Chia2022 Article SoilHealthAndMicroplasticsARev
Chia2022 Article SoilHealthAndMicroplasticsARev
Chia2022 Article SoilHealthAndMicroplasticsARev
Purpose Soil is a thin coating of matter that covers the earth’s surface, formed through the process of rock weathering. It
is a natural filter for impurities in groundwater and is very important to human health. Recently, some studies from around
the world have confirmed that the presence of microplastics in soil is increasing. However, most of these studies only exam-
ined the impacts of soil microplastic contamination one or two soil health indicators, rather than study all three soil health
indicators at once.
Methods In this review, we selected papers published internationally in the past decade and examined the trend of the effects
of soil microplastic contamination on all three soil health indicators.
Results and discussion Soil microplastic contamination resulted in either an increase or decrease in the trend of the effects
on physicochemical and biological soil properties. In other cases, microplastic contaminants do not affect soil properties.
The alteration of soil health properties by microplastics was associated with a couple of reasons such as microplastic con-
centrations and types, changes in soil mechanics and microorganisms.
Conclusions The current impact and severity of soil microplastic contamination on soil health properties are expected to
persist for a long time, especially with increasing global plastic production. Therefore, more research is required to continu-
ously assess the impact of microplastic contamination on other indicators of soil health that has not been studied previously.
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Plastic, the main origin of microplastics, has been form of mulch (Xiong et al. 2019; Fig. 1). Plastic mulch
used for a long time (Fig. 1) owing to its excellent char- can successfully maintain the soil moisture, control
acteristics such as diversity, lightweight nature, durabil- weeds, maintain a favorable microclimate for plants,
ity, and low cost (Ghayebzadeh et al. 2020; Debrah et al. and increase the crop productivity (Bandopadhyay et al.
2021). Plastic enters the soil during or after human use 2018; Fig. 2). However, in the long run, when exposed to
(Hüffer et al. 2019a, b; Chia et al. 2021). For instance, sunlight or physical weathering, the plastic film used for
plastic has been widely used in crop cultivation in the mulching may decompose into a size smaller than 5 mm
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Table 1 A summary of the trend of changes in soil physical properties following soil microplastic pollution
Microplastic type Physical property Trend of changes Microplastic concentration (%) References
Polyester, Polyethylene terephthalate, Bulk density Decrease 0.2, 2.0 de Souza Machado et al. (2019)
Polypropylene, Polyethylene, Poly- for
styrene each microplastics
Polyester Bulk density Decrease 0.5 Ingraffia et al. (2022)
Polyester Texture Neutral 100.0 Lehmann et al. (2019)
Polyvinyl Texture Neutral 1.0 Yan et al. (2021)
Polyester, Polyacrylic, Water Increase 2.0 de Souza Machado et al. (2019)
Polyester, Polyethylene terephthalate, holding for
Polystyrene, Polyamides capacity each microplastics
Polyethylene terephthalate Water Increase 0.4 Ng et al. 2021
Polyester Water Increase 0.2 de Souza Machado et al. (2018)
Polyamides, Organic Decrease 0.3 each Liang et al. (2021)
Polyethylene matter
Polyethylene Organic Decrease 0.2 and 2.0 respectively Feng et al. (2022)
Polystyrene matter
Polyamides, Organic Decrease 0.3 each Liang et al. (2021)
Polyethylene matter
Polyethylene, Polyethylene terephtha- Organic matter Decrease Not mentioned Lehmann et al. (2021)
Polyethylene Temperature Increase Not mentioned Nwosisi et al. (2019)
Polyester Temperature Increase 5.0 Shrestha and Miles (2022)
Polyester Structure Decrease 100.0 Lehmann et al. (2019)
Polyester Structure Decrease 0.5 Han et al. (2022)
Polyester, Polyacrylic, Structure Increase 2.0 each de Souza Machado et al. (2019)
Polyester, Polyethylene terephthalate,
Polystyrene, Polyamides
2.3 Soil structure and aggregate depth. Additionally, Rillig et al. (2019) found that micro-
plastic contamination in the form of fibers distorts the size
The solids formed from organic compounds, mineral ions, of soil aggregates.
and pores accumulate and arrange themselves in the soil
to form a soil structure and these aggregates are useful for 2.4 Soil hydraulic conductivity
evaluating the soil health (Rabot et al. 2018; Bhowmik et al.
