Secondary School Curriculum Instruction
Secondary School Curriculum Instruction
Secondary School Curriculum Instruction
Instruction (PGDT-413)
By : Temesgen Yadeta
(M.A –Assistance Professor)
Part I: Curriculum Component
Specific Definitions
Curriculum refers to:
which is
a course of taught in
study. school.
a set of
a set of
e objectives.
a sequence of
a set of materials. a program of
Definition Based on School Role
In general:
Curriculum and instruction are sub-system of a larger system
called schooling or education.
Types of Curriculum
Null Operational
Types of
Curriculum Learned
Types of Curriculum……
1. Intended/official curriculum:
as written and documented in syllabi, curriculum guides,
textbooks and other printed materials.
2. Operational/taught curriculum:
What the teacher actually teaches and the learning for which
the student is held accountable, or curriculum in use.
3. Learned curriculum:
What students actually learn.
4. Assessed curriculum
Which is tested or evaluated.
5. Supported curriculum
Those resources that support and help with the
implementation of the curriculum.
Types of curriculum……..
6. The hidden curriculum:
the unplanned and unrecognized values that are taught and learned
through the process of education.
lessons that schools teach children about appropriate roles and
behavior for people of different ages and sexes. It is generally non-
academic, but very important.
is a vital necessity though it is unforeseen occurrence in the school.
E.g. home-economics, hygiene, respect, positive relationship, flag
ceremony, minor games, cultural norms, loyalty, ethics, advisement,
discipline, and school regulations.
7.The Null Curriculum
subject matter that is not taught, and urged us to consider carefully.
Subject matters and/or units that are considered important but non-
existent in the current school curricula.
E.g. HIV and AIDS, environmental sanitation, sex education, and gender
Curriculum – Teachers Relationship
1.2.1. Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum
Philosophy is:
• Love of wisdom/ search for truth or the search for knowledge.
• gives meaning to our decisions and actions.
• deals with the larger aspects of life, the problems and prospects for living and
• determines, our educational decisions, choices and alternatives.
framework or base for organizing schools and classrooms.
answer what schools are for, what subjects are of value, how students learn, what
method s and materials to use.
• Thus, the three main basic philosophical questions include:
– What is real? Metaphysic
– What is truth? Epistemology
– What is of value? Axiology
There are different philosophies but, all wants the same thing of education, they wish:
• To improve the educational process
• To enhance learners‟ achievement
• To produce better and more productive citizens, and
• To improve the life of the society.
Major Philosophies Influencing Curriculum
Major Philosophies
Perennialism Essentialism Progressivism
A. Perennialism
Oldest and rooted in realism.
Proponent R. Hutchins.
Relies on past asserted by agreed-upon, universal knowledge and
cherished values of society.
A plea for the permanency of knowledge.
A view of the unchanging nature of the universe, human nature,
truth, knowledge, virtue, beauty, etc.
The goal of education is to develop the natural person and to
uncover universal truth by training the intellect.
Curriculum: Subject centered-liberal arts.
The teacher: is viewed as an authority in the field whose knowledge
and expertise are unquestionable.
Teaching method: based on Socratic Method.
Student‟s: mind as a sponge for absorbing knowledge.
B. Essentialism
• Rooted in both idealism and realism.
• Proponents: Bagley, Bestor, Rickover,etc.
• School curriculum should be geared to fundamentals or
Curriculum: Subject centered but concerned with the
contemporary scene.
Teacher‟s role: is as an authority in the field.
• The back-to-the basics focus on reading, writing and
• Stress on increasing time and improving the quality of
instruction, upgrading teachers and schools analyizing
education interms of inputs and outputs.
C. Progressivism
• Rooted in pragmatism and considered as contemporary.
• Proponents: Follette, Roosevelt, etc.
• The skills and tools of learning include problem solving
and scientific inquiry.
• Emphasize on how to think not on what to think.
Curriculum: was interdisciplinary in nature and focused
on the child as the learner .
Teacher‟s role: is guiding.
Methods: emphasized on activities and experiences rather
than competitive individualized lesson learning.
D. Reconstructionism
• Rooted in pragmatism.
• Mainly served the individual child.
• Proponents: Fantini,
• Education for change and social reform.
