10-Ballistics Manual89
10-Ballistics Manual89
10-Ballistics Manual89
This manual was compiled, edited, and principally authored by Scott Sanders of the Wireline Training
Department. Employees throughout the company contributed to various sections and concepts throughout
this manual. Particular credit should be given to Kevin Trotechaud and Brent Rudy.
Living Document
The Ballistics Manual is intended to outline, document, and communicate all of the knowledge and
procedures required by field operators, supervisors, and engineers to safely and successfully conduct field
operations. Field failures whose root cause is deemed to be, in whole or in part, due to poor
communication or inadequate documentation of operational procedures, should be communicated to the
documentation department so the required topics can be addressed in future releases of this manual.
If any sections of this manual are difficult to understand or if any topics are incorrect or missing please
communicate these errors or omissions to the Wireline Documentation Department in Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, by calling 780.449.3222, or by sending email directly to scott.sanders@precisionwireline.com.
Wireline Documentation 2
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 7
2 SAFETY ................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 EXPLOSIVES STORAGE – SHOP ........................................................................................................ 8
2.2 SHOP WORK ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................ 9
2.3 TRANSPORT REGULATIONS ........................................................................................................... 10
2.4 FIELD WORK ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................................... 10
2.4.1 Safety Meetings..................................................................................................................... 10
2.4.2 Disposal of Explosive Waste and Packaging........................................................................ 11
2.4.3 Clearing the Line of Fire ...................................................................................................... 11
2.4.4 Perf Monitor ......................................................................................................................... 12 Ground Connections ......................................................................................................... 12 Voltage Monitor ............................................................................................................... 14 RF Energy......................................................................................................................... 15
2.5 METERS ......................................................................................................................................... 16
2.6 INTERNAL PRESSURE IN GUNS AND SETTING TOOLS ..................................................................... 17
2.7 EXPLOSIVE FIRES .......................................................................................................................... 17
3 EXPLOSIVES THEORY................................................................................................................... 18
3.1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION .............................................................................................................. 18
3.1.1 Organic Explosives............................................................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Inorganic Explosives ............................................................................................................ 18
3.2 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................. 18
3.2.1 Oxygen Balance.................................................................................................................... 18
3.2.2 Energy of Formation ............................................................................................................ 19
3.2.3 Enthalpy of Formation.......................................................................................................... 19
3.2.4 Explosion Heat ..................................................................................................................... 20
3.2.5 Detonation ............................................................................................................................ 20
3.2.6 Detonation Velocity .............................................................................................................. 20
3.2.7 Deflagration ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.2.8 Deflagration Point................................................................................................................ 20
3.2.9 Melting Point ........................................................................................................................ 21
3.2.10 Impact Sensitivity.................................................................................................................. 21
3.2.11 Density.................................................................................................................................. 21
3.2.12 Grain of Explosive ................................................................................................................ 21
3.2.13 Volume of Explosion Gases .................................................................................................. 21
3.2.14 Specific Energy ..................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.15 Nitrogen Content .................................................................................................................. 21
3.2.16 Decomposition ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.3 TYPES OF EXPLOSIVES................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.1 Pyrotechnics ......................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.2 Primary High Explosives...................................................................................................... 22 Lead Styphnate ................................................................................................................. 22 Lead Azide........................................................................................................................ 23
3.3.3 Secondary High Explosives .................................................................................................. 24 PETN ................................................................................................................................ 24 RDX.................................................................................................................................. 25 HMX................................................................................................................................. 26 HNS .................................................................................................................................. 27 PYX .................................................................................................................................. 28
3.3.4 Deflagrates ........................................................................................................................... 28 Black Powder.................................................................................................................... 29 Setting Tool Power Charges ............................................................................................. 30
Wireline Documentation 3
3.4 SHAPED CHARGES ......................................................................................................................... 32
3.4.1 Shaped Charge Construction................................................................................................ 33
3.4.2 Shaped Charge Performance................................................................................................ 36 Charge Performance Testing – API RP 19B..................................................................... 37 Manufacturer Lot Testing ................................................................................................. 38
3.4.3 Shaped Charge Detonation................................................................................................... 42
3.4.4 Jet Velocity Gradient ............................................................................................................ 43
3.5 DETONATING CORD....................................................................................................................... 44
3.5.1 Ribbon Cord and Round Cord .............................................................................................. 44
3.5.2 Extra High Velocity Cord ..................................................................................................... 45
3.5.3 Shrinkage.............................................................................................................................. 45
3.5.4 Low Shrink Cord................................................................................................................... 45
3.5.5 Cord Load............................................................................................................................. 45
3.5.6 Flexibility.............................................................................................................................. 46
3.5.7 Exposed Detonating Cord Sealing Instructions.................................................................... 46
3.5.8 Types of Detonating Cord Commonly Used ......................................................................... 46 Ensign Bickford 80 RDX LS XHV .................................................................................. 46 Ensign Bickford 80 RDX LS ............................................................................................ 46 Ensign Bickford 80 HMX LS XHV ................................................................................. 47 Ensign Bickford 40 RDX Ribbon LS ............................................................................... 47 Ensign Bickford 40 HMX Ribbon LS .............................................................................. 47 Ensign Bickford 80 HMX High Temp LS........................................................................ 47 Ensign Bickford 80 PYX .................................................................................................. 48 Dynamit Nobel PT250 HNS............................................................................................. 48 Dynamit Nobel PT165 HMX XHV .................................................................................. 48 Dynamit Nobel PT185 HMX XHV .............................................................................. 48
3.5.9 Handling Policy.................................................................................................................... 49
3.6 DETONATORS ................................................................................................................................ 50
3.6.1 Conventional Resisterized Detonators.................................................................................. 50 Crimp on Detonators......................................................................................................... 52 SureFire Detonators.......................................................................................................... 52 Block Detonators .............................................................................................................. 53 Butterfly Detonators ......................................................................................................... 54
3.6.2 Safe Detonators .................................................................................................................... 54 Exploding Bridgewire Detonators .................................................................................... 55 Exploding Foil Detonators................................................................................................ 56
3.6.3 Percussion Detonators.......................................................................................................... 56
3.6.4 Detonator Features............................................................................................................... 56 Fluid Sensitivity................................................................................................................ 56 Intrinsically Safe............................................................................................................... 57
3.6.5 Detonators in Common Use.................................................................................................. 57 Owen 008c........................................................................................................................ 57 Owen 006 Mini-Block ...................................................................................................... 57 Owen G-21 ....................................................................................................................... 57 Owen 086 Squib ............................................................................................................... 58 Owen E-12........................................................................................................................ 58 Owen Hostile Environment Detonator.............................................................................. 58 Owen E-161...................................................................................................................... 58 Ensign-Bickford EB105.................................................................................................... 59 Austin Explosives A140 ................................................................................................... 59
3.7 IGNITERS ....................................................................................................................................... 60
3.8 INITIATORS .................................................................................................................................... 60
3.9 BOOSTERS ..................................................................................................................................... 60
3.10 DETONATION SEQUENCE ............................................................................................................... 61
3.11 GUN GEOMETRY AND CHARGE SELECTION ................................................................................... 62
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4 SHOOTING SOFTWARE AND CIRCUIT DESIGN..................................................................... 63
4.1 SHOOTING CCL INSTRUMENT ....................................................................................................... 63
4.1.1 Tool Information Screen ....................................................................................................... 64
4.1.2 View/Plot Depth Offsets........................................................................................................ 65
4.1.3 Depth Offsets (Zero at CCL)................................................................................................. 66
4.1.4 Shooting Power Control ....................................................................................................... 67
4.1.5 Shooting Control................................................................................................................... 69
4.1.6 Test Fire................................................................................................................................ 70
4.2 FRONT END SETUP ........................................................................................................................ 72
4.2.1 Channel Device Setup........................................................................................................... 72
4.2.2 CHIP Setup........................................................................................................................... 73
4.2.3 A/D Setup.............................................................................................................................. 75
4.3 SHOT PLOTS .................................................................................................................................. 77
4.3.1 Open Circuit ......................................................................................................................... 77
4.3.2 Short Circuit ......................................................................................................................... 77
4.3.3 51 Ohm Resistorized Detonator............................................................................................ 77
4.3.4 120 Ohm Resitorized Detonator ........................................................................................... 77
4.4 SIGNAL FLOW................................................................................................................................ 78
5 WIRELINE CONVEYED GUN SYSTEMS .................................................................................... 79
5.1 DEPTH CONTROL ........................................................................................................................... 79
5.2 FIRING HEADS ............................................................................................................................... 80
5.2.1 Top Fire ................................................................................................................................ 80 Configuring the Gun ......................................................................................................... 81 Preparing the Top Fire Sub............................................................................................... 81 Pigtail Installation............................................................................................................. 82 Quick Change Assembly .................................................................................................. 83 Check Fire – Open and Closed ......................................................................................... 85 Connect and Arm the Perforating Gun ............................................................................. 86 Misfire Procedures............................................................................................................ 90
5.2.2 Bottom Fire........................................................................................................................... 92 Connect the Hot and Ground Wires.................................................................................. 92 Check Fire – Open and Closed ......................................................................................... 96 Connect the Gun to the Quick Change ............................................................................. 98 Arm the Gun ..................................................................................................................... 99 Misfire Procedures.......................................................................................................... 102
5.2.3 SureFire.............................................................................................................................. 103 Cable Head and Main Body............................................................................................ 103 Top Sub .......................................................................................................................... 104 Quick Change ................................................................................................................. 104 Misfire Procedures.......................................................................................................... 113 Post Job Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 114
5.2.4 Slim SureFire – RTG Guns ................................................................................................. 118 Detonating Cord Placement ............................................................................................ 118 Arming Procedures ......................................................................................................... 121
5.2.5 Slim SureFire – Strip Guns................................................................................................. 128 Components .................................................................................................................... 128 Leak and Continuity Checks........................................................................................... 128 Assembly ........................................................................................................................ 129 Check-Fire – Open and Closed....................................................................................... 131 Electrically Connect the Detonator................................................................................. 132 Ballistically Connect the Gun ......................................................................................... 132
Wireline Documentation 5
5.3 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT ...............................................................................................................138
5.3.1 Centralizers ........................................................................................................................ 138
5.3.2 Decentralizers..................................................................................................................... 138
5.3.3 Orientation Subs ................................................................................................................. 138
5.3.4 Swivels ................................................................................................................................ 138
5.4 REUSABLE GUNS ......................................................................................................................... 139
5.4.1 Retrievable Hollow Steel Carriers (RHSC) ........................................................................ 139 Loading Procedures ........................................................................................................ 139 Post Job Maintenance ..................................................................................................... 147 Storing Retrievable Hollow Steel Carriers ..................................................................... 147
5.5 THROW AWAY GUNS (TAG) ....................................................................................................... 148
5.5.1 Expendable Hollow Steel Carriers (EHSC)........................................................................ 148 Loading Procedures ........................................................................................................ 148 Storing Expendable Hollow Steel Carriers ..................................................................... 158
5.5.2 Retrievable Tubing Guns (RTG) ......................................................................................... 162
5.5.3 Semi-Expendables – Strip Guns.......................................................................................... 162 Components .................................................................................................................... 162 Charge Installation.......................................................................................................... 163 Detonator Cord Installation ............................................................................................ 164 Strip Gun Storage ........................................................................................................... 166 Auxiliary Equipment ...................................................................................................... 167
5.5.4 Fully Expendable Guns....................................................................................................... 168
6 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 169
Wireline Documentation 6
1 Introduction
Ballistic services comprise a very large percentage of the work performed by the wireline division of
Precision Drilling Technology Services Group Inc. Safe and profitable operations are key to the
professional and financial success of each employee providing ballistic services to our clients as well as the
success of the company as a whole.
This manual is designed to serve as a learning tool and an operational reference for wireline staff. The
primary goals of the manual are twofold. First, the manual is designed to communicate operational
expectations and procedures; and second, the manual also contains content aimed to build a greater
understanding of why these services exist – and are in demand – as well as why operational procedures are
in place.
Explosive materials are by their very nature unsafe. It is vital that a firm understanding of the power and
danger of these materials is fully understood before any on the job exposure to ballistic materials. For
obvious reasons, the safety section comes first.
The theory of explosives and the design of explosive components are also covered in detail. This section
discusses what explosives are, how explosives compare to one another, and how they are configured to
perform work as part of different components such as detonators, detonating cord, shaped charges, and
power charges. The theory section is designed to build a firm understanding of terminology and function,
before the individual components are placed into context with other ballistics equipment.
The shooting procedure, and the circuitry and software that control it, are also important topics that are
given extensive consideration. Understanding the system and utilizing all the features it possesses greatly
reduce the probability of an explosive fortuity. The system is designed to make it effortless to shoot on
depth and very difficult to shoot anywhere else.
Operational procedures covering most of the wireline perforating gun systems in wide use by Precision
Wireline today, form the bulk of this manual. Operational work processes for Select Fire Perforating
Systems, Tubing Conveyed Gun Systems (TCP), Dump Bailers, and Setting Tools will be communicated
independently in the future. Virtually all of the ballistic services equipment used by our company is
supplied by third party vendors, who, when requested to do so, can usually supply operational and
maintenance documentation, as well as detailed specifications for their equipment. This manual often
refers to third party documentation and employees are encouraged to acquire and read all the information
available that covers the services they are delivering. The operational procedures covered in this manual
are designed to augment the material available from the vendors, and they are often geared toward
explaining why the procedures exist and how they improve safety and efficiency.
A strong understanding of the content of this manual, coupled with solid on the job training will go a long
way to prepare Precision staff to deliver ballistic services – so read on and work safe.
Wireline Documentation 7
2 Safety
Safety is without a doubt the most important part of this manual, which is why it comes first. It is so
important in fact that safe operating concepts and practices are not limited to this section alone, but rather
permeate the entire document – much like safe practices must permeate all aspects of the job, from
conception and planning through to execution and completion.
Much is made of using ‘common sense’ to make safe operating decisions. But, it is important to remember
that decision making is based on personal experience and knowledge; and inherently influenced by
personal motivations, and corporate and client expectations. In other words, ‘common sense’ is different
for different people and changes for individuals as they grow and are exposed to different environments.
This is the reason why safe operating practices, policies, and expectations are created and communicated to
Precision Wireline employees by the Health, Safety, and Environment department and fully endorsed by all
levels management.
The goal of the safety section of this manual is not to state expectations and policies; they are covered and
communicated very well by the Health, Safety, and Environment department. Rather the goal is to explain
why these policies exist, with the hope of increasing the knowledge base of the corporation to enable our
staff to make ‘common sense’ decisions that are always based, first and foremost, on safe operating
practices. That stated, it is important to make clear that if, in any way, the information contained in this
manual contradicts a safe operating practice outlined by the Health, Safety, and Environment department,
or any policy or regulation of a governing authority, the relevant policy must be considered to take
Safety is an attitude. Explosive accidents are rare, which means that most of our employees are not directly
familiar with the consequences of an explosive fortuity. This unfortunately leads to the development of
‘equivalent practices’ that are neither equivalent nor safe. Remember that even though safe operating
policies may seem redundant and extreme, they are nowhere near as extreme as the results of an explosives
accident. Explosive accidents are almost always catastrophic.
