Krok Biology

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Step 1. Total medical training. 1.

0 Biology 1 It is known that the cell cycle improved in a few consecutive converted into a cage. At one stage, there are processes, preparing DNA synthesis. In what period of the cell's life is this? A * presynthetic B Synthetic Actually C mitosis D premitotic E postsynthetic 2 In the cell, formed maximally helical chromosome. They located on the Equator somatic cells. Which phase of mitosis is corresponds to: A * metaphase B telophase C prophase D ana E Prometafaza 3 In muscle tissue is intense aerobic process of energy accumulation in the form of macroergic bonds of ATP. This process occurs with the involvement of organelles: A * mitochondria B smooth EPS C lysosome D rough EPS E cytocentrum 4 Protein synthesis consists of several stages. One of them carried out the synthesis m-RNA on one of the circuits section of the DNA molecule. How is this process: A * Transcription

B Replication C Elongation D Broadcast E Termination 5 Examination of 2-month old boy's pediatrician noticed that the weeping child is similar to the cat's meow, marked microcephaly and heart disease. With the aid of cytogenetic method was established karyotype - 46 XY, 5p-. At What stage of mitosis issledovaly karyotype patient? A * metaphase B Prometafaza C prophase, prometafaza D Anafaza E telophase 6 In medico-genetic counseling the woman about the risk disease hemophilia in her son. Her husband suffers from this disease with birth. A woman and her parents did not tradaly this disease. Define the probability of a boy with hemophilia in the home. A * is equal to 0% B is equal to 100% C 50 \% of the boys are sick D 25 \% of the boys are sick E 75 \% of the boys are sick 7 A man suffering from a hereditary disease, he married a healthy woman. In They had five children: three girls and two boys. All the girls nasledovaly disease father. What type of inheritance of this disease? A * A dominant, X-linked B autosomal recessive C autosomal dominant D is coupled to the Y-chromosome E recessive X-linked

8 To a medical geneticist turned young man 18 years asthenic physique: narrow shoulders, wide hips, tall, sparse vegetation on the face. Expressed mental retardation. Was raised a preliminary diagnosis: Klinefelter's syndrome. What method of medical genetics will confirm this diagnosis? A * Cytogenetic B Genealogy C twin D Dermatoglyphics E Population-Statistics 9 The 50-year-old woman was removed tooth. On the site of tooth extraction regenerated new tissue. The outcome of the function of organelles in the cells indicate the most active of these the renewal of tissues: A * Ribosomes B Centrosome C Postlizosomy D smooth EPS E Lysosomes 10 In the everyday cycle of cells and in the process of mitosis is a regular change of hereditary material. At what stage in the amount of DNA is doubled? A * interphase B prophase, prometafaza C metaphase D anaphase E telophase 11 Polypeptide synthesized in the ribosome consists of 54 amino acids. How many codons-RNA and had served as a template for this synthesis? A * 1954

B 27 C 108 D 162 E 44 12 Mukopolisaharidoz refers to diseases of accumulation. In the absence of enzymes disturbed cleavage of polysaccharides. Patients experienced higher separating them with urine and accumulation. Which organelles accumulate mucopolysaccharides? A * Lysosomes B Golgi Complex C endoplasmic reticulum D mitochondria E cytocentrum 13 Due to the violation of the chromosomes during meiosis were formed: the egg only 22 autosomamy and polar body with 24 chromosomes. What syndrome is possible a child during fertilization of such eggs normal spermatozoonom (22 + X)? A * Syndrome Shereshevsky-Turner B Klinefelter's syndrome C trisomy X D Down Syndrome E Edwards syndrome 14 It is known that senescent epithelial cells die. The process of digestion and allocation fund provides organelles: A * Lysosomes B Ribosomes C mitochondria D Cell Center E Golgi Complex

15 The man set a preliminary diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Which the material used to diagnose this disease? A * Blood B Faeces Mocha C D duodenal content E sputum 16 The woman was stillborn child with several malformations. What protozoan disease could result in fetal death. A * Toxoplasmosis B Amoebiasis C Malaria D leishmaniasis E Giardiasis 17 In microscopy scraping pereanalnih folds found colorless eggs with asymmetric shape of ovals, measuring 50x23 mm. On what kind of worms do you mean? A * pinworms B Ascarididae C Krivogolovka D Volosogolovets E Dwarf tapeworm 18 In the appendicular identified helminth white, 40 mm long with thin thread-like front end. In faeces found eggs oval congestion at the poles. Determine the type of helminth. A * Volosogolovets B pinworms C Ascarididae D Krivogolovka E Vugritsya intestinal

