Egovernment Competences Revisited - A Literature Review On Necessary Competences in A Digitalized Public Sector

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eGovernment Competences revisited – A Literature

Review on necessary Competences in a Digitalized Public

Bettina Distel1, Nadine Ogonek1 and Jörg Becker1

1 University of Münster - ERCIS, Chair for Information Systems and Information Management,
Münster, Germany

Abstract. With the growing proliferation of digital technologies, organizations

at all levels are faced with a changing environment to which employees and
leaders have to adapt. Digital competences can be considered a key factor for the
successful implementation of digital technologies in organizations of all kinds.
Public administrations are exemption from this trend and are the focus in this
study as a special organizational form. Despite the importance of these
competences, extensive research on this subject is yet missing. To better
understand the shape of knowledge contributions made so far, a structured
literature review is conducted to uncover the state of the art of research on these
competences. Results of this study indicate that only very few scholars have so
far researched public administration competences more closely. Besides
functional competences, a focus on so-called soft skills and personality traits is
unveiled. Based on the findings, directions for future research are derived.

Keywords: eGovernment, digitalization, competences, literature review

1 Introduction

“[P]olicy makers face a race between technology and education, and the winners will
be those who encourage skill upgrading so that all can benefit from digital
opportunities” [1]. This statement nowadays becomes a postulate amongst decision
makers worldwide, given the growing realization that digitalization is not just a
temporary phenomenon but rather a revolutionary game-changing intrusion: “The
number of internet users has more than tripled in a decade—from 1 billion in 2005 to
an estimated 3.2 billion at the end of 2015. This means that businesses, people, and
governments are more connected than ever before” [1]. On the one side, this offers great
potentials, but at the same time organizations’ and peoples’ competences are heavily
challenged by digitalization, needing to constantly adapt to an ever changing
environment [2]. This is equally true for all organizations that in large part have
acknowledged the need for the right skills in a digital world, but when being asked if

14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik,

February 24-27, 2019, Siegen, Germany

their employees embody these competences “[…] 53% rather or strongly disagreed
with the statement” [3]. The increased use of information systems has entered public
administrations worldwide equally and governments also have started to recognize the
potential benefits in terms of efficiency and effectiveness gains, if comprehensively
leveraged. Yet, “[s]uccessful digital transformation comes not from implementing new
technologies but from transforming an organisation to take advantage of the
possibilities that new technologies provide” [4]. Thus, the transformation needs to be
thoroughly prepared and implemented, since it greatly affects the way the work is done
and organized, and requires organizational adjustments [5], [6]. [7] point to the fact that
employees from all organizational layers need to refresh their digital skills as a
prerequisite for digital transformation to be successful. [8] advocate for a better
understanding of this changed environment in order to equip “[…] students with useful
models, methods, and technical skills for customer-centric and service-centric
information systems” [8].
The basic assumption underlying this study is that competences are a key resource
for the successful implementation and use of digital technologies. If public
administrations wish to exploit the full potential of digitalization, the development of
competences to deal with a diverse set of technologies should therefore be of equal
importance as the development of the technology itself. Yet, in spite of the topic’s
importance, scientific contributions in this area, are only rarely to be found and do not
seem to be among the domain’s research priorities [9], [10], [11]. There are few
attempts that started the endeavor to structure the competence necessities for
eGovernment education, e.g. [12], [13], [14]. In this context, it is especially [14], who
are the only ones that offer a differentiated clustering of necessary competences. Their
study, however, was already published in 2015. Therefore, we would like to find out,
how this line of research has developed since then and put forward the research
question: Which competences do public administrations employees need from a
research perspective?

2 Research Background

Next to providing definitions of key concepts in order to establish a clear understanding,

we also investigate existing research on competences. The term competence used
throughout this study refers to the combination of an individual’s work-related
knowledge, skills and abilities [15]. In accordance with prior research [16], we propose
that competences are a key prerequisite for the skillful use of information systems. With
the increased use of Information Systems (IS), the way public bodies act is and will
keep changing considerably. In general, the organization’s technical infrastructure has
the power to improve its performance significantly. "In particular, information systems
are considered to be a major asset for leveraging organizational transformation owing
to the disruptive nature of IT [Information Technology] innovations, the deep
digitalization of business, and their cross-organization and systemic effects,
notwithstanding the amounts of investments in enterprise systems." [17]

