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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0662947 0515108 T T T


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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 W 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 05l15L09 9 3 6 m
AC1 Committee E-703
Concrete Construction Practices

William R . Phillips

Robert C. Bates Robert E. Glanville Raymond C. Nowacki

Kenneth D. Cummins Oswin Keifer, Jr. Bryon D. Spangler
Charles M. Dabney Theodore W. Marotta, Jr. Thomas D. Verti
John Foote Charles W. Mayer Bradley K. Violetta

This document has been reviewed in accordance with Institute publication procedures

Printed in the United States of America

First Printing-June 1989

Copyright O 1989
P. O. Box 19150, Redford Station
Detroit, Michigan 48219

All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or
by any electronic or mechanical device, printed o r written or oral. or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or
retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.

The Institute is not responsible for the statements or opinions expressed in its publication. Institute publications are not able to, nor intended to,
supplant individual training, responsibility, or judgment of the user, or the supplier, of the information presented.


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A C 1 CCS-3 87 0662949 0515110 b 5 8


Preface ........................................................................... 1

Chapter 1 . . . General ....................................................... 2

Chapter 2 . . . Formwork-General ........................................ 3
Chapter 3 . . . Shoring, Reshoring, Backshoring, and Form Removal .. 8
Chapter 4 . . . Forms for Flat Slabs ........................................ 21
Chapter 5 . . . Forms for Slabs with Beams ............................... 31
Chapter 6 . . . Forms for Special Application ............................. 37
Chapter 7 . . . Layout, Blockouts, Embedment, and Joints .............. 42
Chapter 8 . . . Reinforcement ............................................... 51
Chapter 9 . . . Concrete Placing and Finishing ............................ 64
Chapter 10 . . . Checklists .................................................... 69
Appendix A . . . What the Craftsman Should Know About Concrete ...... 73
Appendix B . . . Concrete Materials and Mix Proportioning ............... 78
Appendix C . . . Concrete Control Tests ...................................... 82
Appendix D . . . Definitions ................................................... 88
Appendix E . . . Formwork, Embedded Pipes, and Construction Joints-
Chapter 6, AC1 318-83 (Revised 1986) ................... 96
Appendix F . . . References ................................................... 99
Appendix G . . . Conversion Factors .......................................... 100

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A C 1 CCS-3 8’7 0662’747 0515111 5’74
This is the third booklet in the Concrete Craftsman Series published by the American Concrete
Institute. The first booklet, Slabs on Grude covers placing, curing and finishing. The second booklet,
Cast-in-Place Walls covers formwork, reinforcement, placing of concrete, curing, and wall finishes.
This third booklet is intended to provide construction knowledge for the apprentice, journeyman, and
foreman involved with cast-in-place elevated slabs and beams. For the apprentice craftsman, it provides
a source of information to help supplement his practical experience. For the foreman, it provides
technical background on such topics as shoring, reshoring, form removal, reinforcement placement,
and concrete placing, finishing, and curing. This booklet is not intended as a design aid, but rather a
guide to good practice.
The design of supported slabs and beams is the responsibility of a professional engineer. Designs are
usually reviewed and approved by local building authorities and governed by codes such as the Uniform
Building Code, Standard Building Code, BOCA (Building Officials and Code Administrators) Code
and others which reference “Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete” (AC1 3 18).
The selection and design of forrnwork is the responsibility of the contractor. The system selected
must consider economics, schedule, quality, and safety. If the craftsman is involved with the selection,
he must not assume responsibility beyond his level of experience. Poor selection may cost more money,
and more important, may cause injury or death to fellow workers.
While the craftsman is not responsible for the structural design of the slabs and beams, he is
responsible for good quality workmanship and a final product that meets the requirements of the job
plans and specifications.
Information in this booklet should be used as a guide to good practice. Plans and specifications for
a project and local building requirements must be followed, even if they differ from the information in

this booklet.

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 m Ob62747 0 5 3 5 3 3 2 4 2 0 m

The American Concrete Institute defines slabs the concrete as well as supporting Stay-in-place forms: Forms left in place that may
and beams as follows: members, hardware, and necessary or may not become an inte-
Slab: A flat, horizontal or nearly so, molded bracing. gral part of the structural
layer of plain or reinforced concrete, usu- Falsework: Any temporary structure erected to frame. These forms may be
ally of uniform but sometimes of variable support work in the process of con- the rigid type such as met-
thickness, either on the ground or sup- struction. al deck, precast concrete,
ported by beams, columns, walls, or other Shoring: A System of vertical or inclined sup- wood, plastics, and fiber-
framework. ports for forms; may be wood or metal board, or the flexible type

Beam: A structural member subjected primarily posts, scaffold type frames, or various such as reinforced, water-
to flexure (bending). patented members. repellent corrugated paper
Reshoring: The placing of shores snugly under a or wire mesh with water-
Elevated slabs and beams require shoring to prop- stripped concrete slab or structural proof paper backing.
erly support the formwork during the casting and member after the original formwork Craftsmen who seek further in-depth information
curing sequcnces. and shores have been removed from should read American Concrete Institute’s publica-
Appendixes A, B, C, D, and E contain valuable a large area, thus requiring the new tion SP-4, Formwork for Concrete, by M. K . Hurd.
information regarding concrete in general, materi- slab or member to deflect and sup- This extensive volume contains detailed discus-
als and mix proportioning, and a detailed listing of port its own weight and existing con- sions on formwork planning, materials, loads and
definitions of words used throughout this booklet. struction loads prior to the installa- pressures, design, design tables, construction, ar-
In addition to the slab and beam definitions above, tion of reshores. chitectural concrete, shells, domes, folded plates,
it is important that the following terms also be Backshoring: The placing of shores snugly under tunnels, and shafts.
defined at this point: a stripped concrete slab or struc- Other AC1 documents may be of interest to the
Form: The mold or sheathing and its reinforcing tural member after the original craftsman. A publication list may be requested
members which contact the concrete and formwork and shores have been from the American Concrete Institute. Appendix F
give the concrete final shape. removed from a small area without contains a bibliography of appropriate AC1 and
Formwork: The total system of support for allowing the slab to deflect or CRSI documents. CRSI has several valuable doc-
freshly placed concrete, including support its own weight or existing uments on reinforcement placement and a publica-
the mold or sheathing which contacts construction loads from above. tion list may also be requested from them.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 Ob62949 0515113 367 M
--`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- FORMWORK-GENERAL

deck for structural steel bridges or a precast stay- need for formwork for the interior spans. Form-
Formwork materials in-place concrete plank for bridges with precast- work will be required to be built for the exterior
Material requirements for elevated slabs fall into prestressed concrete beams. This eliminates the overhang of the bridge.
two categories:
a. forms for the slab, including horizontal mem-
b, vertical support for slab forms
Formwork for flat slabs or slab and beam construc-
tion generally consists of plywood and dimensional
lumber such as 2 X 4’s, 4 x 4’s, or 4 X 6’s. Fig.
2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 show various slab designs and
notations that will be used throughout this booklet.
If the slab design is for a two-way joist (waffle),
Fig. 2.3(e), or for one-way joist (pan-joist), Fig.
2.3(c) or 2.3(d), the formwork will generally be
steel. These materials are readily available from
suppliers and may be rented for each project. Table
2.1 shows available sizes.
Many building designs have a structural steel
frame with a corrugated metal decking attached to
the steel beams. Reinforcing is set and concrete
placed directly onto the corrugated stay-in-place
decking. Depending on span and slab thickness, it
may be necessary to provide vertical supports under
the metal decking while the concrete is placed and
Some bridge designs use a metal stay-in-place Fig. 2 . I-Reinforced Concrete building dements

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0662749 0535334 2 T 3
For multistory buildings with a structural steel or Two-way Fiat Plate (a)
Two-way Joist Slab (Waffle) (e)
precast concrete frame and a flat slab. formwork
can be supported by using prefabricated hangers J A
that rest on the structural beams. This eliminates II \\\\

the need for shoring. Such hangers are available

from accessory suppliers.
Supports for the elevated formwork are usually: >.- -..
a. Wood shores (4 X 4's, 4 X 6's, etc.)
b. Prefabricated tubular welded frame shoring
B&rn and Slab (f)
(ladder frames) either of steel or aluminum
c Prefabricated individual post shores either Two-way Flat Slab with Drops (b)
. . ,ne-Way
- ~


$teel or aluminum ~- ~

d Flying forms These are complete prefabri- ". ,


catcd formwork systems usually supported on

tru55es with rollers that can be moved by a
- > u.
crane ("flown") to its next position -Y k J l
Flat d a t e slab
(no capital or drops)
Skip JoisWide Module (c)
< &

Two-way Beam and Slab (9) - 4

Spandrel beam Roof Two.way column

1 Drop panel 4 flat slab capital


&-* \i.
L cl;
Flat Slab (h)
One-way Joist Slab (d) ~
~~p ~ ~~1 ,-~-i
7 7 'X..

\1. -5 -? ti I

tii Y _.J

Fig. 2.2-Reir2forced c'oncretr building elemenis Fig 2 3-Tvpical elevciied slab systems (Courtes] of C e m Corp )

4 --`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 m O b 6 2 9 4 9 05L5LL5 L 3 T m
Table 2.1-Standard dimensions for one- and two-way joist forms e. Horizontal shores. These are adjustable span
members used to support forms over rela-
tively long spans, thereby reducing the num-
TYPICAL TWO.WAV JOIST FORM ber of vertical supports.
(waffle flat slab)
The size of the project and number of reuses of the
formwork will determine which support system will
be used. For smaller projects the contractor may
own wood shores, post shores, or ladder frames and
elect to build the necessary formwork in place. On
ONE-WAY JOIST CONSTRUCTION1 large multistory projects, such as hotels and con-
Standard Forms Special Filler Forms4 dominiums, flying forms may be used, since the
Module Width' Depth3 Width' Depth3 - number of reuses warrants the investment in a form
2'%Q 20 8,10, 12 10.15 8. 10, 12 system that can be recycled quickly and does not
3'%0"5 30 8, 10, 12, 14. 16,20 10, 15,20 8. 10, 12, 14, 16.20
4'.0"6 40 1 2 , 14, 16, 18,20.22.24 20.30 12, 14. 16. 18,20,22,24 require dismantling and reassembling for each use.
5'.0" 53 16,20 - -
6'.O 66 14, 16.20 ~
- Tunnel forms are a variation of the flying form.

In such cases, the walls and slab are cast at the

same time. After the specified concrete strength is
Standard Forms Special Filler Forms4 reached, the tunnel form sides can be moved

System Width' Depth) Width' Depth3 inward, and the entire form lowered and removed

2 ' - O Module
1 9 x 19Square i 9 x 19 8, 10. 12. 14, 16 - from the "tunnel" and "flown" to the next posi-
with 21/z"Flanges tion.
2'-6" Module The following chapters contain more specific
24' x 24Square 24 x 24 8. 10, 12, 14, 16, 20 -
with 3 Flanges I l information and illustrations for each of the slab
3'-OModule 20 x 20 8. 10, 12, 14, 16.20 designs discussed above.
3 0 x 3OSquare 30 x 3 0 8 . 1 0 , 12, 14, 16.20 20 x 30 8,10,12,14.16,20
with 3 f l a n e- p-s
4' O Module
41"x 41"Square 41 x 41 12, 14, 16.20.24 - Unless the contract documents specify a more
with 3WFlanges
rigid tolerance, formwork should be constructed to
5'-O Module
52" x 52"Square
with 4 Flanges
52 x 52 14, 16. 20. 24 40 x 40 14, 16.20.24 produce slabs to the following tolerances:
NOTES Tapered endforms are available for the one-way 3 ' - 0 " module
1 All dimensions are in inches, except the module designations These forms are 3 0 inches wide at one end and 2 5 inches wide Variation of slab soffit from level or slope
2 Width is the horizontal clear distance. between
, ~~.~
~ two r n n v r l , t t w at the other end, and they are 3 6 inches long. Standard depths
joists. measured at the bottom of the joists of these forms are 8, 10, 12, 14, 16. and 20 inches indicated on drawings should not exceed i
3. Depth is the vertical distance, measured between two consecu- Tapered endforms are available for the one~way4'-O" module. li4 in. in 10 ft, ? 318 in. in any bay or 20 ft
tive joists from the underside of the concrete slab to the bottom
of the m s t s
4. SpecTil-fTliër forms may be available only in limited quantities.
These forms are 40 inches wide at one end and 34 inches wlde
at the other end, and they are 36 inches long. Standard depths
of these formsare 12. 14, 16, 18, 20. 22, and 24 inches. These
of length, or * 3/4 in. for the entire length.
Availability should be inuestigated before specifying these forms forms are generally available onty on the West Coast. Variations in soffit level are to be measured

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0515116 O76
before removal of supporting shores. The When wood members are used, the number of Loads
contractor is not responsible for variations due horizontal joints where end grain bears on horizon- Formwork for concrete must support all vertical
to deflection, except when the deflections are tal grain should be kept to a minimum to minimize
and lateral (horizontal) loads that may be applied
caused by poor concrete quality or curing or crushing. Soil under mudsills should be stable so until these loads can be carried by the concrete
misplacement of reinforcement. that little or no settlement occurs. Mudsills should structure itself. Loads on the forms include the
Variations in the sizes and locations of not be placed on frozen ground, new backfill with weight of the reinforcing bars and fresh concrete,
openings should be no more than 114 in. or ~ inadequate compaction. or where water will be the weight of the forms themselves, and various
+ 112 in. Variations in slab thickness may be flowing. See Fig. 2.4 for typical mudsill applica- live loads that will occur during construction.
- 114 in. or + 112 in. maximum. tions. Dumping of concrete, movement of construction
Camber/tolerances Available Information equipment, and action of the wind may produce
Manufacturers or local suppliers of shoring or lateral forces which must be resisted by the form-
It may be necessary to set formwork elevations work.
before concreting to compensate for the following: formwork materials will provide catalogs describ-
ing their materials and the appropriate safe working Dead load is the weight of the reinforced con-
a. Deflection or settlement of the formwork and loads. Many of these bulletins will have tables crete and the weight of the forms. Live load is the
supports. showing the permissible span of the product for weight of material storage, workmen, and equip-
various slab thicknesses and distances between ment, including dumping and movement of con-
b. Deflection of the completed structure under struction equipment.
supports. Reviewing this material and maintaining
load from the time it begins to carry its own Though structural concrete can vary in weight
a personal library of these catalogs should be a
weight. from 60 to 300 pounds per cubic foot (Ih/ft3), most
continuing part of career growth.
structural slabs will use concrete weighing about

c. Optical sag (the illusion of sagging in long

members even though they are perfectly hor-
/ Shore Shore
d. Camber is an intentional upward deflection
which compensatcs for normal downward Shore
A ,Wedges

deflection. It must be measured from the

bottom of the slab after concreting and before

Formwork deflection or settlement will be caused

by loads on the formwork, closure of form joints,
crushing of lumber, settlement of mudsills, shrink-
age of lumber. and the like. A frequently used nile
of thumb has been to camber 114 in. per 10 ft of
span to take care of these deflections and move-
ments. Fig. 2.4-Examples of wood mudsills

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 m 0662949 0515117 T O 2 m
150 Ib/ft3. This includes the weight of the reinforc- Table 2.2-Vertical load for design of slab forms, lblf? (includes weight of concrete and reinforcing steel plus
ing bars. Formwork weights can vary from 4 to 15

construction live load of 50 Iblj?; weight of formwork not included)
pounds per square foot (lb/ft3).

Concrete weighing 150 lb/ft3 will result in a dead

Slab thickness, in. 3 4 5 6 7
load on the forms of 12.5 Ib/ft2 for each inch of slab
thickness. A 6-in. slab exerts a dead load of 12.5 x .. .
,. - .I-.1 ? 100Ibconcrete
125lb concrete
6 = 75 Ib/ft2not including the weight of the forms. 150lb concrete 100 100 113 125 138 150 163 17; 18X 200
AC1 Committee 347 recommends that all members TYPICAL JOIST SLAB CONSTRUCTION
of a shoring system be designed for a minimum live 20 in. wide forms 30 in. wide forms
load of 50 ib/ft2 for the weight of workers, run- Depth of form, in. ,ii$tin, 3 in. slab I 4% in. slab I 3 in. slab 1 4 % in. slab
ways, screeds, material storage, and other equip-
ment. When motorized carts are used, the mini-
mum should be 75 lb/ft2. Regardless of the slab
thickness, the minimum design value for combined
dead and live loads should be 100 Ib/ft2, or 125
Ib/ft2, if motorized carts are used.
Table 2 . 2 shows the vertical load on forms for
various kinds of slabs of varying thickness and
14 1

6 I

I 149

I I 137
includes the 50 lb/ft2 minimum live load. The
weight of the formwork is not included and should
be added by the designer. 20 6 161 180 141 159
7 168 186 146 165

Size of ?pan? form, in.

]I Slab thickness above form, in.
Depth Outside plan Inside plan
\ ~_ 3 4%
4 6 24x24 I
19x19 II 122 I 140
24x24 19x19 135 153
36x36 30x30 123 142

10 24x24 19x19 141 161

36x36 30x30 133 152

12 24x24 19x19 157 17U

36x36 30x30 145 164
14 156 170
16 36x36 30x30 164 183
20 185 204

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 7 m Obb2q49 0515118 749 m

In Chapter 2 we described briefly the types of develop the full strength of the lumber and is All individual shores must have solid base sup-
shoring that can be used to support the vertical capable of varying the shore height as much as 12 port to provide stability. For safety a “U” shaped
loads. Fig. 3.1 shows some typical single post in. shore head must hold the horizontal timber in the
shores that are in use today. (a)
center of the width of the head to avoid uneven
loading (see Fig. 3.2). Wedges should be used to
Fabricated single-post shores center the timber in oversize heads.
Several types of adjustable fabricated shores are Fig. 3.3 shows a typical wood supporting sys-
available. Fig. 3. i(a) shows a clamping device that tem. Note the left shore is a fixed height. Cutting
permits overlapping of two 4 x 4 members. This all shores to the exact height required is impossible
shore is used most when load capacity is about to do. Hardwood wedges provide the necessary

3000 Ib. Capacity varies with condition and quality adjustment. This can be a time consuming proce-
of the lumber and mainly on the unbraced length. dure, especially if the project is fairly large. Ad-
Fig. 3.I(b) shows a timber shore fabricated of justable shore bases and “U” heads are commer-
two wooden vertical members and attached metal cially available and can be used with a fixed length
adjustable hardware. Shores of this style were shore. The shore on the right utilizes two pieces of
popular some years ago and many are in use today. shore connected with shore clamps that provide
Users are cautioned to check the lumber for quality more vertical adjustment. The stringer should be
before using. secured to the shore by means of a clip or plywood
Fig. 3. i(c) shows an all metal individual adjust- cleat. Do not rely on the stringer to rest on top of
able shore which is available from several manu- the shore without a means of securing it to the
facturers in heights from 6 to 16 ft. Safe load shore. Horizontal and uplift forces can shift the
ratings range from 2500 to 9000 Ib, depending on stringer and may cause a failure (see Fig. 3.4 and
the shore and its extended length. Metal brackets 3.5). On the left shore, wedges provide for final
with holes for nailing wood bracing are provided Metal filling slips over adjustment.
and heads of different shapes are available. lhe end of a 4 x 4 or
6 x 6, convening it into
Safety considerations to be followed when using
Fig. 3.l(d) shows a metal shore fitting that will an adjustable shore a timber shoring system (See Fig. 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3)
fit over the end of a 4 X 4 or 6 x 6 wood shore. are:
making it into an adjustable shore. This device will Fig. 3.I-Single-post shoring

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1. Such shores shall have the safety factor and
A C 1 CCS-3 89 = 0662949 05L5LL9 8 8 5
allowable working load for each grade and “U” Head Stringer
species as recommended in tables for wood
columns in the “Wood Structural Design
* i
\I h
Data Book,” prepared by the National ’iI ,-\
‘.’ i’
Forest Products Association, Washington, I
D.C., or by the clamp manufacturer.
2. Design of the shoring layout should be based Wedges
on the working loads obtained from item I Wedges “U” Head
above, or the clamp manufacturer.
3. All timber and adjusting devices to be used Center the stringer
with wedges
should be inspected before each use by the
contractor who erects the equipment. PLAN VIEW SECTION
4. Timber should not be used if it is split, cut,
has sections removed, is rotted, or is other- Fig. 3 . 2 4 v e r s i z e d U head centered with wedges
wise structurally damaged.
5. Adjusting devices should not be used if
excessively rusted, bent, dented, rewelded Joist
beyond the original factory weld locations,
or have broken welds. D a w
6. When using wedges to obtain final adjust- 1- ’ I
ment, they should have firm contact with or plywood cleats, i P D i a g o n a 1 bracing
footing sills and form materials.
7. All nails (double head) used to secure bracing/ Shore clamps
lacing on adjustable timber single-post Horizontal Lacing
shores should be driven home or bent over,
if necessary, to prevent injury.
Adjustable height
Bracing and lacing \ \

The total formwork system must transfer all

horizontal loads to the ground or previously com- I See Fig. 2.4
pleted construction in a manner that insures safety
at all times. Diagonal bracing will be required to
resist horizontal loads and must be provided by the --v,+-
formwork designer. Horizontal lacing will reduce
the unsupported height of the shore and thereby Fig. 3.3-Typical wood supporting system Fig. 3.4-lnudequate bearing for mudsill


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A C 1 CCS-3 89 m 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 05L5L20 5 T 7 m
increase its vertical capacity. Lacing increases the 9. Fabricated single-post shores should not be
vertical load carrying capacity of each individual used if excessively rusted, bent, dented,
vertical member, and bracing insures horizontal
stability of the total system. See Fig. 3.3 for
rewelded beyond the original factory weid
locations, or have broken welds. If they .I
identification of these members. If in doubt, add
more bracing where it appears to be needed or
check with the formwork designer.
contain timber, they shall not be used if
timber is split, cut, has sections removed, is
rotted, or is otherwise structurally damaged.
cleat -t
10. All clamps, screws, pins. threads and ali
Metal adjustable single-post other components should be in a condition
shores similar to that of original manufacture. Sub- CORRECT INCORRECT

Prior to each use, all accessory parts should be stitute pins, such as reinforcing bars, should
never be used. Fig. 3.5-Shores must be secured tu stringer io preveni
inspected for the following: uplift.
11. Shoring should be set plumb and spaced
according to design drawings.
I . Ail clamps. screws. pins, and other compo-
nents should be in the closed or engaged
position. U-Head (with or without
adjustable jack or other framing)
2. For stability, single-post shores should have End frames
adequate lacing provided in both the longi- Tubular welded frame shoring
tudinal and transverse directions. Adequate A typical shoring frame assembly consists of
diagonal bracing must be provided. end frames of various designs and dimensions,
3. All base plates and shore heads should be in diagonal bracing locking clamps, adjustable jacks,
firm contact with the footing sill and form and adjustable “ U ” heads or other shapes for
material. attaching to the forms. Fig. 3.6 shows a tubular
4. Loads on shore heads must be centered. (See welded form shoring system. Tubular frames gen-
Fig. 3.2) erally range from 2 to 5 ft wide and frame heights
5 . Special blocking and bracing must be pro- from 2 to 6 112 ft. Safe working loads range from
vided when the formwork is sloping, or 4.000 to 25,000 Ib per leg. depending on construc-
when the base slab or ground is sloping. tion of the frame and hardware. Rated loads are

6. Adjustment of shores to raise formwork based on a safety factor of 2.5 to i as recommended
must not bc made after concrete is in place. by the Scaffolding, Shoring, and Forming Institute.
7. The shoring layout should be based on the Because of their light weight, handling labor is
safe working load of the equipment selected
and have at least a 3.1 safety factor.
8. All fabricated single-post shores should be
inspected before each use by the contractor
who erects the equipment.
reduced. The majority of slab work is constructed
using this type of equipment.
The following is a listing of some safety require-
ments that should be observed when using ladder
type frames:

End Irames *Adjustable

Fig. 3.6-Tubular useìded frame shoring


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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 0662949 05L512L 4 3 3
1. Metal tubular frames used for shoring shall 9. All base plates, shore heads, extension de- spans of 6 ft to 30 ft. and have either a built-in or
have allowable loads based on tests con- vices, or adjustment screws shall be in firm an adjustable camber. The reduction in the number
ducted according to a standard test proce- contact with the footing sill, or the form of shores which leaves large open spaces clear for
dure for the compression testing of scaffolds material, and shall be snug against the legs other work is a major advantage of horizontal
and shores as established by the Scaffolding, of the frame. shoring.
Shoring, and Forming Institute or its equiv- 10. Leave no gaps between the lower end of Horizontal shores may carry allowable loads up

alent. Information may be obtained from upper frames and the upper end of the lower to 600 pounds per lineal foot, resulting in much
equipment vendor. frames. heavier loads on the post shores or hangers that are
2 . Design of shoring layouts using tubular 11. Remove and replace any component which required. Consequently, great care must be taken in
welded frames shall be based on allowable cannot be brought into proper alignment or lacing and bracing the vertical shores that are used.
loads which were obtained using these test contact with the component into or onto See Fig. 3.7b.
procedures, and at least a 2.5 to 1 safety which it is intended to fit. Manufacturer’s recommendations for adjusting
factor. 12. Cross brace two or more tiers of frames. the length of shoring members should be followed.
3. All metal frame shoring equipment shall be Towers shall have bracing in accordance These members have a built-in camber of the
inspected before each use by the contractor with manufacturer’s recommendations and correct amount to produce a level slab, as cast,
who erects the equipment. as shown on the shoring layout. when the horizontal shores are loaded to the amount
4. Metal frame shoring equipment and acces- 13. Avoid eccentric loads on shore heads and recommeded by the manufacturer. If for some
sories shall not be used if excessively rusted, similar members. reason the full loading will not be carried, then
bent, dented, rewelded beyond the original 14. Special precautions shall be taken when adjustments to the camber must be made according
factory weid locations, have broken welds, formwork is at angles or sloping, or when to the manufacturer’s instructions. Otherwise, the
or have other defects. the surface shored from is sloping. finished slab will have an upward camber.
5 . All components shall be in good working 15. Adjustment screws shall not be adjusted to Here is a checklist of safety requirements to be
order and in a condition similar to that of raise formwork after the concrete is in place. followed when using horizontal shoring:
original manufacture. 16. Base plate adjustable jacks shall only be
6. When checking the erected shoring frames used to plumb tower. Use shore head adjust- i . Horizontal shoring beams shall have allow-
with the shoring layout, the spacing between able jacks for formwork leveling or camber able loads based on tests conducted accord-
towers and cross brace spacing shall not set. ing to a standard test procedure for testing of
exceed that shown on the layout, and all 17. When high leg loads bear on slabs below, horizontal shoring beams established by the
locking devices shall be in the closed posi- including slab on grade, adequate load dis- Scaffolding, Shoring, and Forming Insti-
tion. tribution with sills is critical. tute, or its equivalent.
7. Devices to which the bracing is attached 2. The design of horizontal shoring compo-
shall be securely fastened to the legs of the Horizontal shoring nents in shoring layouts shall be based on
shoring frames. Adjustable horizontal beams which support allowable loads which were obtained using
8. Use base plates, shore heads, extension formwork over a long span and eliminate interme- the test procedures of the Scaffolding, Shor-
devices, or adjustment screws in top and diate vertical shores are called horizontal shores ing, and Forming Institute, and at least a 2 to
botton of each leg of every shoring tower. (See Fig. 3.7a). These shores support formwork for 1 safety factor.