19 In the hospital fell ill with complaints of headache, pain in the muscles during motion, weakness, fever, edema of the eyelids and face. The doctor attributes this condition to the use of pork purchased from private individuals. What preliminary diagnosis can put a doctor? A * trichinosis B teniasis C Teniarinhoz Opisthorchiasis D E Fastsioloz 20 When degelmintezatsii with faeces separated worms up to 2 m. The body segmented, with a small head, which has four suckers and hooks. Determine the type of helminth. A * Armed tapeworm B unarmed tapeworm C dwarf tapeworm D echinococcus E Stozhak wide 21 Tendency to diabetes causes an autosomal recessive gene. This gene appears only in 30% of homozygous individuals. This is a partial manifestation of character example the following properties of the gene: A * penetrance B dominance. C expressivity D Discretion. E Retsesivnist. 22 In bukalnogo smears epithelium women found in the nucleus of cells 2 Barr body. This

characteristic of the syndrome: A * trisomy of sex chromosomes B trisomy 21 chromosome C trisomy 13 chromosome D trisomy by Y-chromosome E monosomy of sex chromosomes 23 In most of the epithelial cells of the mucous cheeks men found sexual glibku X-chromatin. This is typical for the syndrome: A * Klinefelter B Shereshevsky-Turner C triple-X D Down Triple E Y 24 In certain cells of an adult over a lifetime is not observed mitosis and quantification of DNA content remains constant. These cells are: A * Neurons B endothelial C Muscle (smooth) D Epidermis E hematopoietic 25 In the cage got the flu virus. Broadcast in the biosynthesis of viral proteins in the cell will: A * At polyribosomes B in the nucleus C in lysosomes D channels on smooth endoplasmic reticulum E in the cell center 26 It was shown that the molecule of immature-RNA (pro-and-RNA) contains more

triplets than the precise amino acids in the synthesized protein. This is because transltsii that normally precedes: A * Processing B Initiation C Reparation D mutation E Replication 27 The patient was a decrease of magnesium ions required for the attachment of ribosomes in granular endoplasmic reticulum. It is known that this leads to disruption protein biosynthesis. The breach occurs at the stage: A * broadcast B transcription C replication D activation of amino acids E termination 28 In humans, common diseases associated with accumulation in the cells carbohydrates, lipids, etc. The cause of these inherited diseases is the lack corresponding enzymes in: A * lysosomes B mitochondria C endoplasmic grid D microtubules E core 29 When amavrotichny idiocy Thea - Saks, which is inherited autosomal recessive, develop irreversible severe central nervous system, lead to death in early childhood. The disease observed disorder of exchange: A * lipids B carbohydrates C amino

D mineral E Nucleic Acids 30 In the maternity hospital the child was born with multiple violations, both external and internal organs - heart, kidneys and digestive system. Was installed preliminary diagnosis - Down syndrome. What method can confirm this diagnosis? Cytogenetic A * B Population-statistchnim C Bliznyuk D genealogy E biochemical 31 In the experiment on tissue culture, mitotic drug which acted to donate destroys the spindle. This led to a violation of: A * Differences of chromosomes to the poles of the cell B Postsintetichnogo period C Formation of the nuclear envelope D Double chromatids E despriralizatsiya chromosomes 32 Patient is typical for an attack of malaria clinical picture: fever, fever, pouring sweat. What stage of the malaria parasite is likely to be detected patient's blood at this time? A * merozoites B sporozoites C Ookineta D sporocysts E Micro-or makrogamety 33 According to the WHO malaria annually in the world suffer approximately 250 million people.This disease occurs mainly in tropical and subtropical areas. Borders uu

distribution coincide with the ranges of mosquito genus: A * anopheles B Kuleks C Aedes D Manson E Kulizeta 34 To study the localization of protein biosynthesis in cells of mice entered the labeled amino acids alanine and tryptophan. Near where the organelles observed accumulation of labeled amino acids: A * Ribosomes B Smooth EPS C Cell Center D Lysosomes E Golgi apparatus 35 Excessive hairiness of ears (hypertrichosis) is determined by the gene localized in the Y-chromosome. This character has a father. Probability of birth a boy with such an anomaly would be: A * 100% B 0% C 25% D 35% E 75% 36 A gynecologist turned 28-year-old woman about infertility. During the Test identified: immature ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual cycle. At study of sex chromatin in the majority of somatic cells found two bodies Barra. Which chromosome disease most likely this woman? A * trisomy X B Klinefelter C Patau D Shreshevskogo-Turner E Edwards