Even though there are huge efficiency and productivity gains ascribed to the use of
IS in public administrations [18], employees have to be provided with digital
competences to be able to work in the digital age [19]. The adequate preparation of
public servants is therefore indispensable, because the success of implementing IT
highly depends on the employees’ skills and expertise [20], [21]. Despite its
importance, as has been mentioned before, education in the area of eGovernment has
not yet been a major topic of interest in research. However, there have been limited
intents to identify the necessary competences. Early studies on required competences
in the public sector mainly focused on IT competences, e.g. [2], [22]. It is rather later
studies that acknowledge the need for more diversified skill sets [23], [24]. Yet, it seems
that these competences are not very well covered. According to a report by the
European Commission, almost one quarter (23%) of the total EU population has no
digital competences at all. Although this ratio is better amongst the working population,
where only 14% have no digital skills at all, 39% are considered to have an insufficient
level of digital skills [25].
However, quite some practice frameworks have been set up to classify and cluster
the necessary competences, notably in the context of the ongoing digitalization, which
can be referred to as “[…] the manifold sociotechnical phenomena and processes of
adopting and using these technologies in broader individual, organizational, and
societal contexts.” [8] The Skill Framework for the Information Age (SFIA), for
instance, is a reference guide, describing 97 skills for employees in information
systems-related roles of any type. It provides a reference model embracing two
dimensions, namely skills and different levels of responsibility [26]. Another
framework to cluster “e”-related competences is the European e-competence
framework (e-CF) [27]. The framework, initially developed in 2005, is designed as a
means for describing necessary IT professionals’ skills and knowledge requirements. It
is based on 40 predefined competences, split into five ICT (Information and
Communication Technology) areas. It relates to the European Qualifications
Framework with five different proficiency levels. Both frameworks offer guidance for
practitioners working with IT, however they do not consider the peculiarities of the
public sector, inhibiting their application to the domain of eGovernment.
Therefore, another study, developed by [14], seems to be more promising, since it
offers a categorization of different competence categories and is especially designed
for the public sector. It builds on the findings from earlier studies in the same domain.
Consisting of five different competence categories, which are composed of technical,
socio-technical, organizational, managerial and political-administrative competences,
it offers a more differentiated view on this topic. Technical competences are IT-related
skills like the fundamentals, strategy and design of Information Systems (IS). Socio-
technical competences encompass all the skills that are located at the interface of
technical systems and human beings and involve both of them. Examples for such
competences are framework requirements on the impact of eGovernment/technology.
Organizational competences refer to the organizational integration of IT/eGovernment,
organizational structures, process management etc. The category of managerial
competences deals with business-related and management skills in the context of
IT/eGovernment, like project, change and financial management. Political-
administrative competences consist of skills that deal with the environment that

IT/eGovernment is embedded in. Examples are legal conditions and policies. These
competences seem to better grasp the competence diversity needed in the public sector.
Although this framework is a valuable approach, it is one of the very few attempts to
systematically cluster competences and derive explicit categories. Further systematic
research on which competences public sector employees need for the digitalization, has
not been put on the IS research agenda.

3 Methodology

In order to uncover the status quo of research on competences in the public sector, we
conducted a structured literature review, following the guidelines by [70]. Following
their approach, we did not focus on one specific discipline, but widened the scope of
our research. Contrary to the propositions by [70], we did not focus exclusively on
journals but intentionally decided to include different kinds of publications, because of
the fact that research on competences just recently gained in academic interest in the
public sector [11], [12]. We first defined a set of relevant search terms that included
synonyms to competence and public administration as well as eGovernment. We
included the term e-government and variations of it, because a lot of research around
the digitalization of public administrations is summarized under this umbrella term. In
addition, we ran a second search in the database, this time reducing the search to articles
also including keywords on digitalization, innovation or technologies. We used the
database SCOPUS as it allows for various settings and includes a wide range of
scientific outlets. The results were limited to outlets from the year 2000 onwards,
because of the rapid changes technologies have undergone since then and it can be
assumed that the needed competences have changed as well. As the study does not only
aim at describing the status quo of research on competences in public administration
but also on deriving an agenda for further research, this limitation is valid. Combining
both searches led to a total set of 1235 articles. We excluded all results of doubtable
quality, such as students’ theses and grey literature as well as all non-scientific articles.
Also, we only considered English articles, assuming that important research is
published in English to make it accessible to a broader audience. We did, however,
consider full as well as research in progress-papers and journal articles as well as
conference proceedings and book chapters. Based on the title and abstract, we assessed
the remaining articles with regard to their fit for this study’s aim. The inclusion criterion
was whether the development of competences in or for public administrations was a
key topic of the articles. Although we rather included than excluded articles, also in
borderline or unclear cases, in the end we only considered 63 articles to be relevant.
We read these articles to evaluate whether they dealt with competences as a core topic
or not. After a thorough pre-evaluation, a final set of 21 articles remained. 42 articles
were not considered in the end, because they either purely focused on IT skills or they
had a very specific target group that would not allow for comparability. We eliminated
the majority of articles, because they only mentioned competences and/or skills on a
side note, without specifying their nature and making them an explicit unit of analysis
or the studies mentioned skills and competences as one factor influencing adoption

