Efficacy of Active Forced Air Warming During.92
Efficacy of Active Forced Air Warming During.92
Efficacy of Active Forced Air Warming During.92
Background: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of peri-induction forced air warming to prevent inadvertent perioperative
hypothermia, defined as a reduction in body temperature to <36.0°C during the perioperative period, in intraoperatively warmed
patients receiving major surgery lasting >120 minutes.
Methods: In total, 130 patients scheduled for elective surgery under general anesthesia lasting >120 minutes were divided into 2
groups: peri-induction warming (n = 65) and control (n = 65). Patients in the peri-induction warming group were warmed during the
anesthetic induction period using a forced-air warmer set at 47°C, whereas patients in the control group were covered passively with
a cotton blanket. All patients were warmed with a forced-air warmer during surgery. Body temperature was measured using a
tympanic membrane thermometer in the pre- and postoperative periods and using a nasopharyngeal temperature probe during
surgery. Patients were evaluated for shivering scale score, thermal comfort scale score, and satisfaction score in the post-anesthesia
care unit.
Results: The incidence rates of intraoperative and postoperative hypothermia were lower in the peri-induction warming group than
in the control group (19.0% vs 57.1%, P < .001; 3.3% vs 16.9%, P = .013, respectively). Body temperature was higher in the peri-
induction warming group (P < .001). However, intraoperative blood loss, as well as postoperative thermal comfort scale score,
shivering scale score, and patient satisfaction score, were similar between groups. Post-anesthesia care unit duration was also
similar between groups.
Conclusions: Peri-induction active forced air warming is an effective, simple, and convenient method to prevent inadvertent
perioperative hypothermia in intraoperatively warmed patients undergoing major surgery lasting >120 minutes.
Abbreviations: ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists, BMI = Body mass index, CI = confidence interval, OR = Odds
ratio, PACU = post-anesthesia care unit.
Keywords: forced-air warming, hypothermia, perioperative period
Yoo et al. Medicine (2021) 100:12 Medicine
1. Introduction rating of I–III and who were scheduled for elective surgery under
Perioperative hypothermia is defined as a reduction in body general anesthesia lasting more than 120 minutes in duration.
temperature to <36.0°C during the perioperative period.[1] The The exclusion criteria were: body mass index (BMI) >35 kg/m2;
rate of first-hour-onset perioperative hypothermia is approxi- preoperative body temperature >38°C or <36°C; regional
mately 65%, despite recent improvements in body temperature anesthesia or combined regional-general anesthesia; and preg-
monitoring and management protocols (eg, continuous intraop- nancy.
erative warming).[2] Prevention of perioperative hypothermia is
important because even mild hypothermia can cause complica- 2.2. Randomization and masking
tions including cardiac morbidity, poor drug metabolism,
delayed recovery from anesthesia, greater blood loss related to The patients were divided randomly by a computer-generated
platelet dysfunction and coagulopathy, delayed wound recovery, number blocked table using Excel (Microsoft Excel 2016; block
and greater frequency of surgical site infections.[1] size 4 and 6) into a peri-induction warming group (n = 65) and a
Central body temperature decreases by 1.6°C during the first control group (n = 65) with an allocation rate of 1:1. The
hour of anesthesia; the effect of central-peripheral temperature anesthesiologists were not blinded to the randomization
redistribution due to anesthetic-induced vasodilation is 81%, and information, but the study nurse who collected the preoperative
46 kcal of heat is redistributed.[3] This redistribution hypother- and postoperative data was blinded to the randomization
mia can be prevented by preoperative warming (pre-warming), as information.
