Pega Day 1

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An international online car parts business wants customers to

find parts for any vehicle easily. You are asked to implement the
following requirement: Customers muse select a make, model, and
year to initiate a vehicle-specific search.

How do you configure the data storage in the application to

implement the requirement?
A.Configure a data page to store the make, model, and year
vehicle data.
B.Configure a connection to an external system of record that
contains the make, model, and year vehicle data
C.Configure a static list of the make, model, and year vehicle
D.Configure a local data storage of the make, model, and year
vehicle data.

ans: B.Configure a connection to an external system of record

that contains the make, model, and year vehicle data

input points:
Data page - cache data on demand and store them into a clipboard.
to store all the data retrieved from local SOR or External

SOR - System of Record ( Database)

Local Database ( pega SOR ) or External SOR or No SOR
No System of records - data willl be static
Local / Pega SOR - store the data into the pega database
External SOR - fetch the data from the external database

Gender -> Male, Female, Others -> Static data ( NO SOR)

JobApplication ->
Select Job ID -> data will be retrieved from the Local
/ Pega SOR

Country -> Display all the country name in the world ( External

Data Page definition:

configure the source- > pega creates 3 data page
single instance data page - retrieving a single record
Structure : Page, Source : Lookup
list instance data page - retrieving multiple records
Structure : List, Source : Reportdefinition
savable data page- storing the data into the database

data page has 6 important definitions

1.Structure - 2 types
Page - retrieve a single record
List- retrieve multiple records
2.Scope - the availability of the data page
3 scopes

Thread - data that is available for the current case.
eg: if the manager logins, in their worklist
L-1 Dhanush
L-345 Oliver
L-458 Gopinath
Node - if the data has to be available to all the users
eg: Amazon landing page.
requestor - if the data has to be available for the
particular logged in user.
eg: to view the returns of the product, user must login
if the structure the page, source is lookup ( parameter to
find the record)
if the structure is list ,source is report definition
for the savable data page, we need to use source as DT( data
4. Object Type - refers to the class in the data page is
data type : Customer
class : XYZ-APP-Data-Customer (Object type)

class structure : ORG - APP - CLASS -

CLASS is of 3 types ( WORK , DATA and INT)
WORK -all the case types of the application
DATA -contains all the data types of the application
data types otherwise called as data Objects
INT - all the class or the rules related to third
party application
( Connectors, services )

5.Mode - defines the permission of the data in the data page

there are 3 modes
1. Read only - data that is retrieved from the data page and
it is presented to the
user in the read only format
eg: user sees the order history. ( order history is stored
in the database. the data from the database is retrieved and
displayed to the user from the data page)
2. Editable - data that is retrieved from the data page and
presented to the user in the editable mode
eg: change the contact number
fetch the contact details form the database through
the data pages and present to the user to edit the data.
3. Savable - store the data into the database through the
data page.
Refresh strategy

3 tiers of the applications:

Client ----------------> APP SERVER------------------------->

Database Server

Portal PRPC
data pages conn pooling=10000
Request --------------------------------->

Refresh strategy - decides when is the data page can be loaded or

when it become stale ( old data)
when the data in the database is updated, then the data in
the data page should be also updated depend on conditions.
3 options
1. Reload once per interaction - this ensure the data is
always current.
if the data in the database gets updated, then the data in
the data page will updated immediately
2. Do not reload when - do not update the data in the data
page unless the when condition is satisified.
3. reload if older than - do not reload the data based on
the conditions

eg: weather temperature

do not change the temp value if the location is same.
change or update the stock values if it is older than 1 month .

2. You are implementing a data entry screen to include an asset

ID field to track company equipment. All asset IDs are eight
characters in length. The first three characters are letters
followed by a five-digit number.

Which validation approach restricts entries for the asset ID

field to the required format?
A.Validate rule
B.Min/Max characters
C.Text data type
D.Edit Validate rule

ans: Edit validate rule

input points:
5 Validation mechanism
1. property - using the right property and its type ensure the
data entered is a valid data
eg: Name - Text, Contact- Phone, EmailID - Email
2. control - using the right control decides whether user has to
enter the data or select the data
eg: Gender - Picklist ( radiobutton)
JobID - Picklist (Dropdown)
State/Country - Picklist ( Autocomplete or Searchbox)
3. Required - this indicates the field is compulsory and user
cannot skip the field without entering
the value ( red asterik)
important validation rules :
4. Validate rule - to validate data based on the business logic.

eg: To check if the age is above 18.
to check if the loan amount meets the eligibility criteria
will execute only if the user submits the form.
called from the flow action rule.
5. Edit validate rule- to validate data based on the patterns
eg: contact number must be 10 digits, email id to be in
correct format
employee id - should be in proper code
Aadhar, Pan, Cardnumber, CVV , IFSC Code, etc
will execute and throw the error as soon the user moves out of
the control.
will be automatically called. this is referred in the property
(Data model-> property -> open the property rule form ->
Advanced tab)
use validate