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3. All horizontal shoring beams shall be in-
A C 1 CCS-3 ô î H 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0515122 3 7 T
5 . Adequate support shall be provided and
Actual anchor detail and design is the
spected before each use by the contractor maintained to properly distribute shoring responsibility of the engineer or archi-
who erects the equipment. loads. When supporting horizontal beams: tect.
4. Erected horizontal shoring beams shall be 5 . 1 Masonry walls shall have adequate 5.3 The formwork designer has the respon-
inspected to be certain that the span, spac- strength. Brace walls as necessary. sibility to design the formwork to carry
ing, types of shoring beams, and the type, 5.2 Ledgers supported by walls using bolts the additional loads imposed by the
size, height, and spacing of vertical shoring or other means shall be properly de- shoring beams.
supports are in accordance with the shoring signed and installed per recommenda- 5.4 The ability of the structural steel frame-
layout. tion of supplier or architectiengineer. work to support this construction load-
ing shall be checked and approved by
the responsible architect/engineer.
5.5 Steel hangers shall have their bearing
pads fully engaged on the support. The
hangers shall be designed to conform to
the bearing end. and to safely support
loads imposed. Hanger manufacturer’s
recommendations shall be followed.
6. When installing horizontal shoring beams or
designing a shoring system using horizontal
shoring beams, the following precautions
should bc taken:
6.1 Sloping metal stringers shall not be
used to support metal horizontal shoring
beams when there is dircct metal to
metal contact, unless a positive connec-

tion method is provided to adequately
resist potential slippage or relative
movement of the stringers and hori7on-
tal shoring beams.
6.2 Ledger (stringer) height to width ratio
shall not exceed 2.5 to I . Under no
circumstances shall horizontal shoring
beams bear on a single “two by” ledger
6.3 Eccentric loading conditions should be
Fig. 3.7a-Pl~n~iodInid dirrctiy on ?piral telrsroping lattice-rye hori-ontal shoring to support conrrete slab avoided.

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6.4 Ledgers (stringer) consisting of multi-
A C 1 CCS-3 89 = 0662947 05L5l123 206
6.6 Should not be used as part of lacing
7. Bearing ends of horizontal shoring beams
ple members (¡.e,, double 2 X 6, 2 X system. shall be properly supported and locking
8, etc.). 6.7 Support must be sufficiently stablc to devices, if any, properly cngaged before
6.5 Varying elevation of horizontal shoring prevent fallout of horizontal shores. placing any load on beams.
beam prong to match prefabricated joist Construction activity needs to be con- 8. Horizontal shoring beams shall not be sup-
(any additional blocking must be con- trolled under shores to prevent move- ported other than at the bearing prongs
sidered in the base to height ratio). ment of supports. unless recommended by supplier.
9. Do not nail adjustable horizontal beam bear-
ing prongs to ledger.
10. Adjustable horizontal shoring beams shall
not be used as part of a reshoring system.

1 1. Adjustable horizontal shoring beams shall

not be used as a stringer (ledger) for other
horizontal shoring beams, unless recom-
mended and approved by the supplieri
12. Horizontal shores at an angle to a beam side
must have full support under the bearing
prong. The male bearing prong should be
used at the beamside to facilitate full bear-

Flying deck forms

Flying forms are large crane handled sections of
formwork which can be made up by unitizing a
truss-supported system, a beam system supported
on columns or wails, or a metal shoring frame
system. Fig. 3.8 shows a truss-supported system in
the process of being positioned. Fig. 3.9 shows a
typical bracket arrangement for a beam-supported
flying form system.
Flying forms are best suited for tall multistory
Fig. 3.7b-Horizontal shoring supported on braced wood bents. Filler pieces laid on fop of bents allow stripping of structures where many reuses can be expected. In
decking und horizontal shores, while leaving wood bents in position as support for the partially cured slab. the early usage of flying forms repetitious buildings

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AC! CCS-3 8 9 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0 5 3 5 3 2 4 II42 rn
such as hotels, apartments, condominiums, and order and in a condition similar to that of 7. Special precautions shall be taken by the
hospitals were ideal structures. Today, innovative original manufacture, and no components user when the flying deck form is angling or
form designers are utilizing flying forms on more shall be used if they are heavily rusted, bent, sloping.
complicated slabs, including slabs with joist pans, dented, torn, or otherwise defective. 8. Adjustments of flying deck forms to raise
waffles, and spandrel beams. Regardless of the 6. All screw jacks and connections shall be formwork shall not be made after concrete is
shape of the building in plan. if the number of checked to insure a snug fit and free move- in place.
floors are sufficient to justify the initial cost of a ment. 9. A method of positive control must be pro-
flying form, clever formwork designers will adapt
one of the three styles mentioned above.
Some of the cautions to be noted when using
flying forms are:
I . Flying deck forms shall have allowable t
loads as determined by detailed structural
analysis. The results of the structural analy-
sis shall be verified by tests conducted t
under, or equal to, field conditions, wit-
nessed by an independent authority. This is
necessary only when using a newly devel-
oped system, not for assembly and use of
standard components.

2. Design of shoring layouts using flying deck

form systems shall be based on the above
results and using factors of safety as follows:
trusses and vertical supporting members-
2.5 to i .
3. All flying deck Components shall be in-
spected by the designer prior to use to insure
that the erected form conforms to the shor-
ing layout. that correct components arc be-
ing used, and that no damaged components
are being used.
4. Follow manufacturer’s instructions, load
ratings, and layout drawings for placement
on each project.
5. All components are to be in good working Fig. 3.8-Aluminum truss provides support for 80 x 1 8 9 flying form

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 O662949 0515325 O89
vided for the rolling-out operation by tie- provided by slings, eyes, or other devices other trades. When using backshoring, stripping of
back, braking system, or other devices. The recommended by the appropriate manufac- the formwork can be done at an earlier age because
form must never be allowed to have uncon- turer. large areas of concrete are not required to carry
trolled horizontal movement. 11. A tag line must be attached to the flying their own weight.
10. Positive connection between the compo- deck form to prevent rotation while flying In North America a majority of supported slabs
nents of the form and the crane must be and for helping to position the form when use reshores as compared to backshores. When
1anding. placing shoring on the previously cast slab, ideally
12. Flying of deck forms during high winds is the shores should be located directly above the
hazardous and not recommended. shores or reshores below. This will prevent a
Caution: Truss forms generally have very large reversal of stresses in the slab. When misalignment
concentrated loads posted to floor below. A com- does occur, it is not necessarily dangerous, unless
petent engineer should make the determination to the slab is thin or the location of reinforcement is
reshore and location of reshores. inadequate to handle the reversal stresses and
13. Crane pick points shall not be changed punching shear. Fig. 3.10 shows what can happen
without consulting with the form manufac- in such cases. Such conditions must be avoided by
turer or designer. preplanning .
Formwor k safety-f aiIures Example
The form builder should have as his main objec- A simple three-story flat slab building to dem-
tives quality, safety, and economy. All three in onstrate how the loads develop in the slab, shores,
combination will produce a concrete structure that and reshores. The weight of the slab is called “D”

will be long lasting, pleasing to the eye, and with and does not include the weight of the formwork or
no injuries, fatalities, or formwork failures during the construction live load. This example shows
the construction process. loads that are transferred to the structure. We must
With backshoring, so long as the first level of also know if the structure has sufficient strength to
shores remains in place in contact with grade, each resist those loads. A structural engineer must de-
tier of shores must carry the weight of ali concrete termine if the structure can safely support the loads,
and construction loads above it. This may be the based on the construction sequence that is selected.
weight of several floors. While reshoring remains If the structure does not have this capacity or if the
in place at grade level, accumulated shore loads are formwork is not properly designed, then a failure
less because each slab has been permitted to carry will occur.
its own weight before the reshores were installed. To properly design a shoring system, AC1 Com-
Fig. 3.9-Bracket attached io column or wall When using reshores, stripping of the formwork mittee 347 recommends consideration of the fol-
supports slab form assembly wiihout vertical is more economical, since all formwork material lowing factors. Caution: Some governing agencies
shores. This one has roller head io facilitaie can be removed at the same time. Reshonng require design of shoring be done by a Registered
movement of flying forms. requires fewer levels, thus freeing more area for Engineer.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89
T d I r 3 . ILComparison of Backshoring and Reshoring
0 6 6 2 9 4 9 051512b T15 = For purposes of analyzing this three-story exam-
ple, the following assumptions are made:
Backshoring Reshoring I. Shores and reshores are infinitely stiff rela-
Strip small areas Strip several entire bays tive to the slabs.
Do not let slab deflect Allow slab to deflect 2. Slabs interconnected by shores therefore all
install backshores before any further stripping Install reshores without removing deflection deflect equally when a new load is added,
occurs Slab carries its own weight and carry a share of the added load in
Slab does not carry its own weight Reshores have no initial load proportion to their relative stiffnesses.
Backshores have an initial load 3. Slabs have equal stiffness and added loads
are shared equally by the interconnected
slabs. Whether one assumes the slabs are all
equally stiff or that stiffnesses are propor-
tional to the various levels of strength at-
tained by slabs of different ages, the results
differ by relatively small amounts. There-
fore it seems both satisfactory and conve-
nient to follow the simpler assumption.
4. Ground level [loor or other base support is
Obviously these assumptions are not precisely
true, but field measurements reported thus far show
that the effect of the errors is small enough to make
a useful analysis on this basis.
I . Set up a story of shores and forms and place
the fresh concrete.
2. Remove the reshores at lowest intercon-
nected level. Remove forms and shores from
REVERSE BENDING AT next story above.
CAN CAUSE THIS SPAN TO FALLS OUT OF PLACE 3. Place reshores snugly under the slab just
DIRECTLY BELOW SHORING DEFLECT UPWARD BECAUSE FLOOR ABOVE stripped, but without reshores currying any
ABOVE load when they are ,first placed.
Fig, 3. IO-Improper positioning of shores from floor to floor may create bending stresses for
The first two slabs are placed without removing any
which the slub was not designed. I f reshores on hackshores do not match shorrs nbove, srrrsse.! shores, and the load is transmitted directly to the
w:ould need io be reralrulated by the form designer. Reshores and barkshorrs mirst be prrwntea ground: the slabs carry no load until the first level
from falling. of shores is removed, and each then bears its own


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A C 1 CCS-3 89 W 0662949 0535327 9 5 1 W
weight. As the cycles proceed, when each fresh If at any time you have doubts concerning the slabs. Such slow settlements can go unnoticed
slab is placed (Operation i ) we assume the load is load capacity of the formwork or the structure, unless periodic measurements are made and com-
distributed equally among interconnected slabs in immediately seek answers from your supervisor. In pared with before-concreting elevations.
the system. Whenever a level of reshores or shores certain instances, it may be necessary to seek help
is removed (Operation 2 and 3 ) , the shore force is from the design engineer of the structure, or even to Form and shore removal times
distributed equally among the slabs in the system. have the opinion of an outside consulting engineer.
The load in shores at the end of each step is It is better to search for an answer in this manner While the contractor has the general responsibil-
calculated on the basis of a summation of vertical than to search for a fellow worker in the rubble. ity for the design, construction, and safety of the
forces. Total weight of slabs and construction loads formwork, standards for removal of forms and
above the shore level being considered, less the Watching formwork shores should be given by the engineerhrchitect.
loads carried by slabs above, gives the load trans- During and after concrete placement competent Since early form removal is desirable so that forms
mitted by the shores. For example, look at Step I O persons should continuously watch the formwork can be reused, a reliable basis for determining if it
is safe to do so must be available.

in Table 3.2. Consider the shores between Levels 2 from below or alongside the forms. They should be
and 3; in a protected area and have a means of communi- Concrete strength is one fairly reliable method;
cating with the placement crew in case of an some agencies specify a certain strength such as
Total weight of slabs above =2D emergency. 2500 pounds per square inch (psi) or two-thirds the
(Slabs 3 and 4) Telltale devices such as string or wire lines will design strength. The engineedarchitect who de-
enable form watchers to constantly check eleva- signed the structure and understands its behavior
Total load carried by slabs tions, camber and plumbness. Whenever neces- under load is in the best position to decide what
above (O. 11 D for Slab 4 + sary, they should tighten wedges and promptly strength level is required before stripping, consid-
0.94 D for Slab 3) = 1.05D make appropriate adjustments of elevation by jack- ering the reshoring or backshoring plan.
ing or wedging. All such adjustments must be made Testing of cylinders prepared at the jobsite is one
The difference between these two is 0.95 D,which before the concrete takes its initial set. Adjustments method that requires a specific curing condition.
is the load transmitted by the shores to Slab 2. after or during placing of concrete may be impos- Nondestructive testing of hardened concrete can be
Depending on sequence of formwork cycling for sible. There is also a possibility of failure. Do not done by the following methods:
taller structures, it can be shown that shores at count on being able to adjust forms (especially
ground level may have to be designed for 3D and spandrel beam bottoms). 1. Pulse velocity (ASTM C 597)
that slabs can be asked to carry 2 1/2 times their If any serious weakness occurs during concreting 2. Rebound hammer (ASTM C 805)
own dead weight. that would endanger workers or cause excessive 3. Penetration resistance (ASTM C 803)
This design work should be done by a qualified settlement, work should be halted while the form- 4. Pull-out cones (ASTM C 900) and (ASTM
engineer familiar with the preparation of formwork work is strengthened. After concreting has been STP-626)
drawings. At the jobsite it is the craftsmen’s re- completed, form watchers should continue observ- 5. Maturity measurement (AC1 306)
sponsibility to install all formwork members in ing the telltales until deflection has ceased. A
accordance with the engineer’s design drawings to potential form failure often gives warning by grad-
assure a safe workplace for fellow workers and a ually increasing deflection. Shores on ground can Any of these methods can be used to supplement
quality concrete structure. keep settling and cause cracks in newly placed test cylinders.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 W O b 6 2 9 4 9 0 5 1 5 1 2 8 898
Table 3.2-Simplified analysis of loads on shores and slabs oj multistov structure; two levels of shoring, one of reshoring (construction live load and weight
of formwork not included; D = weight of slab)




Place Level 1 concrete; full load transmitted by shores I O

to ground.

2 O O O
Place Level 2 concrete; all load goes thru shores to I
2 O O O
ground since Slab 1 can’t deflect and pick up load. 2D

2 O t ID ID
Remove first level shores; shore load of 2 D i s divided O
3. equally between two slabs. In this case, each one I O t ID ID
takes i t s own weight.

Place reshores snug but not loaded. This causes no

4 I
change in other slab or shore loadings. O

Place level 3 concrete; all new load is carried to OID

ground by shores and reshores. Slabs can’t deflect O ID
5. further and therefore don’t pick up any of the new ID
load yet. Slabs 1 and 2 continue to carry their own O ID

- weight.

*Chore load at end of operalion is obtained by adding total applied Iwds above the shares and toking oway the total load carried by

slabs above the shores being considered

18 --`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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Table 3 . 2 4 o n t i n u e d
A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 m 0bb2949 0515129 724

0 tO.330 0.33D
Remove first floor reshores. The three slabs will de- 0.670
flect together. Reshore load i s then divided equally ID +0.34D I.34D
among the three interconnected slabs. Remaining 0.33D
shores carry that portion of the load above them not ID t0.33D i.33D
carried by the slabs.

0.33D tO.170 0.500

Remove shores under Slab 2. Load formerly carried 1.340 t0.16D 1.WD
by those shores i s divided equally between two re-
maining interconnectedslabs. I 1.33D -0.330 ID

O.%D 0.500
Reshore beneath Slab 2. Reshores act as struts. Slab 1.5DD 1.50D
8. O
loads remain unchanged. I ID ID

~ ~ ~

4 O O O
3 O 500 tO.330 0.83D
Place Level 4 concrete. Its load is distributed equally 1.17D
9 2 1.50D t0.33D I.83D
among three interconnected slabs below. 0.34 D
I ID +0.34D 1.34D

O +O.iiD O.llD
Pull reshores beneath Level 2. The 0.34 D load in re- 0.89D
0.83D tO.11 D 0.940
10 shores i s divided equally among three remaining inter- 0.950
connected slabs. 1.83D tD.120 1.95D

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 W O b b 2 9 4 9 O ~ I J ~ I J44b
~ O
Where no specific provision is made by the Two-way slab systems . . . Removal times are
engineeriarchitect, AC1 Committee 347 suggests contingent on reshores where required being placed
that the minimum times forms and supports should as soon as practicable after stripping operations are
remain in place under ordinary conditions are: complete but not later than the end of the working
Walls* ............................ . . . . 12 hr day in which stripping occurs. Where reshores are
Columns* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 hr required to implement early stripping while mini-
Side of beams and girders* . . . . . . . . . . 12 hr mizing sag or creep (rather than for distribution of
Pan joist formst superimposed construction loads), capacity and
30 in. wide or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 days spacing of such reshores should be specified by the
Over 30 in. wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 days engineeriarchitect.
where design live load is: less than greater
These periods represent cumulative number of
dead load than days, or fractions of a day, not necessarily consec-
dead load utive, during which the air temperature at the
Arch centers .............. 14 days 7 days concrete is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, or if
retarding agents are used. then the engineer/
Joist, beam or girder soffits architect may increase these periods.
Under I O ft clear span between
structurai supports . . . . . . . . 7 days$ 4 days

I O to 20 ft clear span between
structural supports . . . . . . . 14 daysf 7 days
Over 20 ft clear span between
structural supports . . . . . . . 21 days$ 14 days
One-way floor slabs
Under I O ft clear span between
structurai supports . . . . . . . . 4 days$ 3 days
i0 to 20 ft clear span between
structural supports . . . . . . . . 7 days$ 4 days
Over 20 ft clear span between
structural supports . . . . . . . 10 days$ 7 days
*Where such forms also support íormworh for slab or beam
soffits. the removal times of the latter should govern
+Of the type which can be removed without disturbing forining
or hhonnp.
$Where forms may be removed without disturbing shores. use
half of values shown hut not less than 3 days

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 Obb2949 05L5L3L 3 8 2

Let’s put into practice some of the materials that or 3/4 in. thickness, since they are the most It may be that the walls are not perfectly square
have been discussed in the first three chapters. common. There may be instances where the 518 in. and a small, but acceptable, variation of the inside
We’ll use the valve pit example from “Cast- thickness would be more suitable and we can dimensions will exist. It is best to measure this
in-Place Walls,” Concrete Craftsman Series 2. The evaluate that alternative when we examine the accurately before cutting the plywood. Once the
valve pit plan looks like Fig. 4. I . plywood safe span tables. We will run the face measuring is accomplished, cut the plywood 118 in.
A cross section through the valve pit is shown in grain plies in the 6 ft-O in. direction. This means the less than the measured length. We will use a 118 in.
Fig. 4.2. plywood must be cut from the 4 ft-O in. x 8 ft-O in. urethane tape on the edge of the plywood to make
The walls are 10 ft-3 in. high and it has a 6 in. sheets and the plan will look like Fig 4.4. The 24 up this difference. This will assist in removal of the
thick roof slab with a steel framed opening and in. widths are used so the plywood can be stripped plywood during the stripping process. The same
hinged cover to permit access to the valve pit. Our and removed through a 30 in. x 30 in. hatch must be done for the overall width with the last
job is to design the shoring system that will safely opening. sheet cut 114 in. less than the filler width.

support the 6 ft slab.
We must first decide on the size and quality of a
plywood to use as well as the direction of the face c
grain plies (outer plies), so that we utilize the
plywood in its strong direction. Fig. 4.3 shows
plywood when it is used in the strong and weak
There are several types and grades of plywood.
Types are exterior and interior, while grades within
each type range from A to D (interior) and A to C
(exterior), depending on the number of surface
defects. Grade B-B is commonly used for form-
work with both faces of B grade veneer containing
some repaired plugs and knots. Since this slab is 6” floor slab
not exposed to public view, it is acceptable to use
the Grade B-B. We will also select either a 9 8 in. Fig. 4.1-Valve pit plan Fig. 4.2-Cross section of valve pit

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1. Design load and joist spacing-selecting the
A C 1 CCS-3 8?7 0662949 0 5 3 5 3 3 2 219
To use Table 4.1 we must establish the load of
75 Ib/ft2. But wc must take into account that we
face grain plies to be in the 6 fi-O in. direction concrete in terms of pounds per square foot (Ibift?). will have a labor force on the deck forms during
means that we must place the joists in the 10 ft-O in. We know that reinforced concrete weighs approx- construction and perhaps some equipment. AC1
direction. Table 4.1 shows the safe spacing of the imately 150 Ib/ft3 (a square foot, one foot high) and 347 recommends that a minimum of 50 lb/ft2 be
joists for various thicknesses of plywood and vari- a square foot of concrete 1 in. thick weighs 12.5 Ib. added to the dead load to obtain the total design
ous loading conditions. Our 6 in. slab therefore has a dead load weight of load. This is called ?live load? or sometimes
Table 4 . I-Suje spacing in inches uf supports for plywood sheathing, continuous over four or more supports (Muximum àefleciion 11360 of span, but not
more than 1/16 i n . )

Stresses and spans for short duration loads, for all Stresses and spans for long term loading, for all
sanded grades of Group 1 plywood. E modified sanded grades of Group 1 plywood. E modified
for deflection calculations. for deflection calculations.

