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Nano Energy
Nano Energy
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Keywords: Transparent power sources are required for emerging electronics and energy devices. However, most transparent
Triboelectric nanogenerator materials/systems present certain problems: they are often fragile and unsuitable for shaping into fixed three-
Cellulose dimensional structures. Here, we attempted to overcome these challenges by constructing a cellulose-based
multilayer film as a single-electrode triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG). The TENG was simply fabricated by
Password switch
the step-by-step deposition of a cellulose triboelectric layer, a silver nanowire electrode layer, and a protective
cellulose layer. The tightly packed thin film is transparent, flexible and foldable. Four TENGs were spontaneously
assembled into one film, and various spatial configurations were generated by a series of cutting and folding
processes. We proved the practicality of a TENG-containing cellulose-based multilayer film by developing a
multi-dimensional touch password switch, and expect that it will be widely used in film-based intelligent
1. Introduction 19]. However, it is inflexible and fragile, which limits its usefulness in
certain fields with special requirements. Most plastics are flexible and
The rapid development of electronics and optoelectronics imposes a can be used as transparent substrates in TENGs [20–22]. Rubbers such as
growing demand for new sources of power. Considering the increasing polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) have been used as triboelectric materials
requirement for miniaturization, convenience, and sustainability, it is and substrates in transparent and stretchable TENGs [23–26]. Moreover,
meaningful to realize self-powered operation by collecting energy from some polymers are used to produce transparent layers/films for TENG
the environment [1–4]. Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs) have assembly [27,28]. However, glass, plastic, and rubber are difficult to
been widely developed for harvesting various disordered forms of en retain creases after folding to create three-dimensional structures, which
ergy to generate electricity [5–12], by integrating contact electrification limits their usefulness for forming self-standing multi-dimensional en
and electrostatic induction. Transparent TENGs [13–17] have attracted ergy harvest devices.
considerable attention because they can harvest energy and have unique Cellulose, which is mainly synthesized by higher plants, is the most
optical properties, such as minimal reflection and scattering of incident abundant and renewable polymer on Earth and has been used to develop
light. Therefore, they are potentially useful in multiple applications such various functional materials [29–37]. In past decades, cellulose and its
as smart phones, electronic skin, and safety systems. derivative have frequently been exploited as sustainable building blocks
Material selection, structural design, and unit assembly are critical for TENGs [38–41]. In the triboelectric series, cellulose loses electrons
for the construction of transparent TENGs. Generally, the triboelectric and becomes positively charged easily when in contact with other ma
layer, electrode layer, and substrate layer should be transparent, and the terials. Taking wood resources as an example, they can be processed into
layers should remain compatible and closely stacked. Glass has been various cellulose or cellulose-containing products, including wood
used as a triboelectric material and substrate for transparent TENGs [18, piece, pulp, nanocellulose, regenerated cellulose, and cellulose
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (W. Chen), (Y. Yang).
Received 28 January 2022; Received in revised form 19 April 2022; Accepted 20 April 2022
Available online 22 April 2022
2211-2855/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
derivatives. All of these materials have been used as the main compo suspension was first coated onto the surface of a piece of glass. After
nents for the fabrication of various types of TENGs [42–48]. Owing to its allowing the coating to dry naturally, a 0.5 mg/mL AgNW ethanol sus
intrinsic structure and the fact that its surface contains numerous hy pension was sprayed onto the surface of the EC or NFC layer. After
droxyl groups, cellulose can be chemically modified or integrated with allowing the layers to dry naturally, an EC/TEC mixed solution was
active components to improve the output performance of TENGs [38]. coated onto the surface of the AgNW layer and allowed to dry naturally
At the nanofiber or molecular scale, cellulose can be used to produce at room temperature. The resulting CMLF was then peeled from the
highly transparent films for TENGs [38]. The chemical composition in glass. The CMLF was used directly as a single-electrode TENG. A stan
the thin, densely assembled films is the same or similar to that in dard sample of CMLF loaded with 0.03 mg/cm2 AgNWs was used for the
traditional paper. Like paper, the films can be formed into various pat EC-derived TENG, and a standard sample of CMLF loaded with 0.04 mg/
terns, shapes, and structures via origami or kirigami. Herein, we report a cm2 AgNWs was used for the NFC-derived TENG.
