Fuente 5
Fuente 5
Fuente 5
Abstract: Emotional Intelligence is understood as an essential II. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND ITS
component to succeed in professional life and to lead a balanced DIMENSIONS
social life. The role of managers is imperative especially in the
IT industry. This study was administered to analyze the level of As described by Dr. Goleman, there are five main Dimension
influence emotional intelligence can have on the performance of of emotional intelligence.
Managers in the IT Industry. Questionnaire method was adopted
to gather the data from Managers working in the Information A. Self-Awareness
Technology Industry. The tool deployed for this study was SPSS
to check the research hypothesis. The results of the present A Clear understanding of self acts as a great strength for an
analysis show that there was a positive influence of EI on the Individual to access his own Strengths and Weaknesses, this
performance of the managers which in turn contributes to the is a firm indicator of emotional intelligence. Managers with
organizational effectiveness. Further, the output of the ANOVA this quality are receptive, work constructively on critical
test analysis indicates that there exists a notable difference in the criticism and are focused towards Learning.
influence of emotional intelligence on the performance of
managers which in turn enhances the organization’s B. Self-Regulation
effectiveness Regulating and balancing one’s own emotions helps
Key Words: Emotional intelligence, Managerial managers become more resilient and stay composed when
Performance, Organizational effectiveness
expressing their emotions.
The term emotional intelligence was first introduced by Research has shown that Managers with High EI are Self-
Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, Emotional intelligence motivated, strong and are steered by their inner strength to
essentially refers to an individual’s social and self achieve rather than getting influenced by outside forces.
competence, in other words the extent to which their self and D. Empathy
social awareness take them forward in their work space and
A Manager should be capable of connecting with his team
personal life defines the point of the individual’s scale of
and peers at their emotional level, this can help managers
success. According to Daniel Goleman, a psychologist, who
understand his team’s requirements and genuinely respond
popularized the term Emotional Intelligence, it is described
to their concerns.
as “a person's ability to manage his feelings so that those
feelings are expressed appropriately and effectively”. As E. Social Skills
addressed by Dr. Goleman, emotional intelligence is the best Managers who are emotionally intelligent can easily build
predictor of success in workplace. the trust with his team and can quickly gain the respect of his
Robert K. Cooper has defined EI as “the ability to sense, peers.
understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of
emotions as a source of human energy, information, III. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND
connection, and influence.” MANAGERIAL PERFORMANCE
According to research carried out by Salovey and Mayer,
Managers with emotional intelligence are able to
• Understand their own emotions which may be either
Revised Manuscript Received on July 22, 2019. positive or negative.
Vani M, MBA, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, • Understand the emotions of peers which includes both
Tambaram, India. positive and negative.
H Sankaran , MBA, Meenakshi College of Management Studies,
Kodambakkam, India. • Effectively manage their emotions to seek their goal and
S Praveen Kumar, MBA, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and • They induce the positive emotion into their team for the
Research, Tambaram, India
greater success.
In all EI has become the
Published By:
Retrieval Number: I30890789S319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I3089.0789S319 470 & Sciences Publication
Analysis on the Influence of Emotional Intelligence on the Performance of Managers and Organisational
Effectiveness in the it Industry
Published By:
Retrieval Number: I30890789S319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I3089.0789S319
471 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-9S3, July 2019
2. , , “The Impact of
Emotional Intelligence towards the Effectiveness of Delegation: A
Table 1.2 Analysis of Emotional Intelligence on Study in Banking Industry in Malaysia”
Performance of Managers in IT Industry 3. Bano Fakhra Batool,” Emotional Intelligence and Effective
Leadership”, Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, Volume 4,
Number 3, 2013.
4. Dr. Manoj Kumar Choudhary,” Correlation: Leadership Skill and
Emotional Intelligence”, American International Journal of
Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, pp. 138-139,
5. BhawnaChahar, Dr. Surekha Rana,“ Emotional Intelligence and
Managerial Effectiveness,” Volume-4, Issue-2, ISSN-2250-0669,
July 2014.
6. Dr. Uma Selvi and Jane Joshua, A., “Emotional Intelligence and
Managerial Effectiveness of Managerial Executives,”- Cauvery
Research Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1 & 2, Jul. 2010 – Jan. 2011
7. Dr. Chandra Mohan, A and Prasad, B. V. S, “Emotional Intelligence
and Self Motivational Factors for Managerial Effectiveness in the
8. Hassan Jorfi, “The impact of emotional intelligence on
communication effectiveness: Focus on strategic alignment”,
African Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 6(5), pp. 82-87,
October, 2014.
9. M. Suvarchala Rani, “Emotional Intelligence – A Model for
Effective Leadership, Competency and Career Growth”, Indian
From the above table it is evident that Emotional Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8 (S4), 240–246, February
Intelligence has a significant influence on the performance of 2015.
10. Vladimir, “Project Managers Emotional Intelligence - A Ticket to
the Managers and the overall Effectiveness of the Success”, Journal in Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 74
Organization. ,274 – 284, 2013.
The above table shows that the mean values for
Managerial performance and Emotional intelligence are
highest ( F value 6.437 ,P value <0.001**) and (F value AUTHORS PROFILE
6.059 ,P value <0.001**) respectively.
Vani. M, Research Scholar, Bharath Institute of
Higher Education and Research, India
Behavioral Psychology indicates that people behave Dr. Dr.H. Sankaran, Principal, Meenakshi College of
differently in different situations. Managers and employees if Management studies , India
trained to handle Emotions, they can balance work, exhibit
better team work and reduce work conflicts, better EI
managers can act as counselors for their team to bring out the
best output which in turn increases their job satisfaction and S. Praveen Kumar Director - MBA at Bharath Institute
the overall organizational effectiveness. Better EI in of Higher Education and Research, India
Managers will lead to better productivity, innovation, better
relationship management, robust in handling Finances and
contributing to the overall organisational effectiveness.
The Management of IT and ITES companies should invest in
training their Managers on Emotional Intelligence especially
in the areas of Relationship management, Self-Awareness
and Social Awareness to groom them as better leaders in an
urbanized environment. If EI Training modules are
introduced on a periodical basis, these organizations can for
sure see a better result that contributes to the positive work
culture within an organization.
1. Md. Sahidur Rahmana, Md. Aftab Uddina, and Mostafizur Rahman,
“Role of emotional intelligence in managerial effectiveness: An
empirical study”, 2016.
Published By:
Retrieval Number: I30890789S319/2019©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.I3089.0789S319 472 & Sciences Publication