Pressure or load of con j = 1930 psi; f = 1545 psi;


Crete, pounds rolling shear = 72 psi; E = 1,500,000psi rolling shear = 57 psi;

per square foot
sanded thickness, face
grain parallel to span

4 in. % in. %in. i in.

sanded face
grain perpendicular
to span Il sanded thickness, faCe
grain parallel to span

75 20 23 26 31 10 14 18 25 20 23 26 31 10 14 18 25
100 18 21 24 29 9 13 17 23 18 21 24 29 9 13 17 23
125 16 20 23 27 8 12 15 22 16 20 23 27 8 12 15 22
150 15 18 21 26 8 11 14 21 15 18 21 26 8 11 14 21
175 15 17 20 25 7 10 14 20 15 17 20 25 7 10 14 20

200 14 17 19 24 7 10 13 19 14 17 19 24 7 10 13 19
300 12 15 17 22 6 9 11 16 12 14 16 20 6 9 11 16
400 11 13 15 20 5 8 10 15 10 12 14 18 5 8 10 15
500 10 12 14 18 5 7 10 14 9 11 12 16 5 7 10 14
600 10 11 13 16 5 7 9 1 3 9 10 11 14 5 7 9 1 3

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 7 W 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0515133 I155 9
“construction load.” Our total design load then is: headed face grain parallel to span, note that the safe 2. Selecting joist size and ledger spacing-We
spacing of the joists can be 20 in. for 5/8 in. must now support the joists with a ledger as well as
6 in. Slab-Dead load = 75 plywood and 22 in. for 3/4 in. plywood. For select the joist size, based on the quality of lumber
Live load allowance = 50
- comparison, note how the safe spacings are reduced we will be using. Table 4.2 shows various species
Total design load = 125 lb/ft2 when the face grains are used the weak way, and grades of lumber along with the properties of
perpendicular to the span. The right side of the bending, compression, horizontal shear, and mod-
Refemng to Table 4.1, find 125 in the left-hand long-term loading spacings is not applicable in this
column and proceed horizontally under f = 1930 example. ulus of elasticity. The choices are many and the
psi (pounds per square inch) and in the column Let’s space our joists for the 72 in. valve pit experienced formwork designer will specify the
width, being sure not to exceed the maximum 22 exact grade and species on which the design is
in. spacing. As shown in Fig. 4.5, even spacing based. For this example we will use a Douglas Fir,
Outer ply grain would be 72 divided by 4 = 18 in., and we could No. 2 Grade with a property of 1200 psi in the
therefore use 5 / 8 in. plywood, since the allowable extreme fiber in bending. Purchasing lumber with a
f with spacing is 20 in. higher allowable stress would be too costly.
Note at the bottom of the table that a 25 percent
increase in the allowable stresses can be made
because the load duration will be 7 days or less. We
will take advantage of this unusual feature of

%“urethane loam tape lumber, as shown in Table 4.3. Note that this table

on plywood edges
is based on a fiber stress If, of 1500 psi. This is 25
percent higher than the 1200 psi we have specified.
PLYWOOD We must calculate the load per lineal foot acting
on the joist. Simply, this is design load times the


Fig. 4.3-Plywood on the right-ourer ply (face) grain

parallel io span-is used the strong way. The specimen on
the lefi-outer face grain perpendicular to span-is used the
weak way. Most plywood used structurally for formwork
has five layers rather than the three shown in this
simplified drawing. Fig. 4.4-Plan-Plywood sheer layout Fig. 4.5-Joist spacing

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 Ob62949 0515134 O91 =
spacing of the joists in feet and is called a uniform
Table 4.2-Representative working stress values (psi) for lumber at 19 percenr moisture content. continuing or load. Uniform load acting on joists = (125) (1.5)
prolonged reuse (Derived from Narional Design Specification for Wood Consrrucrion and from recommendations of = 188 pounds per lineal foot (Ib/lin ft).
American Plywood A.ssociatiun) Enter the left-hand column of Table 4.3 at 200
and move horizontally, selecting a size of member
that would be appropriate for this work, such as
2 x 4 or 4 x 4. Note that a 2 X 4 may be sup-
i ,100,000-1,400,OaO
1,200.000 ported at 47 in. centers, while the stronger 4 X 4
may be supported at 72 in. centers. Such spacings
could be increased slightly, since the 200 Ibilin ft

load is larger than our 188 lbilin ft design load.
Selecting a uniform spacing for the 120 in. span
would be 60 in. spacing for two spans, or 40 in.
spacing for three spans. It is best to choose the 4 X
4 as a joist, since it satisfies the 60 in. span and will
not “roll” as would a 2 x 4. Using a 2 x 4 would
require 40 in. spacing of the ledgers and toe nailing
of the joists to the stringers to prevent them from
“rolling.” Fig. 4.6 shows the 4 X 4 joists cut
about 112 in. shorter than the overall span to permit
97 ’* stripping and removal through the hatch opening
(30 in. X 30 in.).
o 3. Selecting stringer size and shore spacing-
From Fig. 4.6 we can see that the stringer at the
center of the slab carries more load than the
stringers against each wall. The load per lineal foot
+Under appropriate conditiona. AS dsbcribed in the rexi. reperitive~mernbcrsire\\ I S percent higher may be used lor nOrilld~durdiion of hdd. acting on the stringer (half the spans to the left and
zBrscd on Scc 3 4 4 2 of The 1977 Spscilicativn of The Nationdl Forest Produci\ A \ m c i a t i m
Sror redwood use 94 percent. lor southern pine UIC 90 percent right) is calculated thus:
‘*For redwood and wuthern pine. use 80 p m x n t of bending *ire\\. Y3 percent o1 E
.I ,
, Calue liir rolling \hear 111 plane ofihe PIISScheck tor milling \hear should be niade dccording 10 íormuld o n p 6 - 7 in FormworL /or C < J B < r i ’ l P .S P ~ 4
Load on stringer Ib/lin ft = ( 2 ft-6 in.
*Includr\ the experience tactor vf I 3 recommended by the American Plyw,ood Assiiciaiion
b4hlay he incre‘isrd I O percent i t \hear deflection IS ci)mpuled \epördlely + 2 ft-6 in.) ( I ) (125) = 625 Ibilin ft

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0662949 0515135 T28
Table 4.3-Safe spucing in inches of supports for joists, studs (or other beam components of formwork), continuous over mo spans

g p . c ~ ~ ~
Amax ir % 6 0 of spocing, but not more than W in.
Uniform load, Ib per
lineal ft (rqiials iiiii- / = l5OOpsi E = 1,700,000 psi H = 140psi
form load o n forms
times spacing he- Nominal size oí S4S limber
tween joists or studs,
ft) 2x4 2x6 2x8 2x10 2x12 3x4 3x6 3x8 3x10 4x2 4x4 4x6 4x8 6x2 6x4 6x6 6x8 8x2 8x8 10x2
1 1 1 I 3

86 L134
123 , 49


1 54
117 , 164
90 1 3 8
7;: i E


83 ' 38 . 6 0 ......
~ 79
~~ ....101.. 19
600 '23 36 47 60 73 33 52 69 88 18 41 65 86 22 52 82 111 25 130 29
so ... 79 48 75 24 120 27

700 20 32 42 54 66 29 48 61 78 ~ 16 38 . 21 103
800 19 29 39 ho 60 27 42 55 70 15 34 54 71 19 4.5 71 97 22 113 25
900 17 27 36 46 56 24 38 51 64 13 31 49 65 ' 18 42 67 91 21 106 24
1O M 16 26 34 43 53 23 36 47 80 12 29 45 60 , 17 40 63 86 20 101 22
1100 16 24 32 41 50 21 33 44 56 12 27 42 56 16 38 60 82. 19 96 21
1200 15 23 31 39 48 20 31 42 53 11 25 40 52 15 36 56 77 18 92 20
1300 14 22 29 38 46 19 30 39 50 10 24 37 49 14
~~ 33
~. 53 72 17 88 20
1400 14 22 28 36 44 id 29 38 48 io 23 36 47 14 32 50 68 17 85 19
1500 13 21 27 35 43 17 27 36 46 9 22 34 45 13 30 47 64 16 82 .. 18

Since the stringer length will be approximately 72 span 86 in. For the small slab area of this job, we draw a simple plan and place the shores in the
in., we can select a shore spacing of either 72 in. will select a 4 X 4 stringer with shore spacing of relative positions. Fig. 4.7 shows such a plan and
or 36 in. Using Table 4.3, enter the left column at 36 in. we note that the shore at location B-2 "covers" the
600 Ib/lin ft and move horizontally, looking pref- largest area of 3 ft X 5 ft. The respective load on
erably for a 4 x 4 member that satisfies either the 4. Selecting shore size-We must select the
the shore is:
36 in. or 72 in. spacing. We find that a 4 x 4 shore that covers the most slab area and therefore
stringer can safely span 41 in. and a 4 x 8 will carries the highest load. At this point it is best to 3 X 5 X 125 = 1875 Ib

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At this point it is best to consider the weight of the been tabulated and we need only concern ourselves short-term loading. Note also that the allowable
formwork as well as the weight of the concrete and with the quality of the lumber and the Lid ratio, stresses for compression perpendicular to the grain
construction loads. One may make an exact calcu- where L is the shore height and d is the least are much less. Fig. 4.8 shows both types of loads.
lation of the weights of the members supported by dimension. For normal shoring conditions the ratio Designers must be alert to potential crushing when
the shore, however. formwork using members of of L/d should be SO or less. These are safety guides loads are perpendicular to the grain, as this can
this size weigh approximately I O Ib/ft'. So, we for the design of columns that guard against buck- cause a lowering of the slab formwork by 118 in.,
should add that amount to the shore load, which ling and are beyond the scope of this Craftsman 1/4 in., or larger.
now becomes: Book. However, we must use the L/d ratio when From Figure 4.2 we can determine that the
using the tables. For example. for a 4 x 6 shore shore's unsupported length will be:
Shore load = 1875 + ( 3 x S x 10) = 2020 Ib with a height of 12 ft, the Lid ratio would be:
12ft x 12in.iftdividedby3.5in. = 41.14andwe 9 ft-9 in. minus the
The capacity of a lumber shore to carry vertical formwork: 518 in. Plywood
loads is a function of the quality, size, and least would be able to use the figures as shown in Table
4.4. ~ 9 518 in. 3 1/2 in. Joist (4 X 4)
dimension of cross section, such as a 4 X 6, and Say 9 ft-O in. 3 112 in. Ledger (4 X 4)
the shore height. Fortunately. this information has We must first refer to Table 4.2 and determine
the allowable compression parallel to the grain 2 in. Wedges
stresses for the Douglas Fir, No. 2 lumber we are 9 518 in.
using. Note that this value is 1000 psi, which may
T h ' ' urethane
also be increased 25 percent to 1250 psi because of LOADS ON STRINGER ARE
4 x 4 joists 5/s'' plywood foam lape

--i= 30" cf I


Fig. 4.8-Compression parallel and perpendicular to

Fig. 4 . 6 S h o r i n g design Fig. 4.7-Shore load areas grain


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A C 1 CCS-3 89 m 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0515137 & T O m
Locating 9 ft in the left column and moving sides and R means rough sawn lumber. While the exact elevation. See Fig. 4.9. Once the proper
horizontally to any shore with a 4 in. dimension and 3 X 4 would probably satisfy the 2025 Ib load, to elevation is obtained, the shore must be toenailed
S4S, we find that: be safe and conservative, we will select the more to the wedges to prevent slippage. If adjustable
a 3 x 4 car. safely carry 2000 Ib readily available 4 x 4 shore. timber shores are used, or shores with patented
a 4 x 4 can safely carry 5400 Ib Wood wedges placed under the shore will pro- clamps, then the manufacturer's load tables must be
S4S means that the lumber is finished on all four vide final adjustment of the plywood deck to an used to determine the safe capacity of such shores.

Table 4.4-Allowable aria1 load (pounds) on simple wood shores+ of the indicated strength. based on unsupported length I

Nominal lumber
size, in.
length, ft
cl1 to grain = i 100 psi

S4S ** R
C = 1,400,000 psi



= 50

54s R 4x6 S4S I R 6x6s4S

4 1800 2200 9300 8300 14000 13000 6300 5600 10100 9300 21700 20400 34800 33300
5 1800 1400 7600 6400 13300 12300 6000 5300 9700 8800 20700 19300 34800 33300
6 1300 1000 5300 4400 12100 11OOo 5400 4700 8800 7900 18800 17300 33800 32300
7 3900 3300 10300 8900 4600 3800 7400 6400 15900 14000 33100 31400
6800 3500
5400 2800
4400 2300
3600 1900
3000 1600
1900 3600
1500 3000
1300 2500
12200 10700
9700 8500
13 3000 2600 1300 1100 2200 1800 4600 4100 17300 15800
14 2600 2200 1200 lo00 1900 1600 4000 3500 14900 13600
15 2200 - 1000 - 1600 - 3500 - 13000 11900
16 - 11400 lo400
17 10100 9200
18 9000 8200
19 8100 7100
20 7300 6700

* Celculeted to nearest 100 Ib. ** R indicates rough lumber; S4S indicates lumber finished on all four sidea


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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 Ob62747 0515138 7 3 7
5. Stability of the shoring system-While we patented shore clip or plywood cleat. Nailing will bridging between joists and nail the plywood to the
have selected members of the shoring system that assure that the ledger will not slip off the shore. bridging as shown in Fig. 4. I l .
will safely support the loads, we must be sure that Now the 4 X 4 joists may be positioned and 6. Safety considerations-We must consider
all members are properly connected to each other. lightly toenailed to the ledgers to prevent any worker safety at all times. For this example we
In the erection process the shores are cut to movement during erection. Final adjustment of the have not yet addressed the exterior form for the slab
length (8 ft-Il 114 in.) and must be positioned and formwork can now be made using the wood wedges edge. The forms for the vertical walls may have
braced to the adjacent shores. A 1 X 4 piece of to raise or lower the system before the plywood is been left in place and sufficiently high to act as the
Douglas Fir will satisfy this requirement and two secured. If large movements are required, it may be formwork as shown in Fig. 4.12. But, assume that
duplex nails at each intersection will secure the necessary to undo some of the nailing of the braces. was not the case and we will be required to place
bracing to the shore. At the same time, place the Remember to renail after the final elevation is formwork for the slab edge. Backfill may or may
wood wedges under each 4 X 4 shore. Cross- obtained. not be in place. If it is, it will be a safer working
bracing (X-bracing) in both directions will assure Finally, the plywood sheets may be positioned condition when laborers and finishers are casting
stability of the entire system of shores. and nailed to the joists. If any joints of the plywood concrete for the slab. If backfill has not yet been
Each row of shores, in both the I O ft and 6 ft are unevenly matched, you may install a 2 x 4 placed. then we must be concerned about the
direction, should have I X 4 bracing as shown in potential danger if workers were to fall off the deck
Fig. 4.10. The 4 X 4 ledgers can now be posi- formwork. While this 10 ft X 6 ft valve pit job
tioned on top of the shores and secured with a seems simple. there are many considerations work-
ers must take into account-BE ALERT!
If the wall formwork has been removed, we must
attach exterior forms for the slab edge. One method
is to attach forms to the form ties left in place after

Uneven joint

2” wedge allowance

Fig, 4.9-Wood
derk elevatioti
wedges for adjusting
Fig. 4.10-Brncing of shores

Fig. 4.11-Use of 2 X

4 bridging

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 Obb2949 0515139 673 H
the wall is cast. Fig. 4.13 shows how that can be With our design completed, Fig. 4.15 shows an
done. If the form ties are broken back or are not isometric view of the basic components of this
suitable for attaching formwork, then drilled-in shoring system.
inserts may be used, as shown in Fig. 4.14. The tables in this chapter are from Formwork for
Manufacturer’s instructions for installation and safe Concrete, an AC1 publication which also contains
additional tables and information,
load capacities must be followed.
There will be horizontal loads transferred to the
edge form such as wind, dumping of concrete, etc.
AC1 347 recommends that a minimum horizontal
load of 100 pounds per lineal foot of floor edge, or
2 percent of the total dead load on the form be
distributed as a uniform load per lineal foot of slab
edge, whichever is greater.

2x 4 pasts and guard

In this case, the total dead load is: rails must meei OSHA
or local requirements
IO x 6 X 75 = 4500 Ib
and the horizontal load per lineal foot of slab edge
form is:

4500 X 0.02 = 90 Ib
However, the minimum design load recommended
by AC1 347 is 100 Ib.
Regardless of the method of attaching the slab
edge form, we must provide guardrails and sup-
ports for worker safety. Section 1910.23 of OSHA
requires that 2 X 4 posts not exceed 6 ft spacing if
a 2 X 4 top rail is used. The height shall be 42 in.
with an intermediate rail of 2 X 4 and a toe board I
Forms left in place
of 4 in. nominal height. This could be a 1 X 4 or from wall placement
i X 6. Fig. 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14 show the posts
and rails that satisfy the OSHA minimum require- Fig. 4.12-Wall form used to form slab edge. Fig. 4.13-Slab edge form and guardrail attached to
ments. Guardrail is also attached to wall form. form ries lefi in wall

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A C 1 CCS-3 6 9 m 0bb2747 0515140 395 m

Joist .
2 x4 posis and guard rails
musi meet OSHA or local

Y s ’ or 3h plywood

Use positive connection

between shores & stringers

Bracing recommended
throughout system

> Drill4n anchors


Fig. 4.14-Drilled-in inserts used to suppori

slab edge form and guardrail Fig. 4.15-T~pical flat slab formwork components

--`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 30
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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0662949 0515141 2 2 1
--`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- FORMS FOR SLABS WITH BEAMS

Beam forms
Beam formwork consists of a beam bottom and
two beam sides, plus the necessary ties or braces.
Usually, the bottom is made to the exact width of
the beam and supported directly on shore heads.
Beam sides overlap the bottom form and also rest
on the shore heads. Details of the formwork assem-
bly vary, depending on plans for stripping, as well
as materiais to be used. The following examples
show some of the many ways the forms may be
Fig. 5. I shows a typical interior beam form with
slab forming supported on beam sides. Plywood
has been used for beam sides and bottom, sup-
ported longitudinally on the beam bottom by
2 x 4’s and with blocking or stiffeners along the
beam sides. The vertical side members are some-
times omitted if the beam is less than 20 in. deep
and slab loads carried by the beam are not exces-
sive. The ledger supports loads from adjoining slab
, forms and the kicker holds beam sides in place at
the bottom. Note the alternate details where the
slab forming intersects the beam side. This permits
easy stripping of the beam side.
Fig. 5 . 2 shows the same type of framing using
different materials: cleated boards for the beam
sides and a plank for the beam bottom. Fig. 5 . I-Typical interior beam form

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Fig. 5.3 indicates another method in which the used to support long slab spans (Fig. 5.4). plywood with attached supporting members, either
beam bottom is camed on stringers resting on All components of the beam formwork must be 2 x 4's running the length of the beam bottom, or
ladder frame scaffolding. Beam sides are carried on designed by a qualified person, since they are 4 x 4's supported by ladder frames. The bottom
the beam bottom. This design permits wider spac- subjected to dead and live loads similar to other forms may also be made of board sheathing,
ing of the shores and offers more resistance to horizontal slab construction. usually nominal 2 in. stock is used. If two or more
tipping when loads become unbalanced because of widths are required, they must be cleated together
uneven placing of concrete or unequal slab thick- Bottoms with 1 X 4 cleats on the underside at about 2 ft
ness. This might occur when horizontal shoring is Beam bottoms are usually made of 314 in. intervals.

, 'lab )sathing ,Plywood sides


horizontal shoring Beam side Slab sheathing

I Joist I

I 1

Ladder frame
Ladder trame scaffolding
Ladder trame

-_ _ 1 . r l scaffolding

Fig. 5.2-Beam form using cleated boards for Fig. .5.3-Sy.stem with beam bottom curried on Fig. 5.4 -Horizontal shoring supporting long slab
sides und a plank for the beam bottom stringers resting on ladùer frame scaffolding spun

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 m Ob62949 0515143 O T 4 m
Length of the beam bottom depends on how it is Exact length of the beam sides depends on the members’ formwork sizes and lengths. Sketches of
framed into the supporting column or girder. If it framing method chosen. They may be made equal these intersections will assist the carpenter in de-
rests on the column or girder sides, the beam to the clear span less the thickness of sheathing on termining the appropriate sizes that will allow safe
bottom will be the exact clear distance, less a each of the members which the beam intersects, and easy stripping with minimum damage to all
fraction of an inch for tolerance in assembly. In less some fixed allowance, say 1 1/2 in., at each formwork members.
such a case, the bottom ends are beveled to permit end. This leaves a gap which must be filled in the
stripping (Fig. 5.5). If the beam bottom is to be field with a beveled 2 X 4 (Fig. 5 . 3 , or other piece Spandrel beams
butted against column or girder formwork, its that can be fitted in, if a larger opening is left.
Prefabricated modular forms may be used for
length must be determined as weil as the longitu- The stripping sequence must be planned ahead.
deep beams, as shown in Fig. 5.6. The location and
dinal 2 X 4 members, since the ends must be This sequence determines the beam side and bottom
spacing of ties are determined according to the
supported by a column yoke or girder ledger. lengths and depths, as well as the intersecting
When beam bottom panels are assembled, they design principles for wails, depending on the rate
are marked with identifying code numbers or letters and method of placing concrete.
to indicate their location in the structure. Shore If conventional stud and wale formwork is used
spacing should also be marked on the bottom to (Fig. 5.7), ties through the beam forms must be
simplify positioning in the field. carefully located so as not to interfere with heavy
reinforcement. Shore heads are extended on the
outside to accommodate knee braces required to
maintain alignment. The extended shore head fre-
Sides quently supports a catwalk (Fig. 5.6) for workmen
If beam sides are made of boards or plywood, placing and vibrating concrete. In addition to the
they will require vertical studs. The ledger is nailed regular bracing of shores, some form of tie back to
to the side at a distance below the beam side top to permanent anchorage is necessary to prevent the
allow for the depth of slab forming joists that will for easy stripping entire spandrel beam assembly from being shoved
be supported by the sides. The kicker may be nailed out of line.
flush with the bottom of the beam side and will
later be nailed to shore heads to prevent spreading
of the beam sides when concrete is placed. The Concrete joist construction
kicker may be kept separate for field installation, Concrete joist construction is a monolithic com-
but attaching it as part of beam side gives added bination of regularly spaced joists and thin slabs
stiffness, if repeated handling is required. Both cast in place to form an integral unit with concrete
ledgers and kickers are usually cut a few inches beams, girders, and columns. When the joists are
shorter than the beam side so there is room for Fig. 5.5-Details of one type of beam-column form all parallel, this is called one-way joist construction
framing of intersecting members. Completed beam intersection showing a wedged vertical key as the closure [Fig. 2.3 d]. If the joists intersect each other at right
sides should also be marked with identifying code piece. Removal of the key simplifies stripping of the forms angles, it is two-way joist construction, or the
numbers. later. Beam bottom is also beveled to aid in stripping. so-called waffle slab [Fig. 2.3 e].


