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I. Read The Following Sentences and Choose The Correct Part of Speech

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Mukhammad RIzky R

NIT 30721014

I. Read the Following Sentences and Choose the Correct Part of Speech

9. the 1st setence and

1. (Noun) is a boss in the company. 9. (Conjunction) I can 2nd setence are

1. Andrew
a. She c. From contradiction, so the
Drive, I often ask my father to drive best conj is altough
(n) as b. Andrew d. He me to the city. (meskipun)
a. Because c. Whereas
2. Because I know that he like traveling. b. But d. Altough
2. we need pronoun I asked (Pronoun) to come
as object, so we use along. a. him c. he
him 10. (Interjection) I shall go
b. Revan d. her there soon!
a. Hello! c. Bravo!
3. Both Chris and Jhon refused to b. Well! d. Wow!
sign the petition. Nobody could
force 3. because chris and
10. when he just saw something, he
suddenly expressed his admiration
(Pronoun) to do it. john are plural, so we (wow) and wanted to go there soon
use them (object) as
a. they c. him pronoun
b. them d. his
4. if in indonesian:
4. Celine has a (Adjective) voice. celine memiliki suara
a. thin c. soft yang lembut (soft)

b. heavy d. warm

5. My uncle just (Verb) 5. if in indonesian:

from Turkey. pamanku baru saja
datang (arrive) dari
a. stay c. visit turki
b. go d. arrive

6. Robby entered the classroom

6. because he was late to class so
(Adverb) because he was late. he entered the classroom quietly
a. easily c. quietly (dengan pelan agar dosennya tidak
b. tomorrow d. extremely
7. if in indonesian:
7. I answer Danny’s question aku menjawab
(Adverb) pertanyaan danny
dengan mudah
a. easy c. hard (easily)
b. easily d. hardly

8. They enjoyed the party 8. at use to prep of place

(preposition) my friend’s house

a. at c. for
b. to d. about
II. Read the Following Sentences and Choose the Correct Answer of Basic Structure

11. after S (eiffel

tower) should 11. The Eiffel tower Paris, France. 21. She not work because she has the
followed by verb
(is) then a. landmarks flu. 21. (simple
followed by
object and prep
b. is a landmarked in a. is c. do
present) he/she/it
+ does not + v1
of place with c. is a landmark in b. does d. be
conjunction "in"
d. is in a landmark
12. after S
22. Alina song every night. 22. he/she/it + V e/es
(young deer) 12. Young deer a. sings c. is (simple present)
should a. are called fawns b. sing d. does
followed by
verb "is" b. be
singular) then fawns c. is 23. Gina cooks fried rice. It amazing.
followed by fawns a. does c. are
23. he/she/it
+ is + adj
object "fawns"
d. are fawns called b. do d. is
13. the S (dream
abt falling) is
24. time signal
singular, so it 13. A dream about falling 24. My brother rides a bike to school for simple
should followed
by "is" a. scary is c. is scary a. everyday c. next week present (my
brother rides) is
b. are scary d. very scary is b. last day d. next time everyday which
14. the S (those indicate a habit
flowers) is
plural, so it 14. Those flowers beautiful. 25. A: Hello, my name is Alice Wong
should followed
by " are" a. is c. are B: Hi. I’m Susan Crane. 25. CRANE is
her last name,
b. am d. was A: Sorry, how is question
tag to asking
15. it's
happened on
B: It’s C-R-A-N-E someone
july 14th 19 so 15. I this blog on july 14 th 2009. a. How do you spell your last name?
we use simple
past tense
a. launch c. launched b. What’s your last name?
(V2) b. launching d. will launching c. How do you spell your first name?
16. he/she/it
d. What’s your spelling?
+ V e/es 16. She her breakfast.
a. finish c. eat 26. your brother and sister
b. eats d. bring four languages? 26.
17. he/she/it + a. Did-speak c. Do-speaks V1+obj
V e/es (simple
17. He the bicycle. b. Does-speak d. Do-speak
a. rides c. drive
b. ride d. drives 27. Most of us 24 SKS this semester. 27. present
cont. (plural
18. he/she/it a. to take c. are taking obj+are+Ving
+ V e/es
18. The shop book that I want to read. b. are be taking d. be taking +obj)
present) a. give c. sell
b. sold d. sells 28. Mega can’t come to the conference
19. he/she/it
right now because she her
+ V e/es 19. The police the thief out of shop little baby.
a. caught c. bring a. taking care of 28. present cont.
b. catch d. brings b. is taking care of (he/she/it+is+Ving
c. is take cares of
20. The girl me the DVD that I d. be taking care of
20. the girl give
dvd to me in past want to watch.
a. ask c. give
b. asked d. gave
29. Father a car but he it
29. time signal:
very often. 37. We like to visit that new store 37. will in this
very often (simple a. does not have some day.
case indicate
that plan to visit
he/she/it+does b. has-does not drive a. shall c. can new store some
not+V1 c. had-does not drive b. will d. should
d. has-is not driving
30. time 38. Rini is old enough. She know 38. must in this
case indicate
signal:for three
hours (present
30. The baby for three hours. better than the others about it. logical
perfect). a. has sleeping c. has sleep a. will c. must
conclusion from
1st setence
+V3) b. has sleept d. has been slept b. could d. may be

31. Someone the door now. 39. You permit to your mother if 39. must in this
case indicate
31. time
signal:now We are not in the living room. you go to school. strong obligation
(present cont.) to permit mother
a. are knocking c. is knocking a. must c. musn’t before go to
Ving+obj) b. knock d. knocked b. may d. would school

32. time signal: 32. you and Ahmed at the 40. He speak English well if he 40. could in this
last night
(simple past), so library last night? take English Course.
case indicate
ability in past
we use " were".
did is used when
a. were c. are a. Will c. could time (speak
english) if he take
it meet verb b. did d. do b. Can d. may english course
(conditional type
33. X: Where did you buy your new book III. Complete the following sentences
33. time signal: last night? using can/may/must/should.
last night
(simple past).
Y: Sometimes you need the negatives.
S+V2 a. I sold it in Gramedia
(bought, 'cause
b. I borrowed it from my can
the question is
41. My father is very smart. He
friend c. I bought it in Fajar speak five languages. 41. ability
Agung 42. Look! The girls is falling into the river.
d. I tok it in Ramayana We must rescue her now. 42. strong obligation
34. time signal:
yet, now 43. Tom gets failed in his exams. I think he
34. Carmen and I the lunch yet. should 43. suggestion
I/you/we/they+ So, we are very hungry now. study harder.
have not+V3
a. haven’t eat c. have eaten 44. There
may is nobody in the room now.44.They certainty (more than

b. havent eating d. haven’t eaten go out to buy something 50%)

45. Ifcan
you don’t bring your dictionary, 45. suggestionyou
35. time 35. X: Why didn’t you answer my phone borrow
mustn't mine now.
signal: last
night (simple last night ? 46. You touch the wall. My father
46. obligation
past). S+V2 Y: Sorry, I out to meet my has just painted
should it.
lecturer, and I left my mobile phone at 47. You care about her since she
47. suggestion
home. loves you very much.
a. go c. went 48. John
may is absent from school
48. certainty (>50%) today. He

b. am going d. have gone be sick. should

49. The bus 1 has 49.just left.
suggestion We wait
36. Your glass is empty. I get you another later. can't
36. should in this some more fresh water? 50. Sorry, I am50.very
ability busy now. I
case indicate that
make suggestion to a. shall c. can help you.
get him/her some
more fresh water
b. will d. should

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