Aids To Navigation: Maritime Safety
Aids To Navigation: Maritime Safety
Aids To Navigation: Maritime Safety
Maritime Safety
Maritime safety includes area of safety of navigation, seafarers, oil spill response and vessel traffic
system. These elements are vital to ensure the Malaysian waters and its marine environment is safe,
secure and sustainable.
Aids To Navigation
Malaysia has a coastline of over 4,500 kilometers. With the increasing number of ships plying
Malaysian waters, aids to navigation is vital not only for the smooth sailing of ships to their
destinations but also to ensure safe passage. In this regards, Malaysia has put in place aids to
navigation along the coastline which include lighthouses, beacons and also buoys. These navigational
aids are maintained and managed by the Light Dues Board which is under the administration of the
Marine Department Malaysia.
The Malacca Lighthouse was the earliest lighthouse built in Malaysia in the mid-1800s. Currently,
there are 40 lighthouses throughout Malaysia. Most of the lighthouses are equipped with radar to assist
or guide ships’ position.
Beacons are permanently built structure at determined location to mark navigational channel, rocks,
shoal and etc.
Buoys are floating devices on the water surface, bound with chains (spool) that are anchored on the
seabed. Buoys marked the boundary of navigational channel, ship wrecks, marking, anchorage areas,
dangerous areas and etc.
The Marine Electronic Highway Demonstration Project (MEH Project) is a project funded by the
Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(IBRD). This project involves three countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, in
collaboration with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), International Hydrographic
Organizationt (IHO), International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the International Association of
Tanker Owners (INTERTANKO).
The MEH project in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore has three (3) main components namely:
Location of lighthouses