37 The girl found a disproportion of the body, wing folds of skin on the neck. At Cytogenetic studies in the nuclei of leukocytes are not found "drumsticks", and nuclei of buccal no Barr body. The preliminary diagnosis is: A * Syndrome Shereshevsky-Turner B Klinefelter's syndrome C Down Syndrome D Patau Syndrome E Edwards syndrome 38 In medico-genetic counseling spouses appealed to the question of likelihood birth of their children with hemophilia. The couple is healthy, but his father's wife hemophiliac. Hemophilia can develop: A * Half of the sons B sons and daughters. C only daughter. D Half daughters. E All the children 39 The shepherd, who flock of sheep guarded by dogs, some time later developed pain in chest, coughing up blood. X-rays detected in the lungs globular education. Immunological reaction Casona positive. Enter helminth, which could lead it disease: A * echinococcus B dwarf tapeworm C tapeworms wide D Liver Sysun E tapeworm armed 40

By the doctor asked the patient about the strength of itching of the skin, especially between fingers, in the inguinal basins. on the lower abdomen. Seen skin the patient marked the winding passages dirty whitish color with krapinkamy at the ends. What diagnosis would have predicted a doctor? A * mange. B pediculosis. C dermatotropic leishmaniasis. D Acne (acne zaloznitsya. E Miaz. 41 In areas of South Africa, people have a common sickle cell anemia, at which red blood cells have a sickle shape due to changes in the hemoglobin molecule amino acid glutamine to valine. What caused this disease? A * mutations. B Breach of mechanisms of realization of genetic information. C crossing. D genomic mutations. E Transduction. 42 In healthy son was born to parents with phenylketonuria, but thanks to a special diet developed normally. With any form of variability due to his recovery? A * Modification B combinativity Somatic C D genotype E correlated 43 At the doctor's patient came with complaints of dyspepsia, the diffuse abdominal pain. On examination the doctor found a sharply expressed reduction of hemoglobin in the blood. From the survey found that living on Far East, she frequently consume salted fish's eggs. A similar condition observed in some relatives living with her.

What disease is diagnosed the doctor in this woman? A * Difilobotrioz. B echinococcosis. C teniasis. D Trichinosis. E Ascariasis. 44 By the gastro-enterologichnogo department received a patient with cholangitis. In portions of bile were found moving simple pear-shaped, dual-core, with reference rod-aksostilem. What a protozoan disease diagnosed patient? A * Giardiasis B Amoebiasis intestinal C balantidiasis intestinal D trichomoniasis E amoebiasis 45 Patients with children periodically appears loose stools, sometimes pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting. According to the story the mother, once a child with emetic mass separated worms fusiform, measuring 20 cm reason for this state can be: A * Ascariasis B trichocephalosis C hookworm D Drakunkuloz E trichinosis 46 In genetically healthy parents had a child, the patient phenylketonuria (Autosomal recessive type of hereditary disease. What are the genotypes of the parents? A * Aa x Aa B AA x AA C AA x Aa D Aa x aa

E aa x aa 47 Miner 1948 complaining of weakness, headache, dizziness, feeling heaviness in the stomach. Previously, he had severe itching, leg skin, urticaria. At examination revealed anemia. In their faeces sick sometimes saw small moving worms in red, the size of about 1 cm What is the most probable disease may be suspected doctor? A * hookworm B trichocephalosis C trichinosis D Ascariasis E Drakunkuloz 48 My mother found a 5-year-old daughter on perianal folds of white "worms", WHICH vyzyvaly her itching and anxiety, and brought them to the laboratory. At Seen a doctor saw a white worm 0,5-1 cm long, filamentous forms with zaostrennymy end, some are twisted. What diagnosis was possible ? A * Enterobiasis. B Difilobotrioz. C teniasis. D Askarodoz E Opisthorchiasis. 49 The patient complained of general weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, loose stools mixed with mucus and blood. Microscopy of duodenal contents and in the study of fresh faeces found moving larvae. Put the diagnosis. A * strongyloidiasis B hookworm C Enterobiasis D trichocephalosis E Drakunkuloz

