, money armchair or desk.
and effort. Then discuss how to assess
the quality of enhanced
product using rubrics.
F. Developing mastery Using the sample rubrics by
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) the teacher, assess the
product/project to be shown
by the teacher.
G. Finding practical applications Why is rubrics important?
of concepts and skills in daily

H. Making generalizations and What are the different What is rubrics? How do
abstractions about the lesson parts of project plan? we used rubrics?

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Construct a project Directions: Base on the Directions: Refines the
plan for extension cord. given rubrics by the teacher, product/project based on
(Use rubrics in assessing assess the quality of the the assessment made
the project plan.) enhance yesterday.
products presented by the Group I & II: Armchair
teacher. Group III & IV : Desk
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

A. No.oflearnerswho earned80%onthe
formative assessment
B. No.oflearnerswho
C. Didtheremediallessons work?
havecaughtupwiththe lesson.
D. No.oflearnerswho
continuetorequire remediation
E. Whichofmyteaching
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
GRADE 6 School Grade Level VI
Teaching Dates and Time SEPTEMBER 3-7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter 2ND QUARTER


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative
Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the
lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates knowledge and Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates knowledge
and skills in the safe and and skills in the safe and skills in using online survey and skills in the safe and and skills in using online
responsible use of wikis, responsible use of wikis, tools. . responsible use of wikis, survey tools.
blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video
conferencing tools. conferencing tools. conferencing tools.
B. Performance Standard practices safe and practices safe and conducts a survey using online practices safe and conducts a survey using
responsible use of wikis, responsible use of wikis, tools. responsible use of wikis, online tools.
blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video blogs, and audio and video
conferencing tools. conferencing tools. conferencing tools.
C.Learning  Give what audio  Give what audio  Define what online  Conduct an Audio  Draft an Online
Competency/Objectives conferencing is. conferencing is. survey is. and Video Survey Form.
Write the LC code for each.  Identify what video  Identify what video  Give the advantages Conference using  Create an Online
conferencing is. conferencing is. of online surveys. Facebook or Google Survey Form.
 Identify some Video  Identify some Video  Identify the Hangouts.  Disseminate an
conferencing conferencing disadvantages of  Apply safety in using Online Survey
software software online surveys. Internet. Form.
 Give the different  Give the different  Identify some online TLEIE6-0d-7  Send an Online
guidelines in audio guidelines in audio survey tools. Survey Form
and video and video   Process an
conferencing. conferencing. TLEIE6-0d-8 Online Survey
TLEIE6-0d-7 TLEIE6-0d-7 Data.
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship
pp. 39-44 pp. 39-44 pp. 49-64 pp. 39-44 pp. 49-64
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review previous lesson Review previous lesson about Review of previous lesson Review of previous lesson
presenting the new lesson about wiki and blogs. wiki and blogs. about Audio and Video about Online Survey Tools.
B. Establishing a purpose for the Let the learners tell what Let the learners tell what
lesson they do when they want to they do when they want to
talk to someone who is in talk to someone who is in
different location. different location.
C. Presenting Discuss Audio Conferencing Discuss Audio Conferencing Discuss the Online Survey Tools
examples/Instances of the and Video Conferencing in and Video Conferencing in TX on page 46.
new lesson TX page 39 page 39
D. Discussing new concepts and Discuss the different Video Discuss the different Video Discuss the Advantages and
practicing new skills # 1 Conferencing Software on Conferencing Software on TX Disadvantages of Online
TX pp. 39-41 pp. 39-41 Surveys on TX pp. 46-48
E. Discussing new concepts and  Conduct an online  Create an online
practicing new skills # 2 audio-video survey form,
conferencing using disseminate and
facebook or Google Process an
Hangouts. Online Survey
 Apply safety in using Data.
the internet.
F. Developing mastery  Guide the learners in  Guide the
(leads to Formative Assessment making a video learners in
3) conference. creating their
online survey
G. Finding practical application Why is audio-video Why is there a need to
of concepts and skills in daily conference important? apply surveys/online
living surveys in business
H. Making generalizations and  What is Audio  What is an
abstractions about the lesson Conference? Online Survey?
 What is Video  What are its
Conference? advantages?
 What are the  What are its
different Video disadvantages?
I. Evaluating learning 10 item quiz 10 item quiz
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
VII. REFLECTION done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask
them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3-7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrate an understanding of an understanding of and skills in managing family resources
B. Performance Standards Manages family resources applying the principle of home management
C. Learning Competencies / TLE6HE-Ob-4
Objectives 1.4 Prepares feasible nd practical budget
1.4.1 manages family resources efficiently WEEKLY TEST
1.4.2 prioritizes needs over wants
II. CONTENT Management of family resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/economics/

Learning Resources (LR) portal wantsandneeds1.htm

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous lesson or Recap of the lesson of the previous day Recap of the lesson of the previous day
presenting the new lesson. Yesterday, we learned budgeting and how it can be applied to the Yesterday, we learned budgeting and how it can be applied to the family.
Budgeting is critical because it is oftentimes difficult to ensure that
we will be able to make both ends meet when times are hard.

B. Establishing a purpose for How can we prudently manage the financial resources of the family? A need is something you have to have, something you can't do without. A
the lesson Group the class into four (4). Each group will answer the good example is food. If you don't eat, you won't survive for long. Many
question. “How can we make both ends meet? people have gone days without eating, but they eventually ate a lot of
food. You might not need a whole lot of food, but you do need to eat.
Reporting per group follows.
A want is something you would like to have. It is not absolutely
necessary, but it would be a good thing to have. A good example is music.
The results of the discussion will be processed by the
Now, some people might argue that music is a need because they think
they can't do without it. But you don't need music to survive. You do
need to eat.
Divide the class into four (4) groups.
Using the concepts learned yesterday, come up with an activity
that will demonstrate the difference between needs and wants.
Think of activities outside the box.

C. Presenting examples/ Show photos of different items/situations. Presentation per group.

instances of new lesson Ask the learners if they are needs or wants.
Ask why they think it is a need or want.

D. Discussing new concepts The teacher writes two columns on the board. One column has the
and practicing new skills #1 heading NEEDS. The other column has the heading WANTS.
Randomly distribute metacards containing a list of needs and wants.
Ask the learners to post the metacards on the board.
Ask the learner to explain/defend his/her choice.

E. Discussing new concepts and Based on the activity that was conducted ask the learners to
practicing new skills #2 differentiate needs from wants.
A need is a requirement for survival, e.g. breathable air. A want is a
desire. It may be the desire for a need (e.g. a choking person
generally wants to be able to breathe) or for something not needed
for survival, such as chocolate or a new car.

F. Developing mastery (Leads Show a short clip on managing money: Needs versus Wants Giving feedback on presentations.
to Formative Assessment 3) Examples of guide questiona:
Analyze the movie and relate it to needs versus wants. Note that Was the group effective in emphasizing the difference between needs
some of the contents of the video may be debatable e.g. chocolates and wants? If yes, How?
is needed by soldiers for endurance in the middle of a war while in a What concepts in the presentation had an impact on you? Why?
normal situation it is a want for another individual. Do you think the presentations can further be improved? In what way?
G. Finding practical Ask the class on their comments on the output of the groups. Ask the class on their comments on the output of the groups. Consider
applications of concepts and Consider the factors that need to be considered in budgeting and the factors that need to be considered in budgeting and principles to
skills in daily living principles to make budgeting a successful and full filling task. make budgeting a successful and full filling task.

H. Making generalization and There is a need to distinguish between need and want . This will There is a need to distinguish between need and want . This will enable
abstractions about lesson enable us to prioritize needs over wants, hence ensuring that the us to prioritize needs over wants, hence ensuring that the budget is
budget is enough to make both ends meet more so when times are enough to make both ends meet more so when times are hard.
I. Evaluating Learning If you were given a personal budget by your parents more than what
you really need, how will you spend it?

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. Of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. Of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did remedial lesson work?
No. Of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. Of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which to share with other


GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: TLE - AGRICULTURE
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3-7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVE/S Perform propagation of Trees and Fruit trees following agricultural standards set in the industry.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees
B. Performance Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees

C. Learning TLE6AG0c-4 4. Prepares lay 4.1 The benefits derived from an 4.2 Different orchard lay out and 4.3 Maintenance and conservation 4.4 Different products derived
Competencies out design of an orchard orchard. designs. of an orchard. from an orchard
(write the LC Code) using the information

 The definition of 4.1.1. Environmental benefits of an 4.2.1Orchard design and lay out 4.3.1 Different ways of maintaining 4.4.1Identification of different
“orchard”.  Importance of orchard 1. Square method an orchard. products derived from an
putting up an orchard. 2. Rectangular method orchard.
4.1.2. Provisions of food and fruit 3. Quincunx method
consumption out of orchard. 4. Triangular method
II. CONTENT 5. Hexagonal method
6. Contour (or Terracing) method
1.1.3 Trees and fruit trees that
grow in an orchard. 4.2.2 Different tools and materials
used in maintaining an orchard.


A. References Curriculum Guide for Grade Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-
VI-Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32 Agriculture p.32
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Materials Agricultural Crops Agricultural Crops Production, Agricultural Crops Production, Wastong Pagtatanim Wastong Pagtatanim
downloaded from Production, Teachers Guide Teachers Guide Teachers Guide
B. Other Learning Charts, Pictures, Video, harts, Pictures, Video, Actual harts, Pictures, Video, Actual harts, Pictures, Video, Actual object, harts, Pictures, Video, Actual
Materials Actual object, Guidebook, object, Guidebook, Internet object, Guidebook, Internet Guidebook, Internet object, Guidebook, Internet
A. Reviewing previous  Assign groups to report  Identify different regions and the  Students will report on different  Different ways on how to care for  Processes involved in orchard
lesson and on the Importance of trees and fruit trees that grow in designs and lay out of an orchard. and maintain the orchard. production.
presenting new Orchard. their orchard.
 Presentation sample of different
orchard lay out and design.
B. Establishing a Identify the different  Present before the class the  Identify the functions of the  Packaging the products
purpose for the benefits derived from success story of people who excel different tools and materials used  Orchard site maintenance
lesson orchards. in their orchard business. in an orchard. calendar.

C. Presenting Types of orchard and the Video Presentation of some trees Discuss the step by step procedures Using personal protective equipment Show video footage about
examples/instance trees and fruit trees that and fruit trees that grow in an in laying out/designing an orchard. in maintaining an orchard. orchard entrepreneurship.
s of the lesson grow in them. orchard during summer, rainy days
or cold weather.

D. Discussing new Presentation of different Show pictures of trees and fruit Prepare a Dio-Rama of an Ideal Presentation skills using video Identify successful
concepts and orchard plantations. trees grown in an orchard. Orchard. footages on caring for orchards. entrepreneurs and their
practicing new orchard, as well as its produce.
skills #1
E. Discussing new
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2
F. Developing  Identify some orchard  Show list of different trees and  Shows video footages on actual  Do’s and Don’t in maintaining an  Show an actual product
mastery (lead to plantation in the region. fruit trees that grow during summer setting up and laying out of an orchard  Identify some organic derived from an orchard.
formative and rainy days. orchard. ways of caring for and maintaining
assessment 3) an orchard.

G. Finding practical Present before the class the  Bring samples/cuttings of trees  Present before the class pictures  Organic agriculture practice.  Present before the class the
application of outstanding orchards and and fruit trees that grow in an of matured trees and fruit trees ways of supporting damaged
concepts and skills their best practices. orchad during both rainy days and that were planted in an orchard trees and fruit trees.
in daily living summer.

