Chemical Storage Gui Deline: Main Purpose of Comp Atible Storage Group

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Main Purpose of Compatible Storage Group

Protect exposure to
Protect flammables, Avoid accidental
poisons / cause
explosion & ignition mixing
adverse health effect

G I: Flammable Liquids

G II: Poisons volatile

G III: Acids Oxidizing

Nine Groups Storage

G IV: Acids Organic and


G V: Bases Liquid

G VI: Oxidizer Liquid

G VII: Poisons Non-volatile

G VIII: Reactives Metal

Hydrides and Pyrophorics

G IX: Dry Solids

1 Returned to location after each use

2 Do not placed on bench tops
3 Not in the fume hood
Of Safe
Chemical 4 Not arrange in alphabetical order
5 Away from sun and heat
6 Not store under the sink
7 Label chemicals properly
8 Carcinogens must be labeled
9 Storage of liquid chemicals is more hazardous than
storage of solids
How To Store Chemicals
Group Definition Primary Recommended Example
Storage Facilities
G I: Flammable Liquids To protect from • 1. Flammable All alcohols, acetone, acetonitrile, benzene,
 Includes liquids with flashpoints < ignition Cabinet (G I) ether, ethyl acetate, hexane, methyl
21 C 2. Refrigerator: butane, propanol, all silanes, toluene.
for containers
less than 1 liter.

G II: Volatile Poisons To prevent 1. Flammable cabinet (G Chloroform, dimethyl sulfate,

 Includes poisons toxics and inhalation II -Toxic) formaldehyde, methylene chloride, phenol.
suspected carcinogens with strong exposures. 2. Refrigerator: for
odor or evaporation rate. containers less than 1

G III: Oxidizing Acids Preventing Chemical Safety Storage Nitric, sulfuric, perchloric, phosphoric acids,
 All oxidizing acids are highly reaction with Cabinet (Each oxidizing and chromic acids.
reactive with most substances and each others and acid must be double
each other. corrosive action contained/secondary
on surfaces. box)

G IV: Organic and Mineral Acids. To prevent Chemical Safety Storage Acetic, butyric, formic, glacial acetic,
reaction with cabinet hydrochloric, isobutyric, trifluoroacetic
bases and acids.
oxidizing acids
and corrosive
action on

G V: Liquid Bases Preventing Chemical storage cabinet Sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide,
contact and (bases) calcium hydroxide, glutaraldehyde.
reaction with

G VI: Oxidizer – Liquid To isolate from 1. Chemical storage Ammonium persulfate, hydrogen peroxide
 Oxidizing liquids react with other materials. cabinet / Flammable (if greater than or equal to 30%)
everything causing cabinet (Oxi)
explosions/corrosion of surfaces. 2. Smaller quantities
must be in secondart
container if kept near
other chemicals

G VII: Poisons Non-Volatile To prevent 1. Toxic Steel Cabinet, Acrylamide solutions;

 Includes highly toxic (LD50 oral rat contact and Chemical Storage diethylpyrocarbonate; diisopropyl
< 50 mg/kg) and toxic chemicals reaction with Cabinet (i.e., must be fluorophosphate; uncured epoxy resins;
(LD50 oral rat < 500 mg/kg), known other substances. enclosed) ethidium bromide; triethanolamine
carcinogens, suspected 2. Do not store on
carcinogens and mutagens open shelves in the lab
or cold room

G VIII: Reactives Metal Hydrides and To prevent 1. Water proof double Sodium borohydride, calcium hydride,
Pyrophorics contact and containment according lithium aluminum hydride
 Most metal hydrides react reaction with to label instructions.
violently with water, some ignite liquids and, in 2. Isolation from other
spontaneously in air (pyrophoric). some cases, air. storage groups.
3. Under paraffin oil

G IX: Dry Solids To prevent Open shelves are Benzidine, cyanogen bromide,
 Includes all powders, hazardous contact and acceptable ethylmaleimide, oxalic acid, potassium
and non hazardous. potential reaction cyanide, sodium cyanide
with liquids.

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