3. In which three situations can you use a data transform?

(Choose Three)
A.To set the destination location as the arrival location
B.To create a new property after case creation
C.To set the default arrival date to five days in the future
D.To copy the first and last name properties into a single
property value
E.To perform an action that allows the user to update a

ans: A, C and D

Data transform - used to set , copy , manipulate and populate the

set - to initialize the default values in the application
copy - to copy the data from one property to another
manipulate - to do calculations / operations
populate - data pages ( Store the records)
can we create our own DT ? Yes
whether pega provides any default DT ? Yes (2)
pyDefault - used to initialize single value properties
pySetFieldDefaults - used to initialize embedded properties
(Single record/ list of records)
when we run the case, which default DT pega first calls ?
pyDefault calls pySetFieldDefaults through option name ?
one DT can call another DT using ApplyDataTransform option

where can we call the DT ? on the connector rule

Data transform is a rule type belongs to which Data model rule

4. Which two of the following use cases do you implement by using

one or more calculated fields? (Choose Two)
A.A sales representative wants to quote the cost of an insurance
policy based on selected coverage options
B.An accountant wants to list the largest order for the last
month, for each customer account.
C.A project manager wants to estimate the cost of painting a
banquet hall based on labor and materials required
D.A certification manager wants to determine the number of exams
conducted at each testing facility in the current quarter.

ans: A sales representative wants to quote the cost of an

insurance policy based on selected coverage options,
A project manager wants to estimate the cost of painting a
banquet hall based on labor and materials required

input points:
for options B and D we can use reports to retrieve the data
when we use calculate read only option, pega creates the declare
expression rule.

5. Given the below requirement

Sam wants to set the quantity value to 1 in the application when
the case gets run
given the below options. match the correct one

Action Target Relation Source

Set .Quantity Equal To .Quantity
Sort 1 Not Equal To 1

Action Target Relation Source
Set .Quantity Equal to 1

6. A requirement states: The date of birth submitted for first

grade students must be at least five years before September 1 of
the current year.

Which three validation methods, when applied in combination,

satisfy the requirement? (Choose Three)
A.When rule
B.Calendar control
C.Date data type
D.Validation rule
E.Edit validate rule

ans: Calendar control, Date data type, Validation rule

Validation rule - question talks about business logic
data type - for DOB the data type is used , if we use date type
pega creates the calendar control

Name Type Option
DOB Data only required => pega creates calendar control

7. A data page holds product information. The data page's Reload

if older Than field is set to 15 minutes.
The data page is created at 06:12.
At 06:20 the user requests product information.
At 06:42 the user requests product information.

When is the data page reloaded?


ans: 06:42

data page creation time : 06:12

time set to : 15 minutes
what is the next possible time the data page can reload ?? 06:12
+ 15 = 06:27
( if some one access the data page at 06:27 or later that then
only the page will be get refresh)
but remember the data page cannot reload by itself
even though the time has been set , the data page will not load
or refresh the data unless and until when the user access the
at 06:20 , if some user access the data, the data page will not
reload as the time is not expired.
at 06:42, if some user access the data, the data page will reload
because time 06:27 already passed

8. Match the following :

Pick list - Collection of applicable discount codes
Field Group - collection of related values that make up a single
employee record
Field Group list - collection of unique shipping address
associated with the customer account.

Embedded data ->

single record (or) Page (or) FieldGroup ( store a single
embedded data)
list of record (or )List (or) FieldGroup List ( Store list
or multiple record)

9. In a Human Resources (HR) application, a business architect

has developed a new process for the Onboarding case type. You
want to test the process and the fields to verify the UI elements
collect expected results.

When applied in combination, which two configurations allow you
to record a set of interactions and save the test results to
verify the process functionality? (Choose Two)
A.Add explicit assertions on the UI elements
B.Create a unit test for the Onboarding case type
C.Create a scenario test for the Onboarding case type
D.Add validations on the UI elements

ans: Add explicit assertions on the UI elements,Create a scenario

test for the Onboarding case type

input points:
types of Testing
unit testing - fundamental used to test each rules
any rule that contains Actions -> run can be unit test
eg: Delcare expressions, data transform, activity , data
scenario testing - also called as UI testing ( user
mainly to test and check UI rules in the applications.
unit testing is manual by default , where we can can
record a testing using
scenario testing
in the app studio or the user portal, at the end of the
development tool bar
we can find scenario testing
Create a recording
Portal or the case type
after we can record the respective options, what gets
created? Testcase gets created.
either we perform a unit testing or scenario testing, the
results of the testing
are stored in the testcases.
to store all the testcase, we need a ruleset.
( this ruleset must be enabled to support the storage of the
testcase results)
Testcase contains assertions.
Assertions is a condition to check if the expected
result = actual result.

10. Which two conditions do you test with a unit test? (Choose
A.A data page populates without any errors
B.A property value is set correctly by a data transform
C.An application displays user views for 20 users within three
D.An application is successfully migrated to a test system.

ans : A data page populates without any errors

A property value is set correctly by a data transform
reason: These two are individual rules and can be unit tested

( Actions-> run)
while C options talks about performance testing.
D is not linked with any testing techniques ( Load testing )

11. Which two configuration steps do you perform, in combination,

to record a unit test for automated testing? (Choose Two)
A.Select a ruleset configured to store automated test cases
B.Add a test case to the Automated Testing landing page.
C.Add an assertion to define an expected result
D.Select a ruleset that is configured to store the results of the

ans: Select a ruleset configured to store automated test

cases,Add an assertion to define an expected result

meaning: perform unit testing - > record and store the test

12. From the employee training portal, an employee opens a new

Enrollment case, submits course selections, and receives an email
confirmation. There is an error in the email confirmation. You
must identify the cause of the error by recording a set of
interactions on the portal and testing expected behavior on the
data collection fields.