50 Conductor scientific expedition to India was a local resident who had never parted with his beloved dog. What kind of invasive disease may be infected by members of the expedition in contact with the dog if it is a source of invasions? A * hydatidosis B teniasis C lung fluke disease D Dicroceliasis E 51 With medical genetic consultation asked parents of a sick girl 5 years. After karyotype revealed 46 chromosomes. One of the 15 th chromosome pair was longer usual, as she was joined by chromosome 21-th pair. What type of mutation takes place in this girl? A * translocation B deletions C inversion D Lack E duplications 52 In the study of the karyotype in the patient were found two types of cells in equal parts with 46XY chromosome sets and 47XHY. What is the diagnosis put the doctor? A * Klinefelter's syndrome B monosomy-X C Patau Syndrome D Down Syndrome E normal karyotype 53

When a medical examination at the recruiting office was found a boy 15 years old, tall, evnuhoidnimy with body proportions, gynaecomastia, pubic hair grows at the woman's type. There is deposition of fat on the thighs, the lack of hair growth on face, high voice, IQ - low. Select a karyotype that consistent with this disease. A * 47, XXV B 45, CW C 46, XX D 46, XY E 47, XXX 54 Phenylketonuria is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. In a family where both parents are healthy, the child was born, the patient phenylketonuria. What are the genotypes of the parents? A * Aa x Aa B AA x AA C AA x Aa D Aa x aa E aa x aa 55 In blood smears of a patient with duodenal content indigestive revealed simple size of 10-18 microns. The body is pear-shaped, 4 pairs of flagella, in the extended front of the body two nuclei placed symmetrically. What kind of simple most likely? A * Giardia B dysenteric amoeba C Trichomonas D intestinal amoeba E Balantidy 56 On examination the patient was found insufficient amount of immunoglobulins.

Impaired function of any cell immune system may be the cause of this? A * plasma B T-helper C T-killers D T-suppressor E Plazmoblasty 57 RNA containing the AIDS virus has penetrated into the white blood cells and with the help of the enzyme revertazy forced the cell to synthesize viral DNA. The basis of this process is: A * Reverse transcription B Repression Operon Contact C translation D derepression Operon E covariant replication 58 According to the model of the DNA double helix proposed by Watson and Crick, was found that one of the chains remain in replication, and the other is synthesized complementary ground. What do you call this method of replication? A * Napivkonservativny B similar C identical D Disperse E Conservative 59 The representatives of the human population of the body is elongated, wide variability in growth reduced the amount of muscle mass, increased length of limbs, reduced in size and volume of the thorax, increased sweating, decreased rates of basal metabolism and synthesis of fat. Whom adaptive type of people is this population? A * Tropical adaptive type B Arctic adaptive type C adaptive type of temperate-zone

Sub-D adaptive type E Mountain adaptive type 60 In the development of a child's spine is gradually acquired two lordosis and two kyphosis. This is due to the development of the ability to: A * bipedalism B Navigation C Crawling D seat E Lying 61 In the process of ontogeny in humans at the organism level revealed the following changes: decreased vital capacity, increased blood pressure developing atherosclerosis. Most likely this period: A * elderly B Adolescence C young age D Home adulthood E Youth 62 In human cells reduced the intensity of synthesis of DNA and RNA, violated synthesis of essential proteins and metabolism, mitotic activity insignificant. Most likely these changes correspond to the period ontogeny: A * elderly B Adolescence C young age D Home adulthood E Youth 63 After irradiation, high dose of radiation in a teenager significantly affected lymphoid system, disintegrated a large number of lymphocytes.