transparent cellulose-based multilayer film (CMLF) containing several
single-electrode TENGs that can form a series of spatial configurations. 2.7. Fabrication of CMLF comprising four TENGs
Within the film, ethyl cellulose (EC) or wood-derived nanofibrillated
cellulose (NFC) is used as the triboelectric layer, a silver nanowire A square piece of glass was divided into four areas by masking the
(AgNW) film forms the electrode layer, and EC and a plasticizer are gaps between the areas with tape. An ethanol EC solution was coated
integrated to form a protective layer. The film is flexible and foldable, onto the four areas and allowed to dry naturally at room temperature.
and is easily cut or folded into various spatial structures. We illustrate Then, a 0.5 mg/mL AgNW ethanol suspension was sprayed onto the
the use of a CMLF as a portable concealment device for a touch switch; surface of the EC layer and allowed to dry naturally at room tempera
password recognition and switch unlocking are accomplished by spatial ture. The tape between the areas was subsequently removed. Next, an
touching at various positions. ethanol EC/TEC solution was coated onto the whole sample including
the four areas and the gaps and allowed to dry naturally at room tem
2. Experimental section perature. The resulting CMLF comprising four TENGs was then peeled
from the glass.
2.1. Fabrication of TEMPO-oxidized NFC
TEMPO-oxidized NFC was produced from wood cellulose pulp by 2.8. Assembling the touch password switch system
TEMPO-mediated oxidation followed by 10 min of nanofibrillation
using a high-intensity ultrasonicator (JY98-IIIDN; Ningbo Scientz The four TENGs of the CMLF were arranged as numbers 1–4. The
Biotechnology, China) at 800 W [49,50]. The as-prepared NFC suspen detector components of analog piezoelectric ceramic vibration sensors
sion was diluted to 0.2 wt% and centrifuged at 7000 rpm for 5 min. The were used as signal detectors. Each TENG was connected to a signal
supernatant was then collected. detector. The signal detectors were linked to an Arduino board, which
was connected to a light-emitting diode (LED). The Arduino board was
2.2. EC film fabrication also linked to a personal computer (PC) and controlled by a program on
the PC. A password lock was set using the program. To open the pass
An ethanol solution of EC was prepared by stirring a mixture of EC word lock, it was necessary for the TENGs to generate the correct
and ethanol in a weight ratio of 1:10. The solution was coated onto the sequence of electrical signals. When a TENG was touched by a finger of a
surface of a piece of glass and allowed to dry naturally at room tem hand with nitrile rubber glove, the generated electrical signal was
perature. The resulting EC film was then peeled from the glass. detected. The number of the TENG is confirmed and compared with the
password. Only when the sequence of touching the TENGs is correct, the
2.3. EC/AgNW film fabrication password lock is opened and the LED is lit up. The initial passwords were
set as “1234′′ , “1234′′ , “1231′′ , and “1324′′ for single-plane, two-plane,
An AgNW ethanol suspension was first prepared by dispersing three-plane, and complex spatial structure detection, respectively.
AgNWs in ethanol at a concentration of 0.5 mg/mL for 10 min using an
ultrasonic cleaner. The AgNW suspension was then sprayed onto the 2.9. Characterization
surface of an EC film coated on glass using a small airbrush, and allowed
to dry naturally at room temperature. The resulting EC/AgNW film was The structures of the various layers and a vertical section of the CMLF
then peeled from the glass. were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM) (Dimension Icon,
Bruker, Germany) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (SIGMA
2.4. EC/triethyl citrate (TEC) film fabrication 500; ZEISS, Germany and Apreo 2 C; FEI, USA). The structure of the
AgNWs was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
An ethanol solution of EC/TEC was prepared by stirring a mixture of (JEM-F200; JEOL, Japan). The optical transmittance of the sample was
EC, TEC, and ethanol in a weight ratio of 3:1:20. The mixed solution was obtained using a Shimadzu UV-3600 spectrometer (Japan). The sheet
coated onto the surface of a piece of glass and allowed to dry naturally at resistance of the AgNW layer was determined using a four-point probe
room temperature. The resulting EC/TEC film was then peeled from the resistivity measurement system (RTS-8; Four Probes Tech, China). The
glass. resistance of the CMLF was determined using a multimeter (DMM6500;
Keithley Instruments, USA and VC890D; VICTOR, China). The tribo
2.5. PDMS film fabrication electric output of each TENG was determined using a Keithley 6514
electrometer (Keithley Instruments, USA). A linear motor was used to
A PDMS base and a curing agent were mixed in a weight ratio of 10:1, provide an external force (20 N) for the contact–separation movement.