2019). In crop cultivation fields, a well-managed soil should In a crop cultivation field, the area above the saturated soil
have an uninterrupted network of pore spaces to facilitate profile supplies air, water, and nutrients to plants and soil
the free movement of air and water, as well as the growth of organisms (Wanniarachchi et al. 2019). Additionally, the
roots (Obour et al. 2019). The sequestration of microplas- unsaturated soil profile zone regulates the entry and move-
tics into soil aggregates because of their lower density than ment of contaminants, such as plastics from the soil surface
soil minerals could trigger alterations in soil aggregation to the groundwater (de Souza Machado et al. 2018; Zhang
(de Souza Machado et al. 2018; Boots et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2019). Hangele et al. (2020) hypothesized that the
et al. 2020b). According to Kim et al. (2021b), the micro- infiltrated microplastics particles can clog part of the soil
plastic (for example, low-density polyethylene and polyam- pore space and reduce the soil hydraulic conductivity. The
ides) contamination of soil caused changes in the size of study of Qi et al. (2020a) is consistent with the assumption
soil aggregates. These soil aggregates changed in a way that that the soil hydraulic conductivity decreases immediately
those of smaller sizes (1–2 and 0.1–1 mm) increased at the after the soil is contaminated by low-density polyethylene
top soil layers but decreased at the bottom layers; however, microplastics. In contrast, Zhang et al. (2019) found that
soil aggregates of 2–4 mm decreased with increasing soil soil microplastic contamination increases the soil hydraulic
Journal of Soils and Sediments
conductivity. The high soil hydraulic conductivity following matter (Liu et al. 2017). In contrast, soil contamination by
soil microplastic contamination can be attributed to altera- microplastics can indirectly affect the soil organic matter
tion in the size of soil aggregation, increase of soil poros- through the reduction of soil aggregate stability (Table 1;
ity, and robust soil hydrophobicity caused by microplastics Zhang and Zhang 2020). This is because the microplastics
(Rillig et al. 2019; Liang et al. 2021; Xing et al. 2021). in the soil inhibit the newly formed soil aggregates through
microbial processing (Liang et al. 2021). The soil organic
2.5 Soil water holding capacity and temperature matter content in soil is controlled by soil microorganisms
through decomposition (Kang et al. 2021; Abbott et al. 2022;
Lately, the authors have found that the soil water capacity Xiao et al. 2022). Therefore, once the soil is contaminated
either increased or decreased following soil contamination with microplastics, the abundance of soil microorganisms
by microplastics. The decrease in the soil water holding will decrease, which means that the decomposition of soil
capacity could be associated with the formation of cracks, organic matter by microorganisms will also decrease. For
the subsequent increase in water evaporation from soils example, soil microbes responsible for fixing carbon diox-
following soil contamination by polyethene and the hydro- ide and organic matter, such as Chloroflexi, face decreased
phobicity of microplastic surfaces (de Souza Machado et al. abundance following microplastic pollution (Liu et al.
2019; Wan et al. 2019; Sajjad et al. 2022). According to 2021). Also, according to Xiao et al. (2022), the reduction
Lozano et al. (2021), the change in the water holding capac- of soil organic matter after microplastic pollution can be
ity depends on the type of microplastic polymer. The use attributed to changes in microbial community succession
of polyacrylic fibers decreased the water holding capacity, and temporal turnover, promoting soil organic decomposi-
but soil contamination by polyester microplastic increased tion. For example, soil microplastic pollution maximizes the
it (Lehmann et al. 2019). biomass growth of r-strategy bacteria (e.g., Ruminiclostrid-
Correspondingly, the soil temperature is a major factor ium-1), which promotes the efflux of carbon dioxide from
influencing the soil water holding capacity in most soil pro- the soil necessary for the decomposition and reduction of
cesses and should be considered while evaluating the soil soil organic matter.
health (Onwuka and Mang 2018; Stewart et al. 2018). The
soil temperature system is controlled by the buildup and
reduction of solar radiation at the soil surface, dissipation 3 Effects of soil microplastics on chemical
and heat transmission through the soil profile, and convec- properties
tive transfer through the motion of gas and water (Karmakar
et al. 2016). The soil temperature can be affected by natural 3.1 Soil pH
and human disturbances (Patil and Lamnganbi 2018). Micro-
plastic contamination of soils induced by human activities Soil pH can be influenced by alterations in land-use and
can alter the soil temperature by either increasing or neu- land-cover styles, and management caused either by human
tralizing it (Snyder et al. 2015; Table 1). The increase in or natural activities (Lee et al. 2019; Tomczyk et al. 2020).