shown by several studies[4]; several guidelines for prevention of
perioperative hypothermia recommend at least 30 minutes of pre- 2.3. General procedures
warming.[5–7] However, the efficacy and optimal timing of pre-
warming have become controversial. Some studies have reported An 18G cannula was inserted into the forearm vein approxi-
that short pre-warming has sufficient pre-warming efficacy to mately 30 minutes before the induction of anesthesia in the
prevent perioperative hypothermia.[8,9] In contrast, conventional general ward, and fluid stored at room temperature was
60-minute pre-warming has been reported to not affect administered. Immediately after arrival in the operating room,
redistribution hypothermia in outpatients undergoing surgery forced-air warming (Warm Touch 6000, Covidien, Mansfield,
with continuous intraoperative warming.[10] MA) was started using a full-body blanket under the patient’s
Furthermore, pre-warming is inconvenient for use in actual cotton blanket at 47°C in the peri-induction warming group;
clinical practice. Many pre-warming factors must be considered, passive warming was performed with the patient’s cotton blanket
such as the pre-anesthetic waiting area, warming devices, and in the control group. Each patient’s entire body was covered,
time. In addition, the pre-warming protocol typically has an except for an arm for the arterial line and the neck for a central
unwarmed period during transfer to the operating room, venous catheter. Patients in the peri-induction warming group
induction of anesthesia, and preparation for surgery. There were warmed for the time required to induce anesthesia and
may be a reduction in pre-warming efficacy due to loss of heat attach monitoring equipment, including an arterial line and a
during these unwarmed periods. central venous catheter as needed.
Peri-induction warming, in which the patient is warmed during A standardized anesthesia induction protocol was followed
the anesthesia induction period, reduces heat loss by reducing the using 2 mg/kg 1% propofol and 0.6 mg/kg rocuronium. The
unwarmed period during induction of anesthesia. It is a simple nasopharyngeal thermometer (ETP1040, Ewha Biomedics,
method with a reasonable cost that does not delay the induction Goyang, Korea) was inserted at a depth of 9 to 10 cm in the
of anesthesia or surgery. nasopharynx, immediately after induction of anesthesia.[14]
Few studies have investigated the efficacy of peri-induction Catheters were inserted into the urethra, radial artery, and
warming to prevent perioperative hypothermia.[11–13] Therefore, internal jugular vein as needed with minimal exposure of the skin
this study evaluated the efficacy of peri-induction warming for to ambient air. Anesthesia was maintained using an inhaled
prevention of perioperative hypothermia, defined as a reduction anesthetic (sevoflurane or desflurane) and remifentanil. After
in body temperature to <36.0°C during the perioperative period, induction of anesthesia, the forced-air warmer was switched off
during a major surgery lasting >120 minutes. and patients were covered with an upper or lower body blanket,
depending on the surgical site; the surgical area was then
prepared. Immediately after completion of surgical draping,
2. Methods intraoperative warming was started using the forced-air warmer.
This prospective randomized controlled trial was approved by The heating temperature was adjusted to 45°C when the core
our hospital’s institutional Ethics Committee (SCHUH 2018–12– body temperature was <36.5°C; it was adjusted to 40°C when the
008-001) and was registered before patient enrollment in the core body temperature was 36.5°C to 37.5°C, and was switched
clinical trials registry (Clinical Research Information Service in off when the core body temperature was >37.5°C.
Korea, cris.nih.go.kr, KCT0003719). The trial was conducted At the end of the surgery, the patient’s neuromuscular blockade
from March 2019 to July 2019. All patients were given was reversed using pyridostigmine and glycopyrrolate. After
information regarding the trial, and all provided written patient consciousness and spontaneous respiration had been
informed consent to participate. restored, the nasopharyngeal thermometer and tracheal tube
were removed. The patients were then transferred to the post-
anesthesia care unit (PACU). If postoperative hypothermia
2.1. Study participants and inclusion/exclusion criteria
occurred, warming was actively performed using the forced-air
The trial included 130 patients (age ≥19 years) who had warmer adjusted to the patient’s body temperature in the same
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status manner as that used during intraoperative warming.
Yoo et al. Medicine (2021) 100:12 www.md-journal.com
2.4. Measurements compared using Student t test or the Mann–Whitney U test for
Preoperative demographic characteristics were recorded, includ- continuous data, after normality had been verified using the
ing age, sex, weight, height, BMI, ASA physical status Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Categorical data were compared with
classification, and surgery type. The primary endpoint was the the x2 analysis or Fisher exact test.
incidence of perioperative hypothermia, defined as a reduction in A standardized difference >0.1 is conventionally considered to
body temperature to < 36.0°C, including intraoperative hypo- indicate a statistical imbalance between groups.[18] Variables
thermia and postoperative hypothermia. Each patient’s tympanic representing a standardized difference >0.1 are considered
temperature (Thermoscan, infrared tympanic thermometer IRT confounding factors for adjustment. We used univariable logistic
4020; Braun, Bethlehem, PA) was measured by a masked nurse in regression to analyze the odds ratio (OR) of perioperative
the pre-anesthetic holding area and PACU at 10-minute intervals hypothermia according to the group assignment and adjusted for
until 30 min after arrival in the PACU.[15,16] The right and left possible confounding factors in multivariable logistic regression.
