(Organelles & Cellular Structures) H1 Bio Notes
(Organelles & Cellular Structures) H1 Bio Notes
(Organelles & Cellular Structures) H1 Bio Notes
Eukaryotes Prokaryotes
Means ‘True nucleus’, incl all flora & fauna, fungi & Means ‘Before the nucleus’, incl bacteria.
protists. (Algae) Eukaryotic cell posessess true Prokaryotic cell lacks a true nucleus. Genetic
nucleus containing genetic materials enclosed material is a circular DNA molc that’s not
within nuclear envelope. Also has membrane membrane bound but lies freely in cytoplasm in a
bound organelles.
● Size → Extremely small & ranges from 5 - 500 μm. Size is restricted due to SA:VOL. Vol determines
level of metabolic activity while SA determines rate of exchange of materials with extracellular env.
● Unicellular organism → Cnsts only of 1 cell. Independent as it can manufacture all necessary
chemicals & perform functions for maintenance of life within 1 cell. E.G, Amoeba & bacteria.
● Microscopy → Resolution, a term used to refer to the clarity of the viewed object.
● Cell fractionation → Used to separate & isolate (Fractionate) cell components based on size &
- Homogenisation → Intact cells are disrupted in a blender to break them up & resulting mixture
(Homogenate) is centrifuged.
- Differential centrifugation → Homogenate is placed into centrifuge. Supernatant (Liquid above
pellet) is poured into another tube & centrifuged at a higher speed for a longer period. The process
● Importance → Enables researchers to prepare specific cell components in bulk & identify their
Mobility Organelles with their contents can be moved around within the cell
pH pH can be maintained at an ideal level for a particular process which may be diff
Conc. of E & S [S] & [E] for a particular process in a particular location. (Within organelles) ∴, ↑
rate of rxn
Protection Subst that could cause damage to the cell can be kept inside the membrane of
organelle. Digestive enzymes of lysosome can digest & kill cell if not safely
● Organelles
are embedded
Selectively permeable Regulates movement of molecules into &
Nucleus Has a double membrane called Controls cell activities; DNA replication,
DNA often occurs as chromosomes. Apart
DNA containing ribosomal RNA from nuclear division, DNA is in the form of
continuous with RER while inner w/o being affected by other processes
membrane is smooth & in contact
with nucleoplasm
Has numerous nuclear pores (40 - Controls transport of large molcs such as
Nucleolus Tiny, rounded & darkly-stained struc Site where rRNA is synthesised via
● Endomembrane system → System of internal membranes within eukaryotic cells. Membranes are
● Organelles that are part of the endomembrane system → ER, G.A, vesicles, lysosomes, C.S.M,
● ER → Extensive network of folded membranes formed into sheets, tubes or sacs that are
interconnected. Its membrane is enclosed to form cisternae of ER. Originates from the outer
RER Cisternae usually flattened & have Membrane-bound ribosomes are the
Chaperon proteins in cisternae helps in
chem modification
G.A Cnsts of flattened membrane bound Identification tags such as PO₄³⁻ grps &
sacs called cisternae which are stacked oligosaccharides are chemically added
Cnst of cis face (Nearest to nucleus & directed to appropriate parts of cell,
ER) → Vesicles from ER fuse with G.A @ forming glycoproteins & glycolipids
deposit contents
→ Vesicles bud off from trans face of exocytosis
Contain a conc mixture of hydrolytic proteins, nucleic acids, lipids & carbs
Interior env is acidic. Necessary for break them down. ∴, recycle the
● Autophagy
- Lysosome fuse with autophagosome, releasing its hydrolytic enzyme into it.
- ER, G.A, C.S.M, ER transport vesicles & Golgi secretory vesicles are involved in the secretory
- Ribosomes translate mRNA to form a short signal peptide that binds to signal recognition particles.
- Complementary binding of SRP to SRP receptor on ER membrane allows ribosomes to dock onto
ER membrane.
- Ribosome continues with translation & polypeptide is synthesised into cisternae of ER.
- Polypeptide is folded into its specific 3D config with the help of chaperon proteins.
- Proteins are packaged into ER vesicles & buds off from the ER membrane.
- ER vesicles transport proteins to G.A & fuses with its cis face to release protein into cisternae of G.A.
- Proteins continue to move to the opp side. (Trans face) During this transition, identification tags such
as phosphate grps are chemically added to the protein so that they can be sorted & directed to the
- Modified proteins reach the trans face & are packaged into Golgi secretory vesicles for export via
- Golgi secretory vesicles bud off from the trans face & enclose & transport modified proteins along
the cytoskeleton towards the C.S.M to be inserted in it. (Can be lipids too)
- Hydrolytic enzymes are packaged into primary lysosomes which remain in the cell. It will fuse with a
food vacuole or damaged organelle to form a secondary lysosome. Waste products of autophagy
are exported out of the cell via exocytosis while useful materials will be absorbed into the cell.
within cell.
encloses semi-fluid substance Contains enzymes required for linked
granum (Singular)
lamella (SIngular)
Photosynthetic pigments & proteins Pigments & proteins are involved in the
- ~ 2 billion yrs ago, prokaryotic cells capable of aerobic respiration & photosynthesis were engulfed
- Large ancestral eukaryotic cell, aerobic prokaryotic cell & photosynthetic prokaryotic cell formed a
symbiotic relationship.
- Aerobic prokaryotic cell & photosynthetic prokaryotic cell then went through a series of evolution to
Free ribosomes synthesise proteins for
internal use
Produced & partially assembled in
Centrioles Pair of hollow cylinders at right angle Act as microtubule organising centre
movement of chromosomes
Only present in animal cells & lower Centrioles are not compulsory in the
intermediate filaments
- Its cell wall protects & maintains the shape of the cell. Its cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan.
(Carb-protein complex)
- Circular DNA: Found in the nucleoid region of bacterial cell & non-compartmentalized.
- Contain plasmids → Which are small, circular DNA molcs that’s not connected to the main bacterial
chromosome, replicate independently of the chromosomal DNA. + Not required by cell under
normal conditions but may help the cell adapt to unusual circumstances.
- 70S ribosomes → Occur in all prokaryotic cells & site of protein synthesis.