Design of A V2G Aggregator To Optimize PHEV Charging and Frequency Regulation Control
Design of A V2G Aggregator To Optimize PHEV Charging and Frequency Regulation Control
Design of A V2G Aggregator To Optimize PHEV Charging and Frequency Regulation Control
Abstract—The key elements in an indirect V2G system archi- of vehicles and their limited individual storage capacity make
tecture are aggregators. They act as an interface between the the direct architecture impractical in the existing contracting
grid and a group of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). In framework (e.g., with minimum 1 MW threshold for ancillary
this paper, we design an optimal vehicle to grid (V2G) aggregator
to control the charging and frequency regulation processes of a services hourly contracts) [3]. The alternative indirect V2G
group of PHEVs. We consider a problem that an aggregator has system architecture involves several aggregators. In this regard,
to minimize the overall cost of PHEV fleet in a multiple time each aggregator aggregates the services provided by individual
slot horizon and meet the required battery level when PHEVs PHEVs to make a single controllable power resource. The
plug out. We adopt summation of PHEVs’ expenditure in a aggregator is an intermediate interface between the vehicles
finite number of time slots as our objective function, which is
a quadratic optimization problem. A model predictive control and the grid operator [3].
based (MPC-based) PHEV charging and regulation algorithm Due to advancement of the power storage technology,
is proposed to schedule the charging and regulation processes. PHEVs’ battery capacity can range from 16 kWh to 53 kWh
Through the numerical experiments, we obtain the optimal and the frequency regulation is performed on the MW basis
charging and frequency regulation sequences for each PHEV, in most electricity market [4], [5]. Therefore, an aggregator is
the effect of price prediction error on PHEV’s cost as well as the
impact of penalty factor to plug-out State of Charge (SOC). It necessary to deal with hundreds to thousands of vehicles while
is also shown that by taking the optimal control sequences, the simultaneously providing the regulation service on large-scale
PHEV owner can reduce his cost and depart with desired SOC. power delivery [3].
In general, an aggregator may take two roles in the V2G
I. I NTRODUCTION system. With regard to PHEVs, the aggregator represents the
The widespread use of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles grid operator, trying to coordinate charging and regulation
(PHEVs) over the next few decades will result in a great processes to fulfill charging the batteries for PHEV owners
number of benefits to the electric power industry. In USA, while maximizing the overall revenue of providing services.
the goal has been set to achieve a penetration of 1 million For a grid system operator, the aggregator represents agent of
PHEVs by 2015 [1]. The new plug-in concept is enabling PHEVs, regarded as a dedicated regulation provider and elec-
the utilization of vehicle batteries for grid-side benefit, which tricity consumer. Therefore, designing an efficient aggretator is
is referred to as Vehicle-to-Grid or V2G [2]. Utilizing the challenging, due to the fact that the conditions of each vehicle
V2G technology, the PHEV will be able to feed power into including current state of charge (SOC), expected parking time
the grid and the PHEV users can earn revenues. Specially, and expected plug-out battery level differ from each other.
the V2G system can help to regulate the frequency in a Thus, it is necessary to propose an efficient V2G operation
power system. Unbalanced active power will lead to the method that provides the frequency regulation service in an
current frequency variation in the power grid. Currently, such optimal way while charging each vehicle to a satisfactory SOC
regulation is achieved mainly by increasing fast response level before departure.
generators, which are very costly. Alternatively, PHEVs can For V2G aggregator design problems, a few related works
help by charging their batteries and increase their load demand can be found in the recent literature. [6] presents a set of
when the frequency is too high. While on the contrary, if the schemes to distribute the power for V2G regulation service
frequency is too low, by terminating charging or discharging when this service is provided by electric vehicles (EVs)
a number of PHEVs, the adjustment can be done [3]. managed by an aggregator. The focus of this paper is on
There are two types of V2G system architecture, i.e., the fair distribution of power among the EVs. [5] and [7]
direct and indirect architecture. In the direct architecture, investigate the charging and regulation optimization problem
there exists a direct line of communication between the grid from the perspective of a single vehicle. They propose that
system operator and the vehicle, so that each vehicle can the regulation signal has a zero mean distribution and the
be treated as a deterministic resource to be commanded by frequency regulation itself does not affect the change of SOC
the grid system operator. In this case, as the operator needs under this circumstance. [8] introduces a discrete dispatch
to directly interact with millions of individual PHEVs, the algorithm for EVs performing frequency regulation. This
amount of signals and control tasks on the grid operator will be algorithm switches EVs on and off to meet the aggregators
overwhelming. In addition, geographically distributed nature total regulation dispatch required based on each EV’s charging
IEEE SmartGridComm 2013 Symposium - Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing
energy capacity. This is because the fluctuation of power fn charging time needed for PHEV n to fill the gap
changes between positive and negative is almost evenly dis- between the initial SOC and desired plug-out SOC
tributed. Also, the amount of frequency regulation is expected α penalty factor for not charging the vehicle to the
to have a zero mean distribution. Thus, frequency regulation desired SOC
will not affect the SOC of the battery in a long period. It xmax
n maximum permitted battery level of vehicle n
is also important to note that what the PHEVs provide is xmin
n minimum permitted battery level of vehicle n.
