2016-12 Indispensable Sec Reqs
2016-12 Indispensable Sec Reqs
2016-12 Indispensable Sec Reqs
1 Introduction
The procurement of key ICT products or outsourced managed services may result in intentional or
unintentional security risks and incidents. In 2012 the EC drew up detailed guidelines1 on how to make
best use of ICT standards in tender specifications in the context of Action 23 of the Digital Agenda of
Europe and in 2013 issued a Communication on Standardisation and Public Procurement2 . Use of
standards promotes a level playing-field, allowing a broader range of participation, including SMEs, and
avoids “lock-in” to specific brands with proprietary features. However, due to the evolution of technology
in ICT and the lack of expertise to decide which standards are relevant and appropriate for the particular
ICT needs, it is not always the case that ICT procurements are standards-based.
Therefore, it is important to help procurers overcome these difficulties through common and sufficiently
generic minimum indispensable requirements that will cover the whole lifecycle of the procured product
or service and will eventually contribute to an appropriate (and desired) minimum level of security and
resilience. In this context, ENISA set up an Expert Group composed of experts nominated from Member
States to identify existing best practises and requirements and to use them to identify a set of
indispensable baseline security requirements. This collaborative approach will support all Digital Single
Market stakeholders to develop a more unified, integrated and cost-effective approach for standards-
based procurement of secure ICT products, and helps providers in specifically dealing with security risks
involved in the procurement and outsourcing processes.
1.1 Purpose
This document can be of use to suppliers and procurement officers when planning, offering and purchasing
ICT products, systems and services. It is meant as a practical, technologically neutral document with clear,
simple and sector-agnostic minimum necessary indispensable requirements for secure ICT products and
services. Any ICT product or service that fails to be compliant with one or more of the minimum security
requirements should be considered as insecure and therefore it shall not be purchased or put in operation
on the Digital Single Market (DSM). It focusses on a few indispensable conditions, commonly agreed
among experts and based on standards and best practices, but does not claim to cover completely and
sufficiently all possible security requirements. It is not intended to substitute existing security certifications
schemes and standards: instead it is a complementary security baseline.
1.2 Approach
Secure Verifiably
by Secure
Figure 1 above depicts the four principles that were stated by the Expert Group as a basis for the
development of the indispensable requirements. Components of the system, the services that they and
the system use, and the services the system provides shall be secure:
• By design – the product, or service, has been conceived, designed and implemented to ensure the
key security properties are maintained: availability, confidentiality, integrity and accountability.
• By default – the product, or service, is supplied with the confirmed capability to support these
security properties at installation.
• Throughout their lifecycle – security should be maintained from initial deployment through
maintenance to decommissioning.
• And that each of the above principles should be verifiable.
The indispensable baseline security requirements are expressed as a limited collection of principles
written, as far as possible, in non-specialist terms – a set of “Commandments” listed in Section 2. In
addition, Section 3 provides explanations and examples than can be used for compliance checks.
Note: All the requirements presented below apply also to the supplier’s subcontractors or its third party
service providers.
The provider shall design and pre-configure the delivered product such that
Security by Design functionalities are based on well-established security practices and are
reduced to the strict minimum required for system operations.
The provider shall design and pre-configure the product according to the
least privilege principle, whereby administrative rights are only used when
Least Privilege
absolutely necessary, sessions are technically separated and all accounts will
be manageable.
The product shall provide and support strong authentication mechanisms for
Strong Authentication all accounts. If authentication is unsuccessful the product shall not allow any
user specific activities to be performed.
The product shall provide adequate level of protection for critical information
Asset Protection
assets during storage and transmission.
The provider shall give means to ensure that the product is genuine, cannot
Supply Chain Security be tainted during operation, and its integrity are warranted throughout the
product’s lifecycle.
The provider shall guarantee support throughout the agreed lifetime of the
Service Continuity
product such that the system can work as agreed and is secure.
The provider shall accept that all contracts refer to EU Member State law and
only EU Member State law and place of jurisdiction in an EU Member State
EU Jurisdiction
country and only an EU Member State country, including those with
The provider shall explicitly declare, justify and document, context and
Data Usage
purpose wise, all data collection and processing activities that take or may
take place, including relevant legal obligations stipulating them.
The provider shall design and pre-configure the delivered product such that functionalities are
based on well-established security practices and are reduced to the strict minimum required for
system operations.
The provider shall design and pre-configure the product according to the least privilege principle,
whereby administrative rights are only used when absolutely necessary, sessions are technically
separated and all accounts will be manageable.
An administrator shall be able to manage all accounts (incl. technical and service accounts) without
support from the provider.
