White Paper A Hybrid Fault Tolerant Architecture: RTP Corporation

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White Paper

A Hybrid Fault Tolerant Architecture

New Levels of Performance, Availability and Safety Integrity

RTP 3000 System

RTP Corporation
Pompano Beach, FL

Contract No.: Q06/10-16

Report No.: RTP 06/10-16 R002
Version V1, Revision R2, August 27, 2008
William Goble - John C. Grebe

The document was prepared using best effort. The authors make no warranty of any kind and shall not be liable in
any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the application of the document.
© All rights reserved.
Management summary
The RTP 3000 SIS System has a hybrid architecture that uses a set of advanced design
techniques to provide SIL 3 safety integrity and high availability. Safety integrity and high
availability are achieved on a system that also provides an unusual level of architecture
flexibility and computing speed (5 msec. scan rates). This combination of safety integrity, high
availability, flexibility and performance sets new levels of expectation among safety PLC users.
Architectures available include:
Input Module: Single 1oo1, Dual 1oo2, Triple 2oo3
CPU Module: Single 1oo1, Dual 1oo2, Triple 2oo3
Output Module: Single 1oo1D, Dual 2oo2D
Each subsystem and each I/O module can have a different architecture depending on the
criticality of application functions using those modules. In this way a cost optimized system
based on application risk can be designed.
Input modules with a single (1oo1) architecture provide cost effective inputs with a safety
integrity rating of SIL 2. The dual architecture (1oo2) will provide high safety integrity to a rating
of SIL 3. The triple architecture (2oo3) is used to provide higher availability of the input
subsystem. Diagnostics are primarily provided via comparison in the Node Processor.
Node Processor modules can be configured with single, dual and triple architectures. The single
(1oo1) architecture is the base configuration. A dual architecture (1oo2) is used to achieve high
safety integrity. A triple architecture (2oo3) is used to achieve both safety integrity and high
availability. Comparison diagnostics between the Node Processors provide high effectiveness
fault detection even with transient bit errors and soft failures in small geometry integrated
circuits. The approach of using detail comparison instead of extensive self-diagnostics also
frees computing power to ensure higher application function performance.
Output modules with a single (1oo1D) architecture will provide high safety integrity to a rating of
SIL 3 with no redundancy. The dual (2oo2D) architecture is used to provide higher availability
for each output subsystem. Single channel safety integrity is achieved through automatic
diagnostics which will initiate an output shutdown if potentially dangerous failures are detected.
The diagnostics are run locally in the output module, in the chassis (I/O) processor and in some
cases in the node processor.
A Markov model was developed to analyze the behavior of the RTP 3000 SIS system under
fault conditions for two common configurations:
1. Maximum Safety (1oo2, 1oo1D)
2. Maximum Availability and Safety (2oo3, 2oo2D)
Using the Markov models and the failure rates from the FMEDA, example average Probability of
Failure on Demand (PFDAVG) and Mean Time To Fail Spurious (MTTFS) values are calculated.
The results confirm the level of high safety integrity and high availability achieved by the design.

© exida Consulting L.L.C. rtp 06/01-19 r001, 8/27/2008

William Goble - John C. Grebe - Iwan van Beurden Page 2 of 26
Table of Contents
Management summary....................................................................................................2
1 Purpose and Scope ...................................................................................................4
2 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................5
2.1 Relay Based Redundant Systems ..................................................................................5
2.2 Redundant PLC Based Systems ....................................................................................5
2.3 Automatic Self-Diagnostics .............................................................................................6
2.4 Common Cause ..............................................................................................................7
3 RTP 3000 System......................................................................................................8
3.1 Configuration 1................................................................................................................8
3.2 Configuration 2................................................................................................................9
3.3 Physical Implementation .................................................................................................9
4 Markov Analysis....................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Failure rates ..................................................................................................................10
4.2 Assumptions .................................................................................................................12
4.3 RTP 3000 SIS Configuration 1 – Safety Integrity..........................................................13
4.4 RTP 3000 SIS Configuration 2 – High Availability and Safety Integrity ........................16
5 Discussion of the Markov modeling results.............................................................. 21
6 Summary ................................................................................................................. 22
7 Terms and Definitions .............................................................................................. 23
8 Project management................................................................................................ 24
8.1 exida.............................................................................................................................24
8.2 Roles of the parties involved.........................................................................................24
8.3 Standards / Literature used...........................................................................................24
8.4 Reference documents...................................................................................................25
8.4.1 Documentation generated by exida and RTP ....................................................25
9 Status of the document ............................................................................................ 26
9.1 Liability ..........................................................................................................................26
9.2 Releases .......................................................................................................................26
9.3 Future Enhancements...................................................................................................26
9.4 Release Signatures.......................................................................................................26

