XII Hum 2022-23 PDF

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Annual Plan 2022-23

CLASS: - XII (Hum.)

L1 The Last Lesson
L2 Lost Spring
Poem 1 - My Mother at Sixty-six.

L1 The Third Level

1 Notice
L3 Deep Water
L5 The Rattrap

Poem 2 A Road side stand

Poem 3- keeping quiet

Ch2- The Tiger King,
Ch3- Journey to the End of The Earth
Ch4- The Enemy

Formal / Informal Invitation, Reply
Ch5- Indigo,
Poem4- A Thing of Beauty Including syllabus Of UT1 and UT2

CH5- Should Wizard Hit Mommy,
Ch6- On the Face of It
(Including syllabus Of UT1 and UT2)

Formal Letter (Letter to Editor, Job Application Including Syllabus of UT1 and UT2)

E-Block, Amrapali Circle, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur

Factual\ Case Based Comprehension

Pre-Board - Entire Syllabus

Pre -Board- Entire Syllabus

Unit Test I Part-A Fundamentals of Human Geography
1.Human geography Nature and scope.
2.The world population distribution density and growth.
Part -B: Indian – People and Economy
1. Population distribution density growth and composition

Unit Test II Part-A Fundamentals of Human Geography

1.Human development.
2.Primary activities.
Part -B: Indian – People and Economy
1.Human settlement
2.land resources and agriculture
Term- I Part-A Fundamentals of Human Geography

1.Human geography Nature and scope.

2.The world population distribution density and growth.
3.Human development.
4.Primary activities.
5. Secondary activities

Part -B: Indian – People and Economy

1.Population distribution density growth and composition
2.Human settlement
3.Land resources and agriculture
4.water resources
5.Mineral and Energy Resources
Pre-Board – I Part-A Fundamentals of Human Geography – Entire Syllabus
Part -B: Indian – People and Economy – Entire Syllabus
Pre -Board-II Part-A Fundamentals of Human Geography – Entire Syllabus
Part -B: Indian – People and Economy – Entire Syllabus

E-Block, Amrapali Circle, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur

Political Science
Unit Test I Book A: -Ch.1 The End of Bipolarity
Disintegration of Soviet Union, Unipolar World, Middle East Crisis-
Afghanistan, Gulf War, Democratic Politics and Democratization-CIS and the
21st Century (Arab Spring)

Book B: - Ch. 1 Challenges of Nation Building

Nation and Nation Building, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel and Integration of
States, Nehru’s approach to nation building; Legacy of Partition: Challenges of
refugee resettlement, Political conflict over language, Linguistic Organization of

Unit Test II Book A: -Ch.2 New Centres of Power

Organizations: European Union, ASEAN, SAARC, BRICS. Nations:
Russia, China, Israel, India, Japan and South Korea
Book B: - Ch. 2 Planned Development
Changing nature of India’s economic development, Planning Commission
and Five-Year Plans, National Development Council, NITI Aayog

Term- I Book A: - Ch.1 The End of Bipolarity

Ch.2 New Centres of Power
Ch.3 Contemporary South Asia
Ch.4 United Nations and its Organizations

Book B: - Ch. 1 Challenges of Nation Building

Ch.2 Planned Development
Ch.3 India’s Foreign Policy
Ch.4 Parties and Party System

Pre-Board – I Entire Syllabus

Pre -Board-II Entire Syllabus


Unit Test I Macro- Unit-2 (Money & Banking)

IED- Ch-1 (India on the eve of independence), Ch-2 (India 1950-1990)
Unit Test II Macro-Unit 1(National Income accounting)
IED- Ch-3 (LPG Policy)
Term- I Macro
Unit 1(National Income accounting),
Unit 2 (Money and Banking), Unit 4 (Government Budget)

E-Block, Amrapali Circle, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur

IED- Ch-1 (India on the eve of independence), Ch-2 (India 1950-1990), Ch-3
(NEP), Ch- 5 (Human Capital Formation)

Pre-Board – I Entire Syllabus

Pre -Board-II Entire Syllabus


Unit Test I Unit – 1 Entrepreneurial Opportunity

Unit Test II Unit -2 Entrepreneurial Planning
Term- I Unit -1, 2 and 3
Pre-Board – I Entire Course
Pre -Board-II Entire Course


Unit Test I Python pandas1- Data Series

Introduction to Python libraries- Pandas
Data structures in Pandas - Series and Data Frames. Series: Creation of Series
from – ndarray, dictionary, scalar value; mathematical operations; Head and
Tail functions; Selection, Indexing and Slicing.
Unit Test II Python pandas 2- Data Frame
Data Frames: creation - from dictionary of Series, list of dictionaries, display;
iteration; Operations on rows and columns: add, select, delete,
rename; Head and Tail functions; Indexing using Labels, Boolean
Data handling using Pandas-II
Python libraries-
Data Visualization using Pyplot

Importing/Exporting Data between Text, CSV files and Data Frames.

Introduction to Purpose of plotting, drawing and saving of plots using
Matplotlib (line plot, bar graph, histogram, pie chart, frequency polygon, box
plot and scatter plot). Customizing plots: color, style (dashed, dotted), width;
adding label, title, and legend in plots.

Unit 4: Societal Impacts ● Digital footprint, net and communication

etiquettes, ● Data protection, intellectual property rights (IPR), plagiarism,
licensing and
copyright, ● Free and open-source software (FOSS), ● Cybercrime and cyber

E-Block, Amrapali Circle, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur

laws, hacking, phishing, cyber bullying, overview of Indian IT Act. ● E-waste:
hazards and management. Awareness about health concerns related to the usage
of technology
Term- I Syllabus of UT-1 & UT-2
Pre-Board – I Entire Syllabus
Pre -Board-II Entire Syllabus

Physical Education
Unit Test I Unit 1 Management of sports Events
Unit 2 Children and Women in sports
Unit Test II Unit 3 Yoga and preventive measure for lifestyle disease.
Unit 4 physical education and sports for CWSN
Unit 5 Sports and nutrition
Unit 6 Fitness test
Term- I Unit 1 to 7
Pre-Board – I Entire Syllabus
Pre -Board-II Entire Syllabus

Unit Test I Definitions, Raaga, Taal
Unit Test II Definitions, Raga, Taal, Life sketch, time theory of Ragas
I Term Definitions, Time theory of Ragas, Sangeet Ratnakar, Raagas, Talas,
Pre-Board – I Entire Syllabus
Pre -Board-II Entire Syllabus

Applied Maths
Unit Test I Ch 3: Matrices
Ch 4: Determinants
Unit Test II Ch 5: Continuity and Differentiability
I Term Ch 1: Number, quantification and numerical application
Ch 2: Numerical inequalities
Ch 3: Matrices
Ch 4: Determinants
Ch 5: Differentiation
Ch 6: Applications of Derivatives
Ch7: Integrals
Pre-Board – I Entire Syllabus
Pre -Board-II Entire Syllabus

E-Block, Amrapali Circle, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur


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