soil temperature following soil contamination with black Intentional or unintentional contamination of soils by micro-
polyethylene in agricultural fields can be linked to the easy plastics due to human activities is known to either increase or
absorption and reduction in the outgoing solar radiation of decrease soil pH in the long run (Bandow et al. 2017; Boots
the soil (Amare and Desta 2021; Franquera and Mabesa et al. 2019; Table 2). For example, soil exposure to a mixture
2016). Moreover, according to Snyder et al. (2015), trapped of microplastics increases the soil pH (Qi et al. 2020b). Con-
air between soil and plastic films (microplastic contami- versely, the soil pH decreases after 30 days of exposure to the
nation) reduces the heat transfer in soils and this can also high-density polyethylene (Bandow et al. 2017; Boots et al.
increase the soil temperature following the microplastic con- 2019). The decrease in soil pH after soil microplastic con-
tamination of soils. Thus, soil microplastic contamination tamination can be attributed to the release of lactic acid from
can alter the soil temperature and this phenomenon depends aliphatic polyesters (for example, polylactic acid) through
either on the color or polymer type of the microplastic. the formation of cracks in their surface in a process called
mineralization, which reduces the soil pH (Wang et al. 2020a,
2.6 Soil organic matter b; Ainali et al. 2022; Schopfer et al. 2022). These changes
may be related to the increase in soil organic matter by micro-
Soil organic matter supplies a suitable habitat and sub- plastic contamination, and soil pH is found to be negatively
strates to the soil microbes and fauna, which are funda- correlated with the content of soil organic matter (Liu et al.
mental to the soil health over time (Obalum et al. 2017; 2017; Guo et al. 2020). This is because the presence of a
Rao et al. 2019). Soil contamination with polypropylene large amount of acidic soil organic matter reduces the soil pH
microplastics increased the nutrient content of soil organic (Rezaei et al. 2019; Zhang and Zhang 2020). According to
Journal of Soils and Sediments
Table 2 A summary of the trend of changes in soil chemical properties following soil microplastic pollution
Microplastic type Soil chemical property Trend of changes Microplastic concentration (%) Reference
Polyamides, Polycarbonate, pH Increase 0.4 for each microplastics type Zhao et al. (2021a)
Polyethylene terephthalate pH Increase 5.0 Gharahi and Zamani-Ahmad-
mahmoodi (2022)
Polyethylene terephthalate pH Increase Not mentioned Medyńska-Juraszek and Jadhav
High-density polyethylene, pH Increase 1.0 and 10.0 Yang et al. (2021)
Poly (lactic acid)
Polyethylene Cation Decrease 10.0 Wang et al. (2021a, b, c)
Polyethylene Soil Decrease 10.0 Hüffer et al. (2019a, b)
Polyurethane Cadmium Increase 1.0 Zhao et al. (2022)
Polyethylene Cadmium Increase 10.0 Wang et al. (2021a, b, c)
Polypropylene Cadmium Decrease 10.0 Ma et al. (2022)
High-density polyethylene Cadmium Decrease 10.0 Zhang et al. (2020a, b)
Low-density, polyethylene Carbon:nitrogen ratio Decrease 15.0 Zhao et al. (2021b)
Low-density, polyethylene Electrical conductivity No change 2.0 Qi et al. (2020a)
Low-density polyethylene Electrical conductivity No change 10.0 Brown et al. (2022)
Low-density polyethylene Electrical conductivity Decrease 1.0 Qi et al. (2020b)
Low-density polyethylene Soil Increase 0.01 Kim et al. (2021a)
Polyurethane Soil organic carbon Increase 1.0 Zhao et al. (2022)
Polyethylene Soil nitrogen Increase 5.0 Fei et al. (2020)
Polyvinyl chloride Soil nitrogen Increase 0.5 Zhu et al. (2022)
Polyethylene Soil nitrogen Decrease 0.2 and 2.0 respectively Feng et al. (2022)
Polyethylene Soil nitrogen Decrease 10.0 Liu et al. (2022)
Polyester Soil nitrogen Decrease 0.5 Ingraffia et al. (2022)
Polyethylene, Salinity Increase 91.0, 89.0, Hernández-Arenas
High-density polyethylene, 88.0, and 83.0 et al. (2021)
Low-density polyethylene,
Polyethylene terephthalate
Polystyrene, Potassium Decrease 1.0 Yu et al. (2021)
Polyethylene, Polypropylene, for
Polyvinyl chloride each microplastics
High-density polyethylene, Potassium Decrease Not mentioned Yang et al. (2021)
Polyethene, Phosphorus Decrease 31.0, 79.0 Li and Liu (2022)
Polyvinyl chloride Phosphorus Decrease 0.1, 1.0 Yan et al. (2021)
Polyethylene Phosphorus Decrease 0.8 Jiang et al. 2017
Yi et al. (2021), soil microplastic pollution changes soil pH 3.2 Soil sorption and cation exchange capacity
by altering soil microbes responsible for releasing hydrogen
cations. For example, soil microplastic pollution caused by Soil sorption is an important soil health measurement param-
phenanthrene, limits the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing eter as it can determine the soil’s potential to adsorb and des-
bacteria such as archaea, which in turn means less release of orb chemicals. It can be used for planting crops and natural
hydrogen cations than lower soil pH.