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1 Purpose and Scope
This report is prepared to explain the background, concepts and implementation of the RTP
3000 SIS System architecture. The redundancy options and the reasoning for using each option
are reviewed. A detailed Markov model was developed to analyze the behavior of the RTP
3000 SIS system. This model is presented and sample results are calculated using failure rates
obtained from a Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA).

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One important goal of any automation system design is to provide correct operation at all times.
The system should be 100% available (availability) and without error (safety integrity). Many
design techniques have been used in the attempt to meet that goal. One fundamental concept
in virtually all designs is the use of extra components to provide functional redundancy. This
design technique has been used with more or less success for many decades. The key
question is “How does one get the redundant operational component to transparently replace
the faulty component?”

2.1 Relay Based Redundant Systems

Early relay logic systems incorporated redundant relays that would continue to operate
transparently for some failures. Four architectures became well known starting in the 1930’s.
These are shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Relay Logic Architectures

Name Redundancy Failure Mode Tolerance:

De-energize to trip
1oo1 None-single None
1oo2 Dual Contact Short Circuit
2oo2 Dual Contact Open Circuit
2oo3 Triple Short and Open Circuit

For example, the 1oo2 architecture would use two relay contacts wired in series. If one contact
failed short circuit, the other contact would still open the circuit. Only if both contacts failed short
circuit did the assembly fail short circuit. The disadvantage of this circuit is that the open circuit
failure rate doubled since the circuit would fail open circuit if either contact failed open circuit. It
can be seen that the only architecture that could tolerate both short circuit and open circuit
failures is the 2oo3. A full description of all architectures is available in [N3, Chapter 14].
One issue with these designs was that any failure tolerated by the design would become
hidden. Normal operation would continue even though individual relays had failed. When this
happened, the fault tolerance was lost but the failure was typically not known to the operator or
responsible maintenance personnel. A second failure would fail the system. Thus, the systems
required frequent manual inspection and testing to prove that all the relays still worked
completely. The operational cost of manual proof testing was high and this activity often was not
performed. Without the frequent manual proof testing, the advantage of the redundancy was

2.2 Redundant PLC Based Systems

When programmable logic controllers (PLC) were created in the 1970’s to replace relay logic
new concepts were possible. Automatic self-diagnostics were now possible. A simple “watchdog
timer” circuit could detect between 60% and 75% of the CPU failures and became a standard
part of each design. Other diagnostics were added subject to the limitations of the computing
speed. Extensive diagnostics were not possible without using up all the CPU time.

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With electronic input/output circuits and switching speeds faster than relays, it was possible and
deemed practical to switch from one set of electronics to a backup set. Several manufacturers
provided a level of fault tolerance via this “hot-standby” approach. The concept is shown in
Figure 1.

Diagnostic Output

B Switch

Diagnostic Output

Figure 1: Hot-Standby Architecture

The system would switch from A to B depending on diagnostic signals from the two CPU units
(typically from the watchdog timer circuits). The switch would select whichever unit indicated it
was good. This design could indeed provide good fault tolerance but depended on the
automatic diagnostics. If the diagnostics did not detect a failure, the switch would not select the
good unit. Reliability models show that if the diagnostics do not have an effectiveness in the
90% range, the overall availability of this design will not be better than a single unit [N3, Chapter

