JTMFIT - The Bodyweight Burn

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Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Put 3 minutes on the clock. Perform the exercise flow
below as many times as you can in the 3 minutes.

-Walkout Push Up
-Spider Lunge T Frame
- Back Lunge Scaption

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 50 seconds resting 10

seconds in between exercises. Rest 30-60 seconds once you finish
the last exercise in the circuit. Do 3 sets.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4

-Explosive Plank Jack Push Up to Twisting Mountain Climber

-Slow Diamond Push Ups
-Pendulum Lunge to Jumping Lunge
-Leg Lift to Corkscrew Pulse
-Dive Bomber Push Ups
-Superman Hold to Jump Squat w/ 2 Second Pause
-Hollow Flutter Kicks

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps of the exercises below with
no rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Jumping Jacks x 50
-Squats x 20
-Stretch Kick Back Lunge x 10 (each leg)
-Jumping Jacks x 50

WORKOUT: AMRAP = As Many Rounds As Possible. Perform the

prescribed reps of each exercise one after the other with as little rest
as possible in between exercises. Complete as many reps/rounds of
the exercises below in 20 minutes. Rest as little as possible while
maintaining excellent technique!

20 Minute AMRAP:

-Jump Squats x 15
-Hamstring Walkouts x 10
-Jumping Lunges x 15 (each leg)
-5 Sec Squat Hold to 5 Squats x 5
-Squat Hold x 30 Seconds

Workout Duration: 20-25 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-Down Dog Toe Touchers

-Pigeon Stretch (switch sides halfway)
-Spider Lunge Stretch (switch sides halfway)
-Groin Stretch
-Candle Stick Reach

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps/time of each exercise with no

rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Arm Circles x 20 (forwards and backwards)

-Arm Over Unders x 20
-Swimmer Push Ups x 15
-Seal Jacks x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds resting 10

seconds in between exercises. Do 5 sets of each superset. REST 60
seconds in between supersets. For example- do pike push ups for 20
seconds then rest for 10 seconds. Then, do shoulder taps for 20
seconds then rest for 10. That’s 1 set. Do 5 total sets. Then, rest 60-90
seconds and start the next superset.

-Pike Push Ups

-Shoulder Taps

-Prone Pull Ups (do pull ups if you have access to a pull up bar)
-S. Leg Push Ups (switch sides half way)

-Tricep Push Up
-Plank Breakdown

-Staggered Explosive Push Up

-Superman Lifts

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps of each exercise with no rest
in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Walkout Push Up x 10
-Back Lunge Scaption x 10 (each leg)
-Burpee (no push up) x 10

WORKOUT: This workout consists of two separate EMOM's. An

EMOM stands for Every Minute On the Minute. Start a timer. Perform
the prescribed reps of each exercise as fast as possible while
maintaining excellent technique. If it takes you 40 seconds then you
will have 20 seconds to rest before the next minute starts. Once the
next minute starts, you will again do the prescribed reps of each
exercise resting the remainder of that minute. Repeat this for 10
minutes. Once you complete EMOM A, rest 1-2 minutes then start

A) 10 Min EMOM

-Walkout Push Ups x 4

-Tuck Jumps x 6
-Jumping Lunges x 8 (ea leg)

Rest 1-2 minutes

B) 10 Min EMOM

-V Ups x 10
-Jump Squats x 10
-Burpees x 6

Workout Duration: 20-25 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-Seal Jacks
-Down Dog Spider Lunge
-Candle Stick Reach
-Prone Swimmers
-Hollow Body Hold


Today is a total rest day. No actual working out of any kind. You can
certainly do some light stretching or go for a short walk/hike but
that’s it. Light activities of that nature are ok. Make sure to drink at
least 3 liters of water a day and get ready to crush next week’s

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Walkout Spider Lunge

-Front Lunge to Psoas Reach (alternating legs)
-Seal Jacks

WORKOUT: Each circuit consists of 4 exercises. Perform each exercise

for 40 seconds resting 20 seconds in between exercises. Do 3
sets of each circuit. The most you will ever rest in each circuit is 20
seconds. Do all 3 sets of circuit A before moving on to Circuit
B. REST 60 seconds in between Circuit A and Circuit B.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4
sets of each circuit.

Circuit A:

-Superman Hold to Push Up
-Sprinter Sit Up to V Up
-Burpee Broad Jump Backwards High Knees

REST 60 seconds

Circuit B:

-Walkout to Swimmer Push Up

-Balanced Knee Tucks
-Plank Row to Explosive Push Up
-Burpee Jumping Lunge to Jump Squat (no push up)

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps/time of the exercises

below with no rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 10

-Squats x 20
-Glute Bridge x 15
-High Knees x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 50 seconds rest 10

seconds in between exercises. REST 30-60 seconds once you
finish the last exercise of the circuit. Do 3 sets.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in,
do 4 sets.

