User+Story Delete+Recurring+Payment

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1.0 User Story..............................................................................................................................................2

2.0 Wireframe & UI Requirements..............................................................................................................3
Wireframe 1: Recurring Payments Scheduled.........................................................................................3
Wireframe 2: ‘Are you Sure?’ Pop-Up.....................................................................................................4
Wireframe 3: Recurring Payments Cancelled..........................................................................................5

1.0 User Story
Title: Delete Recurring Payment
As a: Group Insurance Administrator
I want to: Have an ability to delete a scheduled recurring payment
So that: I can have the self-service capability of cancelling a recurring payment and do not have to
place a cancellation request via mail or fax.
Acceptance 1. On the ‘Recurring Payments Scheduled’ page, system shall display an option to
Criteria: ‘Cancel Payment’ {refer to wireframe 1:Recurring Payments Scheduled}
2. On selecting the ‘Cancel payment’ command button, system shall display the “Are you
Sure?” pop-up window {refer to wireframe 2: Are you Sure?}
2.1. On selecting the ‘No’ command button, system shall close ‘Are You Sure’ pop-up.
2.2. On selecting ‘Yes’ command button, system shall do the following:
2.2.1. Cancel the recurring payment scheduled request and navigate the user to
‘Recurring Payment Cancelled’ page. {refer to wireframe 3:Recurring
Payments Cancelled}
2.2.2.Send out an email to the contact email on file with the following details:
From Email:
Subject: Scheduled Recurring Payment Cancellation Notification
Email Text:

Dear <Contact Name>

The following scheduled recurring payment has been successfully cancelled:
Cancellation Date: <Date>
Group Premium Amount: <Total Due>
Pay From: <Pay from Bank Name & Acc #>
Scheduled For: <’Scheduled For’ Day of month since>

2.0 Wireframe & UI Requirements
Wireframe 1: Recurring Payments Scheduled

ID Field Name Field Notes

1 Cancel Comman On click, launch ‘Are You Sure’ pop-up
Payment d Button

Wireframe 2: ‘Are you Sure?’ Pop-Up

ID Field Name Field Type Notes

1 Are you sure you want to Read Only Text
cancel your scheduled
payment? This cannot be
2 Yes Command Button On click, close the pop-up and navigate the
user to ‘Recurring Payment Cancelled’ page
3 No Command Button On click, close the pop-up and remain on
‘Recurring Payment Scheduled’ page

Wireframe 3: Recurring Payments Cancelled

ID Field Name Field Type Notes
1 The recurring payment Read Only Text
has been cancelled and
an email notification has
been sent to the contact
email on file!

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