What three steps, when applied in combination, achieve the

required testing? (Choose Three)
A.Add stage-entry validations on the Enrollment case fields
B.Create a test case for the employee portal.
C.Add assertions on the UI elements to verify correct data
D.Run a new Enrollment case from the employee training portal
E.Add field validations on the course selection step.

B.Create a test case for the employee portal.
C.Add assertions on the UI elements to verify correct data
D.Run a new Enrollment case from the employee training portal

13.How do you route an assignment so that any available member of

the department can perform the task?
A.Route the assignment to a work list
B.Route the assignment to the admin user
C.Route the assignment separately to all members.
D.Route the assignment to a work queue.

ans: Route the assignment to a work queue.

input points:
Routing - assigning the task to most approriate user or

( user otherwise called as operators)
types of routing
1. Assignment level routing ( on the assingment step -
collect information step)
5 routing options - Current user, Specific user, Work Queue,
Custom,Business logic.

current user - the current operator who perform the task or

the one who has completed
the previous step
specific user - work is alloacted to a particular user or
Work queue - work allocated to a group of user, where any
one who is available can perform the task
Custom - to use pega OOTB routing options
eg: ToCreateOperator,ToWorkGroup,ToskilledGroup
Business logic - to route the task based on the conditions
eg: mobile connection - based on the plan assign the
work respective WQ
post paid plan - > postWQ
pre paid plan - PreWQ
2 options ( WorkList, WorkQueue)
worklist - task assigned to a single operator only ( Current
user, specific user)
workqueue -task is assigned to a group of users where any
one can perform the task
custom- worklist and workqueue
business logic - operator(worklist), workqueue ,Route
based on skill.
To create WorkQueue, Workgroup is required.
Workgroup otherwise called as Team. WorkQueue otherwise
called as WorkBasket
each operator must be associated with a default workgroup
and Workqueue

eg: Sharath -> joins in TCS

belongs to a Workgroup (Team ) : DevelopersTeam

2. Approval based routing

2 types : 1. Single level approval
2. Cascading approval
2.1 reporting structure
2.2 Authority matrix.

Match the following with respect to business or process reports.
Questio - Answer
Business - Deliviries per month versus damaged goods
process - customer support cases handled per month
business - profilt margin by types of good sold monthly
business - sales training investment versus annual revenue

process - Average number of days for customer deliveries.

input points:
Types of reports
1. Business vs process reports
2. list vs summary reports
3. private vs public reports

Business reports
process reports
To create reports -> What rule is required? Reportdefinition
when we open the report definition rule, what are the options we
can find ? Query tab

Columns Name functions Sort-type


these properties starts with px, py and pz are called as pega

defined properties ( process reports)
.Name, .Age , .City, .Amount - user defined properties ( Business

15. A purchase request list report includes columns for case ID

and regional cost center. A manager wants the report to show the
total number of purchase requests for each of the regional cost
How do you configure the report definition?

A.Summarize the regional cost centers by count.

B.Create a filter for each cost center and count the case IDs.
C.Summarize the case ID column by count
D.Define a function for the cost center column to total the case

ans: Summarize the case ID column by count

Query tab:

Columnmae Function
.caseID Count

output :
A-1 10
A-2 20

A-3 30

input points:
function in reports:
1. Sort - to arrange the data in ascending or descending
Ascending order - LowestToHighest,
Descending order - HighestToLowest
2. Summarize - to perform the aggregate caculations
(Sum, average, min, max , Count, count distinct)
3. Group by - to group all the data based on the conditions
4. Filter - to retrieve the data based on the filtered
to display all the data based on gender - Filter
Filter . Gender = "Male" AND
Filter .Gender="Female"
to display all the data according to the City - Group by
city : Chennai
SID Suresh IT
city : Bangalore
SID Name Dept

16. A manager requests a report that contains the following

columns: Create Date, Case ID, Create Operator, and Work Status.
You must sort the cases so the case with the most recent create
date appears at the top of the list and descends in order.

How do you design the report definition to support this

A.Add a filter condition where Create Date is greater than the
current date.
B.Make the Create Date the first column in the report.
C.Select Highest to Lowest sort type for Create Date
D.Select Lowest to Highest sort type for Create Date.

ans: Select Highest to Lowest sort type for Create Date

17. Based on security factors, which two options are considered

strong passwords? (Choose Two)

ans: A and C
Requirements for strong password
1. Do not use simple words
2. do not use phrases or common sequence ( 1234, aabbcc etc)
3. use upper case and lower case with symbols
4. do not use symbols instead of numbers/ letters ( Eg: a for @,
0 for O, S for $)

18. User A should have application permissions that are identical
to User B's permissions. Unlike User B, User A lacks access to
the My Cases page.
How do you grant access to the My Cases page for User A?

