LFE Desicant Dryer Manual

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LFE Series

Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryer

Operator’s Manual
Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

Many years of trouble-free, reliable service can be expected from your Numatics Regenerative Desiccant
Dryer. Superior dew point depression will be obtained and operating problems will be avoided by careful
installation and proper preventative maintenance procedures as outlined in this manual.

The dryer should be located on a level floor free from vibrations. Although the dryer is a free standing
package, it may be secured by bolting the dryer base plate to the floor. Allow approximately three (3) feet
on all sides of the dryer to make connections and to permit for future servicing.

The ambient temperature of the dryer should fall in the 35ºF to 120ºF (1.6ºC-49ºC) range. The dryer will
function in warmer surroundings, but the degree of dew point depression obtained will decrease.

Operation of the dryer in ambient near freezing could cause freezing of separated liquids in the prefilter
sump or in the dryer itself. If it is necessary to operate the dryer at a temperature below freezing, it is rec-
ommended that the prefilter sump and drain trap, as well as the inlet manifold, be heat-traced with either
electric resistance heat tape or steam.

All Numatics dryers are designed for indoor use only. If the dryer must be located outdoors, a Low
Ambient Package is required and a protective roof is absolutely necessary so that the dryer will not be
directly exposed to rain and snow.

Before operating the dryer, check to see that no pipe or tubing connections have become loosened in
transit. Make the necessary control power electrical connections and be certain that the dryer is

Recommended Installation
NOTE: Dryer must be installed according to our recommendation to assure -40ºF pressure dew point.

Make the following connections: Inlet piping (including a shut-off valve), outlet piping (including a shut-off
valve), prefilters, afterfilters, bypass piping (if desired - use a bubble-tight valve for bypass), and an elec-
trical connection to the control box. An access connection should be made upstream and downstream of
the dryer for dew point and temperature checks.


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

Prefiltration - Required
All Regenerative Desiccant Dryers are designed to remove only water vapor. The possibility of liquid
water carrying over to the desiccant dryer must be avoided. A coalescing prefilter will eliminate the carry-
ing over of droplets and aerosol-sized mists of both liquid water and compressor lubricant.

Numatics coalescing filters will not only enhance the dew point depression capability of the dryer, but will
also add years of life to the desiccant by preventing it from being fouled by compressor lubricant.
Although the prefilter sump can be manually drained of separated liquids, it is highly recommended that a
suitable automatic drain trap, available from Numatics, be installed to eliminate any possibility of failure to
drain the prefilter sump.

Afterfiltration - Required
All Regenerative Desiccant Dryers gradually produce hard and abrasive desiccant fines. This contaminant
should be removed with a Numatics particulate afterfilter to keep the downstream equipment functioning

Block and Bypass - Optional

Suitable manual block and
bypass valves should be
installed to facilitate servicing
of the dryer and filter without
interruption of compressed air
flow. Valves must be bubble
tight to prevent water vapor
migration around the system
from the region of high to low
relative humidity. For a typical
installation, block and bypass
valves should be installed
around the entire dehydration
system - prefilter, dryer, and

In more critical applications

(and in order to provide maxi-
mum flexibility), dual parallel prefilters and dual parallel afterfilters should be installed. This permits
replacement of the filter element without interrupting the dry air flow. Bypassing of a single prefilter is not
recommended for the safety of the dryer, and bypassing of a single afterfilter is not recommended for the
safety of your pneumatic system.

Fill and Drain Desiccants

For LFE-800 and higher models, desiccant will be shipped separately with the dryer. The fill port is locat-
ed on the top of each tank. The drain port is usually located on the bottom of each tank. Those ports only
need to be opened when changing desiccant. Desiccant normally should be changed every one to two
years depending on the working condition of the dryer. It can be determined if the desiccant is fully satu-
rated and can not be regenerated by taking a sample from the drain port - if the color of the desiccant has
changed from its original white to pink or yellow, it should be replaced.


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

Purge Exhaust Piping

To eliminate noise pollution created by frequent tower
depressurization or purge exhaust noise, the dryer purge
exhaust may be piped outdoor under roof, or to a remote
area. This may also eliminate any problems cause by
indoor accumulation of condensed moisture from purge
exhaust. if the purge exhaust piping is extended more
than 15 feet, contact the factory for recommendation.

Purge piping should never be piped on an upward or

ascending slope as condensation will run back into the
dryer and flood the bed.