the regulation capacity, not the truly charging (discharging) βn the plug-out time slot of PHEV n.
energy. Therefore, intuitively, the aggretator should allow the CN and RH N are the matrices of cn (h) and rn (h) for n =
vehicles to charge when the electricity price is low and to join 1, . . . , N and h = 1, . . . , H, respectively (i.e., matrices of
the regulation service when the regulation price is high. decision variables).
For the objective function defined in (1), the first two terms
denote the sum of charging expenses of all the vehicles during
time horizon H. qn is a constant representing the maximum
A. Objective Function and Constraints charging rate of PHEV n. The third and fourth terms denote
The aim of the proposed algorithm is to find an optimal the revenue obtained from providing frequency regulation ser-
vehicle charging and regulation control schedule to satisfy vices. Here, the frequency regulation revenue is proportional
PHEV plug-out battery level and minimize the cost of the to the effective capacity of the battery. The reason is that the
whole fleet over H time slots. Thus, we propose the following regulation up and regulation down signals are fairly distributed
quadratic optimization formulation: with zero mean distribution. The goal of frequency regulation
is to balance the generator supply with user consumption.
X In this case, PHEVs provide a battery capacity instead of
min pc (k) cn (k)qn (1) real energy. Also notice that the vehicle’s SOC will affect
n∈N (k) the regulation up and regulation down capacities. However,
X X it is unnecessary to separate regulation up and regulation
+ p̂c (h) cn (h)qn down processes. The probabilities of having regulation up
h=k+1 n∈N (k) and regulation down signals are all closely equal to 0.5. The
X regulation down capacity is xmax − xn (h) and regulation up
xmax − xmin
−pr (k) rn (k)
n n
capacity is xn (h) − xmin
n , where xn (h) is vehicle n’s SOC at
n∈N (k)
time slot h. Thus, the total regulation capacity is in fact equal
X X to the effective battery capacity.
p̂r (h) xmax − xmin
− n n rn (h)
The last term is the total penalty cost due to failing
h=k+1 n∈N (k)
!β #2 to achieve the desired battery level. The penalty factor α
X X n
represents the significance for vehicles to achieve the desirable
+ α cn (h) − fn battery level when vehicle departs. Without loss of generality,
n∈N (k) h=k we assume that all vehicles have the same penalty factor. fn
s.t. 0 ≤ cn (h) ≤ 1 (2) is equal to the battery gap divided by the charging rate, which
0 ≤ rn (h) ≤ 1 (3) the aggregator can obtain at the beginning of each time slot.
If we use xdn to denote the desired plug-out battery level of
cn (h) + rn (h) = 1 if h ≤ βn (4)
PHEV n and xin to denote the initial battery level, then we
cn (h) = 0, if h > βn (5) have
rn (h) = 0, if h > βn (6) xdn − xin
fn = . (7)
where: qn
k current time slot cn (h) and rn (h) are decision variables representing the pro-
h time index, e.g., hour portion of time that PHEV n is charging and regulating during
N set of PHEVs time slot h. For instance, cn (h) = 0.6 and rn (h) = 0.4
H set of time slots, H = [k, k + 1, . . . , k + H − 1] indicate that 40% of the whole time slot is used for charging
pc (k) charging price at time slot k and the remaining 60% is used for regulation. Thus, it is
p̂c (h) predicted charging price at time slot h obvious that cn (h) and rn (h) should vary within the range
pr (k) regulation price at time slot k between 0 and 1. Note that charging and frequency regulation
p̂r (h) predicted regulation price at time slot h are two processes that have totally different purposes, and
qn maximum charging rate of PHEV n they cannot happen simultaneously. We assume that during
cn (h) charging control parameter, denoting the proportion the controlled time slots, PHEVs will either charge or regulate
of time that PHEV n charges during time slot h for the grid operator within one time slot, which is captured
rn (h) regulation control parameter, denoting the proportion in the constraint defined in (4). Obviously, with the aim of
of time that PHEV n regulates during time slot h maximizing revenues, PHEVs want to regulate as long as they
IEEE SmartGridComm 2013 Symposium - Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing
prices remain the same within a time slot. We can assume that 0.28
in a time slot, PHEVs will first charge and then regulate for the 0.26
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
power grid. (5) and (6) indicate that after the PHEV departs, −3
Time slots index
x 10
the aggregator would stop controlling the vehicle. Thus we set 15
IEEE SmartGridComm 2013 Symposium - Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing
0.4 0.025
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
Time slots index 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10%
Price Prediction Error
Fig. 3: Charging results for vehicle 735 and vehicle 326. Fig. 4: Mean extra cost due to price prediction error.