The rest of this section touches on some of the high points governing explosives storage, and makes an
effort to describe why some of these regulations exist.
Explosive magazines serve three primary purposes. The first (and most important) is the prevention of an
accidental detonation, the second is the containment of the explosive force that would result in the event of
an accidental detonation, and the third is the prevention of explosive material deterioration. Most of the
rules and regulations that govern the design and use of explosives magazines revolve around these three
There are numerous design features and operational policies that govern the use and construction of
explosive magazines that contribute to the prevention of accidental detonations. The list below itemizes a
• The interior of explosive magazines must be constructed from spark proof materials. Wood is
commonly used.
• Magazines must be vented to the atmosphere to prevent pressure (which could cause auto ignition)
from building up inside as a consequence of an external fire heating up the outside of the
Wireline Documentation 8
• Magazines must also be kept clean and free of any unapproved materials. In fact, the only tools
allowed inside are approved spark proof explosives tools.
• The use of electrical power in any way is prohibited. Winches used to raise and lower explosive
magazines into the ground are powered by compressed air or an electrically isolated motor.
Natural light or approved flashlights are used to illuminate the interior.
• Magazines must also be kept away from combustible materials. Outdoor magazines must be kept
away from trees and brush.
• Magazines must be positioned to protect them from purposeful or accidental contact. They must
be positioned to prevent damage from falling objects or moving vehicles.
• Magazines must be secured to prevent unauthorized access. The area around the magazine must
also be secured to prevent contamination of the storage environment by unauthorized persons.
The following design features and operational policies are geared toward mitigating the effects of
accidental detonations.
• Primary and secondary explosives must never be stored in the same magazine. Primary explosives
are much more ballistically sensitive then secondary explosives and since their purpose is to
provide enough explosive force to detonate secondary explosives it only makes sense to isolate
them when in storage.
• Magazines are usually rated to contain a specific quantity of explosive materials. By ensuring the
explosive load never exceeds this rating the chances of an accidental detonation being contained is
substantially increased.
• Charges must be packed facing each other (pointed up or down) within the charge box, and the
charge box must be stored with the largest dimension flat on the shelf. Charges are packed this
way at the manufacturer, and the boxes are stored in this manner to (a) direct the force of the
explosion either up to the sky or down to the ground as opposed to out the side of the magazine,
and (b) to hopefully offset the force of an explosion in one direction by the force of an equal
explosion in the other.
Explosive magazines are designed to isolate their contents from external influences such as light, wind, and
water to prevent premature deterioration of explosive materials. It is also standard policy to use older
materials first.
Loaded guns are also considered explosive magazines and should be stored in an area that complies with as
many of the regulatory concepts discussed above as possible. Loaded guns should be secured in such a
way that they cannot be moved or altered by any unauthorized person. They should also be stored in an
isolated location away from any sources of electricity and all other equipment to prevent any accidental
contact – including contact with vehicles or falling objects. Loaded guns must also be vented to
atmosphere to prevent pressure from building up inside the gun in the event of fire. Exposed perforating
guns must be stored inside a tube to protect the charges and detonating cord from any type of incidental
contact. Finally, loaded guns cannot be stored if they contain any type of primary explosive.
Access to this area of the shop is restricted to employees authorized by the shop manager. Employees
working in this area are not allowed to smoke, use any power tools, and must behave in a manner consistent
with explosives handling. Only work involving explosive materials can be performed in this area.
Wireline Documentation 9
Servicing of any other equipment, including equipment used during ballistic operations, is not allowed.
Only approved explosives tools may be used or stored in this part of the shop.
All explosive materials used must be closely tracked and inventoried. To prevent explosives from being
lost or miscounted, the following procedures have been established:
• Explosives must be secured in the magazine until they are ready to be used. Explosives must be
stored and transported in their original shipping boxes.
• Only remove enough charges to get the job done. Multiple gun orders should be completed in lots
to prevent an unmanageable number of charges from being in play at any given time.
• Charge boxes should only be opened one at a time. When all of the charges required have been
removed, reseal the charge box immediately and note the remaining contents on the packing slip.
If the box is empty, flatten it to ensure it is empty, remove all explosive markings, and disposed of
it according to local regulations.
• Unsecured explosive materials cannot be left unsupervised. Ever.
• All charges must be accounted for and tracked from the point of arrival at the shop until they are
expended in the field. The inventory system in the shop must track exactly how much of each
type of explosive material is stored in the shop, and where, as well as what is currently being
transported or used on a job site.
This explosives section of the shop must be kept clean and free of debris at all times. If large gun loading
tasks are being conducted, they must be stopped periodically to clean the area and remove all scrap boxes
and materials. Plastic garbage cans must be used – metal cans are prohibited. Explosive scraps, such as
loose powder or discarded detonating cord must be stored in an approved container in an appropriate
magazine that contains only secondary explosives.
• Designated Smoking Area. All smoking materials must be confined within designated smoking
areas; and all open flames or sources for open flames, including smoking areas, must be a
minimum of 15m (50ft) away from any explosive device.
• Name of Designated Lockout Key Holder. The Lockout Key must be in the possession of a
responsible individual and must be removed from the system – and the recorder cab – before
arming commences. The key cannot be returned to the recorder cab until the explosive device is
70m (200ft) below the ground level (or 70m below the sea floor during offshore operations). The
Wireline Documentation 10
key cannot be in the possession of the field engineer, supervisor, or any other individual tasked
with operating the computer system.
• Blasting Area and Safe Area Defined. The areas where explosives are being stored, loaded,
made-up, or armed must be clearly defined and communicated to all workers on the well site.
Technically speaking, any area within 15m (50ft) of an unsecured explosive device is considered
part of the blasting area and as such, only activities that are directly related to the blasting
operation may be conducted. Only approved blasting tools may be used within the blasting area.
It is the responsibility of Precision Wireline personnel to clear the blast area of any unnecessary
people before explosive materials are introduced. The safe area is defined as any area not
included within the blast area.
• Signs Posted. Signs that display ‘Danger Explosives’, ‘No Smoking’, and ‘Turn Off Radio
Transmitters’ must be clearly displayed at every access point to the well site, in English as well as
in any local language.
• Cathodic Protection and Welders Off. Make sure that all cathodic protection devices and all
welders have been physically shut down.
• Groundlines and Stray Voltage Monitoring Devices Installed. Refer to the Perforation
Monitor section that follows for detailed information on this topic.
• Radio Frequency Generators Off. Refer to the ‘Perforation Monitor section that follows for
detailed information on this topic.
• Only Necessary Personnel Near Loaded Gun. Personnel not directly related to the perforation
operation must stay clear of the blast area at all times. Personnel involved in the perforating
operation should make every effort to stay clear of the line of fire.
• Wireline Generator Off. The wireline generator must be turned off by physically disengaging
the generator PTO (power take off). It is not sufficient to simply switch off the generator breakers
in the recorder cab.
• Rig Isolated from Generator. Turn off all sources of electrical energy on the rig – including the
lights – before arming any explosive device; if light is required, an external light plant must be
used, and it must be located outside of the blast area. If the rig is equipped with a top drive unit
that requires electrical power to operate, it must be electrically isolated; refer to the manufactures
operating procedures for detailed instructions.
• Weather. Perforating operations must be discontinued if the work area is under immanent threat
of an electrical or dust storm. All explosives must be safely secured until the storm has passed and
it is safe to resume operations.
For example, use a backup pipe wrench (wedged between the gun and the catwalk) to hold the perforating
gun whilst using the other to attach the firing head. This eliminates the need for someone to stand in the
‘line of fire’ of the perforating gun while this task is being performed.
Wireline Documentation 11
2.4.4 Perf Monitor
The perforation monitor performs three functions. The first is to verify that the truck and the rig (or the
picker) are both electrically shorted to ground, the second is to measure the potential difference between the
truck chassis and the well head, and the third is to measure the amount of radio frequency (RF) energy in
the atmosphere. Ground Connections
The term ‘ground’ is commonly used when electrical circuits are discussed. In the strictest definition the
term ground means, well, ground – the earth. In a looser definition the term ground is often used to refer to
a relatively large and exposed conductor that is used as a reference in a circuit. More importantly, it is the
place current will flow if isolated conductors are leaking. For example, in logging tools the chassis (metal
bracket that slides in and out of the tool housing and has all the boards mounted on it) is often referred to as
the chassis ground. When talking about power flow inside the line truck the metal body (truck chassis) is
the ground. Similarly, the armour around the isolated conductor(s) in the wireline is also a ground. But, as
far perforating goes, ground is the earth; and the best way to establish an electrical connection to the earth
is to drive a long conductive stake into the dirt – which is a very good description of a cased well.
Connecting the line truck and the rig to ground with a relatively large conductor (ground cable) is a vital
perforating safety precaution. This connection ensures that any potential difference (voltage) that exists
between the truck and rig, truck and ground, and the rig and ground will result in current flow primarily
through the ground cables instead of through the wireline or any other electrical connection that is
connected to an explosive device. The size of the ground cable is important because the resistance of a
conductor drops when the diameter is increased, which increases the probability of current going to ground
through the ‘ground cable’ instead of any other conductive path. Grounding cables must be constructed
from insulated stranded copper conductor no smaller then No. 10 gauge.
Connect the truck chassis to ground (well head). This connection ensures that the truck and the
wellhead are at or near the same potential – it must be made using a large gauge wire that is connected to
the steel frame of the truck at one end, and to the well head via a heavy duty C-clamp at the other.
Ground Line
Wireline Documentation 12
Connect the rig (or picker) to ground (well head) using a short jumper cable. This connection ensures
the rig is also connected to ground – it must also be made using a large gauge wire with C-clamps at either
end. Do not overlook the importance of this connection because service rigs are often on wheels (rubber
does not conduct) and they may not be in good electrical contact with ground.
Connect the perforation monitor. The perforation monitor is used to verify that the grounding cables
have successfully shorted the truck, the rig, and the wellhead together. Since the perforation monitor leads
are not actually used as grounding lines, they do not need to be as large in diameter. One of the leads must
be shorted to the truck chassis and the other needs to be connected to the rig. The chassis lead is usually
pre-wired when the perforation monitor is installed and the rig lead is usually connected via a cable reel
mounted in the back of the truck.
Rig Lead
Chassis Lead
Now, if all connections are sound, and all cables are continuous, a conductive loop will exist between both
poles of the perforation monitor. Specifically, current will be able to flow from the perforation monitor,
through the ground sense line to the truck chassis; through the truck chassis to the ground line conductor,
and out to the well head; from the well head to the rig via the short jumper cable (or any other electrical
connection – such as the ground itself or a metal connection between the rig and the wellhead); and finally
from the rig, through the rig cable, back to the perforation monitor.
Wireline Documentation 13
It is important that a separate jumper cable is used to connect the rig to the wellhead as opposed to using a
single ground cable that has two clamps and attaches to both in series. By using a separate line connected
as described above, the perforation monitor measures the integrity of the connection between the truck, the
wellhead, and the rig. Using a single ground cable with two clamps would effectively monitor the integrity
of the truck to rig connection only.
The perforation monitor simply measures the resistance of this conductive path to make sure it exists. So in
effect, the perforation monitor is like any other meter that measures resistance, such as a simpson meter,
digital multimeter, or a blasters galvanometer – and like any other meter, it measures voltage and current to
calculate a resistance. It does this by measuring the amount of voltage required to drive a known current
(1mA for the hanson monitors) through the circuit. As the resistance of the circuit increases, the amount of
voltage required to facilitate the current flow will also increase. When the voltage required to push the
current exceeds a preset threshold, an audible alarm will sound, warning the crew that the grounding cables
are damaged or not properly connected. The alarm threshold is adjustable, but it is set at the factory to
trigger when the resistance of the circuit exceeds 30 Ohms.
It is important to note that the circuit resistance measurement is made using a 370Hz A/C signal. This
signal frequency is used because it is outside the sensitive frequency band of the voltage monitor circuitry,
discussed in the next section, which means that both measurements can be made simultaneously without
adversely influencing each other.
The perforation monitor is again little more then a glorified multi-meter – but this time it is set to measure
voltage. The exact same connections are used to measure the potential difference between the wellhead/rig
and truck, as well as the integrity of the ground connections discussed in the previous section. Both
measurements are made simultaneously by the perforation monitor.
Wireline Documentation 14
The basic measurement system is shown in the diagram below. One lead is connected to the truck chassis
while the other is connected (via the reel) to the rig and the well head (by the jumper cable). The potential
monitor is sensitive to voltages between 0Hz (DC) and 300Hz. Voltages oscillating above 300Hz will not
be detected. Make sure that any power sources operating above 300Hz that are in close proximity to the
perforating operation are completely shut down.
Wellhead Lead RF Energy
The perforation monitor RF (Radio Frequency) sensor is designed to measure the amount of ambient RF
energy oscillating between 20MHz and 640MHz. The circuitry is configured to alarm when enough energy
is present to generate 80% of the no-fire current (0.16 amps) for a 50 Ohm resistorized detonator with a 0.2
amp no-fire current limit. These specifications are chosen because 50 Ohm and 0.20 amps are the lowest
resistance and no-fire current limits respectively, present in all resistorized detonators used in the wireline
The RF sensor used by our company is manufactured by Can Trade Research. It is designed to output a DC
voltage level that is proportional to the total amount of energy present within the RF band bounded by
20MHz and 640MHZ. The actual sensing element is a single antenna mounted on the top of the truck.
This is curious because it is impossible to tune an antenna to measure RF energy across such a large
frequency range, simply because antennas are tuned by adjusting their length to match the wavelength (or
some whole fraction) of a specific frequency. So in fact a bank of antennas would be required to make
precise measurements across a bandwidth this large. But, for this measurement a single antenna is
acceptable because the goal is not to extract specific information from a small frequency band (such as
radios and cell phones do) but rather to measure an overall level of background RF energy. As a mater of
fact, the most important consideration when sizing the antenna is to make sure it is not tuned to any
individual frequency between 20MHz and 640MHz, so that it essentially responds equally poorly to all RF
energy within this band. The sensing antenna used on our units is cut to a length of 6cm, which means it is
ideally tuned to measure a 5GHz signal. It is also tuned to frequencies that are ½, ¼ … of 5GHz but the
larger the fraction the less signal the antenna will return. This is why this antenna does not show
significant preference to any particular frequency within the measurement bandwidth and subsequently
works well for this application.
Wireline Documentation 15
The signal from the antenna is then filtered by the receiver section of the RF sensor. The filter is fairly
complex but suffice it to say that it performs two specific functions. First, it acts as a bandwidth filter that
strips any frequencies not between 20MHz and 640MHz out of the signal. Second, it acts as a step filter
that reduces the amplitude of the lower frequencies more than the higher frequencies to counter act the fact
that lower frequency signals will induce larger amplitude signals in the antenna. The amplitude matched
signal from the filter is then converted to a DC voltage that is proportional in magnitude to the total amount
of RF energy between 20MHZ and 640MHz. This voltage is then delivered to the perforation monitor
where it is compared to the threshold level discussed previously.