Restoring normal blood formula made possible by the activities cancer: A * thymus B thyroid C Roast D pancreatic E adrenal 64 Found infected with a HIV T-lymphocytes. In this enzyme the virus reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) catalyzes the synthesis: A * matrix of viral DNA-RNA B Virus-RNA in the matrix DNA C viral DNA into the p-RNA D viral DNA in the matrix DNA E-RNA in the viral matrix protein 65 In the antenatal surveys a woman who had several spontaneous abortion. Based on clinical and epidemiological history was suspected chronic toxoplasmosis. What is the laboratory study the most effective for confirm the diagnosis: A * Serologic tests B blood smear microscopy C Microscopy of vaginal smears D skin-allergic test E microscopy smear feces 66 By hospital Donetsk region received patients from one family with edema of the eyelids and face, fever, eosinophilia, headache, pain in the muscles. Diseases occurred at 7-10 days after eating pork sausage, which was sent from relatives Khmelnitsky region. What is the most likely diagnosis? A * trichinosis B Echinococcosis C teniasis D cysticercosis

E Teniarinhoz 67 In the surgical ward admitted patients with suspected liver abscess. Sick for a long time was on a business trip in one of the African countries and neodnarozovo ill acute gastrointestinal disease. What protozoan disease may be a patient? A * Amoebiasis B trypanosomiasis C leishmaniasis D Malaria E Toxoplasmosis 68 In the 19-year-old girl clinically identified a group of symptoms: low growth, sexual infantilism, lagging intellectual and sexual development, heart disease. Which most likely causes of this pathology? A * monosomy for the X chromosome B trisomy 13 chromosome C trisomy 18 chromosome D trisomy 20 chromosome E Partial monosomy 69 At necropsy a newborn boy was found polydactyly, microcephaly, nezarascheniya upper lip and palate, as well as hypertrophy parenchymatous organs. These drawbacks are responsible Patau syndrome. Most probable cause of this pathology? A * 13th trisomy of chromosome B trisomy 18th chromosome C trisomy twenty-first chromosome D Nerozhodzhennya sex chromosomes E Partial monosomy 70

Owing to the influence (radiation section of the DNA chain has returned to 180 degrees. Which of the following types of mutations took place in the DNA chain: A * Inversion B deletions C duplication D translocation E Replication 71 The patient's symptoms of urinary tract inflammation. In blood smears from the mucous Vaginal found large single-celled organisms with a pear-shaped sharp spine on the posterior end of the body, a large nucleus and undulyuyuchoyu membrane. What kind of protozoa found in a smear? A * Trichomonas vaginalis B Trichomonas hominis C Trichomonas buccalis D Trypanosoma gambiense E Lamblia intestinalis 72 One of the parents suspected carriers of recessive gene for phenylketonuria. What is the risk birth in the family of the child patient phenylketonuria? A * 0 \% B 25 \% C 50 \% D 75 \% E 100 \% 73 With a planned survey of schoolchildren in the girls 10 years of scraping with perianal crease observed asymmetric, oval eggs with larvae inside. What is the diagnosis should put? A * Enterobiasis

B Ascariasis C Amoebiasis D trichocephalosis E hookworm 74 Woman gave birth to a dead child with many malformations. What protozoan disease could result in fetal death? A * Toxoplasmosis B leishmaniasis C Malaria D Amoebiasis E Giardiasis 75 In the hospital got a man 35 years old, who lost his sight in one eye. Anamnesis doctor discovered that I was sick often used not calcined kebab. After X-ray examination of the immunological reactions and the doctor put diagnosis of cysticercosis. Who is the agent of worms of this disease? A * Taenia solium B Taeniarhynchus saginatus C Trichocephalus trichiurus D Trichinella spiralis E Diphyllobothrium latum 76 We study the work of Operon bacteria. There was the release of geneoperator of the protein represora. Then in the cell immediately begins: A * Transcription B Broadcast C Replication D Processing E Repression 77 A study of the maximum spiralizovanih chromosome karyotype of man. At

This process of cell division stopped at the stage: A * metaphase. B prophase. C interphase. D anaphase. E telophase. 78 It is known that the gene responsible for the development of blood groups of ABO system, has three allelic status. The appearance of a human blood group IV can be explained by a form of variability: A * combinativity. B mutations. C phenotypic. D Genokopiya. E Fenokopiya. 79 The patient complains of pain in the liver. When duodenal intubation revealed yellowish eggs oval, tapering to a pole on which the cap. The size of these eggs are the lowest among all the eggs of helminths. What is the diagnosis can be put? A * opisthorchiasis. B teniasis. C Teniarinhoz. D Ehinokokkoz. E bothriocephaliasis. 80 The patient consulted a doctor - urologist with complaints of pain when urinating. In urine taken for analysis during the day, the eggs were found with characteristic spine. Was also determined that the patient had returned from Australia. What is the diagnosis can be put to him?