coated onto a piece of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic plate, The output power of the TENG was calculated using the formula P = I2R,
and cured at 65 ◦ C for 5 h. The resulting PDMS film was then peeled from where P is the output power, I is the peak current, and R denotes the
the PET plate. resistance of the external load resistor. Because the CMLFs are tightly
packed with cellulose molecules or nanofibers, the structure and prop
2.6. CMLF fabrication erties of the films are stable under normal ambient. The above experi
ments were carried out in the normal environment with environmental
An ethanol solution of EC or a TEMPO-oxidized NFC aqueous humidity of ~32% and temperature of ~23 ◦ C.
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
3. Results and discussion layers (Fig. S5, Supporting Information). It was possible to control the
thickness of each layer and the total thickness of the CMLF by adjusting
To construct the film-based single-electrode TENG, cellulose was the amount of each component used for coating or spraying.
used as the main component for multilayer film fabrication via simple The conductivity of the electrode layer was critically determined by
coating and spraying methods (Fig. 1a). The precursor of each layer of the loading amount of the AgNWs. As the AgNW dosage increased from
the film was in a solution or suspension state (Fig. S1, Supporting 0.01 to 0.06 mg/cm2, the sheet resistance of the electrode layer appar
Information). ently decreased from 115.6 to 2.2 Ω/□ (Fig. 2a). The CMLF was elec
Considering the unique molecular structure and nanofiber structure, trically conductive owing to the AgNW electrode layer. When the AgNW
NFC and EC are selected to fabricate transparent friction layer. First, an layer of the CMLF was connected to an LED and a 3 V power supply, the
ethanol solution of EC or an aqueous suspension of NFC was deposited generated current effectively lit up the LED (Fig. 2b). Each layer of the
on a glass substrate. After the evaporation of ethanol or water, an CMLF was transparent (Figs. 2c and S6 and S7, Supporting Information).
ethanol suspension of AgNWs was spray-coated onto the cellulose layer, At a wavelength of 600 nm, the EC layer had a light transmittance of
and rapidly generated a nanowire conductive layer. The width of a 92.7%. After depositing the AgNWs (nanowire loading of 0.03 mg/cm2),
single AgNW is 30–50 nm (Fig. S2, Supporting Information). To protect the transmittance decreased slightly to 79.9%. The transmittance
the AgNWs and improve the flexibility of the film, EC with plasti remained at 79.1% when the EC/TEC layer was coated. The CMLF was
cizer− TEC was subsequently coated on the silver layer. A CMLF capable of covering various substrates, and the color and pattern of each
comprising EC or NFC as a triboelectric layer, AgNWs as an electrode substrate are clearly visible from the top of the film (Fig. S8, Supporting
layer, and EC and TEC as a protective layer was then peeled from the Information). The transparency of the films decreased slightly as the
glass. The CMLF was transparent and foldable because it was thin, was loading amount of the AgNWs increased (Figs. S9 and S10, Supporting
organized by nano-sized or molecular-scaled components, contained Information). Compared with the brittleness and fragility of glass
plasticizer, and its three layers were closely packed and compatible. (Fig. S11, Supporting Information), the EC layer, AgNW-coated EC
Fig. 1b is a digital photo that confirms the transparency of the CMLF and bilayer, and EC/TEC layer were all flexible (Fig. 2d). The final generated
it could be folded without structural damage. The EC or NFC layer was CMLF retained the flexibility, and it was possible to bend, roll, twist, and
smooth (Fig. 1c and Fig. S3, Supporting Information). After depositing fold it in half without structure breaking (Figs. 2d and S12, Supporting
the AgNWs, entangled web-like nanowire structures were discernible Information). NFC layer has advantages over EC layer in flexibility and
(Figs. 1d and S4, Supporting Information). The surface of the CMLF foldability. The CMLF can be repeatedly bended and still has conduc
became smooth after the EC/TEC coating layer was deposited (Fig. 1e). tivity (Fig. 2e). Initially, the resistance of the CMLF was approximately
The width of a standard sample of the CMLF was ~85 µm (Fig. 1f). The 85.7 Ω. After 3000 cycles of reciprocated bending, the ΔR/R0 of CMLF
AgNW layer locates inside of the film and separates the EC and EC/TEC increased to approximately 24.6% (ΔR represents the resistance change
Fig. 1. Construction of cellulose-based multilayer film (CMLF). (a) Schematic of the fabrication process of the CMLF. (b) Digital photo of the CMLF demonstrating its
transparency and foldability. SEM images of the surfaces of the various layers of the CMLF: (c) ethyl cellulose (EC); (d) silver nanowire (AgNW); (e) EC/triethyl
citrate (TEC). (f) SEM image of a vertical section of the EC-derived CMLF.
