Secret Agent
Secret Agent
Secret Agent
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b Who dies in an explosion? d Who kills themselves? ink you put this in
1 clear skin, and tidy hair. The younger men felt uncomfortable with a pen in order to
- ....... _ - --- - I write with it; the
her. If she came out to help them, they usually bought something words on this page
2 This building is the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. are made with
that they did not really want, like a bottle of ink, and then dropped
What is it? black ink
-I it on the ground outside the shop when they left. The men who
a O the most important police office in England j
gas something
that gives tight or
- ~
came in the evening were different. They spoke to Mrs Verlac in a
b O a place where you can study the stars heat in tamps or
friendly way as they went through the shop into the back room.
c O the place where the King of England lives cracked broken
in London . .,..,...
-CretrtwJcr, -Obkrv:i111ry .
~-~ ...,_._
The shop door was the only entrance to the house. by a thin tine
After a short time, Mr Verlac and Winnie were married. He
told her that his work was political and that she would have to
be pleasant to his political friends. Winnie agreed to do what he
asked and they moved to Soho.
'Of course we'll take care of your furniture, Mother,' Winnie
had said.
Winnie's mother left Belgravia, and she and Stevie went to live
in Soho, too. Now Mr Verlac had a respectable family. Winnie's
mother felt safe with Mr Verlac. She thought that her daughter
and son Stevie were safe, too.
Feeling safe· was important, because Stevie was a problem.
Although he was old enough to have a beard, which was starting
to grow on his weak face, he was like a little child. When he had
to take a message to someone, he often got lost. He fargot his
address and when he was worried he stuttered. He got a job as an
office-boy when he was fourteen, but one day he exploded some
fireworks on the stairs and the other workers were frightened.
Some of the other young office boys had given him the idea, and
he was easily excited by things that he heard 01· saw. After that,
Stevie, M1· Verlac lived in the house with his wife, Winnie, her brother, Stevie lost his job, of course, and he had to wash plates and clean
Mr Verlac, Stevie, and her mother. Winnie's mother was a fat woman who shoes at home instead. He had no future. Winnie's mother was
and Winnie.
could not walk very well. Her husband, who had owned a pub, • very happy that Mr Verlac was so kìnd and wanted to take care
was dead and for years she kept a house where gentlemen could of all her family.
political to do
In the house in Soho, Stevie tried to help his sister. He loved her with people who
rent rooms in Belgravia, a quiet part of London. Mr Verlac had l
decide what
sometimes taken rooms there. He travelled abroad on business, and was happy to do anything for her. In his free time, he sat in the should happen in a
but nobody really knew what he did. When he was in London, kitchen and spent hours drawing circles on pieces of paper. Winnie weak not strong
he stayed in bed until very late. He went out in the evening and watched him carefully. She was like a mother to him. stutter to have
¡ difficulty speaking
came back at three or four o' clock in the morning. Winnie took Q(-)Q
and to repeat the
start of words
rent to give money his breakfast to him in bed. She was pleasant, but she did not say This then was the house and family that Mr Verlac left behind him
every month for
much. Mr Verlac thought she was pretty, and he began to speak as he walked west through London at 10.30 in the morning. He something that
burns with
to I ive was going to a foreign embassy in Knìghtsbridge, a rich part of
more often to her mother. Winnie's mother thought that Mr coloured lights and
abroad in or to a loud noise
another country Verlac was a nice, respectable gentleman, but he did not take I London. It was his second visit in eleven years. He wore a dark coat
embassy the
respectable Winnie out at night to the theatre like nice respectable gentlemen and a hat, his boots shone, and his hair was carefully brushed. office of people
that people think working for their
is good usually do. He was busy in the evenings. The sun was red over London that morning and there was a country abroad
2 3
protect to take golden light in the air. The roofs of the buildings were red-gold in with a writing table and two chairs in it. Here he waited, standing,
care of
the sun and the back of Verloc's coat was touched with red too, with his hat and his stìck in his hand. After some time, another
porter a person
at the entrance like old gold. But Verlac did not feel old. I
door opened quietly and a man entered carrying some papers. He
to a building who
meets visitors As he walked past Hyde Park, he noticed rich people riding their had an ugly, white face with long, thin, grey hairs on the top of
horses and walking in the park, and thought: 'We must protect his head. He put on some glasses and Verloc's appearance seemed
the money at the heart of this city, at the heart of this country, at once to surprise him. This was Wurmt, the Ambassador's
from the poor.' But his face did not show his feelings. Showing I assistant. Neither he nor Verlac said hello.
feelings was hard work and Verlac was lazy. 'I have some of your reports here,' said Wurmt in a tired voice.
He turned left into a quieter, smaller street. All the windows 'We do not lìke the way the police act in this country.'
in the houses here were bright and clean and their front doors Verlac spoke for the first time that morning.
shone. Everything here seemed so empty and so strangely unreal, •
'Every country has its police. I can't do anything about that.'
that it was like a dream which went on for ever. 'What we want,' replied Wurmt, 'is something to wake the
At the entrance to the Embassy, Verlac showed the porter a police up. You can do that, can't you?'
special embassy envelope and continued on his way through the Verlac said nothing, but he sighed. Then, realizing his mìstake, '
4 5
READING CHECK g When he's excited or worried, Stevie .
Choose the right words to finish the sentences. h Stevie lost an office job because he exploded on
a The story begins when Verlac ... d Winnie's mother ... the stairs.
1 ~ goes out to visit the Embassy.. 1 D knows all about vertoc's business. i That morning, Verlac goes to an building in
6 7
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'That's right,' said Verloc.
,, -~
' d
'Ridiculous! You are too fat for an anarchist. And I'll tell you
Back to the shop why-you are lazy. What we want now is action, do you hear?'
Verloc was now both angry and worried. What did this man
ERLO e waited in the little room. After a short time, a servant want from him?
appeared and took him upstairs to the first floor. There, 'A secret agent has to do something,' went on Vladimir angrily.
Verloc entered a large room where a thin young man with a short 'The good times are finished. You must work for your money now!'
beard sat at a big desk, The man spoke in French to Wurmt, who ...
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was leaving. 'You are quite right, my dear Wurmt. But he's not
just overweight. He's fat- the animal.'
Mr Vladimir, the First Secretary, was always invited to parties.
He was a good speaker and when he told his funny stories he had
smiling eyes. But, when he looked at Verloc, his face was hard and
'You understand French, I suppose?' ~
Verloc said that he did and added in a low voice that he had lived
for some years in France.
Vladimir continued: 'How long were you in prison for stealing
the plans for that new French gun?'
'Five years,' replied Verloc. r
Vladimir laughed unpleasantly. 'That wasn't very good getting
caught like that! What happened?'
'I fell in love with a woman and she wasn't honest with me. I
was young,' added Verloc, feeling stupid.
'Ah, so she got the money and then sold you to the police.' 'Don't speak to me like that!' Verloc felt hot and his clothes felt 'You must work
uncomfortable. Vladimir spoke again: for your money
'Yes,' said Verloc, hating the conversation.
'How long have you worked for the Embassy here?' 'There is a meeting in Milan soon on international crime, and
'Eleven years. I began when Baron Stott-Wartenheim was we must do something before that to wake up the people here.
Ambassador in Paris. He ordered me to come to London. I am England is too soft. Your anarchist friends do just what they like!
First Secretary English, but my father was French ' They should all be in prison. The middle classes here support the
a very important
person working Vladimir interrupted him. 'Well, times have changed since then. people who want to rob them! Don't you agree?'
at an embassy
The secret service gave people money for nothing in those days. 'Yes,' said Verloc, who was beginning to lose his voice.
anarchist support to agree
a person who Look at you! One of the hungry workers: What are you anyway 'What they need is something to frighten them. It's time your with and to help
believes that laws somebody or
are not necessary - an anarchist?' friends acted.' something
8 9
Verlac was silent. In his opinion, Vladimir knew nothing about
the real methods of the revolutionary world.
'We want to change people's opinion and malee them support
harder laws. We want an attack on something that the middle
classes thìnk is important. Science for example. Astronomy.'
'Astronomy?' Verlac could not hide his surprise.
'Yes. I want you to put a bomb under Greenwich Observatory.
You can use that old terrorist, Yundt. Or Michaelis, the man who
was in prison. You'll get no more money until something happens.
What is your job supposed to be anyway?'
'I have a shop. My wife helps me.'
'Your wife! Anarchists don't have wives!'
'That isn't any of your business!' Karl Yundt, who called himself the 'terrorist', was still wearing 'There is no
'Oh yes it is,' Vladimir said coldly. 'You have one month. If you his coat and hat inside the warm room. Yundt frightened people need for a
don't plant the bomb by then, your job with us is finished.' with his violent opinions and he enjoyed doing it. At the moment,
wanting to change Vladimir got up from his seat and turned his back on Verlac. He he was arguing for 'death used in the service of humanity'.
things quickly,
and sometimes watched in the mirror as the secret agent left the room. 'But will that really help us?' asked Michaelis, standing up.
