Anthropological Foundations

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Prepared by:
Nerissa D. Domingo
MAEd 1

Anthropological Foundations

1 Anthropology

2 Divisions of Anthropology

3 Relation of Anthropology to other Sciences

4 Educational Implications of Anthropology

What is Anthropology?

• Anthropology was derived from the Greek

word anthrope meaning man and logy
meaning science.
• Literal meaning of anthropology then is
science of man.
• It is the study of mankind.
• Dictionary defines anthropology as the
science that treats the origin, development,
and especially the cultural development,
customs, beliefs, etc. of man
What is Anthropology?

• Herskovitz defines anthropology

as “the science of man and his works.”
• According to Jacobs and Stern,
anthropology is the scientific study of
physical, social and cultural
development and behavior of human
beings since their appearance on earth.
Man is a unique animal kingdom because:

He has more
He uses complex
his handserect brain
for handling
Man is a unique animal kingdom because:

• He is also unique in the field of behavior for

the following reasons:
 He possesses tools and other material artifacts.
 He has complex techniques for getting and
preparing food.
 He has social and political organization
 He has a system of religious beliefs and rituals
 He communicates by means of languange.
Divisions of Anthropology
Anthropology may be classified as
physical and cultural.
PHYSICAL- deals with the study of man
as product of the evolutionary
process. It is concerned with man’s
bodily structures.
CULTURAL- deals with man’s behavior
and with the ways human beings carry
out the activities of daily living.
Divisions of Anthropology
The diversity of human
behavior is seen in: food
habits, ways food is cooked,
habits of dress and
ornaments and relations
with in laws.
Cultural anthropology sub-divisions:

• Deals with ancient cultures and past phases of modern
civilization based on documents, paintings, stone carvings,
In Geology, these eras are:
• Archezoic-when primitive forms of life appeared.
• Protozoic-when early life forms increased.
• Paleozoic-when fish, amphibians and other amphibians appeared.
• Mesozoic-when huge reptiles predominated.
Cenozoic Era:
• Tertiary or age of Mammals
• Halocene Period
Cultural anthropology sub-divisions:

• Treats of and describe cultures and
explains similarities and differences
• Deals with the sub-divisions of mankind,
their origins, relations, speech,
institutions, etc.
Cultural anthropology sub-divisions:

• Concerned with man’s language, a non-
literate or literate, past and present.
Descriptive linguistics
• Deals with the classification, arrangement and
study of the features of language .
Comparative or Historical Linguistics
• Takes up the changes in language, the borrowings
from other languages, and the comparison of

Physical Anthropology is related to

the biological sciences-anatomy,
physiology, embryology and genetics.
Social anthropology is related to
sociology, psychology, geography,
economics, and political sciences.
Cultural anthropology is related to
humanistic disciplines, such as history,
literature, art, and music.

• It allows people to study how humans and

other organisms react to certain
• It gives us insight in how things work, live
and coexist.
• Through anthropology, we can determine
how things were made, live and react to
different scenarios and how different texts
and our perception of ideas change us.

• It also help us to study the changes that

happen upon nature or from ourselves or
from other organisms.
• Along with this it shows us a great deal how
much more advanced we are to become.
Thank You For Listening !!!

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