H. Making The different types of The planting seasons for trees and The different methods of How to maintain and upgrade How to care for trees and fruit
generalization and orchard in the country. fruit trees. propagating trees and fruit trees. orchards. trees.
abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Written examination. Oral recitation. Demonstrations. Reporting and presentation skills. Group presentation. Role Play. Direct Written examination. Word
Demonstrations. Word Game. Observation. Puzzle.
J. Additional Video coverages of some Create a data base of trees and fruit Invite at least one practitioner who Develop a flip chart of different Video shoot of the different
activities for resort with an orchard. trees and their planting season. can share his/her systematic and for scientific ways of ways of caring for trees and
application or expertise/experiences in putting up caring and maintaining an orchard. fruit trees.
remediation an orchard.



A. No. of learners
who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who acquired
additional activities
for remediation
who scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encountered
which my principal
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I used/discover
which I wish to
share with other
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


I. Layunin

Pamantayang Nilalaman
Naipamamalas ang mapanuring pag-unawa sa pamamahala at pagbabago sa lipunang Pilipino sa panahon ng Kolokyalismong Amerikano at ng pananakop ng mga hapon at
(Content Standard)
ang pagpupunyagi ng mga Pilipino na makamtan ang kalayaan tungo sa pagkabuo ng kamalayang pagsasarili at pagkakakilanlang malayang nasyon at estado
Pamantayan sa Pagganap Nakapagpapahayag ng kritikal na pagssuri at pagpapahalaga sa konteksto, dahilan, epekto at pagbabago sa lipunan ng kolonyalismong Amerikano at ng pananakop ng mga
(Performance Standard) Hapon at ang pagmamalaki sa kontribusyon ng pagpupunyagi ng mga Pilipino na makamit ang ganap na kalayaan tungo sa pagkabuo ng kamalayang pagsasarili at
pagkakalinlang malayang nasyon at estado.
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto
(Learning Competencies)
Layunin (Lesson Objectives) Natutukoy ang mahahalagang Nasusuri ang kontribusyon ng Natatalakay ang mga programa sa 1. Natatalakay ang mga Nasasagot ang mga
pangyayaring may kinalaman pamahalaang Komonwe AP6 pamahalaan sa panahon ng suliraning panlipunan at katanungan na may kinalaman
sa unti-unting pagsasalin ng KDP-IId-4 pananakop. (hal. Katarungang pangkabuhayan sa panahon sa mga paksang tinalakay sa
ng Komonwelt buong linggo.
kapangyarihan sa mga Pilipino Panlipunan, Patakarang Homestead,
2. Nabibigyang katwiran ang
tungo sa pagsasarili pagsulong ng pambansang wika, ginawang paglutas ng
AP6 KDP –IId-3 pagkilala sa karapatan ng kababaihan suliraning panlipunan at
sa pagboboto) pangkabuhayan sa panahon
AP6 KDP-IId-4.4.1 ng Komonwelt
AP6 KDP-IId-4.4.2
Paglutas ng suliraning
Paksang Aralin Pamamahala ng mga Programa ng Pamahalaan sa Panahon
Pamahalaang Komonwelt panlipunan at pangkabuhayan Lingguhang Pagsusulit
(Subject Matter) Amerikano sa Pilipinas ng Pananakop
sa panahon ng Komonwelt
Gamitang Panturo Tsart/powerpoint
(Learning Resources) Video Presentation, powerpoint Pilipinas: Bansang Papaunlad
Pagsagot sa mga tanong isulat Anu-ano ang mga pangyayaring Game: PINOY HENYO Magpakita ng mga larawan
ang Tama kung wasto at Mali may kontribusyon sa ating Pagtukoy sa mga salitang may Itanong: Alin sa mga
kung hindi. bansang Pilipinas? kinalaman sa panahon ng Komonwelt sumusunod na larawan ang
______1. Ang pagkakaroon ng (hal. Cooper Act, McArthur, Quezon) nag papakita ng suliraning
a. Balik-aral at / o pagsisimula kalayaan o kasarinlan ng isang panlipunan at pangkabuhayan
ng bagong aralin bansa ay m,ahalaga noong panahon ng
______2. Ang bansang Komonwelt?
Pilipinas ay ganap na malaya
laban sa mga Amerikano
noong Hulyo 4, 1946.
Ano ang ginawa ng mga Ipanood ang video clip tungkol Itanong: Ano ang naalala mo sa Magpakita ng video ng mga
Amerikano upang makuha ang sa pamahalaang Komonwelt. salitang panahon ng pananakop? batang naghahanap buhay at
kalooban ng mga Pilipino? iugnay ang sagot ng mga bata
“Panonood ng video clips sa suliraning panlipunan at
tungkol sa pamamahala ng pangkabuhayan
b. Paghahabi sa layunin ng
mga Amerikano sa Pilipinas” Itanong: Anu-ano ang
mga hanapbuhay ng mga
Ligtas ba ito sa

Pagbasa ng mga Gawain: Bumuo ng isang Pagpapanood sa mga bata ng maikling Brainstorming: Suliraning
mahahalagang pangyayaring pangkat na may limang video clip mula sa Panlipunan at
may kinalaman sa pagsasalin miyembro. http://www.youtube.com/watch? Pangkabuhayan Noon at
ng kapangyarihan sa mga  Hanapin sa kahon ang v=KtHdHv6o4U&t=585 Ngayon
Pilipino gamit ang powerpoint mga larawan ng mga http://www.youtube.com/watch?
presentation tao o pangyayari na v=X4P25YVj4pA
naganap sa panahon
c. Pag-uugnay ng mga ng komonwelt.
halimbawa sa bagong aralin
 Idikit sa pisara at
susuriin ng guro kung
sino ang makakuha ng
mas maraming sago
tang siyang panalo

d. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Sagutin ang mga katanungan: Sinu-sino ang mga taong may Itanong sa mga bata ang kanilang Pangkatang Gawain:
konsepto at paglalahat ng  Ano ang Kilusang kontribusyon sa panahon ng naalala sa pananonood na may Pumili ng isang
bagong kasanayan #1 Propaganda Komonwelt? kinalaman sa mga programa ng suliraning panlipunan at
 Anu-ano ang mga pangkabuhayan noong
pamahalaan sa panahon ng pananakop
panahon ng Komomwelt at
natamo ng Kilusang ng mga Amerikano. ibigay ang mga dahilan
Propaganda para sa nito.Isulat sa manila paper
Pilipinas ang mga sagot at iulat ito sa
 Ano ang La Liga klase.
 Anu-ano ang layunin
ng La Liga Filipina
 Paano naiiba ang
Katipunan sa
Kilusang Propaganda
at La Liga Filipina

Bumuo ng tatlong pangkat Dula-dulaan: Bumuo ng Isulat sa pisaraang mga sagot ng mga Pangkatang Gawain:
na may tig sampung pangkat at pumili ng mag-aaral at bigyang-diin ang mga Pangkatin ang klase sa
miyembro. Sa bawat pangyayari na naganap noong programa ng pamahalaan sa panahon lima at papiliin sila sa mga
panahon ng Komonwelt at ng pananakop. suliraning panlipunan at
pangkat ay kanilang
isadula ito. pangkabuhayan, magbigay ng
e. Pagtatalakay ng bagong isasadula ang tatlong mga solusyon o programa ng
konsepto at paglalahat ng mahahalagang pangyayari. pamahalaan upang malutas
bagong kasanayan #2 Unang Pangkat: Kilusang ito. Iulat ito in a creative way.
Ikalawang Pangkat: La Liga
Ikatlong Pangkat: Katipunan

Sa iyong pananaw may  Ano ang kahulugan ng Pagpapamalas ng maikling Anu-ano ang mga programa
magandang naidulot ba ang Komonwelt? presentasyon at pagpapalalim ng ng pamahalaan upang
mga pangyayari (Kilusang  Bakit tinawag na kaalaman ng bata sa pamamagitan ng matugunan ang suliraning
f. Paglinang sa kabihasnan
Propaganda, La Liga Filipina at pagbibigay ng mga akmang pangyayari panlipunan at pangkabuhayan
(Tungo sa Formative Panahon ng
Katipunan) sa pagtatamo ng sa mga programa ng pamahalaan sa noong panahon ng
Assessment) Transisyon ang
kalayaan ng mga Pilipino? panahon ng pananakop. Kononwelt?
Panahon ng

Tukuyin ang isinasaad ng Isalaysay sa klase. Itanong: Paano nakatulong sa mga Gumuhit at paghambingin ang
bawat bilang. Isulat ang Pilipino ang mga programa ng mga suliraning panlipunan at
tamang sagot sa patlang. Bakit kailangang isabuhay ang pamahalaan sa panahon ng pangkabuhayan noon at
__________1. Isang layunin mga pangyayaring naganap sa pananakop? ngayon
nito ang pagiging pantay ng panahon ng Komonwelt
mga Pilipino at Espanyol sa
g. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang-
harap ng batas
araw-araw na buhay
___________2. Nanguna sa
pagtatatag ng La Liga Filipina
__________3. Layunin nito
ang humiling ng pagbabago
para sa malayang kalakalan.

h. Paglalahat ng aralin Ano ang kahalagahan ng mga Ano ang kahalagahan ng mga Anu-ano ang mga implikasyon ng
mahahalagang pangyayaring pangyayari sa panahon ng pagkakabuo na mga programa ng Paano nkakatulong ang
may kinalaman sa unti-unting Komonwelt? pamahalaan sa panahon ng programa ng pamahalaan sa
pagsasalin ng kapangyarihan pananakop? mga suliraning
sa mga Pilipino tungo sa pangkabuhayan noong
pagsasarili. panahon ng Komonwelt at
Pagsulat ng Journal: Sagutin ang mga tanong: Sagutin ang mga sumusunod 1. Sino ang nahalal bilang
Ipaliwanag ang kahalagahan 1. Anu-ano ang mga layunin ng na tanong: ispiker ng Pambansang
ng Kilusang Propaganda, La katarungang panlipunan? 1. Ito ay itinatag upang Asemblea sa panahon ng
Liga Filipina at Katipunan mapabuti ang pamumuhay sa Komonwelt?
2. Ano ang layunin ng Womens
mga probinsiya? 2.Kailan naganap ang unang
Suffrage Act? 2. Ano ang itinatag ito upang halalang pambansa sa panahon
3. Paano itinatag ang Surian ng mapatatag ang hukuman na ng Komonwelt
Wikang Pambansa? siyang susuri sa mga alitan ng 3. Anu-anong sangay ang
i.Pagtataya ng aralin
mga manggagawa at bumubuo sa Hukbong
kapitalista? Sandatahan ng Pilipinas?
4.Ano ang layunin ng Womens
Suffrage Act?
5. Bakit itinatag ang Batas
Pilipinas ng 1902?
(20 pts.)

Sa loob ng ilang pangungusap Magsaliksik at kumalap ng mga Magsaliksik sa silid-aklatan ng

sagutin ang tanong. karagdagang datos at impormasyon karagdagang kaalaman tungkol
tungkol sa mga programa ng sa pamamahala ng Amerikano
Ano ang kahalagahan ng mga pamahalaan sa panahon ng sa Pilipinas.
j.Karagdagang Gawain para sa
mahahalagang pangyayaring pananakop.
takdang aralin at remediation
may kinalaman sa unti-unting
pagsasalin ng kapangyarihan
sa mga Pilipino tungo sa
a. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation

b. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

c. Did the remedial lessons

No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
d. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation

e. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

g. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other



GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER)


The learner demonstrates…
 Demonstrate understanding of text types to listen for different purposes from a variety of texts.
 Demonstrates understanding that reading a wide range of texts provides pleasure and avenue for self-expression and personal development.
A. Content Standards  Demonstrates command of convention of Standard English Grammar and usage when writing or speaking
 Demonstrates understanding that words composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context.
 Expresses idea effectively in formal and informal compositions to fulfil their own purpose of writing.