Verlac left the Embassy in an angry dream and walked back to 'You're so pessimistic,' Yundt said angrily.
science the study
of the natural the shop. Afterwards, he could not remember anything about his 'That's not true,' cried Michaelis. 'I'm not pessimistic, I'm
journey home. optimistic-I believe that things will change, but there is no need
astronomy the
study of the stars Winnie heard the sound of the cracked bell and looked into the for a revolution.'
and planets
shop. She saw her husband sitting in the darle room and returned There was another man in the room, sitting by the window. This
/'grenrtf/ to making the lunch. Verlac sat without moving, his hat pushed was Comrade Ossipon. He was younger than the others, not bad
observatory a
building where back on his head. An hour later, when his wife went to tell him looking, with fair hair and a red face. Ossipon was an ex-medical
scientists watch
that lunch was ready, he had not moved from his chair. 1 student who wrote for a political group called the Future of the
the stars
terrorist a person At lunch, Verlac was silent. Stevie was quiet and good, but the Proletariat. Now he sat listening to the others with an amused
who tries to get
political change by two women watched him closely because they did not want him loole on his face. pessimistic
doing violent things
with guns and to worry Verlac. ) The room was getting hot. Verlac got up slowly and opened the thinking that bad
things will happen
Q(-)Q door into the kitchen. Stevie was sitting quietly at the kitchen optimistic
plant to leave (a
bomb) somewhere In the sitting room of Verloc's house, a small group of men sat I table drawing circles as usual. thinking that good
things will happen
on bail when a
prisoner can leave
and talked in front of the fire. Ossipon walked into the kitchen and looked over Stevie's comrade a person
with the same
prison before One of them was Michaelis, a fat, whìte-skìnned man. He had shoulder with scientific interest. political ideas, like
finishing his time '
a brother
there because he spent fifteen years in prison and was now out on bail. He had an 'Those drawings show us that the boy has a criminal mind,'
promises to do proletariat
nothing wrong open, honest-looking face and smiled a lot. he said. working people
10 11
'Does he look like a criminal to you?' said Verlac looking table with a worried look on his face. Verlac did not know what to
interested for the first time in hours. say to him. It was strange: he lived with this young man and paid
'Yes. Just look at his ears. Lombroso talks about ears like that for all his needs, but he had no idea how to talk to him.
in his book.' 'Why don't you go to bed now?' he said after some time. Stevie
'Lombroso is stupid,' said Karl Yundt, who was listening to the did not answer. He left the boy in the kitchen and went upstairs. He
conversation. 'You can't recognize criminals by their teeth or could hear the old woman talking in her sleep through the wall of
ears. Criminals aren't born that way. Why don't you talk about her bedroom. Another one to look after,' he thought angrily.
the people who make them into criminals? What about the law Winnie was asleep, but he woke her up and told her that Stevie
that marks them, that burns their skìn for life? Can't you see was still downstairs. She said nothing, but got up immediately and
the red burns and smell the burning? Forget Lombroso and his left the room.
stupid ideas!' Verlac got ready for bed. He felt alone and sorry for himself.
Stevie was now standing at the door. He heard Yundt's angry He seemed to see Vladimir's long, thin face laughing at him in
words and they frightened him. His mouth fell open. the dark.
Michaelis smiled. 'We must watch and wait calmly. Better times 'I don't feel very well,' he told Winnie when she came back,
are coming for the poor people, you'll see.' Stevie calmed down a 'That poor boy is very excited tonight,' she replied.
little at these words. Verlac was not interested in talking about Stevie. Why didn't
The discussion continued. Verlac said little and stared into she talk about him and his feelings? Wasn't he her husband?
space. Stevie sat in the doorway, frightened by the men's words. 'I haven't been feeling well for the last few days,' he said. He
After a while, the men left the house and Verlac closed the door wanted to tell Winnie about the Embassy, the bomb, everything.
violently behind them. None of them could help him, that was But Winnie still wanted to talk about Stevie.
sure. So who was going to plant Vladimir's bomb? Verlac could 'He hears too many things that he doesn't understand,' she
not do it himself. If he was not careful, his future as a secret agent said, thínkìng about the men who visited them in the evenings.
could be in danger. Those men were so lazy, he thought. Yundt was She hated Karl Yundt with his talk of death and violence, but she
looked after by a rich old woman and when she died, he thought, did not mind Michaelis who was kinder, She said nothing about
Yundt's love of revolution would probably die too. Michaelis was Ossipon because she did not want to think about him; he made
supported by another rich lady who let him stay at her house her feel uncomfortable.
in the country. And Ossipon also lived well thanks to the young 'Stevie's been reading those stupid Future of the Proletariat
women who paid for everything that he needed. stories again,' she continued. 'He read about a soldier cutting
It was different for himself, thought Verlac. He had to look off someone's ear and wanted to kìll the soldier. I had to take the
after Winnie. carving knìíe off him. Why do they write things lìke that?'
Before he went to bed, Verlac looked at the few coins that they Verlac did not answer.
had taken that day in the shop. 'How can we live without the Are you comfortable, Adolf, dear? Shall I put out the light now?'
money from the Embassy?' he thought. 'Yes. Put it out,' said Verlac. But he knew that he was not going carving knife
a big knife for
Stevie was still in the kitchen, walking round and round the to sleep well that night. cutting meat
12 13
Are these sentences true or false? Tick the boxes. True False a Mr Vladimir tells Veri oc to p L<'.1. D ± the bomb within a month or he will lose his job.
b Vladimir says the English middle classes are stupid because they don't work against
a Mr Vladimir thinks that Verlac is a good secret agent. O M people who want to take rich people's money; they s them.
b Vladimir laughs at Verlac because he was sent to prison. o o
c Vladimir tells Veri oc that now he must work for the money that c Vladimir wants to change the ideas of the middle classes by attacking s
. . . .. .
he gets from the Embassy. O o d Vladimir doesn't really know what the r world is like.
e The Greenwich O is famous, so a bomb exploding there will be in
d Vladimir tells Verlac that he must plant a bomb in Greenwich
all the newspapers.
to frighten the middle classes. o o
Famous people, like Edmond Halley, have studied a at Greenwich.
e Yundt tells the others that Stevie has a criminal way of thinking. O o f
g Michaelis is o ; he believes that things will get better.
f Lombroso wrote a book about how to recognize a criminal. o o
g Verlac chooses one of his friends to help him with the h Michaelis is out of prison o_ b because he promises to do nothing wrong.
i The opposite of optimistic is p ; always seeing the bad side
Greenwich bomb. o D
of everything.
h Winnie and her family help Verto.e. to stop worrying about
his problems. O o j Winnie is worried about Stevie cutting himself when he plays with a
c k after reading a violent political story.
1 Match the words in
the bomb with the Match the first and second parts of these sentences to find out what happens in
correct definitions. the next chapter.
~· a There is a story in the newspapers 1 the police.
about . .
' , b Comrade Ossipon meets another 2 Winnie Verlac.
I I anarchist to talk about . .
3 the news of the Greenwich bomb.
c No one knows ...
d Ossipon is worried about ... 4 where Verlac is.
e The anarchist tells Ossipon to go and
speak to ... 5 a bomb in Greenwich Park.
a .f.i.r.§::t $.~ç.r.f;.±0.r'.'j .. a very important person working at an embassy
b someone with the same political ideas
c someone who thinks there should be no laws
d someone who tries to get political change by doing violent things
e working people
14 15
. ~·"'\ 1: Œ~ ir~/J:;,.
'~ff?.. 'Yes, enough explosive to kill yourself and everyone near you,'
' .?"(,
rubber made
of soft, movable
' ' ~
16 17
'Other people believe that I will use my bomb. That's what 'Well, not really. He usually received comrades who were coming
makes me free. They need order and life. I need nothing but death to England, but he wasn't really important. He had no ideas. Years
- and that makes me strong.' ago, he used to speak at meetings in France, I believe, but he didn't
'Karl Yundt said something like that a short while ago.' do it very well. The police left him alone, I don't know why. He was
'Karl Yundt knows nothing. None of you people know married, you know, I suppose he started that shop with his wife's
anything.' money. He seemed to do all right.'
'But what do you want us to do?' asked Ossipon angrily. Ossipon paused and spoke almost to himself: 'I wonder what
'Invent the perfect detonator! That's what you should be thìnklng that woman will do now?'
about. You aren't any better than the police. I met Inspector Heat 'Verlac told me that he wanted to destroy a building,' said the
the other day. He was thìnking of so many things - his boss, his Professor. 'I gave him a thìck glass jar full of explosive inside an old
money, the newspapers - and you and your friends are the same tin. Perhaps he activated the detonator and then forgot the time.
as him. You talk and talk and you do nothing. I work fourteen He had twenty minutes. Or perhaps he dropped it. The detonator
hours a day inventing the perfect detonator. If necessary, I don't was fine, I'm sure.'
eat. And I work alone.' Ossipon was worried. 'All of this isn't very nice for me,' he said,
Ossìpon's face had gone red. 'Let's leave all that. What about as the Professor called the waiter and paid the bill. 'Karl has been
the news, eh?' He took a newspaper out of his pocket, 'There was ill in bed for a week and Michaelis is in the country writing a book,
a bomb in Greenwich Park this morning at half-past ten. It left The police might get interested in me.'
a big hole in the ground under a tree and there were pieces of a 'I don't know what happened to Verlac. It's a mystery,' said the
man's body all over the place. He blew himself up. Did you have Professor. 'But he's gone. The police know you did not help him.'
anything to do with it?' 'I'm not so sure. But perhaps our friend Michaelis could support
The Professor said 'Yes', almost smiling. us when he speaks at one of our meetings. Michaelis is stupid, but
'I knew it!' cried Ossipon. 'You give your explosive to the first people like him. And I could talk to a few newspapers.'
stupid person that asks!' Ossipon thought about Verloc's shop in Brett Street. Were the
'Right! And why not? I don't take my orders from you! You police already there, asking questions? Then, he wondered how
aren't important enough.' the police would identify Verlac after the bomb had done its
'Your detonator wasn't very good this time,' said Ossipon coldly. violent work. Perhaps he was safe after all. Or perhaps not.
'It kílled the man.' 'What should I do now?' he said half to himself.
The Professor looked a little uncomfortable. 'Yes, well, someone 'Get what you can from the woman,' said the Professor, who
has to try them.' had heard his words.
'Can't you describe the person you gave it to?' The little man finished his beer, got up and walked away from
boss the person 'I can do more than just describe him. It was Verloc.' the table, and Ossipon, surprised at the Professor's words, sat
that you work for
'Verlac! Impossible.' alone for a little longer thìnkìng. When he came out of the bar identify to say
blow up to who someone is
explode 'Yes. Wasn't he an important man in your group?' into the grey, dirty street, the Professor had already disappeared. by name
18 19
j '
READING CHECK 2 Complete the sentences with words from Chapter 3 in the correct form.
a Th e P ro fe S sor k eep,s d an g er o us exn\osives
¡-; 1·nh·s I c up boa r d .
Tick the best answers.
a Why is Ossipon interested in talking to d What happened in Greenwich Park? b A man was killed when a bomb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . in
Greenwich Park.
the Professor? 1 D A bomb destroyed Greenwich
1 10 The Professor has some Observatory.
c The police will have problems his body.
important information. d Inspector Heat worries a lot about his .
2 O Someone left a bomb in a hole in
2 D The Professor keeps explosives in the ground. e The rubber ball in the Professor's coat pocket a detonator.
his room.