• Emphasis on society centered education.
• Curriculum that emphasizes cultural pluralism,
• Focus on internationalism and futurisng education.
• Teacher serve as an agent of change and reform.
• Students are taught to appreciate life in a world of many
• Curriculum has to be changed with the society.
• Learning is active.
1.2.2.Psychological Foundations of Curriculum
1/ Mental discipline
Known as faculty psychology.
Mind was made up of series of faculties each of
which was related to a particular function or ability
of the mind.
exercising various faculties(e.g.memory,muscles,etc)
content was often chosen on the basis of how well it
will discipline and exercise the mind rather than its
value in the life of the student.
2. Connectionism
is a theory of learning based on the connection of various elements of the
nervous system in causing behavior.
Was the process of formulating the neural passages or connections. Once these
connections have been established, behavior may be repeated under similar
conditions indicating that learning has occurred.
E.Thorndike three laws
a/ The law of effect:
Effect either strengthen or weaken connection.
b/The law of readiness:
The tendency of the physiological neurons to operate.
c/ The law of exercise:
Repeating or exercise strengthens connection and v-versa.
Curriculum: demand drill and repetitions.
Experiences are selected on the basis of their securing a satisfying reaction
from the learner.
3. Behaviorism
• Behavior was dealt with and explained in terms of observable
• Most of their experiments dealt with the conditioned response.
explained as a conditioned response. Stimulus-Response
Occurs when a particular response is desired and a stimulus is
found to produce it.
There is much concern for reinforcement, association and habit
Drill remained a prominent method of teaching and experiences
selected were such as to produce conditioned responses.
4. Gestalt
Pattern which is important.
Understanding is based upon insight.
is the organization of parts into meaningful whole.
A learning situation is taken as a problem situation seeking
solutions by which the learner develops insight.
Offers the learner an opportunity to discover processes and
Emphasis is placed upon perceiving a whole in order to
understand the importance of a specific.
Generalities and principles are emphasized in preference to
isolated facts and meaningless drill.
3. Sociological Foundation of Curriculum
The Taba Model: Grass root Rational
• Suggest those who teach the curriculum should participate in
developing it.
• The users of the program should design the curriculum.
• Advocate inductive and bottom-up approach in curriculum
• Noted the following seven steps to the model:
1. Diagnosis of needs
2. Formulation of objectives
3. Selection of contents
4. Organization of content
5. Selection of learning experiences
6. Organization of learning` activities
7. Evaluation and means of evaluation
The Wheeler Model
• Converted Tyler‟s original ideas into cyclic form and evaluation
should take place at every stage.
• The first step is the statement of aims, goals and objectives.
A. Ultimate goals
• Are the expected outcomes expressed as patterns of categories
of behavior over time.
B. Mediate goals
• Expected behavior at given stage over ed. time.
C. Proximate goals
• Goals for shorter periods.
D. Specific objectives
• Goals for specific period.
The Wheeler Model
1.Aims, goals
& objectives
2.Selection of
5. Evaluation learning
and integration 3.Selection of
of learning content
2. The Process /Means-Ends/ Model
• Developed by L. Stenhouse
• Specify content and principles of procedures than
• The end product is not specified before hand in terms of
• Behavioral objectives are absent.
• More concerned with teaching content.
Steps involved:
Selection of content
Selection of principle or procedure (learning strategies)
Developing teaching methods and materials
Evaluating by criteria inherent in the field of knowledge
3.Situation Analysis /Process-Product/
School-Based Model
This model is:
the latest/recent model of curriculum development.
shares the idea of process model, but emphasizes meeting standards .
puts curriculum development firmly within a contextual framework.
teachers modify and transform learners‟ experiences in the curriculum.
curriculum development should be based on the context where learning is
taking place including national, societal and institutional.
Assumes institution-based curriculum development is one of the most effective
ways of promoting genuine change at institutional level .
both close-ended and open-ended evaluations are very common.
