Optimization of Seawater RO Systems Design: Desalination
Optimization of Seawater RO Systems Design: Desalination
Optimization of Seawater RO Systems Design: Desalination
The trend of investment and water cost in RO seawater systems is being evaluated. The cost data used for this
evaluation are based on published information from operation of actual RO seawater installations and recent studies.
The effect on process economics of major design parameters: recovery rate and feed water salinity based on three
representative seawater water sources: Mediterranean, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean on energy consumption is analyzed.
The objective of this evaluation is to determine economic feasibility of operating of seawater systems at higher
recovery rates versus process optimization based on prevailing economic parameters. The optimized system design
will be compared with the design of recent large seawater installations: 10,000mVd plant at Eilat, Israel, 40,000mVd
seawater plants at Larnaca, Cyprus and the design proposed for the 95,000mVd RO plant at Tampa, Florida.
Presented at the European Conference on Desalination and the Environment: Water Shortage, Lemesos, Cyprus,
28-31 May 2001.
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300 M. Wilf, K. Klinko / Desalination 138 (2001) 299-306
current large RO systems. The entries in Table 1 will be provided using a system of multiple
include water cost values for recent operating pumps, variable speed drives and permeate back-
plant (Eilat) and contractual values for projects pressure.
being completed recently (Larnaca, Cyprus) and
to be built in the near future (Tampa, Florida).
3. Parameters of the R O process
The Eilat plant is a single pass system, which
processes Red Sea seawater blended with con- The operating parameters for seawater RO
centrate of the local brackish water plant system are mainly a function of feed water
(combined feed salinity 36,000ppm TDS) at 50% salinity and temperature. For example, for sea-
recovery rate. Operation with blended feed results water feed of about 38,000ppm TDS salinity and
in lower product water cost due to operation at water temperature in the range of 18-28°C, the
higher recovery rate and lower feed pressure. RO systems are designed to operate at a recovery
The availability of RO concentrate is limited, rate in the range of 45-50%, with an average
and therefore, the future RO units at this location permeate flux in the range of 7-9gfd (11.9-
are designed to operate on sweater only (about 15.01/m2-h). At the above operating conditions,
42,000ppm TDS) at 45% recovery rate. The the feed pressure is in the range of 800-1000psi
design of Lamaca and Tampa plants is of two- (55-70bar) and permeate salinity is in the range
pass configuration. of 300--500ppm TDS. For a given feed water
The Larnaca plant is designed to process salinity and salt rejection of the membrane
Mediterranean seawater (about 40,500ppm TDS) elements used, the permeate salinity is a function
at 50% recovery rate. The additional processing of feed water temperature, recovery rate and
of permeate is required to reduce boron concen- permeate flux. An increase in feed water
tration in the permeate below 1ppm. At the temperature results in an increased rate of salt
Tampa site the feed water is of variable salinity, and water diffusion across the membrane barrier
ranging from 18,000ppm TDS to 31,000ppm at the rate of about 3-5% per degree Centigrade.
TDS. Partial second pass processing is necessary Because RO plants usually operate at a constant
to maintain chloride level in the permeate below flux rate, the changes of permeate salinity
100ppm over the whole range of feed water closely follow the changes in feed water
salinity and temperature. A wide range of feed temperature [1]. Permeate salinity is inversely
salinity combined with fluctuation of feed water proportional to the average permeate flux.
temperature creates a significant challenge for Higher permeate flux increases the dilution of
the design of high pressure pumping system. The salt ions which passed through the membrane,
required range of feed pressure to the membranes and therefore results in lower permeate salinity.