3 D A bomb killed a man. f The Professor would like to a new and better kind of bomb.
3 O The Professor is an anarchist. g The Professor stays in his room when his comes to clean it.
e Who did the Professor give the
b What does the Professor think about explosives to?
Ossipon and his political friends? GUESS WHAT
1 D They are more intelligent than
1 D Michaelis.
ln the next chapter we meet Inspector Heat, the detective who is finding out
the police. 2 D Verlac. about the bomb in Greenwich Park. What does Inspector Heat do? Tick the boxes.
2 O They have some interestíng ideas. 3 D Yundt. a He meets ... in the street.
3 O They talk too much. f Why is Ossìpon worried? 1 D the Professor
D The D Ossipon
,,• =·-~~--- .
.,.,r ·,., ·,,.,,,
c Why don't the police arrest the 1 police may not be able to 2 ~-"
D Veri oc.
3 He isn't dangerous. 1 D an old woman selling flowers ~
outside Greenwich Park
WORD WORK 2 D a policeman
1 Match these words with the drawing of the Professor's bomb. 3 D Verlac
¡¡; ,-, c He goes to see ...
0;·'.,7:; tt~~-Jf~:~'r: '~: .y~_ \1~: t:~ì ~,, ~
r ¿·
1 D Michaelis.
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I I ~;;¡¡;;¡¡.:J
,¡i"¡, _,,~.
D Winnie Verlac.
,1, , - ;f _!li t¡ _¡t ,{ .,. ,_;
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-~- ,,·,
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íJ .•·, -·• -·
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3 D his boss.
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e . d .
20 21
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'·~.. ~.,,- fa
--~..,.?;; of the Greenwich bomber. It was impossible to identify. He then
···- ~
'You are not wanted - yet. But when I want you I will know where cloth clothes
are made of this
to find you.' velvet an
expensive kind
'Well, if anything happens and we're both blown up, I suppose of cloth
they will say nice things about you in the newspapers. Just think, collar the part of
a coat that goes
they might bury us together!' round the neck
Heat was very angry, but he spoke quietly. bury to put a
dead person
'I'll get you in the end.' under the ground
22 23
¡. '!
11 'I'm sure you will,' replied the Professor. 'But why not now? 'Yes, sir. The porter at the station in Greenwich remembers
There's no one near us. It's the perfect chance.' them. The fat man was carrying a tin and he gave it to the thin
'Do you think I'm stupid? The law will win in the end. I don't young man in the station. This agrees with what the old woman
know what your game is. I don't believe you know yourselves. told the police in Greenwich Park, And I saw bits of tin among the
Stop doing it - there are more of us than you.' remains of the body.'
The Professor spoke more bravely than he felt: 'I am doing my 'And they caught the train to Greenwich? Two foreign
job better than you're doing yours.' anarchists going there from that small country station. That's
'That's enough,' said Heat quickly strange.'
The Professor laughed and continued on his way. He wanted to 'It isn't so strange when you remember that Michaelis is staying
return to his lonely room as quickly as possible, far from the real in a cottage near the small country station.'
world of the crowded city. When the Assistant Commissioner heard the name 'Michaelis',
'The man's mad,' thought Heat as he watched the Professor he showed more interest in the case. The ex-prisoner was
leave. Now he had a more important problem to thìnk about; supported by a rich and important lady who was one of his wife's
what to say to his boss, the Assistant Commissioner. best friends. All kinds of people met at her house: kings, queens,
-,(-)-, artists, men of science, politicians, and even criminals.
The Assistant Commissioner was working at his desk. He had a Years before, Michaelis and some other men had tried to help
foreign-looking face with dark hair and a dark beard. When Heat some prisoners to escape from the police. The plan had gone
entered the room, he looked up. wrong and one of the policemen was killed. Michaelis knew
'Ah, Heat. I suppose you were right when you said the nothing about the shooting, but later he stupidly said he was
London anarchists had nothing to do with this business. But sorry that the plan to help the prisoners had not worked. For that
we need to know who did it. Have you brought anything useful Michaelis was sent to prison for life.
from Green wich?' This made him famous. After fifteen years, he came out of
Heat made his report. He explained that he believed two men prison on bail. Even after all the years in prison, he was still
had taken part in the bombing. One man had shown the other optimistic and continued to believe that people were naturally
l where to put the explosive and then left. He was probably waiting good. The Assistant Commissioner had been there when
remains what
for the train when the bomb exploded. Michaelis first came to the great lady's house. She liked is I eft
The Assistant Commissioner watched Heat as he talked. He Michaelis a lot. cottage a small
did not enjoy his job in London. He had begun working as a When he left she said, 'And that is what some people call a
house in the
policeman abroad and he had liked it there. But then he had revolutionary! A good, kind man and they put him in prison for politician a
person who helps
married while he was on holiday in England and his wife did not fifteen years. Now his parents and the girl he was going to marry
I want to go abroad. She knew a lot of important people in England are all dead. Someone will have to look after him.'
to make laws in
a country
24 25
l I ~
,, ' i
ì•• :
' '· l
I r
I' ¡' .~
READING CHECK 2• Match the words in the sky with the underlined words in these sentences.
a O A policeman heard the bang, saw a light, and ran to the Observatory. He •
... t.
picked up the pieces of the thin man's body te take them to the hospital. Pllif2}·
Wt.y/, R·.
b [I] An old woman saw two men - one thin, one fat - leaving Greenwich station.
Soon after this the thin man fell over in the park and the bomb exploded.
c O After talking with the Professor, Heat went to tell his boss, the Assistant
Commissioner, about the Greenwich bombing.
d O Inspector Heat left the hospital and went back to the centre of London. Here he
met the Professor by accident in the street and they talked.
e O Inspector Heat heard about the bomb and went to the Park. From there he went a The dead man was wearing a coat with a collar made of an expensive kind of cloth.
to the hospital to look at the dead man's body.
... , •.••...velvet
...•... ~·~···········~
f O At the hospital the policeman told Inspector Heat that the thin man was wearing b lt is impossible to identify the man from the pieces that are left of the dead body.
a dark blue coat. Inspector Heat took a piece of the coat with him. ······ · ··········· · ··· ·-·· ·-···-·····-·-·
c Michaelis is living in a small country house .
WORD WORK d Michaelis goes to parties with important people who make laws. •. -· ., -· '- ... _,... _.. -.. . .. . .. ·•· . •. ·" .. , . -·- -• -~ -,_ . -·
1 Correct the boxed words in these sentences. They all come from Chapter 4. e lt is hard to not be angry with someone when they do somethìng that you don't like .
~ a The young policeman sees a light through the dog in Greenwich Park. w, •• ···-··············--··-·····
. . ...... fo.g . f Inspector Heat's boss is the Assistant Head of a police department.
. .. _, ··- -,- -·- .- •: -· ·- .. . . -· . . . . . . -. .- ·,_ . ·- ,- ..
b The young policeman uses a shaver to pick up the pieces of the body.
j' . . ... • ·•. .. . . . ... . .• " . . . . .. '• .. •· .... ·,, .
.. ..
What happens in the next chapter? Tick the boxes. Yes Perhaps No
l c Inspector Heat works for the Special Crime Deportment . •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••
d Inspector Heat picks up a piece of dark blue broth from the dead man's coat. a Inspector Heat shows the piece of blue cloth to his boss. D o D
.. .•. . .. . .. . ..• ·• . ,· ·, . .,· •: . . .. ·,. .. . .. . .
b Inspector Heat tells his boss that Verlac is a spy. o o o
e Inspector Heat puts a piece of the dollar in his pocket . c Inspector Heat finds out that Verlac is dead. o o D
f The Professor laughs at the idea that people might busy him and Inspector Heat d Inspector Heat wants to arrest Michaelis. D o o
together. . . e The Assistant Commissioner decides to visit Verloc's shop. o D D
g Inspector Heat thinks the Professor is mud . f The Assistant Commissioner speaks to his wife's friend
about Michaelis . o D D
26 27
¡ i'
'î '[" i'!\ ¡:,,/
.~, !"¿,~ When I went to Paris for work, I spoke to my friend in the police
' '.~ . ', -~!
28 29
The Assistant Commissioner talked for some minutes and Sir
Ethelred listened carefully.
'So you see, sir,' finished the Assistant Commissioner, 'this is
'You are right. To thìnk that the Ambassador of a foreign country
is doing things like that! Really, these people are impossible! What
should we do, do you think?'
'We shouldn't accept these secret agents, sir. They are dangerous.
And perhaps we should take Heat off the job .. .'
'What! Heat? Not very clever, eh?' said Sir Ethelred who did not
like the Chief Inspector.
'I couldn't say that, sir. He's the best in his department. All my
,1 information is from him. But I've discovered that Heat has been
using Verlac privately and I don't agree with that. It's a good
The Assistant the next morning. Soon after Heat had gone, his boss put on his idea to stop Verlac, but Heat may see this as a personal attack, I
Commissioner hat and left the building. He had decided to speak about what believe that I can find out what is behind the Greenwich business
was in a hurry
he knew to a very important politician - Sir Ethelred, the Home if I go myself to the shop in Brett Street.'
to end the
conversation. Secretary. He hurried towards the Parliament buildings. 'Why can't Heat go?'
Q(-i)Q 'Because I want to know the real story behind the bombing
The Home Secretary was a big, white-faced man. Next to him, the and he just wants to arrest as many well-known anarchists as
Assistant Commissioner looked small and dark and even more possible. Verlac will help. It won't be difficult to frighten him. Can
'' foreign-lool<:ing.Sir Ethelred spoke in a loud voice. I tell him that he will be safe if he helps us?'
'Now, don't give me any details. I don't have time for that. But I 'Of course. Question him and find out as much as you can.
would like to know if this is the beginning of more problems from Come to Parliament later tonight and tell us what you know,'
the anarchists.' Happily the Assistant Commissioner returned to his office where
I 'I don't think so, sir.' he changed from his normal clothes and put on a short coat and a
Home Secretary 'Hah! Less than a month ago, I was told that nothing Iìke this low, round hat. Then he went into the street.
a very important
politician; the was even possible.' It was dark and raining. He took a cab to a small Italian
head of the police restaurant where he sat alone at one of the side tables. When he
in England
'I'm sorry, sir, but it wasn't me who told you that.'