tympanic temperatures were measured, and the average of the Perioperative body temperatures were plotted and evaluated
measured temperatures was recorded. To measure intraoperative using a mixed-effects model with a first-order autoregressive
core temperature, the nasopharyngeal temperature was measured covariance structure. The fixed effects in the mixed-effects model
using a thermometer (ETP1040, Ewha Biomedics, Goyang, included the group, time, and interaction between the group and
Korea) immediately after induction of anesthesia.[14] Insertion of time; patients were included as a random effect. Pairwise group
the nasopharyngeal probe was regarded as time 0 minutes for comparisons were tested post hoc using Bonferroni method if the
intraoperative core temperature readings; subsequent readings results of the mixed-effects model were statistically significant.
were recorded at 15-minute intervals. All continuous data are presented as means ± standard
The secondary endpoints were perioperative temperature deviations or medians (1Q, 3Q); categorical data are presented
changes, patient postoperative thermal comfort scale score, as frequencies (percentages). P values <.05 were considered
postoperative shivering scale score, patient satisfaction about statistically significant. A clinically significant temperature
temperature management, and PACU duration. All patients difference in hypothermic patients between intervention and
participating in this study were trained on the thermal comfort control groups was defined as 0.2°C, in accordance with the
scale (100-mm visual analog scale: 0 mm = coldest imaginable, 50 guidelines of the National Institute for Health and Clinical
mm = pleasant, 100 mm = warmest imaginable) in the ward on Excellence in the UK.[5]
the day before surgery. After arrival in the PACU and at 10-
minute intervals until 30 minute after arrival in the PACU, the 3. Results
masked study nurse asked patients to indicate their comfort using
In total, 134 patients were screened. Four patients were excluded
a thermal comfort scale and shivering using a four-point shivering
because they did not meet the inclusion criteria; thus, 130 patients
scale (0 = no shivering, 1 = intermittent, low intensity, 2 =
were ultimately enrolled in the study and divided randomly into
moderate shivering, 3 = continuous intense shivering). Before
the peri-induction warming group (n = 65) and control group
leaving the PACU, patients were asked to rate perioperative
(n = 65). In the peri-induction warming group, 2 patients whose
temperature management using a five-point Likert satisfaction
intraoperative warming was discontinued were withdrawn from
scale (0 = very dissatisfied, 1 = dissatisfied, 2 = neutral, 3 =
the study (one was due to an anesthesiologist error and the other
satisfied, 4 = very satisfied). The length of stay in the PACU and
was due to loss of power to a machine). In the control group, one
any adverse effects from forced-air warming was also recorded.
patient who was not continuously warmed intraoperatively
In addition, ambient temperatures in the operating room and
because of an anesthesiologist error and another who showed a
PACU were recorded when the patients arrived and departed; the
high body temperature in the pre-anesthetic holding area
average of the measured temperatures was used for analyses. The
(38.1°C) were withdrawn from the study. Data from 126
durations of the peri-warming period, unwarmed period (from
patients were available for analysis: 63 patients in the peri-
arrival in the operating room or end of peri-warming to
induction warming group and 63 patients in the control group.
resumption of continuous warming), and anesthetic period were
Of these, 2 patients assigned to the peri-induction warming group
recorded. The intraoperative fluid administration volume, blood
and four patients assigned to the control group transferred to the
loss volume, and transfusion volume were measured and
intensive care unit; thus, postoperative data from these 6 patients
recorded by the anesthesiologist.
could not be obtained. Furthermore, 2 patients (one in the control
group and the other in peri-induction warming group) showed
2.5. Statistical analyses postoperative delirium in the PACU; therefore, data subjectively
Our previous study revealed that the incidence of intraoperative obtained from these 2 patients (thermal comfort scale score and
hypothermia was 10.7% in patients who received a 10-minute satisfaction score) could not be assessed. The remaining data
pre-warming period, whereas it was 28.6% in the control group were analyzed in this study (Fig. 1).
