Soal PAT B. Inggris Kelas X

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Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
ghghghh Waktu : …… menit

1. Periksalah Terlebih Dahulu Naskah Soal yang akan Dikerjakan
2. Tulislah Nomor Peserta Ulangan Anda Pada Kolom yang telah Disediakan dalam Lembar Jawaban
3. Baca Setiap Petunjuk Pengerjaan Soal, Lalu Jawablah Soal-soal yang Anda Anggap Paling Mudah Terlebih Dahulu
4. Periksa Kembali Lembar Jawaban Anda sebelum Diserahkan kepada Pengawas


Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!
1. Change the word in the bracket to verb 2 (past)! 6. What does memo stand for?
Dina (is) in Bandung yesterday. a. Memory b. Memorabilia
a. were b. was c. Memorandum d. Memoriam
c. are d. been e. Memorize
e. is
Questions number 7 – 13 are based on this text
2. “Malin Kundang”, “Bawang Merah Bawang Putih”,
and “Timun Mas” are the examples of …….. Surya Furniture
a. Short stories b. Fables MEMORANDUM
c. Folktales d. Legends
e. Mysteries To : Warehouse Employees
From : Ni Luh Suhita, Human Resources Manager
3. Change the sentence below into Present Perfect form! Cc : Ahmad Hariyadi, Warehouse Manager
The shop close for two days. Date : May 14th, 2017
a. The shop have closed for two days. Re : Vacation requests
b. The shop has closed for two days.
c. The shop had closed for two days. Please note that there has been a change to vacation
d. The shop having closed for two days. policy. Employees who take vacation days must
e. The shop have been closing for two days. submit their request forms a month before the
designated vacation time. Employees who do not
An old lion sat in front of his cave. He was very submit their requests will not be permitted to take
hungry. A goat came by. the vacation.
“Good morning, Mr. Goat,” said the lion. “You
are welcome to my cave, and have a game with Thank you for your cooperation.
Ni Luh Suhita
The category of this text belongs to…
a. Novel b. Pourquoi-tale 7. What is the purpose of the memo?
c. Fable d. Science fiction a. To give information or an update on a certain
e. Myth topic.
b. To amuse the employees.
5. Change the verbs in the bracket into Simple Past c. To describe the vacation.
Tense ! d. To retell the vacation.
I (go) to the library and then (play) basketball e. To entertain the human resources manager.
a. goed, played 8. Who sends the memo?
a. Warehouse employees
b. going, playing
b. Ahmad Hariyadi
c. goes, plays
c. Ni Luh Suhita
d. went, played d. Employee Manager
e. wents, plays e. Office Boy
9. What does Cc stand for?
a. Credit Card
b. Copy Cat
c. Candy Crush c. Ahmad d. Bagas
d. Carbon Copy e. No one.
e. Cheat Code
18. Who will take the longest vacation?
10. When was the memo sent?
a. Mariana b. Fahirah
a. May 14th, 2017
c. Ahmad d. Bagas
b. May 15th, 2017
e. No one
c. May 16th, 2017
d. May 17th, 2017
Questions number 19 – 30 are based on this
e. May 18th, 2017
11. In the memo, the sentence “Thank you for your Princess Mandalika
cooperation.” is called as…
a. Date b. Sender
Once upon a time, there was a kingdom in
c. Subject d. Content
Lombok Island that was ruled by a king named Raja
e. Closing line
Tonjang Beru. He was a wise king. He had a queen
12. What does “their” in “…must submit their request named Dewi Seranting. He also had a beautiful
forms…” (line 3) refer to? daughter named Princess Mandalika. It is said that
a. Vacation Policy b. Vacation days Princess Mandalika was the prettiest girl on the
c. Employees d. Warehouse Manager island. Everyone knew about her beauty and
e. Vacation Requests kindness. Princes from other kingdoms wanted to
marry her. One by one, they came to propose her.
13. Who is Ni Luh Suhita? Princess Mandalika was a kind girl. She hated to
a. An employee make people sad. So, she was so confused because of
b. Human Resources Manager the proposals. She could not decide yet she did not
c. Vacation Policy want to make them sad. She also did not want to
d. A memo
cause a war between them. To solve the problem,
e. Warehouse Manager
Raja Tonjang Beru then held a competition in Seger
14. A menu is a list of available dishes in a …… Kuta Beach. He asked all the Princes to take part in
a. Restaurant b. School an archery competition. The rules were simple;
c. Museum d. Hospital whoever shot the target perfectly will be accepted as
e. Post Office Princess Mandalika’s husband. One by one, all
15. Which food below that included as Main Course? participants tried their best.
a. Fried Rice After a while, there was no winner. All the
b. Tossed Salad participants were great in archery. So they all
c. Cheesecake claimed to be the best because there was no winner.
d. French Fries The argument was getting hotter, and they were all
e. Ice cream fighting.
Suddenly, Princess Mandalika jumped to the sea! She
disappeared in the big waves. Everybody was
Questions number 16 – 18 are based on this text surprised, all the Princes tried to find her but they
found nothing.
After several hours trying to search the
Princess, suddenly they found a lot of colourful sea
Please mark the week(s) you will be out of the office this
worms on the beach. Raja Tonjang Beru then realized
that his daughter has turned into sea worms. The
Date Mariana Fahirah Ahmad Bagas
worms then called nyale.
May 1st – 7th x Even now, people in Lombok always try to catch
May 8th – 14th x x nyale. Nyale is very delicious and that is why a lot of
people come to Lombok to catch it. However, they
– 21 st
Fahirah take a vacation? x can only find it once a year, in February or March.
May 22nd a.
– 28May
1st – 7th x x The tradition to catch the sea worms is called Bau
b. May 1 – 21 st
c. May 15th – 21st
d. May 22nd – 28th
e. May 25th – 27th 19. What is the genre of this text?
a. Narrative b. Recount
17. Who will NOT take a vacation during the month of c. Descriptive d. Report
e. Procedure
a. Mariana b. Fahirah
20. What is the generic structure of this text? 24. What finally happened to the participant?
a. Orientation, Events, Re-orientation a. They joined a debate.
b. Orientation, Events b. They shot Mandalika.
c. Orientation, Complication, Resolution c. They were all fighting.
d. General Classification, Identification d. They all fought in a war.
e. Identification, Description e. They were confused.

