Lecture-2: Unit Cell, Bravais Lattice
Lecture-2: Unit Cell, Bravais Lattice
Lecture-2: Unit Cell, Bravais Lattice
Lattice parameters : Arbitrary arrangements of
crystallographic axes, marked X, Y and Z, defining a unit cell
shown in the fig. The three sides of a unit cell which are
called the crystallographic axes. The angles between the three
axes α, β and γ are called interfacial angles.
The intercepts a, b and c define the
dimensions of a unit cell and are known
lattice parameters of the unit cell. These
are also called the geometrical constants
of a given crystal.
Unit Cell : A crystal lattice is made up of infinite
repetitions of a small group of ions in three-dimensional
pattern. It is built up by the combination of a regular array
of ions in which each ion is surrounded by a definite
number of ions of opposite charges.
The small group of ions which is repeated in a crystal
lattice in three-dimensional pattern is known as a unit cell.
The unit cell is thus the smallest portion of the crystal
lattice which has all the various kind of symmetry which
characterise the crystal.
Fig. 1.Unit cell
Here parallelogram 1, 2, 3 are equal in area and any one of
them could be taken as the primitive cell.
The parallelogram 4 has twice the area of a primitive cell
and thus a compound cell. The compound cell is also a
non-primitive cell.
▪Distinguish between primitive unit cell & unit cell:
Primitive Cell Unit Cell
1. The unit cell occupying the 1. A parallelepiped shaped
smallest volume in a given volume, which reproduced by
lattice is called the primitive unit close packing in three dimensions
cell. gives the whole crystal is called
the unit cell.
2. It always contains only one 2. It may contain more than one
lattice point. lattice point.
3. A primitive cell is the smallest 3. A unit cell may be smallest or
cell in crystal. A cell smaller not.
than it is never possible.
4. It is always a unit cell. 4. But a unit cell is not always a
primitive cell. 7
Lattice symbol ‘P’: The lattice symbol ‘P’ means the
primitive cell where lattice points are at the corners of
the cell. A primitive cell is always a unit cell.
(base centered
Cubic: In the cubic system, there are three lattice types: the
simple-cubic lattice (sc), the body centered cubic (bcc), and the
face centered cubic (bcc).Here,
Hexagonal: In the Hexagonal system, the lattice is primitive and
for this