The RF sensing system works, but it has a number of limitations that must be considered. First, any RF
energy whose frequency falls outside the sensitive range will not be detected. AM radio is a good example
(AM transmitters broadcast between 0.5MHz and 1.2MHz) as are cell phones (analog systems transmit
between 824MHz to 894MHz and digital systems transmit within discrete bands that fall between 800MHz
and 2000MHz). Other types of offending equipment include cordless phones, keyless entry devices, garage
door openers, radar detectors, on-star systems, SCADA systems (automated data transmission systems
often used to monitor oil and gas production), and satellite transmission units. For this reason it is very
important to turn all RF emitting devices off before perforation operations start even if the RF sensor does
not alarm. Second, the antenna we use to detect RF energy is oriented straight up, so it will only be
sensitive to energy that is oscillating vertically – otherwise known as vertically polarized. The chief
offender here is television broadcasts which are horizontally polarized, so even though they fall (for the
most part) within the sensitive band it is still possible not to detect dangerous energy levels.
Transmitter proximity and strength are two other important things to consider when talking about RF
safety. With very few exceptions, hand held transmitters will not generate enough energy to ignite a
detonator unless they are placed very close to the explosive circuit. This is both good and bad. Good
because the chances of a transmitter being dangerously close are not very high. Bad because the RF sensor
is measuring energy near the line truck, instead of beside the well head where the gun is being armed. Cell
phones and other devices with exposed connection points pose the additional danger of connecting current
from their batteries to the blasting circuit via direct contact between the connection points and the blasting
circuit. These devices should be shut down and kept away from the blasting circuit. Large fixed
transmitters are a different story. Radio, television, microwave, cell, and CB towers all transmit with much
higher energy levels then handheld devices. To be safe, active towers should be at least 1.2 km (0.75
miles) from location before perforation operations start. For specific information regarding minimum safe
distances please refer the ‘Table of Distances’ published by the Institute of Makers of Explosives in their
Safety Library Publication titled ‘No. 20: Safety Guide for the Prevention of Radio Frequency Radiation
Hazards in the Use of Commercial electric Detonators’. Details for this publication are available in the
reference section of this document.
2.5 Meters
Only specially designed electrical meters are permitted to be used to check the electrical integrity of wiring
that is in contact or proximity with any explosive materials. These meters employ a test current less than
25 milliamperes and include Blasting Multimeters, Blasting Ohmmeters, and Blasting Galvanometers.
Digital Multimeters, Simpson Meters, Triplett Meters, and Megohmmeters all employ test currents that
exceed the minimum rating specified above and must not be used to check explosive devices. They may,
however, be used to test components used to perform ballistic services that do not currently contain, nor are
connected to tools that contain, explosive materials of any type.
Wireline Documentation 16
2.6 Internal Pressure in Guns and Setting Tools
When explosives detonate or burn they create very large amounts of waste gasses. If these gasses are
contained within a tool they will be restricted from expanding and as a result generate very high pressures.
Setting tools, designed to generate high gaseous pressures to stroke a piston and set an element, are the
most common example. Low order detonations contained within a hollow steel carrier are another
example. Extra care must be taken when servicing tools that contain, or may contain pressure. In the case
of setting tools, detailed procedures are supplied by the manufacturer describing how to deal with the
contained pressure. In any case, make sure the time required to understand the dangers, and develop or
learn proper procedures, is taken before dealing with equipment that contains pressure.
Wireline Documentation 17
3 Explosives Theory
This section covers some of the basic science behind the engineered explosives used by our company world
wide today. The chemical composition, makeup, and properties of numerous types of explosive materials
are discussed first, followed by a brief introduction to the parameters that dictate the design, function,
construction, and operation of different types of shaped charges, setting tool power charges, detonators,
detonating cords, boosters, and igniters.
3.2 Definitions
The oxygen required for combustible materials to burn can come from the atmosphere, such as when wood
burns, or it can come from the chemical make-up of the reactant materials, propellants being a good
example. On the other hand, high explosives must include the oxygen as part of their chemical structure in
order to sustain the high rate of oxidation indicative of a detonation.
The term Oxygen Balance is used to compare the amount of oxygen present in the explosive verses the
amount of oxygen required to completely burn all of the reactant materials to H2O and CO2. Oxygen
balance is expressed as a weight percentage of excess oxygen with respect to the weight of the entire
explosive molecule. Excess oxygen in an explosive (called over-oxidized or fuel lean) will result in a
positive oxygen balance whereas deficient oxygen (called under-oxidized or fuel rich) will result in a
negative oxygen balance.
The following rules of thumb form the simple product hierarchy that describes the order that reaction
products will form when CHNO materials oxidize. By this model, the reaction will not proceed to the next
step until the current step has burned to completion.
1. Nitrogen forms N2
2. Hydrogen burns to H2O
3. Any remaining oxygen is used to burn carbon to CO
Wireline Documentation 18
4. Any remaining oxygen is used to burn CO to CO2
5. Any remaining oxygen will form O2
Perfectly oxygen balanced explosives (molecules with an oxygen balance of 0%) will burn through to
completion of step four. Negative oxygen balanced explosives will run out of oxygen somewhere during
step 2, 3, or 4, depending on how under-oxidized the molecules are. Positive oxygen balanced explosives
will terminate in step 5 with the production of free oxygen.
1. 6N Æ 3N2
2. 6H + 3O Æ 3H2O (3O left)
3. 3C + 3O Æ 3CO (No O left)
4. No remaining oxygen thus no CO2 is formed
5. No remaining oxygen thus no O2 is formed
Since the reaction ran out of oxygen before step 4 was complete, RDX is under-oxidized. Each RDX
molecule would require three additional oxygen atoms to completely burn the three CO molecules to CO2.
The oxygen balance can be calculated by taking the ratio of the atomic weight of missing oxygen atoms to
the atomic weight of the entire molecule. The atomic weights of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen
are 12.01, 1.008, 14.008, and 16.000 respectively, thus the oxygen balance is:
− 3O
OxygenBalance = (100%)
3C + 6 H + 6 N + 6O
− 3(16.000)
OxygenBalance = (100%) = −21.61%
3(12.01) + 6(1.008) + 6(14.008) + 6(16.000)
The standard enthalpy of formation for a molecule is therefore a measure of the energy required to create
the product molecule from the source elements while maintaining the entire system at atmospheric pressure
and 25ºC.
Enthalpy of formation is a relative measurement that assumes the enthalpy of formation for the source
elements existing in their natural state – oxygen is O2 not O – is zero at standard temperature and pressure.
Enthalpy of formation only quantifies the amount of energy required to take the source elements and
combine them into a product molecule, it does not consider the amount of energy required to make the
source elements in the first place.
Enthalpy’s of formation are measured experimentally and are tabulated for many different substances in
most thermodynamic textbooks. The values are expressed either as energy per moles of substance
Wireline Documentation 19
(kJ/kmole) or as energy per mass of substance (kJ/kg). Positive values imply energy is required to form the
molecule, negative values imply energy is released when forming the molecule.
The values for explosion heat displayed in the tables with each explosive in the following section were
experimentally determined. They can, however, be empirically estimated if the enthalpy of formation is
known for the explosive molecule and each product molecule.
Note: The term explosion heat is used interchangeably with other more generic terms, including ‘enthalpy
change of reaction’ or simply ‘heat of reaction’ by other textbooks when they describe the amount of
energy liberated during a chemical reaction.
3.2.5 Detonation
A detonation occurs when a material combusts so rapidly that the reaction propagates through the explosive
faster than the speed of sound. By definition, explosives that detonate create wavefronts that travel through
the explosive faster than 1500m/s. Detonating explosives are commonly referred to as high explosives.
Detonating explosives contain all of the fuel and oxygen required to combust within each explosive
molecule. Explosives that do not contain their own oxygen will not detonate because they cannot create or
sustain the reaction velocity required for detonation. As a side note, the fact that explosives contain their
own oxygen is the reason why they can combust in a well bore environment that contains no free oxygen.
3.2.7 Deflagration
Deflagration is different then detonation because the explosive is decomposing at a much lower rate and the
reaction products are expelled behind the reaction front instead of in front of it. For example, when a
perforating charge is detonated the wavefront and the reaction products travel in the same direction – out
the front of the charge, whereas when a setting tool is ignited the charge deflagrates expelling the reaction
products behind the wavefront as it propagates deeper into the charge.
The term deflagration differs from (but is similar too) the term burning because it implies the explosive
compound (note the use of the word ‘compound’ instead of ‘molecule’) is supplying all of the oxygen
required for the reaction as opposed to drawing it from the surrounding atmosphere. Deflagrating
explosives contain oxygen as part of the explosive compound, but it is usually in a different molecule then
the fuel, whereas most detonating explosives contain the combustion oxygen and the fuel in the same
explosive molecule.
Deflagrating explosives are also termed ‘low explosives’. By convention, explosives that generate a
wavefront that travels less that 1500m/s when they combust are termed low explosives.
Wireline Documentation 20
3.2.9 Melting Point
The melting point is the temperature at which the explosive in question will liquefy.
The units used to express impact sensitivity are Newton⋅meter or joule (1N⋅m=1J), with N⋅m being more
common due to the way the test is performed. Specifically, a block with a known weight (in newtons) is
dropped through a known distance (meters) resulting in a controlled amount of energy being applied to the
sample – and the corresponding unit N⋅m.
3.2.11 Density
The density of the explosive is measured in the units of gram per cubic centimeter (g/cc). The density
value displayed for each explosive is the maximum density commercially available for the explosive.
Many of the explosives we use have a lower density than the value specified.
3.2.16 Decomposition
Most explosive molecules decompose into less volatile compounds over time. The rate of decomposition
determines the shelf life of explosives and is usually exponentially dependant on temperature, which is a
major consideration when choosing explosives for use in high temperature wells. Decomposition is one of
two reasons why the temperature ratings for explosives are given as an exposure to a specific temperature
for a specific period of time, the other being spontaneous detonation. Decomposition is also a non-
reversible process. Explosives exposed to temperatures approaching their operational limits but not
detonated cannot be reused.
Wireline Documentation 21
3.3 Types of Explosives
3.3.1 Pyrotechnics
Pyrotechnics are explosives designed to burn rather than detonate, and in the process produce light, heat,
fog, or sound. Pyrotechnical materials that produce heat can be used to stimulate thermal ignition of other
explosives such as high explosives or deflagrates, and are commonly employed in fireworks.
Because primary explosives are so sensitive and have a high explosive yield they are very dangerous to
handle and use. Their use is usually limited to very small quantities in detonators and boosters to provide
enough explosive force to detonate other secondary high explosives that actually perform the work. This is
why primary explosives are stored separately from all other explosive materials in a secure magazine –
both on the truck and in the shop. Lead Styphnate
Lead Styphnate is the common name for lead trinitroresorcinate. It is a very sensitive primary explosive
often mixed with Lead Azide and employed as the initiating element in detonators. One of the chief
advantages of using this material in the well bore is the fact that it is not hygroscopic, which means that it
repels water.
Wireline Documentation 22 Lead Azide
Lead Azide is also a very sensitive primary explosive with a very low hygroscopicity. Lead Azide is used
primarily in detonators as part of the initiating element as well as in boosters to magnify the strength of
input shocks to ensure a high order detonation of an adjacent secondary high explosive component.
Wireline Documentation 23
3.3.3 Secondary High Explosives
Secondary High Explosives are very similar to Primary High Explosives because they also have a very fast
detonation velocity and correspondingly high explosive yield. The major difference is their ignition
sensitivity – again either thermal or impact – which is comparatively low. As a matter of fact, the name
‘secondary explosive’ derives from the fact that they functionally will only detonate when exposed to an
output shock from another explosive (usually primary). For this reason, secondary high explosives are
much safer to handle, store, form, and use then their primary counterparts. This does not mean that
precautions do not need to be taken – but the degree of precaution is different. For example, a loaded
perforating gun full of secondary explosive shaped charges can be transported and stored outside of an
explosive magazine whereas the detonators, which contain primary explosives, must always be properly
secured in a shock proof magazine. PETN
The name PETN derives from the full chemical name of the explosive, which is Pentaerythritol tetranitrate.
PETN is the most impact sensitive secondary explosive used in the industry and it is this property that
makes it desirable (or undesirable) to use. The chief applications for PETN include detonators and
detonating cord.
PETN experiences very high rates of thermal decomposition long before it melts making it unsuitable for
use in high temperature wells. This is the chief limitation for this explosive. As a matter of course, the
explosive should not be exposed to temperatures exceeding 70°C for any length of time. The maximum
temperature rating for the explosive is 121°C for 1 hour.
PETN is also difficult to cast without mixing it with other explosive materials (usually TNT) making it
virtually impossible to use in shaped charges.
Wireline Documentation 24 RDX
RDX stands for Royal Demolition EXplosive, which is also known as cyclonite, hexogen, or by its
chemical formula Cyclo-1,3,5-trimethylene-2,4,6-trinitramine. RDX is one of the most commonly used
high explosive materials in the wireline industry and the world in general. It is almost as powerful as HMX
at a fraction of the cost to produce, it is very easy to cast, and it is much less sensitive to accidental ignition
with a substantially higher temperature rating then its other chief rival, PETN.
RDX is used in shaped charges, detonating cord, and as the secondary explosive output component in
detonators. RDX is rated for exposure to a maximum temperature of 171°C for one hour.
Wireline Documentation 25 HMX
HMX stands for High Melting (point) EXplosive. This material is also known as octogen, or by its
chemical name Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine.
HMX was initially an unvalued by-product of the process used to produce RDX until it was discovered that
it too possessed excellent explosive properties. It is now produced for use in high temperature
environments that exceed the maximum ratings for RDX, but are lower then its own maximum rating of
204ºC for one hour. HMX is also slightly more powerful than RDX, it is easily formed, and it can be used
in charges, detonating cord, and detonators – which raises the question why it has not replaced RDX
entirely. The answer is cost; it is much more expensive to produce.
Wireline Documentation 26 HNS
The name HNS derives from the full chemical name for the explosive, which is Hexanitrostilbene. HNS
possesses a very high temperature rating of 288°C for one hour; it is less powerful then RDX, PETN, and
HMX; and it is very expensive. HNS is used in detonating cord and shaped charges. The only economical
application for HNS is use in very hot wells.
Wireline Documentation 27 PYX
PYX, also known by it’s chemical name, 2,6-bis(picrylamino)-3,5-dinitropyridine, is an extremely
expensive explosive with a very high temperature rating of 315ºC for one hour. The performance of this
explosive is slightly better then HNS but still less powerful then RDX, PETN, and HMX. The material is
used in detonating cord and shaped charges. The only economical application for PYX is use in wells that
have a temperature that exceeds the rating of all other available explosives.
