Sses: 1) What Is Self Efficacy?
Sses: 1) What Is Self Efficacy?
Sses: 1) What Is Self Efficacy?
6) Where can this test be used? / What are the uses of self-efficacy scale?
Clinical setting
Industrial setup (to know self-efficacy of employees while selecting them
as well as in promoting employees)
School setting (teacher’s or students’ self-efficacy),
Research purpose ( effectiveness of training programs, family background
having any impact on people’s self-efficacy)
7) What are the measures to increase self-efficacy?
Mastery experiences - The key to mastery is approaching life with
dedicated efforts and experimenting with realistic but challenging goals.
Essential to mastery is also acknowledging the satisfaction of goals that are
achieved. Experiencing failure is important so that we can build resilience
to it. This is done by treating every failure as a learning opportunity and a
chance to reach competence with a different approach.
Social Modelling - This means choosing role-models that can demonstrate
their self-efficacy. Observing those who employ this in their lives and have
reached their goals despite adversity can provide great motivation.
Social persuasion - This is about ‘finding the right mentor’. social
persuasion is about having others directly influence one’s self-efficacy by
providing opportunities for mastery experiences in a safe and purposeful
States of physiology - Our emotions, moods, and physical state can
influence our interpretation of self-efficacy. Positive and negative emotions
act as magnets to further influence one’s sense of self-efficacy, especially
in the case of a depressed mood when control can feel out of reach.
Introspection and education act as combatants to prevent these physical
states from being interpreted negatively.
Alternative directional:
Positive emotion facilitates logical reasoning. That is, the mean scores on
logical reasoning task of the positive emotion group will be higher than the
negative emotion group.
Alternative non-directional:
There is a significant difference in logical reasoning as a function of
emotion. That is, there is a significant difference in the mean scores on
logical reasoning task of the positive emotion group and the negative
emotion group.
Null non-directional:
There is no significant difference in logical reasoning task as a function of
emotion. That is, there is no significant difference in the mean scores on
logical reasoning task of the positive emotion group and the negative
emotion group.
Null directional
Positive emotion does not facilitate logical reasoning scores. That is, the
mean scores on logical reasoning task of the positive emotion group will
not be higher than the negative emotion group.
3) What is IV?
Independent Variable
Emotional state experienced by participants after giving them manipulated
feedback on their performance on verbal and mathematical problems. It
has two levels- Positive emotion and Negative Emotion
7) Rationale?
Rationale of the study
In one study participants were recruited because they reported being
depressed (Channon and Baker, 1994). They were presented with
categorical syllogisms and their performance was worse than that of
non-depressed participants. One possible explanation is that emotionally
congruent information (e.g., sad content in case of being depressed) put
additional load on working memory (e.g., Baddeley, 2003).
The effect of emotion might be due to the fact that emotion results in
representations in working memory that occupy the same subsystems that
are also needed for reasoning (Oaksford et al., 1996).
Other explanations are that different emotional states affect people's
motivation to solve rather complex cognitive tasks (Melton, 1995) or that
the emotional state affects how attention is allocated (e.g., Gable and
Harmon-Jones, 2012) even with positive material (e.g., Gable and
Harmon-Jones, 2013).
10) Which inferential statistics will be used to calculate the individual data
on table number 2?
An independent design t-test will be used because there is one IV with two
levels that is 2 means to be compared and DV lies on a ratio scale.
Group data: Bcs the design of the t test iis random measures design.
3) What is IV?
The independent variable is method of learning with three levels Rote
learning non interactive imagery condition and interactive imagery condition
7) Rationale?
10) Which inferential statistics will be used to calculate the individual data
on table number 2?
1) Describe NVTI
NVTI is a non verbal test of Intelligence. It consists of four subtests namely
analogy, water reflection, series and classification. Each subtest has 6
practice problems and 20 test problems to be solved and the time limit for
each subtest is 5 minutes.The appropriate age to take this test is 9 to 16
2) Describe subtest of analogy of NVTI
In analogy subtest the problem figures show the energy pattern and
followed by that participant has to respond to the question as per the same
and allergy patterns by choosing the correct alternative from the answer
figures. Initially the participant will be given practice sums and after
understanding them 20 test problems on analogy are given which are to be
completed in 5 minutes.
3) Describe subtest of Water reflection of NVTI
In water reflection subtest the participant is provided with the sheet which
consists of an image on the left side that is the problem figures and the
participant has to guess from the answer figures on the right side that how
will the problem figures reflection look like if it is held vertically on the
surface of water. Initially the participant will be given practice sums and
after understanding them 20 test problems on analogy are given which are
to be completed in 5 minutes
4) Describe subtest of series of NVTI
In this test the problem figures on the left change in a definite sequence
from left to right. The participant has to find out this sequence and find out
from the answer figure the figure which will come in place of the question
mark. Initially the participant will be given practice sums and after
understanding them 20 test problems on series are given which are to be
completed in 5 minutes.
5) Describe subtest of classification of NVTI
In this test there are 5 figures out of which 4 are similar in a certain way.
participant has to find out the one which is different from the other four
initially the participant will be given practice sums and after understanding
them 20 test problems on classification are given which are to be
completed in 5 minutes.
6) Describe the scoring and interpretation of NVTI
The scoring and interpretation can be described in the following steps
1) Find the right, wrong and blank responses on each sub test on the basis
of the scoring key.
2) Add the rights of all the four subtests, add the wrongs of all the subtests
and then add the blanks of all the sub tests.
3) Find the mean and standard deviation from the age and gender norm
table mentioned in the manual
4) Calculate the raw score by using the formula rights - wrongs / 4
5) After receiving the raw score, calculate the IQ by using the formula
IQ = 15[(raw score-mean)/standard deviation] + 100
6) State the level of IQ by referring to the table from the manual.