Keratoconus and Corneal Crosslinking.
Keratoconus and Corneal Crosslinking.
Keratoconus and Corneal Crosslinking.
This guest editorial is one of a series looking back at and we may find strong rubbers with normal corneas and
landmark articles published in the JCRS. This special no rubbers with weak corneas both ending up in pro-
series commemorates the 25th anniversary of the gressive keratoconus. By means of in vivo Brillouin spec-
joint Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. This troscopy, we measured a high variation of the corneal bulk
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issue: Stress–strain measurements of human and modulus in nonkeratoconus eyes even higher than the
porcine corneas after riboflavin-ultraviolet-A-induced average difference between 20- and 60-year-old corneas.9
crosslinking. J Cataract Refract Surg 2003;29:1780–1785. This surprising result supports the working hypothesis and
requests of any modern therapy of keratoconus to address
During the past 40 years, 2 main causes for keratoconus both causal arms: stiffening of the cornea and to stop
have been identified: eye rubbing and reduced bio- rubbing by means of topical treatment of the itching eye.
mechanical stiffness of the cornea. The coincidence of The landmark article on elasticity of crosslinked human
keratoconus and atopic conjunctivitis was described al- cornea (and previous papers in German) covered the
ready 100 years ago, but it took another 50 years to un- biomechanical arm of keratoconus therapy only.10 It
derstand that it is the mechanical trauma to the connective documents convincingly that, by means of corneal cross-
tissue eye shell that induces ectasia.1,2 Intraocular pressure linking (CXL) using the Dresden protocol, the stiffness of
spikes of up to 300 mm Hg accompany eye rubbing and the human cornea can be enhanced significantly. Although,
lead to extension of cornea and sclera, both viscoelastic at first glance, this looks impressive, a one treatment fits all,
tissues.3 Although some hardliners of the eye rubbing however, may lead to overcrosslinked and undercrosslinked
hypothesis advocate this as the only cause of keratectasia corneas. Undercrosslinked corneas continue to progress
(no rubbing—no conus), we have good reasons to believe and such treatment failures were reported in 4% to 10% of
that pathology processes other than rubbing are involved in the cases. On the other hand, in less than 10% of the
the progression of keratectasia: (1) we have many kera- crosslinked corneas a too strong effect of CXL was found
toconus patients who never had episodes of eye rubbing, (2) leading to continued flattening of the cornea with a con-
keratoconus is a bilateral disease, but eye rubbing is in stant flattening rate for more than 10 years.11 We in-
approximately 50% of the cases single handed, and the terpreted this as a consequence of overcrosslinking. Such a
association between patient-reported unilateral eye rubbing mismatch of achieved vs required CXL could be easily
and greater asymmetry in corneal curvature (steep avoided by choosing the right irradiation time to obtain a
K-reading) is weak, and (3) sclera is more viscous than certain radiant exposure (in J/cm2). If we only would know
cornea, and therefore, we would expect a stronger effect on how much CXL a cornea needs to achieve normal stiffness!
scleral extension than on cornea; however, to my knowl- A preoperative determination of the biomechanical pa-
edge, an effect of eye rubbing on myopia progression has rameters by means of clinical Brillouin spectroscopy or
not been reported so far.4,5 other elastometric techniques was necessary to customize
Increased elasticity (reduced stiffness) of keratoconus the amount of CXL.
cornea compared with normal cornea was reported by The landmark article was the starting signal for a series of
Andreassen et al in 1980, and Edmund found in 1988 a publications on CXL that accumulated until today to more
significantly reduced Young modulus of the cornea in than 2500 clinical and basic science articles (PubMed re-
keratoconus eyes.6,7 The ocular rigidity coefficient de- search January 2021).10 The 2-layer model proposed in the
scribing scleral and corneal biomechanical expansion, article was verified clinically a few years later by the de-
however, did not differ between normal and keratoconus marcation line visible at the slitlamp or in anterior segment
eyes.8 In addition, modern methods of measuring ocular optical coherence tomography.12 Meanwhile, we also
rigidity such as the ocular response analyzer primarily learned that it is not only riboflavin and ultraviolet A that
failed to discriminate between keratoconus and normal determines the success of CXL but also the intrastromal
eyes. oxygen that represents the bottleneck of clinical CXL and
Based on these considerations, we established the limits the applicability of accelerated CXL.13 Despite some
working hypothesis that eye rubbing and reduced bio- improvements of CXL, the parameters 5.4 J/cm2 for radiant
mechanical stiffness of the cornea contribute interactively exposure and 0.1% of riboflavin concentration are still valid
to the genesis of keratoconus. The proportion of each causal today and are used in most of the hundreds of thousands of
mechanism may vary significantly from patient to patient, clinical treatments across the world.
Copyright © 2021 Published by Wolters Kluwer on behalf of ASCRS and ESCRS 0886-3350/$ - see frontmatter
Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Copyright © 2021 Published by Wolters Kluwer on behalf of ASCRS and ESCRS. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright © 2021 Published by Wolters Kluwer on behalf of ASCRS and ESCRS. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.