Information on the chemical nature of this explosive is hard to find. The table below summarizes all the
information available at the time this document was released. The empirical formula was derived by the
author, and the molecular weight, oxygen balance, and nitrogen content were subsequently calculated from
the empirical formula. Use these values with caution.
3.3.4 Deflagrates
Deflagrate, or secondary low explosives are distinguished from primary and secondary high explosives by
their comparatively low detonation velocities. The reaction front does not travel through deflagrating
explosives fast enough to result in the near instantaneous reaction required to create a detonation.
However, like other types of explosives they do not require oxygen from the atmosphere to combust
because oxygen molecules are intrinsic within their chemical makeup. So, even though they do not
detonate, the reaction front still progresses much faster then, say, a fire would through a burning log.
Wireline Documentation 28
Since the rate of reaction is slow (relatively speaking) for deflagrating explosives the release of reaction
energy is spread out over a larger period of time. Functionally speaking this means that even though the
total energetic output from the explosion might the same as that resulting from the detonation of a
secondary high explosive, the delivery of the force is averaged over time instead of instantaneous; in other
words, it is like receiving a hundred small hits instead of one big one. Black Powder
The most common type of deflagrating explosive is black powder, often called gun powder. The origin of
black powder is the subject of popular debate but it is generally accepted that its use in western civilization
dates back to the mid twelve hundreds, with a history in Asia that predates that by many more hundreds of
years. Black powder revolutionized warfare and was the most commonly produced and employed
explosive up to the early twentieth century.
Like all explosives, black powder consists of a fuel component and an oxidizer. Residual charcoal
produced from burnt wood constitutes the fuel component. Carbon is the chemically active constituent
within the charcoal and the type of source wood varies between manufacturers and is surprisingly
somewhat dependant on the planned application for the explosive. There are two common materials used
as oxidizers. Potassium nitrate (KNO3, also known as saltpetre), is the most historically significant
ingredient used, and sodium nitrate (NaNO3), is an equally functional ingredient used primarily in North
Black powder also employs a third ingredient -- Sulfur (also called brimstone), which very readily
combusts and exists as very small grains that fill the voids between the fuel and oxidizer components.
Sulfur gives life to the explosive by rapidly transmitting the reaction throughout the explosive charge.
Without it, the fuel and oxidizer would simply burn slowly instead of explode.
Black powder exists in many different ratios but the most common ratio, by mass, is 6:1:1 for KNO3
(oxidizer), C (Fuel), and S respectively.
Black powder differs (as do most deflagrating low explosives) from high explosives in one very important
way. Both types of explosives contain fuel and oxidizer components, but in high explosives they are
combined within the same molecule whereas in deflagrating explosives they are not. Black powder relies
on sulfur to transmit the explosion throughout the entire volume of material, and this is the primary reason
why the detonation velocity is reduced.
Since black powder is a deflagrating explosive it delivers its explosive force over a relatively long period of
time. To compensate, most applications for black powder use the pressure created by the resultant reaction
gasses to perform the work. This is accomplished by placing the black powder in a sealed chamber and
then igniting it; the powder will combust and produce high amounts of high temperature gas resulting in
very high pressures. When employed in a gun, black powder charges create enough gas to push the shot
out of the gun barrel. When black powder is employed in a bomb the gas pressure will increase until it
causes the casing to explode.
It is interesting to note that the basic ballistic properties of black powder stem from the fact that
atmospheric oxygen is not required for it to react thus it is possible to ignite it in a contained vessel and
harness the energy of the produced gasses.
Most applications for black powder are optimized by controlling the rate of gas production. Sulfur may
transmit the explosion to each grain, but once ignited, the grains burn from the outside toward the center,
thus the larger the grain size the longer it will take for it to combust and the longer it will take to produce
the gas.
Wireline Documentation 29 Setting Tool Power Charges
Setting tool power charges are primarily composed of the same ingredients used to make black powder, but
they are combined in such a way that the velocity of detonation is severely restricted. Power charges are
constructed to act like a single large grain of black powder by casting the fuel and oxidizer components
inside an epoxy resin. This type of construction prevents the reaction front from enveloping the entire
charge after it is ignited. Instead, the reaction will only progress through the charge as new fuel and
oxidizer are exposed after other materials combust.
Power Charge
Power charges are long and slender cylinders packed full of explosives. They
are ignited at one end and burn through to the other over a fairly predictable
period of time.
The electrical igniter sets off the secondary igniter which then starts the
reaction in the top of the power charge.
Power charges typically burn faster down the center of the charge then they do
down the sides. This results in a conical burn pattern that increases the surface
area of the explosive being exposed to the reaction front as the burn progresses
through the charge. Functionally this is important because the rate of release
of product gasses will exponentially increase after the charge is ignited until
the burn is nearly complete.
In short, power charges are designed to control the rate of burn, and thus the
production of gas, to provide a steadily increasing force to set an element in
the borehole.
Wireline Documentation 30
There are a few different types of charges provided by a number of different vendors in use by our
company today. It is important to ensure the charge being employed is compatible with the setting tool
being used, as well as the element being set. The volume of gas must be large enough to stroke the setting
tool piston but not so large that it causes the setting tool to explode. For example, the charge shown in the
picture on the previous page is designed for use in a Baker #20 setting tool only. The volume of gas
delivered by this setting tool charge is engineered to match the volume of the Baker #20 chamber. Also,
the rate that the explosive reaction progresses determines how fast the force from the setting tool will be
delivered to the element being set after the charge has been ignited. The charge on the previous page is
called a ‘Slow-Set’ charge indicating that the explosive reaction will progress more slowly then the other
option which is called the ‘Regular’ or ‘Standard’ set charge.
Wireline Documentation 31
3.4 Shaped Charges
Shaped charges are designed to create a deep penetration in a solid material. As with most explosive
substances, the initial applications for shaped charges were military in nature. The second world war
bazooka is the most known of the early employers of shaped charges – they used a conical charge at the tip
of the warhead to create a penetration hole in the armour of a tank, through which the remainder of the
explosive shock wave could enter and wreak havoc amongst the crew. Uses for shaped charges have since
expanded to include many applications in the civilian world, including in the oil and gas industry.
Shaped charges function by creating a very high velocity particle ‘Jet’ that penetrates and deforms the
material in front of it. The overall design of shaped charges has changed very little since the 1950’s; the
key components, shown in the diagram below, include:
• The priming charge. Priming charges are usually more sensitive than main charges because (1)
they do not contain as many impurities (which are used to shape the explosive) and (2) they are
usually composed of smaller more tightly packed grains. The priming charge is present to ensure
the detonation front is fully developed and axially balanced before it reaches the main charge.
This is important because the symmetry of detonation about the center axis is a must for shaped
charges to work.
• The main charge. The main charge is usually composed of the same explosive as the priming
charge, but it more often than not will also contain some other substance, such as wax or graphite,
that assist when pressing or casting the explosive material into the correct shape. When the charge
is manufactured it is of vital importance that the explosive material is evenly distributed about the
center axis of the charge. If it is not, the jet of liner material will not form and there will be no
collimated output – the shaped charge will simply explode like any other block of explosive.
• The charge casing. The primary purpose of the charge casing is to hold the contents together.
Stronger casings will also act to focus a higher percentage of the explosive force against the liner –
which results in a more energetic jet, but the improvement is not particularly large. When the
charge is detonated the casing is destroyed as the explosive wavefront moves through it.
• The metal liner. The metal liner constitutes the material that is converted into the explosive jet
when the charge is detonated. As the explosive wavefront moves through the charge it causes the
metal liner to collapse in on itself at a very high velocity. When the liner coalesces at the center
axis of the charge, part of it (about 60%) forms a slower (relatively speaking) slug while the rest
forms a very high velocity jet.
Wireline Documentation 32
3.4.1 Shaped Charge Construction
The pictures in the following sequence were taken at the Owen Explosive Production facility near Ft.
Worth Texas. The sequence shows the construction of a powdered metal liner followed by the assembly of
an RDX shaped charge.
Wireline Documentation 33
Charge Assembly. The first component
touched when assembling charges is the
precision machined charge casing.
Wireline Documentation 34
The charge casing is now placed inside a hand
operated hydraulic press. A powdered metal
liner is inserted into the top of the charge, then
a press forces it down into the explosive
material. The explosive extrudes between the
charge liner and the charge casing.
Wireline Documentation 35
3.4.2 Shaped Charge Performance
Even though the core design of shaped charges has not changed very much since the early days, many
design refinements have been made to improve and control how the explosive force from the charge is
applied to a target. This is one of the reasons why so many charges are available in the marketplace today.
There are charges designed to create small-diameter deep penetrations, others create shallow large-diameter
penetrations, and the list goes on. The following graphic is labeled to identify the primary design changes
that exist between different shaped charges. The list that follows discusses how changes to each of these
parameters, as well as changes made to the type and concentration of the explosive materials used and the
position of the charge relative to the material it is meant to act on will affect the work the charge performs.
• ‘A’, the liner angle. Decreasing the liner angle will create a more focused higher velocity jet.
The resulting perforation will usually be deeper with a smaller diameter.
• ‘B’, the distance between the liner apex and the primer charge. Increasing this distance allows
the detonation wavefront to build to a higher velocity before it starts acting on the liner. This
increases the amount of energy applied to the liner and will result in a deeper perforation.
Increasing this distance will also result in a more focused jet that creates a perforation with a
smaller diameter.
• ‘C’, the thickness of the liner. The thicker the liner, the more material available to be converted
to jet, and the more work performed on the formation. Generally, increasing the liner thickness
will result in a deeper penetration and a smaller perforation diameter.
• ‘D’, the charge diameter. Increasing the diameter of the charge will result in a deeper penetration
and a larger hole diameter.
• ‘E’, the apex radius. Decreasing the apex radius (at the extreme the internal cone would form a
point instead of a curve) will sharpen the point of the jet resulting in a deeper penetration and a
smaller perforation diameter. ‘Large hole’ charges often employ very large apex radii resulting in
their characteristic large hole diameters.
• Detonation Velocity of explosive. Increasing the detonation velocity will increase the energy
applied to the jet resulting in a deeper penetration with a larger hole diameter. The detonation
velocity can be changed by using a different explosive or by increasing or decreasing the density
of the explosive grains within the main charge. Another tactic commonly used is to alter the grain
density within certain parts of the charge. For example, using a lower grain density in the
explosive between the primer charge and the liner apex (labeled ‘B’ on the graphic above) will
Wireline Documentation 36
result in a lower detonation velocity in the early part of the charge which causes a larger diameter
entrance hole.
• Standoff. Standoff is defined as the distance between the face of the charge and the inside surface
of the scallop plug that covers it. Charge performance varies by quite a large margin as standoff is
changed – either too much or too little standoff will cause detrimental effects. In reality, well bore
diameter limits the size of perforating guns to the point that it would be very hard to design a gun
that contains charges with too much standoff.
• Clearance. Clearance is different than standoff. It is defined as the distance between the surface
of the gun and the inside surface of casing. Similar to standoff, the effect of clearance varies for
different charges. Again, too little or too much clearance is a bad thing. Since most guns employ
charges phased around the diameter of the tool, centralization becomes important when
considering gun clearance – this problem becomes very pronounced when small diameter guns are
used to perforate large diameter wells.
• Casing effects. The primary effect casing has on charge performance is on the entrance hole
diameter. The stronger the material used to construct the casing the less the casing will displace as
the jet passes through resulting in a smaller entrance hole. Conversely, the strength of the casing
has very little effect on the depth of the penetration. The effect multiple strings of casing will
have on the perforation is hard to predict. Perforation performance will depend on the number and
diameter of casing strings as well as the presence and/or quality of any cement. Suffice it to say
extra casing will have a negative effect on perforation depth.
• Perforation of air or gas filled wells. Most specifications for shaped charges are developed
assuming water filled well bores. When guns are fired in air or gas filled wells the performance of
the charges will be somewhat different. Contact the charge manufacturer for more information.
• Liner Construction. In addition to the liner thickness, the material used to construct it will also
have a substantial effect on the quality of the perforation. Older charges used annealed sheet
copper liners that produced coherent copper slugs that would follow the jet into the formation and
foul the newly generated perforation. Newer liners are constructed from powdered metal,
primarily copper, aluminum, and lead, that is pressed into the charge. When the charge is
detonated the portion of liner material that does not form the jet travels into the perforation as
disassociated metallic particles that simply imbed themselves in the rock. Copper liners are still
used in some large hole charges that do not suffer from ‘plugging’ problems but powdered metal
liners are by far the most common. Charge Performance Testing – API RP 19B
Most charge manufacturers follow standard performance testing procedures that are defined by the
American Petroleum Institute (API), in their publication titled ‘Recommended Practices for Evaluation of
Well Perforators: API Recommended Practice 19B’, commonly referred to in the industry as API RP 19B.
This document replaces API RP 43, and establishes common testing procedures and apparatus to evaluate
the performance of perforators under the conditions itemized below.
1. Evaluation of perforating systems under ambient surface conditions (temperature and pressure)
using specified concrete targets.
2. Evaluation of perforating systems using a Berea Sandstone target placed in an engineered pressure
vessel to simulate stressed formations.
3. Evaluation of perforation systems using steel targets placed in thermal chambers to simulate
different formation/well temperatures.
4. Evaluation of fluid flow parameters (permeability and flow rates) for different flow regimes
through sample formation cores into test charge perforations.
In most cases, new charge designs are tested using the above four standard testing procedures, then the
results are registered with the American Petroleum Institute and used by the charge manufactures to market
the capabilities of their products. The standard tests are very useful to oil companies for two reasons, first,
they make it easy to compare the specifications of different charges, and second, there are numerous
software products available that can predict and model the performance of API tested charges opposite any
type of formation, provided key physical formation properties are known.
Wireline Documentation 37 Manufacturer Lot Testing
Wireline Documentation 38
The charge is then placed on top of a test
cylinder, in a blasting chamber, and detonated.
Wireline Documentation 39
The remaining cement is split and the total length of the perforation is measured to verify the charge
performed as expected. Note the small size of the entry hole in the ‘casing’ steel plate and the small
diameter of the perforation through the cement. This charge penetrated over 3 feet into the concrete.
Wireline Documentation 40
The close-up shot of the cement test cylinder
above and the picture of the large scale
concrete test block shown to the right (this test
was performed in accordance with the first
condition specified by API RP 19B discussed
in the previous section) illustrate how narrow,
precise, and deep, shaped charge perforations
are going to be in down hole formations. It
cannot be overstated how much more valuable
this type of deformation is in well completions
when compared to the minor effect a block of
the same type and amount of explosive would
have if detonated in the same place.
Wireline Documentation 41
3.4.3 Shaped Charge Detonation
The following sequence of pictures graphically shows what happens when a shaped charge is detonated.
Wireline Documentation 42
As the wavefront propagates through the
charge, about 30% of the explosive energy
is used to generate the jet and thus perform
work creating the perforation. The
remaining energy is expended destroying
the charge casing, creating the slug, and
generating heat.
