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Apply Project Life Cycle Management

Assessment Task 1 Instructions

Work with others to plan and document a project based on organisational

1. You are required to form a Project Team (maximum of 4 people).

Barbara, Maria, Leticia, Raphael.

2. As a Team Design a project.

 Complete a Project Charter based on the project the team has selected


Project Title: Car Parking

Project Sponsor: Rufino Date Prepared: 12/03/19

Project Manager: Leticia Project Customer: Rufino

Project Start Date: 19/11/18 Project Finish Date: 20/05/19

Project Purpose or Justification:

The purpose is to build a Car Parking nearby The Valley because its arounds are full of
bar, restaurants and other venues and there aren`t many good close options for parking.
We are expecting to have at least 500 spots.

Project Description:

Car Parking with 500 spots available at The Valley at 450 Brunswick St., two levels, 24/7,
an office for the workers on duty.

Project and Product Requirements:

BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
Project must be completed until the end of May/19
The facility will contain:

 Car Park with 2 levels;

 1 Office containing toilet and kitchen for the staff;
 2 ticket gates.

Acceptance Criteria:

Emergency equipment and exists done, electricity is active, the ticket gates working, staff
facilities constructed, car spots demarcated.

Initial Risks:

Delays on the schedule of the construction could impact the opening and delay the start of
staff working.

Project Objectives Success Criteria Person Approving


Car Parking built The facility meets project Project Sponsor



Project completed in 6 Project completed with less Project Sponsor

months than 15% variance in time


Total spending AUD$ Project completed with less Project Sponsor

350.000,00 or less than 15% variance in cost

BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
Project meets all standards Project satisfies greater Project Sponsor
and test criteria than 90% of quality criteria

Summary Milestones Due Date

First Meeting with project team Month 1

Contractors Building the first floor Month 2

Contractors building the second floor Month 3

Facility constructed, water and power on Month 4

Painting and installing security/emergency items Month 5

Test and opening Month 6

Estimated Budget:

AUD$ 350.000,00
 Labour: $100.000,00
 Materials: $100.000,00
 Administrative expenses: $50.000,00
 Consultants: $50.000,00
 Council permits and government approval: $50.000,00


No issues with the building, construction power and water

The parking will attend the capacity of having 500 cars in once.


Contractors can only work during trading hours

BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
Project Manager Authority Level
Staffing Decisions:

The project Manager will attain staff decisions.

Budget Management and Variance:

The project manager can approve spending over $5.000,00 or less up to a total of 10% of
total budget.

Technical Decisions:

Technical decisions will be led by the Project Manager and Senior Engineer.

Conflict Resolution:

The Human resources Manager will be responsible to manage conflicts between staffs

Escalation Path for Authority Limitations:


Project Manager Signature Sponsor or Originator Signature

Leticia Rufino
Project Manager Name Sponsor or Originator Name

12/03/19 12/03/19

Date Date

BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
 Complete minutes of meeting

Date of Meeting 12/03/19

Project Team Members Barbara
Project Name Car Parking

3. Outline a strategy you could use if changes to the project are needed.
 Complete Change Request (template provided)


Project Title: Car Parking Date Prepared: 12/03/19

Person Requesting Change: Barbara Change Number: 1

Category of Change:

Scope Quality Requirements

Cost Schedule Documents

Detailed Description of Proposed Change

Request a change of supplier.

Justification for Proposed Change

The new supplier have better quality materials than the usual one, and it would make the construction
and its finalisation easier, also future maintenances would cost less.

BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
Impacts of Change

Scope Increase Decrease Modify

Description: -

Increase Decrease

Description: -

BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)

Requirements Increase Decrease Modify

Description: -

Cost Increase Decrease Modify

The new supplier is more expensive than the usual one, so its materials may cost 20% more
than what it was expected initially.

Increase Decrease Modify


Description: If there is any delay on the delivery of the new supplier, it may delay the schedule
but assuming it’s a better company, it won`t happen.

Low risk
Stakeholder Impact High risk Medium risk

Description: Low impact. Customers may be happier because its futures maintenance will cost

Project Documents

Scope statement, WBS, Cost Baseline, Schedule, Risk register.


Disposition Approve Defer Reject


BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
Guarantee of better materials and service.

Change Control Board Signatures

Name Role Signature

Barbara Manager

Rufino Customer


BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
 Complete Change Log (template provided)

Project Title: Car Parking Date Prepared: 12/03/19

Change ID Category Description of Change Submitted by Submission Date Status Disposition

1 Cost The new supplier have better quality Barbara 12/03/19 Closed Approved
materials than the usual one, and it would
make the construction and its finalisation
easier, also future maintenances would cost

BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)
BSBPMG417 apply project life cycle management processes Assessment Task 1 Instructions (10 Jan 2018)

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