A.Update User A to the same role as User B

B.Add the My Cases page to the User A profile.
C.Update the User A account to access the same portal as User B
D.Add the My Cases page to the User A role.

ans: .Update User A to the same role as User B

reason : acc to the question, user B and user A should have
identical permissions

19. How do you enable field-level auditing for properties?

A.Add an auditing optional action to the case workflow.
B.Enable the auditing feature on the property rule forms.
C.Add a field validation to the case workflow.
D.Enable field-level auditing for the case type.

ans: Enable field-level auditing for the case type.

input points:
field level auditing - track whether the property value
changes or not.

eg: loan application ( Customer applies for the loan,

manager approves it)
Customer screen:
Loan amount : 2L
manager screen:
according the eligibility mapping
Loan amount : 1.8 L
where is the property value changed? what is the old value?
What is the new value?
who changed or modified the value?
in order to track these kind of properties, pega uses field
level auditing
where we can enable this ?
on the case type setting tab .

20. Implementation:
Stop or slow a brute force attack by enforcing a waiting period
after three failed attempt - lockout policies
a user is required to verify their identity with one time
password sent by SMS text message - multi factor
Stop or slow a brute force attack by enforcing a challenge
response text upon authentication failure - captcha

21. A government application provides field placeholder values to

help users enter the correct data. The Design Lead has asked you
to increase the font size on an field placeholder value

components to help visually impaired users.

Which configuration applies the font styling requirement on the

field placeholder values in the application?
A.Update the existing Default theme text entry
B.Run a case type that uses the component and change the font on
the view
C.Add a new theme text entry to the application theme
D.Upload a new application theme

ans: C.Add a new theme text entry to the application theme

22. A car insurance quote requires a view for potential customers

to enter information to process the request.
What are the three primary decisions to make before you add
fields to the view? (Choose Three)
A.Is field entry required?
B.How do users enter values into the field?
C.Do users need to see the field?
D.Does the field require a data source?
E. Are processing actions applied to the field?

A.Is field entry required?
B.How do users enter values into the field?
C.Do users need to see the field?

23. Users can select a check box to subscribe to a text messaging

service. Selecting the check box displays a field for a user to
enter a mobile phone number.

How do you configure the application to display a field for

entering a mobile phone number only when the check box is
A.Use a when condition in a data transform to determine whether
to show the mobile phone number field.
B.Use a when condition in the flow to branch the flow based on
case data.
C.Use a circumstance on the check box property to create a rule
variant that is effective when the check box is selected.
D.Use a when condition in the UI form to determine whether to
show the mobile phone number field.

ans: D.Use a when condition in the UI form to determine whether

to show the mobile phone number field.

24. In an application that sells office supplies, the Payment

view displays order items and collects payment information. In
the Payment section rule, the order items are grouped in a
dynamic layout. You find out later that the Order Summary view
must also display the order items.

How do you configure the UI so that the order items display is
shared between the Payment view and Order Summary view?
A.Convert the Payment section layout that contains order items to
a section, and embed this section in the Order Summary section.
B.Build the Order Summary section with a layout inside to group
the order items, similar to the Payment section.
C.Embed the Payment section in the Order Summary section.
D.Reuse the Payment section in the Order Summary view and use a
disable when condition to disable payment information on the
Payment section rule.

D.Reuse the Payment section in the Order Summary view and use a
disable when condition to disable payment information on the
Payment section rule.

25.Apartment tenants submit maitenance request that specify their

name, address, request type
and description of the request.
the apartment management company often recieves multiple request
from a single address
about the same issue. the company wants to identify duplicate
maitenance request that are
submitted less than 30 days apart.

which three configurations when applied in combination on the

search duplicate cases step
achieve this goal?
A. Configure the time period for the request date as a weighted
B. Configure the apartment address as a weighted condition
C. Configure the apartment address as a basic condition
D. Configure the request type as the weighted condition
E. Configure the tenant name as the basic condition

ans: A. Configure the time period for the request date as a

weighted condition,C. Configure the apartment address as a basic
condition, Configure the request type as the weighted condition

input point:
to search duplicate cases, we need to apply -> Search
duplicate case step
this step requires 2 conditions
Basic conditions ( one )
weighted conditions (many)
pega will check basic condition first, then if the condition
satisified, then check for the wieghted conditions
if sum of the weighted conditions exceeds the threshold value,
then the case is considered as the duplicate case.

basic conditon:
when apartmentaddress is same

weighted conditions
threshold value : 40

condition 1: When request type is same 30

2 : timeperiod of request date is same20

condition 1 is correct : 30 + condition 2 is correct : 20 =

50 > 40
then case is called as duplicate case.

26. Select each use case on the left and drag it to the
appropriate router on the right.
Correct Answers:

Team manager must approve all the expense request - Route to

the specific user
An agent who speaks French must work on the case if the
customer indicate prefred language is french -
Route based on business logic
Accounts Recievable must audit incoming billing request -
Route based on Work Queue
Same customer must complete the next data collection form -
Route to the current user

27. Match the correct role:

Advocates for business users - Business
Work with SME and Stakeholders to understand business needs -
Business Architect
Design and configures the application - System
Defines application service Level agreement and business rules.
- Business Architect
Contributes techincal implemention skills - System

28.A customer refund case type requires that an auditor recieves

email notification if the refund is greater than twice the price
of the item.
which participant role do you select to configure this

A. Customer
B. Intereseted Individual
C. Owner
D. Work Queue

ans: Interest Individual

input point:
Work party - sending the communication through a role
there are 3 roles ( Customer , Owner , Interested)

customer - on behalf of whom the case has been created.
Owner - the one who creates the case
interested - the one who is not directly part of the case,
but still wanted to know the status of the case when required.