The velocity gradient within the jet is what gives shaped charges their excellent penetrating abilities.
Instead of expending the force of the explosive at the instant of detonation over a relatively large surface
area, shaped charges apply their working force through the jet, and they dish it out in manageable amounts.
The fastest moving material at the tip of the jet is the first to contact the formation, and it works to deform
the surface of the target. The portion of the jet that comes immediately after works on the formation just
beneath the surface and so on until a long narrow perforation is created. The difference between a block
charge and a shaped charge is much like the difference between throwing a pale of water at a pile of dirt as
opposed to shooting a continuous string of water at a single spot from a garden hose. The water from the
pale will simply impact against the surface compared to the water from the garden hose which will create a
deep hole.
When designing perforating programs and selecting charges, care must be taken to ensure that there is
enough space for the jet to separate before it strikes the target formation. Failure to do so will cause the
explosive force to be applied too quickly, resulting in a very poor, shallow penetration.
Wireline Documentation 43
3.5 Detonating Cord
Detonating cord is a long, slender, three layer cable or ribbon that consists of a protective jacket on the
outside, an explosive containment sheath in the middle (most of the time), and an explosive element in the
center. Cords constructed with a lead protective jacket are two layer cords that do not include the explosive
containment sheath. Detonating cord is designed to explode down its length and deliver enough force to
initiate other secondary explosives that are placed in close proximity.
RDX, HMX, PETN, PYX, and HNS are all used to constitute the explosive element in the core of one or
more types of available detonating cord. There are two specific criteria that must be considered when
choosing which type of explosive to use for a specific application. The first is the maximum expected
temperature, and the second is minimum required detonation velocity. The temperature is solely dependant
on the explosive selected. The detonation velocity is dependant on the type of explosive, as well as how it
is packed and distributed within the core – the higher the grain density the higher the detonation velocity.
The material used to construct the containment sheath and protective jacket is also very important.
Different materials have different temperature ratings, as well as different sensitivities to well bore
exposure. Specifically, some cords can be exposed to well bore fluids and others cannot – and of those that
can be exposed, only a few can be exposed to hostile fluids such as acid.
The ratings for each type of cord are published by all of the cord manufactures and some of the cord
distributors. The specs for each cord must be carefully reviewed before they are used to ensure they are
suitable for the environment to which they will be exposed.
Protective Jacket
Sheath Explosive Core
Wireline Documentation 44
Different charges are designed to be ignited by round cord only, ribbon cord only, or in rare cases by either
round or ribbon cord. The charge manufacturer’s specifications must always be reviewed to ensure the
correct type of cord is being used.
Extra High Velocity Cord is used to fire very high shot density guns to prevent charge interference. Charge
interference occurs when the detonation front of a charge located early in the explosive train reaches an un-
ignited charge located further down the line before the detonation front within the detonating cord does.
Extra high velocity cord is usually deemed to be required when the shot density of hollow steel carrier guns
exceeds 17 shots per meter (SPM) or 6 shots per foot (SPF).
Unfortunately the extrusion action that is used to compact the core of extra high velocity cord also causes
the shape of the cord to become oval instead of round. This shape makes it virtually impossible to create a
fluid proof seal around the cord and any other explosive device such as a booster or a detonator. This
limitation restricts the use of extra high velocity cord to NON-EXPOSED applications only. This is not a
big loss because extra high velocity cord should not be required during exposed operations because (a)
exposed operations should only be conducted in fluid filled wells, and the fluid acts as a barrier between the
charges; and (b) since the well is fluid filled there will be pressure exerted on the detonating cord that will
act to compress the core and thereby increase the detonation velocity anyway.
3.5.3 Shrinkage
Without exception the materials used to construct all types of detonating cord will experience shrinkage
when exposed to high temperatures. The amount of shrinkage, however, is different for different types of
cords and varies between a minimum of about 1% and a maximum of about 7% of the total cord length.
Refer to the manufactures specifications for each individual cord for specific numbers.
The amount of shrinkage is dependant on the temperature of the well. The higher the temperature the more
shrinkage can be expected. Shrinkage ratings for cords are specified for specific exposure times to specific
Shrinkage is the reason why ‘slack’ detonating cord is left in the perforating guns when loading. The idea
is to leave enough extra cord in the gun to prevent the cord from pulling out of the detonator as its overall
length decreases.
This specification should not be confused with the explosive density of the cord since it only measures the
amount of explosive per unit length of cord and does not consider the volume one unit length of cord
Wireline Documentation 45
3.5.6 Flexibility
The jacketing material used to construct some types of detonating cord is not very flexible and cannot be
used for applications that require the detonating cord to change directions over short distances. High shot
density guns are a prime example of an application that requires flexible cord.
Wireline Documentation 46 Ensign Bickford 80 HMX LS XHV
Manufacturer Part Number A572010
Nominal Explosive Core Load 17 grams/m HMX 80 grains/ft HMX
Nominal Detonation Velocity 7850 m/s 25748 ft/s
Dimensions (Diameter) 5.33 mm 0.210 in
Shrinkage (exposed to 162.8ºC [325ºF] for 24 hrs) 1% Maximum
Temperature Rating (1 Atm. Pressure for 1 hr) 204ºC 400ºF
Temperature Rating (1 Atm. Pressure for 100hrs) 154ºC 310ºF
Exposed Perforating No
Applications EHSC and RHSC guns; including guns with high
shot densities.
Wireline Documentation 47 Ensign Bickford 80 PYX
Manufacturer Part Number A588003
Nominal Explosive Core Load 17 grams/m PYX 80 grains/ft PYX
Nominal Detonation Velocity 6400 m/s 20992 ft/s
Dimensions (Diameter) 5.33 mm 0.210 in
Shrinkage (exposed to 162.8ºC [325ºF] for 24 hrs) 1.5% Maximum
Temperature Rating (1 Atm. Pressure for 1 hr) 274ºC 525ºF
Temperature Rating (1 Atm. Pressure for 100hrs) 204ºC 400ºF
Exposed Perforating Yes
Exposed Temperature Rating Not Rated
Applications High Temp TCP and exposed perforating
applications. Constructed with a chemical resistant
jacket. This cord has limited flexibility.
Wireline Documentation 48
3.5.9 Handling Policy
Detonating cords contain secondary high explosives and must be stored in an approved storage magazines.
Since they contain secondary high explosives they cannot be stored with any type of primary explosive.
Refer to the safety manual for more information regarding the storage of explosive materials.
All scrape pieces of detonating cord must also be stored in a secure magazine until they can be disposed of
in a safe manner that complies with all local regulations.
Wireline Documentation 49
3.6 Detonators
Detonators are used to generate shock waves that have enough localized energy to start high order
explosive reactions in target explosive materials.
Detonators of all types and configurations have one thing in common – they are much easier to start then
the materials they are being used to ignite. Even though they have a relatively low explosive yield, this
inherent property makes detonators the most dangerous ballistic component used during wireline
operations. This is the reason why detonators are: stored in secure locations, separate from other
explosives; placed in blasting tubes when in close proximity to other explosives; and isolated in blasting
tubes before electrically connecting them to the wireline, in order to prevent initiation of other explosive
materials in the event of an accidental detonation.
All detonators use an energetic energy releasing initiation element that is relatively easy to engage. This
element provides a burst of energy large enough to detonate a small, adjacent, pill of secondary explosive
material. The shock wave from the secondary explosive will then trigger an explosion in other secondary
explosive materials within close proximity, such as detonating cords or shaped charges. In some cases, like
a dump bailer, the energy from the detonator is sufficient to perform the work required independent of any
other explosive material.
Detonators are classified and categorized based on their mode of initiation, features, and use. This section
will start by discussing each classification, and end by listing the detonators used by our company along
with their respective descriptions and applications.
Conventional resistorized detonators are designed to elevate the resistance of the firing circuit to make
them less sensitive to accidental detonation caused by stray voltages. Functionally this is accomplished by
doing one of two things. In some detonators, the exposed resistor is designed to have a relatively high
intrinsic resistance to electrical current flow. In others, the inputs to both sides of the exposed resistor are
Wireline Documentation 50
equipped with safety resistors to increase the overall resistance of the firing circuit. In both cases the
increased resistance elevates the amount of voltage (electrical force) that must be applied to push the
minimum amount of current (flow of electrical charge – electricity) through the exposed resistor to cause
To further understand, consider the case that employs two safety resistors (Rs) in addition to the exposed
resistor (Rexposed) as shown in the picture below. I is the amount of current flowing through the circuit as a
result of an applied voltage, V.
The maximum amount of current that can flow through the bridge wire without igniting the initiation
material is called the no-fire current limit. This value will vary somewhat for different detonators (check
the manufacturer specifications) but it is typically about 0.3Amps. The voltage required to push this
amount of current through the circuit shown above is directly related to the total resistance of the circuit,
which is the sum of both safety resistors (Rs) and the exposed resistor (Rexposed). The values for these
resistors are different for different detonators (again, check the manufacturer specs for more information)
but typical numbers are about 1Ω for the exposed resistor and about 25Ω for each safety resistor. The total
resistance of the circuit, Rt, would then be:
Rt = Rs + Rs + Rbw
Rt = 25 + 25 + 1 = 51Ω
Note: The total resistance of the circuit is one of the values published on the manufacturer specification
sheets. For detonators that do not employ additional safety resistors this published value represents the
resistance of the exposed resistor only.
The formula that relates the amount of voltage required to force a current through a circuit with a known
resistance is called ohms law, which states that the voltage required is equal to the product of the resistance
and the current flow. Written mathematically it looks like this:
V = IR
For the typical numbers identified above, the minimum amount of voltage required to ignite the detonator is
the product of the circuit resistance (51Ω) and the minimum required current (0.3Amps),
V = (51)(0.3) = 15.3volts
which equals 15.3V. When compared to the voltage required to fire the circuit without the safety resistors
present, where Rt would only be 1Ω, and the resulting voltage required would reduce to
V=(1Ω)(0.3Amps)=0.3V, it is easy to see that elevating the resistance of the circuit adds a tremendous
factor of safety.
Wireline Documentation 51
Conventional resisterized detonators are manufactured in a number of different configurations. The most
common types of detonators used fall into one of the following categories.
Wireline Documentation 52
SureFire detonators are designed to automatically short the hot and ground connections together until the
detonator is installed inside a firing chamber. The plunger is sprung and forced to contact an exposed
section of the detonator casing at top of the detonator housing. When the plunger is depressed, which
happens when the detonator is installed into a firing head, the short between the hot and ground leads is
removed and the detonator is considered ‘live’. Never allow the plunger to be accidentally depressed when
storing or handling SureFire detonators.
Surefire detonators must be used with surefire equipped firing heads and are restricted to top-fire
applications only.
The block detonator shown below incorporates a sleeve to guide the detonating cord past its explosive
output to help improve ballistic coupling.
The direction of explosive propagation is shown by the blue arrow drawn overtop of the detonator in the
picture below. Block detonators contain all of the stages present in crimp-on detonators, as shown in the
detailed drawing in the crimp-on detonator section, including: a resistor section, a bridge wire, an ignition
charge, a primary high explosive, and a secondary high explosive.
This particular detonator is also ‘fluid sensitive’. If the detonator is surrounded by fluid, small amounts
will seep into the detonator through the fluid entry port and render the detonator inert. Refer to the section
covering fluid sensitivity for more information.
Wireline Documentation 53 Butterfly Detonators
Butterfly detonators are very similar to block detonators. The primary difference between the two is how
they hold the detonating cord in place. Butterfly detonators use flexible metal guide loops to position the
cord directly against the ballistic side of the detonator. Special care must be taken to ensure that the cord is
positioned securely in place, flush with the surface of the detonator, to prevent low order detonations or
complete misfires from occurring.
Butterfly detonators also contain all of the ballistic stages employed by crimp-on detonators. The direction
of explosive propagation is shown by the blue arrow overtop of the picture.
Safe detonators initiate the explosive in the detonator by generating a shock wave as opposed to instigating
a thermal deflagration reaction in an ignition material.
Safe detonators are ‘safe’ for two primary reasons. The first is the mode of detonation. The power
capacitors in the electronics cartridge are designed to build and hold sufficient charge to set off the
detonator only when exposed to consistent DC voltages in excess of 150 volts. DC voltages less then this
value, as well as stray AC voltages applied to or induced in the leg wires by any external sources, will not
charge the capacitors enough to cause detonation. This feature renders these detonators relatively immune
to stray voltages from external sources such as radio frequency (RF) energy, cathodic protection, welding
faults, static discharges, and electrical power transmission lines. Secondly, unlike conventional resisterized
detonators, safe detonators never contain any pyrotechnic materials, and either do not contain primary
explosives at all, or contain primary explosives in a separated, impact proof, section of the detonator that is
isolated from the electrical circuit.
Safe detonators are without a doubt the best option from a safety point of view. The chief drawbacks are
reliability, cost, and geometric size.
Wireline Documentation 54 Exploding Bridgewire Detonators
These safe detonators work by driving a current pulse so massive through a small wire that it essentially
explodes. The output energy from this event (heat, shockwave, and ionization) is large enough to ignite a
small charge of secondary explosive – often PETN, because it is easier to ignite then other secondary
explosives – which in turn ignites a larger charge of secondary explosive that provides the output ballistic
force. In some cases the exploding bridge wire ignites a small charge of primary explosive that in turn
detonates the main secondary explosive load. This configuration is less desirable then the former because
primary explosives are present, but it is still considered ‘safe’ because the primary explosive is isolated
from the firing circuit.
Described in more detail, the current applied to the bridge wire (usually constructed of gold or platinum
alloys) causes it to heat up. The wire heats so much that it melts and then vaporizes. Current continues to
travel through the metal vapor causing it to superheat and ultimately to expand explosively. As the metal
dissipates, the current path ceases to be continuous, and an electrical arc forms through the vapor cloud,
imparting more energy, fueling the explosion further.
The picture below shows a fully assembled bridge wire detonator with a cutaway bridge wire component
below and a detonating cord crimp above. The smaller picture to the right is a close-up picture of the end
of the bridge wire component, showing the actual bridge wire connected to the two poles that become the
electrical leads. When assembled, the bridge wire is placed a short distance from a base charge of
secondary-high explosive (or some cases primary high explosive). The shock front that results from the
detonation crosses the fluid sensitive gap and detonates the main charge of secondary-high RDX explosive,
which in turn will detonate the detonating cord that is fastened to the end using the detonating cord crimp.
Note: never crimp the cord crimp component onto the detonator itself for fear of damaging or igniting the
detonator. Just slide the crimp overtop of the detonator and crimp to the detonating cord.
Fluid Sensitivity Gap Cord Crimp
PETN Base Charge RDX Main Charge
Bridge Wire
The following is a picture of a PX-1 fire set used to ignite an exploding bridge wire detonator. This is the
electronic component discussed previously that contains the capacitors that store the charge required to
deliver the current to the detonator when it is time to fire. This particular firing circuit is activated when a
certain voltage is achieved, so it is important that the wireline leads are connected with the correct polarity
(the PX-1 fires using a positive polarity so the leads from the wireline must be reversed because our
logging system always fires using a negative polarity). Detailed operating instructions ship with each fire
set and should be thoroughly read and understood before use.
