SPCH 1311 Exam 1 Review
SPCH 1311 Exam 1 Review
SPCH 1311 Exam 1 Review
Exam #1 Review
10. What is the difference between the general purpose and the
specific purpose? General purpose - inform/ persuade / entertain
Specific - what the listener can do after the speech ends
11. Define Lay Testimony and Expert Testimony and know the
difference between the two
Lay Testimony - a
recounting of a person’s experiences, which is more subjective
(recalling what you remember)
Expert Testimony - testimony from people who are credentialed or
recognized experts in a given subject (an expert shows their
13. Oral Citations should include author, title of work, and date of
publication about a source.
14. What is the difference between soft and hard evidence? Be able to
identify these in scenarios.
Soft Evidence - Rest on opinion or inference. Hypothetical
illustrations, descriptions, explanations, definitions, analogies, and
Hard Evidence - Includes factual examples and statistics.
22. The counselor gave a presentation over the steps students must
complete in order to graduate. Depending on the students’ interests,
some steps might be completed before others, but there is no specific
order in which the steps should be completed. This type of speech is
organized topically.
28. Angela had always had a fear of presenting in front of her peers,
but by her junior year of high school she had delivered several
speeches in front of her friends and no longer felt anxious about
presenting. This is known as systematic desensitization.
32. A curly, blonde haired girl with a green shirt was jumping rope.
This is an example of a word picture.
33. Evan was presenting a speech about the steps voters must go
through in order to cast their ballots. This speech is a speech about
a(n) process.
34. Melissa presented the history and events related to Woodstock, a
concert that happened in the 1960s. Her speech is one that presents
35. A speech about concepts can often be less concrete because these
types of speeches are often abstract or multifaceted.
44. John listened to Allison present her ideas and establish her
credibility. He couldn’t remember where she went to college, but he
never forgot her closing statement, “Choose life.” This aligns with the
concept of the recency effect.