A * urogenital schistosomiasis. B intestinal schistosomiasis. C schistosomiasis Japanese. D opisthorchiasis. E Dicroceliasis. 81 The child complains of general weakness, poor appetite, restless sleep, itching perianal area. Inserted a preliminary diagnosis: enterobiasis. For more precise diagnosis should be: A * scrapings from the perianal folds B x-ray study C biopsy muscle D immunodiagnosis E Analysis of duodenal content 82 At the workshops, students studied the stained smear of blood mouse leukocytes phagocytized bacteria. Which cell organelle ends digestion of these bacteria?: A * Lysosomes B Mitochondria C granular endoplasmic reticulum D Golgi apparatus E Ribosomes 83 One of the stages of protein synthesis are rekognitsiya. The first triplet of mRNA starts with Triplet - UAU. Which complementary triplet is tRNA A * AUA. B AAA. C GUG. D Uh-huh. E TSUTS. 84 In the analysis of pedigree physician-geneticist, found that the disease

occurs in individuals male and female articles, not all generations, and that sick children can be born in healthy parents. What type of inheritance of the disease? A * autosomal recessive B autosomal dominant C X-linked dominant D X-linked recessive E Y-coupled 85 A woman with III (In), Rh-blood group the child was born with AI (A) blood group. The child diagnosed with hemolytic disease of the newborn due to Rhconflict. Which blood group and Rh factor may be your father? A * II (A), Rh + B I (O), Rh + C III (B), Rh + D I (O), RhE II (A), Rh86 Analysis of the pedigree of the family with cases of anomalies of the teeth (dark enamel) showed that The disease is transmitted from mother to daughters and sons equally, but his father only daughters. What type of inheritance trait? A * X-linked dominant B autosomal recessive C X-linked recessive D autosomal dominant E codominant 87 A few days after consumption of smoked pork patient appeared swollen face and eyelids, gastrointestinal disorders, sudden onset of fever, muscle pain. In the analysis of blood pronounced eosinophilia. In what could become infected with helminths people through the pork?

A * Trichinella B pinworms C Ascarididae D trichurid E hookworm 88 Syndrome of "cat's cry" is characterized by hypoplasia of the muscles of the larynx,''mewing ''Tone of voice, retarded psychomotor development of the child. This disease are the result of: A * deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 B translocation of chromosome 21 at 15 C duplication section 5 of the chromosome D deletions of the short arm of chromosome 21 E inversion of chromosome 21 plot 89 The patient with suspected one of protozoal diseases studied punctate lymph node. In preparations stained with Romanovsky-Giemsa, revealed cells crescent-shaped with a pointed tip, blue cytoplasm, nucleus red. Which of the simplest found in the smears?: A * toxoplasm B of malaria parasites C dermatotropic Leishmania D viscerotropic Leishmania E trypanosomes 90 In the cell autolysis took place due to violation of the integrity and function of membranes.Which organelles have been violated? A * Lysosomes. B nucleus. C mitochondria. D endoplasmic reticulum. E Golgi complex. 91

In healthy parent, heredity are not burdened, the child was born with multiple malformations. Cytogenetic analysis revealed in somatic cells of trisomy 13th chromosome (Patau syndrome). What kind of phenomenon is related birth of such child? A * Breach of gametogenesis B somatic mutation C recessive mutation. D dominant mutation. E chromosomal mutation. 92 The patient was transplanted alien transplant. After time there rejection of transplanted tissue. This was primarily due to functioning of such cells: A * T-lymphocytes. B stem C platelets. D thymocytes E hepatocytes 93 When deworming patient separated worms up to 2 meters. Body helminth segmented, white color, length of segments longer than wide. Detected small head, on which four suckers and hooks. Determine the type of helminth: A * tapeworm armed B echinococcus C Alveokok D dwarf tapeworm E tapeworm unarmed 94 In patients with acne on his face when microscopy scrapings from the general areas identified living arthropods size 0,2 - 0,5 mm. They had an elongated vermiform shape Four pairs of short legs, placed in the middle part of the body. Put

laboratory diagnosis. A * Acne B Scabies C Miaz D pediculosis E Ftirioz 95 The family of students who come from Africa had a child with signs of anemia, which soon died. The survey revealed that red blood cells are abnormal child Crescent-shaped. Determine the probable genotypes of the parents of the child. A * Aa x Aa B Aa x aa C AA x AA D aa x aa E Aa x AA 96 An examination of newborns in one of the cities of Ukraine in the child found phenylketonuria. The child's parents do not suffer from this disease and have two healthy children. Determine the possible genotypes of parents with the gene of phenylketonuria: A * Aa x Aa B AA x aa C aa x aa D Aa x aa E Aa x AA 97 In medico-genetic counseling families with hereditary pathology revealed that the anomaly is manifested through the generations of men. What type of inheritance characteristic of this genetic anomaly? A * X is linked recessive B autosomal dominant C autosomal recessive