29.An Organization request the following behaviour for a case

type that allows customer to place orders for fullfillment.
when the customer logs in :
1. Application identifies the customer upon log in
2. Case types list the last 10 orders placed by the customers
3. Customer can select one of the previous 10 order as the basis
of current order.
options : data page, user page, System pages.

Match the following :

Previous order - data pages
Customer Information - System pages
Current order - user pages

input point:
Clipboard - is the developer debugging tool
is the portion of the memory reserved by pega on the server
to store all the current case
clipboard contains all the case data in form of the pages.
there are 4 pages ( user page, System page, data page, and
linked property pages)
user page - contains all the case data of the application
System page - contains all the operator related information
( Current logged in operator information ) - username , opname,
loggedin time.
Data page - contains all the data related to the third party
Linked property pages - contains those property details where one
property reference another property.

30.To qualify the instant loan , an applicant name must earn a

monthly income of at least GBP2000 and cannot exceed GBP2000 in
total liability.
How do you enforce these restricitions when requesting an instant

A. Use a validate rule to call two edit validate rules : one for
income and one for liability
B. use two edit validate rules : one for income and one for
C. use a single Validate rule with two conditions : one for
income and one for liability
D. use UI Controls to validate the entries in the income and
liability fields.

ans: C. use a single Validate rule with two conditions : one for

income and one for liability

input point:
even if we have multiple conditions to be checked , a single
validate rule is sufficient to check multiple conditions
in other words , we can create a single validate rule with many

31.An order fullfillment case type allows a customer to update

user profile information during order placement stage.
the user profile consist of three pages.
Account ID and password
Customer contact information
A list of open orders with the status of each order.

How do you configure the case type to allow customers to update

any of the user profile pages at any time during case processing?
A. Add a set of optional actions to the case workflow.
B. Add an alternate stage to the case life cycle.
C. Add an optional process to the case workflow.
D. Add a button for each profile page to each assignment

ans: Add a set of optional actions to the case workflow.

Reason : question talks about update any of the page in the case
life cycle.
suppose if the question is given as three steps to be done, then
answer is a process.

input point:
if any action to be performed by the user based on their
interest, those options can be available
to them as optional actions
2 two types
1. optional user actions - if the action to be performed in a
single step.
2. optional process - if the action requires multiple steps

where do you want to make this appear?

1. to all the stages in the application - case wide
2. to a particular stage - Stage wise

case wide optional user action - the option action appears to the
all the stages in the application with a single step.
case wide optional process - the option action appears to the all
the stages in the application with a multiple steps
Stage wise optional user action - the option action appears to
the particular stages in the application with a single step.
Stage wise optional process - the option action appears to the
particular stages in the application with a multiple steps.

32.A stake holder prefers to group a set of existing actions into

multistep form .Which work item do you create in agile workbench

to address this change request?
A. Bug
B. Feedback
C. Status
D. User Story

ans: Feedback

input point:
Agile workbench : DCO tool to capture all the requirements
3 work items
user story , Bug and feedback
user story - a new requirement that is captured.
bug - error or a problem with the application
Feedback - suggestion to be implemented in the future

Jagan is working on the ABC Application.

The task to be implemented is to create a registration page for
all the candidates - user story ( new requirement to be created)
second task to be implement is to check and retrieve all the job
details - user story ( new requirement to be created )
after the task is created, manager founds the age is not
calculated after entering the DOB - Bug
if the user enters the incorrect password, still the application
login - Bug
managers tells to increase the font size for some controls -

33.What two user information comprise the data element?

A. the name of the referencing user view
B. the name of the data element
C. the name of the clipboard page
D. the value of the data element.

ans:the name of the data element, the value of the data element.

input point :
data types also called as data object
data types is a collection of data elements
each data element is a name - value pair
Name = Ajay
DOB = 01/05/2000
Department = CSE

34.When applying for a credit limit increase , customer with

standard credit cards must provide information in an employement
information process . Request from customers with platnium credit
cards automatically skip this process.
What task do you perform to implement this requirement?

A. In the employment information process, add the card type

true/false field to the user view.

B. In the employment information process, add the custom
condition to start the process by testing the card type.
C. In the employement information process, add an approve or
reject step to test the card type.
D. In the employement information process, Validate card type for
continued processing.

ans: In the employment information process, add the custom

condition to start the process by testing the card type.

input point :
Skip a stage or process
skip a process : Always, Custom condition, Existing
skip a stage : Never, Custom condition, Existing

35.A life insurance company satellite office in various

countries. Each satellite office has its own queue, Company
policy require that life insurance underwriting is assignment to
office based on the resident of the policy owner.
Which routing approach supports this requirement?
A. Route the assignment to the correct work queue using skill-
based routing.
B. Route the assignment to the correct work queue using an
authority matrix.
C. Route the assignment to a specific underwrite based on
business logic.
D. Route the assignment to the correct work queue bawd on
business logic.

ans: Route the assignment to the correct work queue bawd on

business logic.
Reason : Based on the conditions
based on the customer location / residence - route work to
the near by office
if the customer location is "Pondicherry" -> Route work to
near by pondy office.
if the customer location is "Chennai" -> Route work to neary
by chennai office.

if the customer speaks Hindi, then route the work the operator
who knows hindi - skill based routing.