2.3 Automatic Self-Diagnostics

Diagnostic techniques were developed and improved through the succeeding generations of
programmable logic controllers. Automatic self-diagnostics in single units compared measured
signals to known references. When the signal varied by more then the allowed amount a fault
was declared. FMEDA techniques were developed to measure the diagnostic effectiveness [N6,
N7]. FMEDA analysis would show that new techniques were quite effective. However, these
advanced self-diagnostic techniques consumed large amounts of computing time. Safety PLC
designs were plagued with long program scan times (seconds) and some units even allowed
the diagnostic time to be configurable to allow the end user to make the tradeoff between
diagnostic timing and program scan time.
In systems with more than one CPU, comparison diagnostics could be done. Comparisons
could be made between input scans, intermediate calculations and output results. Comparison
diagnostics could also consume processing time but were generally more effective with less
overall computing time than reference diagnostics. Therefore comparison diagnostics are used
for the CPU in most safety PLC designs through today.
Fully triplicate designs with comparison diagnostics became the choice of many systems
designed in the 1970’s through the 1990’s. In order to take full advantage of the comparisons,
input and output circuitry was triplicated as well. These designs could be economically done by
putting the triplicate circuitry on the same circuit board or even in the same integrated circuit.

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2.4 Common Cause
Research published in the 1990’s [N8] has shown that redundant systems can fail at the same
time due to a common stress. This is known as a “common cause” failure. The impact of
common cause on a redundant architecture is very significant and can ruin the safety integrity
and availability of a design [N9]. The primary defense against common cause failure
mechanisms is the use of diverse design redundant components or physical separation of
redundant components [N10, N11]. Designers of recent systems have learned never to put
redundant circuitry into a common integrated circuit and preferably never put redundant circuitry
on the same circuit board.

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3 RTP 3000 System
The RTP 3000 System consists of Chassis assemblies, power supplies, Node Processors,
Chassis Processors, Ethernet based communications and I/O modules of various types.
The 3000 System offers great flexibility in architecture with many variations possible. Two
specific configurations show the primary attributes of the design:
• Configuration 1 is will achieve maximum safety integrity with SIL 3 capability using the
minimum amount of hardware.
• Configuration 2 will achieve maximum availability and safety integrity with SIL 3
Configuration 1 is a hybrid architecture logically viewed as a combination 1oo2 and 1oo1D as
shown in Figure 2. This architecture shows high safety integrity with a minimum number of

Analog Input Module Node Processor

Chassis Processor Supervised Digital Output

Analog Input Module Node Processor

1oo2 1oo2 1oo1D 1oo1D

Figure 2: Logical Architecture of Configuration 1

Configuration 2 is a hybrid architecture logically viewed as a combination 2oo3 and 2oo2D as

shown in Figure 3. This architecture shows high availability and high safety integrity.

Analog Input Module Node Processor

Chassis Processor Supervised Digital Output

Analog Input Module Node Processor

Chassis Processor Supervised Digital Output

Analog Input Module Node Processor

2oo3 2oo3 2oo2D 2oo2D

Figure 3: Logical Architecture of Configuration 2

3.1 Configuration 1
Configuration 1 shows some of the basic design concepts used to achieve safety integrity in the
RTP 3000. Input modules and the Node Processor are duplicated with diagnostic capability
provided by comparison diagnostics. Comparisons are made of the input scans, intermediate
results and calculated results. This comparison will detect an estimated 99% of failures that may
be potentially dangerous. Additional self-diagnostics are performed by the Chassis Processor
on the Node Processor, itself and the Output modules. Overall the combination of comparison
diagnostics and automatic self-diagnostics provides an extremely high level of diagnostic
effectiveness (99+%).

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Without redundancy, the Chassis Processor and the Output modules form a 1oo1D
architecture. This architecture is highly dependent on effective diagnostics to achieve safety
integrity and the RTP 3000 provides this level via many methods including automatic dynamic
pulse injection with full output read-back, redundant output switching, multiple independent
watchdog timers and specific message comparison done with application specific integrated
circuits (ASIC). Specific diagnostics are included that will detect failures in the diagnostic
Common cause defense is provided to the maximum practical level via physical separation.
Redundant circuitry is provided on separate modules, even for the Node Processor. No
redundant circuits are implemented in a single integrated circuit, even functional and diagnostic
circuits are placed in separate integrated circuits.