(patients warmed intraoperatively only).[17] Assuming that the The baseline characteristics of the patients (age, sex, weight,
incidence of intraoperative hypothermia in the present study height, BMI, and ASA physical status classification) are shown in
would be reduced by a similar degree and assuming that the Table 1. The following surgical characteristics are also shown in
warming period during induction of anesthesia was approxi- Table 1: surgery type, anesthesia duration, initial body
mately 10 minutes, we calculated that 58 patients per group were temperature upon arrival in the pre-anesthetic holding area,
required with an a = 0.05 and power of 80%. Considering an operating room ambient temperature, PACU ambient tempera-
estimated drop-out rate of 10%, we planned for 65 patients per ture, and fluid administration volume. Among these character-
group. istics, the standard differences for some factors (age, weight, BMI,
Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics, initial body temperature, and operating room ambient tempera-
version 26.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). The 2 groups were ture) were larger than the chosen threshold of 0.10, which was
Yoo et al. Medicine (2021) 100:12 Medicine
determined to require adjustment. Other variables did not differ interval, CI]: 0.381 [0.2159–0.5261], P < .001), and the effect of
between groups (Table 1). peri-induction warming was moderate (phi = 0.392). The
The whole preparation duration (time from arrival in the incidence of first-hour-onset hypothermia was also significantly
operating room to the start of active intraoperative warming) did lower in the peri-induction warming group than in the control
not differ between groups (39.5 ± 12.59 vs 42.3 ± 14.55 minutes, group (14.3% vs 42.9%; mean difference [95% CI]: 0.286
P = .243). The peri-warming duration in the peri-induction [0.1310–0.4306], P < .001), and the effect was moderate
warming group was 20.2 ± 8.7 minutes; the duration of unwarm- (Cramer V = 0.392). The severity (very mild: 35.5°C–35.9°C,
ing (time from arrival in the operating room or end of peri- mild: 35.0°C–35.4°C, moderate: <35.0°C) of intraoperative
warming to resumption of continuous warming) was significantly hypothermia was also significantly different between groups
reduced in the peri-induction warming group (17 vs 40 minutes, (P < .001), and the effect size was relatively strong (Cramer V =
P < .001) (Table 1). 0.401) (Table 2).
The incidence of intraoperative hypothermia was significantly The last intraoperative nasopharyngeal temperature was
lower in the peri-induction warming group than in the control higher in the peri-induction warming group than in the control
group (19.0% vs 57.1%; mean difference [95% confidence group (36.94°C ± 0.66°C vs 36.58°C ± 0.70°C; mean difference
Yoo et al. Medicine (2021) 100:12 www.md-journal.com
Table 1
Baseline characteristics and the peri-induction warming variables.
Peri-induction warming group Control group
Baseline variables (n = 63) (n = 63) Standardized difference P
Age, y 58.2 ± 14.5 60.0 ± 14.5 0.124 .488
Sex (M/F) 23/40 25/38 0.065 .855
Weight (kg) 63.9 (54.4, 74.0) 60.0 (52.3, 69.3) 0.104 .283
Height, cm 162 (156, 166) 160 (155, 169) 0.033 .758
BMI, kg/m2 24.7 ± 3.4 24.1 ± 4.1 0.181 .310
ASA classification (1/2/3) 22/31/10 23/30/10 0.035 1.000
Surgery type 0.000 1.000
Laparoscopic abdominopelvic surgery 39 39
Open abdominopelvic surgery 8 8
Head and neck surgery 12 12
Orthopedic surgery 4 4
Duration of anesthesia, min 270 (200, 360) 275 (182, 368) 0.087 .738
Initial body temperature (°C) 37.1 ± 0.3 37.0 ± 0.3 0.332 .065
OR ambient temperature (°C) 22.4 ± 1.1 22.3 ± 1.1 0.151 .398
PACU ambient temperature (°C) 26.3 (25.5, 26.6) 26.2 (25.6, 26.6) 0.095 .850
Fluid administration 1000 (500, 1550) 1000 (500, 1600) 0.011 .986
Peri-induction warming variables
Whole preperation duration, min 39.5 ± 12.6 42.3 ± 14.6 0.209 .243
Periwarming duration, min 20.2 ± 8.7 0 3.264 <.001
Duration of unwarmed period, min 17 (11, 25) 40 (34, 52) 1.863 <.001
Values are presented as numbers (%) for categorical data. Values are presented as means ± standard deviations or medians (1Q, 3Q), as appropriate, for continuous data.
ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists, BMI = body mass index, OR = operating room, PACU = post-anesthesia care unit.
[95% CI]: 0.36 [0.12–0.60]; P = .004), and the effect size was Confounding factors were adjusted for primary outcomes.
medium (Cohen d = 0.523). The incidence of immediate Based on univariable and multivariable logistic regression
postoperative hypothermia in the PACU was lower in the peri- analyses, the odds of intraoperative hypothermia in the peri-
induction warming group than in the control group (3.3% vs. induction warming group did not change appreciably after
16.9%; mean difference [95% CI]: 0.136 [0.0329–0.2573], adjustments for age, BMI, operating room ambient temperature,
P = .013) and the effect was moderate (phi = .228) (Table 2). and initial body temperature (crude odds ratio [OR] [95% CI]:
Table 2
Intraoperative and postoperative outcome variables.
Outcome variables Peri-induction warming group Control group Differences (control-periwarming) (95% CI) Effect size P
Intraoperative variables (n = 63) (n = 63)
Intraoperative hypothermia 12 (19.0%) 36 (57.1%) 0.381 (0.2159–0.5261) 0.392 <.001
Onset of hypothermia 0.392 <.001
Normothermia 51 (81.0%) 27 (42.9%) 0.381 ( 0.5261 to 0.2159)
Within 1 h 9 (14.3%) 27 (42.9%) 0.286 (0.1310 to 0.4306)
After 1 h 3 (4.8%) 9 (14.3%) 0.095 ( 0.0087 to 0.2097)
Hypothermia severity 0.407 <.001
Normothermia 51 (81.0%) 27 (42.9%) 0.381 ( 0.5261 to 0.2159)
Very mild (35.5°C –35.9°C) 10 (15.9%) 23 (36.5%) 0.206 (0.0535 to 0.3533)
Mild (35.0°C –35.4°C) 2 (3.2%) 10 (15.9%) 0.127 (0.0277 to 0.2417)
Moderate (<35.0°C) 0 (0.0%) 3 (4.8%) 0.048 ( 0.1314 to 0.0117)
Last intraoperative core temperature 36.94 ± 0.66 36.58 ± 0.70 0.36 (0.12 to 0.60) 0.5227 .004
Blood loss, mL 150 (50, 400) 200 (100, 300) .907
Transfusion 1 (1.6%) 3 (4.8%) .619
PACU objective variables (n = 61) (n = 59)
PACU hypothermia 2 (3.3%) 10 (16.9%) 0.136 (0.0329 to 0.2573) 0.228 .013
Shivering grade (0/1/2) 56/2/3 54/4/1 0.118 .538
LOS at PACU, min 40 (35, 50) 39 (35, 49) .744
PACU subjective variables (n = 60) (n = 58)
Highest TCS 50 (50, 50) 50 (50, 50) .797
Lowest TCS 50 (50, 50) 50 (50, 50) .294
Patient satisfaction (4/3/2) 34/22/4 33/20/5 0.040 .960
Values are presented as numbers (%) for categorical data. Values are presented as means ± standard deviations or medians (1Q, 3Q), as appropriate, for continuous data. Effect sizes of x2 test are phi or
∗∗ ∗∗∗
Cramer V, as appropriate; effect size of continuous data is Cohen d.
LOS = Length of stay, PACU = post-anesthesia care unit, TCS = Thermal comfort scale.
Yoo et al. Medicine (2021) 100:12 Medicine
Table 3
Odds ratios of perioperative hypothermia.
Outcome variables Crude OR with 95% CI P Adjusted OR with 95% CI P
Intraoperative hypothermia 0.176 (0.079–0.394) <.001 0.170 (0.068–0.426) <.001
PACU hypothermia 0.163 (0.034–0.781) .023 0.185 (0.037–0.931) .041
Adjustment for confounding factors, including age, BMI, operating room ambient temperature, and initial body temperature.
BMI = body mass index, CI = confidence interval, OR = odds ratio, PACU = post-anesthesia care unit.