Wireline Documentation 55 Exploding Foil Detonators
Exploding foil detonators are also commercially available, though they have seen limited use by our
company. The applications, advantages, and disadvantages for these devices are almost identical to
exploding bridge wire detonators, with one notable exception, which will be discussed shortly. The
function of these detonators is also very similar to exploding bridge wire devices. In fact, exploding foil
detonators also employ exploding bridge wires, but instead of the force of the explosion directly detonating
a secondary explosive, it is used to ballistically propel a length of metallic foil into a secondary explosive,
causing detonation. These types of detonators are also called ‘slapper’ detonators because of the action of
the foil against the target explosive. The operational advantage this configuration has over exploding
bridge wire detonators is the ability to focus the energy released by the exploding bridge wire over a
smaller surface area. This means exploding foil detonators can more reliably directly detonate secondary
explosives that have higher initiation energies then their exploding bridge wire counterparts, such as HNS
(which has a much higher temperature rating then PETN).
Fluid sensitive detonators are used primarily to bottom fire retrievable hollow steel carriers (RHSC).
RHSC guns use threaded port plugs that are much more likely to leak when they are exposed to wellbore
pressure then their expendable hollow steel carrier (EHSC) counterparts; and if they detonate when they are
full of liquid, they will split and deform making them very difficult to recover from the well.
Wireline Documentation 56 Intrinsically Safe
The word intrinsic means inherent or belonging naturally. When applied to detonators, the term
intrinsically safe means the detonator in question is safe to handle (relatively speaking) without having to
take any additional precautions. All of the detonators we use are considered intrinsically safe until their
leads are unwound and/or they are electrically connected to the firing circuit.
An example of a detonator that would not be considered intrinsically safe is a non-resisterized electrical
Wireline Documentation 57 Owen 086 Squib
Manufacturer Part Number DET-3050-115
Main Explosive Load
Pressure Rating 103.4 MPa 15000 psi
Dimensions (diameter x length) 9.53 x 35.6 mm 0.375 x 1.40 in
Temperature Rating (1 Atm. Pressure for 1 hr) 232ºC 450ºF
Resistance 51 Ohms
No Fire Current / All Fire Current 0.2 Amps 0.8 Amps
Detonator Type Utility Detonator.
Fluid Sensitive No.
Applications Dump bailer detonator.
Wireline Documentation 58 Ensign-Bickford EB105
Manufacturer Part Number T100105
Main Explosive Load 7.0 Grains RDX
Dimensions (diameter x length) 8.3 x 100.8 mm 0.325 x 3.970 in
Temperature Rating (1 Atm. Pressure for 1 hr) 163ºC 325ºF
Resistance 51 Ohms
No Fire Current / All Fire Current 0.2 Amps 0.8 Amps
Detonator Type Crimp-on Detonator.
Fluid Sensitive No.
Applications Exposed Perforating.
Wireline Documentation 59
3.7 Igniters
Igniters are used to start deflagrating reactions in target explosive devices such as setting tool power
charges. They usually contain low explosives such as black powder to serve as the main load and may
contain some type of pyrotechnic material to serve as an initiation component.
3.8 Initiators
Initiators can be described as ‘detonators’ that do not contain secondary explosive charges. Initiators
contain primary explosives and are often used in combination with boosters to form the equivalent of a
detonator to detonate other secondary explosives. Percussion igniters are commonly used in this
configuration to detonate TCP strings
3.9 Boosters
Conversely, boosters are essentially detonators without an ignition section. Boosters contain either
secondary high explosives, or (uncommonly) a combination of primary high and secondary high
explosives. Boosters are used to improve the ballistic coupling between different explosive components,
such as between a detonator and detonating cord.
Wireline Documentation 60
3.10 Detonation Sequence
The detonator, detonating cord, and the main charges must all be ballistically connected together for the
detonation sequence to work. The following picture simplistically shows the positions of each component
in a bottom fire RHSC gun, and then discusses the how the current travels though the ballistic circuit to
detonate the gun followed by a description of how the detonation front progresses through the detonating
cord and the charges.
Hot Wire
Wireline Documentation 61
3.11 Gun Geometry and Charge Selection
The design of specific well completion plans involves many different design criteria, only one of which is
the specification of the perforating system to be used – and there are lots of commercialized options to
choose from.
For detailed completion planning information please refer to the following books itemized in the reference
section of this document: ‘Perforating’, by Bell, Sukrup, and Tariq; and ‘Production Operations, Volumes
one and two’, by Allen and Roberts.
Wireline Documentation 62
4 Shooting Software and Circuit Design
Precision wireline is committed to handling explosives and delivering explosive services in a safe, efficient
manner, on depth, every time they are used. The shooting software and circuitry in the CS400c are
designed to compliment these goals. When this system is used properly, in conjunction with other safe
operating practices, it becomes virtually impossible to detonate explosives anywhere other than the target
zone. It is therefore very important for all Precision staff delivering ballistic services to thoroughly
understand how the shooting software controls the circuitry during each function performed as part of the
detonation process.
This section will discuss the different CS400 software screens used to configure the system and fire
explosives. Operational familiarity with the CS400 logger task is assumed. If more information is required
please refer to the CS400 Logger Task manual.
Wireline Documentation 63
4.1.1 Tool Information Screen
The tool information screen does not contain very many options.
The first option is the Tool Serial Number field, which defaults blank unless a serialized Shooting CCL is
selected when the service is loaded. The Shooting CCL tools we use are not typically serialized and it is
common practice to load the default instrument. There is no advantage to selecting a serialized Shooting
The second option is the Tool Type field, which defaults to <CGN-XX: Shooting CCL>, the only available
tool type.
The third option is the CCL Offset field. This user selectable positive or negative integer option will apply
an offset to the trace position of the CCL curve. For example, an offset of +1 will cause the CCL curve to
shift one track division in the positive direction (to the left). This offset can also be controlled in the
‘SHOOTING Control’ screen and is commonly applied immediately following the detonation of an
explosive device to act as a depth marker on the log to identify the exact place where the CCL was
positioned at the time detonating took place. This field reports the net shift applied to the CCL curve. The
field will read +2 after two +1 offsets have been applied, and an entered offset of +3 would be required to
shift the curve by an additional scale division.
Wireline Documentation 64
4.1.2 View/Plot Depth Offsets
This screen is a summary of the data entered in the ‘Depth Offsets’ screen, which is covered in the next
section. Please refer to the ‘Depth Offsets’ section for detailed descriptions of each field.
Wireline Documentation 65
4.1.3 Depth Offsets (Zero at CCL)
For explosive services, the stack zero is always the center of the CCL instead of the bottom of the string.
This prevents CCL data buffering – all data recorded by devices above the tool zero is stored in a data
buffer until the bottom of the tool passes by at which time it is written to the trace data file – making all of
the collars measured by the CCL prior to the shot point available for depth correlation. However, the
winch operator must remember that the tool depth now represents the depth of the CCL, not the depth of
the bottom of the tool string. This must be considered when calculating where well bottom or other
obstructions will be encountered.
The depth offset fields are pretty straight forward. The first field is labeled ‘Top Shot to Bottom Shot’. For
perforating guns, enter the distance from the center of the top shot to the center of the bottom shot. For
down hole mechanical assemblies enter the total length of the element.
The next field is called ‘CCL to Top Shot’. In this field enter the distance between the center of the CCL
and either the center of the top shot for perforating guns or the center of the element for down hole
mechanical assemblies.
In the ‘Top of Zone’ field enter the top of the perforating interval or the center point of the element for
down hole mechanical assemblies.
The ‘Window Limit’ field specifies the maximum amount of depth error the system will allow before firing
the shot. The shooting software will not function unless the system is within the specified tolerance.
Wireline Documentation 66
4.1.4 Shooting Power Control
The fields in this screen control how power is applied to the wireline during the shooting sequence. This
screen essentially replaces the TPS (Shift-F8) screen for all explosive services.
The ‘Shoot’ field toggles between the different ‘Supply Mode Names’ entered into the CHIP setup screen
(Shift-F1-3). The CHIP screen allows for 20 different Supply Mode Names, each of which can be
configured to fire different detonators or ignitors. The parameters for each mode are controlled from the
Shooting Power Control screen by toggling through each mode and completing the all of the fields. All of
the modes and their respective parameters save with the service. The two screen shots that follow display
the parameters for the ‘Shoot’ and ‘BP-3’ modes respectively.
The ‘Set’ field contains two different parameters. The first is a toggle field whose only two options are
‘Current’ or ‘Voltage’. This field chooses whether the shooting software is going to ramp power up to a
current or voltage set point. This field should be set to ‘Current’ for all services except for exploding
Bridge Wire Detonators that use the PX-1 fire set, which requires a voltage set point. The field that follows
is where the actual set point is entered. If a current set point is being used, this field will set in the units of
milliamps, and general convention is to enter a value 150mA – 200mA higher than the all fire limit for the
detonator being used. If a voltage set point is being used the units will be volts. Refer to the instruction
sheet that comes with the PX-1 fire set for specific firing instructions.
The ‘Voltage Limit’ and ‘Current Limit’ fields control the maximum values the power supply will output
before shutting down for over-voltage or over-current due to open or short circuits respectively. The
Wireline Documentation 67
‘Voltage Limit’ set point needs to be high enough to allow the power supply to drive the current down the
line, through the detonator, and back to the surface system. Ohms law comes in handy here; V=IR, and I =
1A (for the example in the previous screen shot), and R equals the resistance of the detonator (say 51Ω)
plus the resistance of the wireline (say 60Ω) for a total of about 111Ω, thus the voltage required would be
V=(1A)(111Ω)=111V. The entered value should always be at least 50V higher then the calculated value.
In practice a fixed value of 200V is usually used (shown) unless a very high resistance detonator is used in
combination with high resistance line, which could require a higher voltage set point. The ‘extra voltage’
(the entered value of 200Ω is a lot higher then the required value of 111Ω) will ensure the gun will fire
even if a ‘small’ leak is present somewhere in the system. The ‘Current Limit’ is somewhat simpler to
calculate; add two hundred milliamps to the set point value and enter it into the field.
The ‘Ramp Up Time’ controls how fast the power supply will attempt to reach the entered set point after it
is engaged. It is set in the units of ‘total seconds’ required to achieve the voltage or current set point
selected in the ‘set’ field discussed above. The ramp time should be between 4s and 8s for most ballistic
services. Refer to the PX-1 instruction sheet for information on the ramp time required for a PX-1 fire set.
The ‘Ramp Down Time’ is no longer selectable. It controls how fast the power supply shuts-off after it has
been disengaged. This field is set to 140µs/mA.
The ‘Polarity’ field is also no longer selectable. It controls the polarity of power required to fire the
detonator or igniter. By convention, Precision Wireline has decided to always fire with a negative polarity
DC Voltage. Any services, such as a PX-1, that are fired with a positive polarity must have the arming
leads in the firing head reversed.
Wireline Documentation 68
4.1.5 Shooting Control
The shooting control screen is divided into three separate parts.
The upper third of the screen is used by the software to relay operational instructions; such as position the
gun, depress the arm switch, or depress the shoot switch.
The lower right hand half of the screen is used to report the current depth of the CCL, the top shot, and the
bottom shot, as well as the desired depth for the top of the shot interval. The picture below depicts how this
screen would appear for a 5 meter gun, with a CCL offset of 0.8m, positioned to shoot a zone between
500m and 505m. Since the gun is zeroed at the center of the CCL, the CCL depth will match the CS400
depth exactly. The depth of the top shot is calculated by adding the CCL offset to the CCL depth. The
depth of the bottom shot is calculated by adding the CCL offset and the shot length to the CCL depth.
Wireline Documentation 69
The lower left hand half is used to issue commands to the software and report the status of selected user
controlled parameters. The ‘CCL Offset’ reports the cumulative shift, in scale divisions, that has been
applied to the CCL curve. The ‘Set Point’ reports the target current or voltage setup in the ‘Shooting
Power Control’ screen. The ‘Command’ toggle field selects the next command to execute. Commands
are engaged by selecting them and then pressing the enter key within 30 seconds. If the command is not
executed within the specified time frame the command field will default back to monitor. The available
options are:
• ‘Monitor’ – This is the default value. There are no actions associated with this
• ‘Exit’ – Exits the screen.
• ‘Shoot’ – This command is only available when the tool depth is within the tolerance set
up by the ‘Window Limit’ field in the ‘Depth Offset’ screen. When selected, the
instrument software will start the shooting sequence by prompting the user to press the
shoot and arm buttons to enable the power supply.
• ‘CCL +’ – This command will increment the CCL offset by one positive track division.
• ‘CCL -’ – This command will increment the CCL offset by one negative track division.
The ‘Status’ field at the bottom of the screen reports the actions (if any) that the shooting software is
currently performing.
Wireline Documentation 70
The test fire screen functions much like the shooting control screen, with the primary difference being that
it uses a voltage set point of 35Vdc all the time and the maximum current is limited to 50mA, a value well
below the no-fire limit for all of the detonators used by Precision Wireline.
Wireline Documentation 71
4.2 Front End Setup
Wireline Documentation 72
4.2.2 CHIP Setup
The Cased Hole Interface Panel (CHIP) is the hub of the Cased Hole logging system. It is responsible for:
controlling and configuring power from the Sorensen power supply; providing line termination and signal
conditioning; coupling and decoupling signals to and from the wireline; routing signals to the appropriate
signal board in the CSP; and most importantly for ballistic services, controlling all aspects of shooting
The CHIP screen is divided into four distinct sections. The following paragraphs will discuss how each of
these sections is used to control shooting operations.
The CHIP setup section contains numerous interactive fields, some of which effect shooting operations
and some that do not.
• The ‘Power Supply’ field must be set to ‘Sorensen’, the other two options (‘EXT AC’ and
‘EXT DC’) are not used with the shooting service.
• The ‘CHIP Open/Closed Loop’ option controls how actively the software controls the
Sorensen Power Supply. In open ‘O’ loop mode the software will ramp the power supply up
to the appropriate set points and then leave it alone, in closed ‘C’ loop mode the software will
constantly monitor the supply and issue adjustment commands to maintain the power output
very close to the set points. This field should be set to open ‘O’ for ballistic services.
• The ‘Float 22.5 Supply’ is a vestigial field that does not do anything.
Wireline Documentation 73
• The text entered in the ‘Upper Display’ field is displayed in the top row of the two, red, LCD
bars on the front of the CHIP panel.
• The ‘Display Intensity’ field controls the intensity of the two LCD displays.
• The ‘Line Load’ and ‘Line Termination’ (including both the capacitance and ohms fields)
settings are not used when shooting. The shooting power and the CCL signal both bypass the
circuitry in the CHIP panel responsible for their application.