36.The business process for an automobile insurance claim

consists of the following phases:
• Submission: The customer contacts a customer service
representative (CSR) to file the claim.
• Review: An adjuster reviews the claim, assesses the damages
to each vehicle, and provides an estimate of the cost of repairs.
• Repair: A third party performs the repairs on each vehicle,
communicating with the adjuster and customer as necessary.

• Verification: After each vehicle repair, the adjuster closes
the claim.
According to Pega best practices, which phase can you implement
as a child case?
A. Review
B. Verification
C. Repair
D. Submission

ans: Repair

37.Hospital Staff members enter appointment details including

relevant patient information , diagnoses, lab orders and
prescribed medication. this information is aggregated in the
patient visit summary view. patient recieves a copy of this view
through email.
which two configuration applied in combination achieve this

A. Add a create PDF automation that references the patient visit

summary review.
B. Add a send email step and enable option to include
C. Add a send email step and compose the message to reference the
relevant properties.
D. enable email notifications on the case type.

A. Add a create PDF automation that references the patient visit
summary review.
B. Add a send email step and enable option to include

38.You are developing a case type to process visa applications.

As part of the process, applicants need to schedule an interview
with the consulate.. A child case is created for the interview
process and assessment. Following the interview, it typically
takes 48 hours for consulate that to reach a decision. For the
visa case to proceed to applicant notification, the interview
case needs to be resolved.
How do you configure a case to achieve the required behavior?
A. Add a Create step creates the interview child case, Following
the step, add a Wait step that pauses the parent case unit 48
hours have elapsed.
B. Add a Create step creates the interview child case, Following
the step, add a Wait step that pauses the parent case unit the
interview case reaches a status of Resolved and after 48 hours
have elapsed.
C. Add a Create step creates the interview child case, Following
the step, add a Wait step that pauses the parent case unit the
interview case status of Resolved.
D. Add a Create step creates the interview child case, There is

no need to add a wait step.

ans: C. Add a Create step creates the interview child case,

Following the step, add a Wait step that pauses the parent case
unit the interview case status of Resolved.

input point:
parent case also called as top level case
child case also called as sub case.
key point : Parent case has to wait until the child case is
to make the parent case wait, add the wait shape
1. Create case step - to call the child case
2. wait shape - to make the parent case wait.
2 options 1. Case dependency
To reach status
To be resolved
2. Timer
set date time
reference date time
wait shape is used to make the case wait until the case reaches a
particular status or resolved
or to wait until the time expires.

39.You are designing a form for an online bookstore to show new

which layout to be used to display the book pictures ?
ans: Repeating Dynamic Layout

to arrange the repeated data in the order of the row ( can

iteratively appear based on the number of the data ) - repeating
dynamic layout.

40.which issue do you address by simulating the data source ?

A. you need to test a save plan for a savable data page that
updates cost of coverage options for insurance policies.
B. In Production , the customer database needs to be taken off
line overnight for scheduled maintenance
C. The product database moves to a new data source accessible by
a web service that is not yet configured.
D. During staging you need to access relaistic customer data
without exposing personally identifying information to

C. The product database moves to a new data source accessible by
a web service that is not yet configured.

42.Which two dependencies do you directly enforce with a wait

step ?

A. pausing a case until a predetermined time expires.

B. pausing a case until a user submits a specified value.
C. pausing a case until another case reaches a specified status
D. pausing a case until a new child case is created.

ans: pausing a case until a predetermined time expires, pausing a

case until another case reaches a specified status

43.Before development , your team creates a spreadsheet with work

items to populate the backlog
Al work items that describe business requirement are priortized
as must have .
you also create work items to address.

A future enhancement request to group a set of existing steps

into a multistep form
A dropdown list that is missing one of the required options .
This work items is in progress because
the missing option prevents work being done.

How do you populate the backlog directly from spreadsheet?

A. Create Bug
B. Create Feedback
C. Import Stories
D. Create Stories

ans: Import stories

44.A home loan application requires approvals from the legal team
manager and finance team manager.
the legal team manager must approve before finance team manager.
how do you configure this requirement?

A. Create an approval process for each manager in parallel

B. Apply business logic to route a single assignment in correct
C. Create an approval step with cascading approval.
D. Route an assignment to a work queue where both roles have

ans: C. Create an approval step with cascading approval.

45.In an insurance claim application ,you have the following

All claim must be resolved within one week.
To meet this requirement you configure a service level. where
should the service level be

A. Process
B. Stage
C. case type

D. Step
ans: Case type

46. A hotel booking application allows customers to change rooms

after making a reservation. The status of each room in each hotel
is stored on a data page sourced from a database table.
Which two configuration options do you use to update the database
table when a customer changes rooms? (Choose two.)
A. A When rule to trigger the database update
B. An editable data page containing the room information
C. A savable data page containing the room information
D. A data transform to copy updates to the data page

C. A savable data page containing the room information
D. A data transform to copy updates to the data page
Reason : To change or modify the data from the database, we can
use savable data page and use DT to update the values.

47. A development team plans to enhance functionality of an

existing application by changing several user interface rules.
The team would like to pilot the enhancements to a small group of
users before rolling the changes out to the entire user base.
What approach maximizes reuse and maintainability?