Parliament the 'That's true. It was Heat. You haven't been in the new job long, saw himself in one of the mirrors, he pulled up the collar of his
group of politicians
that make and have you? How are things?' coat so that it partly covered his thin, dark face. 'That's better,' attack a fig ht
I change the laws or strong
of a country
'I believe I'm learning something new every day, Sir Ethelred. I he thought. disagreement
with someone
detail one fact want to talk to you about the Greenwich bombing.' Brett Street was not far, and the Assistant Commissioner was
or piece of cab a kind of car
information 'Very well. Go ahead.' soon walking towards Mr Verloc's shop. pulled by a horse
30 31
¡' '·¡.
I 1'
a i
READING CHECK . e Heat didn't tell anyone that Verlac was an Embass.y spy V I" pf.
because it was p_ - informatìon . t
Corrett the mistakes in these sentences. (1. \ \
0iddress d The Paris I on the vertoc's travelling bags helped Heat to identify s e. \J
a Inspector Heat. shows the na"' é from the blue coat collar to the Assìstant Commissioner. Veriee as the spy he'd met before.
c Heat first met Verloc in Paris when Baron Stott-wartenheim was Ambassador. f Heat and Verloc send each other u ·-_ notes because they don't
want anyone who finds the notes to identify them as the writers.
d A personal friend in the British police told Heat that Verloc was a spy. g The Assistant Commissioner goes to see Str Ethelred in his
office in one of the p buildings.
e Verlac gives information to Heat from time to time and so he's left alone by the Embassy.
h Sir Ethelred is the H S ; it's his job to look after
the police in the whole of England.
f Heat says that the police are watching veríoc's shop all the time.
i ln 1886, many politicians were worried about a by anarchists and
g Heat thinks that verloc is the man who knows the most about the Greenwich bomb. rev o I utiona ries.
j The Assistant Commissioner visits verloc's shop before to an Italian restaurant.
WORD WORK What do you think happens in the next chapter? Tick three sentences.
Find words in the hats to complete the sentences. a O The story goes back to a day some time before the Greenwich bombing.
a The Assistant Commissioner changes his clothes and takes b D The story goes forward to a time after the police have caught the bomber.
a e 0ibto a restaurant in Soho. c D Winnie's mother decides to leave Vertoc's house.
I b The Assistant Commissioner asks Heat for some clear p that
d D Verloc tells Winnie about his problems with the Embassy.
~fp e D Verloc tells Winnie that he is going abroad for some time.
Michaelis knows about the Greenwich bomb.
32 33
I help in order The driver looked at him, and he whipped the horse again; not was not the same as other young men.
to I ive
because he was a bad man, but because it was what he usually did The cab continued on its way and for a while, the only sound
box the place on
top of a cab where
was that of the horse's feet on the hard road. Inside the cab,
people can sit and he saw nothing wrong in it.
i whip to hit with It was all too much for Stevie. Suddenly, he stood up and, Winnie said; 'You've done what you wanted, Mother, but do you
II a special long,
thin stick stuttering more than ever, he jumped down from the box. There thìnk you'll be happy?'
34 35
l 111
The old woman tried to be optimistic and said; 'I know you'll 'Poor thing,' said Winnie without thìnking.
visit me as often as you can, won't you dear?' 'Poor! Poor!' agreed Stevie. 'The driver is poor, too. He told me
'Of course,' said Winnie. himself.'
'And I must see that poor boy every Sunday.' She thought of the 'Come on, Stevie. You can't help that.'
journey that Stevie now had to make to get to her cottage from Stevie thought for a while. 'Bad world for poor people.'
the shop and all her optimistic thoughts disappeared. He had to 'Nobody can help that.'
take two buses! It was going to be too difficult for him! She started She looked at him with great affection. 'Quick, Stevie. Stop
to cry. that green bus.' Stevie, feeling important, lifted up his arm. The
'Don't cry, Mother. I can't come myself every week, but I'll make bus stopped and they got on.
Q(:- ;)Q
sure that he doesn't get lost.'
'Here you are!' said the driver, An hour later they arrived home. Verlac was there, reading the
The cab had stopped outside one of a group of little low cottages. newspaper. He stared heavily at his wife, but said nothing and
The old woman got out with a key in her hand and Winnie paid showed no interest in what they had done that day.
the driver. Stevie helped his mother to take her things into the At supper-time, Winnie called to her husband as usual, Adolf ',
house. Then he came out and stared with a worried look at the and, without a word, Verlac came to the table where he ate in
horse. The driver spoke to him. silence. Winnie noticed the empty place where her mother usually
'Don't worry about the horse, son. What about me, eh? I work sat and realized that she missed her very much. She looked at her
until three or four in the morning. I get cold and hungry. And I've husband. 'Are you going out tonight?'
got a wife and four children at home. This isn't an easy world.' Verlac shook his head, but two minutes later he got up and left.
'Bad!' agreed Stevie. He felt sorry for the horse, and for the He did not know who he could find to plant a bomb at Crecnwìch
driver with the wife and four children at home, too. He hated the Observatory, but the streets and the crowded bars held no answers
unfairness of it all. for him. Feeling worse than before, he finally returned home,
The driver walked away pulling his horse and cab after him. where he locked the front door and went straight upstairs.
Stevie watched them go with his mouth open. He was sorry and Winnie was already in bed, but she was not sleeping. Verloc's
angry at the same time. When he felt like this, he did not know heavy silence was beginning to worry her. As usual when she was
what to do. Winnie came out of the house and took his arm. She worried she talked about something else.
did not really understand her brother's feelings, but she knew that 'Mother's done what she wanted to do. But I don't understand
j she must make him thìnk of something else. it. I don't know what I am going to do to make Stevie feel happy.
• 'Now Stevie, you must look after me when we cross the road, He'll be worried about her for days.'
,¡ and you get onto the bus first, like a good brother.' Verlac got into bed. He really wanted to tell his wife everything
lI This worked well. Being a good brother was the most important about his problems with the Embassy, but instead he said: 'I am
i thing in the world to Stevie. going abroad tomorrow. I'll be away for a week, or perhaps two.
They walked down the poor, badly-lit street. The old horse with Will you be all right?'
affection a feeling
its cab was standing with its head down outside a pub. Winnie said, 'I shall manage with Stevie's help.' of love
36 37
¡ !11·
:I I¡ '•
i li
. a Stevie doesn't like it when the cab driver . ... W.h.ì.ps .... his horse.
. b Stevie sits up high on the next to the cab driver .
Match the first and second parts of these sentences.
e The people Winnie's father used to work for give Winnie's mother a .
a Winnie cannot understand why her 1 talks about something else.
house to live in.
mother . .
2 misses her mother very much. d Stevie is to stop a bus for Winnie when she asks him to.
b Winnie's mother leaves nothing for
e Winnie feels great for her younger brother.
Stevie because she ... 3 wants to move.
f Winnie's mother thinks that it's better for Stevie to on Veri oc than to
e Stevie jumps down from the cab
4 doesn't like to see the driver hurting have to look after himself.
because he . .
the horse.
d. Winníe's mother cries because GUESS WHAT
Stevie ... 5 decides to go abroad.
What happens in the next chapter? Match the pictures and the sentences.
e Stevie is angry because he . .
6 thinks the world is unfair.
f That evening Winnie realizes that
she . . 7 wants Verlac to feel that he must look
after the boy.
g After supper, Verlac ...
h When Winnie is worried about things 8 will find it hard to come and visit her.
she usually . .
9 goes out to find someone to plant
i Instead of telling Winnie about his VER LOC STE:VIE WINNIE.
the bomb.
probìerns, Verlac ...
Find words in the wheel of the cab to
~· .
..,. ... ,,
"- y-:~
!' and thin. The cloth of their coats was the same and their hats Some days later, on the evening of the Greenwich bombing,
were round and black. 'They could be father and son,' she said to Verlac did not come back until it was almost dark. Winnie had
i been alone all day. She was sitting sewing when the cracked bell
herself happily.
! oC-~o rang and Verlac came in with his head down and went straight sew to join or
fix pieces of
In the days that followed, Verlac took Stevie out more and more towards the back room. cloth together
40 41
[ 1
'What an awful day,' said Winnie calmly. 'Have you been to see a good business and a comfortable home. And you aren't tired of
Stevie?' me.' She got up and walked to the other end of the table. Resting
'No, I haven't,' said Verlac softly and he banged the door shut on Verloc's shoulder from behind, she kissed his head and waited
loudly behind him. there for a moment. Finally she said, 'If you go abroad, you'll have
Winnie sat still for some time without touching her sewing. to go without me.' She was thinking about Stevie. 'And then you'll
Then she got up to light the gas. It was time to make tea. miss me. So you know you couldn't do that.'
As she went through the back room on her way to the kitchen, 'Of course not,' said Verlac in a louder voice. At that moment,
she heard a strange rattling noise that made her stop in surprise the shop bell rang.
and fear. 'Shop, Adolf. You go.'
Verlac had pulled a chair towards the fireplace and was sitting Verlac slowly went towards the shop.
almost on top of the fire with his head in his hands. The sound When he came in again a few minutes later, his face had
Winnie had heard was made by his teeth which were rattling changed from red to white.
violently. At the same time, his huge back was shaking. 'I have to go out this evening after all,' he said, but he didn't
'Where have you been today?' Winnie asked. move to pick up his coat.
'Nowhere,' answered Verlac in a low, hoarse voice. Then, Without a word, Winnie walked into the shop and closed the
realizing that this was not enough, he added, 'I've been to the door behind her. The man waiting there was thin and dark and
bank to take out all the money. We may need it soon.' looked foreign. He smiled at Winnie and she said, 'If you need
'I don't know what you mean.' Winnie spoke calmly, but she did somewhere to stay, the Continental Hotel is a good place. My
not move from where she stood. husband will take you there.'
'You know you can trust me,' said Verlac hoarsely. 'A good idea,' said the thin man whose smiling face had suddenly
Winnie turned slowly towards the cupboard saying, 'Oh, yes, become hard.
I can trust you.' She put the plates, the bread, and the butter on Winnie returned to the back room and spoke to her husband.
the table. Then, remembering that her husband had been out all 'Adolf, that man isn't one of those Embassy people, is he?'
day and was probably hungry, she went to the cupboard again for Verlac jumped in surprise and fear. 'Who's been talking to you
the cold meat and the carving knife and fork. She called quietly to about Embassy people?'