Never operate the dryer without air flow or proper purge flow. Doing so will dam-
age the heater and void the warranty.

The block valves upstream and downstream of
the dryer should be closed and the bypass valve
should be open. Before turning the dryer control
power switch on, slowly pressurize the dryer by
gradually opening the block valve upstream of
the dryer. When both tower pressure gauges
indicate line pressure, the dehydration system
outlet block valve can be opened and the dehy-
dration system bypass valve closed.
Compressed air then flows through the prefilter,
dryer, and afterfilter.

The dryer operation should never be initiated by

suddenly or quickly pressurizing the dryer tow-
ers from the dryer inlet. The sudden inrush of
high velocity air into the desiccant bed will
cause desiccant breakdown and hasten the
need for desiccant bed and afterfilter replace-

At this point, the dryer control power switch

should be turned on, The dryer will go through
its timed sequence as dictated by the controller.
Adjust the manual purge flow control valve so
that the purge pressure gauge indicates the
proper pressure setting according to the data
label on the top of the electrical enclosure.

NOTES: Each time power is turned on, push the

reset button to reset the heater overload light.
The purge pressure gauge can only be properly
set when the purge exhaust valve is open.


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

An LFE dryer is equipped with an external heater. The operation of the dryer can be readily traced by referring to the
controller indication lights, with enclosed dimensional and electrical drawings. The operation sequence is fully auto-
matic. A typical LFE dryer uses an eight (8) hour cycle; 4 hours for tower drying, 5 minutes for tower depressuriza-
tion, three hours and 55 minutes for tower purging (3 hours for heating and 55 minutes for cooling), and 5 minutes
for tower repressurization.

Wet and dirty compressed air leaving the compressor aftercooler and mechanical separator is free of all entrained
liquids and aerosols, as well as solid contamination by the accessory prefilter. Separated liquid contaminant is dis-
charged from the prefilter sump through an automatic drain trap.

The compressed air, laden with water vapors, enters either the left or right tower via the inlet valve located on the
top of the dryer. Assuming that the right tower is drying and the left tower desiccant is regenerating, during the first 4
hours the compressed air flows through the right tower where its moisture is absorbed by the desiccant, and the dry
air comes out from the bottom of the dryer. While the right tower is drying the compressed air, 7% of the dry outlet
air is diverted to the left tower for regeneration of the left tower desiccant. The purge air flows through a small orifice
into the heater tube and then to the left tower desiccant chamber.

The heater is ‘on’ for the first 3 hours. As purge air flows through the orifice and heater, it becomes super dry due to
its lower pressure and high temperature, which has an extremely high affinity and capacity to absorb moisture from
the desiccant bed. The purge air absorbs moisture from the left tower and discharges to to the atmosphere through
the purge exhaust valve and muffler. After 3 hours, the heater is turned off while the purge air keeps flowing to cool
the left tower desiccant bed, in order to resume its absorbing capability with low temperature. 5 minutes before the
tower switch, the purge exhaust valve is closed to gradually repressurize the left tower. Equalization of the pressure
assures smooth switching of the inlet valve and minimizes bumping of the desiccant bed.

The heater is preset at 350ºF (177ºC), with +/-25ºF dead band, which means during the heating period the heater
will shut off whenever the purging air temperature is above 375ºF (191ºC) and turn back on when the temperature
reaches 325ºF (163ºC) in order to keep the optimum heating temperature range. Also, a heater overload limit switch
is preset at 1000ºF (538ºC).

After 4 hours, the inlet valve switches and the right tower opens, at which point the left tower drys the compressed
air and the right tower desiccant is regenerated. The right tower goes through the same cycle as the left tower. The
total cycling time for both towers is eight hours, and the cycle keeps repeating.

NOTE: Normal reactivation temperature is 300ºF to 350ºF (149ºC to 177ºC).

A. Prefilter. The filter element must be replaced when the pressure drop over the prefilter exceeds 5 PSID or
the gauge pointer is in the yellow zone. It is important to check the operation of the automatic drain trap or
valve at frequent intervals to ensure that no liquid carries over in the dryer. Numatics recommends prefilter ele-
ments be changed every 3 months to ensure proper filtration. Doing so will prolong the life of the desiccant bed
and ensure clean, dry air downstream.
B. Afterfilter. The filter element must be replaced when the pressure drop exceeds 5 PSID or the gauge
pointer is in the yellow zone. The afterfilter should always be changed with the prefilter.
C. Control air filter. Frequent inspection of the control air filter will ensure that sufficient control air is avail-
able for pneumatic actuation of dryer valves. The control air filter should always be changed with the prefilter
and afterfilter.
D. Purge rate. An adequate supply of purge air is essential for proper regeneration of the desiccant and
dew point depression. Increasing the purge pressure setting always gives a better dew point - however, the
downstream line air supply may be reduced. Never shut off the purge air pressure. Doing so will cause mois-
ture downstream and damage the desiccant bed and heater. The unit is equipped with a low purge pressure
switch to disable the heater if needed.


