Fabrication Rate Analysis

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Rate Analysis for Fabricatica

sr.no components nos length total length

1 25x5 mm flat patti 2 1.1 2.2
2 2 1.525 3.05
3 Ms 20mm square tube 2 1.1 2.2
2 1.525 3.05
4 ms 10mm square bar 8 1.265 10.12
4 1.1 4.4
5 hold fast 6
6 plumbing nails 6
7 red oxide

Rate Analysis
sr length height area (sq.m)
1 1.525 1.1 1.6775
Rate Analysis for Fabricatication window
wt kg m total wt kg Rate per kg without gst Remark
0.65 1.43 71.5
0.65 1.9825 99.125
1.1 2.42 147.62
Gauge for 16
1.1 3.36 204.655
0.8 8.096 420.992
0.8 3.52 183.04

total 20.8035 1126.932


Area (sq.ft)

62.43 material per sq.ft cost

12 labour
4.00 transport
78.43 total cost

100 Company Rate per sq.ft

Rate Analysis for Fabricaticatio
sr.no components nos length total length
1 50mmx25mm tube 3 2.22 6.66
2 2 0.1 0.2
3 Ms 20mm square tube 17 0.915 15.555
4 Ms 20mm square tube 3 0.13 0.39
5 hold fast 6
6 plumbing nails 6
7 red oxide

Rate Analysis
sr length height area (sq.m)
1 2.22 1.12 2.4864
Analysis for Fabricatication railing of master bed
wt kg m total wt kg Rate per kg without gst Remark
2.2 14.652 879.12 weight chart refer RFL steel ltd
2.2 0.44 26.4 2mm thick
1.1 17.1105 1026.63 2mm thick
1.1 0.429 25.74

total 32.6315 1957.89


Area (sq.ft)

73.18 material per sq.ft cost

10 labour charge
2.21 transport per sq.ft 1300 rs cost of transport for 22 railing of 919 sq.ft
85.39 total cost

90 Company rate per sq.ft

Rate Analysis for Fabricaticatio
sr.no components nos length total length
1 50mmx25mm tube 1 3.7 3.7
2 4 0.1 0.4
3 Ms 20mm square tube 29 0.975 28.275
4 60mmx40mm tube 1 3.7 3.7
5 hold fast 9
6 plumbing nails 9
7 red oxide

Rate Analysis
sr length height area (sq.m)
1 3.7 1.05 3.885
Analysis for Fabricatication railing of master bed
wt kg m total wt kg Rate per kg without gst Remark
2.2 8.14 488.4 weight chart refer RFL steel ltd
2.2 0.88 52.8 2mm thick
1.1 31.1025 1866.15 2mm thick
3.71 13.727 823.62 2.5mm thick

total 53.8495 3230.97


Area (sq.ft)

77.29 material per sq.ft cost

10 labour charge
1.5 transport per sq.ft 1300 rs cost of transport for 22 railing of 919 sq.ft
88.79 total

100 Company Rate total

Rate Analysis for Fabricatication w
sr.no components nos length total length
1 50mmx25mm tube 2 15.45 30.9
2 22 0.56 12.32
3 Ms 20mm square tube 89 0.5 44.5
5 hold fast 30
6 plumbing nails 30
7 red oxide

Rate Analysis
sr length height area (sq.m)
1 15.45 0.6 9.27
alysis for Fabricatication window of Refuse Area
wt kg m total wt kg Rate per kg without gst Remark
2.2 67.98 4180.77 weight chart refer RFL steel ltd
2.2 27.104 1666.896 2mm thick
1.1 48.95 3010.425 2mm thick

total 144.034 8858.091


Area (sq.ft)

88.81 material per sq.ft cost

labour charges
13 transport per sq.ft 1300 rs cost of transport for railing of 99 sq.ft

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