Journal of Soils and Sediments
ecosystem management (Strawn 2021). In addition to measur- soil microplastic types, as the application of the same dose of
ing the soil chemical quality through the soil sorption capac- microplastics in soil led to different results (Table 2).
ity, the soil cation exchange capacity is also considered as an
important soil chemical health determinant, especially regard- 3.4 Soil electrical conductivity and salinity
ing the retention of major nutrient cations such as Ca, Mg, and
K, and the immobilization of potentially toxic cations, including Soil electrical conductivity has been widely used to study
Al and Mn (Jat et al. 2018). The soil cation exchange capac- the soil quality in response to crop planting management
ity is a soil property that determines the potential of the soil practices (Akanji et al. 2018; Havlin 2020). Soil salinity
to provide nutrient cations, such as calcium (Ca2+), magne- in this context refers to dissolved salt chloride compounds
sium (Mg2+), and potassium (K+), to the soil solution for plant comprising sodium, calcium, and magnesium (Zaman et al.
uptake; it also aids in the estimation of overall negative charges 2018). Some recent studies have reported that soil contami-
in the soil that adsorb plant nutrients (Khaledian et al. 2017). nation with 1.0% low-density polyethylene does not sig-
According to a few authors, soil microplastic contamina- nificantly change the soil electrical conductivity (Table 2).
tion can lead to a decrease in the soil sorption and cation According to Qi et al. (2020b), the decrease in electrical
exchange capacities (Table 2). This reduction in soil sorp- conductivity following contamination by low-density poly-
tion may be related to the increase in soil pH caused by ethylene microplastics should not be attributed to other fac-
microplastic contamination (Qi et al. 2020b; Table 2). This tors such as plants. It should instead be linked to the soil
increase in soil pH weakens the soil sorption capacity (Luo salinity as soil electrical conductivity values reflect the soil
et al. 2020; Li et al. 2021). Microplastics are pollutants with salinity in the following way: the larger the value of electri-
rubber properties, low crystallinity, and weak acceptors, cal conductivity, the greater is the soil salinity (Othaman
which when introduced into the soil, lower the soil’s cation et al. 2020). Conversely, soil contamination with 2.0 and
exchange capacity; this implies that only a small number 10.0% low-density, and polyethylene microplastics did not
of molecules will be able to attach (react) onto the soil’s alter the electrical conductivity (Qi et al. 2020a; Brown et al.
surface (Rodrigues et al. 2019; Strawn 2021). Notably, once 2022). So, the impact of soil microplastic pollution on soil
the soil sorption decreases after microplastic contamination conductivity may depend on the amount of microplastics
in soils, the adsorption of some heavy metals such as cad- used. However, more research is needed to verify this claim.
mium will be promoted, thereby affecting its bioavailability Although there are some few studies which identified the
to plants and animals (Chen et al. 2021). Over time, these impact of soil microplastic contamination on the electrical
heavy metals can be toxic to plants and can even peculate conductivity and soil salinity, more studies are needed to
into the groundwater, thereby contributing to additional verify the impact of microplastic contamination on the num-
environmental and health hazards (Zhang et al. 2020b). ber of dissolved salts in soils (namely, soil salinity).
