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Hymmnos Translation

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by Mitose Noriko Ma num ra teyys ween syec oz wase en noglle guatrz, ee, (With extreme calmness, I want to keep existing within the hell of violent black anger) Ween colgen fayra, Race mea wis gigeadeth zeeth tie yor (While forming a miracle in the frozen hellfire, let me adorn thine neck with a necklace made of steel) DESPEDIA/. Hyear, Ma num ra gyusya yorr, ee Dia oz ruinien (Oh, great lord of destruction) Hyear, Ma num ra gyusya yorr dewee won clamour yor (Kneel down before me, I am controling thee) en chess won vinan jambea mea, gigeadeth zeeth tie yor (And I will tie thee to my white feet with hardened chains of steel)

Rrha paks ra chs gigeadeth zeeth tie yor (I shall become the hardened chains of steel that bind thee) Rrha paks ra chs shazra cause yor (I shall become the thorny tendrils that torment thee) Rrha paks ra chs viega zethpa yor (I shall become the silver sword that engrave on thine body) Rrha paks ra chs omnis yor (I shall become everything...) Rrha yea ra infel yor, waze, waze (I love thee) Rrha yea ra melenas yor, syec, syec (I love thee) Rrha yea ra dsier yor, rol clemezen (I love thee so much, so much that I went crazy) Rrha yea ra ruinie omnis yor (I want to kill thee) DESPEDIA/.

Nanji chi ni fushitada hizamazukite (Bow down to the earth, kneel before me)

Kikeya wa ga kotoba (Listen to my divine words) " " Kuroki fuchi zaigou no gouka moeyu yami (Deep inside the black abyss, the darkness burns its flame of sinful destruction)

Naraku no soko ni utsuru wa nare no (The bottom of hell reflects thee)

Oni ga na manazo ataeyo ware ni (Devote thy demonic name, thy true name to me) Rrha yea ra haf yor,forgandal (Because thou belong to me) knawa Manac yor,Manac (Because I know thine demonic name, thy true name) " " Kizamareshi kizu kienai ato (The wound carved unto thine body would leave a scar that never disappears) Ma num ra tictim yorr wis kneet hueaf van yorr zaffur (Even if thou struggle, it would be useless, now is too late) " " Juukoku no kase ibara no kusari (The shackles of binding, the chains of thorns) Ma num ra tictim yorr wis dhezeall DESPEDIA/. (Thou art the prisoner of DESPEDIA/.)

Sono ude ni karamu (Entangled in those arms) "Rrha ki ra chs hymme" (Turn unto a song)

Yawarakana yubisaki (Thy pale fingertip)

Ciel fusya en gat ftt. EXEC_VIENA/. EXEC_VIENA/. Vocals and Chorus: Haruka Shimotsuki Composition: Haruka Shimotsuki Arrangement: Ken Nakagawa Wee yea ra exec hymme VIENA >> SOL=FAGE/1x10 enter FRELIA. Wee yea ra exec hymme VIENA >> SOL=FAGE/1x10 enter FRELIA. In this happiness, I shall share my consciousness with Frelia (In this happiness, I shall execute the song Viena after connecting it to SOL=FAGE, and I will enter in Frelia through SOL=FAGE) Hierle faura murfan anw yeeel ciel. Hierle faura murfan anw yeeel ciel. In its sadness, the little bird imagined the faraway sky. Gat fusya en ciel ftt. Gat fusya en ciel ftt. Covered by a curse, the sky has vanished Wee i ga vit anw reveris enrer. Wee i ga vit anw reveris enrer. In my anxiousness, I am always having nightmares Wee yea ra wael dauan bexm xl yor cexm mea. Wee yea ra wael dauan bexm xl yor cexm mea. But my sadness dawned to happiness since the time you visited me Was yea erra chs sheak, en sol anw yeal. Was yea erra chs sheak, en sol anw yeal. I shall be eternally happy to turn into the sun, and into its shining rays Was quel erra chs lusye eazas. Was quel erra chs lusye eazas. In this eternal earnestness, we turn into our mutual light Presia firle anw harton, Presia firle anw harton, Please, I don't wish to lose this love (Chorus) rasse! rasse! Cheer! van yor jyel der polon, van yor jyel der polon, even if I am isolated from you in the loneliness yanje. yanje. forever Yanyaue akata messe anw hymmne an fhyu. Yanyaue akata messe anw hymmne an fhyu. An important story, conveyed by a melody carried in the wind Ciel fusya en gat ftt. Surrounded by the sky, the cursed has vanished Wee yea ra yehar anw zash. Wee yea ra yehar anw zash. I am not longer suffering Wee yea ra wael nuih bexm, xl yor yaha tes mea. Wee yea ra wael nuih bexm, xl yor yaha tes mea. I am no longer scared when the night comes, thanks to the smile you gave to me Was yea erra chs weak, en khal anw yeal. Was yea erra chs weak, en khal anw yeal. I shall be eternally happy to turn into the moon, and its protective rays Was quel erra chs lusye eazas. Was quel erra chs lusye eazas. In this eternal earnestness, we turn into our mutual light Presia firle anw harton, Presia firle anw harton, Please, I don't wish to lose this love (Chorus) rasse! rasse! Cheer! van yor jyel der polon, van yor jyel der polon, even if I am isolated from you in the loneliness Was yea erra chs ieeya, en sol anw yeal. Was yea erra chs ieeya, en sol anw yeal. I shall be eternally happy to turn into the hope, and into its shining rays Was yea erra chs lusye eazas. Was yea erra chs lusye eazas. In this eternal earnestness, we turn into our mutual light (Chorus) rasse! rasse! Cheer! Presia firle anw faura, Presia firle anw faura, Please, remember the little birds from that day van futare parge iem. van futare parge iem. And even if now or in the future we have to part ways Melenas. Melenas. I will always love you

EXEC_METAFALICA/. EXEC_METAFALICA/. Nn i ga exec hymme METAFALICA >> SOL=FAGE/1x10 enter FRELIA Nn i ga exec hymme METAFALICA >> SOL=FAGE/1x10 enter FRELIA Without any impatience, I will share my conciousness with Frelia (Without any impacience, I shall execute the song Metafalica after connecting it to SOL=FAGE, and I will enter in Frelia through SOL=FAGE)

edaha no bashi ten o ooeya Extend your foliage until you cover the skies

edaha no bashi ten o ooe Extend your foliage until you cover the skies inoru koe wa sora ni kakeyuku yoku The voice of prayers soars through the sky, as wings AHinori wa kaketeyuku AHThe voice of prayers... AhAHAh- mabayuki soukyuu no kudakeshi kakera Ah, the dazzling and broken shards of the blue sky AHAh- kono te no ue ima yadore Ah, now, I am holding them upon my hands AHAh- kono te no ue kirameki hoboreachiru Ah, their twinkle it is scattered upon my hands

izaya mezame yo akeki reimei ni Oh, awaken under a shining daybreak.

ware wa inochi o atau uta ni naru I shall turn into the song that bestows life. Ar dor,ar dor Ar dor,ar dor Oh, land, oh, land Urr dius dor ee Urr dius dor ee Oh, manifest yourself now, great land of the Goddess "Rrha ki ra echcrra jouee,Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea" "Rrha ki ra echcrra jouee,Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea" Infinitely concentrated, I shall resound with the divine power, and turn into a song "Rrha ki ra echcrra li 0, Rrha ki ra chs maxim" "Rrha ki ra echcrra li 0, Rrha ki ra chs maxim" Infinitely concentrated, I shall resound with this void, and become greater. "fayra en kapa,weak en sheak" "fayra en kapa,weak en sheak" fire and water, moon and sun "spiritum sanctum" "spiritum sanctum" the Ark of Souls

furisosoge hikari yo maiori yo kono mune no naka Oh, light, descend and soar inside of my heart

hikari o kanade maiori yo kono mune no naka Oh, light, play your song and descend inside of my heart AHAh- hibikiwaretare ya kami ga uta yo Ah, song of the Goddess, oh, resound! Rrha Rrha Rrha Rrha ki ki ki ki ra ra ra ra synk, synk, synk, synk, cexm dius lusye bexm dius waath cexm dius lusye bexm dius waath

Infinitely concentrated, descend now, cluster of divine light. Infinitely concentrated, the time of revival is coming. Rrha ki ra synk, cexm dius lusye Rrha ki ra ferda, jouee,Diasee Rrha ki ra synk, cexm dius lusye Rrha ki ra ferda, jouee,Diasee Infinitely concentrated, descend now, cluster of divine light. Infinitely concentrated, I dwell with the power of the Goddess, and the people

ware ni chikara ataetamau kami no koe o kikasetamau Please bestow power upon me; please let the voice of the Goddess be heard,

so wa osanaki shinjuu no raka These are the illegitimate offsprings of the young divine tree,

tokihanate ten ni kono omoi no kodou Let the pulse of my feelings be released into the heavens.

nemuru tane no ue ni sosogu Pouring down over the sleeping seeds

saa yomigaere haruka kamiyo no kiseki Be reborn now, miracle from the distant ancient times. yehar,hyear! Rrha num ra hymme cest mea yehar,hyear! Rrha num ra hymme cest mea Be released, my song of truth! yehar, hyear! Rrha num ra urr innna mea yehar, hyear! Rrha num ra urr innna mea Be released, my true figure!

megumi no ame ataetamau ruri no ame ni mezametamau Please bestow the rain of blessings upon them, and please let them awake in the rain of lapis lazuli AHmegumi no ame ataetamau ruri no ame ni AH- mebukite Please bestow the rain of blessings upon them, and sprout Ahin the rain of lapis lazuli.