A. Place the updated rules into a new minor version of the

ruleset and include the new ruleset version in a new application.
B. Place the updated rules into a new ruleset and include the new
ruleset in a new application.
C. Place the updated rules into a new ruleset and include the new
ruleset in a new version of the application.
D. Place the updated rules into a new minor version of the
ruleset and include the new ruleset version in a new version of
the application

D. Place the updated rules into a new minor version of the
ruleset and include the new ruleset version in a new version of
the application

input point:
stores all the rules - Ruleset
ruleset is a container for storing all the rules together and
make it easy for the distribution
each ruleset contains a version number
each version number has 3 segments ( major - minor - patch)
major - overall architecutral change in the application
( substantial release)
minor - small enhancement in the application ( interim
patch - to fix the issues or the bug in the application
number range : 01-01-o1 to 99-99-99

each application also contains version . application version
number 01.01.01
if there are any changes in the application, we can change the
app number : 01.02.01

48. Which configuration informs a user by Email when an

assignment is added to the user worklist?
A. Configure the case type to send assignment notification to
assigned users.
B. Add a send email step to the process after the assignment to
notify the assigned user.
C. Configure a service level to send a notification to the
assigned user.
D. Add a send notification step to the process after the
assignment to notify the assigned user.

ans : Configure the case type to send assignment notification to

assigned users.

when the assignment is routed to the respective user worklist,

send a email.
leave request -> Class advisor.
L-1 L-1
Dear Faculty
a new leave request is submitted to you

49. Users are spending excess time researching duplicate cases to

determine whether to process or resolve the cases. Which two
options allow you to reduce the number of potential duplicate
cases? (Choose two)
A. Decrease the weighting threshold.
B. Increase the weights of the weighting conditions.
C. Increase the weighting threshold.
D. Decrease the weights of the weighting conditions.

C. Increase the weighting threshold.
D. Decrease the weights of the weighting conditions.

reason is : to find whether the case is duplicate or not

sum of the weighted conditions > Thresold value
question talk about to reduce the duplicate case ( case should
not be duplicate)
increase the thresold value
decrease weighted conditions.

50. Users create Insurance Coverage Request Cases to authorize

insurance payments. Users enter information that includes the
name of the patient, the date of the procedure and the type of

the procedure. After entering the information, user submits the
request for a review of the patient's insurance policy. Because
multiple users enter requests, duplicate request can occur. A
request is considered a duplicate if the patient name, procedure
type, procedure date match an existing request. You have been
given two requirements:
- Ensure that users can identify duplicate requests.
- If a case is duplicate, it is not written to the database.
Otherwise, write the case to the database.

Which two options configure application so that users can

identify duplicate requests? (Choose two)
A. Add a duplicate search step to the case life cycle design.
B. Configure a duplicate search decision table and add it to a
Decision shape
C. Configure weighted conditions.
D. Configure a validate rule to validate matching cases.

A. Add a duplicate search step to the case life cycle design.,
C. Configure weighted conditions.
56.In a order case type, a percentage-based discount is
automatically applied to the customer's order based on :
1. The number of years the customer has been a member
2. the membership type (Standard , Silver or Gold )
How do you configure a Configuration Setting to determine the

Type - Text, Boolean, Decimal , picklist

Default value - Constant, Calculated from decision table

Type : decimal
Default value : Calculated from the decision table

input topic:
Configuration Set and Configuration Setting:
to assign the values for the users to modify at the run

Example :
Discount price for the application has to be changed
according to the season
if it is Jan , give discount for the pongal festival
if it is April, give discount for tamil new year

discount price can be created as a configuration setting and

it can be assigned
to the manager to modify the value at the user portal.
when we create configuration setting?

Type - text, decimal, boolean, percentage etc
Value - 1. Constant 2. calculate from the decision table

57.A requirement states : when a customer applies for a credit

card ,a credit check must be completed in order for the credit to
be approved.
Select the case type relationship that satisifes the requirement.

Make Credit check a child case of credit card request.

Make both loan request and credit check top cases.
Make credit check a spin off case of credit card request.
Make credit card request a child case of credit check

ans: Make Credit check a child case of credit card request.

reason : 2 case type : Credit card, credit check
question talks about Credit check must be completed in order
for the credit card to continue.
therfore credit check is the child case for the parent case
credit card.

spin off - independent case types

when multiple case types run parallely , then they can be a
spin off case.

58.An internet provider determines the best internet speed for a

customer based on Customer's answers to a series of nested
questions such as whether the
customer is seeking service for a business or for a residence and
what is expected internet usage.
which feature do you use to configure the application to
recommend an internet speed based on customer response.

Configure a view that displays Customer responses.

Configure a decision tree
Configure a decision table
Configure a process with multiple decision shapes.

ans: Configure a decision tree

input point :
decision table : ( Cascading if else..)
else if
else if
else if
when we want to check the conditions one by one
if one conditions matches then the result will be executed
and process stops.

decision tree : complex : nested if else ..

if cond1
if cond2

if cond3
series of nested if conditions one by one , then we can
configure decision trees
when we configure a decision tree or table
Test for conflict - to check if the table or tree is
Test for completeness - to check if the decision table
or tree is containing all the conditions to be implemented

dept -> IT, CSE, MECH, ECE, EEE

dept return
if "IT" 10%
else if "CSE" 5%
else if "IT 4% - duplicate conditions IT already
exists. This is not consistent
else if "MECH" 3%

59.Which scenario requires you to configure correspondence?