Every service and every user shall have by default only the minimal rights that are required for specific
Every user shall obtain its own user account.
Passwords shall be changeable in all cases by the operator.
The product shall provide and support strong authentication mechanisms for all accounts. If
authentication is unsuccessful the product shall not allow any user specific activities to be
Applications shall have the capability to enforce rules or policies for identification and authorisation of
users that execute them.
Access to data shall only be given after successful authentication and authorisation. Without successful
authentication and authorisation, the system shall not allow any activities.
Service accounts shall not be usable for interactive logon.
The product shall provide adequate level of protection for critical information assets during
storage and transmission.
Physical assets are the products that the provider supplies to the operator to be installed, including
equipment of any kind, documentation, and premises.
Logical assets are the information generated by applications, stored, and communicated between
components of the system.
Physical and logical assets shall be verifiably protected during design, manufacture, delivery,
operation, and decommissioning.
No cryptographic means shall be used if there are indications that they have been vulnerable to
Sensitive data (e.g. credentials) may be stored in the system respectively transmitted only in encrypted
Only established and well-known encryption algorithms may be used and encryption key lengths,
which are considered as safe according to the state-of-art. Proprietary encryption algorithms are not
The provider shall give means to ensure that the product is genuine, cannot be tainted during
operation, and its integrity are warranted throughout the product’s lifecycle.
The authenticity checking method(s) of the product shall be capable of tracing back software and/or
hardware components to their genuine sources.
The authenticity checking method of the product shall protect the properly authorized configuration
information assets of the system.
The integrity checking method shall be capable of verifying the correctness of all compatibility and
dependability requirements in the product.
Ongoing authenticity and integrity checks during operations shall detect and indicate any unauthorized
change in the configuration of the system.
The provider shall offer comprehensive and understandable documentation about the overall
design of the product, describing its architecture, functionalities and protocols, their realisation
in hardware or software components, the interfaces and interactions of components with each
other and with internal and external services, in order to be able to implement and use the
product in the most secure way possible.
The documentation shall be updated securely without the need for a permanent reference to external
The documentation shall be updated when there are major changes to design or functionality.
Users shall be made aware of changes to documentation and encouraged to switch to the new
documentation set.
The provider shall be able to provide evidence that a managed security by design approach has
been adopted, including documented secure software development, quality management and
information security management processes.
The provider should possess a current valid security certification in the relevant area or something
equivalent (e.g. development, production), such as ISO27001 or corresponding).
At least, a rationale of fulfilment of requirements addressed by such security or quality assurance
certifications should be available
The provider shall be able to provide the relevant information security directives which are applicable
to its product/service.
The provider shall guarantee support throughout the agreed lifetime of the product such that
the system can work as agreed and is secure.
3.9 EU Jurisdiction
The provider shall accept that all contracts refer to EU Member State law and only EU Member
State law and place of jurisdiction in an EU Member State country and only an EU Member State
country, including those with subcontractors.
The provider must inform the operator about non-EU laws that it is obliged to obey.
The provider shall inform the operator about all countries’ laws that apply to the operator by using its
product and services.
The provider shall explicitly declare, justify and document, context and purpose wise, all data
collection and processing activities that take or may take place, including relevant legal
obligations stipulating them.
The provider shall inform the operator about non-EU laws that must be obeyed concerning data
collection or forwarding.
The provider and the operator shall agree on the use of the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP) when sharing
security relevant information between operator, provider, supplier(s), other operators, end users and
the general public.
4 Conclusions
This document introduced the need for a set of indispensable baseline security requirements that will be
used by procurers and suppliers of ICT systems and services. The approach to developing such
requirements was outlined along to the requirements themselves followed by clarifying examples of
detailed issues that must be addressed. Envisioned next steps include consultation with European Cyber
Security Organisation (ECSO) community as the established representative of private sector from all
sectors, to initiate a broader discussion, structured feedback and improvements in order to find consensus
on the applicability of this document. Subject to advice from the community, future work could include a
mapping of the baseline requirements to a catalogue of relevant standards, and further detail on the
verification that ICT products are secure: by design, by default, and throughout their life.
For queries in relation to this paper, please use isdp@enisa.europa.eu
ENISA would like to thank the following members of the Expert Group for their active engagement and
support throughout this activity: Mr. Wolfgang Schwabl - A1 Telekom Austria AG (AT), Mr. Thomas
Stubbings - TSMC (AT), Mr. Aurélien Leteinturier - ANSSI (FR), Mr. Tobias Mikolasch - BSI (DE), Mr. Martin
Konecny - NBU (CZ), Ms. Gema Carbonell - CCN (ES), Mr. Rob Huisman - NINCSA (NL) and Ms. Heidi Kivekäs