3.2 Configuration 2
Configuration 2 (Figure 3) shows how additional redundancy is added to achieve both high
safety integrity and high availability. A third input module and a third Node Processor may be
added to achieve a 2oo3 architecture. Diagnostics are again provided by comparison
diagnostics of the input scans, intermediate results and calculated results. Common cause
defense is provided by separate modules.
For the Chassis Processor and the Output modules, a 2oo2D architecture is used. This
provides maximum availability but the architecture is again highly dependent on exceptional
diagnostic coverage. The FMEDA on this design has verified this has been achieved.

3.3 Physical Implementation

A physical drawing of the 3000 system is shown in Figure 4. Since the communications
networks provide fully redundant physical connections, high communications availability is
achieved. Communications protocol errors are included in the PFDavg model based on a bit
error rate of 0.01. Common cause communication system failures are also modeled but the
impact is primarily on availability not safety integrity.
It can be seen that the redundant modules can be physically located apart. The end user may
choose to even mount the Node Processors in different chassis.

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Figure 4: 3000 System Physical Implementation

4 Markov Analysis
A detailed Markov analysis has been done on the RTP3000 system based on analysis done for
the 2500 system [R2] to quantitatively show the result of the architectural design decisions. A
single safety instrumented function (SIF) is modeled with three analog input signals and two
digital output signals. This I/O count being typical of a simple SIL 3 SIF using three transmitters
and two final elements.

4.1 Failure rates

The failure rate data used by exida in this analysis is from the Failure Modes, Effects and
Diagnostic Analysis (FMEDA) performed for the 2500 System by RTP and reviewed by exida
In order to more accurately model the product behavior including the spurious trip rate, the
FMEDA analysis of the SIS product includes additional differentiated failure modes beyond the
safe and dangerous modes used in traditional published models. This includes failures of the
diagnostics. It has been shown that for very high levels of safety integrity the diagnostics must
continue to operate. The RTP 3000 includes automatic diagnostics to detect failures in the
diagnostic circuitry. The following definitions for the failure modes of the product were
developed for the FMEDA analysis.
Fail-Safe State: State where module / unit output is de-energized.
Fail Safe Detected (SD) Failure that causes the module / unit to go to the defined fail-
safe state without a demand from the process and that is detected
by the system and annunciated to initiate repair.

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Fail Safe Undetected (SU) Failure that causes the module / unit to go to the defined fail-
safe state without a demand from the process and that is
undetected by the system (detection by operator because of
spurious trip, depending on system architecture, is not considered)
Fail Dangerous: Failure that prevent the module / unit from responding to a demand.
Fail Dangerous Detected (DD) Failure that is dangerous but is detected by internal
diagnostics and annunciated to initiate repair (System reaction is
user configurable to automatically transition to safe state if
Fail Dangerous Undetected (DU) Failure that is dangerous and that is not being diagnosed by
internal diagnostics.
Annunciation Failure: Failure that does not impact the ability to respond to a demand but
represent a degraded condition within one unit such that automatic diagnostics do not operate.
Annunciation Detected (AD) Failure that does not directly impact safety but does impact
the ability to detect a future fault (such as a fault in a diagnostic
circuit) and that is detected by internal diagnostics.
Annunciation Undetected (AU) Failure that does not directly impact safety but does impact
the ability to detect a future fault (such as a fault in a diagnostic
circuit) and that is covert.
Fail No Effect Failure of a component that is part of the safety function but that
has no effect on the safety function.

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4.2 Assumptions
The following assumptions have been made during the Markov Model Analysis of the RTP 3000
• Constant failure rates and repair rates are assumed
• Only a single Safe or Dangerous failure plus one Annunciation failure is significant within
one unit
• After an Annunciation failure the associated diagnostic can be assumed to have failed
• Models are based on de-energize to trip systems, safe system failures would cause the
outputs to de-energize
• Diagnostic test time (seconds) is much shorter than the average repair time (hours)
• All components that are not part of the safety function and cannot influence the safety
function (feedback immune) are excluded.
• Maintenance policies permit quick repair of systems that have dangerous detected failures
without shutting down the process
• The models assume that common cause failures will be the same in both redundant units
• The models assume that the end user will configure their logic such that a shutdown will not
occur on detected failures of the Analog Input subsystem and the Node Processor
subsystem. Detected failures in the Chassis Processor and the Outputs automatically result
in a shutdown by the embedded software.
• For the modeling it was assumed that the simplex configuration uses a single power supply
and the redundant configuration uses redundant power supplies.
At the system level the average time to repair faults may vary according to the type of failure.
The repair rate is represented by the Greek letter μ and is equal to the reciprocal of the average
repair time. The following types of repair rates are assumed for the model and its evaluation:
• Online repair rate, μON– repair rate of detected faults which do not result in trip to safe state
• Shutdown repair and restart rate, μS – repair rate when process must be restarted after
shutdown has occurred which includes repair time