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
Fig. 2. Transparency, conductivity and foldability of EC-derived CMLF. (a) Sheet resistance of CMLFs with various AgNW dosages in the electrode layer. (b) Digital
photo illustrating the conductivity of the CMLF. (c) Light transmittance spectra of EC film, EC/AgNW film and CMLF. The inset (from left to right) shows the digital
photo of covering EC film, EC/AgNW film and CMLF on a substrate with colored words. (d) Digital photos illustrating the flexibility of the EC film, EC/AgNW film,
EC/TEC film, and CMLF. (e) ΔR/R0 of the CMLF over 3000 bending cycles. One side of the CMLF was fixed, the other side moved from ~4.5–1 cm to the fixed side
along the horizontal direction, and the CMLF was bent repeatedly. The inset illustrates the bending process of the CMLF. (f) Digital photos showing the 90◦ folding of
a PE film, a PDMS film, and the CMLF, and the release of the films. (g) Digital photo showing the testing of the conductivity of the folded CMLF. The inset shows the
resistance between the two sides of the folded CMLF.
of the CMLF during the bending cycles, and R0 refers to the original mechanism, which was based on the coupling effect of tribo
resistance of the CMLF). Compared with a transparent plastic or rubber, electrification and electrostatic induction (Fig. 3b).
the apparent advantage of the CMLF is that it can be folded like paper Cellulose and wood have been employed as positive triboelectric
and retains its folded shape (Fig. 2f), which contributes to form a stable materials to fabricate TENGs [42,43,51,52]. As our TEMPO-oxidized
three-dimensional spatial structure. A polyethene (PE) film, a PDMS NFC only contains trace amounts of C6 carboxyl groups at the nano
film, and the CMLF were simultaneously folded in half. After release, the fiber surface, the ability of gain and loss electrons of NFC is similar to
PDMS film recovered its shape rapidly and the crease was barely that of cellulose. With regards to triboelectric polarization, EC and cel
discernible (Movie S1, Supporting Information), while the PE film was lulose is easy to lose electrons and become positively charged, while
gradually recovery (Movie S2, Supporting Information). In contrast, the PDMS is readily to gain electrons and become negatively charged. In the
CMLF retained its shape at a folding angle of approximately 90◦ (Movie triboelectric series, EC and cellulose have a stronger ability to lose
S3, Supporting Information), and was therefore well suited to the con electrons than PDMS [53]. Therefore, EC and TEMPO-oxidized NFC
struction of complex spatial structures by origami or kirigami. It was worked as positive triboelectric materials when in paired with PDMS.
easy to fold the CMLF to form various shapes and structures (Fig. S13, When the PDMS contacted the top cellulose triboelectric layer of the
Supporting Information). Even after folding at an angle of 90◦ , the CMLF TENG, the two materials have surface charges with opposite polarity, as
retained its structural integrity and conductivity, with a resistance of a result of the different electron affinities. When the separation distance
155.9 Ω (Fig. 2g). of the two materials is increased, an induced negative charge is appeared
A single-electrode TENG was assembled using the CMLF and shown on the AgNWs electrode, so as to a voltage signal is output in the circuit;
in Fig. 3a. It was self-standing and highly transparent. A PDMS film was At the time of the separation distance reaches the maximum, the output
used as a negative triboelectric material for evaluating the performance voltage reaches the peak (Fig. 3b <iii>); Then decreasing the separation
of the TENG. The single-electrode TENG worked by a contact separation distance between the two materials, a reverse electron flowing appears
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
Fig. 3. Single-electrode TENG assembly. (a) Digital photo of a 7 × 7 cm2 EC-derived TENG. The scale bar represents 1 cm. (b) Schematic diagrams illustrating the
working mechanism of the TENG. A PDMS film was chosen as a negative triboelectric material. (c) Open circuit voltage (Voc), (d) short circuit current (Isc), and (e)
short circuit charge transfer (Qsc) of the nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC)-derived TENG and the EC-derived TENG. (f) An EC-derived TENG was folded by 90◦ from the
middle and attached to a wooden block. (g) The EC-derived TENG was touched three times from the top and side surface by a finger of a hand with nitrile rubber
glove, and (h) the corresponding voltage output.