Verlac, who seemed to be asleep, 'Adolf.' 'You have. In your sleep. I didn't really understand what you
Verlac got up and staggered a little before he sat down at the were saying, but I knew that something was worrying you.'
rattle to make table. He did not touch the meat, but drank three cups of tea. His Verlac was red-faced and angry. 'I could cut their hearts out!
' a noise like
something hard eyes and face were red, and his hair was standing up. Winnie said But they'll have to be careful. I've got a tongue in my head.'
I being hit again
and again at last, "Take your shoes off. Your feet are sure to be wet, and you 'Well, get rid of that man and come home to me. You're not well.
huge very big aren't going out any more this evening.' But before you go, perhaps you should give me the money that you
hoarse losing
your voice Verlac told Winnie that he was thìnkìng of going to live abroad, took out of the bank.'
I stagger to walk perhaps to France or California. 'Oh yes! Yes. Here it is.' Verlac gave his wife a wallet full of notes kiss to touch
badly and almost lovingly with
fall 'What an idea!' said Winnie. 'You can't be serious. You've got which she hid inside her dress. your lips
42 43
1 11
Shortly after Verlac had left, the cracked bell rang again. This facts of the Greenwich bombing. Verlac was 'the other man'!
time, it was Chief Inspector Heat who had come for some 'private' oC~)o
information. Winnie told him that her husband had gone out. Winnie had sat down suddenly and was staring in front of her.
'I think that you know who I am. My name is Chief Inspector • She did not look up when the bell rang and Verlac came in alone.
Heat of the Special Crimes Department. Did your husband say He walked up to Heat, led him into the back room, and closed the
when he would be back?' door behind them.
'He wasn't alone.' Winnie described the dark stranger and Heat Winnie ran to the door and fell onto her knees with her ear to
recognized the Assistant Commissioner and sighed. He decided to the keyhole. She could hear Heat's voice clearly.
find out how much Winnie knew, 'You are the other man, Verlac. Two men entered the park.'
'What do you know about the Greenwich bombing?' 'Then arrest me now.'
Winnie told him that she knew nothing. 'Oh, no. I know you've been talking to my boss. He'll have to
'Oh, and there's another thing,' said Heat. 'I've got a coat here, manage this little business all by himself. But just remember, it
probably stolen, and I think it came from here. Your address is was me who found out the true story.'
on it in purple ink. I see you have a lot of ìnk here,' said Heat Winnie heard her husband say, 'I never noticed that she had
looking at the lines of small bottles standing ready for someone done that', and she knew that he was looking at the coat label.
to buy them. Now Heat was speaking again. 'How did you get away?'
'That's my brother's coat, then. I wrote that address myself. He's 'I was walking away when I heard the bomb explode. It came
'I suppose you
recognise this?' been staying with our friend Michaelis in the country.' too soon and I started running through the fog. No one saw me
-.-~-.~-- Heat almost laughed. 'Right. until I was past the end of George Street.'
And is your brother a large, Winnie tried to put her ear closer to the keyhole. Her lips were
heavy man?' blue and her hands were as cold as ice.
'Oh no. That must be the thief. Heat spoke again. 'We think he tripped over a tree root. He was
Stevie's tall and thin.' blown up into little bits. They had to píck him up with a shovel.'
Heat put his hand in his Winnie got up and staggered towards the chair. She picked up
pocket and pulled out a the newspaper that Heat had left there earlier and tried to open it,
newspaper and a piece of blue but failed. Finally, she threw it on the floor. On the other side of the
cloth. He gave the cloth to door Heat said, 'What made you do it?'
Winnie. Thìnkìng of Vladimir, Verlac replied, 'A real pig made me do it,
'I suppose you recognize this?' a gentleman!'
Winnie's eyes seemed to grow Heat opened the door and walked past Winnie into the street. trip to hit your
foot against
bigger as she took it in her She heard the bell, but she did not look up. Instead she put her something so
that you fall or
hands. 'Yes,' she whispered and staggered backwards a little. 'But hands over her face. In the dark little shop, the only brightness nearly fall
why is it pulled out of the coat Iìke this?' came from the gold wedding ring on Winnie's left hand which root the part of a
plant that grows
At that moment, Heat began to realize the extraordinary true shone brightly in the darkness. under the ground
44 45
il I
[ 1111
out walking together, Verlac starts talking to himself angrily. Winnie is worried. Verlac e His legs were weak and so he stammered when he got up .
f Winnie puts her lips on the top of Verloc's head and misses him there.
takes Stevie away to Winnie's. mother's house in order for him to calm down. The day of • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • • • •• •• • • • •
g Heat and his men think that Stevie trapped over something and fell.
the Greenwich bombing, Verlac comes home early. He has lots of money with him and • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •
a O The Assistant Commissioner tells Sir Ethelred who the 'Greenwich bomber' was.
Inspector Heat arrives and asks Winnie what she knows of the Greenwich bombing.
. . . . .
O Inspector Heat
b The Assistant Commissioner tells his wife's friend that Michaelis
She says she knows everything . When he shows her the address on the piece of blue
O planned the Greenwich bomb attack.
D ls out of trouble ..
cloth, she tells him it comes from her husband's coat. Heat realizes that Stevie was the
e The Assistant Commissioner meets Vladimir at D the Embassy.
'Greenwich bomber' and Verlac was the 'other man'. When Verlac comes back home
O a party.
d Vladimir says that the British police O aren't hard enough on criminals.
alone, he and Heat talk together privately and Winnie listens at the window. O are wonderful.
is a secret agent.
After some time Verlac walks past Winnie out into the street. Winnie covers her face
f Vladimir D is surprised when he hears that the British police know who the
with her hands. D isn't
Greenwich bomber was.
46 47
<lì' :['' :1)
. '\) \\ l', hl ., .
\7 '
~/. r:}
'Tonight I will discuss what to do with Verlac and I'll send for
-- r- ~,
\,,,_; -~ ,.
you tomorrow morning.' He held out his big, white hand and
The Assistant Commissioner shook the thin, dark hand of the Assistant Commissioner. He had
meets Vladimir his information and the conversation was over.
The Assistant Commissioner walked home and changed his
HE Assistant Commissioner was driven quickly in a cab from clothes. There was time after all to visit his wife's friend, the great
Brett Street to Westminster where he got out at the entrance lady who looked after Michaelis. He was glad - he knew that he
to the Houses of Parliament. He was shown immediately into was always welcome in her house.
a poorly-lìt room where the greenish-coloured lamps gave the Q~ ;)Q
feeling of being in a forest. The Home Secretary was sitting behind When he entered the large and crowded room, he saw his wife
a large, almost empty desk. Through the green shadows the talking to a small group of people in the corner. The great lady
Assistant Commissioner could only see a heavy head resting on a herself was sitting talking to a man with a thin face and a short
large, white hand. He sat down at the other side of the desk. In the beard. She greeted the Assistant Commissioner warmly.
green light, he looked darker and more foreign than ever. 'I never hoped to see you here tonight. Annie told me that you
Sir Ethelred showed no surprise at the other man's early arrival, were working.'
but he wanted to know the news and his voice was hard. 'Well,' 'Yes, I had no idea myself that my work would be over so soon.'
he said, 'what have you found out?' He spoke in a lower voice: 'I am glad to tell you that Michaelis is
'Verlac was very quick to tell me everything, sir. His brother out of trouble now.'
in-law, nothing more than a weak boy, was the person who was A silence fell. The other man smiled a little and the lady said: 'I
killed. Another interesting thing is that I'm sure Michaelis had don't know if you have ever met before.'
nothing to do with it although the boy had been staying with Mr Vladimir and the Assistant Commissioner were introduced
him. It's difficult to believe, but Verlac was terrified of that man and greeted each other politely. It was surprising how, sooner or
Vladimir. He thought that he and the other Embassy people would later, everybody came to this house. Another woman standing
destroy his life. I don't thìnk he planned the death of that poor next to them turned and spoke now, looking towards Vladimir:
boy, but he completely lost his head.' 'He's been frightening me with all his talk about Greenwich. He
Something moved among the green shadows of the room and says we must stop these people or the future is black for us.'
the great man spoke. 'Oh, Mr Vladimir is good at frightening people,' said the Assistant
'What have you done with him?' Commissioner. 'But I'm sure he knows the true importance of
'I let him go, Sir Ethelred. I don't think he will disappear. He what happened at Greenwich.'
seemed to want to be with his wife. He has to think of the possible Vladimir did not trust policemen and he trusted this one less
danger from his comrades, too. How will he explain trying to than most. What did the man mean with his talk of 'importance'?
greet to say 'hello'
lamp something disappear to them?' He smiled when he answered, but his eyes were hard. to someone
that gives I ìght
The great man, who perhaps had other, more important things 'Perhaps we have problems in my country because you let these importance
terrified very valuable meaning
frightened to thìnk about, got up heavily. people do what they like in your country.' of something
48 49
l, I li
furious very angry Vladimir got up to leave and, when he had turned away, the 'Now we can really begin to get rid of all foreign spies from this
Assistant Commissioner got up, too. country. We can't catch them one by one. The only way is to make
'I thought you were going to stay and take Annie home,' said things difficult for the people who employ them. The arrest of this
the great lady. • man Verlac will show people how dangerous they are.'
'I still have a little work to do. It may be important.' 'Nobody will believe what a man like that says.'
The Assistant Commissioner went out into the street first and 'I think that they will believe him when they hear the full
Vladimir waited as long as possible before he did the same. But it story.'
was not long enough. The policeman was still standing there and 'But you're just making things easier for anyone who wants to
he started to walk along the street next to the other man. Vladimir call himself a revolutionary,' cried Vladimir.
was furious - what did he want? 'Look, we have enough work to do catching the real
'Terrible weather,' said Vladimir angrily. revolutionaries. The last thing we want is to spend our time
'But not too cold,' replied the Assistant Commissioner. Then he running after fake ones.'
added, 'We've got a man called Verlac helping us. I think that you 'I can't agree with you. What you want to do is terrible. We
know him.' should be good Europeans, not just look after our own interests.'