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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0 5 1 5 1 4 4 T30
For one-way joist system slabs the flange type ers, soffit plants, or plywood decks are erected and toward the center of the member from both ends,
pans shown in Fig. 5.8 are the most commonly adjusted to elevation. Pan and waffle sizes are overlapping the pans from I to 5 in. and setting a
used. They can be nailed to supporting soffits or a shown in Tables 2.1 and 2 . 2 . filler piece in the middle, if required. After the pans
solid deck. The solid deck is preferred for a freer Flange pans are then nailed into position. A are in place, they are coated with a release agent
working area. After beam, girder, and column chalkline on the decking can be used to align the before reinforcing steel is set and mechanical trades
forms are in place, braced, and shored, then string-
pans. End caps are placed first and work progresses make installations. A final check of elevation,

n Spandrel tie

Ladder frame

Fig. 5.6 -Forming of spandrel beam using prefabrirated

panels rimith ties. Extrrnui strongbacks and knee bracing
are shown. Fig. 5.7-Stud and wale forming for spandrel beam

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0662949 0515145 9 7 7
camber, and alignment of the forms should be made
before concrete is placed.
When concrete has obtained specified strength,
shores, stringers, and plywood are removed. Strip-
ping of the pans is the final step. Care must be
taken to prevent pans from falling out and injuring End caps
workers. Removal of pans immediately after re-
moval of deck in each bay is important.
Two-way joists or waffle slabs are formed using
dome style pans. Shores stringers and solid decking
are erected first. The design of a waffle slab usually
requires areas around columns to be cast solid to the
full depth of the joists. Domes are simply omitted
for those areas (see Fig. 5.9).
The domes are placed next and are nailed to the

formwork through holes in the flanges. Most de-

signs require that the flanges be butted together on
the solid decking, which facilitates alignment. If
wider joists are required, a chalkline should mark ringer
the outside alignment of the pan flanges. The Shore
stripping sequence is the same as for one-way pans
described above. Domes are usually stripped by
using compressed air applied to an adaptor at center
of dome.
While using more matenal, the ease and safety
added by the use of solid decking in lieu of open
soffit boards for one- and two-way systems is
preferable for all but the largest projects. If a gang
system is used, solid decking adds stability. Solid Fig 5 8-Nail-down pans for one-way concrete joist construction
decking makes layout far easier, makes the work
area more efficient, and makes the area safer for
those on the deck and those on the level below.
These advantages often offset any economy of
slightly less material. Formwork for Concrete con-
tains additional information for joist construction.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 O b b 2 9 4 9 0515146 803

Column form \Adjustable shore

Soffit board

Fig. 5.9-Dome pans for hvo-way joist construction. Omit pans where solid construction
is required around columns.


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A C 1 CCS-3 89 m 0662949 0515147 7 4 T

There are many requirements for elevated form-

work other than flat slabs or joist systems, as
previously discussed. This chapter points out vari-
ations that you may encounter.
Metal decking
Ribbed or corrugated steel sheet is used both as a
permanent form for cast concrete and as a com-
bined form and reinforcement in composite con-
struction. In roofs it may be the permanent support-
ing member for lightweight insulating concrete
fills. The metal decking can be used as formwork
for slabs supported on previously placed structural
steel or concrete members, and for bridge decks
above high traffic areas. The metal decking is laid
across the structural members (Fig. 6.1). Joints
may be left loose, welded, or crimped according to
details recommended by the manufacturer. Longi-
tudinal joints between metal decking panels are
made by overlapping corrugations or interlocking
flanges. The steel forms remain in place after the
concrete is set. Shoring of decking may be re-

quired. Span tables must be checked to see if shores
are required, or failure or unacceptable deflection
may occur. Fig. 6 .] - O n e type of combined metal decking nnà reinforcement
Supports for high structures
The choice of vertical supports for a bridge deck

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 W 0bb2949 0535348 b8b W
or large concrcte beams depends in large measure
on the height above ground and the nature of the
terrain or base support. Other factors, such as the
need to keep a highway or railway open for traffic,
will also influence the layout of deck supports.
When timber shoring, all metal single-post shores,
or scaffold type shoring are used, solid ground
support must be available. Erection procedures are
much the same as for building construction, except
that these greater heights call for more horizontal
lacing and diagonal bracing to stabilize the support-
ing structure (see Fig. 6.2).

The design of such complicated shoring and

formwork systems must be done by a qualified
formwork engineer. All necessary connection de-
tails must be shown on the drawings, and it is the
craftsmen’s responsibility to properly fabricate and
install all such members. When in doubt, ask
Suspended forms
Very often structural steel frames must be en-
cased in concrete to make them fireproof. There are
many commercially available hangers that support
this type of formwork. Frequently, the beam form
also supports the deck forms, as shown in Fig. 6.3.
Generally, the beam bottoms are assembled as
panels consisting of drilled decking to fit over
hangers and double-member supportx similar to
wall walers. Note thc use of soffit spacers which
help to assure a proper dimension for fireproofing
and to stabilize the beam bottom from shifting.
Formwork for bridge decks is generally sup-
ported from the precast concrete or structural steel
beams, as shown in Fig. 6.4. Hangers used for this Fig. 6.2-High timber shoring for bridge superstructure has a nework of horizontal and diugonaì bracing in both
kind of formwork are adjustable from the top, directions to stabilize the tow*er.rat great height.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0662749 05L5LYî 5 1 2
making it easy for the workers to adjust the forms
vertically due to dead load deflection and camber of
the beams, without the need for extensive scaffold-
ing so as to be able to work under the deck.
Exterior overhangs, as are typical of bridges, COILTYPE HANGERS SNAP TIE HANGER
have been simplified by the development of metal
overhang brackets. These brackets have replaced For unfinished work, hanger ends Plywood
remain at concrete surlece A Jo,ist
contractor-built wood “jacks” which lack the ad-
justing capability of the metal brackets. Fig. 6.5
shows these brackets in use for overhangs with
precast concrete beams and steel beams. Note that
screed rails for supporting the concrete placing/

screeding machines can be placed on these brack-
I I fI I!#il- -

Tunnel forming system
As mentioned briefly in Chapter 2, tunnel forms
are a variation of flying forms. This specialized
with ties between
steel formwork is particularly suited to high-rise
construction such as hotels or condominiums. The
forms consist of wall sections and a slab section
that is connected to the vertical wall formwork.
Depending on the design of the building, end wail
sections can also be provided. Concrete for the
vertical walls and the slab is cast at one time. A
short 6 in. high starter “curb” is also placed with
the slab concrete. This starter curb allows accurate For exposed suriaces, where setback
placement of the tunnel section for the next lift. is specified. Recess to be grouted FASCIA HANGER

Fast recycling of the tunnel forms is an important when boiis are removed.

advantage. Formwork is stripped the next day and

flown to the next lift. The wall form portion is Fig. 6.3-Typical beam encasement forms showing both coil and snap type hangers. Sofit spacers or spacing
activated by hydraulic jacks and moved inward. devices on the hangers hold beam sofit form at required distance from the beam to be encased.
The slab form is jointed at the center and also
moves inward and downward. Rollers allow the
entire tunnel to be moved outward and positioned
for flying. Fig. 6.6 shows how one version of the
tunnel form system works.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 m 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 05L5150 2 3 4

23/s,, Overhang is normally Ya''

maximum 4 k-
Plywood deck 'IA" --

Fixed length
2x'la1 \ :oli bolt
Fiat washer
5000 psi
concrele beam
Adjustable coil
coil bolt assembly
bolt assembly


Fig. 6.4-Formwork hanger s y t e m s

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A C 1 CCS-3 0bb2949 0.515151 i170 = SCREED LOAD

Fig. 6.5-ûverhang brackets.


Fig. 6.6-Haìj-tunnel forms.


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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 O b b 2 9 4 9 0515152 007 W

construction joints. It may be necessary to have stairway openings and quantity of concrete.
General meetings with, and seek approval for such joint Fig. 7.2 shows an example of sleeve locations in
The layout of the perimeter of the slab will have locations from, the engineer. Typically, the best a deep girder.
been determined by the foundation wails or col- location for construction joints is in the middle third The formwork designer should prepare separate
umns. The engineering staff will have determined of the span of any bay. details for these conditions. Depending on the
this from control points and elevation marks estab- The formwork designer should then prepare a material selected for creating round voids such as

lished when the site was originally surveyed. Still, simple slab layout drawing on which column lines, plastic or metal sleeve, or cast iron pipe furnished
you may be required to use plumb bobs, string construction joints and concrete volume are shown, by other trades, the method of attaching the sleeve
lines, and tapes to locate slab edges or openings on along with the location of all blockouts and embed- to the formwork should be decided in advance. If
the decking material. A transit and levei may be ded items. This drawing should be reviewed with the pipe sleeve has flanges, it can be screwed or
used, along with direct observation and measure- the reinforcing steel supplier and with the mechan- bolted to the formwork, but in a manner that
ment; plumb lines and stretched wires may be ical, electrical, curtain wall, elevator, and any other permits easy stripping of the beam or girder sides.
necessary in some locations. An accurate straight- subcontractor who may have embedments or re- If flanges are not available, wood templates made
edge should always be on hand, and in many cases quire openings. For fiat slabs or fiat plates, this is of plywood or of l x or 2x material should be cut to
homemade templates will serve as convenient and fairly simple. However, it can be complicated for the inside dimension of the sleeve and must be
accurate means of checking dimensions. beam, girder, and slab construction when pipe secured to the formwork with the sleeve positioned
The use of h g h quality invar steel tapes cannot sleeves and blockouts for heating, ventilating, and over the template on one beadgirder side. Do this
be overemphasized, especially for major projects. air conditioning lines must be provided, or there are before the reinforcing steel is positioned. A tempo-
An ordinary steel tape can stretch or shrink 3/8 in. pockets for equipment that may be installed later. rary prop to the beam bottom may be required to
in 40 ft, depending on temperature changes. For It should be clear that these details (necessary hold the pipe sleeve to approximate elevation. A
example, if anchor bolts for steel columns are to be location dimensions and sizes of blockouts, similar template is fastened to the closure beam/
located for 10, 15, or 20 bays of 30 ft-O in. centers, sleeves, anchor boit locations, etc.) must all be girder side and positioned after the reinforcing is
you can readily envision the problems that steel planned well in advance of the erection of shores completed. Remember to remove any temporary
erectors will later encounter. and deck material placement. This will assure blocking or props! Placing a string or wire on props
The formwork designer must review the contract having all the necessary pieces on hand at the right over the beam side often serves as a reminder.
drawings and specifications in relation to the shor- time. Fig. 7.1 shows a simple flat slab project with Refer to Appendix G , which is a reprint of
ing system, concrete delivery, placing equipment, construction joint location, beam sizes, shelf angle Chapter 6 from “Building Code Requirements for
and crew size, and select the best location for insert locations, angle or weld plate locations, Reinforced Concrete (AC1 318-83).” It is devoted

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 O662949 0535353 T 4 3 D

Bolt to beam side with %"boIts/huts

to prevent displacement during pouring and
vibration. Using tie wires or nails through
beam sides does not provide sufficient security.
Continuous angle or short

weld plaie wlth headed studs

4 fer to beam sire schedule

f e r t o Chapter 5 for typical

delbottom formwork


dimension io
be shown on

may be nailed
to beamside. N na1 internal SECTION B - B
vibration will not displace insert.

Fig. 7.1-Simple slab layout drawing.

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to formwork, embedded pipes, and construction Location dimensions to be lurnished
joints, and lists the limitations for sizes of conduits by form work designer
and pipes and best locations for construction joints.
Many contractors prefer to use expanded poly-
styrene (trade name Styrofoam) for small square or
rectangular blockouts. The material can be cut to
size with ordinary tools or a hot wire. The method
is faster than constructing a similar blockout from
Ix material or plywood, though it can be more
difficult to support with wood stakes in the slab or
to attach to a bulkhead edge form. The supporting
stakes for any blockout located in a slab must be
removed as soon as possible after vibrating and
screeding and the void filled with additional con- Fig. 7.2-Sleeve locations in a deep girder.
crete (see Fig. 7.3).
if wood blockouts are used, they should have

tapered sides and be coated with a release agent to Nail ix 2 location blocks
permit easy removal. A stripping handle secured in io plywood deck to se
the middle of the blockout will aid in stripping (see blockout

Fig. 7.4). The end boards should be lapped as

shown to permit stripping if blockout cannot be
removed in one piece.
If tapered sides are not used, the blockout cannot
be removed intact and a wrecking bar will be
required. This takes valuable time that could be
spent doing more productive work. Fig. 7.5 shows
several methods of fastening or securing sleeves,
anchor bolts, and weld plates to the formwork.
When placing concrete in the vicinity of sleeves,
blockouts, etc., the placing crew must be sure to
properly vibrate and consolidate to assure that Fig. 7.3 -Expanded polysyrene blockout with i12
concrete has completely surrounded the embedded in. threaded rods, II4 X 3 X 4 in. flat washers, Fig. 7.4-Wood blockout for slab with iupered sides and
item. If this is not done, honeycomb regions will and nuts fastened to plywood deck. stripping handle.
appear and a costly patching process will follow, or

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worse the honeycomb or voids under the embedded
A C 1 CCS-3 89 0662949 0535355 8Lb =
item will not be visible, hut may cause an early
failure of the embedded item under load. Embed-
ments should be checked for alignment during
placement to verify location and that the concreting
operation has not moved them.

“Cement and Concrete Terminology” (AC1
116R) defines the following joints for concrete
construction: Keystone shaped fillets allow Steel or pipe sleeves can be Tightening the bolt forces wood
Expansion Joint: A separation between adjoin- removal of forms for full slab retained by the wedging action struts outward against sleeve
thickness openings of a tapered block and wood
ing parts of a concrete structure which is provided struts placed within the lining
to allow small relative movements such as those
caused by thermal changes to occur independently.
Construction Joint: The surface where two
Small diameter pin leaves
successive placements of concrete meet, across minimum diameter hole in form face
which it is desirable to develop and maintain bond
between the two concrete placements, and through
which any reinforcement which may be present is
not interrupted.
Contraction Joint: Formed, sawed, or tooled
groove in a concrete structure to create a weakened
plane and regulate the location of cracking resulting
from the dimensional change of different parts of
the structure. (Also called a Control Joint.) Reinsertion of bolts after stripping
Timber, sheet metal
Isolation Joint: A separation between adjoining or steel sleeve
main forms resuits In jacklng out of
parts of a concrete structure, usually a vertical
plane, at a designed location such as to interfere
least with performance of the structure, yet such as Large blackouts in beam sides can
to allow relative movement and avoid formation of be secured to main forms using nuts
welded to platas set in biockout face
cracks elsewhere in the concrete, and through
which all or part of the bonded reinforcment is
interrupted. Fig. 7.5-Methods of fastening or securing sleeves and anchor bolts.

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Contraction joints are purposely made planes of
weakness designed to regulate cracking that might
Plywood template with washers Spacing as specified occur due to contraction of concrete structural
and nuts top and bottom to secure 2 x framing to
Spacing as specified anchor bolts lo template units. The plane of weakness may be formed either
hold template secure
by partly or fully reducing the concrete cross
section. This may be done by installing thin metal,
plastic, or wood strips or by tooling when the
concrete is placed or by saw cutting the concrete
soon after it has hardened.
Isolation joints are similar in concept to expan-
sion joints, though the isolation joint usually does
not have an embedded steel, or aluminum extru-
sion, or a prefabricated joint sealer, or sliding cover
plate. Isolation joints must be used at junctions with
walls, columns, machine foundations, or other
points of restraint such as drain pipes, fireplaces,
sumps, stairways, etc. These may be produced by
inserting expansion joint fillers before the concrete
operation begins. Fig. 7.6a-7.6h show examples of
It is important to note a few sections from
Fig. 7 . 5 ~ o n i i > i u ~ à Chapter 6 of ACT 318 (Appendix G):
Section 6.4Construction joints
6.4.I-Surface of concrete construction joints
shall be cleaned and laitance removed.
Expansion joints are designed to prevent the claddings, or pavement slabs and decks from bridge 6.4.2-Immediately before new concrete is
crushing and distortion (including displacement, abutments or piers. placed, ail construction joints shall be wetted and
buckling, and warping) of the abutting concrete Construction joints are placed in the slab where standing water removed.
structurai units that might occur due to the trans- the concreting operations are concluded for the day, 6.4.4<onstruction joints in floors shall be
mission of compressive forces that develop by generally in conformity with a predetermined lay- located within the middle third of spans of slabs,
expansion, applied loads, and differential move- out. If concreting is interrupted long enough at any beams, and girders. Joints in girders shall be offset
ments. They are frequently used to isolate walls time for the placed concrete to harden, a construc- a minimum distance of two times the width of
from floors or roofs, columns from floors or tion joint should be used. intersecting beams.

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 D 0662947 0515157 679
Saw cut in wood keyway
makes stripping easier
(AC1 302)
Preformed strip Filled around column 1:3SlODü t14


Aliarnate: use an extruded

plastic or matai keyway that
can be reused several times

Fig. 7.6~-Location of joints. Fig. 7.6b-lsolation joints at columns. Fig. 7.6c4onstruction joint with keyway.

3 ~ i e c eform made from 1x’s

to permit stripping

Dowel bar coupler nailed to

edge form reinforclng bars with Threaded reinforcing bar inserted
threaded ends into coupler
A w



By using a 3.piece form with
reinforcing bars extending into the
next placement, stripping will be Fig. 7.6e-Alternate construction joint with reinforcing bar couplers.

Fig. 7.6d-îonsrruction joint with reinforcing bars.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 Ob62 9 4 7 0515 158 525 W
Round bars of correct diameter Steel or aluminum DrIII ihmvgh ai cenlers recommanded
'''her be caulked Or
at 1 ~ . 0.c.1 for
~ expansion
~ by manufadurer 6 bon lo iormwork io
have a neoprene maintain sllgnment. Jolnis in extru.
joint width. After second
glued io bo+h sion must be sccuraieiy allgned so
placement, remove bar and
slabs ihal gaskei seal may be inserted. This
strip plywood.
appllcatlon is used In parking garage
First placement
in piace\ y/,
%" plywood or 1x
Second placement
d e b s or large bulldlngs In which
ent may be up io 3 Inches

Bulkhead form
from first placement
i s stripped

t wldth Fig 7 óg-Embedments ai on expansion Joint

Fig. 7.6f-Forming an expansion joint


Fig. 7 .óh-Coniraciion joints.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 7 0bb2947 0535357 463
resultant voids filled with additional concrete. Fig. the nail-on types are more convenient and econom-
Edge forms 7.8 shows typical formwork for these conditions. ical. The waterstop must be held securely in posi-
Maintaining the exterior slab line with edge tion, so that it will not be displaced during concret-
forms is very important. Other exterior building Waterstops ing.
materials may be attached to embedded plates Fig. 7.9 shows three methods of installing wa- Care is required in placing and consolidating the
anchored to the slab concrete. An accurate slab terstops for vertical joints. Placing the waterstop concrete so that no voids or honeycombing occur
edge will simplify and minimize the amount of between split forms is the most common, though adjacent to the waterstops. Contamination of the
adjustment for the crew installing the exterior skin. waterstop surfaces by form coatings, for example,
Fig. 7.7 shows a slab edge form. should be avoided. While rubber and polyvinyl
Occasionally, it may be necessary to cast an chloride waterstops are not susceptible to damage
upturned curb at the slab edge or on the interior of
the slab. Support of this formwork is important and interior curb fo

the removal of any supports that penetrate the

concrete must be done as soon as possible and the
Wood braceor

ustable brace
If edge forms are to be reused
several times, construct them wlth
2x fop and botfom plates and studs

Slab edge line

Fig. 7 . 7 - S l a b edge forms. Fig. 7.8a-Forming a curb at slab edge. Fig. 7.8b-Forming an interior curb on slab.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 D 0662749 0515160 183
during normdl handling or concreting operations,
thin metal waterstops are easily bent or torn and,
therefore, requirc special care
Waterstops may need splicing at intersections,
abrupt changes of direction, or to form long con- Unfolds
tinuous lengths Prefabricated junction pieces may
be ordered from the manufacturer and joined to the
main run by simple butt splices in the field
L . 7 -

Polyvinyl chloride waterstops can be butt-welded

by softening the ends with heat and pressing to- d
gether until cool Rubber waterstops can be joined ie to reinforcing
by mitering the ends to mate and, after cleaning and bar to prevent folding
back against form
roughening, cementing them together SPLIT FORMS NAIL.ON UNFOLD NAIL.ON LABYRINTH
“Guide to Joint Sealants for Concrete Struc-
tures” (AC1 504R) will provide the reader with Fig 7 9-Three methods of installing waterytops
more information on joints and sealants

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A C 1 ces-3 8 9 0662949 0515161 OLT

design engineer will state in the specifications or on (d) A 706 Standard Specification for Low-Alloy
General the drawings the specific grades he wants furnished Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Rein-
Plain (unreinforced) concrete is strong in com- for the various parts of the reinforced concrete forcement
pression and weak in tension. Where concrete structure. ( i ) Grade 60.
structurai members must take tension, it is neces- To obtain uniformity throughout the United
sary to resist the tensile forces by the use of steel States, ASTM, (formerly the American Society for The most widely specified grade of steel is the
reinforcing bars. These bars are embedded in the Testing and Materials) has prepared standard spec- A615, Grade 60.Each mill which rolls deformed
concrete and must be properly located to resist ifications for these steels. It will be helpful for you bars may have a different pattern of deformation on
tensile forces in the most effective manner. Since to know what these standards are since grades will the bar, but all are roiled to conform to ASTM
there are lugs or ribs projecting from the main appear on bar bundle tags, in color coding, in specifications. Some of the patterns are shown in
section of the bar, these bars are called deformed rolled-on marking on the bars, or on bills of Fig. 8.1, but the patterns are not restricted to the
bars. Standard deformed bars are round and range material. They are: ones shown.
from approximately 3/8 in. to 2 1/4 inches in
diameter. Deformed reinforcing bars are commonly (a) A 615 Standard Specification for Deformed Bar sites
referred to as rebars. and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Re- Deformed bars are always designated by num-
The adhesion of the concrete to the surface of the inforcement ber. There are eleven standard sizes-#3 to # I 1
bars, plus the keying action provided by the defor- (I) Grade 40 (40,OOO psi minimum yield inclusive, #I4 and #18. The number denotes
mations or lugs, keeps the bars from slipping strength). approximately the diameter of the bar in eighths of
through the concrete and makes the two materials (2) Grade 60 (60,ooO psi minimum yield an inch. For example, a # 5 bar has an approximate
act together. This adhesion and keying action of the strength). diameter of 5/8 in., a #9 bar, 1 1/8 in. The
bars in the concrete is known as bond. (b) A 616 Standard Specification for Rail-Steel approximate diameter may be helpful to a worker in
Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement identifying a bar size where the tag is missing or the
Grades of bars (1) Grade 50. roll marking is not clear. Table 8.1 lists the various
Reinforcing bars are furnished in several grades (2) Grade 60. bar sizes and physical characteristics.
which vary in strength (yield and ultimate tensile), (c) A 617 Standard Specification for Axle-Steel
other mechanical characteristics, and chemical Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement Bar identification
composition. The particular grade is a very impor- (1) Grade 40. ASTM specifications require that each bar pro-
tant factor in the design of concrete members. The ( 2 ) Grade 60. ducer shall roll onto the bar, (a) a letter or symbol

--`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 51
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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 m 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 05L5Lb2 T5b m
to show the oroducer?s mill; (b) a number corre- Table 8. I-ASTM standard reinforcing bars
sponding to tie size number of bar; (c) a symbol or

marking to indicate the type of steel; and (d) a Nominal Dimensions

marking as shown in Fig. 8.2 to designate Grade Bar Nominal Diameter, Cross- Perimeter,
60. Designation Weight, in. Sectional in.
The A6 15 specification contains a Supplemen- No. Ib/ft Area. in.
tary Requirement (SI). As shown in Fig. 8.2,
reinforcing bars furnished to the supplement must 3 0.11 1.178
0.376 0.375
be designated for type of steel by the symbol ?S? 4 0.20 1.571
0.668 0.500
instead of the traditional ? N ? .
5 1.O43 0.625 0.31 1.963
The worker should verify these markings to be
6 1.502 0.750 0.44 2.356
sure the correct grades and sizes are placed in the
location where they are intended. If there is a 7 2.044 0.875 0.60 2.749
doubt, the foreman should be notified. 8 2.670 1.000 0.79 3.142
9 3.400 1.128 1.o0 3.544
Lap splices 10 4.303 1.270 1.27 3.990
Limitations on bar lengths must be considered. 11 5.313 1.410 1.56 4.430
Long lengths of bars projecting far beyond con- 14 7.65 1.693 2.25 5.32
struction joints are generally undesirable. A normal 18 13.60 2.257 4.00 7.09
lap splice at or near the joint is preferable. The
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute defines a lap
splice as: Joining of two reinforcing bars by lapping
them side by side; similarly the side and end
overlap of sheets or rolls of welded wire fabric.
In design, under the AC1 Building Code, the
location and length of lap splices are critical. The
length of lap will vary with the location of splice,
size of bar, concrete strength, grade of steel, bar
spacing. amount of stress in the bar, and whether
the bar is in tension or compression. As such, one
cannot determine by any simple rule the lap splice
length or location of splices. These must be dimen-
sioned completely on the contract drawings. The
bar fabricator?s placing drawings will show the
location and type of splices specified. Some typical
lapped splice details are shown in Fig. 8.3. Fig. 8. I-Various types of deformed bars.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 Ob62949 0 5 3 5 3 6 3 992 W
In elevated concrete slab construction the rein- suddenly without warning shortly after the first reinforcing under tension in the bottom and with
forcing steel is normally located in the areas where crack appears. Deformed bars are placed inside the compression in the concrete indicated in the upper
tensile forces exist. If excessive compressive forces beam near the bottom to resist the tensile forces portion.
are calculated, reinforcement is added to increase which crack the concrete. Somewhere between these two forces is an area
the ability of the member to take compression The best example of compression is the force where neither tension nor compression exist. This
(shortening). An example of tension due to bending acting on a column. The column is loaded in is called the neutral axis because stress is zero at
of a loaded beam is shown in Figure 8.4. compression by the downward load of the floors this point. It is shown in Fig. 8.6 by the broken
As a beam is loaded, the bottom of the member and the upward resistance of the footing. These two line. The steel is located as near as possible to the
“stretches” causing tension cracks to appear at the forces produce compression, as shown in Fig. 8.5. bottom of the concrete, but the bars must be
bottom of the beam. These cracks will continue A simple beam loaded by its own weight is bent covered with sufficient concrete to assure bond and
rapidly upward in an unreinforced concrete beam downward in the center. This bending action also to protect the steel against corrosion (rust) and fire
causing a sudden failure near midspan. Plain con- causes compression forces to occur in a beam. Fig. (heat). This concrete cover should be at least 1 in.
crete in tension is weak and brittle. It will fail 8.6 shows a simple beam resisting bending with thick to the side and bottom of a beam and 314 in.
for slabs.