in the circuit. Under the impetus of a linear motor, the PDMS and TENG trace amounts of C6 carboxyl groups. Thus, the EC is located at a more
carried out a continuous contact–separation cycle, and produced a stable positive position in the triboelectric series. The further away of EC and
alternating current signal. To better demonstrate the difference in PDMS on the series resulting in the greater charge transferred. When
output performance of various cellulose-based materials, TENGs using paired with PDMS, the EC-derived TENG had better triboelectric output
EC and NFC triboelectric layer with dimensions of 5 × 5 cm2 were performance than that of NFC-derived TENG. The as-assembled TENGs
assembled. The successful preparation of CMLFs using two types of were flexible and foldable. An EC-derived TENG that was folded 90◦ was
cellulose friction layers reflects the feasibility and universality of the attached to two planes of a wooden cube. One part of the TENG was
fabrication method. The open circuit voltage (Voc), short circuit current attached to the top surface of the cube and another part was affixed to
(Isc), and short circuit charge transfer (Qsc) were determined under an the side surface (Fig. 3f). Owing to the transparency of the TENG, the
external force of 20 N, a frequency of 1 Hz, and a displacement of 5 mm color and grain of the wood remained visible. When an experimenter
(Fig. 3c–e). For the TENG with TEMPO-oxidized NFC as the positive wears nitrile rubber gloves touched the top and side surface of the TENG
triboelectric layer, the peak values of Voc, Isc, and Qsc were approxi three times with one finger (Fig. 3g), corresponding voltage signals were
mately 99.0 V, 0.37 μA, and 35.5 nC, respectively. The EC-derived TENG detected from both parts, confirming that the structure of the folded
had a higher triboelectric output, with maximum Voc, Isc, and Qsc TENG remained intact (Fig. 3h). The transparency of CMLF will not
values of approximately 150.0 V, 0.74 μA, and 51.7 nC, respectively. affect the power generation performance because TENG produce elec
The EC and NFC are different in structure and functional groups. The EC tricity through contact and separation. However, the transparency of the
exposes large amount of ethoxy and hydroxyl groups, while the surface TENG enables it to cover different substrates and produce electrical
of TEMPO-oxidized NFC mainly contains carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. signal output without sacrificing the color and pattern characteristics of
The carboxyl group at the nanofiber surface of TEMPO-oxidized NFC has the substrates.
stronger electron affinity than that of ethoxy group in the EC [54]. Be The output performance of the TENG depends on the working mode
sides, the EC has abundant ethoxy groups while the NFC only contains and parameters of the linear motor motion. At a fixed working
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
displacement, the Voc and Qsc are mainly determined by the ability of operating frequencies, so a relatively “mild” 2 Hz frequency was chosen
the material being investigated to acquire or lose electrons. When the for durability testing. After 10,000 cycles, the TENG still remains stable
working displacement was fixed at 5 mm and the operating frequency triboelectric output with a Voc of approximately 150 V (Fig. 4h), illus
was increased from 1 to 5 Hz, the Voc and Qsc of the TENG changed trating its robustness. When the TENG was connected to a rectifier
little, whereas the Isc apparently increased from 0.74 to 2.80 μA bridge for current rectification (Fig. 4i), it easily lit up 50 LEDs (Fig. 4j
(Fig. 4a–c). An increase in the working displacement resulted in greater and Movie S4, Supporting Information).
charge transfer during contact separation, producing a higher tribo Supplementary material related to this article can be found online at
electric output. When the operating frequency was fixed at 1 Hz and the doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107307.