vehicles enter the system, they will be scheduled according B. Cost Comparison Due to Price Prediction Error
to the proposed algorithm. Vehicles will leave the system The accuracy of price prediction will affect the cost. The
after the prior noticed plug-out time. Here, three different control sequence from the proposed charging and regulation
types of vehicles including Sedan, Compact and Roadster algorithm is optimal for the predicted prices, but not for the
are considered. The charging rates of these types of vehicles real prices. We compare the average costs of two scenarios,
are 3 kW , 5.5 kW , and 6 kW and battery capacities of and the difference between these costs are called cost gap.
these types of vehicles are 16 kW h, 35 kW h and 53 kW h, The fist cost is from when the aggregator charges and regulates
respectively. The initial number of vehicles are 241, 232 according to the proposed MPC-based algorithm (the predicted
and 327, respectively. The current SOC of the vehicles are prices are with error). The second cost is from when the
uniformly distributed between 0.2 and 0.7. The expected plug- aggregator charges and regulates according to the truly optimal
out SOC of the vehicles are all 0.9. The schedule horizon is control sequences. This cost is obtained when the prices are
12 hours and is partitioned into 12 time slots with the constant perfectly known (e.g., at the end of all time slots). Basically,
duration. The parking duration of the vehicles ranges from 3 the second cost is the lower bound for the aggregator. The
to 12 hours. The charging and frequency regulation prices in average cost gap is shown in Fig. 4. Compared with the
the first time slot are shown in Fig. 2. However, only the prices truly optimal control sequence, the extra cost will be incurred
in the first hour is the actual prices, while those in the other due to the prediction error. Thus, accurate price prediction is
11 hours are the predicted prices. By solving the optimization important which can help the aggregator to determine a control
problem at the beginning of each hour, we obtain the charging sequence approximating the truly optimal one.
and regulation sequences of all the vehicles.
C. Cost Comparison for Different Charging Schemes
A. Optimal Charging and Regulation Results Next, we compare vehicles’ cost among three charging
schemes. In the first scheme, we control the vehicles according
We first assume that the price in the 12 hour time hori- to the control sequence obtained from the above MPC-based
zon is precisely predicted as shown in Fig. 2. To ease the algorithm. In the second scheme, all the vehicles will keep
presentation, we select to present the charging results for two charging until they reach the desired battery level and then
PHEVs. The selected vehicles are n = 735 and n = 326. Both start to regulate. For the third one, the vehicles will first try
vehicles are Roadsters and the initial SOC of the vehicles are to regulate as long as they can and then charge to the desired
0.42 and 0.53. The parking durations of the vehicles are 9 SOC. We present the costs of four randomly selected vehicles
hours and 7 hours. The charging results are shown in Fig. 3. and the mean costs of all the vehicles for aforementioned three
We observe that both vehicles plan to charge during the first schemes. The results are shown in Fig. 5. From Fig. 5, we
and fourth hours and regulate during the second and fifth can observe that the cost (bar height) for the first scheme is
hours. In the seventh hour, both vehicles will charge about less than the second and third ones. By taking the optimal
20 minutes and regulate for the rest of the hour. This verifies control sequence obtained from the proposed algorithm, the
the previous statement that the aggregator will let the vehicles costs of the individual vehicle and the cost of the vehicle
charge (regulate) when the charging and regulation price is fleet will be reduced. In this case, PHEV owners can save
low (high). Also we observe that if the electricity price varies costs by permitting the aggregator to control their vehicles
in accordance with the total load in the grid, the vehicles will and at the same time by waiting until their vehicles reach the
charge during the off-peak hours. If regulation demand is high, desired SOC before departing from the aggregator. For the
the grid operator can set higher regulation prices to motivate grid operator, by using electric power from a PHEV fleet with
vehicles to regulate for the power grid. In this case, through an optimal control sequence, the fast response but expensive
adjusting the prices, the grid operator can change the charging power generator can be avoided, saving a significant cost and
behaviors of PHEVs. environmental impact.
IEEE SmartGridComm 2013 Symposium - Demand Side Management, Demand Response, Dynamic Pricing
In this paper, we have designed a V2G aggregator to
Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 Vehicle 5 Average
Vehicles effectively schedule the charging and frequency regulation pro-
cesses for a group of PHEVs. We have considered the problem
Fig. 5: Cost comparison.
that the aggregator has to minimize the cost of all the vehicles
in the system during finite time horizon while simultaneously
ensuring that vehicles are charged to the desirable level at the
plug-out time. Since the system is dynamic (e.g., vehicles can
Average Plug−out SOC of the Vehicle Fleet