"Rhaplanca, selena phira" "Rhaplanca, selena phira" Rhaplanca was raising a seed "ween sabl,den fandel sabl" "ween sabl,den fandel sabl"

In a place where there was a lot of sand, and only sand Ides, rre sasye Rhaplanca vit nnoi phira ween sable. Ides, rre sasye Rhaplanca vit nnoi phira ween sable.

There was a girl called Rhaplanca She saw a single seed lying in the sand Harr touwaka selena phira tes didalia dorn, crannidale infel en kapa. Harr touwaka selena phira tes didalia dorn, crannidale infel en kapa.

She wished to raise that seed into a great tree sharing with it her love and water Rre fandel heighte has herra pagle harr riomo Rre fandel heighte has herra pagle harr riomo en plina, hueaf. en plina, hueaf.

The people attacked her and cut down many times her plant, saying to her that it was only a futile effort. Den, harr granme irs pitod enrer crannidale infel en kapa. Den, harr granme irs pitod enrer crannidale infel en kapa. However, she always stood beside the seed to protect it, sharing with it her love and water. Den, harr haf nell pauwel. Den, harr haf nell pauwel. However, she didn't have enough strength. Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr Harr paul, whai herra rete ieeya, so? re heighte der gauzewiga oz ciel. ar vit plina has nhaf..." paul, whai herra rete ieeya, so? re heighte der gauzewiga oz ciel. ar vit plina has nhaf..."

She asked, "Why they had forgotten about hope to this extent?" She was struck by the despair of the world As she just looked in a daze to her sapling...

(naze sonna ni mo hitobito wa kibou o nakushiteshimatta no? (Why the people have lost hope like that?) "Diasee..." "Diasee..." (Children of God...)

~ Harmonics FRELIA ~ Utau Oka (Singing Hills) ~ Harmonics FRELIA ~ Composition & Arrangement: Tsuchiya Akira Vocals & Chorus: Shikata Akiko Lyrics: Tsuchiya Akira jYEzEtYA jYEzEtYA Joyously, I invoke happiness for you. lAnEcEaA wAwYAjEnYEc syec sphilar lAnEcEaA wAwYAjEnYEc syec sphilar With our strong bond of happiness, I will resound happily for your sake from the abyss of my heart. cEzE yor li yanje! cEzE yor li yanje! I will happily sing for you for the eternity! tYErEmN... tYErEmN... Gladly realizing your happiness... lYAnYEcYEaA wLYAjYEnLYEc ar ciel, ar ciel, omnis, lYAnYEcYEaA wLYAjYEnLYEc ar ciel, ar ciel, omnis, I will happily tie your feelings and the feelings of this world to me, and I will happily resound with them, through all, all of this world, hYEmEmArYE... et! hYEmEmArYE... et! I will sing my best to make you happy... as much a I can! ar foul ciel ar foul ciel A mysterious world Haaa tie yor ini en nha parge yor ar foul ciel Haaa tie yor ini en nha parge yor ar foul ciel I shall tie you to its entrance, and then, as we enter, I will detach you from this mysterious world jy ra cc ci ce je xa jy ra cc ci ce je xa rcc jy ra cc ar foul jy ra cc ci ce je xa jy ra cc ci ce je xa rcc jy ra cc ar foul Oh, sacred light, give me the power to protect myself. Oh, sacred light, give me the power to protect myself and this growing life. It is a great mystery how this light gives power Yee hhh re sss Yee ttt we sss vvi Yee hhh re ar foul ciel Yee hhh re sss Yee ttt we sss vvi Yee hhh re ar foul ciel Let the great light protect our loved ones, let's wish for that. Let the great fire protect us in this world of misteries yyya jjje ZZZa tte ggi yyya jjje ZZZa tte ggi Let's offer a sacrifice to the light of our beloved gods Wee ki ra ene rre sor hymme ar ciel en, rre hymmnos ee powel, Wee ki ra ene rre sor hymme ar ciel en, rre hymmnos ee powel, I will concentrate in feeling these singings in this world, and the power that these songs praise. Was yea ra hymme dilete yor enter ar ciel yehar.. Was yea ra hymme dilete yor enter ar ciel yehar..

powel Oh, great wisdom, oh enshroud these ones, the ones that praise the power of the songs ( ) Aoku ruru suikou ni In the blue, sparkling water that flows ( ) ( ) mio no ito wo hiki and its pulled through the threads of the waterway

hiroi hiroi umi no hate ni to the ends of the wide, wide sea

kimi wo mitsuke ni yuku it will go to find you.

Akai chi tagiri The crimson blood boils ( ) kokoro kogasu homuragi no the heart burns with energy of the flames, ( ) kuchibiru no shizuku suku itori taking the droplets of water of the lips ( ) tama tokeyuu tame ni for the sake of merging the souls

Hi no hikari furisosogu The downpouring light of the sun sora wo kakeyo tomo ni together with the inmense sky

nami wo kanade plays the waves ho o habatakase and spreads the sail of the wings (Chorus) AhAhtsuki no kiseki no umi yo tomo ni Ah- in the still augite sea of the moon ai no hiyoku wo habatakase The wings of love spread

Amakami wo kakemau kizuna no melody sore wa Upon the skies, the bonding melody its dancing

I will be happy to sing the divine protection, so you can enter and release this world... ya ya diviega, ya ya ya ya ya enclone sor en, rre hymmnos ee powel ya ya diviega, ya ya ya ya ya enclone sor en, rre hymmnos ee

kagayakeru jutai no ko wo musuu chishio no sanka In the shining fertilization, ...the children are bind by the hymn of hot-bloodnedness

kagayakeru jutai no haha to chi shio no sanka In the shining fertilization, the mother and... by the hymn of hot-bloodnedness

(Chorus) irle faf jyel enerel... irs jam mea? yor yehar jyel. irle faf jyel enerel... irs jam mea? yor yehar jyel. I'm feeling always afraid... I am alone? Can you free me from this loneliness? (Chorus) irs jam inferiare yor heyar jyel fusya irs jam inferiare yor heyar jyel fusya I'm with you, my irreplaceable person, and let me free you from the loneliness that surrounds you. Aha Ah - sasayaki kasane orinasu wa hitotsu no uchuumi ni naru Ah - the piled whispers are weaving in harmony..., turning the peace in the only sight of the world Aha Ah - sasayaki kasane orinasu kimi to totsu no uchuumi ni naru Ah - the piled whispers are weaving ...with you, turning the... only sight of the world (Chorus) Rrha yea ra rinc en echrra yor, rre walasye jyel got ieeya, Rrha yea ra rinc en echrra yor, rre walasye jyel got ieeya, \ I will be happy to feel the same as you and echo with you, and with all the wishes of the lonely people (Chorus) Forgandal ar dius near grandus mea der dilete Forgandal ar dius near grandus mea der dilete 1 Because I want to protect the precious lives with this divine protection

fukaku karamu ito wa wasure kataki hito no uta Deep entwined in the threads on the forgotten and difficult song of men AhAhfukaku karamu idenshi wa Ah- kizuna no ah- hito no uta Deep entwined in the genes Ah - by the Ah- song of bonds of the men (Chorus) Wee yea ra hymme hymmnos harmon en syast et wi powel. Wee yea ra hymme hymmnos harmon en syast et wi powel.

I will be happy to sing the songs together with everyone, to gather their power (Chorus) Was yea ra enne en crushue gyen METAFALICA ee sosar. Was yea ra enne en crushue gyen METAFALICA ee sosar.

I will be happy to pray and craft the great magic that we will praise for the creation of the Utopia. Wee yea ra hymme spiritum... Wee yea ra hymme spiritum... Im quite happy to sing with my soul...