The stages in this model are:
1. Situation analysis
2. Goal Formulation 4. Interpretation and Implementation
3. Program building 5. Monitoring, Assessment, Feedback and Reconstruction
4. A Hybrid Model
A hybrid model that features elements of the objective, process and situation
analysis models is made up of the following steps:
1. Diagnosis of needs /Need assessment/Situation analysis/
2. Formulation/Identifications of objectives
3. Selection of curriculum contents
4. The selection of learning experiences
5. Organization of curricular experiences (Contents and learning experiences)
6. Pilot testing
7. Revising and consolidating
8. Approval governing council
9. Use of the approved curriculum
10. Periodic review
2.3.Curriculum Planning Process
2.3.1. Conducting Need Assessment /Situational Analysis / Diagnosis of Needs/
Needs are the gaps between the current state and desired changes.
Whose needs to be assessed?
1.The need of the society: refers to assessing the culture, value, attitudes and norms, etc.
2.The needs of the learner: social , cultural , language and perception , cognitive, physical,
3. The needs of the subject matter: knowledge relevant to contemporary life, to the
education of the intended learner and the society.
Basic considerations in needs assessment: should be a continuing activity that takes place:
a) Before specification of curricular goal and objectives.
b) After identification of curricular goals and objectives.
c) After evaluation of instruction, and d) After evaluation of the curriculum.
Instrument of Data Collection for Need Assessment include:
Questionnaires, Interview, Public Hearings, Observation, Document Analysis, etc.
2.3.2. Formulation of educational aims, goals, and
Educational Philosophy
Educational Aims
Educational Goals
General Objectives
Specific Objectives
2.3.2. Formulation of educational aims, goals, and objectives
1. Educational Aims
• give general direction to education universally throughout the country.
• visionary statements that indicate where to go .
• answer the question “why to educate/train?”
• achieved in long time and can be divided in to several goals.
Ends striven for education in general.
Stated at national level. Applied to the system.
They are of long term. E.g. dev‟t of democratic attitude.
Very broad statements of purposes of education.
Equated with ends, functions, and purposes..
2. Educational Goals
Results from learning over the years.
Stated at institutional level and across subject matters of schooling.
of medium terms.
defined as general program expectations.
3. Formulating educational objectives
Indicate in more specific terms the outcomes.
Intended educational consequences of a particular course /unit.
Statement of intent about anticipated changes in learner at classroom level
Criteria for setting Objectives
The following points must be kept into consideration for this :-
Matching – objectives should be related to the broad goals of
education from which they are derived.
Worth – it relates to weather attaining an objective has value in the
life of the student in the present or future.
Wording – he statements of the objectives should be worded
Appropriateness – all objects should be derived from and cater to
the needs and interests of the students.
Logical grouping – the objectives should be properly organized in a
coherent manner.
Revision – the objectives needs periodic revision because the needs,
knowledge change at a fast pace.
2.3.3. Selection of contents and
Learning Experiences
Curriculum experiences consists of two components: Contents and learning experiences.
Curriculum content are:
elements of information to be learned by students: concepts, facts, principles, rules, etc.
Horizontal Vertical
Fidelity Enactment
Curriculum Implementation Approaches…
traced it back to the 4th century, when Christianity was introduced into the
• The main purpose was to preserve all aspects of Christian values and culture.
• aimed to prepare young men for the service of church such as priests, monks,
deacons etc.
• had served as the main sources of civil servants such as judges, governors,
scribes, treasures and general administrators.
• has four stages or levels. These levels/ stages are:
The school of reading (”Fidel/Nebab Bet”/
The school of church Music (“Zema Bet”)
The school of poetry (“Kene Bet”)
The school of books (“Metshaf Bet”).
Stage 1. The School of Reading /”Nebab/ Fidel Bet”/
aims at enabling the learner master the Geez /Amharic letters, read different religious
texts and serve the church as “deacons”.
the content of education include the Geez /Amharic alphabet/, and letters.
• Learning by heart or memorization is a typical method of learning.
Stage 2.The School of Church Music /”Zema Bet”/
aims at producing persons who are well versed and specialized in the church music and
who can serve the church.
the content includes religious songs, the arts of church dancing, drum-beating, etc.
Rote memorization is the dominant method of learning at this level.
3. The School of Poetry /”Kene Bet”/
• aims at preparing persons who are well specialized in “kene” and serve the church.
• students are introduced to “Geez” vocabularies, grammar, and structure of language
and critics of the “kene” composition of others.
• Method of learning through discussion and argument become dominant.
