Dicc Ingles Hoja 10
Dicc Ingles Hoja 10
Dicc Ingles Hoja 10
We've laid out a lot ofmoney to inprove the bouse Vanessa lived up to ber repiutation as a siuperb actress.
leak out (of a secret)-becorne known lock in prevent someone from
leaving by locking the door
When neus of the concert leaked out tbere was a rush for tickets. cant get out! They've locked me in!
leap at-accept quicky and enthusiastically lock out
-prevent someone from entering by locking the door
We leaped at the chance to make some extra
leave on - not switch off
mone When I got back to the flat. 1found I'd been locked out
lock up-put in a room and lock the door
Leave the TV on. I want to watchthbefilm. The sherijf locked up tbe prisoner and put a guard outside.
leave out- not include look after.. take care of, be responsible for
We bad to leave out our best player because of injury Tbis patient bas a
let down-disappoint, not keep a promise special nurse to look after ber at nigbt.
look around..
Don't worry. I'U cone. I von't let you dou'n. -walk around and look at (a building)
I looked around the
let down- lengthen (eg a skirt) building
to see uwbat needed
repairs doing
look at . - examine, check
Tbe skirt uas too sbort so she let it doun. Tl get mechanic to look at the engine.
let down- take the air out of (eg a tyre) look back- think about past events
Someone bad let down my Hre and I didn't bave a punp! When I look back, I still don't
let in allow in knou wbat I did urong.
look back on. think about things that happened in the past
They won't let j'ou in1 if j'ou're under eigbteen. Wben I look back on tbose days I realise bou lucky I was
let . into (a secret) - share a secret with someone
look down on .. consider inferior
Tl let you into a secret. It's my birtbday today:.
They looked doun on ber because of ber poor clothes
let. into -allow somecone to come into a place look for ..- try to find
Tbe porter let us into the botel. Excuse me. I'n looking for the police station.
let off- allow a passenger to leave a vehicle look forward to await with pleasure
Ask the drver to let yoLu off at the traffic ligbts Im looking forward to seeing nmyfriends again.