Temperature reinforcement
l e t t e r or Symbol
or Producing Mill

4 t+ Embedment tl !+-
Tension lap
\ ’
Main reinforcement

s for Biller iA6151
i f o r Ra81 iA616J
1 R for R a i i meering Supplementary
4 Embedment
Longlludinal wires

Requirements 51 (A6161
A f o i Axle IA6171

See placing drawings for

dimensions of embedments & laps

Fig. 8.2-ldentijìcaiion marks for ASTM standard reinforcing bars. Fig. 8.3-Typical lapped splice details.

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0515Lb4 ô 2 9
Shear is another stress which engineers identify
and calculate. It is a more complex force than
simple tcnsion or compression. A common exam-
ple of almost purc shear is illustrated by a bolted lap Column
joint in steel plates, producing what is called single
shear. In concrete, this is best illustrated by a Shear on bolt
loaded column bracket. See Fig. 8.7 and 8.8. ' Downward load
If a set of books was camed horizontally, as on column *
shown in Fig. 8.9, they would have to be squeezed Load due to upward I I +
resistance from
I lootina
tightly together, or they would slip and fall due to
what is called vertical shear. In a beam each
imaginary vertical slice (as the case of a single
book) with a load on top is prevented from slipping Fig. 8.7-Bolted bracket showing single shear.
down by the shear strength of the concrete (see Fig.
8.10). If several boards are laid flat across two Loads

supports and loaded, they will bend downward, but

Fig. 8.5-Compression forces acting on a
will also slip along each other horizontally (see Fig. column.
8. I I ) . The horizontal slippage is caused by a force
known as horizontal shear.
r'A Neytral axis Load

t t t t t t t Shear on -
this face
4- Bracket

Tension cracks - Column

Tension in bars

below neutral axis

Section A-A
Fig. 8.4-Example of tension due to bending of u Fig. 8.8-Loadrd column bracket de-
loadrd beam. Fig. 8.6-Simple beam resisiing bending. velops shear at column face.


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In a loaded beam, both vertical and horizontal
A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 Ob62949 05252b5 765 =
shear are present, and the net result of the two
forces produces what is called diagonal tension (see
Fig. 8.12). In a beam which is uniformly loaded
throughout its length, these stresses are greatest
near the end support and decrease to zero at
The bottom steel, intended for longitudinal ten-
sion, does not provide sufficient resistance to
cracking produced by diagonal tension. Additional
reinforcement, bent into hoops called stirrups, is
placed vertically in the member to resist the diag- Fig. 8 . 1 I S l i p p a g e of individual bourds in
onal tension. Fig 8 9-Books demonstrate vertrcai shear a stack demonstrate horizontal shear.
Another example of shear is that present in a
floor slab around a column The loads transferred
from the slab to the column produce what is termed
punching shear (see Fig. 8.13).
Loads and general steel Diagonal tension crack

location L
You will not be expected to decide where or what
reinforcement is needed That is the responsibility
of the engineer of record However, some knowl-
edge of how concrete acts under applied forces and
where steel is located to resist these forces will
enable you to have a much better understanding of
the design details on the structural drawings This
understanding will emphasize the importance of
adherence to the plans and specifications.
Individual concrete members Fig. 8.12-Diagonal tension in a beam at face oj
Simple beams. A simple beam is one resting Frg 8 IO-Vertical shear in a concrete beam wail.
freely on end supports such as bnck or concrete
block walls (see Fig. 8 6) Since the bottom of the
beam is in tension (see Fig 8.4) and would

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otherwise crack under load, longitudinal bars are
required. Shear is also present, resulting in diago- Floor slab
nal tension (see Fig. 8.12). Shear is usually at a
maximum near the support and decreases toward Top bars
Reinforcement against diagonal tension is called
web reinforcement and is provided by vertical bars.
U-shaped bars, called stirrups, are used throughout
that part of the beam where diagonal cracks would
occur. They are more closely spaced near the
support and farther apart toward midspan because
Bottom longitudinal bars
of the decreasing shear. Stirrups are held by wire
ties to the bottom bars with their upper ends tied to Fig. 8.15-Beam with hooked top bars extending
stirrup support bars extending from the first to the Fig. 8.13-Punching shear in slab at column. inro supports.
last stirrup at the end of the beam (see Fig. 8.14).
The purpose of the stirrup support bar is solely to
hold the stirrups in place. It is often necessary that
bars must be added to properly support the required
reinforcement. Normally, these will be indicated on Truss bars Stirrup support bars

Stirrup suppoT1 bars
the bar fabricator placing drawings.
There are some circumstances when designing a
simple beam where the engineer will call for bars in
the top of the member at the supports. This is done
by using bottom bars and stirrups, as just described,
with the addition of top bars hooked into the
support and extending partway across the beam (see Bottom longitudinal bars
Fig. 8.15).
On occasion you may see bottom longitudinal Fig. 8.14-Stirrups to resist diagonal rension Fig. 8.16-Truss bars bent up from bottom bars.
bars that are bent upward, as shown in Fig. 8.16.
Since the tensile forces decrease toward the sup-
ports, these bars can be bent at a 45 deg. angle; they
are called truss bars. Truss bars have lost favor and
may soon be eliminated by design engineers. It may

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A C 1 CCS-3 87 m 0 b b 2 9 4 7 0515167 538 m
take a few years for this to happen so you should
therefore be aware of truss bars.
Continuous beams. Beams which extend for
two or more spans with intermediate supports are
called continuous beams. Fig. 8.17 shows the
bending action. In this case, the beam ends are
fixed (held against turning), instead of resting
freely on a support. Note that at the center and end
supports the convex surface is at the top, indicating
tension in the top at the supports, as well as in the
bottom at midspan. This is characteristic of any
beam which is fixed at the supports. Fixed supports Fig. 8.17-Bending action of a continuous beam over an
are those resulting from a beam framing into intermediate support.
another beam or girder, or into a concrete wall or
column. it is the most common condition encoun-
tered in reinforced concrete framing.
Fig. 8.18 shows typical reinforcement required
for continuous beams. Hooked top bars are used at
exterior supports for proper anchorage. The steel
I 1
Straight bollom bar Stirrups Straight top bar

used for tension in the top is called negative steel.

At the interior support top bars must extend a
sufficient distance into the adjacent span beyond
the point where they are needed for tension. The
top steel required is provided by straight top bars at
the intermediate supports and hooked top bars at
end supports.
Compression reinforced beams. Ordinarily, no
reinforcement is needed in the compression area of
a beam. Most beams are cast together with the slab
they support. The beam is then T-shaped, because
it includes one-half the slab span between adjoining
beams. The slab acts as a flange on the beam

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 W 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 05353h8 474
carrying part of the compression stress which is at
the top of the beam. Conditions where the com-
pressive forces are high occur at interior supports of
heavily reinforced T-beams where the narrow stem
resists compression. Other conditions may require
that the size of the beam be restricted. Where the
concrete itself cannot safely assume these compres-
sive forces. the addition of bars, which are approx-
imatcly thirty times stronger than the concrete.
supplement the load carrying capacity of the con-
crctc (see Fig. 8.19).
One-way slabs. The shapes assumed by a one- Fig. 8.194ompression bars in beam
way slab under load resemble those described for
beams. Details of a portion of a beam and slab floor

with straight top and bottom bars are shown in Fig.
8.20. The slab is supported by the beams, which
are in turn supported by the columns. The simplest
bar arrangement is straight bars in the bottom of the
slab for positive reinforcement and straight bars in Top bars over
the top of the slab over the beams for negative Top bars at
exterior beam Bottom bars
reinforcement. b¿ / / \.
Other bars are placed at right angles to the main r rn

slab bars and run parallel to the beams for the full
length of the slab panel. These bars arc needed to 7 Temperature bars
* *
prevent the formation of cracks due to shrinkage of
the concrete and changcs in temperature and are

Exterior beam

Interior beam

called temperature bars.

Reinforcement details for joist floors, two-way Fig. 8.20-Section of a slab with straight top und botrom burs.
flat slabs, two-way flat plate slabs, and waffle flat
slabs are similar to the basic details described
previously. Welded wire fabric. sometimes callcd
wire mesh. will sometimes be used with either

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0662949 0535369 300
smooth wire or deformed wire, either as structural
reinforcement or temperature reinforcement. Use of
wire fabric is the engineer’s choice and the struc-
turai drawings, along with the bar fabricator’s
details, will show the necessary information for
size, location, and amount of overlap that is re-
quired. Wire fabric may be furnished in sheets as
shown in Fig. 8.21 for heavier gages, or in rolls for
lighter gages.
Supporting the reinforcing steel
Items used to support reinforcement are called
bar supports and are made of concrete, metal,
plastic, or other material. Most widely used are
factory-made wire bar supports fabricated of plain
wire or stainless steel wire. The lower portions of
supports may be provided with special rust protec-
tion such as a plastic covering, or by being made in
whole or in part of plastic or stainless steel.
CRSI classifies wire bar supports into three Fig. 8.21-Placing sheets of deformed welded wire fabric.
classes for rust protection. Their intended degree of
protection is:
Class 1-maximum protection. These bar the bottom of each support leg. These supports are Fig. 8.22 shows recommended details for precast

supports are either all plastic or are wire supports intended for use in situations of moderate exposure concrete block bar supports. Three styles are com-
that have a plastic protection on the feet or legs. and/or situations requiring light grinding {U16 inch mon: { i ) plain, (2) with 16 gage tie wires cast in the
These supports are for use in situations of moderate maximum), or sandblasting of the concrete surface. center, and (3) doweled. Generally, slab bolsters
to severe exposure andior situations requiring light Class 3-no protection. These supports are are used to support the bottom reinforcement and
grinding { 1/16 in. maximum) or sandblasting of the made from plain carbon steel wire and offer no high chairs are used to support the upper reinforce-
concrete surface. protection against rusting. They are intended for ment. The bar fabricator will furnish reinforcing
Class &moderate protection. These bar sup- use in situations where surface blemishes can be placement drawings for reinforcement and a bill of
ports are made from stainless steel. The entire tolerated, or where supports will be covered or material listing of the bars and supports with
support may be of stainless steel, if its height is concealed by succeeding construction. appropriate markings. The crew placing the rein-
short. If the support is taller, it will be made from The types and sizes of supports that are usually forcement uses these drawings to properly locate
plain carbon wire with a stainless steel tip welded to available are shown in Table 8.2. and position the bars with the correct bar supports.

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This can become complicated in slabs such as Table 8.2-Types and sizes of bar supports
two-way flat plates or two-way fiat slabs. A defi- ~~

nite sequence of placing the bar supports and bars BAR SUPPORT ILLUSTRATION TYPE OF
must be followed, as shown in Fig. 8.23.
SB Slab Bolster Ya 1 I ' h . a n d 2
The design load for elevated slab formwork is the inch heights in 5 i t
dead load of the slab plus a construction live load and 10 f t lengths

allowance of 50 pounds per square foot. Often the

reinforcing crew will attempt to stockpile the rein- SEU' Slab Bolster Carne as SB
forcing bars on the slab formwork. This can be
dangerous, since that load will often be in excess of
BB Beam Bolster 1. 145, 2 , over 2 " to
the ultimate capacity of the formwork. Such stock- 5" heights in incre-
piling can be safely done with blocking for the bars, nents of Va'' in
lengths of 5 ft.
providing the bars are unbundled. The formwork
BBU' Same as BB
designer should be alerted to this situation, so that
the design can be reviewed and such stockpiling
rejected or approved depending on the review. Fig.
BC Individual Ya.1. l l h and
8.24 shows stocking of reinforcing bars on the Bar Chair l%"heights
ground, the safest place for such heavy loads.
JC Joist Chair 4 , 5 . and 6 inch
Congestion widths and U. 1
and 1% inch
Often the reinforcement will be congested, espe- DIPPED DIPPED heights
cially where beams and slabs intersect at columns.
-IC Individual 2 to 15 inch
In addition, there may be embedded conduit, pip- qigh Chair ieights in incre-
ing, or sleeves that must also be positioned. In nents of '14 inch
extreme cases the bar placers may be unable to fît
all the necessary reinforcing into these highly
congested areas. The design engineer of the struc- HCM' High Chair 2 to 15 inch

for heights in incre
ture must then be notified and the design revised so Metal Deck rnents of 'xi in
that the construction process can continue. Fig.
8.25 shows an example of this congestion. Bars iHC Continuous Same as HC in
may be spread prior to concrete placement to permit High Chair 5 foot and 10 foot
cleaning of the form, but care must be taken to lengths
assure bars are returned to proper location.

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 H Ob62949 0515171 Tb7
Post-tensioned slabs Table 8.2 Continued
As post-tensioned slabs become more common,
you may be working on such a project and an
understanding of how the method can introduce
high loads into the shoring will be of benefit.
In post-tensioned construction, concrete is cast
around unstressed tendons greased, wrapped, or
sheathed, and sometimes in flexible hollow metal

a Continuous
High Chair
Same as CHC

ducts. Tendons have varying vertical position in the

slab or beam thickness. These tendons or ducts are
supported with bar supports. After the concrete
has hardened and gained sufficient compressive
strength as required by the engineer's design, the

unbonded tendons are stressed and anchored to the *Usually available in Class 3 only, except on special order.
ends of the slab or beam, thus prestressing the **Usually available in Class 3 only, with upturned or end bearing legs.
concrete. Ducted tendons are then often bonded to
the concrete by injecting grout into the hollow
metal duct. It is during the stressing sequence that
high vertical loads may be transferred to local areas
of the shoring. Fig. 8.26 and 8.27 show the effect
on the shoring when a simple slab and beam are
When concrete is first placed, all shores cany
their portion of the slab and beam loads, as shown
in Fig. 8.26. When the slab is post-tensioned before
the beams, the slab weight is no longer supported "sq. min.
by the shoring, but has transferred its weight to the A or B can rangs
beams. Since the beams have not yet been ten- ..-... - ..
sioned, they are unable to support the weight of the H a s required / H as required

therefore support the weight of the slab, beam, and
all construction loads, as shown in Fig. 8.27. Fig. 8.22-Precasr concreie block bar supporrs.

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ous lines of slab bolsters in

t 4‘.0” maximum O.C.


’ Place 3 or more rows of # 4 support bars
(length .5L) at 4’-O” maximum O.C. on
high chairs at 3‘-O” maximum O . C . in
E.W direction at each column head.
@ Set N-S top bars in column strips.
LEGEND @ Set E-W top bars in column strips.
w Place 3 or more rows of # 4 support
bars (length approximately .4L) at 4’-O”

maximum O.C. on high chairs at 3’-O“
maximum O . C . between columns length-
wise in N-S and E-W column strips. Place
2 rows at all slab edges.
@ Set N-S top bars in middle strips.
¿ jJE-W middle strip top bars.
Fig. 8.23-Sequence of placing bar supports and burs in two-way flar slab.

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A C 1 ces-3 89 m 0662949 0515173 831
Usually, the designer of the shoring will work operation to be sure that the sequence is being
closely with the designer of the structure to develop followed. The field personnel should be especially
a sequence of stressing that will minimize this load careful to determine if any structural members are
to be sequence stressed. A formwork engineer Tendon
transfer to the shoring. The formwork designer
must provide proper vertical shoring to resist these should review these sequences as they relate to
loads and may be at the jobsite during the stressing form loads.

I I I l I

81 and 82 are supporting the beams

and are uniformly loaded

Fig. 8.26-Shoring condition after plu1:ing the slab and

beams and before post-tensioning.


I B2


81 and i32 are supporting the weight
of the slab and the beams

Fig. 8.25-Example of congested reinforcement which Fig. 8.27-Condition after slab is post-tensioned and
Fig. 8.24-Bar stockpile. will make good consolidarion extremely dificult. before beams are tensioned.

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A C 1 CCS-3 87 Ob62747 05L5L74 778

Monitoring of shoring during Although the most critical stage has passed once Concrete placing methods
the concrete has been placed, the form watchers
concrete placement should remain on duty until the concrete has been
Concrete can be placed onto the elevated form-
work in several ways; (1) by a crane using a
screeded and the telltale devices show that deflec-
concrete bucket, (2) by using a concrete pump with
Before concrete placement for the slab begins, tion has ceased. An impending form failure often
a placing boom, (3) by using a concrete pump
formwork should be inspected to see that it is in the gives warning by gradually increasing deflection.
having a pipe line that is resting on the formwork,
correct location, at the correct elevation, and prop- If any serious weakness develops during concret-
ing which would endanger workers or cause undue
(4)by using belt conveyor systems that are resting
erly built to produce concrete of the required finish
on the formwork, and ( 5 ) by using manual or power
and dimensions with adequate safety for the work- settlement or distortion, work should be halted
men on the job. while the formwork is strengthened (or concrete buggies. All five methods introduce loads into the
Formwork should be continously watched during removed to permit form adjustments). If the ef- formwork system or shoring that must be taken into
and after concreting by a competent person or fected construction is permanently damaged, it may account by the formwork designer. Prior to his
persons (depending on size of job) stationed below be necessary to remove a portion of it. Removal design, he must know which method of placement
the forms. Precautions should be taken to protect requires approval of the engineer-architect, since it will be used, the spacing of any necessary runway
the formwork watchers and maintain an area of may affect the safety and stability of adjoining supports or equipment supports and the load at each
safety for them during concreting. Some means of construction. support station.
communicating with placing crews in case of emer- The contractor must therefore be concerned with Deciding on which of the five methods to use for
gency should be planned in advance. Form watch- a continuing check of the formwork during and placement will be the responsibility of the project
ers should always have a preplanned exit route. after concreting by experienced form watchers. manager or project superintendent. He must con-
Form watchers will use previously installed tell- Reporting and record keeping by the form watcher sider how many cubic yards per hour can be

tale devices to maintain a constant check of eleva- can be encouraged and simplified by providing a delivered by the supplier, along with the placement
tions. Form watchers should tighten wedges and form watcher’s report blank like that shown in Fig. size and volume. He must consider site conditions
promptly make appropriate adjustments of eleva- 9.1. for locating equipment, rental cost of the equipment
tion by jacking or wedging wherever necessary. All Whether the project you are working on is a or the availability of such equipment in the event
adjustment must be made before the concrete place- simple one-story project or a multistory repetitive the firm already owns the equipment.
ment starts. Trying to adjust forms after a place- project, the importance of planning all operations
ment can be impossible and in some cases danger- associated with placing, screeding, and finishing is Slab thickness and screeds
ous. Do not plan on being able to adjust forms after vital to the production of an economical and ac- Maintaining the specified slab thickness and
placement is started. ceptable concrete structure. providing the specified tolerances for the “flat-

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-ACX CCS-3 89 0662949 05L5175 bOLi
ness” of the floor is the responsibility of the
Job l o c a t i o n Date
contractor and his placing and finishing crews.
Placenent descrlotlon: Floor General Contractor
(Refer to Concrete Craftsman Series 1 , Slabs on Placement number General Contr. Suot.
Grade.) Column l i n e references

Removable screeds S t a r t i n g time of placement:

You may be required to position screed rails on C m p l e t i o n time of placement:

screed supports to the proper elevation. Typical Concrete placinq equipment:

factory made adjustable screed supports are shown Concrete conveving equipment:
Type of work being poured
in Fig. 9.2. They consist of a screed chair and a
Scope of subcontractor’s work
pipe support with a “U” head or rectangular head
Type of f o m r k o r structure t o which
made of wire into which a screed pipe or screed bar
Subcontractor’s work i s framed
can be fitted. Screed rails are used in a similar
Comnents on general c o n t r a c t o r i framing
fashion to wet screeds, hut yield more precise
results. L i s t of points t o check out before and during concrete placement

After the concrete has been placed and screeded, -Form d e t a i l s for j o b C l e a n out holes patched
the screed supports and rail must be removed. -A l l shores i n place C h a m f e r and grade s t r i p s i n place
Many contractors will wire tie the screed supports -Wedqes under shores t i g h t 8 n a i l e d -Equipment available i n case of need f o r
adjustment o r reinforcement
to the rail for easy removal. The resultant voids -Shorinq hardware secured
-Extra jacks
must be filled with concrete by the finishing crew. -S i l l s s o l i d on ground o r s l a b
-Extra lacina
Of all the floor placing and finishing operations -Lacing i n s t a l l e d , when required
Pans n a i l e d E x t r a shores
conducted in ordinary work, screeding has the -
-Check for spreaders when required i n -Wedaes
greatest effect on surface tolerances. When forms j o i s t pans P r e a r r a n g e d siqnal w i t h concrete placinq
are cambered, screeds must he located at the high foreman t o st00 oour i n emerqency
P l y w o o d j o i n t s flush
and low limits of form camber. Use of screed rails -X-bracing i n s t a l l e d where l a t e r a l -Check for possible e x i t routes i n case
of trouble - have a t l e a s t two
will produce better control and more consistent movement could occur routes available wherever possible
production of good quality floors than the wet -Beam spreaders i n place -Know placing crews’ sequence of pour.
screed method. -Form hardware t i g h t Check for Dlacing deep beams o r drops
before main deck
There is a category of work called “super flat.” -l i g h t e n wedges under shores alonq
construction j o i n t of previous pour -For w a l l s : know r a t e of placement f o r
In super flat work, special darbying and troweling which forms desiqned and protest i f
C h e c k shores for plumb exceeded
techniques are used in conjunction with screeds to T e l l t a l e s i n olace and marked where
required by superintendent Camber i n s t a l l e d
obtain the super flat floors.

Placing concrete and vibration form watcher’s signature Date >ob name Job no.

Once the type of placing equipment has been

selected, it should be positioned so that the concrete Fig. 9.1-Form watcher report.