Stage 4: The School of Books /”Metshaf Bet”/
1.The Mejilis /Tehaji Quran School: known as the school of reading the Quran.
• aims at enabling the learners master the Arabic letters and read the Quran.
• The contents of education comprise mastering Arabic letters / memorize prayers, etc.
• Learning by heart or rote memorization is the main method of learning.
2. The Fiqh School
• aimed at familiarizing the students with the basic principles of Muslim religion.
• The contents of education consists of learning about Muslim laws, the belief in Allah
and Quran, prayers, fasting, going to Mecca or Medina and giving alms to the poor.
3. The Nahwi School: known as the school of Arabic Grammar.
• students learn the Arabic vocabularies, grammar or structure.
• Thus, students can understand what they learn.
4. The Quran Tasfir School: students translate the Quran into vernaculars, comment on
what they have read like their teachers without adding or dropping any idea to it.
• aim to prepare persons who are highly educated and can preach the Muslim religion on
the basis of the Quran.
• Generally speaking, it has also negative influence on modern education and scientific
thinking of the learners.
3.2: Modern Education in Ethiopia
• The American began to shape edu. through Long Term Planning Committee in 1951.
• Point Four Program and Agency for Inte Deve. and Field Service Program given.
• Higher education was introduced to Ethiopia with the foundation of the University College of
Addis Ababa in 1951, Jimma and Ambo Agricultural Colleges.
• In 1952, Alemaya Agriculture College and public health college at Gondar.
• In 1961 these institutions of higher learning together formed the Haile Sellasie I Univ.
• Grade structure was changed from 4+4+4 to 6+2+4 (6 years primary, 2 years of Junior
secondary and four years of senior secondary education).
• Reform of curriculum at the primary level (1-6) was made.
• Amharic became the medium of instruction at this level.
• For the primary schools textbooks were prepared in Amharic and
• At the primary level of education all expatriate teachers were replaced by Ethiopian teachers.
Thus, this was the first step towards the Ethiopianization of Education in the country.
• School supervision began. Self-contained classroom was piloted.
• The Education Sector Review (ESR) was officially constituted in October 1971.
• ESR made the rural population the target of educational policy. This dissatisfied the urban
population. ESR failed and the crisis of the education sector aggravated the strikes until the
overthrow of the Imperial system in September 1974 .
V. The Period Between 1975 – 1991
Access Quality
Implementation Strategies
(Based on 5 general and 15 specific objectives)
finance Educational
Edu.organ. Key
and man‟t Strategies
Language examination
and Teachers
Part Two: General Methods of Teaching
Unit Four: The Teaching and Learning Process: Components
and Interaction
2. The r/p b/n teaching and Learning ( first individual and then share your idea with
your partners (10‟)
create the potential for improvement in the life of the learner.
help students learn, think and act rationally for themselves-critically
and reflectively.
shape generations.
is defined as a relatively permanent change or modification in the
behaviour of the learner as a result of practice or experience.
Learning is :
the results of individual‟s interaction in an environment.
the process of constructing knowledge, attitudes and skills with a
resultant change in behaviour.
the ability to be aware of, work with, and change or modify our
patterns of thinking, feeling and action.
4.2. Teaching and Learning and their Relationship
Subject Learner
4.4. The Requirement of Effective Teaching /
Qualities of an Effective Teacher
matter Pedagogical
Personality skills related
Systematic and
Teacher Student-
continuous centred
assessment teaching
Qualities of an Effective Teacher Related to:
Participating Participate in
in community curriculum
affairs Teacher development
Profession Parents
Unit Five: Principles, Methods and Techniques of Teaching
5.1. Principles of Teaching: Definition, Characteristics &
Major Principles
6. Verbalization in instruction
• stating of what is learned in one‟s own words.
• students must be encouraged to talk on the issue.
• it gives a chance to retain what is learned for a longer period.
• encourage students to define, explain, or elaborate in their
own words .
• to think logically, draw generalization & conclusion.
Principles of Teaching…….
