Hague HV Ay Hamburg Difference
Hague HV Ay Hamburg Difference
Hague HV Ay Hamburg Difference
1. Freedom of contract: There is some freedom of contract under the Rotterdam Rules with respect to
“volume contracts”. These are defined as:“A contract of carriage that provides for the carriage of a
specified quantity of goods in a series of shipments during an agreed period of time”.
Carriers and shippers can agree terms for volume contracts which may increase or decrease the parties’
obligations or limitations of liability (subject to a criteria defined in the rules). However, the carrier can
not exclude his basic obligations to exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy and to properly
crew, supply and equip the ship.
2. Rights of the controlling party & Transfer of rights: The new rules include provisions for exercise and
extent of the right of control. The shipper is the controlling party unless he designates another party or
when title is transferred. There are distinctions drawn on the right to transfer depending whether the
document is negotiable, non-negotiable or an electronic document. Also requires all original documents
to be surrendered to effect a transfer of rights.
3. Delivery of the goods: In the Rotterdam Rules the carrier’s obligations continue until delivery, at
minimum, “delivery” takes place upon receipt of the goods for loading or unloading. Apart from
obligations on the carrier “to deliver” the goods, there is also an obligation on the consignee to accept
delivery and to acknowledge receipt. There is a distinction between delivery under non-negotiable
documents (which may or may not require surrender) and negotiable documents. There are also
provisions for undelivered goods.
4. “Maritime Performing Parties”: There is a new concept of a “maritime performing party” which will
be subject to the same rights and obligations as a carrier defined in the Rules. This includes parties such
as stevedores, ports, terminals, freight forwarders, agents, NVOCC’s, etc… “The performing party” would
be caught under the rules if it undertakes activity in a contracting state under an intermodal contract of
carriage as defined by the Rotterdam Rules.