21. What tense is mostly used in this text? 25. What did Princess Mandalika do to solve the
a. Simple Past Tense problem?
a. She made an announcement.
b. Simple Present Tense
b. She regretted the competition.
c. Present Perfect Tense
c. She didn’t marry anyone.
d. Noun Phrase
d. She fought in a big war.
e. Future Tense e. She announced the winner.

19. The first paragraph is called as … 26. What did she finally do?
a. Orientation b. Events a. She swam in the sea.
c. Resolution d. Introduction b. She just disappeared in the big waves.
c. She killed herself.
e. Opening
d. She found nothing.
20. Princess Mandalika had the following qualities, e. She screamed.
except …
27. How did the participants react?
a. beautiful b. thoughtful
a. They jumped to the sea.
c. peaceful d. powerful
b. They swam to find the Princess.
e. kind
c. They were very surprised.
21. How did Princess Mandalika react to the many d. They caused chaos in the beach.
proposals? e. They asked for apologize.
a. She wanted to marry the princes one by one.
28. What did Raja Tonjang Beru realize?
b. She couldn’t decide as she didn’t want to
a. He found a lot of colourful sea worms.
cause a war.
b. His daughter had returned into sea worms.
c. She made her father, mother, and the princes
c. People in Lombok tried to catch sea worms.
d. He would not have any son-in-law.
d. She didn’t know what to do and then declared
e. He could only find her once a year.
a war.
e. She cried in her room. 29. What legacy did Princess Mandalika leave?
a. Sea food
22. What did Raja Tonjang Beru do in Seger Kuta
b. The names of two months.
c. People living in Lombok.
a. He held an archery competition.
d. A tradition called Bau Nyale.
b. He had a problem solving session.
e. People can come to Lombok.
c. He shot the target perfectly.
d. He wanted to become the winner. 30. When do people can find Nyale?
e. He brought his soldiers. a. Once a month
b. Once a year
23. Who was the winner?
c. Once a day
a. a Prince from Lombok
d. Once a week
b. Mandalika’s boyfriend
e. Once an hour
c. No one
d. Random Participant
e. A Beggar
Match the pictures with the descriptions!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
a. No Smoking b. No Taking Pictures c. No Parking d. Women’s Toilet e. Caution! Wet
f. Do Not Be Noisy g. Do Not Litter h. Smoking Area i. Do Not Enter j. No Food and Drink

Answer the questions below!
1. Write the examples of 4 (four) date conventions that are used in the memo!
2. Mention the sections in the menu with the translations in Bahasa Indonesia!
3. How many parts are there in the memo? Mention them!
4. What does a la carté mean?
5. Mention 2 (two) examples of Fable and Folktale !

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