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m 0662’749 05L5Lïb 5 4 0 has an unrestricted vertical drop to the point of cizers may be used to help the concrete flow intu
placement. If monolithic placement of slab or beam congested areas, being careful to prevent segrega-
with a column 8 ft or greater is desired, a delay tion. Internal vibrators must not touch the form-
should be scheduled to permit mechanical setttle- work surfaces. Doing so will “burn” the plywood
ment of the deep concrete before the slab or beam or gouge the surface of the formwork. Damage to
concrete is placed. The length of delay will depend the forms by the vibrator will leave unsightly scars
on the temperature and setting characteristics of the on the cast concrete surface.
concrete used (usually about one hour), but con-
creting should resume soon enough to permit a Finishing
knitting of the new layer with the old layer by
You should refer to Concrete Craftsman Series 1 ,
vibration. The vibrator should be inserted so that a
Slabs on Grude for the various finishing techniques
few inches of the head penetrates the prior place-
and types of finishes that are common.
Placement of concrete into beams or areas con- Tolerances
taining congested reinforcing bars is critical. If AC1 117 shows tolerances for various structural
proper vibration and consolidation (removal of members. It is important to know the distinction
Assembled with 1“ pipe Assembled with 1” pipe
entrapped air) is not achieved, honeycombed por- between the contractural “as built” tolerances and
screed or standard holder screed with swivel holder tions will result or worse there will be large sections the actual or designed deflections of the structure.
where concrete is missing, commonly referred to as A slab with a proper thickness may deflect more
‘ ‘rock pockets. ’’ than the design engineer anticipated. This is not
In simple terms, vibration consists of subjecting often the contractor’s responsibility or fault, but
fresh concrete to rapid vibratory impulses which rather relates to the structural design and analysis.
temporarily “liquify” the mortar and drastically On the other hand, a structurai member that is
reduce the internal friction between the aggregate constructed undersize by the contractor will defi-
particles. While in this condition, the concrete nitely deflect more than anticipated, and that re-
settles under the action of gravity. When vibration sponsibility is the contractor’s. Measuring floor
is discontinued, friction is reestablished. heights of slabs at midspan before removal of
The additional expenses of patching honeycomb shoring will give an indication of the “as built”
areas or the expense of removal of unsatisfactory tolerance before deflection takes place.

Adjustable screed holders structural portions that have poor bond with rein- Deflections, as mentioned above, are generally
forcement far exceed the cost of a proper place- the responsibility of the design engineer, providing
Fig. 9.2-Typicul mijustuble screed supports ment, excellent vibration, and consolidation. Vi- that you construct the members within the toler-
bration of concrete in areas of high steel ances of the specified size, the reinforcing is
concentrations or in difficult to get places often properly located, the stripping is not premature,
requires some additional equipment. Superplasti- and there is acceptable concrete quality.

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I C I CCS-3 89 Ob62949 0 5 1 5 1 7 7 487
Congested reinforcing bars located in beams Cold weather protection Hot weather protection
framing into columns can result in a slab thickness Plans to protect fresh concrete from freezing and We must also consider hot weather conditions
in the column regions being thicker than specified. to maintain temperatures above the designated min- and the methods of curing and protection. Hot
Before placing concrete in such conditions, note the imum for the required time after placing should be weather is defined as any combination of high air
screed elevations. If the slab thickness will exceed made well in advance of expected freezing temper- temperature, low relative humidity, and wind ve-
the allowable tolerance because of congestion, the locity tending to impair the quality of fresh or
atures. All equipment and materials necessary
design engineer must be notified and clarification hardened concrete or otherwise resulting in abnor-
should be at the work site before the first frosts are
requested before placement. Extra thick concrete mai properties.
likely to occur, not after concrete has been placed
adds weight to the building which was not ac- If concrete placement temperatures are expected
and its temperature begins to approach the freezing
counted for in the engineer?s calculations. It is not to be abnormally high, preparation must be made to
a plus for the owner. transport, place, consolidate, and finish the con-
AC1 3ûóR recommends that facilities be capable
of maintaining the concrete temperature at or above crete at the fastest possible rate. Hot weather causes
50 degrees Fahrenheit until protection can be safely rapid drying, the crew must be ready to protect all
exposed surfaces from serious damage and crack-
Curing and protection discontinued. Such facilities include:
Curing is the maintaining of a satisfactory mois- (a) suitable housing and protection from wind For best assurance of good results with concrete
ture content and temperature in concrete during its and loss of heat; placing in hot weather, the initial concrete place-
early stages of hydration so that the expected (b) effective and sufficient heating equipment ment temperature should be limited to between 75
properties can develop. Various materials, methods and personnel to maintain all parts of the degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Fahrenheit,
and procedures for curing concrete are available. concrete at required temperature, and neces- and every effort should be made to keep the
The two systems of maintaining a satisfactory sary fire protection equipment; concrete temperature uniform. Under extreme con-
moisture content are: (1) the continuous or frequent (c) protection and heating to include the top ditions of high temperature, low relative humidity
application of water through ponding, sprays, surface of newly placed slabs or floors, and wind, and perhaps a slow rate of placement or
steam, or application of saturated cover materials leaving openings uncovered to provide cir- a complex slab in size and shape, it may be
such as burlap, cotton mats, sand, sawdust, and culation unless insulation mats are used; necessary to restrict concrete placement to early
straw or hay, and (2) the prevention of excessive (d) venting and circulation as necessary to main- morning, late afternoon, or evening. AC1 305R
loss of water from the concrete by means of tain an even temperature at top and bottom of discusses hot weather concreting in detail.
relatively impervious materials such as sheets of vertical units such as walls, piers, and col-
reinforced paper or plastic, or by the application of umns. Concrete placing-loads
a membrance forming curing compound to the
freshly placed concrete. AC1 347 recommends that the in-place strength of The section on Concrete Placing Methods, page
Water curing is preferred for most concrete the concrete required to permit removal of forms 64, lists five methods of concrete placement, ail of
work, but prompt application of a curing compound and shores be specified by the engineer-architect. If which introduce additional loads into the formwork
is more practical for elevated slabs. The type of not specified, AC1 347 recommends that 70 percent that must be considered by the formwork designer.
curing may be dictated by the engineer or specifi- of the specified concrete strength be attained before Two examples are discussed below and give an
cations. removing shores and forms. indication of the magnitude of such loads.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 W O662949 0 5 1 5 1 7 ô 313
If concrete will be placed with a bucket, the duces horizontal forces into the shoring system. Likewise, the formwork designer must consider
formwork designer must consider the impact force Here is a simple example showing the magnitude of the forces that will be introduced to the forms by
produced by concrete falling onto the deck forms. these forces: other concrete placing methods, such as the surging
The formula for calculating this force is: of concrete pumping lines and supporting points for
Weight of loaded buggy = 3000 Ib belt conveyor lines or concrete placing booms.
Maximum speed, 10 mph = 14.7 ftísec
Assume buggy is stopped in 5 sec
F=- WV&i
32.2T The resultant horizontal force is determined by this
Where W original weight of concrete in
bucket, Ib
h = height of fall of concrete, ft Wa
T = time required to empty bucket at a
uniform rate of flow, sec g
g = acceleration of gravity =
Where F = average force, Ib
32.2 ft/sec2 W
M = mass of loaded buggy = -
If we have a bucket containing 3000 Ib of concrete g
that is emptied in 5 seconds with a maximum fall W = weight of loaded buggy, lb
height of 4 ft, the resultant force is: g = acceleration of gravity = 32.2 ftísec’
a = average acceleration or deceleration
3000 x d 2 x 32.2 x 4 = 3oo lb of buggy, ftísec’
F =
32.2 X 5 14.7
a = -= 2.94
This load could be spread over an area of 2 ft2 5
and the increase in load would be 150 Ibíft’. 3,000
However, at the time this impact force acts not all
F = - X 2.94 = 274 Ib
of the assumed live load will1 be present, thereby
providing some relief. The entire load of 3000 + If the buggy is stopped in 3 sec, the horizontal force
300 lb must be assumed to be taken by one shore will be 457 Ib. This force is for one buggy. If more

and in this case it would be within the load capacity than one buggy will be stopped at the same time,
of most systems. the calculated force must be multiplied by the
If power buggies are used, AC1 347R requires number of buggies to obtain the total force on the
that a construction design live load of 75 Ibíft’ be formwork. Appropriate bracing must be specified
used, rather than the standard 50 Ib/ft2 sudden by the formwork designer to safely resist such
starting and stopping of the power buggies intro- horizontal loads.

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 7 0662949 0515177 25T


The person who has overall responsibility for the ing drawings should advise field workers of the prepared by the Scaffolding, Shoring and Forming
:onstruction of the project probably has developed

permissible safe limits of the form design, and be in Institute.

hisiher own checklists for each phase of the job. sufficient detail to eliminate on-site improvising.
These checklists should relate to overall safety, I . _ _ Check to see that there is a sound
selection of formwork method or system, formwork 1. -Types and strengths of materials to footing, or sill, under every leg of every
drawings and details, wall formwork, supported be used. frame on the job. Check for possible wash-
formwork shoringireshoring, embedments and re- 2. _ _ Design construction loads. out due to rain.
inforcing bar congestion, placement, vibration, 3. _ _ Permissible concentrated form load-
2. -Check to make certain that ail base
consolidation and finishing of concrete, removal of ings. plates or adjustment jacks are in firm contact
supporting formwork, shores and reshores, etc. 4. -Rate of concrete placement and con- with the footing or sill. All adjustment jacks
Depending on the size of the project, such crete temperature, should be snug against the legs of the frame.
checklists should be given to each foreman. Meet- 5 . -Placement sequence and schedule.
6. -Complete formwork details. 3. _ _ Obtain a copy of the shoring layout
ings should be held with appropriate workmen to that was prepared for the job. Make sure that
make certain that appropriate information is com- 7. -Shore and reshore pian with details.
8. ___ Stripping schedule, or controls re- the spacings between towers and the cross
municated to all. In this manner, everyone on the brace spacing of the towers do not exceed
project becomes a safety inspector, performing and quired for safe stripping.
9. Location of placement pockets, if the spacings shown on the layout. If any
observing not only his work but that of fellow deviation is necessary because of field con-
workers. necessary, and clean-out details.
10. Construction, control, and expan- ditions, consult with the engineer who pre-
Listed below are various checklists that will be of
sion joint details. pared the layout for his approval of the
value to you. Your own experiences will reveal actual field setup.
other items that can be added to these lists. Cany 1 1 . -Maximum shore loadings for mud-
copies with you, share them with your fellow sills and assumed soil bearing values. 4. -Frames should be checked for
workers, exchange checklist information with them 12. -Engineer-architect approval of plan plumbness in both directions. The maximum
and update your checklist when you discover new for shoring and/or reshoring. allowable tolerance for a frame which is out
and appropriate items. of plumb is 1/8 in. in 3 ft. If the frames
Scaffold-type shoring exceed this tolerance, the base should be
Formwork working drawings The following checklist of points to be covered adjusted until the frames are within the
Recommended information on formwork work- in the final inspection of scaffold type shoring was tolerance.

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5 . _ _ If there is a gap between the lower timber have been used, check to see that 16. -Removal of ail loose hanging forms
end of one frame and the upper end of sufficient nails have been used to hold the during stripping operations.
another frame, it indicates that one adjust- bracing securely to the frame legs. 17. -Removal or bending of exposed
ment jack must be adjusted to bring the nails from all stripped lumber.
frames in contact. If adjusting does not help, 18. -Bending or removal of exposed form
it indicates the frame is out of square and Overall safety ties projecting into the work area.
should be removed. 19. -Securing all loose material stored on
6. When two or more tiers of frames 1. Safe working areas. open upper floors.
are used. each frame should be braced to at 2 . -Safe passageways to and from work 20. Fire watch at all times, particularly
least one adjacent frame. areas. at end of work day.
7. -Check to make sure that the towers 3. -Safety orientation of all workers and 21. -Continuous housekeeping in work
have all cross braces in place. While check- new employees. areas and passageways.
ing the cross braces, also check the locking 4. -Reexamine safety practices of
devices to assure that they are all in their skilled workers or long-time employees. Supported forms and shoring
closed position, or that they are all tight. 5. -Safety training for foremen and lead
8. -Check the upper adjustment jack or workers. 1. Construct according to formwork
shore head to assure that it is in full contact 6. -Keep new or unskilled workers working drawings.
with the formwork. If it is not in contact, it away from potentially dangerous areas. 2. Firm, compact soil under mudsills
should be adjusted or shimmed until it is. 7. -Safe working scaffolds, ladders, properly drained to prevent ponding of wa-

9. _ _ Check to see that the obvious mis- runways, ramps, and crossings. ter.
takes of omitting joists, using the wrong size 8. -Guardrails for all exposed perimeter 3. -Unstable soil removed and replaced
stringers, or placing timber flat have not edges and all floor openings. with stabilized material under mudsills.
been made. Check to see that the lumber 9. -Adequate work space for each 4. -Mudsills sized for shore loads and
used is equal to that specified on the shoring worker without crowding. bearing value of soil.
layout. Check the general formwork scheme 10. -Personal safety equipment for 5. -If possible, complete ground slab
to make sure that it follows good standard worker. before shoring for supported slabs.
practice for formwork. 1 1 . -Safe power tools. 6. -Individual shores braced both ways
IO. -If the shoring layout shows exterior 12. -Safe temporary electrical power ca- with continuous runners. The shoring sys-
bracing for lateral stability, check to see that bles and outlets per OSHA. tem is laterally braced.
this bracing is in place in the locations 13. -Rigging for crane handling of form- 7. -Timber shoring sound, properly
specified on the drawing. Make sure that the work examined for wear and correct posi- sized. and plumb with no butt splicing.
devices which attach this bracing to the tion. Hardwood wedges tight and safety nailed to
equipment are securely fastened to the legs 14. -Rigging inserts or connections cor- prevent slippage from vibration.
of the shoring equipment. If tubing clamps rectly installed. 8. -Adjustable wood shores with pat-
are used, make sure that they have been 15. -Close inspection and supervision of ented clamps firmly locked in place and
properly tightened. If devices for holding work performed toward end of work day. safety nailed.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0662949 OSLSLBL 908
9. -Tubular welded frame shoring un- -Extra jacks
damaged, pins installed and fully braced. -Extra lacing
Placing and finishing
10. -Special bracing for tall tubular -Extra shores
welded frame shoring. 1 . -Materials on hand for protection
1 1 . _ _ Proper bearing for stringers and during hot or cold weather concreting.
joists at points of support. 25. -Prearranged signal with concrete 2. -Screed rails and supports at proper
12. -No cantilevered stringers or joists placing foreman to stop placing concrete in elevation.
away from points of support. At overhangs an emergency. 3. -Extra vibrator(s) on hand in event of
cantilevered stringers should be limited to 26. -Check for exit routes in case of breakdown.
one-quarter of interior span of stringer. trouble. Have at least two such routes avail- 4. -Runways or supports for placing
13. _ _ Stringers firmly affixed to shores or able whenever possible. equipment in place. Crew for moving equip-
bridged to prevent overturning from lateral 27. Know placing crews’ sequence of ment assigned and instructed.
forces. placing. Check for placing deep beams or 5. -Screeding equipment cleaned and
14. _ _ 2 x joists bridged to prevent over- drops before main deck placement. ready for use.
turning from lateral forces. 28. _ _ Camber installed, where necessary. 6 . -Concrete placed, vibrated, screeded,
15. -Lateral bracing to resist lateral 29. -Concrete slabs cured to develop ad- and consolidated to proper elevation.
forces on sloping forms. equate strength with respect to time and 7. -Specified finish is completed.
16. -Lacing to hold shores in place and temperature, or retarders before removal of 8. _ _ Specified curing method is used as
reduce bending. shores. soon as practical.
17. _ _ Place concrete for columns at least 30. -Reshores firmly fitted in accordance 9. _ _ Appropriate weather protection is
one day in advance of slab for added lateral with reshoring working drawing. Do not installed, if required.
stability. wedge so tight as to preload floor.
18. _ _ Telltales in place and marked. 31. -No construction loads on newly cast
Removal of shores and
19. -Chamfer and grade strips in place. floors while reshoring. reshores
20. -Screed rails and supports set to 32. -Prevent localized concentrated loads The contractor has general responsibility for
proper elevation. on supported forms. design, construction, and safety of the formwork.
21. -Release agent applied to ail form- 33. -Prevent high drops from concrete However, the time of removal of the forms and
work matenais. buckets and excessively large “piles” of shores should be specified by the engineer-architect
22. -Reinforcing steel and bar supports concrete on supported forms. for most major structures. There is a danger of

positioned. 34. -No sudden starts or stops with pow- injury to concrete which may not have attained full
23. -All embedments and blockouts in ered concrete buggies. strength, or which may be overloaded in the strip-
proper location and secured. 35. -Follow the working drawing se- ping or subsequent construction operations. Refer
24. -Equipment available in case of need quence of placement schedule to prevent to Chapter 3 for detailed discussion on shoring,
for adjustment or reinforcement: eccentric loading. reshoring, and backshoring.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 Obb2949 0 5 3 5 3 8 2 8 4 4
Final removal of reshores is in general based on
the same standards as removal of shores. Reshonng
should not be removed until the slab or member
supported has attained sufficient strength to support
all loads imposed on it. Removal of reshores should
be so planned that the structure supported is not

subjected to impact or loading eccentricities.

Post-construction checklist
I. Check flatness of slab before shore
removal. Does it satisfy specifications?
1 2. -Check ali embedments, boit loca-
tions, etc. for proper location.
3. Check any slab depressions and
openings for location and size.
4. ___ Check overall slab size.
5. Check column reinforcing steel for
next placement.
6. Check for storage of materials on
new slab and potential overloading.
7. ___ Check slab deflection after shore
8. -Check concrete cylinder compres-
sive strength tests or other in-place test
results for concrete strength gain.

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A C 1 CCS-3 87 0662747 0515183 7 8 0

A concrete craftsman should know what concrete is made 1. Temperature: warm concrete hardens faster than cool
of and how it behaves. He should know the basic properties concrete but gains a lower ultimate strength.
of concrete and he should also recognize safety precautions 2 . Water-cement ratio: concrete with a low water-
needed to protect himself and his fellow workers when they cement ratio produces more strength than concrete
are placing and finishing concrete. with a higher water-cement ratio.
Understanding the basics of concrete should help the 3 . Type of cement: there are five standard types of
craftsman to produce a better job. portland cement (Type I-V) and there are technical
and economic reasons for selecting a certain type for a
certain concrete. For example, Type I is ordinary
Process of hardening (hydration) portland cement and is used for concrete blocks, and
Hardening of concrete is a chemical process. Portland reinforced concrete frames, beams, and slabs; Type
cement and water combine chemically to form a rock-like III is a high-early-strength cement; and Type V is used
material which bonds to aggregate particles, steel, and other where the concrete may be in contact with soil and
materials. The strength of concrete depends largely upon ground water containing large amounts of sulfates.
the amount of mixing water per pound of cement (or 4. Cemenrfineness; increasing the fineness increases the
number of gallons of water per bag of cement); this amount rate of gain in strength, and also the rate at which heat
is commonly called the water-cement ratio. The hardening develops.
process is called hydration. 5 . Accelerating admixtures: concrete made with an
The hydration continues for years provided the concrete accelerating admixture will set, harden, and gain
does not “dry out.” The process of keeping sufficient strength faster than concrete without the admixture.
moisture in the concrete long enough for most of the cement 6 . Retarding admixtures: concrete made with a retarding
to hydrate is the curing process. admixture will have a delayed set. Once the setting
Concretes harden and get stronger at different rates de- begins, the concrete will harden at about the same rate
pending on several factors including: as concrete without the admixture.

--`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- 73
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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 m 0662949 0 5 1 5 1 ô 4 b17 m
Water-cement ratio Bleeding
Concrete is made of aggregates, cement, water, and Assume that fresh concrete is deposited into an open-top
admixtures. Aggregates are the inert materials in concrete. box and is consolidated by rodding or vibration in such a
The most commonly used aggregates are sand, gravel, and manner that no segregation occurs, that is, the aggregates
crushed stone. Aggregate particles that are smaller than are uniformly distributed and all the spaces between the
about Vi in. are called fine aggregates while larger sizes are aggregate particles are filled with paste. Some time must
called coarse aggregates. Aggregates make up 60 to 75 elapse before the concrete begins to harden. During this
percent of the volume of most concrete mixes. The rest of time, some of the aggregate particles and the cement grains
the concrete is called “cement paste” or simply “paste.” are partly suspended in water so they tend to settle. As these
solids settle, water is displaced and appears at the surface.
In concrete that is made properly, each aggregate particle
This water is called “bleed water” and the process is called
is completely coated with paste. Also all of the spaces
between aggregate particles are filled with paste. So if the
The amount of bleed water that appears on the surface of
aggregates are of satisfactory quality, the quality of the
fresh concrete depends on several factors, including the
concrete depends mostly on the quality of the paste. In turn
the quality
. - of the paste depends on the amount of water in
the paste per pound of cement. For concrete mixes that are
workable (can be placed with a reasonable amount of a . The amount of water in the mix-more bleeding can
effort), those with low water-cement ratios (small amount be expected with very wet concrete mixes.
of water in the paste) are generally stronger and more b. The amount of fine sand in the m i x - c o n c r e t e with
durable than those with high water-cement ratios. too little fine sand (or other fine material) will tend to
bleed more.
Most concretes have water-cement ratios between about c . Entrained air-non-air-entrained concrete will bleed
0 . 4 to 0.7 (Ib of water to Ib of cement or 4 . 5 gal. to 8.0 gal. more than air-entrained concrete. *
of water per 94 Ib bag of cement). Water-cement ratios
d. Amount of cement in the mix-lean mixes (low
lower than 0 . 4 are used in very high-strength concrete such
cement content) will bleed more than rich (high ce-
as that used in columns of tall buildings or prestressed
ment content) mixes.
concrete. Water-cement ratios higher than 0.7 may be used
in concretes where strength, durability, watertightness, and *The cement paste in concrete having an air-entraining admixture contains minute air
wear resistance are not needed. bubbles which are deliberately formed dunng the mixing operation.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0662947 05L5185 5 5 3 =
If the bleed water evaporates or is removed, the amount What is the best temperature for making concrete? The
of water remaining in the concrete will be reduced, so the answer depends on how long the concrete will be cured. If
water-cement ratio will be reduced, which is good. If, concrete will be cured naturally for long periods such as in
however, the excess bleed water remains at or just below dams or foundations, concrete made at cold temperatures
the surface, the water-cement ratio near the top of the (just above freezing) will eventually be stronger than
concrete will be increased so the worst concrete will be at concrete made at higher temperatures. Concrete that can be
the surface. cured only a few days, however, should be kept above 60 F.
Bleeding is not usually a major problem in most walls, Heat of hydration generated by the setting action of cement
and can be reduced by using a lower slump*, stiffer also affects concrete strength gain.
concrete. Concrete that freezes soon after it is made and before its
Effects of temperature strength reaches about 500 psi may be permanently dam-
As mentioned earlier, the hardening of concrete speeds aged. Frozen concrete must be removed and replaced.
up if its temperature is warm and slows down when cool. Admixtures do not lower the freezing point of concrete
For example, if a concrete mix begins to set in 2 hr at 70 F, significantly so admixtures do not behave as anti-freeze
it may set in an hour or less at 95 F. For the same mix, the agents. Accelerating admixtures will speed up hardening

setting time may increase to 3 hr or more at 50 F and 5 hr and reduce the time required to obtain a strength of 500 psi.
or longer at 35 F.
Temperature also affects the amount of water needed to
make a cubic yard of workable concrete. At low tempera-
tures, less water is needed to get a workable mix than at Shrinkage
high temperatures. For typical concrete mixes having a
given slump, an additional gallon of water per cubic yard of As new concrete dries, it shrinks, or shortens, in all
concrete is needed for each 12 F increase in its temperature. directions. The amount of shrinkage depends on many
This means that if the same amount of cement is used (per factors, but most concretes shrink about 5/s in. per 100 ft, or
cubic yard of concrete), the water-cement ratio will be Vá in. in 20 ft. Exposed surfaces dry faster than the rest of
higher for warm concrete than for cold concrete with the the concrete. Additional shortening occurs when concrete
same slump. cools.
Concrete is strong in compression, but weak in tension.
*See Appendix D for definition of “slump.” Shortening of a concrete element caused by drying shrink-

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age and temperature drop can cause it to crack. Contraction Durability and watertightness
of the element is resisted by friction of the element on the
supports. Tensile forces develop and when they exceed the
tensile strength of the concrete, it cracks. Laboratory studies show that watertightness of concrete
depends primarily on the strength, the water-cement ratio,
and the length of the moist-curing period. The proper
Cracks can be controlled by the use of joints, or by the amount of air entrainment improves watertightness by
use of reinforcing steel. allowing reduction of the water-cement ratio and reducing
bleed water channels. Of course, concrete must be free of
cracking and honeycombing to be watertight.
The amount of shrinkage that occurs depends on many
factors, the most important of which is the amount of water The difference between good and poor concrete is due to
in the mix. To reduce the amount of shrinkage, reduce the one or more of the following items:
amount of water in the mix. To keep shrinkage to a
minimum, apply the following rules: 1. Oualitv of the materials used in the mix.
2. Mix proportions.
i . Use the stiffest mix that can be handled and con- 3. Batching and mixing practices.
solidated properly. Stiffness is measured by slump. 4. Construction practices.
5. Quality of the curing.
2. Use the largest maximum size aggregate that is
practical. Concrete made with Yi in. maximum aggre-
gate usually requires about 40 Ib more water (nearly 5
gal.) per cubic yard to get the same slump that Curing
concrete made with 1 in. aggregate does. The quality of curing affects the strength, durability, and
other qualities. Curing is done by keeping moisture in
3. Use water-reducing, set-controlling admixtures, concrete long enough for most of the cement to hydrate.
ASTM C 494. The time depends on the temperature of the concrete. An
early start is just as important as the temperature and
4. Cure the concrete as long as practical. duration of curing.