The learner…
 Analyzes text types of effectively understood information/messages
 Uses literal information from texts to aptly infer and predict outcomes
B. Performance Standards  Uses the correct function of adverbs in general and their functions in various discourse (oral and written).
 Uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation and in context.
 Rewrite/ revise texts using appropriate typed for a variety of audiences and purpose.

EN6LC-IId-2.2 Note significant details of 1.Compose clear and coherent Infer meaning of borrowed words 1. Identity the difference
EN6A-IId-17 informational text. (ENGRC-IId-5.5) sentences using appropriate and content specific terms using between comparison and
Identify relevant information Perform the assigned task. grammatical structures. context clues, affixes and roots. contrast.
form text heard Show tactfulness when –Adverb of frequency ( ENG V II d 12.3.3, ENG V II d 2. Write a 4 paragraph
Learning Competencies Note down relevant communicating with others. (ENGA- 2.Identify adverb of frequency, ENG II d ) composition showing
information from text heard IId-17) in the sentence. Cut a news from a magazine or comparison and contrast
Show tactfulness when 3.Show tactfulness in newspaper that contains prefixes. 3. Show openness to
communicating with others communicating with others Observe politeness at all times. criticism (Eng A – IId-18)
( ENG A II d-1.6 )
Note down relevant Noting Significant Details of Composing clear and coherent Infer meaning and borrowed words Writing 4 Paragraph
information from the text Informational Text sentences using appropriate and content specific terms using Composition Showing
heard grammatical structures: context clues affixes and roots. Comparison and Contrast
- Adverb of frequency
Selection:” Life
Now and Life After 5 Years”
A. References K to 12 Curriculum Guide Across Borders Through Language B. References Reading for Meaning 6 pp. 3-5 K to 12 Curriculum Guide,
English 6 by Pacita M. Gahol, pp.128-129 Learning English the Easy Way Interactive English pp. 6-7 Eng WC – II d – 2.2.6
Into the Future Science and Health pages 36-37
Learning English The Easy 6 by Juanita M. Cruz, Danilo S. http:// New Horizon in
Way 6,p.p. 189-209 Gutierrez, Victoria S. Ziganay, englishprofs.pbworks.com/w/ Learning English, 1999 pp.
Helen E. Caintic, pp.94 page/50757222/Adverbs%20of 201-202
Lesson Guide in Elementary https://www.google.com.ph/ %20frequency%20-%20reading
English 6, p.p. 152-154 search?q=air+pollution&source %20comprehension English Arts I, 2000
retrieved May 9, 2017 pp. 261-262
meta cards, pictures, chart Pictures, Charts, Strips Over-head projector, flashcards, cartolina strips, Computerized Model
computer, strips of cartolina, dictionary Paragraph, power point
B. Materials
pictures slide, pictures, strips of

A. Review/Presenting New A. Pre-Reading A.1. Motivation A. Preparatory Activities A. Motivation : A. Before the Lesson
Lesson Activities The teacher will Guess the key words based on the 1. Unlocking of the
1. Motivation show pictures about air pollution. 1. Motivation meanings given using configuration Difficulties. Showing
Present a picture of a clear Group Activity – Thee Groups clues. pictures and example of the
blue ocean. What can you say about Arrange the following letters to 1. A group of letters added to following let the pupils
the pictures? Let the pupils share form a word. Paste it in a strip the beginning of a word. It affects identify them
What can you say about the their answer with the class. of catolina. the meaning of the root to which it is a. Comparison- an
picture? attached. act of comparing two or
What sea creatures live in 2. Unlocking of Difficulties m0re objects to find the
the ocean? Identify the meaning of the 2. Unlocking of likeness and differences
underlined words. Choose the letter Difficulties ( prefix ) between them.
2. Motive Question of the correct answer. Group Activity-Three Groups b. Contrast- to
What happened to Roberto? ____ 1. Air pollution has crept into Draw a line to connect compare two people or
every aspect of our lives and has column A with Column B. things how they are
3. Unlocking of grown at alarming effect. A 2. Is the part of a word to different
difficulties ____ 2. We don’t have to look far B which affixes are added either at the c. Responsibility-
Let‘s play! (Amazing Race) to find the culprit. 1. ski beginning or end. duty or task that you are
Let the pupils arrange the ____ 3. At home, the garbage we once required or expected to do.
jumbled letters after the disposed improperly emits a foul in a while ( root word ) d. Goals- something
teacher give its meaning. smell and contributes a fair 2. stable that you are trying to do to
share of pollutants. once achieve.
____ 4. Unless we are vigilant about or twice e. Supported- to
1.Not able to think normally
our environment we will soon find 3. rarely agree or approved of
u t p i s d (stupid)
ourselves suffocating. stick f. Accomplished-
2.Having or showing wisdom
____ 5. One way is to put our of wood way successful, having
e s t i w s (wisest)
garbage in covered trash 4. occasionally done or archived
3.Giving a deceptive
impression receptacles.
c k t r i y (tricky) regularly 2. Motivation:
4.Fast in moving or reacting a. has spread or grown over 5. usually Show pictures of a
u q i c k y (quickly) b. one guilty of fault balance community in a barrio and
5.To jump over c. ejects in the city. Let the pupils
e a l p d e (leaped) d. watchful compare its likeness and
e. containers differences
3. Motive Question:
How do you compare your
life 5 years ago and your
life now?
B. Presenting of the new B.During Reading B. Input Phase 1. Motive question: B. Input Phase Presentation
lesson 1. Reading of the Selection What are the hobbies and - Show some words written
Group 1- Better Reader interest of Mary? in a flash cards After comparing
1.Select a reader then read Air pollution has crept into every The teacher will read aloud the - Read the words being life in the barrio with life in
the text orally. aspect of our lives and has grown at selection. flashed the city, let
2.Answer the questions alarming rate. We don’t have to the pupils
about the selection. look far to find the culprits. At Mary has a lot of read the selection. It is
home the garbage we improperly hobbies and interests. She entitled
Group 2- Emergent Reader dispose emits a foul smell and usually gets up early so she can premature reread bicycle
1.Oral Reading with the contributes a fair share of run before work. She doesn't tricycle post-natal misread “Life Now and Life
teacher. pollutants. often have time to ski, but she pre-school rewrite bivalve 5 Years Ago”. The pupils
2.Teacher will pause after On our streets, thousands occasionally goes on Saturdays trimester post- war misspell read the model
each paragraph and ask of smoke belching vehicles during the winter. Mary often
question. continuously discharge a long rides a horse at a stable near composition.
percentage of air pollutants. her home. She sometimes goes - Give the main word / root
Around urban areas and in the after work, but she usually word of the given word being
THE MERMAID countryside, factories, power plants goes horseback riding on flashed
Roberto and his father and manufacturing plants emit Sundays. She loves music. She - What are the syllables
lived in a fishing village near large columns of dark smoke always goes to choir practice added to the main word ?
the Agno River. They were containing elements that poison on Wednesday evenings and - What do you call this affix ?
industrious fishermen. the air. sings in church on Sundays. She - Let’s find the meaning of
One day as they Unless we are vigilant doesn't have much extra the following prefixes
were fishing, Roberto‘s about our environment, we will money, so she rarely goes to pre- before
father could not pull the net. soon find ourselves suffocating for concerts in the city. She seldom re- again
"There‘s someone holding lack of clean, fresh air. What can watches TV because she likes bi- two
our net," said his father. we do as individuals to protect doing things outside. She tri – three
Roberto dived ourselves? One way is to put our usually goes to the gym if it's post- after
into the sea. He went down garbage in covered trash raining outside. She isn't often
into the deep sea ocean, he receptacles. Another is to minimize alone because she has a lot of
- If you added a syllable to a
reached the cave. He our waste. Still, another is to plant friends. She occasionally does
main word what do we formed ?
entered the cave. There trees for sure supply of oxygen. something alone, but she
- Let the children bring-out
were gold, diamonds, pearls Trees take in carbon dioxide that usually does her activities with
their dictionary and find-out the
and other precious stones poisons us. They give off oxygen one of her friends. She's a
meaning of the rootword given and
hanging on the walls of the that we need for breathing. With a happy woman!
the word with prefixes.
cave. He was great surprised little help from us we can save
Ex. read – reading a printed
when he saw a beautiful lady ourselves. 1. Let the pupils read the material
sitting in one corner of the selection aloud, by group. re+ read= read it again
cave. Questions: 2. Comprehension 1. bivalve
"I am Lita, the 1. What is air pollution? Check-Up 2. misspell
mermaid," she said. "A witch 2. What are the causes of air a. Who has lot of 3. premature
changed me into a mermaid pollution? hobbies and interests? 4. tricycle
to guard these beautiful 3. How does air pollution affects b. What are the hobbies 5. bilingual
treasures. I give you a good us? and interests of Mary?
catch everyday but this 4. How can you help in prevention c. What is the reason
morning I held your net." of air pollution? why Mary seldom watches TV?
Roberto was d. What does Mary
attracted by the beauty of usually do if it’s raining
Lita in spite of her being a outside?
mermaid. e. What kind of woman
"Will you go with is Mary?
me? Roberto told her.
C. Developing mastery Suggested questions: Questions: 1. Motive question: Divide the class into three groups. Analysis and Discussion
After the first paragraph: 1. What is air pollution? What are the hobbies and
Ask: What is the means of 2. What are the causes of air interest of Mary? Group I – Make a new word with a Compression
living of Roberto and his pollution? The teacher will read aloud the prefix that will complete the Check-Up:
father? 3. How does air pollution affects selection. sentence. Use the clue given at the
How do the people us? end of the sentence. Write your Answering of
describe Roberto and his 4. How can you help in prevention Mary has a lot of answer on the blank before the Motive Questions
father? of air pollution? hobbies and interests. She number. 1. How do you
usually gets up early so she can compare your life 5 years
After the second paragraph: run before work. She doesn't Carlos____________ some words ago and your life now?
Ask: Describe what often have time to ski, but she while reciting a poem before the 2. What is the
happened in the net when occasionally goes on Saturdays class. selection about?
they pulled it out. during the winter. Mary often ( pronounces the 3. How many
rides a horse at a stable near word wrongly ) paragraphs does a selection
After the third paragraph: her home. She sometimes goes The pupils were asked to have?
Ask: Where did Roberto after work, but she usually _____________ their assignment. 4. What is expressed
dive? goes horseback riding on ( to copy again) in the first paragraph? ,
What did Roberto see in the Sundays. She loves music. She The patient was _________by the Second paragraph? Then in
cave? always goes to choir practice medical intern. ( to examine before the third paragraph?
on Wednesday evenings and treatment ) 5. If you were to
After the fourth paragraph: sings in church on Sundays. She I left my bag in the ___________. ( a choose, which do you want
Ask: Why Lita became a doesn't have much extra vehicle with three wheels ) to live all your life now? , in
mermaid? money, so she rarely goes to The teacher told her pupils to the city or in the barrio?
concerts in the city. She seldom _________ the paragraph. ( write it Why / Why not?
After the fifth paragraph: watches TV because she likes again ) 3. Engagement
Ask: What do you think will doing things outside. She Activities
happen after asking Lita to usually goes to the gym if it's Group II. A. Round Robin-
marry him? raining outside. She isn't often Make a new words by adding compare then write the
alone because she has a lot of prefixes to the given root or base similarities and differences
friends. She occasionally does word. of the following and why?
something alone, but she Give also the meaning. 1- TV network (GMA
usually does her activities with and ABS CBN)
one of her friends. She's a 2- Games/ Sports
happy woman! load (Basketball/ Softball)
Words with Prefixes 3- Politicians
1. Let the pupils read the Meaning (Duterte, Aquino)
selection aloud, by group. After presenting the
2. Comprehension 1. activity, how do you relate
Check-Up 2. the words Comparison and
a. Who has lot of Contrast to Similarities and
hobbies and interests? Differences. Further explain
b. What are the hobbies cycle the words Comparison and
and interests of Mary? 1. Contrast.
c. What is the reason 2.
why Mary seldom watches TV?
d. What does Mary Group III
usually do if it’s raining Cut a news from a
outside? magazine or newspaper and paste it
e. What kind of woman on the box below. Look for at least
is Mary? five ( 5 ) words with prefixes. Write
those words and give their meaning.