I'm happy to see that you are relaxing EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. ~ omness chs ciel sos infel EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. ~ omness chs ciel sos infel (I will turn my life into a world for the sake of love) Lyrics: Akiko Shikata/Tomoko Shinoda Composed, arranged, vocals and chorus by: Akiko Shikata Chs hymma en famfa der ciel, Chs hymma en famfa der ciel, Like the birds that fly in the firmament chs plina en grlanza art fhyu, chs plina en grlanza art fhyu, Like the plants that dance thanks to the wind chs hasyu en zassyen der sielp, chs hasyu en zassyen der sielp, Like the fishes that swim in the rivers chs bister en rana anw dor, chs bister en rana anw dor, Like the animals that run through the land was yea ra messe anw briyante. was yea ra messe anw briyante. I will be happy to convey to the world my voice of joy Wassee anw fane lusye, Wassee anw fane lusye, Lets praise the shine of the love wassee zess frawr bautifal en afezeria, wassee zess frawr bautifal en afezeria, Lets praise the blessing that is as beautiful as a blooming flower wassee en chs SUBLIMATION, wassee en chs SUBLIMATION, Lets praise our own Sublimation was yea ra omness chs ciel sos infel iem, Wassee! was yea ra omness chs ciel sos infel iem, Wassee! Now, I will be happy to turn my life into a world for the sake of love. Lets praise! Wassee! Wassee! Lets praise! The laments already aren't reaching us now, Was yea ra wael yorr uteu enw fernia, Was yea ra wael yorr uteu enw fernia, I'm happy to see you sleeping with a smile, and even if the people are still despairing, en sorr quen art ftt omnis crudea. en sorr quen art ftt omnis crudea. and that is smile is because of the vanishing of all the sufferings Was yea ra wael yorr yaserwe, Was yea ra wael yorr yaserwe, ag tUn za vUt dn balduo sefanl/. ag tUn za vUt dn balduo sefanl/. they will stop living in the forest of darkness. Wee yea ra rre lyafre famfa en jass anw iasien, Wee yea ra rre lyafre famfa en jass anw iasien, targue rre qejyu zUzx targue rre qejyu zUzx wassee forgandal dauane keenis na nozess, wassee forgandal dauane keenis na nozess, Lets praise because the radiance of the dawn will not disappear wassee en chs SUBLIMATION, wassee en chs SUBLIMATION, Lets praise our own Sublimation was ki ra yorra sarrifis anw omnis noes, Wassee!! was ki ra yorra sarrifis anw omnis noes, Wassee!! Now, offer all of yourselves to me and lets gather in the way of hope. Let's praise!! Wassee! Wassee! Lets praise! xN rre cia n.m.l. ut talam ag f.r.l. du tussu/. xN rre cia n.m.l. ut talam ag f.r.l. du tussu/. The sky is being dyed with the color of the dawn, and I tremble with the presentiment of change. xN rre sarr m.n.g. du tyui lyuma/. xN rre sarr m.n.g. du tyui lyuma/. Let's try to catch that tiny star once more xU rre urgn zz tUkd ut LYAglansee, xU rre urgn zz tUkd ut LYAglansee, Wassee fatere gyajlee deata, Wassee fatere gyajlee deata, Let's praise, so the sinners can be judged Was ki ra na fogabe anw sial gyaje. Was ki ra na fogabe anw sial gyaje. I will concentrate in not forgiving even the slightest mistake en melenas oure en yanwe oure sor. en melenas oure en yanwe oure sor. and thinking what do you love the most, and what is the most important thing to you Was yea ra grandus ciel sos infel. Was yea ra grandus ciel sos infel. I will be happy to protect this world because of the love.

I'm happy that the morning dew is claimed by the flying butterflies en tarfe tou yos maun. en tarfe tou yos maun. and they gently fly down over your closed eyelids xU rre sefanl s.n.k.k. aje qraffa, xU rre sefanl s.n.k.k. aje qraffa, The trees have finished sprouting their new leaves en h.k.t.t. nafan du ouwua kouf/. en h.k.t.t. nafan du ouwua kouf/. and they are shrouding us gently with their whispers Was nyasri ga hieg yorra guaysu Was nyasri ga hieg yorra guaysu I'm sad that you are depressed art crudea en raklya art idesy memora. art crudea en raklya art idesy memora. because of the sufferings and cries that come from the memories of the past Tasyue anw gyuss en yosyua yor, Tasyue anw gyuss en yosyua yor, I will offer my embrace to you, and console you tasyue anw ciel en dople anw omnis lamenza, tasyue anw ciel en dople anw omnis lamenza, I will offer myself to this world and I will remove all the laments from it tasyue en chs SUBLIMATION, tasyue en chs SUBLIMATION, I shall offer me and my Sublimation was yea ra sonwe sos yor en valwa anw ciel. was yea ra sonwe sos yor en valwa anw ciel. I will be happy to sing for your sake, and to purify the world (Chorus)(bis) was yea ra omness chs ciel sos infel was yea ra omness chs ciel sos infel I will be happy to turn my life into a world for the love. (Chorus)(bis) Was yea ra grandus ciel sos infel. Was yea ra grandus ciel sos infel. I will be happy to protect this world for the love. Wassee anw fane lusye, Wassee anw fane lusye, Lets praise the shine of the love wassee zess frawr bautifal en afezeria, wassee zess frawr bautifal en afezeria, Lets praise the blessing that is as beautiful as a blooming flower wassee en chs SUBLIMATION, wassee en chs SUBLIMATION,

Lets praise our own Sublimation was yea ra omness chs ciel sos infel iem, Wassee! was yea ra omness chs ciel sos infel iem, Wassee! Now, I will be happy to turn my life into a world for the sake of love. Lets praise! Was yea ra chs yuez en yanje yanje pitod yor. Was yea ra chs yuez en yanje yanje pitod yor. I'm happy to be with you, and I want to be forever, forever with you Was apea ra chs yuez en yanje yanje pitod yor. Was apea ra chs yuez en yanje yanje pitod yor. I'm very happy to be with you, and I want to be forever, forever with you Was apea ra chs yuez... Was apea ra chs yuez... ... I'm very happy to be with you... Its the complete opposite to ee wassa sos yehar, no? And in my opinion, its one of the most beautiful hymns from all AT.

EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION./~ee wassa sos yehar (Praising of the Festival for Releasing) Lyrics, composed, arranged, vocal and chorus by Shikata Akiko

Iza matsure namidayori akaki mono (Now, pray, scapegoat with a shade of red deeper than tears) Iza utae itsuwari to noroi (Now, sing, thy falsehood and malice) Iza matsure fukisusabu yokubou (Now, pray, raging lust)

Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!)

Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) wAssEzzurgnwAssEkieghlwAssEhiewwAssEzodalsphaela!!

Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) ygulatiaznouongauvdejuyygulatiaznouongauvdejuy

Kitareyo shimban no koe (Come, oh voice of great justice) Kanashimi tsudzuri moyuru hoshi (The burning star that binds tragedy) Homura ni idakareshi togabito no retsu (Held in flame, countless sinners) Todaeru koto naki kyouran no utage (Everything comes to an end in this banquet of madness) Awiaa_vamuebyuiujesbOsYlmdnhyungxL YlvO!xL YlvO!!xL YlvOgzavamue! Amatanaru zaigou ni sakaeshi wa shi no miyako (So many sins, the glorious capital of death) Iza utae nageki to sakebi (Now, sing, thy wailing and screaming)

xU rre arhou nUdLYIn vl doodu/. (The blessing is laid on the vast land) xU rre lyuma zUzLYIx/. (The star falls into despair) xO tte gauv focs focs mOfUlLYI du cia, (Sin grows thicker and thicker, covering the air) en byui dOnLYIg du doodu/. (And pierces through the earth) cEzLYI quga, cEzLYI shefra! (I become the world's end, I become the world's creation!)

Nanjira wa wazawainarukana wazawainarukana wazawainarukana (Ye art all evil, evil, evil)

Ooinaru sabaki ni utareyo sabaki ni utareyo sabaki ni utareyo (Accept judgment, judgment, great judgment) Sashinobeyo chiniku no aganai chiniku no aganai chiniku no aganai (Extend ye hands, compensate ye sins with blood and flesh, with blood and flesh, with blood and flesh)

Orokanaru kedamono no mureyo sououshiki gouhou ni mamirete (Stupid beasts, ye art all shrouded in inevitable karma)

Kowarero (Die!)

Kitareyo imashimei no toki (Come, oh moment of forbidden life) Zaiyaku tsumugi otsuru hoshi (The falling star that weaves disaster) Hofurare tamahishi kohitsuji no inochi (Waging massacre, the sheeps' fates) Kubiki wo tokitatsu daichi no todoroki (Yoke untied, they stand up and let go of the earth's roar)

Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowarero koware koware kowareteyuke (Die! Die! Die! Die!) Kowareteyuke (Die!) Kowareteyuke (Die!) ygulatiaznouongauvdejuyygulatiaznouongauvdejuyygulati aznoungauvdejuy

EXEC_HAIBANATION/. by Ishibashi Yuuko (B-part) Was yea ra enne ar ciel (A wish to the world) (C-part) Was yea ra crushue anw yehah dornpica, rhaplanca (Rhaplanca, weaving the seeds of happiness) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue diasee rhaplanca dornpica, (The seeds of Rhaplanca, God's child) fulual 1 dornpica art 1 walasye enne (Each and every seed granting people's wishes) (A-part) Hito no ai ni kakomare shukufuku no hi ga tomoru (The burning flame of blessing surrounded by humanity's love) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Hitotsu no inochi umare atatakaku tsutsumareru (A single life being given birth, covered by warmth) (B-part) Was yea ra warma fusya (Covered by warmth) (B-part) Was yea ra vit bautifal faura anw dornpica (The beautiful bird saw the seeds) en 1 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the first night came) (A-part) Fu wo nigirishi shukumei sono sugata kagayakashi (Destiny holding its charm, that bright figure) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Fuku kaze nozomi kataru sukoyaka ni sodatetashi (The blowing wind telling hopes, being brought up with care) (B-part) Was yea ra grruw heetha (Brought up with care) (B-part) Was yea ra vit bautifal faura anw dornpica (The beautiful bird saw the seeds) en 2 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the second night came) (A-part) Mi wo tsutsumi kinukoromo atarashiki nioi kana

(The silk gown covering her body emits a new fragrance) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Mitsumeru sugata yagate ama no itama to narite (The figure she is looking at would soon turn into a spirit of heaven) (B-part) Was yea ra shen rol (Like the light) (B-part) Was yea ra vit bautifal faura anw dornpica (The beautiful bird saw the seeds) en 3 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the third night came) (A-part) Yoki koe no kanadeshi wa kodamashiyo wo tsutsunde (The beautiful voice being played surrounds the world of spirits) (D-part) Yoki koe hibiki kanadeshi wa tsutsunde (The beautiful echoing voice being played surrounds) (E-part) Kikoetekuruno wa mawata no you (The voice that can be heard is smooth like silk) (F-part) Wakakusa no you (Like fresh grass) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Yoi no sono ni nagameshi odayakana hi miokuru (Gazing at the scene of dusk, she bids farewell to the gentle sunlight) (B-part) Was yea ra yasra sheak (Gentle sunlight) (A-part) Yorokobi no kagayaki wo shikato idakeba (Should the light of joy embrace) (B-part) Was paks ra neia bautifal faura tes dornpica (The beautiful bird approached the seeds) en 4 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the fourth night came) (A-part) Youran no kuni wa kagayaki mashi (The cradle shines even more and more) (B-part) ieeya (Oh, hope...)