• The ‘CCL: Input’ field must be set to ‘Shoot’ in order to source the CCL signal from the
shooting circuitry – which is the only CCL signal available when the key-switch is in the
shoot position. The other available options include ‘Buffered’, which sources the signal from
the signal conditioning circuitry and ‘None’, which disengages the CCL input.
• The ‘Sig Cond’ field is not used for this service. By convention it should be set to ‘Disabled’
but it does not really matter. The ‘Reference’ field is also not used for this service. By
default it should be set to ‘Local’.
• The ‘Gain Step’ field controls a low pass filter / gain circuit used to cleanup and amplify the
CCL signal. The default entry for this field is ‘x1’, but it can be changed to ‘x10’ in an
attempt to increase the deflection of small collar signals.
The Supply Mode Names section contains twenty user entered fields, each of which serves as the name for
a different power configuration. For shooting services these names appear in the ‘Shooting Power Control’
screen of the Shooting CCL Instrument, where they can be configured independently, and then saved with
the service for future recall to quickly configure the system to fire different types of detonators or igniters.
It is entirely optional how many different modes are configured, but it is recommended practice to setup
one mode for each common configuration, such as 51Ω detonators, 111Ω detonators, and BP-3 igniters.
The ‘CHIP Status’ section reports the operating status of selected CHIP functions. Most of these fields
are fairly self explanatory so they will not be covered here. The only ones of real importance to the
Shooting CCL Instrument are the position of the Service Selector Switch, which should be in ‘Shoot’, and
the status of the ‘Shoot’ and ‘Arm’ switches.
The ‘Relay Status’ section reports the status of every relay in the CHIP. The relays are divided into 4
groups titled 0, 1, 2, and 3. Relays in each group are numbered 0 through 7 with the group number making
up the first digit and the relay number making up the second digit in the relay code. For example, relay 25
is relay number 5 in group 2. Relays are reset when a period separates the relay number from the
corresponding description and are set when the period is replaced with an X.
Wireline Documentation 74
4.2.3 A/D Setup
The A/D Setup screen controls the signal routing and gain specifications for the Magna A/D card in the
CSP. This card is responsible for converting analog measurement signals (voltages) into digital numbers
the software can process. The Magna A/D card contains a 12-bit A/D converter that assigns instantaneous
voltages that fall between minus 10V and 10V a representative digital value between 0 and 4095 – Note: a
12 bit A/D converter means that 212 = 4096 digital values are available to resolve the input signal, but since
digital circuitry starts numbering from 0 (not 1) the measurement range is 0 to 4095.
+10V 4095
The ‘AGC’ or automatic gain control field, when engaged, enables a feedback circuit on the A/D board to
center the position of the input signal to the middle of the A/D converter range. The term gain is a little
misleading here. Functionally, the AGC circuitry reduces the signal amplitude by applying gain to a digital
filter network. As more gain is applied, more signal attenuation occurs, which is the reverse of what one
would expect when talking about traditional gain in a circuit. There are two reasons why reducing the
amplitude of a signal is a good thing to do before it is measured. First, it drops signals that exceed 10V
(positive or negative) into the operational range of the A/D converter so they can be measured; and second,
it drops the amplitude of the measured signal (positive or negative) closer the center of the A/D’s
measurement range, which is where the accuracy of A/D converters is best. When the ‘AGC’ field is
Wireline Documentation 75
engaged, the A/D board will measure the amplitude of the signal and then add the amount of signal that
was lost as a result of the ‘applied gain’ to calculate the measured digital output.
Please refer to the CS400 System Flow Diagram 1000.3068, Magna A/D (MAD-AB) Block Diagram for
more information.
The ‘AGC’ must not be enabled (set it to <N>) for the CGN (CCL) instrument. The AGC circuit is not
designed to react to rapidly changing curves and the CCL signal, when passing a collar, is a rapidly
changing curve. If enabled, the AGC circuit will seriously degrade the quality of the CCL curve. The
Voltage (PWRV) and Current (PWRI) curves do not change rapidly and should have the AGC enabled
The ‘Gain’ field only applies if the ‘AGC’ option is set to <N>, and it allows the user to enter a fixed gain
value. For the CGN instrument this field should be left at <1>, which is the default.
The ‘Max Gain’ field controls the maximum amount of amplitude attenuation the AGC circuit is allowed
to apply to the input signal. The higher the value, the more attenuation allowed. The PWRI and PWRV
curves should be set to the maximum for this field, which is <32>. This field does not apply to the CCL
because the AGC is not activated.
Calibrating the AGC is an important step if automatic gain control is going to be used. When a cal is
performed, circuitry in the A/D chip nulls the input for each channel and then measures the resulting signal.
Ideally this signal should be zero volts, and since zero volts is the center of the A/D converter, the signal
should fall right in the middle of the A/D measurement range. If it is does not, the firmware in the card will
calibrate the zero point to the null signal value, then use the new null zero as the target when applying
automatic gain control, and also when calculating measured output values. The AGC’s should be
calibrated every time a service is loaded or modified and must be calibrated whenever a new service is
Wireline Documentation 76
4.3 Shot Plots
Shot plots are used to graphically display the power supply voltage and current output during the
detonation sequence. They serve as very good record and should be recorded and displayed on the log for
each shot.
Shot plots display three curves including the voltage and current output from the power supply as well as a
resistance value for the shot circuit. The resistance is calculated from ohms law(R=V/I) using the voltage
and current numbers from the power supply. The three curves are graphed on the ordinate with respect to
increasing time (time zero is the start of the shot sequence) on the abscissa. The scale for each curve is set
by the software with the goal of fitting the data onto the plot while maintaining the highest possible
The following examples show ‘typical’ responses for different shot types. However, it is important to
understand that no two shot plots will look exactly the same. Detonation is a very violent process and the
resultant electrical integrity of the system will be different every time.
Wireline Documentation 77
4.4 Signal Flow
Please refer to the CS400c system flow diagram number 1000.3811, CS400c System Flow for Shooting, for
signal flow information.
Wireline Documentation 78
5 Wireline Conveyed Gun Systems
The shooting software in the CS400 logger task is designed to serve as a very useful tool to position
equipment in the well during ballistic operations. Proper use of this software will significantly reduce the
chances of shooting off depth. However, the software does not help correlate to open hole logs, which
serve as the primary depth reference for almost all wells that employ ballistic services. Correlating cased
hole to open hole logs is a vital skill for anybody performing ballistic services, and it forms the primary
focus for the rest of this section.
Open hole services include many different types of measurements, but the one common curve that is
included as part of virtually all open hole logs is the natural gamma ray. Usually, the first run in a cased
hole well (included with or logged after the junk basket) will include a cased hole gamma ray tool and a
CCL. The data from the gamma ray is used to correlate to the open hole log, then the data from the now
on-depth CCL is used to correlate future cased hole logs. This sequence is followed simply because it is
impossible to correlate CCL data directly to an open hole log, and it is impractical to run cased hole gamma
ray tools in combination with ballistic services under most circumstances because; (a) they are either fragile
(shooting gamma ray tools equipped with scintillation crystals are commercially available but they are still
susceptible to damage), or (b) they have very poor count rates (shooting gammas equipped with Geiger
Muller detectors are rugged but frankly they are not very good); and (c) both types require power to
operate, and sending power to a tool connected to explosive materials is not recommended. Some markets
require gamma ray correlation for all ballistic services and shooting gamma ray tools equipped with
scintillation detectors are the best available option. They function well and provide good correlation data,
but they have still proven to be a high maintenance item.
Correlating a cased hole gamma ray to an open hole gamma ray is fairly straight forward. Both logs are
measuring the natural radiation of the well, a property that takes millions of years to change (except for rare
cases when producing wells introduce radioactive salts into the near wellbore formations). When
correlating the logs, make sure the overall character of the gamma ray curves are compared, don’t get
fixated on the peaks alone. Sometimes it is difficult to correlate over zones that have very little gamma ray
activity, such as large intervals of low porosity limestones, dolostones, or evaporates. This is not often a
problem because these formations are not prolific hydrocarbon producers and thus it is rare to perform a
ballistic service opposite these types of rock. However, if this problem is encountered, look for more
radioactive zones above or below that could be used to correlate, and regardless, remember it is possible to
correlate a log by comparing the character of the entire curve even if there are no real discernable peaks and
Casing Collar Locators are also fairly simple to correlate, provided the casing joints are of non-uniform
lengths. Ideally a ‘short joint’ also called a ‘marker joint’ will be present in or near the zone of interest to
make correlation very simple indeed. Casing joints are typically about 12-14m (39-45ft) in length and
short joints are some length measurably less then the others. If all of the collars are the same length, things
get more difficult. Sometimes it is possible to correlate to an anomaly on the CCL log caused by a non-
uniform casing response or an auxiliary piece of casing equipment, such as a centralizer. In the worst case
scenario, casing collars can be counted from the surface of the casing string to the zone of interest or from
PBTD (Plug Back TD) to match the corresponding collar responses when correlating.
Ballistic services must always be delivered while recording an on-depth logging pass. It is not acceptable
to correlate a log, then calculate how much depth adjustment is required and ‘adjust’ the shooting
parameters to ‘compensate’. Once ballistic services have been delivered there is no going back. There is
no room for error and no shortcuts are allowed.
Wireline Documentation 79
5.2 Firing Heads
Firing heads are used to ballistically connect detonators to perforating guns and electrically connect
detonators to the wireline. Precision Wireline currently uses three different firing heads, including: Top
Fire, Bottom Fire, and SureFire. This section identifies the advantages and disadvantages of using each
type of firing head, and communicates the work processes established to connect them to perforating guns.
The Top Fire system is relatively easy to arm and presents a safety advantage when compared to bottom
fire guns because the perforating charges can be safely lowered into the ground (or at least below the floor
of the rig) before the gun is armed.
The main disadvantage Top Fire guns present are the increased likelihood of detonating a fluid filled gun.
Guns flood from the bottom to the top, which means bottom fire guns equipped with fluid sensitive
detonators will not detonate if fluid invasion has occurred. Top fire guns on the other hand, will.
Detonating fluid filled guns is not a good thing because the gas formed when the explosives combust
cannot escape from the gun fast enough, causing pressure to build inside the carrier which in turn causes it
to burst.
This picture depicts a burst hollow steel
carrier. Notice how the carrier diameter is
substantially increased. This increased size
can make it very difficult to retrieve hollow
steel carriers, especially through small well
restrictions. In this case the crew was lucky
because the only restriction the gun could not
penetrate was the flange – at the top of the
Top Fire systems are not recommended for use when firing Retrievable Hollow Steel Carriers (RHSC)
because of the relatively high probability of fluid invasion. RHSC guns rely on O-ring seals not only on
the top and bottom subs (like Expendable Hollow Steel Carriers [EHSC]) but also on the O-ring seals under
all of the port plugs threaded into the gun above each charge.
When Top Fire systems are being used to fire EHSC guns, an extra effort should be made to inspect the
gun, gun subs, O-rings, O-ring sealing surfaces, and firing head in an effort to prevent using equipment that
could cause fluid invasion.
Wireline Documentation 80 Configuring the Gun
All top fire systems used by Precision Wireline are supplied by Prime Perforating Systems. If your district
is not currently using Prime Top Fire equipment please refer to ops-letter 12-517 for direction.
Wireline Documentation 81 Pigtail Installation
Wireline Documentation 82
Thread the pigtail lead through the uphole
side of the top fire gun sub. The rubber boot
should seat into the end of the sub as shown
in the picture to the left.
Detonator Block
Quick Change
Next, install the detonator block and the quick change assembly. First, thread the detonator block onto
the quick change assembly. Then, guide the pigtail spring into the detonator block until the block is
flush with the surface of the top fire gun sub and the pigtail spring is making contact with the electrical
connection on the quick change.
Wireline Documentation 83
Thread the quick change sleeve over top of the detonator block and onto the top of the top fire sub.
The picture above shows a fully assembled top fire sub / quick change assembly. Alone, these two
components are not very useful. They comprise only part of the perforating gun string. The other required
components include: the perforating gun which goes on the bottom of the stack; the main body which is
located directly above the quick change and houses the CCL – which is responsible for depth control; and
the cable head located at the top of the stack whose sole purpose is to connect the stack to the wireline. The
entire string is shown in the picture below.
Note: In the assembly picture below the perforating gun is not yet connected.
Wireline Documentation 84 Check Fire – Open and Closed
The next step is the check fire. This step verifies the electrical integrity of the conductors between the
perforating system in the surface unit and the leads in the top fire sub, as well as the function of the surface
unit itself.
Because electrical current is used to perform this test it is very important for the perforating gun to be
isolated (not connected) from the rest of the system and for the detonator to be stored safely in the truck
magazine to prevent the check fire from causing an accidental surface detonation.
Wireline Documentation 85 Connect and Arm the Perforating Gun
Connect the Perforating Gun. Feed the detonating cord through the bottom of the top fire sub into the
inner chamber.
Thread the top fire sub onto the top of the gun.
Wireline Documentation 86
Trim the Detonating Cord. Always use an
approved tool – the most important
characteristic of which is the use of only one
metal cutting edge.
Wireline Documentation 87
Connect the Detonator Electrically. Slide
one lead from the detonator and one lead
from the top fire sub into a scotch lock. It
does not matter which lead from the
detonator is connected to the ground or hot
wire in the top fire gun sub.
Wireline Documentation 88
Stuff the connected wires into top fire sub
inner chamber.
Wireline Documentation 89 Misfire Procedures
Misfire Procedures for Top Fire Guns. If
the gun does not detonate in the well it must
be disarmed before it can be stored. Guns
are disarmed by following the arming
sequence in reverse.
Wireline Documentation 90
Once the leads are shorted and wrapped
together the detonator must be transported
back to the shop in the truck magazine.
Wireline Documentation 91
5.2.2 Bottom Fire
Bottom fire guns offer one substantial advantage over top fire guns; specifically, they can be detonated
using fluid sensitive detonators that will be inhibited if well fluid leaks into the gun, preventing the ‘burst
gun’ problem discussed in the previous section. The chief disadvantage of bottom fire guns is the need to
arm the gun while the charges are still exposed on the surface.
Retrievable Hollow Steel Carriers (RHSC) should always be detonated using the bottom fire system since
they are prone to leak. Properly serviced Expendable Hollow Steel Carriers (EHSC) do not require bottom
fire detonating, but in the absence of SureFire equipment, the bottom fire system is considered the best
alternative. Connect the Hot and Ground Wires
Before a bottom fire gun can be armed it must first be configured with a ground wire and a feed through hot
wire. The hot wire is an isolated line that runs from the firing head at the top of the gun to the detonator at
the bottom. The ground, or current return, is the gun chassis – as is always the case – so the ground line
simply needs to be securely connected to the gun body.
The following picture shows the insert from an expendable hollow retrievable carrier (EHSC). The gun
was originally configured to top fire detonate using the SureFire system, but the gun builder wisely left an
extra length of detonating cord at the bottom of the gun which allows for a quick conversion to a bottom
fire system in the event that the SureFire system malfunctioned or was unavailable.