working displacement was increased from 1 to 5 mm, the Voc, Isc, and Owing to the transparency, foldability, simple fabrication and can be
Qsc of the TENG all increased (Fig. 4d–f). easily combined with origami and/or kirigami, the TENG can be
The output current and power of the EC-derived TENG were developed as portable film-based electronic devices. To improve the
measured by connecting an external load resistor of 1 kΩ to 20 GΩ practicability, we assembled and integrated four TENGs into one EC-
(Fig. 4g). With a working displacement of 5 mm and an operating fre derived CMLF (Fig. 5a). Four EC layers, four AgNW layers, and a large
quency of 1 Hz, the current gradually decreased as the external load EC/TEC layer were step-by-step deposited on a glass substrate, and the
resistance increased. When the external load resistance reached 8 GΩ, resulting CMLF was peeled off and turned over. When an experimenter
the output power of the TENG reached a peak value of 0.33 mW. The wears nitrile rubber gloves touched the TENG with a finger, the surface
voltage curve of EC-derived TENG at various external loading resistance of the EC layer lost electrons and generated positive charge. Each TENG
value with a working displacement of 5 mm and a working frequency of was touched five times and produced relatively stable Voc signals
1 Hz is shown in Fig. S14. To evaluate its durability and stability of (Fig. 5b). The integration of four single electrode TENGs into one piece
power generation, the TENG was subjected to continuous con of film can realize the three-dimensional touch password recognition via
tact–separation movement at a working displacement of 5 mm. It is simply manipulating the spatial configuration of the film. The assembly
verified in Fig. 4a that the Voc is basically the same under different of TENGs into one film can simplify the procedure of password switch
Fig. 4. Output performance of the EC-derived single-electrode TENG. (a) Voc, (b) Isc, and (c) Qsc of the TENG at a working displacement of 5 mm as the operating
frequency was increased from 1 to 5 Hz. (d) Voc, (e) Isc, and (f) Qsc of the TENG at an operating frequency of 1 Hz as the working displacement was increased from 1
to 5 mm. (g) The output current and corresponding power of the TENG at various external loading resistance values of 1 kΩ to 20 GΩ. (h) The Voc of the TENG after
10,000 contact–separation working cycles. (i) Connecting a TENG with a rectifier bridge for current rectification. (j) The TENG was able to light up 50 LEDs.
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
Fig. 5. The use of EC-derived TENG for touching password switch. (a) One CMLF contained four TENGs and each TENG became positively charged when touched by
a finger of a hand with nitrile rubber glove. (b) Voc of each TENG of the CMLF when touched five times by a finger of a hand with nitrile rubber glove. (c) Digital
photo illustrating the connection of various units to construct a touch password switch system. (d) The password was set by the program edited in the personal
computer, which should be decrypted by touching the TENGs in the sequence of “1234′′ . (e) The corresponding detection of (d) by password recognition and
observing whether the LED is lit up. (f) Constructing of CMLFs containing three or four TENGs with various spatial configurations on wood blocks by cutting and
folding. (g) Unlocking switches with various spatial structures by touching the TENGs. If the TENGs were touched in the correct order, the LED lit up, otherwise it
did not.
system construction, which is also good in reflecting the advantages of “1234′′ in the program (Fig. 5d), and therefore the corresponding correct
cutting and folding of CMLF. The assembly of the system is illustrated in touch sequence was TENG-1, TENG-2, TENG-3, and TENG-4. The LED
Figs. 5c and S15 (Supporting Information). The four TENGs of the CMLF only lit up when the sequence in which the TENGs were touched agreed
were assigned numbers 1–4 and were sequentially connected to four with the initial password (Fig. 5e). As four TENGs were assembled into
signal detectors, an Arduino board, and an LED. The Arduino board was one CMLF, it was quite easy to cut and fold the CMLF to produce various
also linked to a PC and controlled by a computer program. The number spatial configurations for self-standing multi-dimensional touch pass
of each TENG was set in advance in the program. When each TENG was word switches (Fig. 5f).