Words with Prefixes







D. Finding practical Application C. Working Phase C. Guided Practice – Divide the class into three groups. Be Write a 4 paragraph
application of concepts Group the class into four. Each Group will work on Group Activity creative and use the meaning of composition about the
and skills in daily living Give each group a specific the assigned activity. Remind Group 1 – Use the following prefix with the following activities. following topics.
task to do using clear everyone to be tactful. (10 minutes) adverb of frequency in the
instructions. Set standards sentence. Group I- My
for pupils to follow so that  How to prevent air a. occasionally Group I - Pantomime ( The sound of Favourite Sports
the group task will be done pollution? b. usually Silence )
efficiently within the given Group 1: Express your answers c. always Group II –Rock n Roll ( Popular Song ) Group II- My
time. through a poem. d. seldom Group III- OPM ( Do it with a heart ) Learning Bike
Group 2: Illustrate the solution e. often
Group 1 through a poster. F. Evaluation : Group III- Playing
Dramatize the part Group 3: Share your ideas through Group 2 – Read the dialogue Encircle the word with prefix in each Ball
of the story when Roberto a song. and underline the adverb of sentence. Select the meaning from D. Independent Practice:
dived into the sea, met Lita Group 4: Show your thoughts by frequency. Show politeness in the group of words inside the box Read the selection “My
the mermaid and persuade presenting a role play. talking with others. and write the meaning in the blank Two Homes”. Each group
her to marry him. One will provided. will do the following.
act as Roberto, the other one D. Application Ellen is in Manila for Group I- Rewrite
will be Lita and the rest of Let the pupils present their the first time. On the paragraph showing the
the members will do the group work. Independence Day, her three major parts of
props. One will be the 1. Who among the group cousins Carlos and Nita take composition an
twice a month wrong
narrator. Present the story to have finished on time? her to watch the parade at Introduction, body and
the class. 2. What new ideas have Luneta. conclusion.
after conference early
you learned from each group Group II- Interpret
after graduation
Group 2 presentation? Carlos: How do you the selection through
Think of a song you like the parade? drawings, write a paragraph
know about the love story of Ellen: Oh, about it.
____________1. The student Group III-
a man in love with a this is wonderful. mispronounced the word during the Compose a song about two
mermaid. Carlos: Don’t you test. homes showing
Practice singing the song. Be celebrate this day on your ____________2. She finished her Comparison and Contrast
ready to sing it to the class. town? post graduate course at the Group IV- Do a
Ellen: We do. We University of the
Group 3 celebrate it every year. But Role Playing
Draw a comic strip we don’t always have parades ____________3. Mother is paying
when Roberto met Lita and of the PMA cadets. bimonthly for the rental of the
live happily ever after. You apartment.
may write dialogue in your Group 3 – Encircle the adverb ____________4. A post conference
drawing. Be ready to show it of frequency in the following was conducted after the
to the class sentences. demonstration
Group 4 1. I always update the ____________5.It is premature to
Rap these lines from the calendar at the beginning of announce the winners of the
story. Present it to the class. the month. contest.
Roberto, Lita the mermaid 2. Patricia often takes
(yes, yes, yo!) notes during the Skype
In love with her, in love with sessions.
her (yo!) 3. India almost always
Mesmerize with her beauty, loses test matches.
beauty. (yes, yes, yo!) 4. Occasionally I see
What a wonderful love story other programs on TV.
(yo!) 5. I often watch cricket
matches on TV.
E. Making generalizations Generalization D. Generalization Prefix is a syllable added at the What helps you in writing a
When you read a selection, look for What is adverb of frequency? beginning of a main word or root paragraph composition
important and specific details. Give an example and use it in a word to form a new word and a new using different objects or
These details give a complete sentence. meaning things?
picture of the story/ informational 1. Comparison- an
text. act of comparing two or
more objects
to find the likeness
and differences between
2. Contrast- to
compare two people or
things how they are
These are three major parts
of a good composition an
Introduction, Body and
F. Evaluation Listen carefully as I read the Identify the significant details Write a sentence out of the Encircle the word with prefix in each Write a 4 paragraph
story then answer the from the informational text read. following pictures using the sentence. Select the meaning from composition showing
questions that follow. Choose your answers below. adverb of frequency. the group of words inside the box Comparison and Contrast,
and write the meaning in the blank about these gadgets “Cell
1. What has crept into every
A Trip for Mike and Spike provided. phone and Telephone”,
aspect of our lives and has grown
By Robert Charles using the guided questions:
at alarming rate? 1. What are the
Mike and Spike were 2. What emits a foul smell and differences and similarities
bright mice. They were contributes a fair share of twice a month wrong of the two gadgets?
always side by side. One day, pollutants? pronunciation 2. Which do you
Mike asked Spike if he would 3. What would be the effect of air after conference early think have more
like to take a trip. Mike said after graduation applications and very
they could go to nice sites. accessible to use?
4. Where should we put our 3. What are the
They could also dine in fine
garbage? advantages and
places. ____________1. The student
We have to find time to 5. How could we have a sure disadvantages using them
mispronounced the word during the
make money for our trip, supply of oxygen? as a means of
said Spike. So Mike and Spike communication?
____________2. She finished her
got a job. They picked ripe 4. What do they have
• Plant trees post graduate course at the
limes. They picked ripe limes. in common?
• Lack of clean air University of the
They picked from nine in the Philippines.
• Air pollution
morning until five in the ____________3. Mother is paying
afternoon. They also helped • Covered trash receptacles
bimonthly for the rental of the
make a fine lime drink. They • Garbage
sliced a pile of limes. They ____________4. A post conference
got a nice price for their was conducted after the
work. demonstration
Mike and Spike bought teaching.
a bike for their trip. They ____________5.It is premature to
biked miles and miles to visit announce the winners of the contest
different places. They dined
on fine rice and fine dishes.
Life was nice for the mice.
They liked the fire they had.

1.Who are the bright mice?

a.Nike and Mike
b. Mike and Spike
c. Mike and Spark
d. Cat and Rat

2.What animal are they?

a.Dog b. mouse
c. cat d. turtle

3.How does the mice being

a.cute and kind
c. happy go lucky and
b.bright and hardworking
d. friendly and graceful

4.What do they did before

going a trip?
a.Got a job and work hard
c. Spend the money they
b.Rest all day
d. Lead money from their

5.What kind of trip do they

a.They have a relaxing trip
c. They have a nice trip.
b.They have a playful trip.
d. They have a long trip.
G. Assignments Read a selection that you like F. Assignment Choose the correct word inside Write 2 words that made use of Write a composition
best then be ready to share Note at least 3 significant details the box to complete the each prefix showing comparison and
it in front of class. from the informational texts. sentences. Prefix contrast of the topic of
your interest.
People generate waste as they hourly
perform their daily task. With annually
higher population the more waste often re
is produced. seldom 1. 2.
The waste comes in daily pre
various forms. They maybe waste 1. 2.
produced from packaging materials, 1. The incubator turns post
vegetable peelings, sewage among each egg ___________. 1. 2.
many others. People keep on 2. We take a vacation at
producing wastes. least once___________.
Waste pile up and come in 3. He is ___________
contact with air and water. As this late for work.
happens, water and air become 4. We ___________ see
polluted. John.
You can help the 5. My dentist told me I
environment clean by recycling should floss twice
wastes. Household wastes can be ___________.
grouped or segregated into
biodegradable and non
A. No. of learners earned 80% in ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to
evaluation. the next objective. objective. next objective. objective. the next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
_____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80%
mastery mastery mastery
B. No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require
additional activities for additional activities for activities for remediation additional activities for activities for remediation additional activities for
remediation. remediation remediation remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
work? No. of learners who have ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught
caught up with the lesson the lesson lesson the lesson lesson up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require
to require remediation. additional activities for activities for remediation additional activities for activities for remediation additional activities for
remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work
strategies worked well? Why did well: ___ Group collaboration ___ well: ___ Group collaboration ___ well:
these work? ___ Group collaboration Games ___ Group collaboration ___ Games ___ Group collaboration
___ Games ___ Power PointPresentation ___ Games ___ Power PointPresentation ___ ___ Games
___ Power PointPresentation Answering preliminary ___ Power PointPresentation Answering preliminary ___ Power
___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises PointPresentation ___
activities/exercises ___ Discussion ___ activities/exercises ___ Discussion ___ Case Answering preliminary
___ Discussion Case Method ___ Discussion ___ Method activities/exercises
___ Case Method ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Case Method ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ ___ Discussion
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) Rereading of ___ Case Method
___ Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS)
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ ___ Rereading of
___ Differentiated Role Playing/Drama ___ ___ Differentiated Instruction Role Playing/Drama ___ Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
Instruction ___ Role Discovery Method ___ Lecture ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture ___ Differentiated
Playing/Drama ___ Method Discovery Method ___ Method Instruction ___ Role
Discovery Method ___ Why? Lecture Method Why? Playing/Drama ___
Lecture Method ___ Complete Ims Why? ___ Complete Ims Discovery Method ___
Why? ___ Availability of Materials ___ ___ Complete Ims ___ Availability of Materials ___ Lecture Method
___ Complete Ims Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ ___ Availability of Materials Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Why?
___ Availability of Materials Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn Group member’s Cooperation in ___ Complete Ims
___ Pupils’ eagerness to doing their tasks ___ Group member’s doing their tasks ___ Availability of Materials
learn ___ Group member’s Cooperation in doing their ___ Pupils’ eagerness to
Cooperation in doing their tasks learn ___ Group
tasks member’s Cooperation in
doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
encounter which my principal or __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
supervisor can help me solve? __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims __ Colorful Ims
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer __ Science/ Computer Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer Internet __ Science/ Computer Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer
Internet Lab __ Additional Clerical works Lab __ Additional Clerical works Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __Reading Readiness __Lack of __ Additional Clerical works __Reading Readiness __Lack of __ Additional Clerical works
__Reading Readiness Interest of pupils __Reading Readiness Interest of pupils __Reading Readiness
__Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils __Lack of Interest of pupils
G. What innovation or localized Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
materials did I use/discover __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
which I wish to share with other __ Making use big books __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from __ Making use big books from views __ Making use big books
teachers? from views of the locality views of the locality views of the locality of the locality from views of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used as __ Recycling of plastics to
used as Instructional as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials Instructional Materials be used as Instructional
Materials __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition Materials
__ local poetical __Flashcards __Flashcards __Flashcards __ local poetical
composition composition
__Flashcards __Flashcards
Teacher: HAZEL LEIN I. GRANIL Learning Area: ESP
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER
A.Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa kahalagahan ng pakikipagkapwa-tao na may kaakibat na paggalang at responsibilidad

B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap Naisasabuhay ang pagkakaroon ng bukas na isipan at kahinahunan sa pagpapasiya para sa kapayapaan ng sarili at kapwa
C. Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto Nakapagpapakita ng paggalang sa ideya o suhestiyon ng kapwa
Code: EsP6P-IId-i-31