Table 1
Water cost in recent RO projects
Location Permeatecapacity, Status Recoveryrate Total water cost,
m3/d(MGD) (configuration) $/m3($/kgallon)
Eilat, Israel 20,000 (2.6) First phase (10,000 m3/d) 50% (singlepass) 0.72 (2.72)
operational since 1997
Eilat, Israel 20,000 (2.6) Under design 45% (singlepass) 0.81 (3.06)
Larnaca, Cyprus 40,000(10.6) Commissionin March, 2001 50% (partial double pass) 0.83 (3.14)
Tampa, FL, USA 94,600(25.0) 2002 60% (partial doublepass) 0.55 (2.10)
302 M. Wilf, K. Klinko / Desalination 138 (2001) 299-306
Table 2
22,700 mVd (6 MGD) seawater RO system cost estimation
Recovery rate, % 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Intake and outfall 1303 1200 1132 1043 981 928 881
Pretreatment~ 3258 3000 2787 2607 2453 2319 2202
Membranes 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
RO trains: 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600 4600
Pumps and motors3 1609 1600 1592 1584 1663 1746 1834
MCC 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Instruments and control 600 500 600 600 600 600 600
Auxiliary equipment 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Product water treatment 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Site development 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800 2800
Indirect cost, 20% 3514 3420 3382 3327 3299 3279 3263
Total cost, K$ 21084 20520 20293 19960 19797 19672 19580
Total cost, $/m3-d 928.8 904.0 894.0 879.3 872.1 866.6 862.5
Total cost, $/gpd 3.51 3.42 3.38 3.33 3.30 3.28 3.26
7. Feed pressure requirements energy requirement vs. recovery rate. The energy
includes electricity consumed by intake pumps,
The feed pressure requirements depend on the
pretreatment system and high pressure feed
osmotic pressure of the feed water (feed salinity),
pumps. The minimum energy value is at about
feed water temperature and the design permeate
50-55% recovery rate and varies with feed water
Fig. 2 presents the osmotic pressure o f the
The following water cost components are
concentrate vs. recovery rate for the three feed
affected by the recovery rate: energy, chemicals
water sources evaluated. Fig. 3 displays required
and capital cost. Fig. 5 shows a plot o f the
feed pressure for a given water source and
combined contribution to the water cost o f these
recovery rate calculated for an average permeate
three components. Because chemicals and capital
flUX rate of 13.51/m2-h (8gfd). The pressure
cost decrease with increasing recovery rate, the
requirement was calculated for a single stage
minimum value o f water cost shifts to higher
array system. For two-stage system the feed
recovery rate as compared to the energy vs.
pressure will be higher due to additional pressure
recovery plot (Fig. 4).
drop across the second stage.
The energy requirement is directly related to The total water cost includes recovery
feed pressure and feed water flow. Higher sensitive components such as energy, chemicals
recovery rate requires higher feed pressure to and capital. It also includes operation and main-
overcome increasing average osmotic pressure. tenance cost and membrane replacement con-
However, the feed flow rate decreases with tribution, which are not directly affected by the
increasing recovery. Fig. 4 shows the plot of recovery rate. Fig. 6 shows the plot o f the total
11o . . . . . . . . F ...........
40 40 50 ~ 60 65 70 75
3O 4O 60 70
Ibcovery rate, %
M 40 48 M 68 IO M '8) 76
Ibcovery rm, 5
Fig. 4. Energy requirement.
Fig. 3. Feed pressure vs. recovery.
n o p. . . . . . . . . , _.,A.. ..4-~u~
3o 40 a N m ao U m is ~ ~ 60 U go U 70
Ibcovery r m , '~ Ibmvory r m , 'it
Fig. 5. Selected water cost ~mLcx)n~ts: energy, ch~c~ds, Fig. 6. Total water cost.
cost vs. recovery rate. The minimum value is at expected, at higher power rate the minimum cost
about 55-65% recovery rate, shifting to slightly shifts to lower recovery. At the lowest range of
higher values at lower feed salinity (Pacific the power rate the recovery rate has little effect
Ocean). on water cost.
The calculations of water cost, displayed in The water cost considerations indicate that in
Figs. 5 and 6, were conducted at the power rate seawater RO systems the optimum recovery rate
o f C6/kWh. Fig. 7 shows the values o f water cost is in the range o f 50-60%. The recovery value
at power rates o f $0.03/kWh-$0.12/kWh for the corresponding to cost optimum depends on feed
mid range o f feed water salinity (Atlantic). As water salinity and power rate. The calculations
306 M. Wilf, K. Klinko / Desalination 138 (2001) 299-306
The conclusion of the above evaluation is that
designing seawater RO system for recovery rate
exceeding 55% can only provide cost benefits in
cases of low feed salinity and low electricity
cost. Increasing power cost shifts the optimum of
the total water cost to lower recovery rates. High
cost of intake and concentrate discharge structure
J ,u will shift the optimum to a higher recovery rate.
An additional parameter that has to be
considered is the resulting permeate salinity. For
design cases, when a high recovery rate design
will result in an increase of permeate salinity,
S 40 41 N M N iS 711' which will subsequently require a change of RO
bmvo~.ranlo,%. system design from a single pass to a two pass
Fig. 7. Water cost vs. power cost. configuration, most likely the produced water
cost will be higher than can be achieved in a con-
were conducted under assumptions that high ventional system.
pressure and regular pressure elements are
equivalent with respect to cost, performance and
operational longevity. It is likely that addir.g a
high-pressure section to the system for operation
at high recovery and feed pressure significantly [1] M. Wilfand K. Klinko, Desalination,96 (1994) 456.
above 70bar would increase unit capital cost and [2] G. Leitner, Desalination 76 (189) 201.
may increase the membrane replacement cost [3] P. Shieldsand I. Moch, Evaluationof global sea water
component. This would result in shifting the reverse osmosis capital and operating cost, Proc.
minimum water cost toward lower recovery ADA Conference, Monterey, California, August
values. 1996, pp. 44-60.