touched, the generated electrical signal was detected, and the corre The transparency of the CMLF enabled crypticity without concealing
sponding number of the TENG was identified through the Arduino board the characteristics of the substrate. For a single-plane space, it was
and the PC’s program. The initial password for plane detection was set as possible to use the CMLF directly because it was a flat film. To produce a
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
two-plane space, it was possible to fold the CMLF by 90◦ to ensure that Declaration of Competing Interest
each plane contained two TENGs. When a TENG was cut off from the
CMLF and the adjacent planes containing TENGs were folded by 90◦ , a The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
three-plane space was obtained. By arbitrarily selecting two adjacent interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
units containing TENGs for cutting, and performing a series of 90◦ folds the work reported in this paper.
on the adjacent planes containing TENGs, it was possible to produce a
complex three-dimensional spatial structure. The as-obtained samples Acknowledgements
can be attached with substrate of corresponding structures, and realize
the touching password switch by finger clicking at single plane, two This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
planes, three planes or with complex configurations, depending on the of China, China (no. 31922056 and no. 52072041), the Fundamental
requirement. As shown in Fig. 5g and Movies S5–8 (Supporting Infor Research Funds for the Central Universities, China (no. 2572018CG01
mation), transparent CMLFs with various configurations were fixed to and no. 2572019BB03), the Young Talents Program in Forestry and
wood blocks. When the TENGs were touched in the correct sequence, the Grassland Science and Technology Innovation from the Forestry and
LED of each group lit up. If the sequence was wrong, the password- Grassland Bureau of China, China (2019132612), the National Key R&D
protected lock remained unaltered and the LED failed to light up. Project from Minister of Science and Technology in China, China (no.
Supplementary material related to this article can be found online at 2016YFA0202701), and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107307. China (no. Y8540XX2D2).
Although many plastics, rubbers, man-made materials and cellulose-
based materials have been successfully produced and used to develop
Appendix A. Supporting information
various TENGs, our CMLF-derived TENG still has unique features and
advantages: (1) Compared with synthetic plastics and rubbers, CMLF is
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
environmentally friendly and degradable. It is a sustainable structural
online version at doi:10.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107307.
material; (2) Compared with opaque synthetic materials and most cel
lulose aerogels, CMLF is transparent and will not obscure the visual
characters of its substrates when used. (3) Compared with glass, ce References
ramics and metals, CMLF can be processed by origami and kirigami, and
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[33] Y. Fang, C.Y. Jing, G.L. Li, S.J. Ling, Z.H. Wang, P. Lu, Q. Li, C.C. Dai, S. Gao, B.
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S. Chen, Wood-derived systems for sustainable oil/water separation, Adv. Sustain. Huiqi Zhao is a Ph.D. student in the research group of Pro
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[34] M. Dai, F. Zhao, J.J. Fan, Q. Li, Y. Yang, Z.J. Fan, S.J. Ling, H.P. Yu, S.X. Liu, J. Li, systems, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Her main
W.S. Chen, G.H. Yu, A nanostructured moisture-absorbing gel for fast and large- research interests focus on the field of multifunctional sensing
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[35] M.Z. Wang, T.M. Sun, D.H. Wan, M. Dai, S.J. Ling, J.L. Wang, Y.Q. Liu, Y. Fang, S.
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[36] Y. Wang, M. Dai, H.T. Wu, L. Xu, T.T. Zhang, W.S. Chen, Z.L. Wang, Y. Yang,
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Mater. Interfaces 4 (2017) 1700651. medium-level engineer at Northeast Forestry University in
[40] Y. Wang, L.N. Zhang, A. Lu, Highly stretchable, transparent cellulose/PVA 2016. Her research interests include cellulose nanopapers,
composite hydrogel for multiple sensing and triboelectric nanogenerators, natural nanomaterials for energy storage, and biomass molec