A majority of the studies documenting the effect of micro-
3.3 Cadmium (heavy metals) plastic contamination on soil salinity show an increase in the
soil salinity after microplastic contamination (Table 2). This
The risk of high concentrations of cadmium in the soil, and increase could somehow be linked to the type of soil and its
possible migration into groundwater and the food chain can ability to retain many cations, which in turn increases the
be a cancer-causing potential in humans (Kubier et al. 2019; levels of salinity (Hernández-Arenas et al. 2021a). Nota-
Subaši et al. 2022). Soil contamination with about 10.0% pol- bly, according to some studies, the use of plastic-covered
yethylene microplastics increases the presence of extractable crop fields will reduce the soil salinity (Zhao et al. 2016;
cadmium in soil (Wang et al. 2021a, b, c; Zhao et al. 2022), Dong et al. 2018). Plastic mulching can be a useful mitiga-
while soil contamination with about 10.0% high-density poly- tion strategy for changes in soil salinity in the short term
ethylene and polypropylene microplastics instead decreases (Van et al. 2017). However, in the long term, polymers such
the presence of extractable cadmium in soil (Zhang et al. as low-density polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride, often
2020a, b; Ma et al. 2022). The increase in soil extractable used for plastic mulching, will degrade, and produce plastic
cadmium in soil following microplastic contamination can debris (Pathan et al. 2020). On a positive note, soil salinity
be attributed to the reduction in the soil’s adsorption capacity considerably reduces the sorption of fungicide to microplas-
for cadmium following microplastic contamination, leading tics such as polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride (Jiang et al.
to increased cadmium desorption (Zhang et al. 2020b). High 2020; Zhang et al. 2020a).
extractable cadmium in soils can easily be available for uptake
by either plants or possible leakage to groundwater (Park 3.5 Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stock
et al. 2021; Riaz et al 2021). The presence of low extract-
able cadmium in soil following contamination with polypro- The storage of organic carbon in soils with respect to the
pylene and high-density polyethylene may be associated to global carbon cycle has a huge impact on the soil quality,
Journal of Soils and Sediments
operation, and health (Byrnes et al. 2018; Jat et al. 2019; 3.7 Phosphorus and potassium
Lorenz et al. 2019). Soil nitrogen regulates the amount
of carbon stored in soils, implying that the soil carbon One of the main beneficial effects of phosphorus on soils
storage will only increase if there is nitrogen in the soil is the promotion of growth and crop reproduction (Spohn
and cannot change if the amount of nitrogen is limited 2020). Soil contamination with 31% polyethene, 79%
(Dignac et al. 2017). Thus, both carbon and nitrogen exist polypropylene, and 1.0% polyvinyl chloride microplastics
simultaneously in the soil (Duan et al. 2020). Few studies induced a reduction in the soil phosphorus content (Yan
have suggested that the microplastic contamination alters et al. 2020; Li and Liu 2022). The reduction in soil phos-
the organic carbon in soil because microplastics are an phorus following microplastic contamination could be
eccentric case of environmental contamination (Zhang related to the change in size of soil aggregates, resulting
et al. 2015; Rillig 2018; Ren et al. 2020). According to in a decrease in the soil bulk density (Jiang et al. 2017; de
Kim et al. (2021a), if care is not taken, microplastic con- Souza Machado et al. 2018; Indoria et al. 2020). Soil bulk
tamination of soils can result in the overestimation of soil density is positively correlated with soil micropores, imply-
organic carbon stocks. The overestimation might be attrib- ing that the soil bulk density decreases after microplastic
uted to plastics made from carbon compounds; when these contamination. Moreover, it also implies a reduction in soil
are broken down into microplastics, they can be incor- micropores, which does not facilitate soil ventilation and
rectly considered as a carbon source in the soil (Hu et al. phosphorus release (Hangele et al. 2020; Yu et al. 2021).
2019). Thus, more studies are needed to clearly understand Moreover, soil microplastic contamination (for example,
how microplastics alter the organic carbon in soils. polyethylene) reduces the content of available potassium in
In the past 10 years, some studies have shown that the soil (Table 2).
soil contamination caused by microplastics can lead to It is believed that the main source and pathway of potas-
an increase in the soil nitrogen content (Table 2). This sium in the soil is by the weathering of mica/clay minerals
increase may be related to the increase of Burkholde- (Basak 2019; Winsor 2021). Thus, the decrease in soil potas-
riaceae bacteria caused by soil contamination by micro- sium following microplastic contamination can be attributed
plastics (for example, polyvinyl chloride and polyethyl- to the decline in the weathering of mica/clay minerals in the
ene), which are a family of biological nitrogen fixation soil (biotite and muscovite; Lamarca-Irisarri et al. 2019).