0.176 [0.079–0.394]; P < .001; adjusted OR [95% CI]: .170 ture, lasted up to 210 minutes after anesthesia had been induced
[0.068–0.426]; P < .001). Univariable and multivariable logistic in the peri-induction warming group, and 360 minutes after
regression analyses showed that the odds of PACU hypothermia anesthesia had been induced in the control group (Table 4,
(immediate postoperative hypothermia) in the peri-induction Fig. 2).
warming group also did not change appreciably after adjustments
for age, BMI, operating room ambient temperature, and initial
4. Discussion
body temperature (crude OR [95% CI]: 0.163 [0.034–0.781];
P = .023; adjusted OR [95% CI]: 0.185 [0.037–0.931]; P = .041) This study demonstrated that peri-induction warming at 47°C
(Table 3). reduced the incidence and severity of inadvertent perioperative
Blood loss and transfusion requirement during the intraoper- hypothermia in intraoperatively warmed patients undergoing
ative period did not differ between groups (P = .907 and P = .619, major surgery lasting more than 120 minutes. The core-to-
respectively). Postoperative shivering scale score (P = .538) and peripheral redistribution of body heat in patients receiving peri-
the highest and lowest thermal comfort scale scores (P = .797 and induction warming reduced core temperature by approximately
P = .294, respectively) in the PACU did not significantly differ 0.6°C during the first hour after induction; the temperature
between groups. Furthermore, the patients’ satisfaction score for difference between groups during the first hour after induction
the warming protocol did not differ between groups (P = .960); was approximately 0.47°C, which is consistent with the findings
the length of PACU stay also did not differ significantly between of previous studies regarding conventional pre-warm-
groups (P = .744) (Table 2). In all patients, there were no adverse ing.[9,10,19,20] These significant temperature differences between
effects from forced-air warming, such as skin irritation or burns. groups continued until the recovery period and led to a reduction
The body temperature change between groups over time in the rate of postoperative hypothermia.
differed significantly (P < .001) (Table 4, Fig. 2). The differences Akhtar et al[10] reported no difference between pre-warmed
between groups from induction of anesthesia to the end of PACU and control groups despite 60 minutes of pre-warming due to
recovery were statistically significant (post hoc Bonferroni effective passive insulation of a warming suit used in their control
comparison, all P < .05) and were >0.2°C, which was regarded group, as well as an improved clinical environment.[10] The study
as a significant clinical difference in patients with hypothermia by Akhtar et al[10] involved short and simple outpatient surgery,
(Table 4, Fig. 2).[5] In addition, the significant body temperature whereas our study yielded different results for patients undergo-
reduction, compared with the preoperative initial body tempera- ing major surgery lasting >120 minutes with a longer unwarmed
Table 4
Mean (SE) changes in perioperative core temperature (°C) at 30-minute intervals post-induction.
Peri-induction warming group Control group Mean difference between groups
∗ ∗ ∗∗
Time, min Change in core temperature n Change in core temperature N (95% CI) P
∗ ∗
0 0.45 (0.02) 63 0.59 (0.02) 63 0.246 (0.065–0.427) .008
∗ ∗
30 0.61 (0.03) 63 0.89 (0.03) 63 0.390 (0.210–0.571) <.001
∗ ∗
60 0.59 (0.04) 63 0.96 (0.04) 63 0.473 (0.292–0.654) <.001
∗ ∗
90 0.51 (0.04) 63 0.88 (0.04) 63 0.478 (0.297–0.658) <.001
∗ ∗
120 0.44 (0.05) 60 0.75 (0.05) 60 0.415 (0.234–0.586) <.001
∗ ∗
150 0.38 (0.05) 53 0.64 (0.05) 56 0.374 (0.192–0.556) <.001
∗ ∗
180 0.32 (0.06) 50 0.58 (0.06) 45 0.361 (0.177–0.546) <.001
∗ ∗
210 0.25 (0.06) 44 0.50 (0.06) 39 0.357 (0.169–0.545) <.001
240 0.2 (0.06) 41 0.46 (0.06) 36 0.368 (0.176–0.559) <.001
270 0.16 (0.07) 26 0.43 (0.07) 29 0.373 (0.176–0.570) <.001
300 0.19 (0.07) 20 0.40 (0.07) 20 0.318 (0.114–0.523) .002
330 0.17 (0.08) 16 0.38 (0.08) 19 0.317 (0.110–0.523) .003
360 0.17 (0.08) 13 0.36 (0.08) 14 0.303 (0.106–0.499) .003
PACU arrival 0.02 (0.07) 63 0.24 (0.07) 62 0.364 (0.183–0.544) <.001
PACU 10 min 0.02 (0.07) 61 0.24 (0.07) 59 0.329 (0.148–0.510) <.001
PACU 20 min 0.04 (0.07) 61 0.24 (0.07) 59 0.308 (0.126–0.489) .001
PACU 30 min 0.01 (0.07) 60 0.21 (0.07) 59 0.304 (0.123–0.486) .001
P < .05 in group time comparison compared with preoperative time using mixed-effects model with post hoc Bonferroni test.