'What makes you say that?' 'Yes,' said the Assistant Commissioner. 'Except that you look
'I don't. It's Verlac who says that.' at Europe from the other end. No foreign country can complain
a lying dog of 'A lying dog of some kind,' said Vladimir, surprised that the about our police this time. In less than twelve hours we have
some kind.' English police could be so clever. identified the dead man, discovered who planned the bombing,
and found out who had the idea in the first place. And we can go
further, but we will stop inside our own country.'
'So you know that this crime was planned abroad?' said
Vladimir quickly
'Well, in a way,' said the Assistant Commissioner. 'But that's a
detail. I'm talking to you because it's your country that complains
most about our police. As you can see, we are not always so bad.'
'Thank you for telling me,' said Vladimir through his teeth.
'We know every anarchist here, and where they are,' said the
Assistant Commissioner, sounding just likeInspector Heat. 'All we need
to do now to make everything safe is to get rid of the secret agent.'
Vladimir had heard more than enough. Without a word, he
stopped a passing cab, jumped inside and drove off.
fake not real
The Assistant Commissioner looked at his watch and saw that it
complain to
was only half-past ten. Smiling to himself, he thought that he had say that you are
unhappy or angry
had a very full evening. about something
50 51
il i I
2 'We've got a 3 'Nobody will 4 'I'm glad to tell ~ } l ter J l rit ce J l la 1m ied tan
man called Verlac believe what a man you that Michaelis
helping us.' like that says,' is out of trouble,'
pia l ( turi ins 1 1 mps por ous com
52 53
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feel afraid. He tried to take hold of her wrist, but she suddenly spoil (past spoilt)
. .·'-"','" ;,,
to make something
jumped up and ran away from him into the kitchen. She had not go wrong
Winnie and Verloc looked at him once. cage a box with
metal bars to
Verlac sat down on the empty chair with a dark, thoughtful put dangerous
animals in
FTER Chief Inspector Heat had left, Verlac walked into the look on his face. He was thinking about the future. What he saw
shop, wondering what to say to Winnie. She had not moved was some time in prison - not too long - and then life abroad
and she still had her hands over her face. When he spoke at last, somewhere. He had been so near to success! But then the label on
her body began to shake, the coat was discovered. A small thing had spoilt the plan. It was
'Winnie, you know that I didn't want anything to happen to like standing on a banana skin in the dark and breaking your leg.
Stevie. Heat was stupid, telling you so suddenly like that, eh?' He sighed heavily, locked the shop door and walked into the
When Winnie did not reply, Verlac thought that he should leave kítchen. Winnie was sitting at the table where Stevie usually sat
her alone for a while. He went into the back room where the food to draw his circles. Her head was resting on her arms.
still lay on the table. Taklng off his hat, he put it down lazily on the Verlac walked round and round the room Iíke a large animal in
table itself. Then, taking hold of the carving knìfe, he cut himself a cage. Finally, he exploded: 'You don't know what a stupid,
a piece of bread and meat. dangerous man I had to work for. We've been married for seven
He had not eaten all day. There was no food in Michaelis's years and all that time I was in danger of losing my life, but I didn't Verlac sat down
t\1ith a dark,
cottage. When Michaelis had sat down that morning to write his say anything. What for? Why should you have to worry? For thougl1tful looì:
book, Verlac had called up the stairs, 'I'm taking this young man eleven years my life has been in danger every day because I tried on his face.
home for a day or two.' He had not waited for an answer, but had
left the house quickly, followed by Stevie. Now that his busy day
was over, Verlac felt very empty. He ate standing up and tried to
make Winnie talk to him.
'Come on, Winnie. We've got to think of tomorrow. You will
have to be strong after I am taken away.'
Winnie's body was shaking more than ever. Verlac felt sorry for
his wife, but he really had no idea of how she felt about Stevie. He
' had never understood much about Winnie.
'You should look at me when I'm talking to you, Winnie.'
Winnie's voice was flat and dead-sounding: 'I never want to
look at you as long as I live.'
'Come on, Winnie. You can't sit here in the shop. Someone may
come in. This won't bring him back. At least you haven't lost me,
have you?'
Winnie sat without moving or speaking, and Verlac began to
54 55
il i
to be helpful. Hundreds of revolutionaries with bombs in their When Winnie came downstairs again, she was dressed in her
pockets were caught because I told important people about them coat and a hat with a black veil that covered her face. Verloc tried
in time, and yet that pig made me go to the Embassy at eleven not to seem angry: 'It's twenty past eight, Winnie. Your mother
o' clock in the morning! Thìnk of the danger! I tell you Winnie, I will be in bed before you get there. This is the kind of news that
almost killed him, but then I thought of you. He couldn't go to the can wait.'
police either. You understand why, don't you?' In fact, Winnie had simply wanted to run away, to get out of
'No,' Winnie said in a flat voice. 'What are you talking about?' the house. She was a free woman now, but what was she going to
Verloc was tired and disappointed with his wife. She was really do now that she was free? She sat down suddenly on the nearest
acting very strangely. But he tried to smile and said, 'You'll have to chair looking Iìke a visitor who had come to visit for just a short
be strong, my girl. What's done is done. Go to bed now. You need while. Her silence made Verloc feel angrier. 'Now look, Winnie,'
to cry for a while.' he said, 'your place is here this evening. Take that hat off. I can't
But Winnie could not cry. Stevie's terrible death had dried her let you go out tonight.'
eyes, and her heart had become like a piece of ice. She couldn't 'No, he can't let me go. Of course he can't,' thought Winnie.
forget - or forgive! On the white wall in front of her, she saw 'Now that he has murdered Stevie, he will never let me go. He will
the past in pictures: she and Stevie in a dark bedroom, their want to keep me for ever.'
violent father trying to push open the door; her mother cleaning, Verloc finally shouted furiously at her.
washing and cooking day after day. Finally she saw Verloc and 'Can't you say something? You really know how to make a man
Stevie walking along the street, away from her - like father and angry. Oh, yes! I know your silences. I've seen them before today.
son. That had been less than two weeks ago. But I've had enough. To begin with, take this thing off. I can't tell
Verloc looked hopefully at his wife who continued to stare at the if I'm talking to a woman or a dummy!'
white wall in front of her. He stepped forward and pulled off the veil. 'That's better. Look,
He said, 'You'll have to be strong, Winnie, and look after the Winnie, I tried to find someone else to do the job, but there was
business while I'm away. It'll probably be for about two years. no one, don't you understand? I'm not a murderer - it was an
Then I'll let you know when it's time to sell everything. No one accident, he tripped over the root of a tree. And it's your doing as
must know what you are going to do, especially not the comrades. much as mine. You asked me to take the boy out, again and again.
I don't want a knife in my back as soon as I come out.' He looked Don't make any mistake about it: you killed that boy as much as
at his wife and added with a little worried laugh: 'I like you too I did.'
much for that.' Winnie had listened to these words in silence and without
When Winnie heard these words, a little colour came into her moving. Now she stood up like someone at the end of a visit and
white face. She got up suddenly and went towards the stairs. went towards her husband with one arm held out. Her veil had veil a piece of thin
cloth that a woman
Verloc, watching her go, felt disappointed. Winnie never fallen down on one side of her face. But Verloc had moved away puts over her head
and face
showed her feelings much, but surely this was different. Why to the sofa without waiting to see his wife's face. He threw himself
disappointed sad dummy a kind
because something couldn't she be nice to him? He sighed and cut himself another down heavily. One side of his open coat was lying partly on the of large doll that
is worse than you is used in shop
expected piece of meat. ground. All he wanted was to go to sleep. As he made himself windows
56 57
,: '
comfortable, he said, 'I wish that I He had no time to move at all. Before he could do anything, the ticking the noise
• • of a clock
,· "' had never seen Greenwich Park knife was already in his chest. After whispering the word, 'Don't',
drop a small,
f • ' ·.t\ or anything like it.' Verlac died . round piece of
• · As these words reached Winnie let go of the knìfe and sighed deeply. She had killed her
í' •
. Winnie, her eyes seemed husband. The room seemed to move strangely around her, but
\ to grow larger. she was calm. Resting against the sofa, she was as still as hei·
'' A park] That's where husband's body.
her brother had been After a while, she lifted her head and looked slowly at the clock
killed! She let herself on the wall. She could hear a ticking sound, but the clock had
see the destruction, all never ticked like that before. Tic, tic, tic. What was it? Her eyes
the leaves and the pieces travelled slowly down Verloc's body until they arrived at the knife
of his body among the in his chest. Dark drops of blood were falling faster and faster
small stones. They had onto the floor with the sound of a crazy clock. Blood!
picked him up with a Winnie cried out and ran to the door. The table was in her way
shovel! She closed her eyes and she pushed it violently with both hands. The big plate with
and saw everything flying into the meat on it fell heavily to the floor taking with it Verloc's hat.
She saiv the air lìke a firework, then failing Then everything became still. At the door, Winnie had stopped.
everything vVínnie took the
to the ground again. Stevie's head She was staring at the round hat lying in the middle of the floor: carving l<nife in
flying into
the air like a was the last thing to fall. For a minute it it was rocking slowly from side to side. her hand.
firework. hung in the air like the last star of an exploding firework, then
slowly it disappeared. At last, she opened her eyes.
Her face had changed. It was clear that she had decided to do
something. But Verlac, lying on the sofa, had noticed nothing.
'Winnie,' he said in a low voice. 'Come here.'
'Yes,' answered Winnie, the free woman, in a soft, low voice.
She knew what she had to do now. From where she stood,
Verlac' s head and shoulders were hidden by the high side of the
sofa. She kept her eyes fixed on his feet.
Verlac moved a little on the sofa to make room for his wife.
Winnie came forward and, as she passed the table, she silently
took the carving knife in her hand. Verlac, lying on his back, saw
on the wall the moving shadow of an arm and a hand holding a
huge knife. It moved slowly enough for him to recognize the arm
and the knife. His wife had gone mad! . .....
-- ~·-
58 59
60 61
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Tom Ossipon
INNIE was different. Her calmness had left her and she
was afraid. With shaking hands, she tried to fix the veil
that had fallen from her face. Her mind was filled with a terrible
picture of herself hanging by the neck - for that is what the law
did to murderers! She could not let that happen to her. She must
go at once to the river and throw herself off a bridge!