decisions without further distinguishing the needed competences. With the remaining
papers, we conducted a forward and backward search, applying the same inclusion and
exclusion criteria as set forth above. All articles referencing one of the 21 articles were
assessed which led to the inclusion of another 7 articles. For this search, we used Google
Scholar as it yielded considerably more citations than SCOPUS. In the same way, we
also examined all articles cited in the first 21 papers and included another 14 articles as
relevant in our final data set.

4 Results

The final sample contains 42 articles (see Table 1). Out of these, 26 were published in
journals, 13 of them were conference proceedings and 3 articles were book chapters.
All articles were published between 2000 and 2018. Table 2 contains all identified
sources, their shortened title, and outlet form. We also evaluated the extent to which
the analyzed articles referred to each other as indicated by the columns ‘citing’ and
‘cited by’. This analysis shows that only few articles refer to others in the sample and
are frequently referred to by others such as [14], [21], [28] and [29].
For the analysis, we intentionally decided against following the chosen categorization
of competences by the authors, although most articles already included some kind of
categorization. We decided for breaking them up to identify patterns or differences
ourselves. We did this to first eliminate possible ambiguities that could exist due to the
authors’ different foci and chosen terms and second to not overlook any skills that we
would not have expected in certain categories. The articles’ categorizations were coined
very differently, given the difference in focus of the respective article. [62], for
example, deal with skill sets of a successful collaborator, which is why their article
naturally concentrates primarily on personality traits and soft skills. We found that
similar skills were categorized differently in different articles; therefore, we
summarized them in a new category.

Table 1. Articles identified by the literature review

Authors Outlet Source citing cited by

Leitner 2006 [29] Cnf D - [21], [30],
[31], [32]
Banerjee et al., 2015 [33] Jnl D - -
McQuiston & Manoharan, 2017 [34] Jnl D [35] -
Michelucci et al., 2016 [36] Jnl D [37] -
Marzullo & Souza, 2011 [38] Jnl D - -
Gharawi et al., 2014 [39] Cnf D [12], [20], [21], [40] [41]
Hoefer, 2003 [42] Jnl D - -
Getha-Taylor & Lee, 2008 [43] Jnl D - -
Mancebo Fernandez et al., 2008 [44] Jnl D - -

Auluck & Levin, 2009 [45] BC D - -
Awortwi, 2010 [46] Jnl D - [47]
Haq, 2011 [48] Jnl D - -
Gupta et al., 2017 [28] Jnl D [49], [50], [51], [52], -
Mincu, 2017 [53] Jnl D [54] -
Hunnius et al., 2015 [14] Cnf D [55], [29], [21] -
Yuryeva et al., 2015 [56] Jnl D - -
Iwasaki, 2014 [57] Cnf D - -
Gunn et al., 2014 [58] Jnl D - [59]
Hunnius & Schuppan, 2013 [21] Cnf D [29] [60], [61],
o’Leary et al., 2012 [62] Jnl D [63] -
Schuppan, 2014 [64] Cnf D [65] [14]
Williams, 2002 [65] Jnl B - [62]
Thudugala & Weerawarana, 2013 [55] Jnl B - [14]
Virtanen, 2000 [52] Jnl B - [28]
Hondeghem & Vandermeulen, Jnl B [49]
2000 [66]
Noordegraaf, 2000 [37] Jnl B - [40]
Mincu, 2016 [54] Cnf B - [53]
Marcovecchio et al., 2013 [40] Cnf B - -
Janowski et al., 2012 [12] Cnf B [29], [30] [39]
Schuppan, 2010 [30] BC B [29] [14]
Getha-Taylor & Morse, 2013 [51] Jnl B - [51]
Getha-Taylor, 2008 [63] Jnl B - [62]
Dawes, 2004 [35] Jnl B - [34]
Brans & Hondeghem, 2005 [50] Jnl B [49], [66] [28]
Bhatta, 2001 [49] Jnl B [37], [52], [66] [28]
Stare & Klun, 2018 [47] Jnl F [46] -
Ylinen & Pekkola, 2018 [41] Cnf F [39] -
Darling & Cunningham, 2016 [59] Jnl F [58] -
Ogonek et al., 2016 [60] Cnf F [21] -
Reichard & van der Krogt, 2014 [61] Cnf F [21] -
Schulz & Schuppan, 2011 [31] BC F [29] -
Schulz & Schuppan, 2012 [32] Cnf F [29] -
Key: Jnl=journal article; Cnf=conference paper; BC=book chapter; D=database search;
B=backward search; F=forward search