bacteria that can subsequently increase the soil nitrogen The decrease in mica/clay weathering may be related to
storage (Fei et al. 2020). Additionally, according to Rong the decrease in soil pH if the soil is exposed to high con-
et al. (2021), soil contamination by microplastics alters the centrations of soil microplastics (for example, high-density
soil nitrogen cycle by increasing the abundance of nitro- polyethylene; Table 2). Additionally, according to Yu et al.
genase reductase genes in the aforementioned bacteria, (2020), the decrease in the available soil potassium can be
which are engaged in nitrogen cycling. linked to changes in the soil enzyme activity by microplastic
contamination (for example, urease and laccase), thereby
causing a significant decrease in the available soil potassium.
3.6 Carbon to nitrogen ratio However, drawing any conclusion based on the limited num-
ber of studies on soil potassium and microplastic contamina-
The contamination of soil by polyamide microplastics tion is challenging. We need more research to evaluate why
will reduce the carbon to nitrogen ratio in soil, while that the available potassium content of the soil decreases after
by low-density polyethylene microplastics maximizes the microplastic contamination.
carbon-to-nitrogen ratio in soil (Qi et al. 2020b; Table 2).
According to de Souza Machado et al. (2019) the decrease
in carbon-to-nitrogen ratio can be attributed to the fact that 4 Effects of soil microplastics
polyamides contain nitrogen; in the long run, this nitrogen on the biological properties
can be released into the soil environment in quantities that
can impact the soil carbon to nitrogen ratio. Conversely, 4.1 Soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization
the increase in the soil carbon-to-nitrogen ratio can be
attributed to the fact that majority of microplastics com- The mineralization of soil carbon and nitrogen is vital in
prise carbon compounds. These compounds can also be managing the soils and crop cultivation (Risch et al. 2019;
released in the soil environment in the long run, regardless Wang et al. 2020a). Some studies have shown that the addi-
of whether they are biodegradable or not (Qi et al. 2020a). tion of organic material with NPK chemical fertilizers into
The nutrient cycling is also affected when the carbon-to- soils enhances the accumulation of soil organic carbon
nitrogen ratio is changed by microplastic contamination and nitrogen, as well as the mineralization of both carbon
(Khalid et al. 2020). and nitrogen in crop cultivation systems (Cai et al. 2016).
Journal of Soils and Sediments
However, 1.0% polyethylene and 0.1 to 18% low‐density pol- contamination can be attributed to the fact that soil enzymes
yethylene microplastic contamination of soils can improve (for example, urease) are triggered by soil moisture. When
soil carbon mineralization or 0.5% polyvinyl chloride, and soils were contaminated by microplastics, the soil’s water-
polylactic acid increase nitrogen mineralization (Table 3). holding capacity increased, which in turn stimulated the soil
According to Rillig et al. (2021), microplastics in soil can enzyme activity (Fei et al. 2020). In contrast, soil microplas-
alter the rate of carbon mineralization in three ways: lim- tic contamination can also inhibit the soil enzyme activity.
iting plant growth and litter degradations, controlling the This can be attributed to the fact that some soil microplastics
soil microbial processes, and acting as a source of carbon. can change the soil’s nutritional substrates and physicochem-
Low-density polyethylene soil contamination alters soil min- ical properties, or that these soil enzymes might adsorb the
eralization by increasing the abundance of microbial gene microplastics (Yu et al. 2020).
(for example, nitrogenase reductase gene) that promote
nitrogen fixation (Rong et al. 2021). The increase in soil 4.3 Soil respiration
organic carbon and nitrogen mineralization may be due to
increased abundance and activity of certain microorganisms Soil respiration is an important biological parameter that
(for example, Acidobacteria) as a counteraction mechanism should be considered while measuring the soil health
to soil microplastic pollution (Guo et al. 2020; Wang et al (Ebrahimi et al. 2019; Mann et al. 2019). According to
2022; Xiao et al. 2022). Zhao et al. (2021a), soil contamination with microplas-
tics such as polyethylene triggers a decrease in the soil
4.2 Soil enzyme activity respiration. This decrease in soil respiration should not be
associated with changes in the soil drainage, aeration, or
Soil enzyme activities are prompt and delicate signals of available water (Ng et al. 2021). The decrease in soil res-
changes in the soil ecosystems in either a natural or altered piration after microplastic contamination may be related to
environment owing to human activities and are useful for the reduction of soil microplastic activities responsible for
measuring changes in soils within the short and long terms soil respiration due to the inhibition of soil enzyme activity
(Gu et al. 2019; Hussain et al. 2019). Soil enzymes play a by microplastics (Yu et al. 2020; Table 3).
