Final Bony Thorax by Dan
Final Bony Thorax by Dan
Final Bony Thorax by Dan
PP: Prone or upright (trauma patient); arms along the
sides; palms facing upward; head turned facing the
affected side for unilateral examination (rotates the
spine slightly away from side of interest); head rested
on chin for bilateral examination
LATERAL PROJECTION • Center MSP of the pt.body to the midline of
R or L Position Upright grid. Center IR at the level of spinous process
RP: T3
CR: ┴ to the center of the IR radiograph, with the manubrium and medial end of
SS: Sternoclavicular joints and medial portions of the clavicle inc.
the clavicles. KURZBAUER METHOD
CI: Trauma, Infection, Congenital abnormalities AXIOLATERAL PROJECTION
PP: Lateral recumbent; affected side against IR; hips
& knee flexed; arm of affected grasp the end of table
(for support); arm of unaffected side grasp the dorsal
surface of hip (depressed shoulder); anterior surface
of manubrium ┴ to IR
RP: Lowermost sternoclavicular articulation
Body Rotation Method SS: Unobstructed sternoclavicular joint; sc joint on
PP: Prone or seated-upright (trauma patient); affected side; sc joint articulation, free from
RAO/LAO; body rotated 10-15o toward affected side superimposition by the shoulders.
(projects vertebrae well behind the SC joint); adjust CI; Trauma, Infection, Congenital abnormalities
the pt. position to center the joint to the midline of
the grid
RP: Level of T2-T3 (3 in. distal to vertebral
prominens) & 1-2 in. lateral from MSP
CR: ┴ to the sternoclavicular joint closest to the IR.
CR enters at the level of T2-T3.
SS: Slightly oblique image of Sternoclavicular joint
is demonstrated; SC joint of interest in the center of C).RIBS
the radiograph, with the manubrium and medial end PA PROJECTION
of the clavicle inc. PP: Upright/prone; center MSP of the pt body to the
CI: Trauma, Infection, Congenital abnormalities midline of the grid; hands rested against hips; palms
turned outward; chin rested on chin; suspend at full
inspiration (depresses diaphragm)
RP: T7
CR: ┴ or 10-15o caudad (to demonstrate 7th-9th ribs)
SS: Anterior ribs (1st-9th ) above the diaphragm
CI: Fractures and neoplastic processes
Central Ray Angulation Method
PP: Prone pos on a grid IR directly under the upper
chest; chin rested on table or rotated toward the side
of interest; Center grid to the level of SC joints;hands
along the sides palms facing upward; Chin at the side
RP: Level of T2-T3 (3 in. distal to vertebral
prominens) & 1-2 in. lateral from MSP AP PROJECTION
CR: 15o toward MSP PP: CenterMSP to the midline of the grid; palms
SS: Open SC joint space, slightly oblique image of outward, against the hips; adjust pt shoulders to lie in
SC joint; SC joint of interest in the center of the the same transverse plane, and rotate the forward to
draw scapula away from ribcage
• Upright: to image ribs above diaphragm; IR PP: RAO/LAO; body rotated 45o (affected side up)
top board 1.5 in. above shoulder; shoulder • Upright: to image ribs above diaphragm;
rotated forward; suspend at full inspiration forearm of affected side rested on grid
(to depress diaphragm) device; suspend at full inspiration (to depress
• Supine: to image ribs below diaphragm; diaphragm)
shoulder in the same transverse plane; • Supine: to image ribs below diaphragm;
suspend at full expiration (to elevate patient rested on forearm; knee of elevated
diaphragm) side flexed; suspend at full expiration (to
RP: T7 (upper ribs) or T10 (lower ribs) elevate diaphragm)
CR: ┴ to the center of IR RP: T7 (upper ribs) or T10 (lower ribs)
SS: Posterior ribs above the diaphragm (1st-10th ) & CR: ┴ to the center of IR
below the diaphragm (8th -12th ) SS: Axilliary portion of the ribs free of bony
superimposition; (1st-10th ) ribs visible above
diaprahgm & below the diaphragm (8th -12th )
PP: RPO/LPO; body rotated 45o (affected side Costal Joints AP AXIAL PROJECTION
down); arm of affected side abducted; opposite hand PP: Supine; head rest directly on the table; center
on hip; Abduct arm of the affected side, and elevate MSP to midline of grid; adjust pt shoulders to lie in
it to carry the scapula away from ribcage same transverse plane
• Upright: to image ribs above diaphragm;
CR: Directed 20 deg cephalad entering the midline
hand rested on head; suspend at full about 2 inch above xiphoid process
inspiration (to depress diaphragm) SS: Costovertebal and costotransverse joints are
• Supine: to image ribs below diaphragm; hip demonstrated; open costovertebral costotransverse
elevated; suspend at full expiration (to joints
elevate diaphragm) CI:
RP: T7 (upper ribs) or T10 (lower ribs)
CR: ┴ to the center of IR
SS: Axilliary portion of the ribs projected free of
superimposition; 1st-10th ribs visible above the
diaphragm for upper limbs anbelow the diaphragm
(8th -12th ).
CI: Fractures and neoplastic processes
PP: Supine/upright; neck slightly extended; MSP ┴
to IR; Adjust pt.shoulders to lie in the same
transverse plane; Center IR at the level of the
PA OBLIQUE PROJECTION manubrium; exposure during slow inspiration;
RP: Manubrium rest shoulder firmly against IR; depress the opposite
CR: ┴ through the manubrium to the center of the IR shoulder as pos. body in true lateral position.
SS: Outline of the Air-filled trachea; Area from the RP:
CR:15 deg caudad directed to the center of IR
midcervical to the midthoracic region.
through the adjacent supraclavicular impression
CI: Aspiration/Foreign body, SS: Air-filled trachea; Shoulders well separated
from each other; area from mid-cervical to
midthoracic region
CI: visualize subluxation and fractures involving
the inferior cervical spine, superior thoracic spine
and adjacent soft tissue
PP: Seated/upright lateral position; hands clasped
behind the body; shoulder rotated posteriorly
(prevents superimposition of arms & superior
mediastinum); neck extended slightly; exposure
during slow inspiration
RP: Midway b/n jugular notch & midcoronal plane PA PROJECTION
(for trachea); 4-5 in. lower (for superior PP: Upright/seated-upright (always); chin extended
mediastinum) upward; arms hanging at the side and flex arms and
CR: Horizontal though a point of midway bet. The to the rest of the back f the hands low on the hips;
jugular notch and the MCP depress the shoulders and adjust to lie in the same
SS: Air-filled trachea &trachea and superior transverse plane; exposure after second full
mediastinum free from superimposition y the inspiration (general) or end of full inspiration &
shoulders expiration (for presence of pneumothorax & foreign
ER: described by Eiselbeg & Sgalitzer body)
• Used to demonstrate restrosternal extensions RP: T7
of the thyroid gland CR: ┴ CR enters at the level of T7
• Thymic enlargement in infants (recumbent SS: Entire lung field
position) • Sharp outline of heart
• Opacified larynx & upper esophagus • Sharp outline of diaphragm (expiration)
• Outline of trachea & bronchi • Ten posterior ribs above diaphragm
CI: Aspiration/ For foreign body localization Upright Position Rationale:
• Diaphragm at its lowest position
• Air-fluid levels are seen
• Avoid engorgement of the pulmonary
CI: Pleural effusion, Pneumothorax, Atelectasis