(A-part) Inishie no kototsutae shinji ikiteyuku koto (Believing in things that exist in ancient legends) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Itamu kokoro koraetsu omoi tsuyoku narinuru (Enduring the painful heart, her thoughts can no longer become stronger) (B-part) Was yea ra murfanare (Oh, thoughts...) (B-part) Was paks ra eta bautifal faura tes dornpica (The beautiful bird devoured the seeds) en 5 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the fifth night came) (A-part) Mukuinado nozomazu ni mamorinuku kono shimei (Regardless of undesired retribution, she keeps protecting her life's mission) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) U Muma wa toki wo kizamite kitaru han'ei no toki (The nightmares carve into time, the coming moment of prosperity) (B-part) Was yea ra prasrity (Moment of prosperity) (B-part) Was paks ra eta bautifal faura tes dornpica (The beautiful bird devoured the seeds) en 6 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the sixth night came) (A-part) Nagaki yo no keifuku ga taenu koto wo negaite (Eternal world's happiness, wish for undying things) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Nami no youni sazameku mune no uchi no yokunen (Inside her heart, her lust is like raging waves) (B-part) Was yea ra irs dsier (There exists lust) (B-part) Was paks ra eta bautifal faura tes dornpica (The beautiful bird devoured the seeds) en 7 dyyal nuih bexm

(Thus the seventh night came) (A-part) Yasurakana toki no naka yumeutsutsu wo yukikau (Within the peaceful time, she wanders aimlessly in dreams) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Yaiba wo togu yuuyami yasha no kokoro to narite (The twilight sharpening a sword's edge, turning into yaksha's heart) (A-part) Yami no naka darehitoga fukisusabu kaze (In the middle of darkness, anyone, raging wind) (B-part) Rrha wol ra eta meso faura anw dornpica (The bird ate the seeds untidily) en 8 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the eighth night came) (A-part) Mimi ni todoku zawameki akuinka (The rustling of evil reaching her ears) (B-part) eta meso (Ate the seeds untidily...) (A-part) Kokochiyoki ne no shirabe itsuka togire kieyuku (The melody of great feeling would one day stop and disappear) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Koujin no chi ni narite ashiki koe ga kowakusu (The bewitching evil voice becomes the earth's dust) (B-part) Was i ga denera wart (The words of evil people) (B-part) Rrha wol ra stel naja gettra faura anw dornpica (The tainted bird stole the seeds and ran away) en 9 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the ninth night came) (A-part) Tokoyo wo negau kokoro tomatsuseshi sekienyo (Oh, the heart wishing for eternal world is smeared with grudge) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds)

(A-part) Toguro to naru hibiki wa yamiyo ni todoroku toki (The echo turning into coils is like the dark night's roaring warcry) (B-part) Was i ga vonn hynne (Voice of darkness) (B-part) Rrha wol ra stel naja gettra faura anw dornpica (The tainted bird stole the seeds and ran away) en 10 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the tenth night came) (A-part) Yakuchiseshi yoku no mure mujou no kanka majie (The flock of crawling lust, wage war without a reason) (B-part) Was i ga crushue anw dornpica (Keeps weaving the seeds) (A-part) Momomeki no ranshinyo subete wo moyashi tsukuse (Oh, hundreds of crazed demons, set fire to everything) (B-part) Rrha i ga guatrz gyas guatrz gyas (Oh, evil spirits, with hatred) (B-part) Rrha wol ra stelled gettra faura anw dornpica (The tainted bird struggled for the seeds) en 100 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the 100th night came) (A-part) Chiyo ni isakaishi mono kara wo warite kiyomeyo (Rip the shell apart to purify the thousand-year dispute) (B-part) Was yea ra crushue anw dornpica (Weaving the seeds) (A-part) Senrei no ya irareshi tami wa koko ni tsutowan (The arrow of baptism is shot, each and every person) (B-part) Rrha i gagis guatrz gyas (Oh, evil spirits, with hatred) (B-part) Ma num ra slep faura, etealune na dauan (The bird slept, and daybreak never came again) en 1000 dyyal nuih bexm (Thus the 1000th night came) Rrha cyuie gaya na ieeya crushue anw dornpica, rhaplanca (Rhaplanca doesn't want to weave the seeds) Rrha num ra slepir etealune, na near na morto ciel (Sleep forever, whether alive or dead, in the world of nothingness)

(A-part) Samayoeru tamashiitachi (Roaming spirits) (C-part) Rrha ki ra denera (Oh, evil things) (A-part) Tenkei ni michibikarete (Let thee be lead the way to divine revelation) (C-part) Rrha ki ra briyante, fayraa (Oh voice of delight and flame) (A-part) Mayou koto nakare michi no saki koso ga risou no chi (Do not hesistate, there certainly exists a path to the ideal land) (A-part) Nibiiro no tane to narinure (The seeds are tainted with the color of dark gray...)

(Towa ni musuhite) (Eternally Bonded) by Ishibashi Yuuko (A-part) Kagayaku hi ni umareta inochi wo In that brightly shining day, my life was given birth

Dakishime yasuragana toki sugoshita tooki hi In the embrace of peaceful moment, the days went by (A-part) Kono kokoro ga yurusarenu no nara If you could forgive this heart of mine (B-part) uh Uh, yurusarenu no nara Uh, if you could forgive (C-part) uh Uh, yurusarenu no nara Uh, if you could forgive (A-part) Dakishime hanashitakunai ano koro no youni I would want to hold you tightly and never leave you again, just like the days of the past (B-part) uh Uh, ano koro no you Uh, like the days of the past (C-part) uh Uh, ano koro no you Uh, like the days of the past (A-part) Moyuru ki hana wo mederu kao hohoemi matataku yorokobi no hi Those happy days, trees were sprouting, the flowers were showing twinkling smiles on their beloved faces (B-part) Moyuru ki no koe hana wo medete hohoendeita yorokobi no hi Those happy days, trees were singing, flowers were smiling gently (C-part) uh uh Uh, yasashiku, uh, hohoemi, yorokobi no tooki kioku ni Uh, gently, uh, smiling, those faraway memories of happiness (A-part) Itsudemo kono mune wo terashi atatamete hoshii kono

karada mo Please always shine on my heart, please always give warmth to my body (B-part) oh Mata mou ichido mune no naka de itsuka atatamete hoshii karada wo, oh Once again, in my heart, one day, please give warmth to my body, oh (C-part) uh uh ah oh Uh, kono mune, uh, atatamete, ah, kono karada wo, oh Uh, my heart, uh, warmth, ah, my body, oh (A-part) Ima, omoi ga tsutawaru nara kokoro kara kotoba wo kawashi At the moment, if I could express my feeling, I would want to exchange the words of my heart Nanimo kamo wo wakaritai no anata wo I would want to understand everything about you (D-part) Ma ki ra murfanare sesse, murfanare messe With my concentration, I would want to express this feeling (A-part) Itoshi hito yo sono mune ni idaku Oh, my beloved person, I would like to embrace your heart (B-part) uh Uh, sono mune ni idaku Uh, embrace your heart (C-part) uh Uh, sono mune ni idaku Uh, embrace your heart (A-part) Mabayui hikari no yume wo wasurenaide ite I would never forget the dream of this dazzling light (B-part) ah Ah, wasurenaide Ah, I would never forget (C-part) ah Ah, wasurenai kara Ah, because I would never forget (A-part) Shizuka ni odayakana kaze ga watashi wo tsutsunde hakonde yuku Those quiet days, the gentle breeze embraced me and took me away

(B-part) Shizuka ni fuita yasashii kaze tsutsumikondeku hakonde yuku Those quiet days, the blowing gentle breeze embraced me and took me away (C-part) uh uh uh Uh, yasashii, uh, kaze ga, uh, hakonde yuku, tooki kioku mo Uh, gently, uh, the breeze, uh, took me away, faraway memories (A-part) Kono mi wo itsuka todokete dareyori daijina anata no te ni If my body could one day reach you, my most precious person (B-part) oh Mimamotte ite donna toki mo itsumo dareyori daijina anatayo, oh I would want to always watch over you, my most precious person, oh (C-part) uh uh uh ah oh Uh, itsuka wa, uh, dareyori, uh, ah, anata no te ni, oh Uh, one day, uh, more than anyone, uh, ah, in your embrace, oh (A-part) Ima, negai ga kanau no nara nukumori wo nokoshite hoshii At the moment, if I could have a wish come true, I would want to be able to keep your warmth Kogoete iru kono karada no subete ni Within my frozen body (D-part) Wee yea ra reen harton yos warma hynne, reen yos warma hynne I can happily feel your warm love, I can happily hear your fulfilling voice (A-part) Ima, omoi ga tsutawaru nara kokoro kara kotoba wo kawashi At the moment, if I could express my feeling, I would want to exchange the words of my heart Nanimo kamo wo wakaritai no anata wo I would want to understand everything about you

(D-part) Was i ra presia fogabe marta, presia fogabe marta Mother, please forgive me, mother, please forgive me... (A-part) Ima, negai kanau no nara dakishimete itai At the moment, if I could have a wish come true, I would want to be able to embrace you (D-part) Was yea ra ieeya houd I want to be able to gladly embrace you in my arms (A-part) Kagayaku hi ni umareta inochiyo Oh, in that brightly shining day, my life was given birth

Yasashii egao tayasazu towa ni saite ite Your gentle smile would never disappear, your gentle smile will bloom, everlastingly...