II. Nilalaman Pagkamapanagutan

III. Kagamitang Panturo
( Learning Resources)
A. Sanggunian (References)
1. Mga pahina sa Gabay ng
2. Mga pahina sa
Kagamitang Pang-mag-
3. Mga pahina sa teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan EsP - K to 12 CG d. 32
mula sa portal ng https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVqDQ_ye9kE
Learning resources
B. Iba pang kagamitang powerpoint presention, mga larawan, permanent marker at masking tape
panturo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7zTVdJn-gc
IV. Pamamaraan (Procedures)
A. Balik-aral at/ o Pagbati ng guro ng Pagbati sa mag-aaral. Pagbati ng guro ng magandang Pagbati ng guro ng magandang Pagbati ng guro ng magandang
pagsisimula ng aralin magandang buhay sa mag- 1.Tungkol saan ang ating buhay sa mag-aaral. buhay sa mag-aaral. buhay sa mag-aaral.
aaral. talakayan kahapon? Pagtitsek kung sinong lumiban Pagtitsek kung sinong lumiban sa Pagtitsek kung sinong lumiban sa
Pagtitsek kung sinong lumiban 2.Anong pagpapahalaga ang sa klase klase klase
sa klase. iyong natutunan tungkol sa Bakit kailangang maging Pagtsek kung nagdala ang mga
aralin? responsible? bata ng kaniang takdang- aralin
3.Ano ang kahalagahan ng
pagiging responsable?
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Pagsayaw ng mga bata Ipakita ang larawan at Ipakita sa mga mag-aaral ang Tumawag ng mag-aaral upang ibahagi ang kanyang takdang-aralin.
aralin https://www.youtube.com/ ipatukoy sa mga bata kung ito mga larawan.
watch?v=v7zTVdJn-gc ay nabubulok o di nabubulok ( baha, landfill, mga batang
nagkakasakit )
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Ipakita sa klase ang animated Ano ang tawag sa mga Bilang isang mag-aaral, paano Pagsayaw ng mga bata
halimbawa sa bagong music video “ Basura”. basurang nakita? mo ipapakita ang pagiging https://www.youtube.com/watch?
aralin https://www.youtube.com/ Ano ang pagkakaiba ng responsable sa tamang v=v7zTVdJn-gc
watch?v=gVqDQ_ye9kE nabubulok sa hindi pagtapon ng basura?

D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong 1.Ano ang nakikita ninyo sa Pagpangkat sa klase sa apat Bakit kaya nagkakaroon ng baha Sa iyong journal, sumulat ng Bilang isang mag-aaral, paano mo
konsepto at paglalahad video? Tema: sa ating lugar? tatlo hanggang apat na ipapakita ang pagiging responsable
ng bagong kasanayan # 1 2. Paano itinapon ng mga bata ‘Basura Ko, Sagot Ko.’ Ano ang dapat gawin sa mga pangungusap sa iyong sa tamang pagtapon ng basura?
ang basura? Pangkat Gawain hindi nabubulok na basura para realisasyon o pag-unawa sa
3. Tama ba ang ginawa ng Unang Magpapakita makaiwas sa sakit at baha? ating paksang pinag-aralan.
mga bata? Bakit? pangkat ng dula-
4. Batay sa video na nakita, dulaan
may slogan na nagsabing Ikalawang Sayawit
“Tapat Ko, Linis Ko” Ano ang pangkat
kahulugan nito?
Ikatlong Paggawa ng
pangkat anunsyo
Ika-apat na Paggawa ng
pangkat tula

E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Bigyan sila ng limang minuto Pagbasa ng mga bata sa

konsepto at paglalahad para sa preparasyon at kanilang output.
ng bagong kasanayan #2 karagdagang dalawang
minuto sa presentasyon.
F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan Anong batas ang nagsasaad
Tungo sa Formative tungkol sa tamang pagtapon ng
G. .Paglalapat ng aralin sa Ano ang mabuting naidulot ng Bilang mag-aaral, ano ano ang Bakit kailangang maging
pang-araw-araw na tamang pagtapon ng basura magagawa mo upang makaiwas responsible sa lahat ng gawain?
buhay sa ating kapaligiran? sa baha, sakit at iba pa?

H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ang mga basura ay ating Ang pagiging responsible sa

responsibilidad na itapon sa pagtatapon ng basura ay
tamang lalagyan. nakapagdudulot ng kaginhawaan sa
mga mamamayan at kapaligiran
sanhi ng nakakaiwas tayo sa
anumang kalamidad, sakit atbp.
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Bilang mag-aaral kaya mo Magtala ng limang paraan Magtala ng limang epekto ng Magbigay ng 1-5 aytem na
bang gawin ang ginawa ng para maging isang responsible hindi pagpapakita ng pagiging katanungan batay sa araling
bata? sa basurang nilikha responsible sa pagtatapon ng tinalakay ng isang linggo
mga basura
J. Karagdagang Gawain para sumulat ng dalawang Magsearch ng isang larawan Kumuha ng larawan kung paano Gumawa ng poster tungkol sa
sa takdang-aralin at pangungusap tungkol sa ng isang basurang pinabayaan niligpit ang mga basura sa tamang pagtapon ng basura.
remediation kahalagahan ng pagtapon ng sa internet at sumulat ng 3 inyong bahay. Ipakita natin ito
basura sa wastong lugar pangungusap kung paano mo sa lahat at talakayin bukas
ito bigyan ng solusyon.
V. Mga Tala
VI. Pagninilay
A.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nakakuha ng
B.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nangangailangan
ng iba pang Gawain para sa remediation
C.nakatulong ba ang remedial ? Bilang ng
mag-aaral na nakaunawa sa aralin
D.Bilang ng mag-aaral na nagpatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga stratehiyang pagtuturo ang Using differentiated instruction, Collaborative work, Discovery/inquiry approach.
nakatulong ng lubos? Paano ito
F. Anong suliranin aang aking naranasan Internet connection,
na solusyon sa tulong ng aking
punongguro at superbisor?
G. Anong kagamitang panturo ang aking Powerpoint making
nadibuho na nais kong ibahagi sa aking
kapwa guro?

GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER



The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human body work together to form organ systems
A. Content Standards

The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the musculo-skeletal, integumentary, digestive ,circulatory
B. Performance Standards excretory, respiratory and nervous systems.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Explain how the organs of each Explain how the organs of each Explain how the organs of each Explain how the organs of each Explain how the
Write the LC code for each organ system work together organ system work together organ system work together organ system work together organs of each organ
(S6LT-IIc-d-1) (S6LT-IIc-d-2) (S6LT-IIc-d-3) (S6LT-IIc-d-4) system work
together (S6LT-IIc-d-

Describes a person’s reaction in Identifies the main parts of the Describes a healthy body
a given situation. nervous system. Identifies the different ways of maintaining a healthy body.
Describes the function of each Practices the different ways of maintaining a healthy body.
part of the nervous system
How Do Parts of the Nervous How Do Parts of the Nervous How Do You Maintain a Healthy How Do You Maintain a Healthy WEEKLY TEST
II. CONTENT System Works? System Works? Body? Body?


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Cyber Science by Myrna Q. Cyber Science by Myrna Q.
Adduru, pp. 91-106 Adduru, pp. 91-106 Adduru, pp. 108-116 Adduru, pp. 108-1116
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, Video Presentation Charts, Video Presentation Charts Charts, Power Point Presentation


A. Reviewing previous lesson or ENGAGEMENT: ENGAGEMENT: ENGAGEMENT: ENGAGEMENT: Ask, “Are You
presenting the new lesson Show a sharp object and ask, “If Ask the pupils, “Can you do two Review the different body systems Healthy?” “What makes you
you are suddenly hurt with this things at the same time?” and their functions. healthy”
sharp object, what is your Ask, “What happens when one of
reaction?” the major organs of the body does
not function well?”
B. Establishing a purpose for the Show a picture of a mother Telling What Will Happen Next. Are You Healthy With or Without Smoke
lesson calling for her daughter. Ask, Analyze each situation and write Do you do the following practices? 1 Work in groups of three. Write
“What is the stimulus in this down what will happen next. Write YES or NO on the blank. survey questions to find out if the
picture?” What is the You can also act or dramatize 1 _I take a bath and keep my body pupils enrolled in your school are
response?”. the situation. clean daily. safe and free from cigarette
1 You are walking along the 2_I eat French fries, hamburger smoke. Do their father or mother
pathway when you heard and take soft drinks everyday. smoke? Are there other members
someone calling your name. 3_I always quarrel with my of the family who smoke? Have
What will you do? classmates they been with a smoker on their
2 Jim is wiping a table when he 4_I often sleep late at night. way to and from school?
felt something painful in her 5_I drink a lot of water and fruit 2 Interview at least ten pupils.
finger. How will Jim react? juices. 3 Tally the result through a chart.
4 Describe the results. Are your
schoolmates safe and free from
cigarette smoke?
5 Compare your findings with the
other groups.


of the new lesson Can you recall what you have Present the chart/illustration of “Health is wealth” is a favorite line Present video clips on
done yesterday? How about the nervous system. Let the of people who wanted to stay maintaining healthy lifestyle.
your activities the other day or a pupils identify the parts. healthy and strong. Being healthy Let them act as a doctor giving
month ago? Name some of means you must practice a healthy pieces of advice to pupils on
these activities. Write them and lifestyle. You need to make careful having a healthy body.
brainstorm. decisions on what food to eat,
what should be avoided, what
activities to engage with and what
to do when the body is injured or
not feeling well.

D. Discussing new concepts EXPLANATION: (Video EXPLANATION: (Power Point EXPLANATION: EXPLANATION: : (Power Point
Presentation) Presentation) -A healthy body means the person Presentation)
-The central nervous system -The nervous system consists of is strong, free from diseases -In order to maintain a healthy
receives information from the the nerves, spinal cord and the always happy and smiling, alert, body, one must have adequate
sensory nerves and responds to brain, which work together as smart, has good disposition and nutrition, have enough rest and
the information by sending the control system of the body. can relate well with others. exercise, avoid alcoholic drinks,
messages through the motor -The brain and the spinal cord - A normal body is a healthy stay away from illegal drugs,
nerves to various parts of the make up the central nervous body and what is healthy varies refrain from smoking and stay
body. system, which processes all from individual to individual. away from a smoker, observe
- The central nervous system incoming and outgoing A healthy body is best determined proper hygiene and maintain
receives and interprets messages in the body. by looking at a comparison of environmental sanitation, learn
information and directs the -All the nerves make up the height, weight, body fat ratio, to manage stress and consult the
body what to do. peripheral nervous system. fitness, diet, and hydration. doctor when not feeling well.
-The central nervous system -The sensory nerves gather
consists of the brain and the information from the
spinal cord. The brain controls environment that they send to
everything you do. It enables the central nervous system.
you to speak, to remember, to -The motor nerves transmit
memorize and to move your impulses from the brain to the
bones and muscles in muscles and glands of the body
coordinated ways. It controls for proper reaction/action.
the beating and the emotions of
your heart and allows you to
perform so many things even
while you are asleep.

