Dressmaking Final

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I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

a. Determine what are the basic hand stitches

b. Perform the basic hand stitches in our daily lives
c. Appreciate the importance of the basic hand stitches

II. Subject matter:

a. Topic: Basic Hand Stitches
b. Reference: K to 12 Basic Education curriculum Technology and Livelihood
education learning module, dressmaking/ tailoring exploratory course
c. Aids and Devices: Powerpoint Presentation, actual sample, thread, needle

III. Teaching Procedure:

A. Preparation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s response

1. Prayer
Any volunteer to lead the Students will pray.
2. Greetings
Good Morning class. Good morning ma’am
3. Checking of attendance
Let’s check first your
attendance, say present as I
call your name.
4. Review Red, blue and yellow
Last time we discussed about
the color theory, so what are
the primary colors?
Very good. Green, violet and orange
What are the secondary
Very good. Yellow green, blue green, blue
What are the intermediate violet, red violet, red orange,
colors? yellow orange

Very good. Students will raise their hand.

Students answer may vary.

 Who among you here know Students answer may vary.

how to sew with the use of
your hands?
Okay very good.
 Who teach you how to sew?
Okay good.
 Now, what are the basic hand
stitches that you already
 Okay very good. Class listen
carefully because we will learn
more about that today.

I. Activity

 The teacher will post pictures and the students will identify the
picture posted on the screen.
II. Analysis

How many basic hand stitches 7

do we have?
Very good. So, what are they? Running stitch, back stitch,
basting, chain stitch, blanket stitch,
catch stitch, and outline stitch
Very good.

How do you find the activity? Is it Yes

What have you observed in the Basic hand stitches
pictures posted?

Can you guess what would be our I guess our topic for today is all
topic today? about dressmaking/tailoring

Answer key:
Test I.
1. Outline stitch
2. Back stitch
3. Basting
4. Catch stitch
5. Running stitch
6. Chain stitch

III. Abstraction

Yesterday, are lesson was all about what? Ma’am, our lesson yesterday was all about
Very good, Again what is dressmaking? Dressmaking is defined as the craft of
sewing clothes and dresses. An example of
dressmaking is the art of sewing a beautiful
dress from fabric.
Why is it dressmaking/tailoring is Dressmakers help people enhance their
important? body assets and hide their flaws. Just like
makeup, clothes are the basic things that
can help in enhancing whatever asset a
person has and be able to hide whatever
flaws that person wants to keep private.
The seven common stitches we'll be
learning today are:  outline stitch, back
stitch, basting, catch stitch, running stitch,
chain stitch and blanket stitch

Outline Stitch

 This stitch is similar to the back stitch but it
is slanted. Make one slanted back stitch in
front of another letting each one overlap
the one before it just a little bit, until the
design is filled.

Back Stitch

 Make one running stitch, then take a back

stitch to the beginning of the first stitch,
thus overlapping each running stitch.
Resembles machine stitching and is used to
strengthen a seam made by hand.


 Basting is quite important in successful
sewing. This is used to hold fabric
temporarily in place, until permanently
stitched. There are four types of basting;
hand basting, machine basting, pin basting,
and basting edges with iron.

Catch Stitch

 This is used for a flat finish next to fabric,
such as seam binding on hem. Hold open
hem edge away from you, work from left to
right. Take a stitch in the hem, then a tiny
stitch to the right just beyond edge of hem
with the point of needle to the left. This
makes diagonal lined that cross each other.
Running Stitch

 To make this stitch, push point of the
needle in and out of fabric until you have
several stitches on the needle. Hold fabric
taut with left hand, pull the needle through.
Practice until you make fine even stitches.

Chain Stitch

 Insert the needle in and out of the fabric
(as in the running stitch). Bring the thread
under the tip of the needle while still in the
fabric, then pull the needle through.

Blanket Stitch

 Put your needle in one fourth inch from
the edge of the fabric, put the thread under
the point of the needle and pull through.

IV. Application:

The students will perform the basic hand stitches. They will be graded based on the
rubrics given below.
Rubrics for Rating

Items to be evaluated Points Rating

1. Back stitch Wow (5 pts.)
- Hand sewing is done
correctly. Stitches
are correct length
and width apart.
Closure is invisible.
2. Basting stitch
3. Running stitch Almost there ( 4pts.)
- Hand sewing is done
correctly. Stitches
are correct length
and width apart.
Closure is invisible.
4. Outline stitch
5. Blanket stitch On the way (3 pts.)
- Hand sewing is done
correctly. Stitches
are correct length
and width apart.
Closure is invisible.
6. Catch stitch
7. Chain stitch Needs improvement (2 pts.)
- Hand sewing is done
correctly. Stitches are
correct length and width
apart. Closure is invisible.

V. Evaluation
1. It is use for outlining, straight and curved lines, stems for plants, filling if row are
stitched together . Creates a rope like appearance.

a. stem stich c. cross stitch

b. running stitch d. herringbone stitch

2. It is quite important in successful sewing. This is used to hold fabric temporary in

place, until permanently.
a. Basting c. Running stitch
b. Blanket stitch d. Overcast stitch

3. Sewing helps you develop fine motor skills, improve your focus and
concentration and teaches the importance of patience and self-control.

a. True c. False
b. Cannot be determined d. not applicable

4. Which of the following stitches can be used in hemming?

a. Catch Stitch c. Whip Stitch

b. Slip Stitch d. all of the above

5. It is the most basic of the hand sewing stitches. It has many variation according
to the requirement.

a. Blanket Stitch c. Running Stitch

b. Fell stitch d. basting

VI. Assignment:

Bring these following things tomorrow:

1. White fabric (15 inches long and 10 inches wide)
2. Thread (any color)
3. Hand needle

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