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4.3 RTP 3000 SIS Configuration 1 – Safety Integrity
Configuration 1 of the 3000 SIS system is modeled with three independent Markov models.
This modeling technique can be used because the interconnection between logical sections is
complete. Both Analog Input Modules are read by both Node Processors. The Chassis
Processor receives messages from both Node Processors. Thus the Analog Input subsystem
can be modeled as a modified 1oo2 architecture. The Node Processors can also be modeled
as a modified 1oo2 architecture. The Chassis Processor and Supervised Digital Output Module
combination is modeled as a 1oo1D architecture. The 1oo1D architecture is valid because the
Supervised Digital Output module has independent output switching that will automatically de-
energize when controlled by the diagnostic signal. The communication failures, power supply
failures and backplane failures are included in the 1oo1D model. All three Markov models are
solved by discrete time matrix multiplication. This eliminates approximations. Overall safety
integrity and false trip metrics are obtained by combining the three Markov model results as a
function of time. PFDavg is obtained by numerical averaging of the PFD state totals.
The complete Markov model for the RTP 3000 1oo2 architecture is shown in Figure 5.


2ADN 1 Detected SD+DD+AD 9
1 OK
1 OK AU SDN+DDN 1 Detected DD+DU
3 1 AU

2AUN 1 AU 1 AU 10
1 OK μON
OK 4
1 Detected
2 Detected
2 AU

Figure 5: 3000 System 1oo2 Markov model

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The model has twelve states and shows full detail. The state descriptions are as follows:

State Module Conditions System

Number Condition
1 Both modules operating without failure Success
2 One module has a detected failure. The failure is detected and may be Success
repaired on-line. The other module is operating successfully.
3 One module has a dangerous detected failure. The second module is Success
operating correctly.
4 One module has failed such that the automatic diagnostics are not Success
dependable. The second module is working successfully.
5 Both modules have failed such that the automatic diagnostics are not Success
6 One module has failed in a detected manner, the second module has Success
failed such that the automatic diagnostics are not dependable.
7 One module has a dangerous undetected failure, the second module Success
has failed such that the automatic diagnostics are not dependable.
8 One module has a detected failure, the second module has a Success
dangerous undetected failure.
9 The system has failed such that it will de-energize outputs and cause Fail-Safe
a false trip.
10 One module has a dangerous detected failure, the second module Fail-Danger
has a dangerous undetected failure.
11 The system has two detected failures but will not respond to a Fail-Danger
12 The system has multiple dangerous undetected failures and will not Fail-Danger
respond to a demand.

A normal 1oo2 Markov model only has six states. This model is significantly more complicated
as it accounts for diagnostic annunciation failures (AD, AU). The model also shows the affect of
the assumption that the end user does not automatically shutdown on detected failures as
stated in the assumptions.
The model solution shows clearly that states 5, 6, 7 and 10 have state probabilities several
orders of magnitude lower than other states. Therefore these states could be pruned without
any noticeable impact on the result. For the remainder of the Markov models developed, such
tertiary failure states will not be developed.

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The Markov Model for the 1oo1D portion of configuration 1 is shown in Figure 6.

AU 3



Figure 6 Markov Model 1oo1D subsystems

From state 1, single failures are shown as transitions to other states. The system is successful
in this state and will respond to a demand. In state 2 an assumption is made that no self
diagnostic can be assumed to work. The system is still successful in state 2 and will respond to
a demand. The Fail Safe State is state 3 and transition probabilities to this state will be
considered for spurious trip calculations. The Fail Dangerous State is state 4. The probability of
being in this state will be considered in the PFDAVG calculation.