vital role in the performance of soils in the following ways:
the cycling of carbon trapped in soil organic matter, deriving
nutrients from natural resources, and the degradation of for- 5 Outlook
eign materials found in the soil ecosystem (Kompała-Bąba
et al. 2021). According to Huang et al. (2019), soil micro- Although these studies show some evidence of the impact
plastic contamination can stimulate, activate, and magnify of soil microplastics on soil health properties (Fig. 3), some
some soil enzymes such as catalase and urease. The stimula- doubts still need to be solved. We suggest that future studies
tion of this soil enzyme activity following soil microplastic should consider the following topics to clarify these doubts:
Table 3 A summary of the trend of changes in soil biological properties following soil microplastic pollution
Microplastic type Soil Trend Microplastic concentration (%) Reference(s)
property of changes
Journal of Soils and Sediments
1. No studies have evaluated how soil microplastics impact can persist in the soil environment for decades. The cur-
the soil sodicity. Soil sodicity and salinity are often rent threats posed by soil microplastic contamination to
referred to as twin problems affecting the soils (Shahid soil health are expected to continue due to the predicted
et al. 2018; Sakai et al. 2020). Thus, future studies need increases in the global plastic production, resilience of
to simultaneously explore how soil microplastics will microplastics, and the long-term degradation rate of
jointly affect these two properties, instead of separately existing plastic contamination. Numerous studies on the
targeting one property. occurrence and impacts of microplastics in the ocean envi-
2. More studies are required to evaluate how different types ronment have already been conducted. However, similar
of microplastics impact the electrical conductivity and studies of soil microplastic contamination, and the fol-
soil salinity. The available studies regarding this are low-up effects on all soil health properties, such as the
insufficient. physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil, are
3. More studies are required to directly evaluate the degree still limited. This review selected available studies on soil
to which soil nitrogen is impacted by microplastics, microplastic contamination and its effects on different soil
because a majority of the studies focused on the influ- health parameters from the last decade. We then inferred
ence of microplastics on nitrogen cycling. the trend of the effects of soil microplastic contamination
4. More studies are required to evaluate the impact of on soil health properties, which is summarized in tables.
soil microplastics on other soil properties such as the From these summaries, we established that microplastics
sodium adsorption level, calcium carbonate content, cal- in soil negatively impact the soil health properties such as
cium sulfate content, soil resistivity (low soil resistivity the soil physical parameters. They do so by decreasing the
is good for earthing), and other microplastic types (for bulk density, aggregate stability, and micropore volume,
example, influence of high-density polyethylene on the and increasing the rates of evaporation and desiccation.
soil pH). To the best of our knowledge, no studies have The decreases in the soil hydraulic conductivity and cation
evaluated the influence of soil microplastics on these soil exchange also affect the chemical parameters. Addition-
health indexes, thereby necessitating further studies on ally, biological characteristics were also equally affected.
this aspect. This review is useful for the monitoring and management
of soils by controlling microplastic contamination and its
effects on soil health.
6 Conclusions
The occurrence of microplastics in soils from the continu- Author contribution Roger Wainkwa Chia designed the review, inter-
preted, and wrote the manuscript’s first draft. Jiwook Jang drew the
ous utilization of plastics, especially for plastic mulching figures of the manuscript. Roger Wainkwa Chia, Jin-Yong Lee, Jiwook
in crop cultivation fields, has existed for a long period of Jang, Heejung Kim, and Kideok D. Kwon commented and revised
time. Microplastic polymers resulting from these plastics preceding versions of the manuscript. Jin-Yong Lee supervised and
Journal of Soils and Sediments
dispense technical guidance for this study. All authors read and agreed Bhowmik A, Kukal SS, Saha D, Sharma H, Kalia A, Sharma S (2019)
to the manuscript’s final version. Potential indicators of soil health degradation in different land
use-based ecosystems in the Shiwaliks of Northwestern India.
Funding This study was endorsed by the Basic Science Research Sustainability 11:3908.
Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) Birch QT, Potter PM, Pinto PX, Dioysiou DD, Al-bed SR (2020)
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