E. Continuation of the discussion Activity: Measuring Your Activity: Fill in the blank boxes Activity: Are you healthy? Describe Activity: List down the food that
of new concepts (leads to Reaction Time with the correct word or a healthy person. you should eat to obtain a
Formative Assessment 2) Let’s find out: How long does it phrases to complete the Think of words that tell what a balanced diet. Consider the food
take the brain to send message concept map. healthy person is. pyramid.
to your arm muscles? Fill up the word map by writing
Let’s use this materials: words in small circles that
Chair, meterstick describes a healthy person. Then
Let’s do it this way: draw a healthy person and write
1 Get a partner to work with “Healthy Person” in the big circle.
2 Sit on chair with one arm in a
“handshake” position.
3 Let your partner stand facing
you holding the meter stick
vertically, with 0 at the bottom.
4 Your partner will drop the
meterstick. You have to catch
the meter stick between your
thumb and fingers.
5 Look at the centimeter on the
meter stick where you have
grasped or held it. This is the
distance representing your Data:
reaction time. Record it.
6 Repeat steps 1-5 three times. Day Breakfast Lunch
Record your data. Calculate the Supper
average distance.
7 Repeat steps 1-6 using your 1
other hand. 2
8 Exchange places with your 3
partner and do the same 4
procedure. 5

L. Developing mastery (leads to Answer the questions; Fill in the blanks with the correct Get a partner and discuss your Fill in the blanks; .
Formative Assessment 3) 1 Compare the result of your parts of the nervous system. answers. What do you do to have Let learners write the appropriate
reaction time with your partner. 1 ___receives information a healthy body? word/s to make the statement
through the sense organ. correct.
2 What does your reaction time
2 __relays the impulse to the 1 Have ______ nutrition.
indicate? brain 2 Be physically ___ through
3 __receives, interprets the exercise and enough ____.
impulse and sends signals to the 3 ______ alcoholic drinks.
motor neuron. 4 Stay away from _____ drugs
4 __transmit the impulse to the 5 Cigarette is ___ good for the
muscles for proper action. body.

M. Finding practical applications of What happens when the central Draw and describe the reflex What does your body need to Make a campaign material about
concepts and skills in daily nervous system does not actions in any of the following need in order to become healthy? a healthful lifestyle to be posted
living function well? stimuli. on the board.
(reflective approach) 1 Dust in the nose
2 Very loud noise
N. Making generalizations and The central nervous system -The nervous system consists of -A healthy body means the person -In order to maintain a healthy
abstractions about the lesson receives information from the the nerves, spinal cord and the is strong, free from diseases body, one must have adequate
sensory nerves and responds to brain, which work together as always happy and smiling, alert, nutrition, have enough rest and
the information by sending the control system of the body. smart, has good disposition and exercise, avoid alcoholic drinks,
messages through the motor -The brain and the spinal cord can relate well with others. stay away from illegal drugs,
nerves to various parts of the make up the central nervous - A normal body is a healthy refrain from smoking and stay
body system, which processes all body and what is healthy varies away from a smoker, observe
- The central nervous system incoming and outgoing from individual to individual. proper hygiene and maintain
receives and interprets messages in the body. A healthy body is best determined environmental sanitation, learn
information and directs the -All the nerves make up the by looking at a comparison of to manage stress and consult the
body what to do. peripheral nervous system. height, weight, body fat ratio, doctor when not feeling well.
-The central nervous system -The sensory nerves gather fitness, diet, and hydration.
consists of the brain and the information from the
spinal cord. The brain controls environment that they send to
everything you do. It enables the central nervous system.
you to speak, to remember, to -The motor nerves transmit
memorize and to move your impulses from the brain to the
bones and muscles in muscles and glands of the body
coordinated ways. It controls for proper reaction/action.
the beating and the emotions of
your heart and allows you to
perform so many things even
while you are asleep.


Let’s share our knowledge: Explain what happens when you What benefits can you get by Answer the following questions;
How does a message reach the do not have reflex actions. Give doing the good health practices? 1 Why should people refrain
brain and how does the brain a concrete example to explain What happens when you continue from smoking in public places?
react to it? your answer. doing the bad practices? 2 Why are children not allowed
to drink alcoholic drinks?

P. Additional activities for .

application or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: FILIPINO
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


I. Layunin

Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring pakikinig at pagunawa sa napakinggan

A. Pamantayang Naipamamalas an g kakayahan at tatas sa pagsasalita sa p agpapahayag ng sariling ideya, kaisipan, karanasan at damdamin
Pangnilalaman Naisasagawa ang mapa nuring pagbasa sa iba’t ibang uri ng tek sto at napapalawak ang talasalitaan
Naipamamalas ang iba’t ibang kasanayan upang maunawaan ang iba’t ibang teksto
Napauunlad ang ksanayan sa pagsulat ng iba’t ibang uri ng sulatin
Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring panonood ng iba’t ibang uri ng media
Naipamamalas ang pagpapahalaga at ksanayan sa paggamit ng wika sa komunikasyob at pagbasa ng iba’t ibang uri ng panitikan
Nakapagsasagawa ng isahang pagsasadula tungkol sa isang isyu o paksang napakinggan
B. Pamantayan sa Naiuulat ang isang isyu o paksang napakinggan
Pagganap Nakagagawa ng character profile batay sa kuwento o tekstong binasa
Nakagagawa ng graph o dayagram upang ipakita ang nakalap na impormasyon o datos
Nakasusulat upang ipahayag ang isang kakaibang karanasan at makagagawa ng isang poster o patalastas tungkol sa isang isyu o paksa
Naisasakilos ang isang paksa o isyung napanood
Napapahalagahan ang wika at panitikan sa pamamagitan ng pagsali sa usapan at talakayan, paghiram sa aklatan, pagkukuwento, pagsulat ng tula at kuwento

C. Mga Kasanayan sa Natutukoy ang mahahalagang Nakapagbibigay ng sariling Nagagamit nang wasto ang pang-uri Naibibigay ang kahulugan ng Nasasagot ang mga tanong
Pagkatuto pangyayari sa napakinggang solusyon sa isang suliraning sa paglalarawan sa iba’t ibang pamilyar at di- pamilyar na salita tungkol sa binasang
sanaysay naobserbahan sitwasyon sa pamamagitan ng kasalungat talaarawan
F6PN-IId-18 F6PS-IId-9 F60L-IIa-e-4 F6V-IId-1.5 F6RC-IIdf-3.1.1
Mahahalagang Pangyayari sa Pagbibigay ng sariling Wastong Paggamit ng Pang-uri Pagbibigay ang kahulugan ng Pagsagot ang mga tanong
II. NILALAMAN Napakinggang Sanaysay solusyon sa isang suliraning pamilyar at dipamilyar na salita sa tungkol sa binasang
naobserbahan pamamagitan ng kasalungat talaarawan


C. Sanggunian
1. Pahina sa Gabay ng
2. Pahina sa Kagamitan
ng Mag-aaral
3. Pahina sa Batayang
4. Karagdagang Kayarian ng Antas ng Pang-uri Kahulugan ng Salita sa EASE Modyul 20
Kagamitan mula sa Pangungusap/Pagbibigay ng Pamamagitan ng Kasalungat Pagsulat ng Talaarawan
Learning Resource Reaksyon MISOSA MISOSA 6781
(LR) portal MISOSA
D. Iba pang kagamitang


A. Balik-aral sa Iparinig : “Anak ng Pasig.” Maghanda ng isang puzzle para sa Kung may nakita kang suliranin sa Pabilugin ang mag-aaral. Ano- ano ang ginawa mo
nakaraang aralin at/o (Kung wala, maaaring ipakita bawat pangkat ng mag-aaral. inyong bahay, paano mo ito Ang bawat mag-aaral ay sa buong lingo?
pagsisimula ng ang larawan ng isang ilog.) Bigyan ng sapat na oras ang bawat sasabihin sa iyong mga magulang? O magbibigay ng pang-uri na Pagawaan ito ng talaan.
bagong aralin Ipalarawan ito. pangkat upang mabuo ito. sa nakatatanda? maglalarawan sa kamag-aral na
Ano ang nabuo ninyong larawan? nasa kanan niya.
Ano ang naramdaman
habang/pagkatapos mabuo ang
B. Paghahabi sa layunin Ano ang naaalala mo sa Ipaguhit sa bawat pangkat ang Ilog Paano ipinapakita ang pagiging Ipabasa ang “Unang Tao,” sa p. 2- Ano ang pagkakaunawa
ng aralin tuwing maririnig ang salitang Pasig Ngayon. magalang? 3. mo sa talaarawan?
Ilog Pasig? Matapos ang inilaang oras, Ipalawaran ang unang tao sa
Gawaan ng concept map ang magsagawa ng gallery walk. pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng
sagot ng mag-aaral. Talakayin ang nakita sa kasalungat na pang-uri.
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Basahin nang malakas ang Ano ang suliraning ipinakita ng Ipabasa “Ang Batang Magalang,” p. Ipagawa ang gawain sa p. 4. Ipabasa ang talaarawan na
halimbawa sa bagong sanaysay sa p. 3-4. larawan? 1. Paano natukoy ang kahulugan ng nasa pahina 11-12.
aralin Ano ang maiaambag mo upang mga salita?
maging malinis ang ilog na ito? Ano ang ibig sabihin ng

D. Pagtalakay ng bagong Talakayin ang sanaysay sa Pangkatin ang klase. Talakayin ang binasang tula sa Pagsanayan Mo, p. 5. Anong buwan isinulat ang
konsepto at pamamagitan ng pagsagot ng Pag-usapan ang isang suliranin sa pamamagitan ng pagsagot ng mga talaaarawan?
paglalahad ng mga inihandang tanong sa p. kapaligiran. tanong tungkol dito. Ano ang ipinagdiriwang ng
bagong kasanayan #1 4. Pag-usapan ang mga posibleng Ano-ano ang pang-uring ginamit? sumulat nito?
solusyon sa suliraning tinukoy. Alin ang inilarawan ng bawat isa? Ano-ano ang kaniyang
Papaghandain ang bawat pangkat Ipagamit ang mga ito sa sariling handa?
ng malikhaing pagtatanghal. pangungusap sa paglalaarwan ng Bakit siya nagpunta sa
Bigyang-halaga ang pagtatanghal isang kamag-aral. mall?
ng bawat pangkat. Paano niya nabili ang
kaniyang mga bagong
Bakit dalawang beses
siyang nag-birthday?
E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Pangkatin ang klase. Maghanda ng mga larawan ng Ipagamit ang mga pang-uri sa p. 4 sa Pabilugin muli ang mag-aaral. Ipabasa ang talaarawan sa
konsepto at Ipatala ang mahahalagang suliranin sa paligid. pagtatanghal na gagawin ng bawat Ipalarawan ang kaklase sa kanan p. 12-13.
paglalahad ng pangyayari sa napakinggang Idikit ito sa isang papel. pangkat. sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng Pagawain ang bawat
bagong kasanayan #2 sanaysay. Ipasulat sa bawat mag-aaral ang Matapos ang inilaang oras, tawagin kasalungat na salitang pangkat ng tanong tungkol
Ipangkat nang wasto ang mga kanilang ambag upang mabigyang- ang bawat pangkat upang ibahagi maglalarawan sa kaklase. dito.
naitala. solusyon ang mga ipinakitang ang natapos na gawain. Pasagutan ang mga
Matapos ang inilaang oras, solusyon. inihandang tanong sa ibang
hayaang ibahagi ng bawat pangkat.
pangkat ang kanilang natapos
na gawain.
Talakayin ang sagot ng bawat
F. Paglinang sa Basahin ito nang malakas ang Ano ang nakita mong suliranin sa “Ilarawan ko, Hulaan Mo”
Kabisahaan sanaysay sa p. 6. loob ng silid-aralan? Papag-isipin ang bawat mag-aarl ng
(Tungo sa formative Ipatala ang mahahalagang Ano ang maitutulong mo upang kanilang papahulaan (tao, bagay,
Assessment) pangyayari . malutas ito? hayop, lugar).
Ipalarawan ito.
Pahulaan sa kamag-aral ang
G. Paglalapat ng Aralin Paano mo pahahalagahan Bakit mahalaga ang Paano mo ipakikita ang pagiging Paano mo ipakikita ang pagiging Paano mo ipakikita ang
sa Pang-araw-araw ang iyong kapaligiran? pagtutulungan lalo na kung may magalang sa paglalarawan ng ibang magalang sa pagsasabi sa paggalang sa talaarawan
na buhay suliranin? tao? kapuwa ng hindi maganda sa ng iba?