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4.4 RTP 3000 SIS Configuration 2 – High Availability and Safety Integrity
Configuration 2 of the 3000 system is optimized to achieve high availability (low false trip rate)
as well as high safety integrity. Configuration 2 of the 3000 SIS system is modeled with three
independent Markov models. This modeling technique can be used because the interconnection
between logical sections is complete. All three Analog Input Modules are read by all Node
Processors. The Chassis Processors receive messages from all Node Processors. Thus the
Analog Input subsystem can be modeled as a modified 2oo3 architecture. The Node
Processors can also be modeled as a modified 2oo3 architecture. The Chassis Processor and
Supervised Digital Output Module combination is modeled as a 2oo2D architecture. The 2oo2D
architecture is valid because the Supervised Digital Output module has independent output
switching that will automatically de-energize when controlled by the diagnostic signal. The
communication failures, power supply failures and backplane failures are included in the 2oo2D
model. All three Markov models are solved by discrete time matrix multiplication. This
eliminates approximations. Overall safety integrity and false trip metrics are obtained by
combining the three Markov model results as a function of operating time interval. The PFDavg
was obtained by numerical averaging of the time dependent result. This eliminates any errors
due to “averaging before logic.”
The Markov model for the 2oo3 subsystem of Configuration 2 is shown in Figure 7.

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3ADN 1 Detected 12
2 Detected DU

1 Detected DU SD+SU
3 μON SU
1 Detected
OK 4
μON 8

10 DUC

1.5 DUC AU
11 DUC

Figure 7: Markov model for the 2oo3 subsystem of Configuration 2

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The states are defined as follows:

State Module Conditions System

Number Condition
1 All modules operating without failure Success
2 One module has a detected failure. The failure is detected and may be Success
repaired on-line. Other modules are operating successfully.
3 One module has a safe undetected failure. Other modules are operating Success
4 One module has a dangerous undetected failure. Other modules are Success
operating successfully.
5 One module has a annunciation undetected failure. Other modules are Success
operating successfully.
6 Two modules have a detected failure. The failures may be repaired on-line. Success
Other modules are operating successfully.
7 One module has a detected failure. A second module has a safe undetected Success
failure. The last module is operating successfully.
8 One module has a detected failure. A second module has a dangerous Success
undetected failure. The last module is operating successfully.
9 One module has a safe undetected failure. A second module has a Success
dangerous undetected failure. The last module is operating successfully.
10 One module has a safe undetected failure. A second module has a Success
annunciation undetected failure. The last module is operating successfully.
11 One module has a dangerous undetected failure. A second module has a Success
annunciation undetected failure. The last module is operating successfully.
12 The system has failed such that it will de-energize outputs and cause a false Fail-Safe
13 The system has two or more dangerous undetected failures and will not Fail-Danger
respond to a process demand.

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The Markov model for the 2oo2D subsystem of Configuration 2 is shown in Figure 8.


1 Detected
μON 2



Figure 8: Markov model of the 2oo2D subsystem of Configuration 2

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State Module Conditions System
Number Condition
1 Both modules operating without failure Success
2 One module has a detected failure. The failure is detected and may be Success
repaired on-line. The other module is operating successfully.
3 One module has a safe undetected failure. The other module is operating Success
4 One module has a failure of the automatic diagnostics that is undetected. Success
The other module is operating successfully.
5 One module has a detected failure. The second module has a failure in the Success
automatic diagnostics.
6 One module has a safe undetected failure. The second module has a failure Success
in the automatic diagnostics.
7 The system has failed with outputs de-energized. A false trip has occurred. Fail-Safe
8 The subsystem has failed dangerously. One module has a detected failure Fail-Danger
but when this is repaired the subsystem still has one dangerous undetected
9 The subsystem has failed dangerously. One or more modules have Fail-Danger
dangerous undetected failures.

Traditional models for a 2oo2D system contain only six of these states. This model is more
complex as it models the impact of diagnostic subsystem failures. As with the 1oo1D model
diagnostic subsystems were classified into two groups, those that automatically initiate a trip
and those that do not. Similar to the 1oo1D model, the worse case assumption is made that no
diagnostic can be assumed to work once there has been a single Annunciation failure.