Time seemed to stand still as she moved slowly across the shop
and almost fell into the street. It was like falling into water, like
jumping to your death in a sea of fog. Each gas lamp had a little
half-circle of fog around it and she felt it in her hair and all over
her face. The cabs and the horses were gone, and in the black
street the window of the little restaurant was a square of blood
red light. Winnie, all alone in the world, managed to get past
the lighted window, but then felt too tired to continue. Falling Winnie held him by both arms as they stood in the foggy 'Mr Ossipon!'
forwards again, she suddenly felt someone's hands holding her. darkness and loneliness of Brett Street.
She looked up into a face - a man's face with fair hair - and said 'Id-didn't know,' Ossipon stuttered. 'But I understand now. You
in surprise, 'Mr Ossipon!' unhappy, brave woman! Ah, but he is dead now!'
'M1·s Verlac!' said Ossipon. 'What are you doing here?' He put . 'You know that he is dead! You know what I had to do!' cried
his arm round her and to his surprise she did not move away. Winnie.
'Were you coming to the shop?' she asked, Ossipon began to wonder why Winnie was behaving so
'Yes,' answered Ossipon. 'As soon as I read the paper.' strangely.
'I was coming to Iook for you,' said Winnie. 'I'm in trouble.' 'How did you first hear about it?' he asked.
'I know,' said Ossipon, thìnkìng quickly 'I met a man who 'From Chief Inspector Heat. But he didn't do anything. The
explained everything. Then I came straight to you. You know police were on that man's side. A foreign man came too. He was
how I've always felt about you! But you were always so one of those Embassy people. Don't ask me about it, please.'
hang to kill unfriendly.' 'All right. I won't,' said Ossipon kindly Police! Embassy! What
someone by putting
something around 'Unfriendly! I was a married woman. I gave seven years of my was all this about? He decided not to think too much about it.
their neck and
holding them above life to him and he was a devil, Tom!' After all, he had the woman here, and she was throwing herself
the ground
Tom! Ossipon could not believe his luck. Only very good friends at him. That was the important thing. Now she was talking about
devil a very
bad person called him by that name. escaping, about going abroad.
62 63
i He said quickly, 'To be honest, my dear, I haven't enough money Comrade Ossipon suddenly realized what had really happened
to help you. We revolutionaries are not rich, you know,' in the Greenwich bombing. The person who had died in the park
'But I have money, Tom! He gave it to me. All of it!' was her brother, that boy who always sat drawing circles! And
'All of it! In that case, we are saved,' said Ossipon slowly. He now he, Ossipon, was here with his sister, who was mad too!
remembered that there was a boat that left Southampton at Winnie was shouting now: 'Save me, Tom!' She fell onto the
midnight. They could catch the 10.30 train. floor and put her arms around his legs.
'The train leaves from Waterloo Station. We have plenty of time. · 'Get up,' said Ossipon, who had gone very white. He was
Just a minute, where are you going?' terrified, but he spoke almost calmly: 'Let's get out, or we will miss
Winnie was trying to pull him back into Brett Street again. the train.' •
'The shop door's ajar. I forgot to shut it,' she whispered, Winnie followed him obediently into the street. The cracked bell
suddenly very afraid. rang like a warning to Verlac that his wife had left for the last time
Ossipon almost said, 'It doesn't matter. Leave it.' But perhaps - with his friend.
she had left the money in a cupboard. He let Winnie pull him In the cab, Ossipon tried to stay calm as he explained the plan
towards the shop entrance. to Winnie.
'There's a light on in the back room. I forgot it. Go and put it 'When we arrive, I will get the tickets and give yours to you as
out, Tom!' I pass you. Go to the waiting-room and come out ten minutes
'Where's all that money?' before the train leaves. Get on the train first, and I will get on after
'I've got it! Quick' Go in and put out the light!' She took him by you. Do you understand, my dear?'
the shoulders and pushed him. 'Yes, Tom,' said Winnie, ice cold with fear.
Ossipon went through the dark shop towards the back room. ) 'I ought to have the money now, to get the tickets.'
'" As he took hold of the door handle he looked through the glass Winnie put her hand inside her dress and took out the wallet
and saw Verlac lying quietly on the sofa. For a long moment, he full of banknotes.
stared, feeling sìck and frightened. Was this a game of some kind? I
At the station, Winnie went into the waiting room, her ticket
:1' Were the police waiting for him? But then he saw the hat lying
I in her hand. When it was time, she walked with a straight back
I', on the floor. His eyes travelled from there to the table with the towards the train, her face white under the black veil. Ossipon
broken plate and back again to Verlac. The man's eyes were not followed her onto the train. 'In here,' he said, pushing her into an
fully closed and he seemed to be looking at something in his chest. empty compartment.
Ossipon' s eyes finally rested on the handle of the carving knìfe. He Winnie lifted her veil. Her eyes were huge and staring, Iike two
turned quickly away from the door and was violently sick. black holes. Ossipon looked into them and thought of Lombroso's
Suddenly Winnie was there. description of criminal types. There was no doubt about it. Those
ajar (of a door)
half open 'Did you do this by yourself?' asked Ossipon. eyes, that nose ... the woman had the face of a murderer: When
handle the part 'Yes,' she whispered. 'Don't let them hang me, Tom. Take me out he spoke, his voice shook a little.
of a thing that you
hold in your hand; of the country. Help me. Protect me. He killed my boy, Tom. He took 'He was an extraordinary boy, your brother, A perfect type in compartment
you turn the handle a small room on
to open a door him from me - my good and loving boy - and he killed him.' a way.' a train
64 65
'He was!' she whispered softly. 'You took a lot of notice of him, squares and down streets with unknown names where people
Tom. I loved you for it.' lived forgotten lives. He walked, but saw nothing. At last, he went
'You are very lìke him,' said Ossipon uncomfortably, waiting for up to a small grey house, took a key from his pocket and opened
the train to leave. the front door.
These words were not spoken very kìndly, but they were too Inside, he threw himself onto the bed fully dressed and lay
much for Winnie. She began to cry at last. Ossipon entered the without moving for a quarter of an hour. Then he sat up
compartment and quickly closed the door. The train did not leave suddenly and pulled his knees towards his chest. When the first
for another eight minutes and for three of these, Winnie cried light of day came, he was still sitting in the same way staring in
without stopping. Then she became a little calmer and tried to front of him. But when the late sun entered his room, he fell back
speak to the man who had saved her. onto the bed and closed his eyes. Finally, Comrade Ossipon slept
'Oh, Tom. I wanted to die, but when you came ... Oh, Tom, I will in the sunlight.
live all my days for you!' Q(ô jQ
'Don't spoil things. Go into the other corner of the At a table near the window, Ossipon sat with his head between his
compartment, away from the window,' said Ossipon. He watched hands. He was in the Professor's room, listening to the Professor
her carefully as she went and sat down again, crying even more telling him about his recent visit to Michaelis's house.
violently than before. At last he felt the train beginning to move. 'He didn't know anything about Verloc's death, of course. He
I A strange wild look came over his face. Winnie heard and felt says that the newspapers make him too sad. He lives on carrots
nothing. As the train was pulling away and beginning to go and mìlk, dreaming of a world like a nice big hospital, with
faster, Ossipon crossed the compartment quickly, opened the gardens and flowers where the strong people look after the weak
door, and jumped out. ones! What a stupid idea! The weak' The ones who make all the
As he hit the ground, he turned over again and again Iìke a shot problems in the world! I tell you, the weak and the stupid must
rabbit. When he stood up, he was shaking and white-faced, but disappear! That is the only way we can change things.'
very calm. He explained to the excited crowd around him that his 'And what is left?' asked Ossipon in a low voice.
wife had gone to see her dying mother in Brittany and that he had 'Me - if I am strong enough. Just give me time! Ah, all those
not realized that the train was moving because he was so worried people, too stupid to feel fear. Sometimes I feel that they have the
about her. 'But I don't thìnk I'll try that again,' he said smiling whole world on their side!'
at the people around him. After giving them some coins from his 'Come and have a beer with me,' said Ossipon.
:I I i
,• I pocket, he walked out of the station. 'Beer! Right! Let us drink and be happy, eh?' The Professor
Outside, Ossipon walked and walked, By the river, he stood laughed as he put on his old boots. 'What's the matter with you,
looking at the black, silent water for a long time. The big clock Ossipon? You look sad and you even want to drink with me!
¡¡ 1I
above his head told him that it was half past twelve. What's happened to all your women, eh? Tell me, has one of them hell a place where
All night he walked through the sleeping city in the fog. He ever killed herself for you? That's the important thing- blood and some people think
that the Devi I I ives,
walked down empty streets between lines of gas lamps and death. Look at history.' and where bad
people go when
shadowy houses that were all the same. He walked through 'Go to hell,' replied Ossipon. 'You are the same as everyone else. they die
66 67
You just want more time. The man who can give you ten more
years will be your master.'
'No, no, I have no masters,' replied the Professor.
Later, in the bar across the street, the Professor touched Ossipon' s
glass with his own and said, 'Let's drink to destruction!'
Ossipon pulled a newspaper out of his pocket.
'Is there anything in the paper?' asked the Professor.
Ossipon looked afraid for a moment. 'No, nothing.
It's ten days old. I forgot to throw it away.'
But he did not throw it away now. He
could see the words of the article in his head:
'Mysterious Death of Lady Passenger on
a Cross-Channel Boat.' Ossipon was
afraid, afraid of the future and of his
own madness. Only he knew what had
really happened and he could tell no
one. Only he knew the story behind
¡ 'the lady in a black dress and veil who
was staring out to sea and seemed to be
. . ..... ~,.,.
in some awful trouble.' He knew about too busy running after women all the time. And this money that Ossipon was
I•• the fear behind that white face and he people say you've got now hasn't made you more intelligent . alone.
.'1 i'.
knew about the love of life that fought You're sitting there like a dummy. Goodbye.'
, .. 11 I ¡ • • with the fear and despair. At five o'clock Ossipon was alone. He waited for a short time, then got up
in the morning she had disappeared from the and walked to the door, The words of the newspaper repeated
1i boat. Someone had found a wedding ring lying on themselves in his head. 'Mysterious Death .. .'