In total, we identified two overarching categories, i.e. competences and personality

traits. Those were split again into 12 sub-categories, identifying the concrete skills.
Table 2 exhibits all sub-categories with exemplary mentions and corresponding
references. The first identified category contains competences, which can be subsumed
as all the skills and abilities that are related to a certain professional area or field, i.e.
functional competences. The analysis of those competences yielded eight sub-

competence areas. Business skills are mentioned most often. 33 of the 40 articles relate
to some kind of business expertise. Competences in this sub-category relate to the
organization and management of a public agency but are not necessarily domain-
specific. Exemplary competences are project, program, performance and strategic
management, which are among the most often cited ones. HR, economic, finance and
accounting and marketing skills also fall into this category. Besides those business-
related skills, IS/IT skills are the second most often cited competences that appear in 28
of the 40 articles. Again, skills listed in this category are not necessarily domain-
specific and could be applied to competence frameworks for private organizations as
well. Whereas some authors describe this category very generic with “IT content” [34]
or “Familiarity with ICT systems” [33], other authors elaborate more detailed on those
skills, like [38], [39] or [14], who mention concrete competence areas such as
architecture, cyber security and managing information systems.
The next category organization unites abilities that are centered in the organization
itself and, thus, are domain-specific. Competences in this sub-category deal with the
characteristics of an organization, thus including skills such as administrative
processes, organizational design or the identification with one’s agency. This sub-
category is mentioned in 23 articles and, thus, seems to be an important asset in the job
profile of the public sector. (Public) Policy was mentioned in 21 articles and includes
skills such as knowledge about an agency’s policy area, policy planning and politics.
The category law occurred in 14 articles and is concerned with all legal aspects that
arise in the work of a public administration. Those two sub-competence categories seem
to be very specific to the public servant’s profile. The next sub-category summarizes
competences that were either rarely mentioned or could not be grouped in a meaningful
way to any other competence category, but still we deemed them worth mentioning.
They are grouped under the name other and include competences in research (2
sources), socio-technical skills (5 sources) and professional experience (6 sources).
After having categorized all the “hard”-knowledge based competences (functional
competences), the last competence category lists all the soft skills, i.e. abilities that can
be trained but do not count as knowledge. These competences are unrelated to any
specific domain and include, for example, communication skills, teamwork, leadership,
customer and service orientation and alike. It is noteworthy that those skills appear in
37 of the 40 articles and can thus be considered as highly important. Only in the
categorization by [14] they are not explicitly mentioned. Within this group, especially
the soft skill “leadership” is prominently mentioned in 25 articles. The second identified
category are personality traits. Those traits are inherent to a personality and are not
related to a specific (job-related) task. Furthermore, they cannot be acquired through
formal education. We identified four sub-categories here. The most frequently
mentioned one are analytical skills, which appeared in 24 articles. Analytical skills are
more geared towards how a person tackles tasks and challenges.

Table 2. Identified competences and personality traits in identified articles
Type Area exemplary competences/personality traits
business strategic planning [29], [34] project management [33], [65]; program
management [41], [57]; contact management [31], [41]; finance [36];
economics [47]; accounting [36],[42]
IS/IT management (information) systems [42], IT skills [14]; information
systems [43], [47]; cyber security [39]; enterprise architecture [38];
technology management & assessment [57]
organi- organizational design [12], [14]; administrative processes &
zation workflows [21],[37]; coordination/implementation [32], [48];

identification with agency [42], organizational theory [34]