J. Mater. Chem. A 8 (2020) 13935–13941. ular dynamics simulation technologies.
[41] M. Li, Y. Jie, L.H. Shao, Y.L. Guo, X. Cao, N. Wang, Z.L. Wang, All-in-one cellulose
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[42] J.J. Luo, Z.M. Wang, L. Xu, A.C. Wang, K. Han, T. Jiang, Q.S. Lai, Y. Bai, W. Tang,
F.R. Fan, Z.L. Wang, Flexible and durable wood-based triboelectric nanogenerators
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[43] S.F. Hao, J.Y. Jiao, Y.D. Chen, Z.L. Wang, X. Cao, Natural wood-based triboelectric
nanogenerator as self-powered sensing for smart homes and floors, Nano Energy 75
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[44] P.K. Yang, Z.H. Lin, K.C. Pradel, L. Lin, X.H. Li, X.N. Wen, J.H. He, Z.L. Wang, Prof. Renyun Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in Biomedical
Paper-based origami triboelectric nanogenerators and self-powered pressure Engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China in
sensors, ACS Nano 9 (2015) 901–907. 2007. He is currently an Associate Professor in Nanotechnology
[45] X. Fan, J. Chen, J. Yang, P. Bai, Z.L. Li, Z.L. Wang, Ultrathin, rollable, paper-based at Mid Sweden University, Sundsvall, Sweden. His research
triboelectric nanogenerator for acoustic energy harvesting and self-powered sound interests include energy harvesting, nanotechnology, nano
recording, ACS Nano 9 (2015) 4236–4243. biotechnology, and nano films.
[46] L. Zhang, Y. Liao, Y.C. Wang, S.V. Zhang, W.Q. Yang, X.J. Pan, Z.L. Wang, Cellulose
II aerogel-based triboelectric nanogenerator, Adv. Funct. Mater. 30 (2020)
[47] R.Y. Zhang, C. Dahlstrom, H.Y. Zou, J. Jonzon, M. Hummelgard, J. Ortegren,
N. Blomquist, Y. Yang, H. Andersson, M. Olsen, M. Norgren, H. Olin, Z.L. Wang,
Cellulose-based fully green triboelectric nanogenerators with output power density
of 300 W m-2, Adv. Mater. 32 (2020) 2002824.
S. Xu et al. Nano Energy 98 (2022) 107307
Sen Gao received his BSc degree in Wood Science and Engi Prof. Shouxin Liu received his Ph.D. degree in Chemical
neering from Beihua University in 2018. He is currently pur Processing and Engineering of Forest Products from Northeast
suing his Ph.D. degree in the research group of Professor Forestry University, China. He is currently a professor at
Wenshuai Chen at Northeast Forestry University. His research Northeast Forestry University. His current research focuses on
centers on flame retardant wood and wood-based functional active carbon materials, carbon aerogels, carbon dots, and
materials. nanocellulose.
Fei Wang is a graduate student in the research group of Pro Prof. Jian Li obtained his Ph.D. degree in Wood Science from
fessor Wenshuai Chen at Northeast Forestry University. He Northeast Forestry University in 1987. He is currently an
received his BSc degree in Energy Chemical Engineering from academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, and a pro
South China University of Technology in 2020. His current fessor at Northeast Forestry University. His research interests
research interests focus on nanocellulose-based moisture- include a wide range of wood science topics such as wood
driven power generation systems and functional materials. biomimetics, wood physics, wood chemistry, wood-based
composites, and high-performance nanocomposites from
lignocellulosic resources.
Guoliang Li received his MSc degree in Wood Science and Prof. Wenshuai Chen is a professor in the College of Materials
Engineering from Beihua University in 2005 and Ph.D. degree Science and Engineering at Northeast Forestry University. He
in Wood Science and Technology from Northeast Forestry received his BSc degree (2008) and Ph.D. degree (2013) in
University in 2012. His research interests include wood physics Wood Science and Technology from Northeast Forestry Uni
and wood intelligent bionics. versity. His research interests include wood physics, bio
nanocomposites, nanocellulose, aerogels/foams, and the
development of wood-based nanomaterials and functional
systems for energy and environmental sciences.
Bailing Chen received her BSc degree(2014)in Logistics Prof. Ya Yang received his Ph.D. in Materials Science and
Engineering and MSc degree (2016) in Forestry Engineering Engineering from University of Science and Technology Bei
from Northeast Forestry University. She is currently pursuing jing, China. He is currently a professor at Beijing Institute of
her Ph.D. degree under the supervision of Professor Weihong Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Wang and Professor Wenshuai Chen at Northeast Forestry China. He has developed various new hybridized and multi-
University. Her research interests center on cellulose-based effects coupled nanogenerators, opening up the new princi
functional gels. ples of the device design and coupled effects, and the new
approaches of improving output performances of energy-
related devices. His main research interests focus on the field
of hybridized and coupled nanogenerators for energy conver
sion, self-powered sensing, and some new physical effects.