Dicc Ingles Hoja 10

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keep up with ... - inform yourself of the latest news

let off- not punish
T aluays buy tbis paper to
keep up uith the business neus T let you off tbis time but don't let it bappen again
key in -ype something into a computer let off (steam) - release tension, energy
She must bare made a mistake u'bile she uas keying in the data. told the children to un round the garden to let of stean.
kick off - start a game of football (n. kick-oft)
let on - tell someone a secret
Tbe referee bleu bis ubistle and tlbe centre foward kicked off. W's supposed to be a secret so don't let on.
kick up (a fuss) - cause a huss let out - allow to go outside
um will kick up a fiuss if
ererything isn 't neat and tidy Sam opened the door to let the cat out for the nigbt.
kneel down - go down on your knees let out (clothes) - make clothes larger
The policeman kneeled doun and looked through the keytbote When I put on weigbt. I bad to let all my clotbes out.
knock down hit and cause to fall to thhe ground

let o u t . . - emit (a loud noise)

Tbe cbild was knocked doun as sle was crossing tbe road.
Freddy let out a scream tuben be sau the snake.
knock down - demolish
lie ahead- be going to occur in the future
Tbey've knocked doun tlhe suimning pool and built a car park. Who knous wbatfurtberproblems lie abead?
knock down - reduce the price (adj. knockdown)
lie down- lie somewhere. usually to rest or sieep
Prices bave been knocked doæn by anotber ten per cent.
Ifeel tired so l'm going to lie doun for a bit
knock out hit and make unconscious (n. knockout)

lie with .. - be the responsibility of

He bit me so bard tbat be knocked me out.
Wbo is to blame?- Sturely thefault lies witb the government.
knock out- eliminate from a
competition (adj.
knockout) lift off (of a rocket) - leave the ground
Unfortunately w'e uere knocked out in the semi-final. The rocket lifted off and soon disappeared among the clouds
lapse into .- lose concentration and start behaving differently
Sbe suddenly lapsed into the local dialect.
light up-illuminate
The rockets exploded and lit up the sk
laugh at ...- make fun of. ridicule light up (of eyes) - become bright, excited
They all laugbed at bis ridiculous costune.
Her eyes lit up uhen she sau the diamond necklace
laugh off- pretend something is amusing and not important line up - stand in a line
Ivor tried to laugb off tbe incident but be was clearhy worried.
Could all tbe contestants line up in front of the judges?
lay down- establish (rules. regulations) live down- make people forget a mistake
You must follou the procedure I bare laid doun.
lt uas such a stupid thing to do. [l never live it doun.
lay down- place something somewhere live off ... - get the money needed to support yourself
Can you stop. please, and
lay down your pens. He's unemployed so be bas to live off the State
lay down (your life) - sacrifice your life live off ... - keep alive by eating
They laid doun their lives for tbeir country The survit'ors lired ojf fish and rainwater for two w'eeks.
lay off- dismiss from work (often temporarily) ive on ... - have (food or money) for survival
Times were bard and we bad to lay off serveral
lay on - organise
enmployees. Hou can I be expected to lire on sucb a lou salar?
ive on (of a reputation) - survive. continue
We bope to lay on sonne kind of entertainment for the troops. Her reputation lived on long after sbe bad
lay it on- exaggerate lef
live with...-accept something and continue your life
He really laid it on, with all that talk about bis ricb friends We all bave to live with the consequences of our actions
lay out -arrange (n. iayour) iven up- make more interesting and lively
Tbe garden bas been laid out io provide colour all year round Our bost suggested games to try and liven up the party.
lay out spend money (n. outlay) live up to be as good as expected

We've laid out a lot ofmoney to inprove the bouse Vanessa lived up to ber repiutation as a siuperb actress.
leak out (of a secret)-becorne known lock in prevent someone from
leaving by locking the door

When neus of the concert leaked out tbere was a rush for tickets. cant get out! They've locked me in!
leap at-accept quicky and enthusiastically lock out
-prevent someone from entering by locking the door
We leaped at the chance to make some extra
leave on - not switch off
mone When I got back to the flat. 1found I'd been locked out
lock up-put in a room and lock the door
Leave the TV on. I want to watchthbefilm. The sherijf locked up tbe prisoner and put a guard outside.
leave out- not include look after.. take care of, be responsible for
We bad to leave out our best player because of injury Tbis patient bas a
let down-disappoint, not keep a promise special nurse to look after ber at nigbt.
look around..
Don't worry. I'U cone. I von't let you dou'n. -walk around and look at (a building)
I looked around the
let down- lengthen (eg a skirt) building
to see uwbat needed
repairs doing
look at . - examine, check
Tbe skirt uas too sbort so she let it doun. Tl get mechanic to look at the engine.
let down- take the air out of (eg a tyre) look back- think about past events
Someone bad let down my Hre and I didn't bave a punp! When I look back, I still don't
let in allow in knou wbat I did urong.
look back on. think about things that happened in the past
They won't let j'ou in1 if j'ou're under eigbteen. Wben I look back on tbose days I realise bou lucky I was
let . into (a secret) - share a secret with someone
look down on .. consider inferior
Tl let you into a secret. It's my birtbday today:.
They looked doun on ber because of ber poor clothes
let. into -allow somecone to come into a place look for ..- try to find
Tbe porter let us into the botel. Excuse me. I'n looking for the police station.
let off- allow a passenger to leave a vehicle look forward to await with pleasure

Ask the drver to let yoLu off at the traffic ligbts Im looking forward to seeing nmyfriends again.


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