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual
E. Solenoids. Failure of a solenoid to function properly may be cause by 1) A faulty control circuit (determine
by checking the electrical system, including the timer), 2) A burned out coil (to fix, replace the coil), 3) Improper
voltage (input voltage should be within+/-10% of the nameplate voltage. A low voltage condition may cause
solenoid chattering), or 4) Leakage (take valve apart, clean, and replace worn or damaged parts.
F. Desiccant replacement. Spent desiccant should be drained through the desiccant drain port. New
desiccant should be charged through the desiccant fill port. Always leave adequate plenum above the desic-
cant bed to permit the bed motion and expansion during dryer operation. Change desiccant periodically for
best results and be certain to use only Numatics activated alumina. It excels with respect to dew point depres-
sion capability and attrition resistance.

Econo-Purge Control - Optional

Most air dryers are sized for the maximum air usage or compressor capacity in a plant. Therefore, in a stan-
dard dryer, purge air flow is set to regenerate the desiccant bed for maximum air flow or the capacity of the
dryer and for 100% saturated inlet air.

The Numatics Econo-Purge Control reduces the purge air loss and heater ‘on’ time in proportion to the aver-
age air flow and its moisture content. A dew point sensor senses the dew point of the dried process air and
controls the purge exhaust timing.

With the Econo-Purge Control option, an average of 50% of purge air and power consumption of the heater
will be saved.


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

Problem Cause Solution
Poor dew point Excessive inlet flow Reduce flow to rated capacity

Excessive inlet temperature (above 100ºF/38ºC) Check upstream aftercooler

Excessive water Check upstream separator, prefilter, and drain traps

Desiccant fouled by lubricant Replace desiccant and prefilter element

Prefilter drain failure Check for clogging. Clean, repair, or replace

Low purge flow Adjust purge adjustment valve

Low inlet pressure Check for pressure loss over prefilter. Check dryer
sizing based on flow and pressure

Contaminated Change desiccant

Excessive pressure drop Excessive inlet flow Reduce flow to rated capacity or install larger dryer

Low inlet pressure or excessive pressure Check for pressure loss over prefilter
drop over prefilterand/or afterfilter Change elements

Saturated desiccant Change desiccant

Purge failure Purge flow control valve or orifice clogged Remove and clean

Purge exhaust valve fails/closed Check solenoid actuator, purge exhaust valve, and

Purge muffler clogged and excessive back Check muffler and clean
pressure in tank

Pressurization failure Repressurization failure Check repressurization valve

Purge exhaust valve fails to close Check solenoid actuator purge exhaust valve, and

Failure to switch No control air Check control air filter and control air tubing

Electric power loss Check power supply, fuse, and output

Switching valve fails Check inlet valve, actuator, and solenoid

Solid state timer fails Replace

High back pressure in Purge muffler clogged Clean or replace

off-stream tower
Restrictive purge exhaust piping Replace with large size pipe

Inlet valve leakage Clean or replace

Heater overload Temperature limit switch alarm setting low Increase the setting value

Not enough purge air Increase the purge control pressure setting

Temperature controller failure Replace

Temperature control failure Type J thermocouple wire loose Check connection of wiring
Limit switch type K thermocouple loose


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

Principles of Operation

Drip-tight closing: closure is obtained

by directing line pressure or equivalent
independent pressure into the upper
chamber. This pressure on the large
diaphragm area causes the valve disc to
seal against the seat (ratio of diaphragm
to disc area is 1:3 or greater)

Full open operation: when closing pres-

sure in upper chamber is relieved by
venting the pilot line, the valve opens
(positively) by line pressure on the disc.

Numatics Regenerative Dryers are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of
one (1) year from the date of shipment, provided the equipment is used according to Numatics’s recommended
usage. Numatics’s liability is limited to the repair of, refund of purchase price paid for, or replacement in kind of, at
Numatics’s sole discretion. In no event shall Numatics be liable or responsible for incidental or consequential dam-
ages, even if the possibility of such incidental or consequential damages have been made known to Numatics, Inc.