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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0 6 6 2 9 4 7 0 5 1 5 1 8 7 32b

Safety 3. Wash skin promptly after contact with cement

A word about safety-fresh portland cement concrete is products.
highly alkaline (caustic) and can cause skin irritation and
bums. Take these simple precautions to avoid needless
injury. 4. Keep cement and cement products out of eyes.
Many construction workers use safety glasses. If any
cement or cement mixtures get into the eye, flush
1 . Keep cement products off skin. Experienced con- immediately and repeatedly with water and consult a
crete craftsmen protect their skin with boots, gloves, physician promptly.
clothing, and knee pads. Skin injury may result from
clothing that is wet from cement mixtures.
2 . Do not let skin rub against cement products. Many 5 . Keep products out of the reach of children. Keep
cement products are abrasive. Rubbing increases the children away from cement powder and all freshly
chances of serious injury. mixed cement products.


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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0662949 0 5 3 5 3 8 8 262

Concrete is a mixture of cement. water, and aggregates would g o up 70 to 100 F. The amount of heat generated and
and may contain one or more admixtures. the speed at which it is generated depends on the chemical
makeup and fineness of the cement as well as the amount
Cement of cement in the concrete. In massive structures, such as
There are a number of different types of portland cement dams and large piers and in hot weather, the heat that is
and even cements of the same type may have important generated can cause problems. However, in most concrete
differences. Different brands of the same types may also work, particularly in cold weather, the heat helps concrete
have differences. to harden and gain strength faster.
All portland cements are made from raw materials that In many areas, soils and water contain sulfates. These
contain lime, silica, alumina, and gypsum. In addition, sulfates tend to attack concrete and can cause the concrete to
most contain iron and magnesia. Most of these raw materi- crack and break up unless the concrete is “sulfate resis-
als are mined individually, crushed, and ground to a fine- tant.” The chemical make-up of the cement can be mod-
ness of face powder. Except for gypsum, the raw materials ified to make the concrete more sulfate resistant.
are blended together and fired in a kiln to a temperature of The gray or tan color of portland cement depends mostly
about 2700 F to form a clinker. The clinker is then reground on the amount of iron in the cement. White cement contains
with a small amount of gypsum to make portland cement. very little iron or other discoloring elements.
The gypsum controls the setting time of cement-without
the gypsum, the cement would set too quickly.
All portland cements set and harden by reacting chemi- Mixing water
cally with water. As cement and water combine, heat
(called the heat of hydration) is produced. If fresh concrete Almost any natural water that is drinkable can be used to
made with 600 Ib of cement per cubic yard could be placed make concrete. Some water that is not drinkable may also
in a perfectly insulated container, the concrete temperature be used, but tests should be made of such water before using


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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0 b b 2 9 4 9 05L5L87 I T 9
it. If tests of concrete made with water are satisfactory, the Concrete that is made without coarse aggregate is usually
water may be used. Seawater may be used for unreinforced called mortar. Most of the concrete that is used in building
concrete, but it may cause reinforcement to rust in rein- construction has a maximum aggregate size of % in. or I Y2
forced concrete. in. In heavy construction work and in pavements, larger
aggregate sizes are often used. Aggregates as large as 6 in.
have been used in concrete for large dams and bridge piers.
Aggregates The amount of cement and water needed for a mix
The sand, gravel, crushed stone, or similar materiais depends on the aggregate size. For example, with I in.
which are mixed with cement and water to make concrete maximum size aggregate less cement and water are needed
are called aggregates. These materiais make up 60 to 75 to produce concrete with a given strength than with Y2 in.
percent of the volume of concrete. A cubic yard of normal aggregate.
weight concrete may contain 2600 to 3200 lb of aggregates. Gradation. Aggregates are made up of particles of many
A number of tests can be made to determine if an different sizes. To make concrete batches that are es-
aggregate can be used to make strong durable concrete. sentially the same, the aggregate amount and particle sizes
Assuming that an aggregate can be used to make good must be essentially the same. To measure the particle sizes,
concrete, the important factors that affect the quality of the a dry sample of the aggregate is passed through a number of
concrete are: sieves starting with the largest openings and using smaller
and smaller openings in successive sieves. The percentage
1. Maximum size of the weight passing each sieve is called the gradation.
2. Gradation
3. Particle shape
Any material deliberately added to concrete before or
4. Organic impurities
during mixing other than cement, water, and aggregates is
5. Silt and clay content
called an admixture. There are many types of admixtures:
6. Amount of coarse and fine aggregate in the mix
1. Air-entraining
Maximum size. If ail of the particles are smaller than 2. Accelerators
about Y4 in., the aggregate is called fine aggregate. Most 3. Retarders
fine aggregates are natural sand but some are produced by 4. Water reducers
crushing rock. If most of the particles are larger than about 5 . High-range water reducers
1/4 in., the aggregate is called coarse aggregate. 6. Pozzolans


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Air-entraining admixtures produce tiny air bubbles in temperatures-then the concrete stiffens very rapidly.
concrete. The bubbles are formed by the mixing action and Pozzolans by themselves have no cementing ability, but
the air-entraining agents keep the bubbles from breaking up. when mixed with water and calcium hydroxide (lime) or
Properly air-entrained concrete has greatly improved ability portland cement they do have some cementing ability.
to withstand freezing and thawing. Air entrainment also Today the most commonly used pozzolan is fly ash, a
makes concrete more workable for a given water content by-product of coal burning power generating plants. Some
and helps reduce bleeding and segregation. pozzolans do contain lime and therefore have cementing
Accelerating admixtures speed up the setting and properties.
hardening of concrete. They are especially useful in cold
weather because concrete hardens slowly at temperatures Mixture proportioning
below about 50 F. The most common of these admixtures is
calcium chloride. However, calcium chloride in concrete The ideal amount of cement, water, and aggregates
can increase the potential for corrosion of reinforcing steel needed to produce a cubic yard of concrete can be deter-
and some other metals. When required, nonchloride accel- mined (usually from a series of trial batches) in such a way
erators are available for use. to meet the following objectives:

Retarders slow down the initial setting of the concrete.

1. The hardened concrete will have the strength and
They are often used in warm weather to keep the concrete
from setting before it can be placed and finished. Most durability called for.
2 . The freshly mixed concrete will be placeable.
retarders are also water reducers. They do not reduce slump
loss. 3 . The fresh concrete will be workable.
4. The concrete will be finishable.
Water reducers, as the name suggests, reduce the 5. The mix will be economical.
amount of water needed to produce a cubic yard of concrete
of a given slump. If the amount of water is not reduced, the With a given set of materials, strength depends on
water reducer will act to increase the slump of the concrete. water-cement ratio. This ratio can be estimated from tests of
High-range water reducers are commonly called concrete made with different water-cement ratios. Increas-
“superplasticizers. They reduce the water requirement for
” ing the amount of water without increasing the amount of
concrete dramatically, or they can be used to increase the cement will result in lower strengths. Different cements
slump of very stiff concrete. However, the action of these produce different water-cement ratios and a given amount
admixtures lasts only about 30 to 60 min at normal of cement may produce different strengths or slump with the

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 7 0662749 05L5LîL 857
same amount of water. The watertightness of concrete has a Quantity per CU yd
direct relation to the water-cement ratio used, air content, (Saturated surface
Material dry weight)
and the duration of curing. Also, it requires a nonporous
aggregate, each particle being surrounded by a dense paste. Cement, Type I (brand name) 565 Ib
Water 270 Ib
The mixture should be proportioned to provide a workable Sand (source) 1215 Ib
concrete that will not segregate. A harsh mix which has a Coarse aggregate (max
tendency to form rock pockets should be avoided. size and source) 1790 Ib
Air-entraining agent (brand name) 13 oz
Durability usually means resistance to freezing and thaw- Water-reducing, set-controlling as needed
ing. Air-entrained concrete is able to withstand cycles of admixture (brand name and or required
freezing and thawing much better than non-air-entrained dosage)
concrete. So air-entrainment should be used for ali concrete
that might be exposed to freezing. Durability may also Property Usual range of results
mean resistance to abrasion or chemical attack. Here, high Slump 3 to 5 in.
strength and low water-cement ratio are also important. Unit weight 142 to 145 Ib/ft3
Air content 4 to 6.5 percent
Workability of concrete is the ease with which concrete 3600 to 4100 psi
can be placed, consolidated, and finished without causing
harmful segregation. It is difficult to measure workability, The amount of water shown above (270 Ib) includes
but craftsmen who work with concrete can judge if one mix moisture on the fine and coarse aggregates as well as the
is more workable than another. So proportioning concrete is added water. For example, sand is usually damp and the
an art as well as a science. moisture on the sand particles becomes part of the mix
water. If the free moisture content of the sand is 5 percent,
To produce concrete that is economical (but still has the then 1215 Ib of saturated surface dry sand will contain about
required strength, durability, and workability) use the least 61 Ib of water. So the weight of damp sand that should be
amount of cement that will give the required water-cement batched is 1215 + 61 = 1276 Ib. The amount of water
ratio and the most coarse aggregate that can be used and still to be added is 270 - 61 = 209 Ib. Thus it is easy to see
have a workable, placeable, and finishable mix. that unless the aggregate moisture content is known accu-
Mixes are usually proportioned by laboratories which rately, the amount of water in the mix is likely to be
specialize in concrete testing and control. After the mix incorrect. The free moisture of the coarse aggregate must
proportions have been established, the mix can be described also be subtracted from the batch water. This moisture
as shown in the following example: content is usually about one percent.


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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 7 W 0662947 0515172 7 7 3

Concrete control tests are generally performed by inspec- ASTM Standards. The American Concrete Institute also has
tion personnel but concrete craftsmen should be familiar a publication of concrete related ASTM specifications
with these tests and understand what the results mean. (SP-7 1).
Some tests are performed to determine if the concrete
meets the job specifications-these are called ?accept-
Sampling fresh concrete (ASTM C 172). Concrete used
ance? tests because if the concrete fails to meet the speci-
for control tests should be representative of the entire batch.
For ready-mixed concrete, this method of sampling calls for
fications it can be rejected. Because such tests determine if
taking two or more samples from the middle of the batch.
concrete should be accepted or rejected, acceptance tests
must be performed precisely in the manner specified in the The size of the sample should be at least 1 ft3 if strength test
test standards. For example, the standard method for per- specimens are to be made.
forming a slump test requires the use of a special steel Slump test (ASTM C 143). A slump test is used to
tamping rod. If a piece of reinforcing bar or a wooden rod measure the consistency of concrete. The essential equip-
is used instead, the results of the test are not valid for ment consists of a standard ?slump cone,? a standard
accepting or rejecting the concrete. tamping rod, a scoop, and a ruler. A slump cone is made of
Most of the control tests for concrete have been standard- sheet metal and is 12 in. high with a 4 in. diameter opening
ized by ASTM (formerly the American Society for Testing at the top and 8 in. diameter opening at the bottom, as
and Materials). Such tests are designated by a title and a shown in Fig. C . 1. The tamping rod is a straight steel rod,
number; for example ?Slump of Portland Cement Con- X x in. in diameter and 24 in. long. with the tamping end
crete,? ASTM C 143-78. The last two digits, 78 in this rounded to a hemispherical tip. The scoop can be of any
example, mean that the standard was issued or revised in convenient size.
1978. Test methods are revised from time to time and each To perform a slump test, the inside of the cone is
year ASTM publishes a complete set of books of standards dampened and placed on a flat, nonabsorbent, rigid surface.
(67 volumes in 1988). Those for concrete and aggregates The cone is filled with concrete in three layers of approx-
appear in volume 04.02 of the 1988 Annual Book (f imately equal volume. One-third of the volume of the cone

82 --`,,,,,,,`,`,,,,`,,``,,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 Obb2949 0535393 b2T D
fills it to a depth of 2% in. and two-thirds to a depth of 6%
in. Each layer is rodded 25 times using the tamping rod. For
the bottom layer, the rod should penetrate to the bottom of
the layer. The tamping rod should penetrate through each
new layer and roughly 1 in. into the previous layer. After
the three layers have been rodded, the concrete is struck off
and smoothed at the top, and excess concrete around the
base of the cone is cleaned. Then slowly lift the slump cone
vertically without shaking or twisting the cone. It should
take about 5 seconds to raise the cone 12 in. Immediately
measure the vertical distance (to the nearest 114 in.) be-

tween the top of the mold and the center of the displaced top
surface, as shown in Fig. C . 1. If the concrete decidedly
falls away to one side, disregard the test and make a new
test. If the concrete in the new test also decidedly falls to
one side, then the concrete is probably not cohesive enough
to have a meaningful slump.
A change in slump generally means a change in the
amount of water in the mix but it may also mean other
changes such as air content, aggregate gradation, sand
content, temperature or hydration, and setting. Most speci-
fications give the maximum permitted such as “the slump
Fig. C.1 - Measuring the slump of fresh concrete. The slump shall not exceed inches.”
cone is 12 in. high and is made of sheet metal. I t has a 4 in.
Unit weight test (ASTM C 138). This test is simple but
diameter opening at the top and an 8 in. diameter opening at the
bottom. The cone is filled with concrete in three layers of equal
requires an accurate scale and a sturdy unit weight bucket
volume. Each layer is rodded 25 times with a steel tamping rod.
(Fig. C.2). To perform the test, fill the unit weight bucket in
After the cone is filled and the top sur$ace is smoothed, the slump three equal layers, rodding each layer 25 times with a
cone is slowly lifted vertically and the slump is measured as standard tamping rod (the same type used for a slump test).
shown. The distance that the cenferof the top surface has settled is The top surface is struck off and smoothed and the sides of
the slump. the bucket are wiped clean. Then the full bucket is weighed

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to the nearest 1/10 lb. Subtracting the weight of the empty Suppose that the weight of the filled bucket is 44.7 Ib. The
bucket gives the net weight of the concrete. By dividing the unit weight of the concrete can be calculated as follows:
net weight of the concrete by the volume of the bucket, the

unit weight of the concrete is found. For example, suppose

Weight, bucket and concrete = 44.7 Ib
that a unit weight bucket having a volume of 0.25 ft3and
Weight, bucket = 8.3 Ib
weighing 8.3 Ib is filled with concrete as described above.
Weight, concrete = 36.4 lb

Volume of bucket = 0.25 ft3

Unit weight of concrete = 36.4 Ib

0.25 ft3
= 145.6 Ib/ft3

Changes in unit weight usually indicate changes in air

content but may reflect changes in materials or mix pro-
portions. Also, if the total weight of materials in a batch is
known, the volume of concrete can be calculated by divid-
ing the total weight by the unit weight of the concrete. For
example, if the total weight of cement, aggregates, and
water in a batch is 3 1,450 Ib and if the concrete unit weight
is 145.6 lb per C U ft:

... ..
Volume of concrete = 317450lb = 216 ft3
Fig. C.2 - The unit weight of concrete is measured by weighing u 145.6 lb/ft3
levri-jiuli bucket of concrete, subtructirig the weight of ihr rmp'
bucket. and dividing by the volume of the bucket. 216 + 27 = 8 yd3


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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 0662949 0535395 4 T 2
Temperature. Temperature is a very important factor in ( 3 X 6 in.) sometimes are used with corrections to adjust
concrete work but there is no standard method of measuring for equivalent strengths.
the temperature of concrete. T o get suitable results a metal-
There are several kinds of cylinder molds including
shielded thermometer accurate to plus or minus 2 F should
heavy steel molds, sheet metal molds (tin can molds),
be used and inserted into a representative sample of con- plastic molds, and waxed cardboard molds. The tin can,
crete. An average of two or more readings is suggested. cardboard, and some plastic molds can be used only once.
The heavy steel mold and some sheet metal and plastic
Dial type metal thermometers with ranges between 0 and

molds are reusable, so they must be cleaned and oiled ofter

180 F are generally used for concrete.
each use.
The procedure for making test cylinders is:
Making and protecting test cylinders (ASTM C 31). Most
job specifications require that the concrete reach at least
1 . Obtain a representative sample of the concrete
3000 psi, 4000 psi, or some other strength at 28 days. This
(ASTM C 172).
means that cylinders made, cured, and tested in a standard
manner must average at least as strong as the specified
2 . Place the cylinder molds (cleaned and oiled if re-
strength. Twenty-eight days after the cylinders are made
quired) on a solid level base- such as a concrete slab.
they are placed in a compression testing machine which
applies load to the flat ends. The load is increased until the 3. For slumps greater than 3 in. fill each mold in three
cylinder fails. equal layers. Use a standard tamping rod and rod each
layer 25 times (Fig. C.3). For the bottom layer, the
Most specifications require that results of at least two rod should penetrate to the bottom of the layer. For
cylinder tests must be averaged to give a better indication of the other layers, the rod should penetrate through the
the concrete strength. So if tests are to be made at 3 days, 7 layer and into the previous layer about 1 in. If voids
days, and 28 days, at least 6 cylinders must be made. are left by rodding, tap the sides of the mold lightly to
close the voids.
Nearly all concrete test cylinders made in the United
States are 6 in. in diameter and 12 in. high (designated 4. Strike off and smooth the surface. The top surface of
6 X 12 in. cylinders) but other sizes such as 4 in. diameter cylinders should be cured with a membrane coating,
by 8 in. high (4 x 8 in.), and 3 in. diameter by 6 in high kept wet, or covered with a cap or plate.

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A C 1 CCS-3 ô 9 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 05LSI196 339

5 . Mark each cylinder so that it can be matched with the

concrete in a particular part of the project. Also record
the time and date.

Cylinders are made and tested for two reasons: (1) to

determine if the concrete meets the specification require-
ments, and (2) to determine if concrete, in place, has the
strength needed to remove the forms or to put the concrete
into service.

Cylinders made for the first reason (specification check)

should be stored in an area where the temperature is 60 to 80
F for the first 16 to 24 hr. Then remove the cylinders from
the mold and keep them moist at 70 to 76 F until the time
of test. If cylinders are to be sent to a laboratory for testing,

be sure that they reach the lab within 24 hr in a damp and

undamaged condition. Care in shipment is very important.

Cylinders made for the second reason (construction con-

cerns) should be kept at the jobsite temperature and given
the same curing as the concrete they represent. Just before
test they should be delivered to the laboratory.

Impact rebound test (ASTM C 805). Fig. C . 4 shows

use of an impact rebound hammer. The hammer is a
Fig. C.3 Concrete test cylinders are made by filling the mold
spring-driven steel device. When the hammer is pressed
with fresh concrete in fhree equal layers and rodding each layer against a concrete surface a plunger is released; the plunger
25 times wiifh a tamping rod. Each rylitider should be labeled and travels at a fixed velocity. The rebound distance is meas-
covered with a plate. ured on a scale attached to the instrument. This distance is

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A C 1 ces-3 8 7 0662749 0515177 2 7 5 rn

called the “rebound number.” Most instruments also have

a graph which gives a rough approximation of the concrete
strength for each rebound number.

Even though the rebound numbers are not a precise

indication of the concrete strength, higher numbers mean
stronger concrete for concrete made of the same materials
and cast at about the same time. So an impact rebound
hammer is most useful in finding areas of poor quality. Also
the instrument is useful for finding out when forms or
shores can be removed. When the rebound hammer is used
Fig. C.4 - A n impact rebound hammer gives an indication of the with a graph which has been specially prepared for the
concrete hardness. The device is useful f o r finding areas of poor concrete being tested, the rebound numbers may compare
quality. more closely with compression cylinder tests.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0662949 05L5L98 101 W
Accelerator - A substance which when added to concrete. mor- Beam hanger - A wire, strap, or other hardware device that
tar, or grout, increases the rate of hydration of the hydraulic supports formwork from structural members.
cement, shortens the time of setting, or increases the rate of
strength development. Beam pocket - Opening left in a vertical member in which a
beam is to rest. Also, an opening in the column or girder form
Admixture - A material other than water. aggregates, or hydrau- where intersecting beam forms will be framed.
lic cement. used as an ingredient in concrete or mortar, and is
added to the concrete immediately before or during its mixing. B e m side - Vertical side panels or parts of a beam form.

Aggregate - Granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed Blockout - A space within a concrete structure under construc-

stone, or blast furnace slag which is used with a cementing tion in which fresh concrete is not to be placed.
material to make concrete, mortar, or grout.
Bracing - In formwork shoring, diagonal members between
Backshoring - Shores placed snugly under a stripped concrete shores which provide resistance to lateral movement of the
slab or structural member after the original formwork and shores forming system.
have been removed from a small area without allowing the slab to
deflect or support its own weight or existing construction loads Broomfinish - The surface texture obtained by stroking a broom
from above. over freshly placed concrete.

Beam - A structural member subjected primarily to flexure Brushed surface - A sandy texture obtained by brushing the
(bending), typically horizontal, and usually supporting slabs or surface of freshly placed or slightly hardened concrete with a stiff
other beams. brush for architectural effect, or in pavements to increase skid
Ream bottom - Soffit or bottom form for a beam.
Buggy - A two-wheeled or motor-driven cart, usually rubber-
Beam clamp - Any of various types of tying or fastening units tired, for transporting small quantities of concrete from hoppers or
used to hold the sides of the beam forms. mixers to forms; sometimes called a concrete cart.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 Obb2949 0515199 048
Bughole - Small cavities or voids on the surface of the concrete Cleat - A small board used to connect formwork members or
caused by air or free water bubbles being trapped between the used as a brace.
concrete surface and the form during placement and compaction of
the concrete. Cold joint - A joint resulting from a delay in concrete placement
which prevented the two lifts from knitting together by rodding or
Bulkhead - A partition in formwork blocking fresh concrete vibration.
from a section of the form or closing a section of the form, such
as at a construction joint; a partition in a storage tank or bin, as for Column capifal - An enlargement of the end of a column
cement or aggregate. designed and built to act as an integral unit with the column and
flat slab and increase the shearing resistance.
Bull floar - A tool comprised of a large, flat, rectangular piece of
wood, aluminum, or magnesium usually 8 in. (20 cm) wide and 42 Column strip - The portion of a flat slab over the columns
to 60 in. (100 to 150 cm) long, and a handle 4 to 16 ft ( 1 to 5 m) consisting of the two adjacent quarter panels on each side of the
in length used to smooth unformed surfaces of freshly placed column center line. (See also Middle Strip.)
Compression test - Test made on a specimen of mortar or
Catwulk - A narrow elevated walkway. concrete to determine the compressive strength; in the United
States, unless otherwise specified, compression tests of mortars
Cement, portland - A hydraulic cement produced by pulverizing are made on 2 in. (50 mm) cubes and compression tests of concrete
clinker consisting essentially of hydraulic calcium silicates and are made on cylinders 6 in. (152 mm) in diameter and 12 in. (305

usually containing one or more of the forms of calcium sulfate as mm) high.
an addition.
Compressive strength - The measured maximum resistance of a
Centering Specialized falsework used in the construction of
- concrete or mortar specimen to axial loading; expressed as force
arches, shells, and space structures, or any continuous structure per unit cross-sectional area; or the specified resistance used in
where the entire falsework is lowered (struck or decentered) as a design calculations; in the U.S. customary units of measure
unit to avoid the introduction of injurious stress to any part of the expressed in pounds per square inch (psi) and designatedf,'.
structure. (See also Falsework.)
Compressive strength, average fc' - The term used to describe
Cleanout An opening at the bottom of the forms for removal of
- the average compressive strength of a given class or strength level
debris prior to placing the concrete. Cleanouts should be securely of concrete; in AC1 214, defined as average compressive strength
closed before placement. required to statistically meet a designated specific strength, f,' .