P value in group time comparison compared with peri-induction warming group – control group using mixed-effects model with post hoc Bonferroni test.
CI = confidence interval, PACU = post-anesthesia care unit, SE = Standard error.
Yoo et al. Medicine (2021) 100:12 www.md-journal.com
Figure 2. Perioperative body temperature. Error bars indicate ± 1 standard deviation of temperature at each time. Preoperative and postoperative core
temperatures of patients were measured using tympanic membrane thermometer. Intraoperative core temperature was recorded at 15-minute intervals via
nasopharyngeal probe after induction of anesthesia. Temperature was higher in peri-warming group from induction of anesthesia to end of recovery in PACU.
Baseline: immediately after arrival in pre-anesthetic holding area; intraoperative 0 min: immediately after insertion of nasopharyngeal probe; PACU arrival:
immediately after arrival at PACU; PACU 10, 20, and 30 minutes: 10, 20, and 30 minutes after arrival at PACU. PACU = post-anesthesia care unit.
period. The unwarmed duration in our control group was 40 ing, such as the pulmonary artery catheterization required for
minutes, compared with previous studies in which it was 20 cardiac surgery. Our study findings are applicable to patients
minutes.[9,20] Therefore, although a cotton blanket was used for undergoing various major surgeries with a shorter induction time
passive insulation and covered the whole body in our control than cardiac surgery. Shenoy et al[11] reported that pre-warming
group, greater redistribution of body heat occurred, compared for 60 minutes before induction of anesthesia does not confer any
with previous studies.[9,10,20] added advantage for patients undergoing intraoperative contin-
Our study showed similar results to pre-warming for >30 uous warming and peri-induction warming, which was regarded
minutes, despite the average warming time of 20 minutes.[10] One as “co-warming” by those authors. Based on their results and our
factor that may have contributed to the effect of peri-induction present results, we suggest that peri-induction warming alone
warming was reduction of the unwarmed period. This approach sufficiently reduces the heat redistribution that can be obtained
may also have enhanced heat transfer efficiency by rapidly during pre-warming.
transferring heat because of the anesthesia-induced reductions in The peri-induction warming protocol used in this study has
thermoregulation and peripheral vasodilation; conventional pre- some advantages that make it more promising and useful than
warming did not transfer much heat above the threshold because conventional pre-warming in terms of convenience. Peri-induc-
the thermoregulatory system (eg, thermal discomfort and tion warming has no limitations in terms of place, time, or device.
sweating) was strongly maintained. No additional time or place is required because it is performed
Our high warming temperature (47°C) to increase heat transfer during anesthesia induction in the operating room; additional
could have been another factor associated with efficacy, although devices are not required because the device prepared for
the warming time was short. Previous studies have shown that the intraoperative warming can be used. In addition, peri-induction
blanket-to-surface temperature gradient and resulting heat flow warming does not delay the induction of anesthesia or the timing
exhibits a clear linear relationship.[21,22] An earlier study by our of surgery.[12,13] However, in this study, reduced perioperative
group reported that a 47°C pre-warming period could be complications and enhanced patient satisfaction due to the low
effectively used without eliciting significant thermal discom- incidence of hypothermia were not confirmed because of small
fort.[17,23] In the present study, it was impossible to ask about power of this study to prove it. The lack of a difference in
thermal discomfort because warming was performed during the intraoperative blood loss and the transfusion requirement may
patient lost consciousness; however, there were no problems have been partially influenced by changes in clinical treatment
caused by warming, such as skin changes or sweating, during the (eg, minimally invasive surgery) over time. Continuous full-body
peri-induction warming period. warming after surgery in the PACU may have contributed to the
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were longer in these previous studies than in our study (49.7 ± 9.9 study was conducted on patients undergoing major surgery for
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