(public) public policy [28],[46]; knowledge of agency's policy area [42];
policy social policy [42]; policy planning [45]; politics & political processes
[65]; policy processes [31]
law administrative law [21]; legal aspects for data management [36];
legal tools [36]; legal aspects [39]; legal framework [40]; regulatory
theory [53]
other professional experience [36], [42], [50]; evaluation & research [42],
[61]; socio-technical skills [14], [35], [40]
soft leadership [56]; conflict management/negotiation [55]; (cross-
skills cultural/unit, oral & written) communication [62]; mediation [62];
assertiveness [44]; influencing [54]; relationship [63];
character tolerance [33]; continuous learning [39]; creativity [48], commitment
traits [45], [52]; tenacity & perseverance [44], flexibility [50]

analytical critical thinking [58]; analytical thinking[55]; strategic & innovative

thinking [51]; decision making [49]; problem-solving [48],
abstraction [41]
self- self-organization [64]; self-control [28], self-awareness [62]; self-
management confidence [63]; self-reflection [64]
other psycho-social stability [45]

This category subsumes employee qualities indicating a view behind one’s own
horizon, i.e. critically reflecting on past events but also planning and envisioning
scenarios, which requires thinking out of the box. The next sub-category consists of
character traits. In contrast to the analytical skills, the articles here mostly describe
more than one character trait and mention certain types of personality that public
agencies need or look for. Character traits named here are, for example, tact, respect,
patience, tolerance, and alike. Those seem to be preferable character traits in public
administrations. This personality trait appeared in 23 of the 40 articles. The third sub-
category of personality traits, mentioned in 14 articles is some kind of self-management.
Again, competences in this category are more related to an employee’s professional
behavior. Those characteristics include self-organization, self-control and self-
reflection, amongst other similar traits. The last sub-category under personality is
coined other, which includes psycho-social stability. This sub-category was deemed so
special, although it only appeared in one sole article that we decided to add it.

5 Discussion

The purpose of this research was to identify which competences public sector
employees need from a research perspective. The analysis of articles allows drawing
several conclusions, which we present in the following.
First, the literature review shows that only very few articles deal with the
development of competences in the public sector. Moreover, only seven articles were
published after or at the same time as the study by [14], which was a review of prior
research on competences in the public sector as well. Although organizations such as
the EU have recognized the need for the development and education of administration
specific competences [27], this area has so far received only little scientific interest.
While eGovernment scholars often mention competences as an important driver of the
digitalization of the public sector, the study of competences in the public sector is still
in its infancy. Although only few articles deal with the training of competences in the
public sector, these studies analyzed a variety of different competences that public
administrations need. Moreover, the studies do not differentiate whether the
competences are needed everywhere to the same degree or not and if one employee
should be trained equally in every competence category. Although. on a higher level,
they differentiate between leaders in the public administration, e.g. [62] and employees,
e.g. [44] and between IT related jobs, e.g. [38] and non-IT related jobs, e.g. [58], finer
grained differentiations are not applied. For example, it remains unclear, whether the
identified competences are needed in the public administration in general or whether
they are task-specific. For example, an accounting clerk may need different
competences than does the caseworker. Furthermore, ambiguities exist with regard to
the relevance of specific competences for the different administrative levels. While
some studies focus on a specific administrative level, e.g. [58], most of the articles do
not provide information on whether the need for particular competences varies between
the administrative levels. Again, the competences required of a municipal employee
may differ from those required of an employee at the national level.
Second, our results show that all analyzed articles are empirical studies, whereas
conceptual and theoretical approaches are missing completely. It is noteworthy that
only few articles refer explicitly to conceptual works, e.g. [62], [34]. Instead, most
articles directly introduce their method, e.g. [14], [56], rather than reviewing theoretical
approaches related to the development of competences for the public sector, e.g. [36].
The focus of current research on empirical studies leads to the production of practically
relevant knowledge but contributes to a lesser degree to the scientific body of
knowledge. [34] point out: “As a pracademic field, public administration is based on
the integration of academic concepts with its practical applications, as its boundary and
scope are increasingly expanded in an ever-complex world”. However, the exclusive
emphasis on empirical studies revealed by means of the literature review raises doubts
if scholars in the field of competence research actually “[…] strive to maintain this
balance” [34] between practice and academia. Accordingly, we find that only very few
of the articles include references to another paper of our sample, although all articles
deal with the development of eGovernment competences. This finding highlights a need