Teacher Control
Student Autonomy
etc discovery
Field Learner
trip Project
playing Discussion
5.3. Major Active Methods
Active learning refers to :
any teaching methods that engage students in the learning process; to do
meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing.
an investment of a significant amount of mental energy and a high level of
psychological involvement in the learning process.
techniques where students do more than simply listen to a lecture. Students
are doing something including discovering, processing, applying, or problem
solving that promotes analysis, synthesis evaluation of the content.
the active involvement of the learner on different learning tasks with in and
out of the classroom such as group work, role play and drama, projects
discussion, field visit problem solving etc.
a social process that emphasizes on the process of collaborating and the
exchanging of ideas, knowledge, experiences, skills, values and attitudes.
Reflection works Pyramiding
Ice breaker or
warmer Crossover
energizer group
of lesson Cooperative
ALM learning
Peer Case
assessment study
Self assessment tasks
Story Drama
Selecting teaching Methods ……
Conditions intended
The nature of
(facilities) of the specific subject
school and matter content
concrete (discipline)
Nature of the
Teacher‟s learner
personality (interests, needs,
abilities, etc.)
Unit Six: Planning Lessons, Organization and
Management of Classrooms
6.1. The Need for Instructional Planning
• Instructional planning is a process of putting and
organizing the objectives, contents, methods,
materials, assessment techniques and time into
some sort of order for future use.
Importance of Instructional Planning
obtain evidence of teacher‟s ability to prepare and guided by teaching plan, for the teacher‟s
decisions should be reflected in his/her plans.
evaluate how well a teacher can prepare and implement a plan in actual teaching situations,
use a plan as a guide for substitute when teachers are absent.
serves as evidence to be documented to evaluate teacher‟s teaching performances, etc.
c) Benefits of instructional planning to the students
• provides an opportunity to interact with the material to be learned;
• provides a systematic or structured learning environment
• provides an idea of what they are expected to learn and retain;
• makes students feel confident by what they do and what their teachers do;
• promotes learning for it entails the teacher to take into account the diverse background,
interests, abilities, etc of students while planning;
• helps to attract and maintain students attention and facilitate learning and satisfaction;
• serves as a communication tool between the teacher and the students.
• keeps the class purposely focused, thereby making efficient use of the available time.
• As a whole, instructional plans are the guides for instructional work of all teachers. Teachers
use these guides to make use of the contents, methods, materials, time and assessment
strategies to achieve the intended instructional objectives. Plans are not self - achieving. They
are always guides for actions to attain the intended objectives. Teachers are planners and
Basic Questions in Instructional Planning
Why to
How to assess teach? Whom to
the change? teach?
How much
Questions What to
to teach? teach?
in Lesson
When to How to
teach? teach?
Where to
Sources of Instructional Planning
Policy Planning
Curriculum Planning
Syllabus Planning
It should be written
It should have clear objectives.
It should be linked with the previously knowledge.
It should show technique of teaching.
It should show the illustrative aids.
It should contain suitably organized subject matter.
It should take into consideration the participation of students.
It should show time of implementation.
It should be flexible.
It should include the summary/ stablization.
It should include assignments for students
It should contain list of reference materials.
Major Components of Instructional Planning
Evaluation Methods
Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
1. Cognitive Domain
Make qualitative
and quantitative
decision or
judgment using
specific criteria or
Combine elements to form
new entity from the
original one
Breaking down materials into its
component parts.
Independently apply the knowledge or skills
learned or use information in new situation
Translate or interpret, summarizes prior learning.
Recall or recognize information, usually in the same way it was
2. Affective Domain
Integrating consistent behaviour
as a naturalized value. The value
is recognized as a part of the
person‟s character.
Committed to a set of values as
displayed by behaviour
Recognizing value and displaying this through
involvement or commitment.
Exhibiting a reaction or change as a result of exposure to
an attitude, behaviour, or value.
Become aware of an attitude, behaviour, or value
3. Psychomotor Domain
Complete one or
more skills with easy
and automatic
Combine one or more skills
in sequence in harmony
and consistency
Reproduce skill with accuracy and
Perform skill according to instruction rather than
Observe skill and tries to repeat it
Implications of the taxonomy of educational objectives to
lesson plans
• Objectives serve as the key tool for evaluating the teacher himself/herself and students‟
success on a daily basis. In instructional planning:
• Seeking the right balance in the objectives of the three domains is the key for students‟
overall personality development.
