Research Article: Sahar Shibli, Farzana Siddique, Saeeda Raza, Zaheer Ahsan and Irum Raza
Research Article: Sahar Shibli, Farzana Siddique, Saeeda Raza, Zaheer Ahsan and Irum Raza
Research Article: Sahar Shibli, Farzana Siddique, Saeeda Raza, Zaheer Ahsan and Irum Raza
Research Article
Department of Food Technology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan; 2Food Science and
Product Development Institute, National Agriculture Research Center, Islamabad, Pakistan; 3Oil Quality Lab, Oilseeds lnstitute,
National Agriculture Research Center, Islamabad, Pakistan; 4Social Sciences Research lnstitute, National Agriculture Research
Center, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Abstract | Three indigenous peanut cultivars from Pakistan specifically Local-334, Bard-92 and Bard-479
were investigated in the study for compositional quality and peanut butter development. Chemical composition
of peanut cultivars indicated 5.53±0.20 to 5.93±0.02 % moisture, 2.00±0.11 to 2.17±0.05% ash, 49.80±3.54
to 50.90±0.93% fats, 23.83±1.71 to 26.43±1.15 % proteins, 13.23±2.20 to 19.42±3.83 % carbohydrates and
4.95±0.06 to 8.53± % fiber. Mineral analysis of peanut cultivars showed 12.60±0.38 to 16.61±1.51 mg/100g Fe
, 2.34±0.075 to 3.37±0.040 mg/100g Zn, 38.64±3.50 to 48.24±32.58 mg/100g Ca, 67.81±7.86 to 82.72±9.09
mg/100g Mg, 199.19±33.18 to 342.00±19.03 mg/100g Na and 1220.6±9.045 to 1411.3±1.71 mg/100g P
and 841.01±50.41 to 992.98±36.10 mg/100g K. Fatty acid characterization of groundnut cultivars through
gas liquid chromatography revealed six fatty acids namely palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidic
acid, eicosenoic acid and behenic acid. The peanut cultivars Bard-479 and Local-334 were more suitable for
oil extraction and peanut butter development because of their high oleic acid to linoleic acid ratio (2.3-2.4).
Bard-92 was less preferable cultivar for product development owing to its high linoleic acid (42.56%) and
low O/L ratio (0.93) that attributed to its oxidative instability. Sensory evaluation of peanut butter samples
showed overall good acceptability of product among the people. Storage study of peanut butter samples
demonstrated shelf stability of product up to three months at room temperature.
Received | October 19, 2017; Accepted | January 06, 2019; Published | January 29, 2019
*Correspondence | Sahar Shibli, Department of Food Technology, Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan; Email:
Citation | Shibli, S., F. Siddique, S. Raza, Z. Ahsan and I. Raza. 2019. Chemical composition and sensory analysis of peanut butter from
indigenous peanut cultivars of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 32(1): 159-169.
Keywords | Fatty acid, Gas chromatography, Groundnut, Peanut butter
Fatty acid composition of peanut cultivars Table 3: Fatty acid composition of groundnut cultivars.
Characterization of local groundnut cultivars on the Fatty acids Bard 92 Bard 479 Local 334
basis of their fatty acid composition is necessary to Palmitic acid 12.03C** 9.32C** 9.45C**
separate them for different utilization purposes (Wang Oleic acid 39.60B 59.70A 59.22A
et al., 2011). Gas chromatography of groundnuts in Linoleic acid 42.54A 24.90B 25.50B
present study showed significant difference among
Arachidic acid 1.41F 1.57E 1.52E
indigenous cultivars for fatty acid composition
Behenic acid 2.80D 2.89D 2.69D
(α=0.05). Six fatty acids were isolated out of which
oleic (C-18:1) and linoleic (C-18:2) acids were Eicosenoic 1.57E 1.66E 1.59E
constituting the major portion while palmitic (C-16:0), O/L ratio 0.93 2.40 2.32
arachidic (C-20:0), eicosenoic (C-20:1) and behenic SFA 17.81 15.44 15.26
acids (C-22:0) were making up small percentage UFA 82.2 84.56 84.73
(Table 3). The oleic acid contents of groundnut
cultivars showed Bard-479 and Local-334 had O/L ratio (Stability index) = Oleic acid/ Linoleic acid; SFA:
Saturated fatty acids; UFA: Un-saturated fatty acids; ** Significant
comparable amount of oleic acid (59.7% and 59.23% at 5% level of significance; Means followed by same letters are not
respectively) while Bard-92 cultivar had lowest oleic statistically significant at 5% level of significance.
acid percentage (39.64%). Linoleic acid percentages
showed Bard-479 and Local-334 cultivars possessed Storage studies
similar amounts (24.86% and 25.5% respectively) Free Fatty Acid Content: Free fatty acid content of
while Bard-92 cultivar had highest linoleic acid oil measures extent of deterioration that has occurred
percentage i.e. 42.56% (Table 3). Bard-479 and Local by action of heat and lipase enzyme (Anaysor et
Cultivar No.334 showed oleic acid to be the major al., 2009). FFA content of peanut oil should range
fatty acid, however fatty acid profile of Bard-92 between 0.02-0.6 percent in order to be fit for human
cultivar showed linoleic acid to be the most abundant consumption (Pattee, 2005). Free fatty acid contents
fatty acid. Moreover, results of fatty acid analysis of peanuts before processing and peanut butter
of peanut cultivars in present research were found samples up to two month storage intervals are shown
to be compatible with the work of earlier scientists in Table 4. FFA contents of raw peanuts and peanut
(Akhtar and Hamid, 2008; Shahzad et al., 2011). butter samples remained under safe limits until one
month of storage period but afterwards the samples
Oleic to linoleic acid ratio of edible oil is called its showed significant heat induced rancidity by having
stability index. Oleic acid is a mono-unsaturated fatty greater free fatty acids dissociation.
March 2019 | Volume 32 | Issue 1 | Page 164
Quality evaluation of peanut butter
Table 4: Free fatty acid contents of raw peanuts and low oleic and high linoleic acid peanut cultivar
peanut butter. specifically Bard-92. Oxidative stability of high oleic
Cultivars Raw Peanuts Peanut Butter and low linoleic acid content peanut varieties utilized
for confectionary and peanut butter preparation was
Fresh Fresh 30 days 60 days also noticed by Dhamsaniya et al. (2011) and Wang
BARD-92 0.09± 0.12± 0.22± 1.01± et al. (2011) which corresponded with the findings of
0.003*ABNS 0.01ANS 0.00B*** 0.115ANS present study. Refrigerated storage of peanut products
BARD-479 0.11± 0.16± 0.45± 0.80± is recommended in summer season for prevention of
0.02A 0.02A 0.00A 0.10A rancidity and prolonged shelf life (Woodroof et al.,
Local-334 0.087± 0.135± 0.57± 0.80± 1983).
0.003B 0.025A 0.115A 0.10A
* Values represent average of three replicates ± standard deviations; **
Significant at 5% level of significance; *** Highly significant even at
1% level; NS: Non-significant; Means followed by same letters are
not statistically significant at 5% level of significance.