A case worker recieves a mobile push notification to approve an

insurance claim
A case worker calls a customer for additional information about
the case.
A case worker recieves a new insurance claim in thier work queues
A case worker recieves an email when the insurance claim is
routed to the work list.

ans: A case worker recieves an email when the insurance claim is

routed to the work list.

60.You are developing a VISA case type to process entry visa

applications. As part of the process , applicants schedule an
interview with the consultate.
An interview child case is created for the interview process .
Following the interview , the consultate reaches a decision
within 48 hours or more. For the VISA case to proceed to
applicant notification , the interview case needs to be resolved.
After you create the interview child case , how do you configure
the case type to achieve required behaviour?

Following the Create case step, add a wait step that pauses the
parent case until the interview case reaches the Resolved Status.
Following the Create case step, add a service level agreement
that escalates the parent case after 48 hours.
Following the Create case step, add a wait step that pauses the
parent case until the applicant schedules the interview.
Following the Create case step, add an interview step that is
automatically resolved after 48 hours.

ans: Following the Create case step, add a wait step that pauses
the parent case until the interview case reaches the Resolved

61.A publishing company works with vendors to Translate their

content from english to different languages. the Project manager
must send all the translation quotes
to their manager for review and approval.
if the quote is more than USD 5000, it must be approved by
if the quote is more than USD 10000, it must be also approved by
Vice president
How do you configure the case life cycle to support this

Configure an approval step as a cascading approval with the

reporting structure that uses custom approvals.
Configure an approval step as a cascading approval with the
reporting structure that uses all levels
Configure a series of approval steps that are configured as
single level approvals.
Configure an approval step as cascading approval with an
authority matrix.

ans: Configure an approval step as a cascading approval with the

reporting structure that uses custom approvals.

62.How do you indicate progress of the case towards resolution?

Design intent driven user interfaces.

Configure a case note field to capture progress information
Update case status with appropriate steps.
Apply service level to the assignment steps.

ans: Update case status with appropriate steps.

63.In an application for a credit limit increase, Customers with

Standard Credit cards must provide employment information in an
employment verification process.
Platinum credit card customers who request a credit limit
increase automatically skip this process.
How do you implement this requirement?

Add an approve/reject step to test whether the credit card type

is Standard or Platinum
Add a boolean field to the view that customers enable if they
have the platinum credit card.
Add a custom condition to start the employment verification
process if the card type is standard.
Add a validation condition to the card type field to
conditionally continue the process.

ans: Add a custom condition to start the employment verification
process if the card type is standard.

64.A requirement states that : A Customer can update an address

at any point during case processing by performing the following
1. Customer submits the new address
2. The application verifies that address matches postal service
3. The customer then confirms the corrected address.

How do you configure this requirement?

Add a case wide optional action to the work flow to perform the
address change process.
Add a button to each assignment to present the customer with a
form to submit new address.
Add a case wide optional action to the work flow to submit a new
Add an alternate stage to the case life cycle to change the

ans:Add a case wide optional action to the work flow to perform

the address change process.
reason : At any point in the case life cycle - case wide ,
3 steps - process

65.Drag and drop or match the following :

Process step Description
A user enters information for an IT request
The system evaluates the request type to determine next step.
A manager determines whether an expense report proceeds or is
The System notifies the user of the case status by Email

Process step
Collect information

A user enters information for an IT request= Collect Information
The system evaluates the request type to determine next step. -
A manager determines whether an expense report proceeds or is
rejected = Approval
The System notifies the user of the case status by Email -

66. In which two situations it is appropriate to use decision

table ? ( Choose two)

A gym recommends a membership type based on the number and type

of fitness classes the customer wants to attend every month.
If the customer decide to add insurance , checked bags , or early
boarding to their airline tickets , extra fees are added to their
work total.
A hair care company suggest a line of products to customers based
on their hair type ,Scalp moisture , hair moisture and whether it
is color treated.
Order total is calculated based on quantity and price of the item
in the customer shopping cart.

ans: A gym recommends a membership type based on the number and

type of fitness classes the customer wants to attend every month.
A hair care company suggest a line of products to customers based
on their hair type ,Scalp moisture , hair moisture and whether it
is color treated.

67. Select each usecase and drag it to the appropriate automation

shape on the right.

1. When an employee completes security compliance training ,
their training certificate is attached to the case.
2. Customers recieve correspondence with an order number and the
ship date when their order is shipped.
3. Peer reviewers for a scientific paper recieve a mobile
notification that the case is their worklist
4. when a time sheet is rejected, an employee can modify and send
the timesheet for re-review

Create PDF
Push notification
Send Email
Change to a stage.

When an employee completes security compliance training , their
training certificate is attached to the case. = Create PDF
Customers recieve correspondence with an order number and the
ship date when their order is shipped. = Send Email
Peer reviewers for a scientific paper recieve a mobile
notification that the case is their worklist = Push notification
when a time sheet is rejected, an employee can modify and send
the timesheet for re-review = Change to a stage.

66. In a claims application, Customers can file home insurance

claims. Each claim contains a list of items of loss. Depending
on the situation some claims are investigated for potential fraud
in parallel to the actual claim process.
which two case types do you create to support this scenario?

Fraud investigation
Items of loss

ans: Fraud investigation, Claim

Today Learning Plan

1. Read the day -1 recap notes
2. Pega Academy - Low code app builder , low code app builder
knowledge check
module quiz questions


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