Object Oriented Analysis and Design Using The UML: Nabgha Hashmi Faculty of Computer Science University of Gujrat

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Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Using the UML

Nabgha Hashmi
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Gujrat

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 1
Basic Concepts of Object Orientation
 Object
 Class
 Attribute
 Operation
 Interface (Polymorphism)
 Relationships

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 2
1. Association
i. Aggregation
ii. Composition
2. Dependency
3. Generalization
4. Realization

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1. Association

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Relationships: Association
 Models a semantic connection among classes

Association Name

Professor Works for University

Role Names

Class University
Employee Employer

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Association: Multiplicity
 Unspecified
 Exactly one 1
 Zero or more (many, unlimited) 0..*
 One or more 1..*

 Zero or one 0..1

 Specified range 2..4

 Multiple, disjoint ranges 2, 4..6

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1.1. Aggregation

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Relationships: Aggregation

 A special form of association that models a whole-part

relationship between an aggregate (the whole) and its
Whole Part

Student Schedule


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1.2. Composition

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Relationships: Composition
 A form of aggregation with strong
ownership and coincident lifetimes
 The parts cannot survive the whole/aggregate
Whole Part

Student Schedule


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Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 10
UML Notations

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OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

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What If You are Not Sure What Type of Relationship to Use?

 Do not get too confuse if you are unable to decide whether a particular
whole-part relationship is best described as an aggregation or
composition because the distinction is helpful, it is not critical.

 If you are not even sure whether the relationship is best

described as Composition or Aggregation, then model it as an

 In fact, there is nothing wrong with modelling all whole-part

relationships as simple Associations.

 it will make no difference to the resulting solution.

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 13

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 14
Relationships: Dependency
 A relationship between two model elements
where a change in one may cause a
change in the other
 Non-structural, “using” relationship
Client Supplier Component

Package Client Supplier


ClientPackage SupplierPackage
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Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 15
3. Generalization

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Relationships: Generalization
 A relationship among classes where one
class shares the structure and/or behavior
of one or more classes
 Defines a hierarchy of abstractions in which
a subclass inherits from one or more
 Single inheritance
 Multiple inheritance
 Generalization is an “is-a-kind of”

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 17
Example: Single Inheritance
 One class inherits from another

Superclass number
(parent) Withdraw()

Checking Savings

Subclasses Withdraw() GetInterest()


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Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 18
Example: Multiple Inheritance
 A class can inherit from several other
FlyingThing Animal


Airplane Helicopter Bird Wolf Horse

Use multiple inheritance only when needed, and

always with caution !
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Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 19
4. Realization

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

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 In UML modelling, a realization relationship is a

relationship between two model elements, in which one
model element (the client) realizes (implements or
executes) the behavior that the other model element
(the supplier) specifies.

 Realizations can only be shown on class or component


OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 21
Relationships: Realization
 One classifier serves as the contract that
the other classifier agrees to carry out
 Found between:
 Interfaces and the classifiers that realize them
Class Component
Interface Interface
Elided form
 Use cases and the collaborations that realize
Canonical form

Use Case Use-Case Realization

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Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 22
UML Tools

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 23
UML Tools
 Rational Rose is the “real world” standard; full round-trip code

 Together (from Borland) is a lot like Rational Rose

 ArgoUML looks interesting (and is open source)

 BlueJ, displays simple UML diagrams

 Drawing programs with UML support

 Visio is a Microsoft tool

 Dia is a freeware clone of Visio

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Tool Links

 Rational Rose

 http://www-3.ibm.com/software/awdtools/developer/rosexde/

 Together

 http://www.borland.com/together/

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Tool Links
 ArgoUML

 http://argouml.tigris.org

 Visio

 http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/visio/

 Dia

 http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia

OOAD Using the UML - Introduction to Object Orientation, v 4.2

Copyright  1998-1999 Rational Software, all rights reserved 26

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