D X is linked dominant E Y-is linked 98 A woman having a 0 (I) of blood, the child was born with blood AB.Cholovik This women had blood group A. Which of the following types of interaction of genes explain this phenomenon. A * Epistasis recessive B codomination C polymerism D Incomplete dominance E Complementarity 99 In cell cultures obtained from patients with lysosomal storage disorders, found accumulation of significant quantities of lipids in lysosomes. If any of these disease occurs is a violation? A * Tay-Sachs disease B Gout C Phenylketonuria D Wilson's disease - Konovalov E Galactosemia 100 Golgi apparatus displays the substance of the cell through membrane fusion bag with the cell membrane. In this case the contents of the bag spill out. What process here manifested? A * Exocytosis B endocytosis C Active transport D facilitated diffusion E No answer is incorrect 101 The patient runs on a pig farm complained of pain in his stomach

cramping nature, loose stools with mucus and bloody, headache, weakness, fever. On examination of the colon revealed ulcer size from 1 mm to several centimeters in the faeces - single-celled oval with cilia. What disease suspected in a patient? A * balantidiasis B Amoebiasis C Toxoplasmosis D Giardiasis E trichomoniasis 102 Rested on the dacha, the boy found a spider with morfologicheskimy features: length - 2 cm rounded belly black on the dorsal side of the visible red spots in two rows, four pairs of segmented legs covered small black hairs. Define Your arthropod A Karakurt Scorpion B C Forearm D Mites E Tarantula 103 Analyzed actively dividing normal cells of red bone marrow rights. What is the number of chromosomes characteristic of the G1 period in these cells: A * 46. B 48 C 47 D 45 E 23 104 For a man there is a strict limit on the time spent at an altitude of more than 800 meters above sea level without oxygen tanks. What is the limiting factor for life in this case? A * partial pressure of oxygen in the air

B The level of UV radiation C Humidity level D Temperature E strength of Earth's gravity 105 A person within 3 years of working in an African country. A month after moving to Ukraine appealed to an ophthalmologist with complaints of pain in his eyes, swelling eyelids, tearing, and temporary weakening of view. In the late "yuktivoyu eyes were worms were found in size 30-50 mm, which were elongated filamentary body. Which diagnosis can provide a doctor? A * filariasis B Difilobotrioz C Ascariasis D Enterobiasis E trichocephalosis 106 In the nuclei of the epithelium of the oral mucosa of women were found breast sex chromatin. Enter the appropriate set of sex chromosomes: A * HO B XXV C HU D XXXX E XX 107 In the life cycle of the cells undergoing a process samopodvoennya DNA. As a result This odnohromatidni chromosomes become dvohromatidnimy. In what period of cell cycle observed this phenomenon? A*S B Go C G1 D G2

EM 108 A gynecologist turned 28-year-old woman about infertility. Examination Found: underdeveloped ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual cycle. At study of sex chromatin in the majority of somatic cells found on 2 cells Barra. Which chromosome disease most likely a woman? A * Triple-X Syndrome B Edwards syndrome C Patau syndrome D Klinefelter's syndrome E-Turner syndrome Shereshevsky 109 In the cell at anaphase stage of mitosis acted to colchicine, which blocks the differences chromosomes to the poles. What type of mutation is the consequence? A * Polyploidy. B Inversion C deletions. D duplication. E translocation. 110 On electron micrographs scientists discovered the structure formed by eight molecules of histone proteins and a site of the DNA molecule, making about 1.75 turns around them. What is the structure the researchers found? A * nucleosomes B elementary fibril C Napivhromatidu D chromatids E chromosomes 111 In a patient with fever and skin rash after a survey using serological diagnosis . It was found that the patient contracted through consumption of raw water from rivers. What stage of