· 11
I . the seat where she had sat earlier. There was a date on 'I am very ill,' he thought. He walked out of the bar and along
'... a lady in a the inside of the ring: 24th June 1879. the street as he had walked on that night more than.a week ago,
black dress and The Professor was getting tired of the other man's silence and
VCI·1 ... ' without seeing or hearing anything.
he stood up to go. In another part of the city, the Professor walked too, trying not
'Stay,' said Ossipon quickly 'Tell me, what do you know about to look at the crowds of men and women that he hated so much.
master a person
that you work for madness and despair?' He had no future either, but he did not care. He was strong. He
and who tells you
what to do 'They don't exist. The world is weak. You are weak. Verlac was believed that he could change the world using madness and
• li despair the weak and the police murdered him. Madness and despair? Give despair! Small and unimportant, he went on his way through the
feeling of having
lost all hope me those and I'll move the world. Ossipon, you are useless. You're streets full of people.
68 69
1 WP.£ totoards 'Brect: Street toke«. s.
· 1 met .7vlrs /Verloc.
70 71
Project A . Pro.blem letter •
b D BeiY\9 o. lo.Y\dlo.d~ ìSYì't O.Y\ eo.s~ job - beiY\9 Y\ice to o.I\ those people \ivìY\9
ÎY\ differeY\t ro0ms iY\ ~OLir hOtAse AY\d this MO.Y\ SOtAY\ds ve~ difttcl.{\t YOLi
1 Read Winnie Verloc's letter to a friend. When in the story does she write it? so.~ tho.+ he doesY\ '+ I ike ~OLi 9oiY\9 ivv+o his ro0m, cleO.Y\ÎY\9 O.Y\d MO.kiY\9 thiY\9s
tidier v1heY\ he isY\'+ there. AY\d tho.+ dirt~ rO.ÌY\coo.t tho.+ he o.\v10.~s »ec«s
Dearest: (larissa, doesv, '+ SOtAY\d ve~ Y\ice he doesY\ '+ wo.Y\+ ~OLi to look o.+ old \ove
1 a.J,11,, haoùc« serious¡roble#u with, my husband: ':!fe, döesn/t tal,k to nee- a.Jt.d- letters of his, or o. secret dio.~ tho.+ he keeps iY\ the c!A?boord. Is he reo.I\~
1 nave- the, . tluú lte:s ' . . "But wnai:? ls ne, in. tooe- o. professor? Which !AY\iversit~ does he beloY\9 to? he's tel\iY\9 ~OtA
with, another tooncan.ë ':!fe, ojtm3oes abroad s. jora, IUU111Jer oj t&.ys stories. S0me peop\e j!AS+ doY\ '+ live ÌY\ the reo.\ world l f he goes OY\ beiY\9
and. C/Jl11M bade wì±lwut ri ti · uce. where- he, has been: 'We, have- a, difttc1AI+, theY\ hiM to \ or o.+ to 90 to o. doctor for helv-,
nice house. a.Jt.d- the, slwr and. .Adölf f1M s looked: after as weit. 1 hww-
tluú Stev-ib has Learnùtj¡rob~ but he, u JWt a, bad bo¡. .Sonce. weeks P.jº
my ucother ucooed. out. 1 so wnely wì±lwut lier. .Adölf u worried about e D Tite p-Íl'St tltútg tltatffett slwttlátÍP ís to talk Htitlt !!"lii"!tttsband
M. ':!fe- u ti . in. liù sleeo. "But he, «eoer telú nee. a.ifftlw'J.
seÑus/¡¡, Afa¡¡be !te ís Jt10. , a/Joat!tís H'(J/'k in tite slwp, Yott tlP Mt
'Wluú should. 1 dö? 1:/.eMe, torice. to nee. M soon. M you- can: ~
• sa¡¡ if tite shop ís t!Pútg 111elt""'1wt, Pel'ltaps !tísj~ 'S a/Jl'iJada/'e fol"
yourfiefu4 ba.,'lúuss/ and 1wt to meet a /1Jrel"f YiJ¡u,mot/te!"morúzp oatseems /íke a
WÙ1Jti,e, <7,JerÚJc, f}""' tltúzp/ bat 1na!lbe tltat /,as ffetll" !utSbandt!túlle a/Joat tite otite!"
people !te ís takútg ca/'e of, C!ottlá8teríemore to lire IPitlt ffetll" mot/tel';
fol"e%(JJJtp/ef Hare !I"ª talkeda/Joat!tarúzp e. , nf Jf!t111wtmake anke
2 Clarissa writes back straight away. Which is her reply?
áÍll!lel"fol"//Ím one ere1lÍllf} 1 Titenpat on ffetll" bestc!IJt!tes/ f}etc!IJse/
and talk!
a D Its always difficult when your interests and your husbands interests are
different. You !tÎ<e3ot'nj fo parties and meefin3 different kinds of people -
3 Write a problem letter from '?.-·~
writers, (orei.Jn embassy workers and revolutionaries - and your husband Mary or Doreen (see right).
• \,
seems more interested in his ;oh, whichyou say is borinq. If he is workil1j Use the other replies in
Activity 2 to help you. I
•. ·
r' ~
for the police, perhaps he feels if could be dan3erous for his future tf he is L ..,_
.. '
seen at too many parties of this kind May/Je the best thin3 is for you to talk ·,.·)··
4 Now write a problem THE ASSISTANT
ê~::M :·
to3ether and a.:¡ree on a plan. Perhaps from time to time your husband can letter from one of the COMMISSIONER'S
- 'MARY'
30 with you fo one of theseparties, ÍJufyou shouldn't make him feel had for people below.
not comt'nj and he shouldn't say that you canJt30 tfyou want to. Tom Ossipon Chief Inspector Heat Wìnnie's mother the Professor
72 73
Project B A Famous Secret Agent r
1 Read about Mata Hari and complete the table. 2 Look at the table and complete the information about another famous secret agent.
When was she born? The original Bond books were written by (d) and
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
What was her cover? ¡ (e) were made from the 1960s onwards. Bond's cover
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Who did she work .for? is being ( f) ......................... . The (g) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pays him to
. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .... . .. . ... . . . .
(h) He works against (i) He's old
Who did she work against?
. . . . .....
. .... . •· . . . ... . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
but he never (j) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . because
• • •
(k) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What did she do?
.. . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
74 75
Defining and non-defining relative clauses
We can use a defining relative clause to give information about a person, thing, or
1, place. A defining relative clause completes a sentence, so we do not use a comma
to separate it from the rest of the sentence. Defining relative clauses start with
who for a person, which for a thing, that for a person or a thing, and where for
a place.
The men who/that came in the evening were different .
' A sentence with a non-defining relative clause contains extra information, so we use
a comma to separate it from the main sentence. Non-defining relative clauses start
with who for a person, which for a thing, and where for a place.
He was old enough to have a beard, which was starting to grow on his weak face.
< 1 Complete the police rep.ort with which, who, that, or where.
a Tue- bombe-r waß carr--¡ing a .\.0.~.9~,..-?~~0f~, ..v:-0~.t.0. 1. tin. 3 Complete the text. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.
Verlac stared at the Professor. 'I want to destroy a building. If I tell you where it is,
(me-ta\, \arge-, ßquare-)
b We, founö a tube- w\le-re- t\le- bomb e-ip\oöe-ö. lt waß a1\ w .u . . . . . . .e
\JOU . . .rnú\k
1... . . ( you
. ma· k e ·). me
· . . a. bomb
om ?'.
probab\i part of t\le, öe-tonator. (rubbe-r, brown, \ong) 'I am not interested in the place,' said the Professor. 'But I b) (sell) you a
e, Tue- coat tlaö a collar. (ve-\ve-t, blue-, t\lin) minutes,' he said. 'But if you e) (drop) one of my bornhs, it f) .
\:'. \-\e, \:'.e-e-pf> e-ip\oßive-ß in a cupboarö in tliß room. police k) (get) close to me, I I) (blow)
myself up. They know it, and so they leave me alone.'
(wooöe-n, big)
=- ..
78 79
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Modal auxiliary verbs: should and shouldn't
We use the Present Perfect to talk about things happening at some time in the past We use should + infinitive without to to give advice about what is the right thing to do.
without saying when. To make the Present Perfect, we use have + past participle.
I think you should see Mr Vladimir.
A small thing has spoilt vertoc's plan. We use shouldn't+ infinitive without to to form negative statements.
Have you been to see Stevie?
We shouldn't accept these secret agents, sir. They are dangerous.
We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that a past action is still continuing.
We use should + subject+ infinitive without to for questions.
To make the Present Perfect Continuous, we use has/have+ been+ -ing form of
the verb. 'What should I do now?' he said, half to himself
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Winnie: I'm worried about Stevie. He's been having bad dreams again.
. ~.0-$.. $.9r0.~.t.b}.'0ß. Q0.~.. h0pp~Y.\fi;~.. (someth.In.g bad/happen) at work? time. He's fine..
b I (make) bombs for years, but I . W.innie: Well, you b) (not give) him those revolutionary
(not invent) the perfect detonator yet. magazines to read. They frighten him. I think he's bored at home, too.
e I (meet) Michaelis; he (stay) with a Maybe you c) (spend) more time with him. Perhaps you
rich lady in the country, who is my wife's friend. d) {take) him with you when you go out sometimes.
d I speak French and I (do) some jobs for the embassy in Verloc: You e) (not ask) me to do things that aren't
France, but I (work) for the London embassy for years. possible, Winnie. How can I look after him? What happens if he gets lost?
e I'm worried. about Stevie because he (have) bad dreams Winnie: You f) (not worry) about that. He can find his way home.
again; (you take) him to one of your meetings? He's done it before.
80 81
• •
l .
the woman because she i) . '
82 83
Dominoes is an enjoyable series of illustrated classic and modern stories in four
carefully graded language stages -from Starter to Three -which take learners
from beginner to intermediate level.
Each Domino reader includes:
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If you liked this Level Three Domino, why not read these?
Hard Times
Charles Dickens
Thomas Gradgrind believes that facts and money are more important than
feelings and imagination After Sissy Jupe - a circus child - is left alone
in the world, Gradgrind takes her into his house, looking after her and
teaching her facts with his own children Tom and Louisa. Some years later
6 the ûrarígrind family meets hard times. Louisa becomes a prisoner in a
loveless marriage, and Tom has problems at work.
ln the end, Thomas Gradgrind learns the importance of feelings and
Multi ROM Pack ISBN: 978 O 19 424778 8
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