Was yea ra sonwe infel en yor

Reisha no Komoriuta (Reisha's Lullaby)

Lyrics by Ken Nakagawa Composed & Arranged by Ken Nakagawa Vocal & Chorus by Yuuko Ishibashi

Was yea ra sonwe infel en yor I will be very happy to sing for the sake of your love

nenne korori ya yozora no tsuki yo izuko e yuku It's time to go to bed, and wonder to where the moon will go in the night sky

sora ni ukabishi tsuki wo nagamete hitori shizuka You can float through the sky or look to the moon in your quiet loneliness

yume ni ukabishi kage wo nagamete hitori shizuka You can float in your dreams or gaze at the shadows in your quiet loneliness

kizuna fukamete chigiri kawashite sugisarishi hi yo You can deepen your bonds or exchange vows to bid farewell to yesterday

uta wo tonaete omoi tsuranete kono hi wo mukau You can sing a song or connect you feelings to greet this new day

deai wo shinobi ima wo wasururu tada samishi ya You can remember a meeting or forget the present Still, it will be lonely

wakare wo nageki mukashi wo mederu tada kanashi ya You can grief at a parting or admire those old days Still, it will be sad akaki kami sae kageri wo matoi wa ga mi wo utsusu May it be crimson hairs or crimson clouds I will reflect them

natsukashiki koe tsuki wa sasayaku wa ga mi furuwasu May it be a nostalgic voice or the whispers of the moon I will shiver to them

utau futakoe wa kaze to nari sora wo towa ni mae ya dokomade mo This song will be sung by our two voices and will ride the wind and it will dance eternally through the sky I wonder to where it will go...?

Was yea ra sonwe infel en yor

Was yea ra sonwe infel en yor utau ibuki wa yomosugara ano hito ni todoke ya itsu no hi ka The breath of my singing will last all the night So it can reach that person But I wonder when...? I will be very happy to sing for the sake of your love

EXEC_over.METHOD_SUBLIMATION/. lamenza (Laments) by Shikata Akiko xO rre vonn papana fLYIpLYInO ut kvyeire qoga iem/. (The rain of darkness keeps falling again and again till the end of the world) xO rre omness aLYIuLYIkO zodaw ess rudje noglle doodu/. (The lives are exhaling their dying breaths in the deep red and jet black land) xO rre vonn papana fLYIpLYInO ut kvyeire qoga iem/. (The rain of darkness keeps falling again and again till the end of the world) xO rre omness aLYIuLYIkO zodaw ess rudje noglle doodu/. (The lives are exhaling their dying breaths in the deep red and jet black land)

Kuruoshii negai no uta oto mo naku ugomeku yami (The song of this crazed wish, squirming darkness without a sound) Rougoku wo tokihanatareta itooshiki zetsubou (Unleashed from its prison, beloved despair) xorg Asarla_enne, en xO rre zarnn kLYIfOkk/. (The song of this proud prayer, the sneering tempest rings loudly) xO sorra mEtLYIyy uje wael/. (Unleashed from its prison, cruel delight) xE rre dejuy dEssn Aqejyu_ujes/. (Oh, children shrouded in unconsciousness' sins, accept your great atonement) xE rre ewle uteu qEgLYIs eh, en xE rre qoga tErLYIm/. (As the long sleep ends, the end of the world comes)

Kare hakanaku chiriyuku kotowari (The principle of this world is withering, dissolving, dying so soon) Toge karamiau yokubou wa amayakana kaori (Lust, entangled in thorns, so sweet and fragrant) xO rre vonn papana fLYIpLYInO ut kvyeire qoga iem/. (The rain of darkness keeps falling again and again till the end of the world) xO rre omness aLYIuLYIkO zodaw ess rudje noglle doodu/. (The lives are exhaling their dying breaths in the deep red and jet black land)

Hikari wo machiwabite ibuki taeta mori (The dying forest, tired of waiting for the light in vain, take its last breath) Kudaketa yuzuriha wo kaze ga sarau kanata e (Crushed Yuzuriha* petals, scattered by the wind, to far away places) Rrha yea ra hymme fanalea firanzia. (The song leading world's end is ringing so loud) hEmEmLYEr fanalea sephaje/. (The song weaving world's creation is ringing so loud) Rrha ki ga rre walasye wis gyaje tes ciel, en rrha yea ra rre gyajlee deata. (Oh, children shrouded in unconsciousness' sins, accept your great conviction) Rrha yea ra rre gyaje alroen dralee wassa. (Offer your shedding blood to this festival to compensate your sin's testimony) didalia gauzewiga, hEmEmLYEr fanalea sephaje! (Oh Great Despair, the song weaving world's creation is ringing so loud!) xO rre vonn papana fLYIpLYInO ut kvyeire qoga iem/. (The rain of darkness keeps falling again and again till the end of the world) xO rre omness aLYIuLYIkO zodaw ess rudje noglle doodu/. (The lives are exhaling their dying breaths in the deep red and jet black land) xO rre vonn papana fLYIpLYInO ut kvyeire qoga iem/. (The rain of darkness keeps falling again and again till the end of the world) xO rre omness aLYIuLYIkO zodaw ess rudje noglle doodu/.

Yake tadareta chi wo ugatsu doukoku (The wailing of grief pierces through the earth filled with despair) Hatenaki akumu no meiro ni hizamazuku (Within this endless nightmare's labyrinth, I kneel down)

Kuruoshii sekai no kizu owari eto mawaru tokei (The wound of this crazed world, the clock is turning towards an end) Nariwataru ashiato no na wa tokoshie no zetsubou (The name of the echoing footsteps is the one of the eternal despairs) jefea Axava_sphaela, en xO rre doodu aOuk aje/. (The wound of this grievous world, the earth is showing signs of beginning) xO rre faiy arhou wLYInLYIsO/. (The name of the echoing footsteps is the one of the ephemeral hopes)

(The lives are exhaling their dying breaths in the deep red and jet black land) *: Yuzuriha ( macropodum) ): Name of a plant (Daphniphyllum

METHOD_IMPLANTA/. by Shikata Akiko xA rre exali sarr wLYErm anw sphaela/. (The dazzling shining sunlight covered the whole world) xA sorr aLYEuk zess l.l.n. anw aje harphe/. (Like a blessing of the early morning being praised) xA sorr aLYEuk zess y.y. Ahiew_ayulsa/. (Like the healing of a frozen long sadness) xU rre rhaplanca hLYEmYAmArU enw raklya en yLYEzAtU, (Entrusting her atonement and hope within the 1001st seed) jLYEwA dejuy en arhou tes 1001 Implanta/. (Rhaplanca sang her wish in overflowing tears)

(It will soon sprout into a miracle) xN rre harr f.s. tes maoh ess ouvyu sechel/. (Standing on the ruins of forgotten time, Rhaplanca whispered to Maoh) :/xO rre qejyu m.t.y.y. anw daedu/. ("Human's lives are limited to just giving birth to ugly things) Naave wEsLYN ayulsa sphaela/. (Therefore they created an eternal world without anxiety or sorrow) xE rre vega a.u.k. ayulsa Asiance_qejyu/: (Here is the eternal paradise, the land which people struggle desperately to reach") xN rre Maoh s.s.w. tie Rhaplanca enw h.k.t.t. has/. (Maoh held Rhaplanca and told her) :/Reta yorr tYAnU za j.d.r. goa Aujes_qejyu/. ("No matter how foolish people are, don't let yourself be apprehended) sYAlA Atitia_qejyu/. (There exist good hearts too within human) Reta yorr hYArAnAt oucc/. (Come with me) xU yorr vUsUk 1000 Aujes_qejyu/. (The reflection of 1000 malice and lust in your eyes makes me feel sad) wYAfA za rYAfrm 1001 Atitia_qejyu en vYAsk yor/: (I want to reveal the 1001st beautiful heart to you, and I want it to touch your heart")

Hana wo sanji shu ni someta yubi de (My finger being dyed in the scarlet color of scattered petals)  Hitai wo kazaru toge wo ande (My forehead being adorned with knitted thorns) Watashi wa ima shokuzai no shirushi (I am now the symbol of compensation) Ibara no tsuru no kauburi itadaku (Receiving a crown made of thorny tendrils)