H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Ano ang natutuhan mo sa Ano ang natutuhan mo sa aralin? Kalian ginagamit ang pang-uri? Ano ang natutuhan mo sa aralin? Ano ang natutuhan mo sa
aralin? aralin?

I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Subukan Mo, p.6

J. Karagdagang gawain Maghanda ng isang

para sa takdang- talaarawan at mga tanong
aralin at remediation tungkol dito.
Ipabasa ito at pasagutan
ang mga tanong.



A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remedial? Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakaunawa sa
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral
na magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang
pagtuturo nakatulong ng
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na solusyunan
sa tulong ng aking
punongguro at
G. Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking
nadibuho na nais kong
ibahagi sa mga kapwa ko
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER)


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply knowledge of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers in mathematical problems and real-life situations
C. Learning Competencies / Find the percentage when the Find the rate or percent when Find the base when the solves routine and non-routine problems involving finding the
Objectives rate and base are given the percentage and base are percentage and rate are given percentage, rate and base using appropriate strategies and tools.
M6NS-IId-142 given M6NS-IId-142 M6NS-IId-143

II. CONTENT Finding the percentage when the Finding the rate or percent Finding the base when the Problem solving involving percentage, rate and base
rate and base are given when the percentage and base percentage and rate are given
are given

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Lesson Guide in Elem. Lesson Guide in Elem. Lesson Guide in Elem. Mathematics for Everyday Use Grade 6. 1999. p. 199, 203*
Mathematics Grade 6. 2012. pp. Mathematics Grade 6. 2012. pp. Mathematics Grade 6. 2012. pp.
316-328 316-328 316-328
2. Learner’s Materials pages DLP Gr. 6 Module 47, 48, 49 DLP Gr. 6 Module 47, 48, 49 DLP Gr. 6 Module 47, 48, 49 DLP Gr. 6 Module 47, 48, 49
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson Drill on changing percent to Activity 1 – “Naming the Baby” Activity 1 – Search for Gold Do what is asked for:
or presenting the new ratio, decimal to percent, Materials: flash cards Materials: 10 flash cards 1) What is 25% of 30? _______
lesson fraction to percent, and vice with percent with percents 2) Forty is what percent of 200?_______
versa Mechanics: 4 sets of answer sheets with 3) 18 is 30% of what number? _______
a. Strategy 1 – Relay a)Ask each pair of pupils to columns for percent and decimal
Materials: 15 flash cards (each “Name the Baby” (the question Mechanics: Ask: What are the steps in solving a problem?
card has a ratio, decimal, on the card). 1) Form 4 teams with equal In what steps will the following questions fall?
percent, or fraction) Sample flash cards: number of members. What is asked? What are the given facts?
5 sets of answer sheets 2:8 in percent is _____. 2) Give each leader of the What is the process to be used?
posted on the board 0.35 in percent is _____. team sets of ten (10) flash cards What is the number sentence?
Mechanics: 1 having the same question. Show the solution and complete answer.
1) Have four (4) lines of
2 in decimal is _____. Sample: 75% in decimal is _____
pupils with the same number of b)The answer is written on their 375% in decimal is _____
members, if possible. “Show-Me-Board”. 3) The members of the team
2) Each pupil in front of Activity 2 – Find My Partner work together to answer the sets
the line renames the ratio to Materials: flash cards of flash cards and presented their
percent, decimal to percent, with decimals, ratio, fractions, answer sheets as soon as they are
fraction to percent, or vice versa and percent through.
by writing the number on the Mechanics: 4) The teacher checks the
board as the teacher flashes the a) Each pupil should be presented answer together with
card. given a flash card with question the class.
3) The teacher fastens the on it. 5) The team with a perfect
card on the board in the column Sample: score gets a gold star shape art
it belongs. paper.
4) As soon as the pupil 0.25 25% Review:
writing his answer on their sheet Cooperative Work
finishes, he has to touch the 10:100 10% Materials: 4 sets of 2 flash
second pupil in the line and goes cards with division of whole
at the end of the line 1 0.2 numbers by decimals
5) The teacher flashes the 4 sets of manila paper
next card and repeat numbers 2 4 pentel pens
to 4. b)Each pupil looks for his/her Mechanics:
6) The teacher checks the partner within the time limit. 1)Ask each leader of the team to
answers and adds the scores c)The pair flashes their cards. get 2 flash cards with division of a
after the last card is flashed. d)The flashed cards are checked. whole number by a decimal.
2)The members solve for the
quotient and write the solution on
a manila paper to be posted on
the board.
B. Establishing a purpose for Ask the pupils about their Ask the pairs of pupils on how How much is your daily allowance? How much money do you spend in school every day? Do you
the lesson target/aim in answering a 20- they use their school supplies. save some of it for future use? Why did you do it? Share your
item test. “What’s your target Sample: “Do you use the front experience. Let the pupils realize the importance of being
score in a 20-item test? What and back pages of your thrifty.
passing grade is it?” (75%, 80%, notebook? Why?”
90%, or 100%). The pupils have
the freedom to choose.
C. Presenting Activity 1 – Use of Compatible Sixto, a grade six pupil, has 24 Manuel, a son of a school janitor, Present this problem.
Examples/Instances of new Number through Manipulatives sheets of art paper for his does not ask for more. He has a Reyes family has a monthly income of P 15 850. They allotted
lesson (Counters) project in Math. If 6 sheets of daily allowance of 10 a day 40% of for food, 25% for education, 15% for water and
Pablo listens very well to the art paper were used by Sixto, which is 20% of his classmates electricity fare, 8% for transportation, 7% for miscellaneous
teacher during the discussion of what percent of the sheets of art daily allowance. How much is his expenses and 5% for savings. How much money is allotted for
the lesson. When they were paper did he use? classmate’s daily allowance? their savings?
given a 5-item test his grade was 1)Ask the pupils the following Ask:
80%. How many correct answers questions: What is asked in the problem?
did Pablo get? a)Who uses art paper for Math What are the given facts?
project? What is the operation to be used?
b)How many sheets of art paper
does he have?
c)How many sheets of art paper
did he use?
d)If you were Sixto, will you be
using all the sheets of art paper
and ask some more? Why?
e)Will you do what Sixto has
done if you were Sixto? Why?
D. Discussing new concepts 1.Ask the following questions. Let the pupils analyze the 1)Require them to answer the Ask the pupils to work in groups in solving the problem.
and practicing new skills #1 a.Who listens very well to the problem. following questions. Ask: Why does Reyes family allotted a certain amount
teacher? a)What does the problem want a)Who is the son of a school as savings?
b.How many items was their you to solve for? janitor? Is it a good thing to save money?
test? b)What are the given data? b)How much is his daily
c.What was his grade in the test? c)What are the needed data? allowance?
d.If you were Pablo, will you also Ask them to determine the base c)Does he ask for more allowance
be listening intently to the and percentage in the Techan’s like his other classmates? Why?
teacher? Why? Triangle. d)Do you think Manuel spends his
e.Do you think you can get a d)What will you do to find the money wisely? How do you
higher grade than Pablo? Why answer? know?
do you think that you can get a e)What equation best translates e)If you were in his shoes, what
higher grade than Pablo? the problem? will you do? Why?
f)Guide the pupils write the 2)Guide the pupils to analyze the
equation to solve the problem. problem.
g)What proportion best suits the a)What does the problem require
problem? you to look for?
Lead them to write the b)What facts are given?
proportion. c)What are the needed data?
Have them point the percentage
and rate in the Techan’s Triangle.
d)What will you do to solve the
e)What equation best transforms
the problem?
Lead them to write the equation
to solve the problem.
E. Discussing new concepts Let each pair of pupils get their Group the pupils into 5. Group Activity: Group Activity:
and practicing new skills #2 manipulatives of five (5) identical 1)Have the pupils answer the 75% of N is 15. 1.A pair of leather shoes was on sale and was given a discount of
small squares (2 centimetres x 2 following questions by group. 15 is 75% of what number? P 600 at 30%. What was the original price of the shoes?
centimetres). Ask them to a)What facts are given? 15 is 75% of N. 2. There are 24 carabaos in the farm and 6 of them are male.
answer the following questions. Let them identify the base and 75% of N = 15. What percent of the 24 carabaos are male? Think: What percent
a.What are the given data? percentage using the Techan’s 75% of what number is 15? of 24 is 6?
Lead the pairs of pupils point Triangle. 1) Have the pupils answer 3. Joselito got 80% of 60 items correct in a mathematics test.
which among the given data can b)What will you do to arrive at the following questions. How many correct items did he get?
be the rate, base, and the answer? What data are given?
percentage through the use of c)What equation is suited to the Ask them to determine the
Techan’s Triangle. Let them get problem? percentage and rate in the
80% of 5 counters through the d)What proportion best fits in Techan’s Triangle.
teacher’s guidance starting from the problem? What process will you use to arrive
having a 5-item test as 100%. e. Let them choose a reporter to at the answer?
b.Lead the pairs of pupils to discuss their answer in front. What equation suits in the
decide what to do to arrive at problem?
the answer. What proportion is best for the
c.What is the equation for the problem?
Ask the pupils to write the
equation to solve the problem.
Let them use the manipulatives
(of 80% of 5) in relating to the
equation as well as the solution.
80% of 5
80% x 5 = N
0.8 x 5 = N
What proportion best suits in
the problem?
Have the pairs of pupils write the
proportion to arrive at the
answer. Let them use the
manipulatives in relating to the
formulated proportion and the
F. Developing mastery Group Activity: Brother and sister technique: A. Solve for the base. Solve.
(Leads to Formative Solve for the percentage. Let the fast learners teach their 1) 50% of ____ is 3. 1.Elena has 12 hours working at home daily as a full time wife
Assessment) a.36% of 95 is N. partners how to get the answer 2) 20% of what number is and mother. She spends 12.5% of the time washing clothes.
b.48% of 290 is what number? to the ff. questions 14. How many hours does she wash the clothes?
c.N is 20% of 8? 1.What percent of 105 is 35? 3) 14 is 35% of N. 2.Among the 50 pupils in a Grade 6 class, 6% are left-handed.
d.What is 20% of 8? 2.72 is what percent of 144? 4)10.5 is 30% of what number? How many are left-handed?
e.60% of 80 is _____. 3.N% of 56 is 7 5)65% of N = 58.5. 3.Maria’s allowance is 50 daily. She saves 8% of it. How
4.24 is N% of 120 B.Read, analyze and solve much does she save?
5.2.5 is what percent of 75? 1.In a math class, 8 pupils receive
b.Read, analyze and solve. a grade of 90. If 16% of the class
1.In a class of 50 pupils, 24 are got 90, how many pupils are there
boys. What percent of the class in a class?
are boys? What percent are 2.In a Grade 6 outing, 240 pupils
girls? participated if 80% joined the
2.A vendor had 200 balloons for outing, how many grade 6 pupil
sale. If he sold 125 of them, are there in the school?
what percent remains unsold?
G. Finding practical Pair-share: Solve the ff. problem. Solve the ff.problems. Solve the ff.problems.
applications of concepts a. There are 40 pupils in a a) Ricardo got 90% of a 20- 1. A grade six class went on 1.Rosa got 20% of an 80 item test incorrectly. How many items
and skills in daily living class. Seventy-five percent of item test in Math. How many a field trip. Only 98% or 49 pupils did she get correctly.
them are present. How many items did he answer correctly? joined the activity. What was the 2.Lilia has an error of 20% in a 60-item test. How many mistakes
are present? How many are b) In a school of 680 Grade class enrolment? does Lilia have in the test?
absent? 6 pupils, 646 graduated. What 2. Chito has 20 in his 3.Ruby has 170 in her pocket. She gives 50% of the money to
b. Rhoda’s allowance for percent of the Grade 6 pupils pocket which is only 5% of the her youngest brother. How much does Ruby give to her
the day is 250. She spends graduated? How many did not money of her sister. How much is brother?
80% of it and saves the rest. graduate? the money of her sister? 4.The money of Mr. Manipis is not enough to buy a wrist watch
How much does she spend? c) One stormy day, 12 at 3,000. His wife gives him 80% of the cost? How much
How much does she save? pupils of Mrs. Loyola were money does he receive from his wife?
absent. If there are 50 pupils in 5.There were 50 pupils in Grade III. If 28% of the pupils were
the class, what percent of the absent, how many pupils were present?
class is absent? present?