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5 Discussion of the Markov modeling results
The calculations of the Markov models have been implemented in MS Excel and the exida
exSILentia software.
The failure rates used in the calculations are from [R1]. The following additional input data was
• Average online repair time is 8 hours
• Average start-up time is 24 hours
• Beta factor is 2%
• Beta D factor is 1% (used on the 1oo1D and 2oo2D models as the modules have
automatic shutdown)
Calculations were performed for low demand mode of operation:
Typically, a system is regarded to be operating in the high demand mode when the demand
rate is higher than twice the proof test frequency (see IEC 61511).
Table 2 shows the results of the calculation for the two configurations.

Table 2 Average Probability of Failure on Demand 3000 System

Mission/operating Maximum Safety Maximum Availability and Safety
time (1oo2,1oo1D) (2oo3, 2oo2D)
1 year 3.95 * 10-5 4.61 * 10-5
3 years 1.39 * 10-4 1.78 * 10-4
5 years 2.65 * 10-4 3.59 * 10-4

The table shows that high safety integrity is achieved with all configurations.
For SIL 3 applications, the PFDAVG value needs to be ≥ 10-4 and < 10-3. This means that for a
SIL 3 application, the PFDAVG for a 5 year mission time of Configuration 1 is equal to 26.5% of
the range. Similarly, for Configuration 2, the PFDAVG is equal to 35.9%.
For SIL 2 applications, the PFDAVG value needs to be ≥ 10-3 and < 10-2. This means that for a
SIL 2 application, the PFDAVG for a 5 year mission time of Configuration 1 is equal to 2.65% of
the range. Similarly, for Configuration 2, the PFDAVG is equal to 3.59%.
These results must be considered in combination with PFDAVG values of other devices of a
Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) in order to determine suitability for a specific Safety Integrity
Level (SIL).
From the Markov model calculations, also the Mean Time to Fail Spurious (MTTFS) is derived.
Table 4 shows the MTTFS results.
Table 4 MTTFS results

Maximum Safety Maximum Availability and Safety

(1oo2,1oo1D) (2oo3, 2oo2D)
31 years 2634 years

This clearly shows the improved availability for Configuration 2.

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6 Summary
Overall the RTP3000 system provides a very flexible architecture where a system may consist
of several different architectures depending on the criticality of the application. In its simplest
form, a hybrid 1oo2/1oo1D architecture is used to achieve high safety integrity for the de-
energize to trip mode. Additional modules may be added to expand the architecture to
2oo3/2oo2D to achieve both high safety integrity and high availability.
The use of comparison diagnostics for the Node Processor and Input modules provides high
diagnostic coverage without extensive sacrifice of the computing speed. The result of this is a
Node Processor capable of achieving high scan rates (5 msec. reported by RTP) relative to
other systems on the market today. Comparison diagnostics in the Node Processor is
particularly important for the detection of soft error failures in small geometry integrated circuits
[N12]. Self-tests of memory are not effective to detect such failures which may be potentially
dangerous and designs that depend on this testing are not nearly are safe and available.
The system provides flexibility, CPU performance, high safety integrity and high availability.

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7 Terms and Definitions

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit

CPU Central Processing Unit, typically refers to processing and memory
FIT Failure In Time (1x10-9 failures per hour)
FMEDA Failure Mode Effect and Diagnostic Analysis
HFT Hardware Fault Tolerance
IC Integrated Circuit
Low demand mode Mode, where the frequency of demands for operation made on a safety-
related system is no greater than one per year and no greater than twice
the proof test frequency.
PFDAVG Average Probability of Failure on Demand
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
SFF Safe Failure Fraction summarizes the fraction of failures, which lead to a
safe state and the fraction of failures which will be detected by
diagnostic measures and lead to a defined safety action.
SIF Safety Instrumented Function
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SIS Safety Instrumented System – Implementation of one or more Safety
Instrumented Functions. A SIS is composed of any combination of
sensor(s), logic solver(s), and final element(s).

Type A component “Non-Complex” component (using discrete elements); for details see of IEC 61508-2
Type B component “Complex” component (using micro controllers or programmable logic);
for details see of IEC 61508-2

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8 Project management
8.1 exida
exida is one of the world’s leading knowledge companies specializing in automation system
functional safety and availability with over 300 years of cumulative experience in functional
safety. Founded by several of the world’s top reliability and safety experts from assessment
organizations and manufacturers, exida is a partnership with offices around the world. exida
offers training, coaching, project oriented consulting services, internet based safety engineering
tools, detail product assurance and certification analysis and a collection of on-line safety and
reliability resources. exida maintains a comprehensive failure rate and failure mode database
on process equipment.