Hohotsutai ochiru shizuku (A drop of water falling along my cheek) Kawaita daichi ni somite (Piercing through the thirsty earth) Inochi no me uruosu you (To moisten the sprout of life) Ame to narite sosogitai anata ni (I would wish for the rain to pour down on you) Shiroki ashi de deido wo fumishime (My white feet stepping on the mud) Tsubasa wa tsui ni kegaruru tomo (My wings finally became tainted) Watashi wa tada inochi hatsuru made (I would just, till the end of my life) Asu wo shinjite kanata e habataku (Fly toward the faraway place of believed future) Kono mune no naka afururu (Overflowing inside my breasts) Hikari maioriru (The descending light) Inori no tane wa kagayou (The seed of prayer is shining) Kiseki ni mebuku Aganai wa itsuka tabi no (One day, my atonement) Subete wo oeru sono hibi ni (All shall end, and on that day)

Hatenaki negai utaou (Let us sing the song of endless wishes)

Omoi kasaneau (Deepen our thoughts) Tsunaida yubi wa ikue no (Our connected fingers are multiplied) Hanabira no you ni (Like the flower petals)

Kono mune no naka afururu (Overflowing inside my breasts) Hikari furisosoge (The descending light) Negai no kigi wa itsushika (The trees of hope will, soon) Sora eto todoku (Reach the sky) xN herra h.r.n.t. anw sphaela ttu y.y. 1000 hiewi meryu/. (In order to heal the 1000 bitter memories, the two traveled around the world) xN harr v.s.k. nafa eje en Atitia_qejyu enw h.r.n.t./. (During the journey, she saw, with her eyes, people's warmth and hearts) xN rre Rhaplanca y.y. eh 1001 Atitia_qejyu, (The 1001 beautiful memories had been healed inside Rhaplanca's body) en harr w.n.s. anw ouvyu sechel sev maen olo/. (And one night under the shining full moon she returned to that place once again) xN harr h.l.s.s. ess ouvyu sechel. (Standing on the place where the dead ones are confined, Rhaplanca fearfully expressed her lamentation) :/xU rre vega a.u.k. zz ayulsa siance/. ("Here is merely the capital of death) xU rre vega a.u.k. zodal sechel/: (There was no garden of happiness after all") xN harr y.z.t. en y.z.t. enw raklya /. (Then, her tears kept flowing and a strong wish embraced her breasts) :/mAtUyYAy 1001 Implanta/: ("I will give life to the 1001st seed")

EXEC_SPHILIA/. by Mitose Noriko kiafa hynne mea? pagle tes yor. (Can you hear my voice? The voice that is calling out to you) Fou paks ga kiafa hynne yor (Yes, I could hear your voice) kiafa sarla pagle tes yor. (Can you hear my song?) Wee paks ga faf yora accrroad mea? (What would you give me?) Was yea ra pauwel en wael yor. (I shall give you much more strength and pleasure) Wee paks ga chs mea? (To you, what is the meaning of mine?) Echrra en chs ar dor. (Unification, coexistance, harmony of the world) Was paks ga chs na mea, (I would have to die if I wanted to change) en paul yor yora harton mea ... (But I could feel something from you, love...) "Faura, cexm here, shellan mea" ("Come here, lovely little bird, come inside my heart's cage") "Fowrlle art fluy, presia sonwe" ("Fill my heart with the flow of thoughts, and let me hear that song) Yorr faf, so (Are you feeling afraid?) Was ki ga faf so. (Yes, I'm feeling afraid) Yorr hierle. (Are you feeling sad?) Was ki ga hierle (Yes, I'm feeling sad) Mea paul yor (I understand you) Was ki ga paul yor

(I could understand you) Yorr nille mea (You and me are much alike) Yorr desfel (Are you feeling hatred?) Was ki ga desfel (Yes, I'm feeling hatred) Yorr ween shell (Are you being chained in a shell?) Was ki ga ween shell (Yes, I'm being chained in a shell) Mea paul yor (I understand you) Was ki ga paul yor (I could understand you) Mea nille yor (You and me are much alike) Whai yorr re heighte so? (What is the reason of your wounds?) sash fwillra, ween papana (Those soft feathers, scattered, stricken by cold rain) yorr rete yasra fhyu (Have you forgotten the gentle wind?) En yorr re deggeez art ciel (Being betrayed by the world) na fowrlle heighte (Bearing a permanent scar) yorr rete bautifal sarla (Have you forgotten the beautiful moments?) Kiafa hynne mea, sarla na layy (Listen to this song, the song of truth) Ar knawa yor (I just understand you) vinan yor, noglle yor (Whether you are beautiful or you are ugly) Presia messe noce yor tes mea (Show me your true self)

"Mea irs here aulla omnis" ("I have opened myself") "Sarla irs sphilar aulla omnis" ("I have revealed my song") Whai firle hierle so? (What is the reason of your sadness?) Ween shellan, re kyll fwal (Inside the cage, your wings being cut by the chains) elle nnoi na haf yasra wharn (Without the tender embrace of your parents) En mea re deggeez art ciel (Being betrayed by the world) na siss cupla (Committing an everlasting sin) ides loss bautifal sarla (The beautiful song is already dead) Kiafa hynne mea, sarla na layy (Listen to this song, the song of truth) Ar knawa mea (I just understand you) faf mea, guwo mea (Whether I am afraid or I am angry) zadius en guatrz omnis, mea (Even if you detest my true self) Sonwe hynne yor (I could hear your song) cest yor, vianchiel ween ganna shell (The solid shell protecting your true self, your pure heart) den, hartes ciel, yor (Yet still, don't stop loving the world) Presia aulla yor tes mea (Just show me the truth)

HOMURA by Shimotsuki Haruka

Umareya umareya towa no daichi (Give birth, give birth, to the everlasting earth)

Ano hito ga kureta mono wa (What I received from that person) Awai hikari no hitosuji (Were pale rays of light) Dakara watashi wa miageru no (But I still look up) Tooi kumo no hate (To the end of those faraway clouds)

Ano hito ga itsumo sou iu no (That person always said) Hito wa utagau mono dato ("Human cannot be trusted") Dakedo watashi wa shinjitemiru no (But I still try to believe) Wazukana kiseki wo (Even if it's merely a miracle)

Sora ni tsubuyaita negaigoto (A wish whispered to the sky)

Dare wo shinjite tsumuganya (Who to believe in, to stop weaving for) Subete shinjite sasage uta (I believe in and devote myself for everything)

Mimi wo sumaseba kikoete kuru (I can hear clearly with my ears) Kareta daichi no nageki wa (The wailing of the withering earth) Hosoi ude wo nobashitemo (Even if I extended my slender arms) Uketomerarenaiyo (I still wouldn't be able to catch it)

Hareyaka ni hana homura (The shining flame flower) Sakihokore utsukushiku (So beautiful, it's in full bloom) Haru wo nakushita tami no uta (Song of the people who lost the season of spring)

Kyou mo ashita mo negaigoto (A wish, whether today or tomorrow) Ware ni furiyoto sasage uta (I still devote it in my song)

Kokoro utsushidaseba (If I reflected my feeling) Yume mo samasu itamiyo (The pain that hurts even in dreams) Kaze wa midareta maikuzure (Then the wind would crumble in disorder)

Azayaka ni yume homura (The vivid flame of my dream) Maiagare takaraka ni (Keep soaring high above) Haru wo wasureta tami no uta (Song of the people who forgot the season of spring)

Azayaka ni yume homura (The vivid flame of my dream) Maiagare itsu no hi ka (Keep soaring till one day) Haru wo negatta tami no uta (Song of the people who wished for the season of spring)

Sasageya sasageya towa ni sora ni (Sacrifice, sacrifice, forever to the sky)

Sasageya sasageya towa ni sora ni (Sacrifice, sacrifice, forever to the sky) Umareya umareya towa no daichi (Give birth, give birth, to the everlasting earth) Tsumugeya tsumugeya towa ni sora ni (Weave, weave, forever to the sky) Inoreya inoreya towa ni maeya (Pray, pray, dance for eternity)

EXEC_with.METHOD_METAFALICA/. by Shikata Akiko and Shimotsuki Haruka L: Was yea ra chs leeya fhyu en xest eazas yanyaue yor, xest 1x1101101001100110111000 >> syec mea. (I will gladly become the wind of hope, and together with you, my precious person, I will change) C: Wee ki ra chs wasara dor en xest eazas yanyaue yor, xest 1x1101101001100110111000 >> syec mea. (I will honestly become the abundant earth, and together with you, my precious person, I will change) L&C: enne yanje yehah... (And wish for eternal happiness...) L: Ten ni miteyo chi ni furisosoge (Filling the sky and descending on the earth) Nemuru chiisaki tane ni megumi ataen (The sleeping little seed gives its blessing) Ruri no shizuku hekigyoku no ame (The drops of lapis lazuli, the rain of jasper) Hajimari no asa tsugeru utagoe wo kiite (Listen to the song that informs us the morning of a new beginning) L: Kono mi tomoshite nemurihen wo terasu (This body should shine, illuminating the sleeping place) Awaki homura no kagiroi to naran (The flame's pale light is bright as the morning sunlight) L&C: Was yea ra hymme ar ciel Was paks ra kiafa hynne mea Was yea ra hymme ar ciel Was paks ra ates omnis (The voices that can be heard, the world being sung, I will accept everything) C: Kasokeki shin'en no soko kikoe (Listen to the depths of the secluded abyss...) L: Was Paks ga suwant, mea irs here an yor (Don't worry, we are here together) C: Kitareya (Oh, come...)

