V-PS - V-HRD - B4U - Ficha Tecnica
V-PS - V-HRD - B4U - Ficha Tecnica
V-PS - V-HRD - B4U - Ficha Tecnica
and Bases S853/
• The V-HFD is fixed-temperature heat detector with an alarm • Manufactured to strict international ISO 9001 standards
threshold of 135° F (57° C). • Assembled using surface mount technology for RF resistance
• The V-HRD is a 135°F (57°C) fixed temp with a 15°F (8°C) per
• Conformally coated components resist dust and humidity
minute rate-of-rise function.
• The V-PHS houses an optical sensing chamber that detects • Automatic detector test
smoke, as well as a fixed-temperature sensor that detects • Low Profile Design
heat. The detector analyzes data from both sensors to deter-
mine when an alarm is initiated.
• The V-PS houses an optical sensing chamber that detects
All detectors feature comprehensive self-diagnostic capability.
V-PS and V-PHS optical detectors continuously adjust their sen-
sitivity to compensate for changes in the environment such as the
presence of dirt, smoke, temperature, and humidity. These detec-
tors issue a dirty sensor warning when they reach their preset limit.
Optical and combination detectors Connect the detector to the base by rotating the detector clock-
wise until it snaps into the locked position.
V-Series optical detectors continuously adjust their sensitivity
based on fluctuating environmental conditions such as the pres- The head can be removed by turning it counterclockwise.
ence of dirt, smoke, humidity, or changes in temperature, and
If the head must lock to the base, break away the
notifies the panel of any changes in sensor sensitivity. When the
locking tab shown below using a pair of pliers.
detector has adjusted its sensitivity to its maximum limit, it issues a Bottom of detector
dirty sensor warning, allowing enough of a margin for maintenance To then remove the detector head, insert a small
personnel to clean the detector before it goes into trouble condi- screwdriver into the slot on the side of the base
tion. and press in while simultaneously turning the
Breakaway tab detector head counterclockwise.
These detectors perform comprehensive self-diagnostics and
store these details in their on-board memory.
V-PHS Optical/Fixed Temperature Detector houses an optical
B4U Standard Base
sensing chamber that detects smoke, as well as a fixed-temper-
The B4U Analog Standard Detector Base features twist-and-lock
ature sensor that detects heat. The detector analyzes data from
detector installation and is compatible with with V-Series analog
both sensors to determine when an alarm is initiated. This com-
detectors. The base does not require a separate address because
bines the suitability of optical sensing for slow burning fires with
it shares the address of the device it is connected to.
the sensitivity of fixed-temperature detection for fast flaming fires
to arrive at a solution that responds reliably to the widest range of Remote LED Maximum
fire types. - + per wire
must not
A sophisticated algorithm processes data from both sensors over exceed
time so that an alarm is only reported when conditions precisely 10 Ohms
match the signature of a fire. This eliminates the shortcomings of
single-sensor optical and heat detection, and significantly reduces controller
the risk of nuisance alarms. or
previous To next
V-PS Optical Smoke Detector uses an optical sensing chamber device device
to detect smoke. The detector analyzes data gathered by the sen- SLC in (-) SLC out (-)
sor to determine when an alarm is initiated. SLC in (+) SLC out (+)
Thanks to its high-performance optical sensing chamber, the V-PS Term Description Term Description
responds quickly and reliably to a wide range of fire types, espe- 1 SLC in and SLC out (+) 4 Not used
cially slow burning fires fuelled by combustibles typically found 2 SLC in (-) 5 Remote LED (+)
in modern multi-use buildings. The V-PS detects extremely small 3 Not used 6 SLC out (-)
particles and triggers an alarm at the first sign of smoke. 3 Not used 6 Remote LED (-)
LED Indication
V-Series detectors provide a bicolor status LED:
• Normal: Green LED flashes
• Alarm/active: Red LED flashes
N/O COM N/C Sleeping rooms: In sleeping areas, the high dBA output and tem-
poral tone settings must be used. However, if the FACP is produc-
Term Description Term Description ing the three-tone temporal evacuation signal, then the high dBA
N/O (Normally open) SLC in (-) DATA - (IN) output and steady tone settings may be used. Some jurisdictions
COM (Common) SLC out (+) DATA + (OUT) require the low frequency output provided by the SB4U-LF.
N/C (Normally DATA - (OUT)
SLC out (-)
Contact rating:
AB4G-SB: When using the AB4G-SB box,
SLC in (+) DATA + (IN) install a reinforcing plate at every knockout
2.0a @ 30vdc resistive
used. (Reinforcing plates are included with
Notes the box.) Remove the knockout first, then
1. Wire in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electrical Code. slide the reinforcing plate into the plastic
2. Be sure to observe the polarity of the terminals on the terminal block housing. After the plate is in place, install
as shown in the diagram. the conduit connector and nut.
3. Break wire run at each terminal. Do not loop signaling circuit field
wires around terminals.
Bases B4U Standard Base IB4U Isolator Detector Base RB4U Relay Detector Base
Operating environment
Temperature 32 to 120°F (0 to 49°C)
Humidity 0 to 93% RH, noncondensing at 90°F ( 32°C)
Storage temperature range -4 to 140°F (-20 to 60°C)
Compatible detectors V-PS, V-PHS, V-HRD, and V-HFD detectors
Compatible electrical boxes North American 2-1/2 in. (64 mm) deep 2 gang box
Standard 4 in. square box 1-1/2 in. (38 mm) deep box
European 100 mm square box
Wire size 12, 14, 16, or 18 AWG wire (2.5, 1.5, 1.0, or 0.75 sq. mm) (Sizes 16 and 18 AWG are preferred)
Base diameter 6.0 in. (152 mm)
Height from box (including detector) 2.08 in. (53 mm) 2.57 in. (65 mm)
Maximum distance from ceiling (wall 12 in. (305 mm)
Contact us...
Email: kidde.fire@fs.utc.com
Web: Kidde.com/EngineeredSystems