Å Bottom Top Æ
Wireline Documentation 92
Thread the gun wire back in
to the bottom of the carrier.
Secure the ground line to the bottom of the charge carrier. Ideally a ground screw is machined into the
bottom of the charge carrier to connect the ground line. In the event a ground screw is not present (as in this
example) the wire can be stripped and tightly tied down.
Remember that gun wire is cheap – tie a length at least 60cm (2 feet) long.
Wireline Documentation 93
Install the Rubber Boot and Pigtail
Wireline Documentation 94
Check the hot wire for leaks.
Wireline Documentation 95
Check the hot wire and the ground line for
The first thing that needs to be communicated with regards to performing check fires is that they can only
be performed on equipment that do not contain – and are not connected to any other device that may
contain – any type of explosive material. The only device that can be used to check the electrical integrity
of a device containing explosive materials is an approved blasters meter.
Check-Fire – Open.
Wireline Documentation 96
the tool body are not connected, the system should respond only to the CCL. In other words, when voltage is
applied between the isolated conductor and armour, current will flow down the conductor, through the CCL coil,
to armour, and back to the surface system. The amount of current that should flow can be easily calculated using
ohms law because we know the magnitude of the voltage the system applies during the check-fire sequence
(35V), and we know the resistance of the entire system is equal to the resistance of the conductor (5/16” line has
a resistance of about 9.5Ω/1000m, so 4000m of line would have a resistance of 38Ω) plus the resistance of the
CCL coil (about 1550Ω) plus the resistance of the armour (negligible). Using ohms law to solve for the expected
current flow:
V 35V
I= = = 0.022 A = 22mA
R 1550Ω + 38Ω
The purpose of the check-fire open step is to ensure that the isolated conductor is indeed insular. If the current
flow is higher then expected then the conductor must be shorted to ground somewhere in the system. The
problem must be found before continuing.
It should be noted that this test is much like checking for leaks except that now some current flow is expected…
just not very much.
Check-Fire – Closed.
Wireline Documentation 97 Connect the Gun to the Quick Change
Slide the quick change / detonator block assembly overtop of the pigtail spring. Ensure
that the spring and the quick change button are making contact.
Thread the quick change sleeve overtop of the detonator block and
thread it onto the top gun sub.
Wireline Documentation 98 Arm the Gun
Wireline Documentation 99
Using a pair of side cutters, clip the hot-wire
and ground-wire leads coming from the gun,
then clip the two leads coming from the
detonator. Only clip one wire at a time.
First, ballistically disarm the gun. Remove the bottom sub and
extract and secure the detonator inside the blasting tube.
Spinning Collar
The quick change has an expanded role with the SureFire perforating system. In addition to providing the
mechanical and electrical connections between the wireline and perforating gun, it now also contains the
detonator – which makes it the firing head as well as the blasting chamber. In order for the surefire quick
change to function in its new and expanded role a few design modifications were made. First, the detonator
block has been changed to hold the sure-fire detonator and expel the explosive gasses that result when it is
ignited. Second, a new end cap and a new shunt cap are now used to enclose the blasting chamber and
electrically shunt the detonator respectively.
The following picture depicts a fully assembled quick change configured to function as a blasting chamber
– note the shunt cap and the end cap; both must be threaded all the way on in order for them to function
Never depress the pin on the top of the detonator. When the
pin is up it shorts the live wire inside the detonator to ground –
this is the same as twisting the two leads of a conventional
detonator together. When the pin is depressed the detonator is
‘live’ and much more susceptible to accidental detonation.
The system is designed to slightly compress the little rubber protector ring on the top of the detonator
against the bottom of the contact rod. For this reason it is normal for it to become slightly harder to
thread the detonator block when it is almost touching the contact sub.
Note: The pin on the top of the detonator is depressed when it is pushed against the contact rod as the
detonator block is threaded onto the contact sub but the detonator will not be live because it is still
shunted to ground by the shunt cap on the top of the contact sub. The fact that un-shunted detonators
never need to be handled is a major safety advantage of the surefire system.
The following picture shows a fully assembled sure-fire quick change assembly. When the protector
cap is fully threaded into the spinning collar the detonator is considered to be contained within an
approved blasting chamber.
Always remember that when the detonator is in the assembly, the shunt cap or the protector cap
(preferably both) must be threaded into the quick change.
Replace the shunt cap and transport the quick change to the gun assembly.
The quick change is placed above the gun and below the main
body (CCL).
Note: This process is equivalent to connecting the leads of a conventional detonator to the lead wires
from a firing head when arming top or bottom fire guns. All relevant safety precautions must still be
Pull the spinning collar back and ensure the detonator and the
detonating cord line up (the detonator used in the picture to the right
has a hole in it because it is an inert detonator). Thread the spinning
collar overtop of the detonator block and onto the top sub. Lightly
torque the collar with a 24 inch pipe wrench.
Disconnect the Gun Ballistically. Disconnect the quick change from the perforating gun. Thread the
protector cap into the spinning collar to create a secure blasting chamber for the detonator.
Disconnect the Gun Electrically. Unthread the quick change from the main body (CCL). Screw the
shunt cap onto the top of the quick change to short the detonator circuit.
After the gun has been fired and removed from the
well the quick change must be cleaned and serviced
before it can be used again.
1 O-ring, 224, 90
Duro Viton
2.5 cm
Blast Tube
Top Sub /
Shunt Detonator Holder
The slim surefire system uses different components then the regular surefire system. In place of the quick
change assembly the slim surefire system uses the components shown above. The high pressure contact
sub connects the system to the wireline, both electrically and mechanically. The top sub / detonator holder
holds the detonator, physically connects the gun and electrically connects the detonator to the contact sub,
and ballistically connects the detonator to the detonating cord in top of the gun body. The blast tube and
bullnose plug are used to replace the spinning collar and protector cap of the regular surefire system
respectively. Fully assembled with the other components they collectively constitute the blast chamber.
The actual components used will change depending on the diameter of gun being fired, which is chiefly
determined by the minimum well restriction diameter through which the gun must travel. Ensure approved
parts are being used before proceeding.
Remove the Shunt Plug. It is safe to remove the shunt plug as long as the blasting chamber is intact.
Note: From a safety point of view, either the shunt plug or the blasting chamber (preferably both) must be
installed at any given time after installing the detonator up to the point when the gun is ballistically armed.
Test the electrical integrity of the detonator. Using an approved blasting meter test the resistance of the
detonator firing circuit by attaching one lead to the isolated conductor (the pin) and the other to the current
return (tool body). The Owen 3050-008C detonator that is used for surefire applications should read 51Ω,
however a reading between 50Ω and 55Ω is considered acceptable.
Replace the Shunt Plug. After testing the detonator, thread the shunt plug back into the connector sub.
Refer to the standard SureFire, top fire, and bottom fire sections for more information regarding the check-
fire sequence.
Connect Electrically. The arming sequence for the slim surefire sequence is the same as all the other
configurations. The detonator must be connected electrically first, while it is contained in a blasting
chamber, so any accidental detonation will be contained (and isolated from the main explosive load).
First, remove the shunt plug from the top of the connection sub.
Second, thread the assembled blasting chamber / connection sub into the main body (CCL) / cable head
Torque the Top Sub to the Gun. Use 24” pipe wrenches to torque the top sub onto the gun.
Remember to place the backup torque wrench on the gun so the other wrench – and you – are not
directly in front of the blast surface of the gun in the event of an accidental surface detonation. Assembly
Thread the Shunted Contact Sub into the Exposed Shooting Adapter. Before connecting these two
components check and replace the O-rings (214, 90 duro, Viton) on the Contact sub if required.
Thread the Strip Gun Head onto the Exposed Shooting Adapter.
5.3.1 Centralizers
Centralizers are used to center the gun in the well to ensure uniform clearance for all shots. They are
usually employed when small diameter guns are used in large diameter wells.
Contact your local vendor for information regarding available centralizer systems.
5.3.2 Decentralizers
Decentralizers are used to magnetically orient guns in a well. Specifically, they are usually used to ensure
that zero degree phased guns are aligned such that the charges are directly facing the side of the well to
control the ‘clearance’ between the charges and the target. Without decentralizers, the gun could very
easily be aligned in such way that the force resulting from the detonation of the charges would have to
travel through the well bore fluid before contacting the casing, which could seriously degrade the size and
quality of the perforations.
Decentralizers come in multiple sizes and configurations. The decentralizer shown in the picture below
uses multiple button magnets. Other configurations employ large bar magnets. Consult your local
suppliers for more specific information.
To use an orientation sub simply thread it fully into one of the two components being aligned, then thread it
into the other, adjusting the position of the alignment backup nut such that the two components are
correctly aligned when they are fully threaded together.
Alignment Nut
5.3.4 Swivels
Swivels are used to allow the gun to spin freely in the well with respect to the wireline. They should be
used whenever the gun is restricted from spinning in the well, such as when centralizers are used.
Since the risk of flooding is so high for retrievable hollow steel carriers they must always be bottom fired.
The only markets that still use retrievable hollow steel carriers are typically very price driven. The
‘expendable’ cost of firing retrievable guns is still less then their throw away counterparts, but the cost
savings are largely offset by the extra labour costs required to load and maintain them and the percentage of
misruns. Loading Procedures
Port Plug
Orientation Groove
Precision Wireline Technologies purchases expendable hollow steel carriers from a number of different
vendors. In all examples they consist of two primary parts: the gun body and the charge carrier. Products
might vary slightly in appearance and function between suppliers but the overall operation remains the
same. For this reason the steps described in this section should not be taken as an absolute but should
rather serve as a flexible guide that can be adjusted to accommodate different types of equipment. That
said it is still very important to hold true to the intent of the procedural policy this section is discussing.
The gun body is designed to perform two primary functions, first, to hold the charge carrier and second, to
withstand well pressure in order to isolate the explosives from well bore fluids. The gun body is machined
to match the charge carrier that shipped with it from the factory. When loaded and properly inserted into
the gun body the charge carrier will line the explosives up directly behind the scallop holes in the gun. This
is very important because the scallops in the gun are designed to provide less resistance to the explosive jet
then the other parts of the gun body. Failure to properly line the charges up will cause the gun to fire off
scallop which will seriously degrade the perforating performance of the gun. It is also very important to
use compatible top and bottom subs with proper O-rings to complete the pressure seal between the well
bore and the inside of the gun. Always ensure matching equipment is being used.
All guns ship with an instruction and spec sheet. Refer to this sheet for information specific to the gun
being loaded.
End Caps
Charge Carrier
In this example the charges are secured by bending two metal clips overtop of the edge of each charge.
Different charge carriers secure charges in different ways. Always ensure the proper procedure for the
gun being loaded is followed – no short cuts. Refer to vendor documentation for gun specific
The amount of slack cord required at the top and the bottom of the gun will change if it is configured to
detonate top-fire, sure-fire, or bottom fire. Something to keep in mind is the fact that once loaded the gun
can be reversed end for end because the threads at the top and bottom of the gun are identical. For this
reason it is advisable to leave extra detonating cord (about 30cm or 12in) at the bottom of the gun even if
it is not planned to bottom fire.
In this example the gun is going to be configured to use the sure-fire system – with extra detonating cord
left at the bottom. If sure-fire is not available, or in the event of a miss-run, the gun can be bottom fired,
or it could be reversed and configured to top-fire.
Align the charges and thread the detonating cord through slot on the back of each charge.
attach the cord clip. Ensure the clip is in
place on both sides of the charge.
Line the Key on the charge carrier up with the slot in the gun
barrel and slide the charge carrier inside. The key on the
charge carrier ensures the charges will line up properly with
the scallops machined into the gun.
In the picture above the alignment pin is already oriented with the slot in the gun. Notice how the top
shot is properly aligned with the top scallop on the gun as a result. This alignment should be checked
before the charge carrier is fully inside the gun barrel.
Always ensure the charge carrier is inserted all the way into the gun barrel.
Also, inspect the O-ring sealing surfaces just inside the top and the bottom of the gun to ensure they are
smooth and free of damage.
Label the Gun. Mark the gun with the following information: Shots per meter (or foot), 17 in this
example; type of charges loaded, 3375-411 NT3 in this example; total number of shots loaded, 17 in this
example; and the portion of the gun that is loaded, in this example the words ‘full load’ appear on the gun
indicating that all of the charge ports are loaded – if only a portion of the gun was loaded the gun body
must be clearly marked to identify the top and bottom shots.
Retrievable tubing guns are used to perforate through narrow diameter well restrictions such as tubing,
packers, or flow nipples. Their main competition is semi-expendable strip guns discussed in the next
section. The main advantages retrievable tubing guns offer over semi-expendables revolve around the fact
that the gun is entirely self contained; itemized, the advantages include: the fact that no charge debris is left
in the well, unwanted casing damage is limited because the non-focused portion of the explosion is
contained within the steel carrier, and the explosives are not exposed to hostile well bore conditions.
The published outside diameter of the charge strip assumes that nothing is protruding past the outside edge
of the strip. This includes charges, detonating cord retainer bolts, and bailer wire. In some districts it is
common practice to use bailer wire to secure the detonating cord and the detonating cord end cap to the strip
using bailer wire. This practice is not recommended and should be discontinued unless the diameter of the
smallest restriction in the well is substantially higher then the ‘new’ diameter of the charge strip.
Fully expendable guns include: link guns (the charges actually connect together without and external
carrier) and Bi-wire guns.
American Petroleum Institute. Recommended Practices for Evaluation of Well Perforators, API
Recommended Practice 19B (RP 19B). Washington, D.C.: American Petroleum Institute, 2000.
American Petroleum Institute. Recommended Practices for Oilfield Explosives Safety, API Recommended
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American Petroleum Institute. Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, API
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Bell, W.T., R.A. Sukup, and S.M. Tariq. SPE Monograph Series. Vol. 16, Perforating. Richardson, TX:
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the Manufacture, Transportation, Storage, Sale, Possession, and use of Explosive Materials. Washington
D.C: Institute of Makers of Explosives, 2003.
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Institute of Makers of Explosives. Safety Library Publications. No 14. Handbook for the Transportation
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Institute of Makers of Explosives. Safety Library Publications. No 17. Safety in the Transportation,
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Institute of Makers of Explosives. Safety Library Publications. No 20. Safety Guide for the Prevention of
Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Commercial Electric Detonators. Washington D.C:
Institute of Makers of Explosives, 2000.
International Society of Explosives Engineers. Blaster’s Handbook. 17th ed. 1998. Third Reprint.
Cleveland, OH: International Society of Explosives Engineers, 2003.
Meyer, R., J. Kohler, and A. Homburg. Explosives. 2nd ed. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2002.
Owen Oil Tools. Owen Oil Tools: Technical Product Catalog (2003). Fort Worth, TX: Owen Oil Tools,
Walters, W. P., and J. A. Zukas. Fundamentals of Shaped Charges. Baltimore, MD: CMCPress, 1998.