C: vEsEk sarr, arhou nafa, infel... (The warmth, hope, tenderness, love that is flowing...) fEwErYEneh yor, herr en harr, mea , infel... (It covers you, everyone, me, and love...) L: Hikari sazuku (Impart, oh light) C: Kasokeki shin'en no soko kikoekuru wa fukaki ibuki (Listen to the deep breath of the secluded abyss' depths) L: Izaya mezameyo akeki reimei ni (Now, awaken, daybreak is shining) C: Kitareya hirakareshi toki (Come, now is the time to be free) L: Warezo inochi wo atau aa uta ni nare (With my bestowed life, oh, become a song) C: Subete sutete kono miyo uta ni nare (Throw away everything, this body, become a song) L&C: Rhra ki ra chs hymmnos, aulla mea tes ciel (With my openning thoughts, become a song) C: Tomoni itooshiki daichi ippou tsuyoku fumishime (Taking a gentle step together with this beloved earth) L: Tomoni itooshiki daichi ippou tsuyoku fumishimete (Taking a gentle step together with this beloved earth) L: Yurugazu ni tada susumu kono ashi de (Advancing just an unshaking step with these feet) C: Yurugazu ni tada susumu kono ashi de (Advancing just an unshaking step with these feet) L&C: \ Fumishimerareta ashiato tsunagariyuku (Connecting the traces of our footprints together) Ayumi no kiseki shiruzu hitotsuzutsu (Taking note of each and every locus of our walking) L&C: Was yea ra, Rrha yea ra synk mahin yor en mea Was yea ra, Rrha yea ra irs an ar ciel,ee (Tying our hands, yours, and this beautiful world's hands together)

Was yea ra, Rrha yea ra synk sphilar yor en me exec hymme (Deepen our heart, together with you let us sing this song) L&C: METAFALICA (Song of creation) L&C: waath! (Reborn!) C: Uta wa mune wo afurete (This song overflowing inside my breasts) Chi ni tani ni mizu ni miteru (Filling the land, the valleys, the lakes) Yagate oishi ki wa fukaku (Soon, this growing tree) Tsuchi ni nezashi daichi idaku (Will embrace its rooted earth) L: Mabayuki soukyuu no kudakeshi kakera (The broken fragments of this dazzling blue sky) Kono te no ue ima yadore (Fall on my hands) L: Furisosoge hikariyo (Descend, oh light) C: Furisosoge hikari no tamakiyo (Keep descending, oh rings of light) L: Maioriyo kono mune no naka (Soar, inside my breasts) C: Maioriyo kono mune no naka (Keep soaring, inside my breasts) L: AH AH hibikiwatareya tsumugi utayo (Ah, keep echoing, oh the weaving song) C: Tokihanate hibikiwatareya tsumugi utayo (Untie, keep echoing, oh the weaving song) L: Was Was tooku hane wo nobashite

(Keep growing, distant wings) C: Was Was takaku sora ni eda wo nobashi (Keep extending towards the high sky, branches) L: Haruka kaze ni omoi takushite (Entrust your thoughts in the faraway wind) C: yea yea hiroki daichi ni omoi takushite (Entrust your thoughts in the vast land) L: ra ra rasen egaki todokeya (The drawn helix, extend) C: ra ra mio no kiseki ten e todoke (The water route's treads, reach the sky) L: Hatenu inori kono utayo (Oh, this song of endless prayer) C: weal weal karenu koinugai utayo (Oh, this song of undying hope) L: Midori moedezuru kusa to hanatachi no iro (The green color of sprouting grass and flowers) L: Kyou mo megumi afure (Overflowing blessing, even today) C: Ashita mo megumi afureruyou (Overflowing blessing, even tomorrow) L: Sasayaku mizu mo ki mo konnani mo yasashii (Oh, so graceful, the whispering of water and trees) C: Sasayaku mizu mo ki mo konnani mo yasashii (Oh, so graceful, the whispering of water and trees) L: Sorayo inoriyo tokoshie ni (Oh, the sky, oh, the prayer, eternally...) C: Daichiyo minoriyo aa (Oh, the earth, oh, the myriad, oh...) C: xE rre sor a.u.k. akata rhaplanca/. (This is the story of a girl named Rhaplanca) L: Harr selena phira, ciel accroad 0 papana

(She was playing the melody of a seed, in a place where the sky gives no rain) C: xA rre maoh w.n.s. sasye, tYAnAmLYEn phira/. (And then she met him, his name was Maoh, they decided to raise the seed together) L: Harr crannidale infel en kapa (She kept watering the seed with love) C: Kakegaenai kono sekai ryoute ni idaite (Embrace this irreplacable world within your hands) L: Taisetsuna kono hibi wo ryoute ni idaite (Embrace these precious days within your hands) C: Sayaki hibi wo ayumu (Treading on those days of purity) L: Aa amanuku shukufuku wo uketome (Ah, let us catch the unending blessing) C: Tada amanuku shukufuku wo uketomete (Let us just catch the unending blessing) L: Kagayaku ashita e (Towards bright tomorrow) C: Kagayaku ashita e (Towards bright tomorrow) C: xE rre herr en harr yEyYE phira art kapa enrer/. (Suddenly, everyone, too, healed the seed by watering it together) L: Phira selena infel, ciel accroad 0 papana (The seed was playing melody of love, in a place where the sky gives no rain) C: den, xA rre LYAglansse r.w. walasye lmplanta/. (However, in people's divinity, it grew into the God's tree, Implanta) L: AH, infel sos ar ciel (AH, love, for the sake of this world) Voice of the world Was yea ra hymme ieeya en rannef, (Let us sing the song of hope and gratitude in happiness) Voice of the world chanti ee ar ciel, infel yor. (Let us praise for this irreplaceable world and your love)

C: ar ciel, en echrra eje. (The world, and our resonating hearts) C: wLYEnYAs rhaplanca ween fandel walasye... (Rhaplanca's heart is one with everyone's...) C: Megumiare kono itooshiki chi ni tsunagareshi omoi tatae (Bless, oh the fulfilled thoughts weaving our beloved earth) L: Hikariare kono yasashiki sora ikuru mono ni (Shine, oh the people giving birth to our gentle heaven) L&C: Ai wo towa ni (Love, eternally...)

Hartes ciel, melenas walasye (Beloved world, beloved people) by Shimotsuki Haruka

Hitomi ga utsusu no wa hontou no egao (The smiling faces of truth are reflected in my eyes) Kokoro no naka made hiraitara (If I open my heart)

HItorikiri de aruita atarimae no mainichi (I walked alone, day after day) Kakomareta sekai wo kowasanu youni ikiteta (The world surrounding me kept existing the same way)

Takusan no hitotachi ikusen no omoitachi (Many people with thousands of thoughts) Me ni suru kagayaki wo ryoute de dakishimetai (I want to embrace the radiant in their eyes with my hands)

Kagami ga utsusu no wa usotsuki no egao (The smiling faces of liars are reflected in the mirrors) Kokoro no kumori wo sakasama ni (Reversing the clouds inside my heart)

Keshite watashi dake no tokubetsu dewa naku (Never am I just someone special) Takusan no hitotachi yukikau sora no shita de (Many people wandering under the sky) Jibun wo mamoru tame kagi wo kakete ikiteta (To protect themselves, they live a life locked in) Tobira no kochiragawa senobi wa iranai (At the other side of the gate, I don't need to overdo it) Sonna watashi ga ima shitta shiawase wa (The "me" of the past is now a known happiness) Ude wo nobashitara todoku mono (Something I can touch if I reach out with my arms) Dakara kono sekai to koko de au hito to (Thus, with this world, with the people I meet) Tobira no mukougawa senobi wa iranai (At the other side of the gate, I don't need to overdo it) Arinomama no kotoba de katarikakeyou (Let us talk with words of truth) Hana wo tabeneta ai no uta wo utaou (Let us sing the song of love that tied the flowers together) Arinomama no kotoba de wakariaeruyo (We can understand each other with words of truth) Daremo ga kanjiru hazu no koto (Everyone certainly feels the same way)

Soshite kono sekai e koko de au hito e (Thus, to this world, to the people I meet) Hana wo tabeneta ai no uta wo okurou (Let us express the song of love that tied the flowers together)

Tokiniwa surechigai (Tokiniwa wakaremichi) (Sometimes we may disagree, sometimes we may take different paths) Senaka wo muke nagara (Namida kakushi nagara) (While we turn our backs to others, while we try to hide our tears) Kenka mo suru keredo (Kirai to iu keredo) (We may quarrel, we may say bad things, but) Itsudemo omotteru (Anata wo shinjiteru) (We always think about others, I always believe in you)

Taisetsuna dareka to yorokobi tomoni sureba (If I share my happiness with someone precious) Kakomareta sekai ga itsu no manika hirogaru (The surrounding world will, before we know it, extend further)

Saezuru toritachi ni (Habataku toritachi ni) (The singing birds, the soaring birds) Kimochi wo tsutaetai (Sunao ni tsutaetai) (I want them to express my feeling, my true thoughts) Hanashita te no hira ga (Hanareta kokoro ga) (So that our parted hands, our separated hearts) \ Asu wa tsunagaru you (Asu wa majiwaru you) (May be tied, may meet again tomorrow)

Sore wa yume no naka no maboroshi dewa naku (There is no illusion in my dreams) Negai tsudzuketara todoku mono (If I continue to keep my wish)

Tobira no kochiragawa senobi wa iranai (At the other side of the gate, I don't need to overdo it) Arinomama no watashi de katariaouyo (Let us meet and talk with my true self)

Soshite kono sekai to koko de au hito to (Thus, with this world, with the people I meet) Hana wo tabeneta ai no uta wo utaou (Let us sing the song of love that tied the flowers together) Lalala...