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Concrete finishing machine
A C 1 CCS-3 8 9
machine mounted on flanged
= 0662949 Curing -
0515200 b 9 T M
Maintenance of humidity and temperature of freshly
wheels which rides on the forms or on specially set tracks, used to placed concrete during some definite period following placing,
finish surfaces such as those of pavements; or a portable power casting, or finishing to assure satisfactory hydration of the cemen-
driven machine for floating and finishing floors and other slabs. titious materials and proper hardening of the concrete.

Concrete. light weight - Structural lightweight concrete has a Curing compound - A liquid that can be applied as a coating to
weight of 90 to 115 Ibift' and is made with lightweight aggregate. the surface of newly placed concrete to retard the loss of water or,
in the case of pigmented compounds, also to reflect heat so as to
Concrete, normal weight - Concrete having a weight of 140 to provide an opportunity for the concrete to develop its properties in
150 Ibift' using aggregates of normal weight. a favorable temperature and moisture environment. (See also
Concrete vibrating machine - A machine which compacts a
layer of freshly mixed concrete by vibration. Darby - A hand-manipulated straight edge, usually 3 to 8 ft long
used in the early stage leveling operations of concrete or plaster
Consolidution - The process of inducing a closer arrangement of preceding supplemental floating and finishing.
the solid particles in freshly mixed concrete or mortar during
placement by the reduction of voids; usually by vibration, centrif- Deck - The form on which concrete for a slab is placed, also the

ugation, tamping, or some combination of these actions; also floor or roof slab itself.
similar manipulation of other cementitious mixtures, soils, aggre-

gates, or the like. Deflection - A variation in position or shape of a structure or
structural element due to effects of loads or volume change,
Construction joint - The surface where two successive place- usually measured as a linear deviation from an established plane
ments of concrete meet, across which it is desirable to develop and rather than an angular variation.
maintain bond between the two concrete placements, and through
which any reinforcement which may be present is not interrupted. Dropchute - A device used to confine or to direct the flow of a
(See also Contraction Joint.) falling stream of fresh concrete.

Contraction joint - Formed, sawed, or tooled groove in a con- 1. Dropchute, articulated-A device consisting of a succes-
crete structure to create a weakened plane and regulate the location sion of tapered metal cylinders so designed that the lower
of cracking resulting from the dimensional change of different end of each cylinder fits into the upper end of the one
parts of the structure. below.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 m 0662949 05L520L 526 m
2 . Dropchute, flexible-A device consisting of a heavy, construction loads may be imposed, or the structure may be placed
rubberized canvas, or plastic, collapsible tube often re- in service.
ferred to as an ‘‘elephant trunk” used to prevent separation
and segregation of concrete. Finishing - Leveling, smoothing. compacting, and otherwise
treating surfaces of fresh or recently placed concrete or mortar to
Drop panel - The thickened structurai portion of a flat slab in the produce desired appearance and service. (See also Float and
area surrounding column, column capital, or bracket, in order to Trowel.)
reduce the intensity of stresses.
Finishing machine - A power-operated machine used to give the
Drop panel form - A retainer or mold so erected as to give the desired surface texture to a concrete slab.
necessary shape, support, and finish to a drop panel.
Float - A tool (not a darby), usually of wood, aluminum, or
Edge form - Formwork used to limit the horizontal spread of magnesium, used in finishing operations to impart a relatively
fresh concrete on flat surfaces such as pavements or floors. even but still open texture to an unformed fresh concrete surface.

Eiephanf trunk - An articulated tube or chute used in concrete Float finish - A rather rough concrete surface texture obtained
placement. (See also Dropchute.) by finishing with a float.

Expansion joint - I ) A separation provided between adjoining Floating - The operation of finishing a fresh concrete or mortar
parts of a structure to allow movement where expansion is likely surface by use of a float, preceding troweling when that is the final
to exceed contraction; 2) A separation between pavement slabs on finish.
grade filled with a compressible filler material; 3) An isolation
joint intended to allow independent movement between adjoining Fly ash - The finely divided residue resulting from the combus-
parts. tion of ground or powdered coal and which is transported from the
firebox through the boiler by flue gases.
Falsework - Any temporary structure erected to support work in
the process of construction. Form - The mold or sheathing and its reinforcing members
which contacts the concrete and gives the concrete final shape.
Field-cured cylinders - Test cylinders cured as nearly as practi-
cable in the same manner as the concrete in the structure to Form oil - Oil applied to interior surface of formwork to
indicate when supporting forms may be removed, additional promote easy release from the concrete when forms are removed.


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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9
Form tie - A device for holding forms secure against lateral
= 0662949 0 5 1 5 2 0 2 462 m
Jack - A mechanical device used to apply force to prestressing
pressure of the freshly placed concrete, with or without a provision tendons, adjust elevation of forms or form supports, and raise
for holding the forms a certain distance apart. objects small distances.

Formwork - The total system of support for freshly placed Jack shore - Telescoping, or otherwise adjustable, singlepost
concrete, including the mold or sheathing which contacts the metal shore.
concrete as well as supporting members, hardware and necessary
bracing. Falsework is also used with essentially the same meaning. Keywuy - A recess or formed groove in one lift or placement of
concrete which is later filled with concrete from the next lift or
Grude strip Usually a thin strip of wood tacked to the inside of
- placement, giving strength to the joint.
forms at the line to which the top of the concrete lift is to come,
either at a construction joint or the top of the structure. Lacing - Horizontal bracing between shoring members which
prevents bending of the slender shores when they are loaded.
Grout - A mixture of cementitious material and water, with or Sometimes lacing is used to hold shores in place.
without aggregate, proportioned to produce a consistency without
separation of aggregates. Live loud - Any load that is not permanently applied to a
structure (workmen, buggies, pump hose, tools, equipment, stored
Heur of hydration Heat produced by the chemical reaction of
- equipment, etc.).

the portland cement with the water in the mix.
Membrane curing - A process that involves either a liquid
Honeycomb - Voids left in concrete duc to failure of the mortar sealing compound (e.g., bituminous and paraffinic emulsions,
to effectively fill the spaces among coarse aggregate particles. coal tar cutbacks, pigmented and nonpigmented resin suspensions,
or suspensions of wax and drying oil) or a nonliquid protective
Hyùruulic, cemenr - A cement that sets and hardens by chemical coating (e.g., sheet plastics or “waterproof” paper), which
interaction with water, and which is capable of doing so under functions as a film to restrict evaporation of mixing water from the
water. fresh concrete surface.
Isolation joint - A separation between adjoining parts of a
concrete structure, usually a vertical plane, at a designed location Miúdle strip - In flat slab framing, the slab portion which

such as to interfere least with performance of the structure, yet occupies the middle half of the span between columns. (See also
such as to allow relative movement and avoid formation of cracks Column Strip.)
elsewhere in the concrete, and through which ail or part of the
bonded reinforcement is interrupted. Morrar - A mixture of cement paste and fine aggregate (sand).

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0535203 3 T ï
In fresh concrete it is the material occupying the spaces between Reglet - A groove in a wall to receive flashing.
the coarse aggregate particles.

Reinforcemenr - Steel bars or wire embedded in concrete in such

Mudsill A timber or other material assembly embedded into the

- a manner that the reinforcement and concrete act together to resist
earth grade as a means of supporting framed construction. forces.

Overvibration - Excessive use of vibrators during placement of Release agenr - Material used to prevent bonding of concrete to
freshly mixed concrete, causing segregation and excessive bleed- a surface.
ing. This is usually a factor only on high slump concrete.
Reshoring - Shores placed snugly under a stripped concrete slab
Panel A section of formwork constructed from boards, sheets
- or structural member after the original formwork and shores have
of plywood or metal that can be erected and removed as a unit. been removed from a large area, thus requiring the new slab or
member to deflect and support its own weight and existing
Placement - The process of placing and consolidating concrete; construction loads prior to the installation of reshores.
a quantity of concrete placed and finished during a continuous
operation; also inappropriately referred to as Pouring. Reveal - The side of an opening in a wall for a window or door;
also the depth of exposure of the aggregate in an exposed
Posr shore or pole shore - Individual vertical member used to aggregate surface.
support loads.
I . Adjustable Timber Single-Post Shore-Individual timber Runway - Decking over areas of concrete placement, usually of
used with a fabricated clamp to obtain adjustment and not movable panels and supports, on which buggies of concrete travel
normally manufactured as a complete unit. to points of placement.
2. Fabricated Single-Post Shore-Type I-Single all metal
post with a fine adjustment screw or device in combination Rusrication - A groove in a concrete wall often purposely placed
with pin-and-hole adjustment or clamp; Type II-Single or for appearance.
double wooden post members adjustable by a metal clamp
or screw and usually manufactured as a complete unit. Safe leg load - The load which can safely be directly imposed on
3. Timber Single-Post Shore-Timber used as a structural the frame leg of a scaffold.
member for shoring support.
Post-tensioning - A method of prestressing reinforced concrete Scuffolùing - A temporary structure for the support of deck
in which tendons are tensioned after the concrete has hardened. forms, cartways, or workers, or a combination of these such as an

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A C 1 CCS-3 89
elevated platform for supporting workers, tools, and matcrials;
Ob62949 O515204 235 =
Soldier - A vertical wale used for strengthening or alignment of
adjustable metal scaffolding is frequently adapted for shoring in formwork.
concrete work.
Spreader - A brace, usually of wood, inserted in the forms to
Screed - 1) To strike off concrete lying above the desired plane keep the faces a proper distance apart and is removed as the
or shape. 2) A tool for striking off the concrete surface, sometimes concrete is being placed.
referred to as a strikeoff.
Sray-in-place forms - Forms left in place that may or may not
Screed guide - Firmly established grade strips, rails, or side become an integral part of the structural frame. These forms may
forms which will guide the strikeoff in producing the desired plane be the rigid type such as metal deck, precast concrete, wood.
or shape. plastics, and fiberboard, or the flexible type such as reinforced
water-repellent corrugated paper, or wire mesh with waterproof
Screeding - The operation of forming a surface by the use of paper backing.
screed guides and a strikeoff. (See also Strikeoff.)
StrikeofS- To remove concrete in excess of that which is required
to fill the form evenly or bring the surface to grade; performed
Shearhing - The material forming the contact face of forms; also

with a straight edged piece of wood or metal by means of a
called lagging, sheeting.
forward sawing movement or by a power operated tool appropriate
for this purpose; also the name applied to the tool. (See also Screed
Shoring- System of vertical or inclined supports for forms; may
and Screeding.)
be wood or metal posts, scaffold type frames, or various patented
members. Strongback - A frame attached to the back of a form to stiffen or
reinforce it; also additional vertical wales placed outside horizontal
Slab - A flat horizontal or nearly so molded layer of plain or wales for added strength.
reinforced concretc usually of uniform, but sometimes variable
thickness, either on the ground or supported by beams, columns, Tamper - ( i ) An implement used to consolidate concrete or
walls, or other framework. mortar in molds or forms. (2) A hand-operated device for
compacting floor topping or other unformed concrete by impact
Slump - A measure of the consistency of freshly mixed concrete, from the dropped device in preparation for strikeoff and finishing;
equal to the drop measured to the nearest 1/4 in. of the molded contact surface often consists of a screen or a grid of bars to force
concrete sample as compared to the slump cone used to make the coarse aggregates below the surface to prevent interference with
sample. floating or troweling.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9
Tamping - The operation of compacting freshly placed concrete
= Obb2949 0515205 171 W
2. Internal Vibration-Employs one or more vibrating ele-
by repeated blows or penetrations with a tamping device. ments that can be inserted into the concrete at selected
locations, and is more generally applicable to in-place
Tendon - A steel element such as a wire, cable, bar, rod, or construction.
3. Surface Vibration-Employs a portable horizontal platform
strand used to impart prestress to concrete when the element is
on which a vibrating element is mounted.

Trowel - A flat, broad-blade steel hand tool used in the final

Vibrator - An oscillating machine used to agitate fresh concrete
stage of finishing operations to impart a relatively smooth surface
to concrete floors and other unformed concrete surfaces. so as to eliminate gross voids, including entrapped air but not
entrained air, and produce intimate contact with form surfaces and
embedded materials.
Troweling - Smoothing and compacting the unformed surface of
fresh concrete by strokes of a trowel.
Wale - Long horizontal formwork members (usually double)
used to hold studs in position; also called walers or rangers.
Unbonded post-tensioning - Post-tensioning in which the ten-
dons are not grouted after stressing.
Watersrop - Specially formed and fabricated metal, rubber, or
plastic sheets inserted in a construction joint to stop the seepage of
Vibration - Energetic agitation of freshly mixed concrete during
water across the joint.
placement by mechanical devices either pneumatic or electric, that
create vibratory impulses of moderately high frequency that assist
in consolidating the concrete in the form or mold. Workability - The property of freshly mixed concrete which
determines the ease with which it can be placed, compacted, and
1. External Vibration-Employs vibrating devices attached at finished.

strategic positions on the forms and is particularly applica-
ble to manufacture of precast items and for vibration of Wrecking strip - Small piece or panel fitted into a formwork

tunnel-lining forms; in manufacture of concrete products, assembly in such a way that it can be easily removed ahead of
external vibration or impact may be applied to a casting main panels or forms, making it easier to strip those major form
table. components.

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 = Ob62947 0 5 3 5 2 0 6 008 =
CHAPTER 6, AC1 318-83 (REVISED 1986)*


6. I . I-Forms shall result in a final structure that conforms to 6.2. I-No construction loads shall be supported on, nor any
shapes, lines, and dimensions of the members as required by the shoring removed from, any part of the structure under construction
design drawings and specifications. except when that portion of the structure in combination with
6.1.2-Forms shall be substantial and sufficiently tight to remaining forming and shoring system has sufficient strength to
prevent leakage of mortar. support safely its weight and loads placed thereon.
6.1.3-Forms shall be properly braced or tied together to 6.2. I . 1-Sufficient strength shall be demonstrated by structural
maintain position and shape. analysis considering proposed loads. strength of forming and
6. i .4-Forms and their supports shall be designed so as not to shoring system, and concrete strength data. Concrete strength data

damage previously placed structure. may be based on tests of field-cured cylinders or, when approved
6.1.5-Design of formwork shall include consideration of the by the Building Official, on other procedures to evaluate concrete
following factors: strength. Structural analysis and concrete test data shall be
(a) Rate and method of placing concrete furnished to the Building Official when so required.
(b) Construction loads, including vertical, horizontal, and im- 6.2.2-No construction loads exceeding the combination of
pact loads superimposed dead load plus specified live load shall be supported
(c) Special form requirements for construction of shells, folded on any unshored portion of the structure under construction, unless
plates, domes, architectural concrete, or similar types of analysis indicates adequate strength to support such additional
elements. loads.
6.1 .6-Forms for prestressed concrete members shall be de- 6.2.3-Forms shall be removed in such manner as not to impair
signed and constructed to permit movement of the member without safety and serviceability of the structure. All concrete to be
damage during application of prestressing force. exposed by form removal shall have sufficient strength not to be
damaged thereby.
6.2.4-Form supports for prestressed concrete members may
*This appendix is a reprint of chapter 6 of “Building Code be removed when sufficient prestressing has been applied to
Requirements for Reinforced Concretc (AC1 3 18-83)” (Revised enable prcstressed members to carry their dead load and antici-
1986). pated construction loads.

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A C 1 CCS-3 81 D 0 6 6 2 9 4 9 0535207 T Y 4
6.3 CONDUITS AND PIPES EMBEDDED have a nominal inside diameter not over 2 in.
and are spaced not less than 3 diameters on centers.
IN CONCRETE 6.3.7-In addition to other requirements of Section 6.3, pipes
that will contain liquid, gas, or vapor may be embedded in
6.3. I-Conduits, pipes, and sleeves of any material not harmful structural concrete under the following conditions:
to concrete and within limitations of Section 6.3 may be embedded 6.3.7. I-Pipes and fittings shall be designed to resist effects of
in concrete with approval of the Engineer, provided they are not the material, pressure, and temperature to which they will be
considered to replace structurally the displaced concrete. subjected.
6.3.2-Conduits and pipes of aluminum shall not be embedded of liquid, gas, or vapor shall not exceed
in structural concrete unless effectively coated or covered to i50 F.
prevent aluminum-concrete reaction or electrolytic action between pressure to which any piping or fittings
aluminum and steel. shall be subjected shall not exceed 200 psi above atmospheric
6.3.3-Conduits, pipes, and sleeves passing through a slab, pressure.
wall, or beam shall not impair significantly the strength of the piping and fittings except as provided in Section
construction. shall be tested as a unit for leaks before concrete
6.3.4-Conduits and pipes, with their fittings, embedded placement. Testing pressure above atmospheric pressure shall be
within a column shall not displace more than 4 percent of the area 50 percent in excess of pressure to which piping and fittings may
of cross section on which strength is calculated or which is be subjected, but minimum testing pressure shall not be less than
required for fire protection. 150 psi above atmospheric pressure. Pressure test shall be held for
6.3.5-Except when pians for conduits and pipes are approved 4 hr with no drop in pressure except that which may be caused by
by the Structural Engineer, conduits and pipes embedded within a air temperature.
slab, wall, or beam (other than those merely passing through) shall pipes and other piping designed for pressures of
satisfy the following: not more than 1 psi above atmospheric pressure need not be tested shall not be larger in outside dimensions than as required in Section
1/3 the overall thickness of slab, wall, or beam in which they are carrying liquid, gas, or vapor that is explosive
embedded. or injurious to health shall again be tested as specified in Section shall not be spaced closer than 3 diameters or after concrete has hardened.
widths on center. liquid, gas, or vapor, except water not exceeding shall not impair significantly the strength of the 90 F nor 50 psi pressure, shall be placed in the pipes until the
construction. concrete has attained its design strength.
6.3 .ó-îonduits , pipes, and sleeves may be considered as solid slabs, piping, unless it is for radiant heating
replacing structurally in compression the displaced concrete pro- or snow melting, shall be placed between top and bottom rein-
vided: forcement. are not exposed to rusting or other deterioration. cover for pipes and fittings shall not be less are of uncoated or galvanized iron or steel not than 1-1/2 in. for concrete exposed to earth or weather, nor 3í4 in.
thinner than standard Schedule 40 steel pipe. for concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground.


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A C 1 CCS-3 89 0662749 0535208 780
6.3.7. IO-Reinforcement with an area not less than 0.002
times area of concrete section shall be provided normal to piping. and fittings shall be assembled by welding,
brazing. solder-sweating, or other equally satisfactory method.
Screw connections shall not be permitted. Piping shall be so
fabricated and installed that cutting, bending, or displacement of
reinforcement from its proper location will not be required.
6.4. I-Surface of concrete construction joints shall be cleaned
and laitance removed.
6.4.2-Immediately before new concrete is placed, all con-
struction joints shall be wetted and standing water removed.
6.4.3<onstniction joints shall be made and located so as not
to impair the strength of the structure. Provision shall be made for
transfer of shear and other forces through construction joints. See
Section 1 I .7.9.
6.4.4-Constniction joints in floors shall be located within the
i middle third of spans of slabs, beams, and girders. Joints in girders
shall be offset a minimum distance of two times the width of
intersecting beams.
6.4.5-Beams, girders, or slabs supported by columns or walls
shall not be cast or erected until concrete in the vertical support
members is no longer plastic.
6.4.6-Beams, girders, haunches, drop panels, and capitals
shall be placed monolithically as part of a slab system, unless
otherwise shown in design drawings or specifications.

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A C 1 CCS-3 8 9 = Obb2949 0535209 837 =
*AC1 1 17-Standard Tolerances for Concrete Construction and
AC1 302-Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction
AC1 3 0 4 4 u i d e for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and
Placing Concrete
AC1 305 -Hot Weather Concreting
AC1 3 0 6 4 o l d Weather Concreting
AC1 308-Standard Practice for Curing Concrete
AC1 309-Standard Practice for Consolidation of Concrete
AC1 309.1R-Behavior of Fresh Concrete During Vibration
AC1 3 18-Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Con-
AC1 347-Guide for Concrete Formwork

AC1 SP-2-Inspection Manual
AC1 SP-4-Fomwork for Concrete (Contains AC1 347)
AC1 SP-15-Includes items * above plus ASTM
**CRSI-Placing Reinforcing Bars
CRSI-Manual of Standard Practice
CRSI-Reinforcing Bar Detailing

*American Concrete Institute **Concrete Reinforcing Steel

P. O. Box 19150, Institute
Redford Sta. 933 N. Plum Grove Road
Detroit, MI 48219 Schaumburg, IL 60195-4758
(313) 532-2600 (312) 490-1700

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A C 1 CCS-3 89 m O662949 0 5 1 5 2 1 0 5 3 7
To convert from to multiply by To convert from to multiply by


inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . millimeter (mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.4Et kilogram-forceisquare

foot .................... meter (m). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.30488 meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pascal (Pa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,9.807
yard .................... meter(m) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kip-forceisquare inch
mile (statute) . . . . . . . . . . . kilometer (km) . . . . . . . . . . . . (ksi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . megapascal (MPa) . . . . . . . . . . . 6.895
newtonisquare meter
AREA ( N i d ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pascal ( P a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1.000E
< .

square centimeter (ern') . . . . . . . . . . . 6.45 i pound-forcelsquare foot . . . . pascal (Pa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.88

. square meter (mZ). . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0929 pound-forceisquare inch
. square meter (m2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8361 (psi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kilopascal (kPa) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.895


ounce . . . . . . . . . . . . . .cubic centimeter (cm’) . . . . pound-massicubic
gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cubic meter (m’)S . . . . . . foot. . . . . . . . . . . . .kilogramkubic meter (kgim’) . . . . . . . 16.02
cubic inch . . . . . . . . . . .cubic centimeter (cm’) . . . . . . . . . . . 16.4 pound-mass/cubic
. . . . . . . cubic meter (m’) . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0.01832 yard . . . . . . . . . . . . kilogradcubic meter (kg/m3) . . . . . , 0.5933
. . . . . . . . cubic meter (m’) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.7646 pound-massigallon . . kilogradcubic meter (kgim’) . . . . . 19.8

” .... newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.087
kip-force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . newton (N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4448 deg Fahrenheit (F) . . . . . . deg Celsius (C) . . . . . . . . t.= (tF - 32111.8
pound-force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . newton ( N ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4.448 deg Celsius (C) . . . . . . . deg Fahrenheit (F) . . . . . . . . . tF = 1 . 8 t + 32

“This selected list gives practical conversion factors of units found in concrete technology. The reference source for information on SI units and more exact
conversation factors is “Standard for Metric Practice” ASTM E 380. Symbols of metric units are given in parentheses.
SE Indicates that the factor given is exact.
$One liter (cubic decimeter) equals 0.001 mi or loo0 cm’.
5These equations convert one temperature reading to another and include the necessary scale corrections. To convert a difference in temperature from Fahrenheit
degrees to Celsius degrees, divide by 1.8 only, ¡.e., a change from 70 to 88 F represents a change of I8 F or 18/1.8= 10 C deg.

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