life cycle flukes parasitic to man? A * flukes B metacercariae. C Egg. D Miratsidy. E Finn. 112 The patient in the transplant center carried out heart transplants. The body was taken a donor who died in the accident. Someone else's heart can be detached as a result of transplantation immunity. To prevent this, mainly used: A * immunosuppressors. B Chemotherapy C Ultrasound. D enzymes. E X-ray. 113 After the radiation a person, a large number of mutant cells. Through while most of them have been identified and destroyed by cells of the immune system, and namely: A * T-lymphocytes, killer B Plazmoblastamy C T-suppressor lymphocytes D B-lymphocytes E Stem Cells 114 Seen from the patient's gynecologist noticed symptoms of inflammation of the genital tract, blood smears taken from the vagina found oval - pear-shaped protozoa with a spine, with front of the retreating flagella, available undulyuyucha membrane. What disease physician suspects the patient? A * Urogenital trichomoniasis B Giardiasis

C Intestinal trichomoniasis D Toxoplasmosis E Balantidioz 115 The boy I (I ^ 0I ^ 0) group blood, and in his sister's IV (I ^ AI ^ B). What are the blood group of parents of these children? A * II (W A W 0) and III (I ^ VI ^ 0) groups B II (W ^ AI ^ A) and III (I ^ VI ^ 0) groups CI (I ^ 0 W 0) and IV (I ^ AI ^ B) Group D III (I ^ VI ^ 0) i IV (I ^ AI ^ B) Group EI (I ^ 0 W 0) and III (I ^ VI ^ 0) groups 116 In the clinic for treatment of myocardial infarction patient was put embryonic stem cells, obtained through therapeutic cloning in the same patient. As called this kind of transplant? A * autotransplantation B allotransplantation C Xenotransplantation D Izotransplantatsiya E heterotransplantation 117 The woman, who regularly abused alcohol, gave birth to a girl lagged far behind in the physical and mental development. Doctors stated fetal alcohol syndrome. The consequence of which is the influence of this state girls? A * teratogenic B mutagenic C malignancy D carcinogen E Mechanical 118 A woman during gametogenesis (in meiosis) sex chromosomes did not split up

opposite poles of the cell. The eggs were fertilized with normal sperm. What a chromosomal disorder can be a child? A * syndrome Shereshevsky-Turner B syndrome C Patau syndrome D Edwards syndrome E syndrome, cat cry 119 The disease is caused by a point mutation Hartnepa only one gene, resulting in malabsorption amino acid tryptophan in the intestine and reabsorption of a renal tubules. This leads to the simultaneous disorders in the digestive and urinary systems. What genetic phenomenon in this case? A * pleiotropy B complementary interaction C polymerism D codomination E Incomplete dominance 120 At the time of cytogenetic examination of a patient with impaired reproductive feature found in some cells normal karyotype 46, XY, but in most cell karyotype of Klinefelter's syndrome - 47, XXV. What is the name of the phenomenon heterogeneity of cells? A * Mosaicism B Inversion C Transposition D duplication E monomorphism 121 Female 15 years old was taken to hospital with an inflammation of the appendix. Blood tests showed the girl symptoms of anemia. In the faeces were found eggs helminth have limonopodibnu shape (50x30 mm), with "probochkamy at

the poles. What type of helminth parasite girl? A * Volosogolovets B pinworms C hookworm D echinococcus E Dwarf tapeworm 122 In clinical inspections boy 7 years old diagnosed - syndrome Lesch-nyhan (occurs only in boys). The parents are healthy, but my grandfather for the maternal line is the same disease. What type of inheritance of the disease? A * recessive sex-linked B dominant, sex-linked C autosomal recessive D autosomal dominant E Incomplete dominance 123 Patients suffering from acne and inflammatory changes of facial skin, with microscopy to establish the frequency found living arthropods size 0,2-0,5 mm. They had an elongated vermiform shape, four pairs of short limbs, placed in the middle part of the body. Revealed arthropods cause: A * Acne B itch C pediculosis D Ftirioz E Cutaneous miaz 124 The doctor found the patient's body tissue on the scalp with local places of suppuration and the diagnosis - miaz. The larvae of insects which cause this disease? A * Flies volfartovoi B triatomovyh bugs C Zhygalka autumn

D malarial mosquito E MOSQUITO

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