8.2 Roles of the parties involved

RTP Corporation Manufacturer of the RTP 3000 System
exida Author of the Architecture White Paper
RTP Corporation contracted exida to support the RTP 3000 System in July 2008.

8.3 Standards / Literature used

The services delivered by exida were performed based on the following standards / literature.

[N1] IEC 61508 Parts 1-7: 2000 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable

Electronic Safety-Related Systems
[N2] IEC 61511 Parts 1-3: 2004 Functional safety: Safety Instrumented Systems for the
process industry sector
[N3] Goble, W.M. 1998 Control Systems Safety Evaluation and Reliability, ISA,
ISBN #1-55617-636-8.
[N4] Goble, W.M. and Bukowski, “Extending IEC 615608 Reliability Evaluation Techniques
J.V. 2001 to Include Common Circuit Designs Used in Industrial
Safety Systems,” 2001 Proceedings Annual Reliability and
Maintainability Symposium, IEEE, 2001
[N5] Collett, R. E. and Bachant, “Integration of BIT Effectiveness with FMECA,” 1984
P. W., 1984 Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainabiltiy
Symposium, NY: New York, IEEE, 1984.
[N6] Goble, W.M., 1992 Evaluating Control Systems Reliability: Techniques and
Applications, ISA, ISBN # 1-55617-128-5, 1992.
[N7] Goble, W.M. and “Using a Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostic Analysis
Brombacher, A.C., 1999 (FMEDA) to Measure Diagnostic Coverage in
Programmable Elecronic Systems,” Reliability Engineering
and System Safety, Vol. 66, No. 2, November 1999.
[N8] Rutledge, P.J. and Mosleh, "Dependent-Failures in Spacecraft: Root Causes, Coupling
A., 1995 Factors, Defenses, and Design Implications," 1995
Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability
Symposium, NY: New York, IEEE, 1995.
[N9] Goble, W. M., Bukowski, J. “How Common Cause Ruins the Safety rating of a Fault
V. and Brombacher, A. C., Tolerant PES,” Proceedings of the ISA Spring Symposium
1996 – Cleveland, NC: Research Triangle Park, ISA, 1996.

© exida Consulting L.L.C. rtp 06/01-19 r001, 8/27/2008 Page 24 of 26

[N10] Beurden, I.J.W.R.J. van., Stress-strength simulations for common cause modeling,
1997 Is physical separation a solution for common cause
failures?, PA: Spring House, Moore Products Co.., 1997.
[N11] Goble, W.M., 1998 The Use and Development of Quantitative Reliability and
Safety Assessment in New Product Design, Eindhoven
University of Technology, Netherlands: Eindhoven, 1998.
[N12] Exida, 2006 Electrical – Mechanical Component Reliability Handbook,
exida, 2006

8.4 Reference documents

8.4.1 Documentation generated by exida and RTP

[R1] FMEDA Summary.xls FMEDA Results, RTP 2500, exida, June 2006
[R2] RTP 06/01-19 R001, V1, Markov Model Analysis, RTP 2500 System, RTP
R4, 2006 Corporation, Pompano Beach, FL, USA, December 2006

© exida Consulting L.L.C. rtp 06/01-19 r001, 8/27/2008 Page 25 of 26

9 Status of the document

9.1 Liability
exida performed the calculations based on methods advocated in applicable International
standards. Failure rates are obtained from a detailed Failure Modes, Effects and Diagnostics
Analysis. exida accepts no liability whatsoever for the use of these numbers or for the
correctness of the standards on which the general calculation methods are based.

9.2 Releases
Version: V1
Revision: R2
Version History: V1, R2: Edited per client reivew
V1, R1: Released to client
V0, R1: Draft; based on 2500 report.
Authors: William Goble - John C. Grebe
Review: V1, R1: RTP
V0, R1: Chris O’Brien, John Grebe
Release status: Released to client

9.3 Future Enhancements

At request of client.

9.4 Release Signatures

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