Answer All Questions, Each Carries 5 Marks: (Graph Sheets To Be Permitted)
Answer All Questions, Each Carries 5 Marks: (Graph Sheets To Be Permitted)
Answer All Questions, Each Carries 5 Marks: (Graph Sheets To Be Permitted)
1 “A thyristor can be triggered by an external gate pulse”- Justify using two (5)
transistor analogy of thyristor.
2 Explain how the firing angle of an SCR can be varied by using a UJT relaxation (5)
3 What is the role of freewheeling diode in a 3 phase semi-converter? (5)
4 Compare voltage source and current source inverters. (5)
5 What is sequence control in single phase ac voltage controllers? What are the (5)
advantages of employing it?
6 Explain sine PWM technique, with relevant waveforms. Define modulation index (5)
and mention its significance.
7 A type A chopper has input voltage of 200 V. The current through a load of (5)
R=10Ω in series with L=80 mH, varies between 12 A and 16 A. Find the form
factor of the output voltage waveform.
8 Design a dc-dc converter with 12 V input and 200 V output at up to 50W. The (5)
ripple in the output voltage and input current should not exceed ±5% and ±20%
respectively. Choose an appropriate switching device and frequency.
Answer any two full questions, each carries 10 marks
9 a) With neat sketches, explain the static V-I characteristics of an SCR. Define (6)
latching and holding current.
b) Two thyristors having a difference of 4 mA in latching current are connected in (4)
series. The voltage across the devices are 500 V and 480 V. Calculate the
derating factor and thestatic equalizing resistance value for maximum string
10 a) Compare Thyristor, Power MOSFET and IGBT on the basis of following (5)
i) Switching frequency ii) Voltage and current ratings
iii) Applications (at least two)
b) Compare the maximum power that can be handled by fully controlled rectifier in mid- (5)
point and bridge configuration if the firing angle is 30º and the reverse voltage rating
(peak) of the thyristors is 200V.
11 a) Explain a half-wave controlled rectifier feeding RL load, with waveforms of (6)
output voltage and output current. Derive the expression for average output
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