H. Making generalizations and How do you find the percentage How do you find the ratio or How do you find the base when How do you solve problems involving percentage, rate and base
abstractions about the when the rate and base are percent when the base and the percentage and rate are ?
lesson given? percentage are given? given?

I. Evaluating Learning Answer the following: Answer the following: Solve for n. Answer the following:
1.What is 25% of 4? 1) ___% of 10 = 2. 1) 20% of n is 2. 1.Joy got 70% of the 50 words in the spelling contest. How
2._____ is 10% of 1,000,000. 2) N% of 28 is 14. 2) 7 is 35% of n. many words did he spell correctly?
3.N is 50% of 2. 3) What percent of 20 is 5? 3) 40% of n = 8. 2. A bag that costs P450 is marked 15% discount. How much
4.What number is 1% of 4) 4 is what percent of 20? 4) 10 is 40% of what number? would you pay for the shirt?
1,000. 5) 18 is N% of 30. 5) 25% of what number is 2? 3. Of the 120 Grade 6 pupils, 30 prefer apples, 44 want oranges
5.200% of 3 is what number? 6) ___% of 80 = 20. 6) 49.3 is 58% of n. and the rest want bananas. What percent of the Grade 6 pupils
5 7) N% of 180 is 35 7) 76% of n = 49.4. prefer bananas?
6. 8 % of 6,000 is ______. 8) what percent of 800 is 400? 8) 24% of n is 10.8. 4. The newly elected President of SPG got 35 out of 70 votes
7.75% of 12 is _____. 9) 7.5 is what percent of 30? 9) 8 is 20% of what number? from his classmates. What percent of the votes did he get?
8.What is 8 of 1,000,000? 10) 18 is N% of 24. 10) 14% of what number is 11.9? 5. Out of 50 pupils, only 48 joined the educational trip. What
9.60% of 30 is N. 11) ___% of 1000 = 2. 11) 95 is 80% of n. percent joined the trip?
10.N is 0.125% of 20,000. 12) N% of 800 is 300. 12) 125 is 20% of what number? 6.Cesar invited 250 kids to his birthday party. Only 25% of the
11.30% of 600 is what number? 13) What percent of 940 is 89? 13) 1/8% of n = 12.5. kids did not showed up. How many kids came to the party?
14) 20 is what percent of 40. 14) 12.5 is 1/2% of what number?
1 15) 90 is N% of 3600.. 15) 875 is 87.5% of n.
12. ____ is 2 % of 5,000.
13.230% of 90 is N.
14. 5 % of 1,000 is ______.
15.150% of 400 is ______.
J. Additional activities for Complete the table. Solve. Solve. Solve:
application and 1)What percent of 8 is 64? 1) 6% of n = 4.5. 1.Of 40 pupils only 30 pupils passed their project on time. What
remediation 2)7 is what percent of 35? 2) 6.72 is 7% of what number? percent passed their project?
3)63 is N% of 252. 3) 12% of n is 14.4. 2. Rhod gets 95% of the Math test correctly which is 38. How
4) ___% of 9 = 45. 4) 117 is 65% of n. many items does the test have?
5) N% of 875 is 210. 5) 88% of what number is 660? 3. In a Grade 6 class of 40 pupils, 36 pupils attended the meeting
6) 657 is N% of 876. 6) 125% of n is 900. of the Math Club. What percent of the class attended the
7) ___% of 250 = 245. 7) 220 is 275% of n. meeting?

A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates and Time: SEPTEMBER 3 - 7, 2018 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER)



A.(Content Standards) Demonstrates the concept of Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates understanding of Understands the importance Weekly test
melody by using intervals in shapes, space, colors, and the participation in and assessment of keeping the school and
the major scale and in the principles of emphasis, harmony of physical activities and physical community environments
minor scale. and contrast in digital painting and fitness healthy
poster design using new
B. (Performance Standards) Applies learned concepts of Applies concepts on the use of 1. participates and Demonstrates practices for
melody and other elements to software in creating digital assesses performance in building and maintaining
composition and paintings and graphic design. physical activities. healthy school and
performance. 2. assesses physical fitness community environments
C. ( Learning Competencies) Demonstrates the ability to Creates a digital painting similar describes the Philippines physical Identifies different wastes Be able to answer the given
sing, read, and write simple with the Masters’ (e.g., Van Gogh, activity pyramid H6CMH-Iie-4 questions with accuracy.
musical notations in the: Amorsolo, etc.) in terms of style, PE6PF-Iia-16
1.1 Key of C Major theme, etc.
1.2 Key of G Major A6PR-IIc explains the indicators for fitness
1.3 Key of F Major PE6PF-Iia-17

II. ( Content) Melody Digital Painting Invasion Games for Physical Healthy School and
Fitness: Community Environments
An Enhanced Understanding
III. ( Learning Resources)
C. (References) The 21st Century MAPEH in
1. (Teacher’s Guide Pages) p.49
2. (Learner’s Materials pages)
3. (Textbook Pages) MAPEH in Action pp.112-133 The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
pp. 202-216
4. ( Additional Materials from LR
D. (Other Learning Resources) Pictures,Laptop,any personal/ Powerpoint , Lcd projector, Powerpoint, pictures, activity Test Questionnaires, test
school computers, powerpoint, Sungka, pebbles or small shells. cards, notebooks, e-class record,
LCD Projector, pens.

For the school/pupils without

gadgets. Paint, paint brush, oslo
paper,coupon bond and water
IV. (Procedures)
A. ( Review previous Lesson) Do you still remember when What is digital painting? What games have you played 1. What can you do to make Recall their past lessons.
you were a baby, your mother ( is a type of digital art but it is not with your friends and and keep the school and Preparation of test
used to sing a lullaby in order “computer-generated” art, in that classmates? environment healthy? materials
for you to sleep? it does not involve the computer What are again the rules in 2. Identify and discuss the
automatically generating an image playing Agawang Base Stealing wastes that affect the family,
from mathematical models Base? school, and community.
created by the artist. In digital
painting, the artist uses painting
techniques to create the image
directly on the computer)
B. (Establishing purpose for the What is the reason why you How do you prepare and go digital Picture analysis: Why should you get a high
lesson/ Motivation) have a favorite song? painting? Teacher presents a picture and score in any given test?
(see pp.114-) allows the pupils to describe it.

Today, we will be having group

Teacher divides the group, and
pupils follow directions.
C. ( Presenting examples or Present the copy of the song. Preparing for digital painting Of Video presentation: Word Hunt Setting of standards in
presentation/ instances of the new “With a Little help from my what use is a computer software How to play Sungka Directions: Identify and taking the test
lesson) friends” in making paintings today? https://www.youtube.com/ encircle 10 words in the box
https://www.youtube.com/ (see pp.115-126) watch?v=V_AaVnx-StQ that are related to wastes.
watch?v=krZlsZ9I2o4 How do you assemble everything (arranged vertically and
to create a finished digital horizontally)
painting? Write your answer on a
One minute is provided for
the activity.
Present the group’s answer
when the time is up.

Words to find:
wood, cartons, needles,
battery, sewage, metals, CD,
plastic, rubber and bottles
D. ( Discussing new concepts and Ask different questions about Do It Yourself (DIY) Discussion on how to play Sungka Word Configuration Distributes test materials to
practicing new skills) the song My Paint •The skills developed in playing 1. Divide the class into 4 the pupils.
1. Open Gimp(Open Source) for Sungka groups.
tablet PC. •The Rules In playing Sungka 2. Each group will be given
2 .Using your digital pen, draw out work sheets (Annex 2)
your outlines. 3. The task of the group is to
3. Then, use the paint bucket tool identify the words being
to dump color into large areas. described in the following
4. Create virtual brushstrokes. numbers (1-5). Word
5. Work in layers. configuration with quiz bee
6. Use the Artists ’Brushes. approach will be applied to
7. Print the completed painting. this activity.
Note: 4. Each group will use a Show
For those who do not have any Me Board in presenting their
computers/gadgets. answers.
You make use of paint/watercolor Questions
and paint brush to draw your 1. Waste that can
digital art painting. easily be broken
down into smaller
parts by natural
2. Waste products
with poisonous
chemicals that were
flushed out by
factories and
industrial plants
3. Also known as
4. One of the most
common radioactive
E. ( Discussing new concepts & Listen to the song. Activity Proper: Activity Proper; The teacher will identify and Answering of test items
practicing new skills #2) “With a little help from my Pupils play the Sungka while the discuss the wastes that affect
friends” Pupils perform the given activity teacher observes and manage the family, school, and
with the guidance of the teacher the class community
F. Developing Mastery (Hands On)
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
G. ( Finding to Practical Application of Sing with the Music. Is digital art painting more Why should we preserve our 1. What are the waste
concepts and skills in daily living/ convenient for you? Why? traditional games like Sungka? products that can be found
Valuing) at home and in the
2. How will you dispose
these wastes properly
H. ( Making Generalization & What is the message of the What are the steps in making Sungka is a game played by two
Abstraction about the lessons) music? digital art painting? player by using a solid carved
wood with two rows of seven
circular hole and two large holes
at both ends called house (bahay)
Forty-nine small stones, marbles,
pebbles, seeds, or even shells can
be used in holes that are
alternately put except in the
house. The two players hold each
side of rows as their territory.
I. ( Evaluating Learning) Reflection of the music. Direction: List down the rules in playing Game: Pinoy Henyo Checking and recording of
Put a check (/) before each Sungka. 1. Divide the class into four test results
statement that describes your (4) teams.
attitudes and feelings during and 2. Each team will choose 2
after doing the artwork. representatives, one will be
___I can apply concepts on the use the “tagahula”, while the
of the software. other one will serve as the
(commands,menu,etc.) guide. He/she is only allowed
___2. I can utilize art skills using to say “oo, hindi, pwede”.
new technologies(hardware and 3. Each team will be given a
software) minute to guess the word
___3.I can create a digital painting assigned to them.
similar with the Masters’(e.g., Van 4. The teacher will record the
Gogh, Amorsolo, Tadao, etc.) time of each team.
___4.I can accept the remarks and 5. The team with the
suggestions of others shortest time in guessing the
___5.I can see me improving in word wins the game.
how I think and work in this Answers: (paper, bone,
activity. urine, cotton, glass)
J. ( Additional activities for application Finalize your work at home. Read List down the different kinds of
or remediation) more about digital art painting and wastes that affect our health and
memorize the commands, etc the community.
V. ( Remarks)

VI. ( Reflection)

A.( No. of learners who earned 80% in

the evaluation)
B.( No. of learners who requires
additional acts for remediation who
scored below 80%)
C.( Did the remedial instruction really
work? No of learners who caught up
with the lesson)
D.( No. of learners who continue to
require remediation)
E. (Which of the strategies work well?
Why did this work?
F. (What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/ supervisor can
help me solve?)
G. ( What innovations or localized
materials did I used/ discover which I
wish to share with other teacher?)

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