for a better linkage of existing research. This fact is all the more astonishing as most of
the papers are published in related outlets such as the proceedings of the Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences [12], [14], [21], [29], [64], Public
Administration [50], [65], Public Administration Review [62], International Review of
Administrative Sciences [46], International Journal of Public Sector Management [37],
[52] or the International Journal of E-Government Research [38]. Thus, we propose to
better link existing research on eGovernment competences and to conduct more
conceptual research to establish a common theoretical understanding.
Third, the review shows that number of specific competences is very high. The
proposed framework of competences for the public sector should, thus, be refined and
validated – theoretically and empirically. As outlined above, the analyzed articles do
not provide any information on whether the identified competences are task-specific or
should be trained in general. Thus, the question remains to what degree employees in
different departments should be educated in every category. To the best of our
knowledge, only one study exists, which was implemented for the German IT planning
council, that takes into consideration that competences may be task-specific and that
the distribution of competences may depend on the specific job profile of an employee
[67]. The authors distinguish the development of competences with regard to two
aspects: First, public administration staff may need different competences according to
their task or role. Second, the employees needing the same competences may not need
them to the same degree. The depth of the competence acquaintance ranges from
designing (highest level) over usage to knowledge (lowest level) and is based on the
well-known taxonomy of educational objectives by [68]. In accordance with this study,
we propose to not only categorize competences that are needed in digital public
administrations overall but to differentiate the competences on two levels. On the
horizontal level, competences are distinguished in relation to tasks within the public
administration. For example, leaders of public agencies may need more business skills
than does a case worker who may need more personal skills. Not every task may require
every competence listed in the framework (see Table 2). On the vertical level,
competences are distinguished according to the degree to which they have to be
appropriated by the employees, i.e. although employees may need the same
competence, e.g. competences in enterprise architecture, one may only need to know
what this term comprises, whereas another employee may need to design such systems.
Fourth, the literature review revealed that business skills are far more often required
than technical or other competences. Although the ubiquitous digitalization is reality,
research seemingly puts less emphasis on the training and recruitment of technical
competences. Moreover, it is noticeable that public administration-specific
competences are less often required as compared to business skills. The analyzed
articles are less context-specific as one might expect. About half of the identified
competences were not domain or task-specific but more related to the employee’s
personality (e.g. soft skills, character traits etc.). Thus, we conclude that competences
independent from the tasks are equally important for the public administration as are
task-related competences. In relation to the overall competence framework, this leads
us to the assumption that instead of looking for specialists, public administrations rather
seek all-round talents. Given that researchers have recognized the necessity of the

interplay between ICT and institutional settings as success factors for eGovernment
implementation, e.g. [69], further research is needed that sheds light onto the specific
competences public administrations need to successfully implement eGovernment, i.e.
the framework proposed here needs to be validated. It also offers an estimation with
regard to whether weighting of the competences as revealed by the literature review
adequately addresses the challenges public administrations have to face in the digital
age. Regarding the development of research on competences over time, it seems that
the topic was of special interest in the beginning of the eGovernment area. 7 articles
were published between 2000 and 2014. From 2005 to 2009, research on competences
declined to 6 articles. It was not before the year 2010 that eGovernment competences
received more attention with 17 articles published until 2014, which seems to go on,
because since 2015 until today we could identify 12 articles.

6 Conclusion and Outlook

This study set out to identify the competences public sector employees need from a
research perspective. To answer the research question, we conducted a structured
literature review on competences in the public sector literature. Our review shows that
to date only few studies exist that are concerned with competences in the public sector.
Within these studies, we identified two overarching categories, competences and
personality traits that could be further split up into 8 and 4 sub-categories respectively.
We set up a research agenda to list all future research directions that can be derived
from this study. It shows that besides the need for functional or task-related
competences like organizational or management skills, there is also an increased need
for soft skills and personality traits. Task independent competences seem to be equally
important for the public domain as are functional competences, thus requiring public
servants to be all-rounders rather than specialists in one specific area. Having said this,
future research should also consider examining the respective competence depth more
critically, since not every employee is required to embody one specific competence in
the same way. Given the limited amount of studies identified in total and the finding
that those are primarily of empirical nature, more research on this topic is needed in
general and especially with regard to theoretical contributions that provide a solid basis
as a commonly agreeable set for further research in this area to build on. After all, a
diversified look into interdisciplinary competences, required by public servants
working in a digital environment today, only picked up real speed in terms of scientific
contributions by the year 2010. Thus, this topic has gained considerably in importance
and more contributions are to be expected. The main limitation of this study is the
choice of database that naturally fails to provide a complete picture of competence
research in eGovernment. Thus, further research should look into other databases to
round out and verify these results. Due to the pace of changes, induced by technology,
competences also might undergo much more frequent changes than it was the case
before. This is why more and particularly constant research is required to monitor these
developments to competently address possibly new challenges.

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