• General objectives are broad concepts, skills, and attitudes usually used n the yearly
instructional plan (know, understand, recognize, appreciate, etc).
• Specific objectives are specific, observable and measurable and commonly used in the
daily lesson plans (name, define, explain, list, distinguish, identify, describe, mention etc.).
• Both general and specific objectives are used in unit planning.
• As the students have already demonstrated a certain level of proficiency in lower levels
of each domain, keep moving them up to higher level in the taxonomy.
• Consider the age/developmental level of the students when you frame learning
• At all levels of planning, clearly indicate the performance, a product, the conditions and
appropriate verbs and criterion of judgement to be used in relation to the plan to be
A well stated instructional objective clearly indicates the performance, a product, the
conditions and appropriate verbs to be used in relation to the plan to be developed.
a) The performance: what students are expected to do, not what the teacher is to do
Example: At the end of the year / Up on completion of the course students will be able to:
b) The product: is what students will produce by their action. It is this product which will be
evaluated to determine whether the objective has been achieved.
Example: At the end of the year students will be able to understand the importance of
instructional planning.
c) The conditions/Time: under which the students perform the intended action.
Example: Up on completion of the course students will be able to:
d) The verbs to be used: in annual : know, understand, recognize, etc. which are open,
broad and general.
In the daily lesson plan verbs are specific, measurable and observable (name, define,
explain, list, distinguish, etc.).
Example: At the end of the course students will be able to understand the importance of
instructional planning.
Different Formats of Lesson Planning
1. Annual Lesson Planning
• Annual/Yearly Instructional Plan Format
• Name of the School_______________Total number of school
days in the academic year_______
• Academic Year__________________ Periods allotted to the
subject in the week____________
• Name of the teacher______________ Periods allotted to the
subject in the year ______________
• Subject____________________
• Grade______________________
Main Remark
Semes Month Week General Contents Teaching Teaching Evalu.
ter Objective and Sub- Methods Materials Techn.
2. Unit Instructional Plan Format
Assessment to be used
Reflections on the lesson
Reflections on assessment
6.3: Classroom Organization
Classroom organization:
refers to the arrangements of classroom seats, the grouping of students for the different
activities, the preparation of different materials and equipments etc, for instruction.
is the creation of a conducive classroom environment for instruction and making
learning easier.
is a deliberate creation of the learning environments by considering the instructional
objectives and the specific activities to be done in the classroom to achieve the desired
end results.
differ from time to time, lesson-to-lesson situation to situation, methods to be used,
instructional objectives, etc.
In general it is conscious arrangements of the classroom in its totality to achieve the
intended instructional objectives that can be seen in terms of:
– patterns of arranging participants such as small group or whole class participation.
– the kinds of resources to be used.
– the roles and responsibilities for carrying out immediate actions and events.
– rules of appropriateness.
6.4. Classroom management
Classroom management is :
refers to the combined attributes such as discipline, instructional efficiency, and
organizational skills.
a process of organizing and conducting a class so as to make instruction effective and efficient.
managing the teaching – learning activities to get maximum students learning.
an act of a teacher taken as preventive or curative activity to achieve the intended objectives
of instruction.
the issue of establishing and maintaining order in the classroom. Thus, effective classroom
management requires:
i) Careful planning: helpful to provide students with pleasant and supportive climate .
ii) Conducting the class: so as to enhance students‟ desires and interests to learn and achieve.
iii) Monitoring: establishing control and avoiding disciplinary disturbances and promoting
effective students‟ learning.
• Thus, the essence of classroom management is establishing an effective co-
operative classroom system and successful handling of the human behavior
problems during instructional process. Its major goal is to enable students self
management and control so as to optimize their learning.
Causes of Students‟ Misbehavior
A. Teacher related
– Poor teaching:
– Failure to set the right task
– Failure to enforce the rules set
B. Student related
– lack of interest in learning & in a particular subject,
– dislike to teachers,
– attention seeking,
– ignorance of the classroom rules,
– unpleasant peer relations,
– emotional upset, and
– bad physical condition
Causes of student‟s misbehavior…………
C. Home related
– Unsettled or disruptive family affairs
– broken families,
– Child upbringing style
D. School related
• lack of resources,
• class size,
• conflicting rules
6.5. Classroom management approaches