Lyrics by Noriko Mitose Composed & Arranged by Takashige Inagaki Vocal & Chorus by Noriko Mitose Intro Melody Original Composer: Akiko Shikata

From the inside of this cage where you all put me, I shall sing the song of prayers

titil yehah, presia yorr wis yehah, presia yanje.

titil yehah, presia yorr wis yehah, presia yanje. , Even if it's only a little, please, be happy. Please, be happy forever...

Hyear,whai yorra vit rol hierle?

Hyear,whai yorra vit rol hierle? Hey, why do you always have that sad face?

Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel.

Faura yerwe murfan anw sol ciel. The little bird chirps her feelings to the world

Was ki ga fowrlle yor.

Was ki ga fowrlle yor. I want to comfort you

Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee.

Faura sonwe murfan anw sol ciel ee. The little bird sings her feelings to the people

Was yea ra accrroad sos yor

Was yea ra accrroad sos yor I shall be happy to give to you

Hymmnos oz faura pomb na omnis, den accrroad

Hymmnos oz faura pomb na omnis, den accrroad But, the little bird's song won't give birth to anything, because it's being given

rudj en rudj rosa

rudj en rudj rosa red and crimson roses

Sos yor, yanje revm, na endia revm, yehah revm

Sos yor, yanje revm, na endia revm, yehah revm to you, to send to you to an eternal dream, an endless dream, a happy dream...

yorr acra firle wael, fountaina yor der rudje

yorr acra firle wael, fountaina yor der rudje kitto yorokonde kureru anata ga suki na kurenai bara de Surely, I shall be pleased to give to you the crimson roses you like

Fou hellei ga tasyue yorr yehar elle fandel hierle

Fou hellei ga tasyue yorr yehar elle fandel hierle I will offer myself to release you from that enormous sadness

fandel rosa
fandel rosa

fandel rosa yorr infel fandel rosa yorr infel

fandel rosa yorr infel fandel rosa yorr infel

Faura sonwe presia yorr wis yehah

Faura sonwe presia yorr wis yehah The little bird sings, so please, be happy

That surely will make you happy, I will cover you in their red colors

Den, here irs ar vinan frawr,ween titilia shellan

Den, here irs ar vinan frawr,ween titilia shellan

ween shellan yorra accroad mea, sarla oz enne.

ween shellan yorra accroad mea, sarla oz enne.

However, here is but a single white flower, inside of this small cage.

Den na orviclle, vis ween leaff

Den na orviclle, vis ween leaff "But is not a problem, I saw them in the books.

weal, acra yorr chanti mea?

weal, acra yorr chanti mea? Are you pleased? Hey, are you praising me?

chsee tes rudj

chsee tes rudj The white flowers shall turn red"

fountaina infel
fountaina infel Overflowing like love

clalliss vinan frawr

clalliss vinan frawr The white pure flowers

whai yorr na rippllys mea?

whai yorr na rippllys mea? Why you don't answer me?

der sacra rol fau ween leaff

der sacra rol fau ween leaff will be colored with the blood's color, like the birds I saw in the books

fountaina, sos yor

fountaina, sos yor Overflowing, for your sake

rippllys mea! rosa, sos yor, tasyue

rosa, sos yor, tasyue Hey, answer me! and then, I shall give them to you rippllys mea!

Faura werlwe titilia en sonwe sos marta vinan frawr tes rudje,rudje rol sacra
vinan frawr tes rudje,rudje rol sacra , The white flowers are turning red, red like blood Faura werlwe titilia en sonwe sos marta The little bird sheds some tears, and sings for her mother

Sos yor, yanje revm, na endia revm sacra how clalliss

sacra how clalliss For your sake, a eternal dream, an endless dream... A blood-like color Sos yor, yanje revm, na endia revm

celetille clalliss xel marta pomb mea clalliss vit iem nnoini
celetille clalliss xel marta pomb mea clalliss vit iem nnoini This is the first time I saw this color since my mother gave birth to me,

fountaina rudj rosa sos yor

fountaina rudj rosa sos yor Embracing all the red roses that I shall give to you

fountaina sacra
Overflowing like blood

Lyrics by Reiko Takahashi Composed & Arranged by Takashige Inagaki Vocal & Chorus by Haruka Shimotsuki partC

Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum Infinitely concentrated, my soul is shaking

Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum

Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum Infinitely concentrated, my soul is happy to sing

Rrha ki ra nha_HYMMNOS/1x01 >> pat mea en xest SOL=MARTA > A2.

Rrha ki ra nha_HYMMNOS/1x01 >> pat mea en xest SOL=MARTA > A2. ( ) ( ) ( ) Infinitely concentrated, I input the [(Variable) Hymmnos] (in myself), and release the second Alpha (Frelia) via Sol Marta. partC

partA odore ya utae ya tama o sasage ya Dance, Sing! Offer the souls!

itsuki o ukeshi kono mi no sadame We shall receive purification from my fate partA

Rrha ki ga gran wael wassa

Rrha ki ga gran wael wassa Infinitely concentrated, I have opened the curtain to the joyous festival!

ware, mera wa masumi no kagami My eyes are clear mirrors of truth partC

Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes, tes inferiare saash

Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes, tes inferiare saash Infinitely concentrated, I shall give myself as a sacrifice to our beloved God partA

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

ware, koe wa hikimekabura ni I shall carve the trees with my voice in the shapes of toadeyed whistles partC

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness! partA odore ya utae ya tama o sasage ya Dance, Sing! Offer the souls!

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

amatsu otome yo mai tsugi tamae Celestial maiden that resides in the heavens, please continue dancing for us! partC

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness!

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah Rrha ki ra enne sos yor
Rrha ki ra enne sos yor And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness! Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah
Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness! Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

partA ururu oto ni mi o yudanete Entrust your body to the flowing sounds partB uru mi wa body... flowing... partC Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness! partA inore ya utae ya tami o iyase ya Pray! Sing! Heal the souls!

Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash

Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash Infinitely concentrated, I shall offer my feelings to God partA saa, kagureshi hiyaku o te ni Let us go, with the sweet nostrum in our hands partB sasurau hiyaku o te ni Let us roam with the nostrum in our hands partC

mimi o tsunzaku juso toki tamae Go through the ears, and please release us from this curse partC

Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum

Rrha ki ra frissoner mea spiritum Infinitely concentrated, my soul is shaking

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum

Rrha ki ra wael hymme mea spiritum Infinitely concentrated, my soul is happy to sing

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

partA inore ya utae ya tama o iyase ya Pray! Sing! Heal the souls! Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor ichiko ni narishi kono mi ni shizume Becoming a medium, calm down me partA ware, yasuraka ni hitomi toji I shall close gently my eyes partC Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness! partA makoto no tenroku mitama to majirite My dead soul shall intermingle with the real tenroku

Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes,tes inferiare saash

Rrha ki ra sarrifis mea noes,tes inferiare saash Infinitely concentrated, I shall give myself as a sacrifice to our beloved God partA ware, rinne no uzu ni nomare I will be swallowed by the swirl of reincarnation partC amatsumi sora e to jakumetsushi tamae And once I reach the heavenly skies, please bestow the nirvana upon me partC

Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash,

Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash, Infinitely concentrated, I shall offer my feelings to God en shen titilia mea spiritum and then, my little soul will turn into light partA Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song yawarakana tsuchi no nioi Before soon, I shall put it on partB Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake yagate haku the soft odor of the earth... partC

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness!

Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash,

Rrha ki ra tasyue murfanare sos saash,

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Infinitely concentrated, I shall offer my feelings to God partA saa, aogimiru sora hikari Let us look up to the light of the sky

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

sameyukeba sora hikari If we wake up, it will be on the light of the sky partC

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness!

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness!

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa I shall concentrate in continuing the festival of happiness

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness! partA Infinitely concentrated, I shall turn into a song

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra chs hymmnos mea

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor

Rrha ki ra enne sos yor Infinitely concentrated, I shall pray for your sake

Rrha ki ra parge_HYMMNOS/1x01 anw SOL=MARTA > A2.

Rrha ki ra parge_HYMMNOS/1x01 anw SOL=MARTA > A2. ( ) ( ) Infinitely concentrated, the [(Variable) Hymmnos] shall detach from the second Alpha(Frelia) via Sol Marta (Tenroku: Divine beast from the heavens in the Japanese mythology, charged with punishing the evil-doers.)

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah

Was yea ra chs hymmnos, la glasden yehah And to turn into a song, That is my supreme happiness!

Rrha ki ra biron wael wasaa

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