Customer responsibility includes the following routine preventative maintenance:

• Inspection and replacement of all filter elements as needed
• Making sure automatic drain for prefilter is functioning properly
• Replacement of desiccant
• Cleaning or replacement of purge exhaust muffler as needed
• General maintenance

Failure to maintain and change prefilters on a regular basis could damage desic-
cant bed, cause dryer failure, and void the warranty. To order replacement filter
elements, please consult the factory.

Externally Heated Regenerative Dryer Design Criteria

Design pressure: 100 PSI Desiccant: activated alumina
Design temperature: 100ºF (38ºC) Controller: solid state
Max. operating pressure: 150 PSI Ambient temperature: 35ºF to 120ºF (1º to 49ºC)
Max. inlet temperature: 120ºF (49ºC) Available voltages: 120/1 phase
Differential pressure: < 3 PSI 230/1 phase, 230/3 phase
Pressure dew point: -40ºF (-40ºC) @ design conditions 575/3 phase, 460/3 phase


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

7% Purge Loss at Full Flow

Model Inlet capacity Purge loss Pressure Orifice

setting size
LFE10 11 SCFM 1 SCFM 20 PSI 1/16
LFE15 16 SCFM 1 SCFM 20 PSI 1/16
LFE25 27 SCFM 2 SCFM 45 PSI 1/16
LFE40 43 SCFM 3 SCFM 15 PSI 1/8
LFE50 54 SCFM 4 SCFM 20 PSI 1/8
LFE75 81 SCFM 6 SCFM 30 PSI 1/8
LFE100 107 SCFM 7 SCFM 40 PSI 1/8
LFE150 161 SCFM 11 SCFM 10 PSI 1/4
LFE200 214 SCFM 14 SCFM 15 PSI 1/4
LFE250 168 SCFM 18 SCFM 20 PSI 1/4
LFE350 375 SCFM 25 SCFM 35 PSI 1/4
LFE520 557 SCFM 37 SCFM 20 PSI 3/8
LFE620 664 SCFM 44 SCFM 25 PSI 3/8
LFE800 856 SCFM 56 SCFM 35 PSI 3/8
LFE1000 1077 SCFM 70 SCFM 20 PSI 1/2
LFE1200 1284 SCFM 84 SCFM 25 PSI 1/2
LFE1600 1712 SCFM 112 SCFM 40 PSI 1/2
LFE2000 2140 SCFM 140 SCFM 30 PSI 5/8
LFE2500 2675 SCFM 175 SCFM 40 PSI 5/8
LFE3000 3210 SCFM 210 SCFM 30 PSI 3/4

Do not shut off purge pressure. Doing so will damage the desiccant bed and
heater and allow moisture downstream


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual

LFE25-LFE5000 Electrical Diagram

Wire # Description 16 OTC N.C. Design information

1 LN 17 Heater contactor • Capacity: 25-5000 SCFM
2 OTC power 18 Heater contactor
3 L2 vac (white) 19 Dry alarm contact • Operating pressure: 100 PSIG
4 L1 vac (black) hot 20 Dry alarm contact • Inlet air temperature: 100ºF (38ºC)
5 On/off switch 21 OTC reset • Inlet compressed air: 100% saturated
6 On/off switch 22 OTC reset • Outlet dew point: -40ºF (-40ºC) PDP
7 OTC power 23 Left tower pressure switch
8 Inlet (tower) solenoid 24 Left tower pressure switch • Maximum operating pressure: 150 PSIG
9 Inlet (tower) solenoid 25 Right tower pressure switch • Maximum inlet temperature: 100ºF (38ºC)
10 Left purge solenoid 26 Right tower pressure switch • Minimum operating temperature: 35ºF (1.7ºC)
11 Left purge solenoid 27 Econo/Run (humidity) switch
12 Right purge solenoid 28 Econo/Run (humidity) switch • Maximum operating temperature: 120ºF (49ºC)
13 Right purge solenoid 29 Low purge alarm switch
14 OTC common 30 Low purge alarm switch
15 OTC N.O.


Numatics Regenerative Dryers LFE Series Operator’s Manual



Air Preparation Group
3309 John Conley Drive • Lapeer, MI, 48446
phone (810) 667-3900 • fax (810) 667-3902

© 2001 Numatics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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