-Squat Get Ups

-Drop Lunge w/ 2 Second Pause
-Hamstring Marches
-Jump Squat w/ 3 Second Pause
-Hamstring Plank
-Explosive Squat Lunge Complex
-ISO Lunge Hold (switch legs halfway)

Workout Duration: 20-25 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-Walkout Spider Lunge

-Pigeon T Frame (switch sides halfway)
-Child’s Pose to Arch
-Pike Fold to Squat Hold
-Side Plank Lift to Toe Toucher (switch sides half way)

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps/time of each exercise with no

rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Arm Over Unders x 20

-Down Dog Toe Touchers x 10
-Superman Hold to Push Up x 15
-Jumping Jacks x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: Each circuit consists of 4 exercises. Perform each exercise

for 35 seconds resting 10 seconds in between exercises. REST 30-60
seconds once you complete the last exercise of the circuit. Do all 3
sets of Circuit A before moving on to Circuit B. REST 60-90
seconds in between Circuit A and Circuit B.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4 sets
of each circuit.

Circuit A:
-Pike Push Up
-T Hold w/ 2 Second Hold (pull ups w/ 2 sec hold if you have a
pull-up bar)
-Explosive Push Up w/ 2 Second Pause
-Plank Jack Shoulder Tap w/ Pause

REST 60-90 seconds

Circuit B:
-Dive Bomber Push Ups
-Superman Lift to Prone Pull Up (chin ups if you have a pull-up
-Wide Push Up to 4 Mtn. Climbers
-Diamond Push Ups
Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed time of each exercise with no rest
in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Spider Lunge T Frame x 60 seconds

-Bodyweight Thruster x 60 seconds
-Lateral High Knees x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds resting 10

seconds in between exercises. Do 5 sets of each superset. Rest 1
minute. in between supersets. For example, do burpee lateral high
knees for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. Then, do opposite side
toe touchers for 20 seconds then rest for 10. That’s 1 set. Do 5 total
sets. Then, rest 60 seconds and start the next superset.

-Burpee Lateral High Knees

-Opposite Toe Touchers

-Double Thrust Half Burpee

-Jumping Jack Squats

-Bear Walkout Push Up

-S. Leg V Ups

-Squat to Jump Squat

-Squat Hold

Workout Duration: 20-25 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-Down Dog Pigeon

-Side Plank Lifts (switch sides halfway)
-Jumping Spider Lunge T Frame
-Hollow Body Flutter Kicks
-6 Mountain Climbers to 6 High Knees


Today is a total rest day. No actual working out of any kind. You can
certainly do some light stretching or go for a short walk/hike but
that’s it. Light activities of that nature are ok. Make sure to drink at
least 3 liters of water a day and get ready to crush next week’s

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps of each exercise with no rest
in between exercises. Do 1 sets.

-Arm Circles x 25 (forwards/backwards)

-Inch Worm Push Up x 10
-Squat Get Up Vertical Jump x 10
-Seal Jacks x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 50 seconds resting 10

seconds in between exercises. Rest 60 seconds once you finish the
last exercise in the circuit. Do 3 sets.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4

-Slow Pike Push Ups

-Oblique Hollow Rocks (switch sides halfway)
-Body Cleans
-Push Up to Beast
-Bicycle Crunch to 2 Pulses
-Superman Hold Burpee
-Push Up Complex (close, regular, wide)

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps of the exercises below with
no rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Lunge Complex x 6 (each side)

-S. Leg RDL x 10 (each side)
-Squat to Jump Squat x 10

WORKOUT: Each circuit consists of 4 exercises. Perform each exercise

for 40 seconds resting 20 seconds in between exercises. Do 3
sets of each circuit. The most you will ever rest in each circuit is 20
seconds. Do all 3 sets of circuit A before moving on to Circuit
B. REST 60-90 seconds in between Circuit A and Circuit B.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4
sets of each circuit.

Circuit A:
-Jumping Lunges
-Drop Lunge w/ 2 Second Pause
-Back Lunges
-ISO Lunge Hold (switch legs halfway)

REST 60-90 seconds

Circuit B:
-Jump Squats
-Jumping Jack Squat w/ 2 Second Pause
-Wall Sit w/ Calf Raise

Workout Duration: 20-25 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-5 Jumping Jacks 10 High Knees

-Down Dog to Pigeon T Frame
-Spider Lunge Stretch
-Hip Reach to Hamstring
-Table Pose Reaches

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps/time of each exercise with no

rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Plank Breakdowns x 30 seconds

-Superman Lifts x 30 seconds
-Push Up Down Dog Toe Touchers x 30 seconds
-Seal Jacks x 30 seconds

WORKOUT: This workout consists of 4 separate AMRAP's. AMRAP

stands for As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible. Each AMRAP is 5
minutes long. You will perform as many reps/rounds as possible of the
two exercises in each AMRAP resting as little as possible in between
exercises. REST 60-90 seconds in between AMRAPS.

5 Min AMRAP:
-Prone Pull Up to Clap Push Up x 6 (do 6 pull ups if you have a
pull up bar)
-Tricep Push Ups x 10

5 Min AMRAP:
-Pike Push Up to Walkout Push Up x 6
-T Pulses x 25

5 Min AMRAP:
-Wide Spiderman Push Ups x 8
-Superman Lift w/ 2 Second Hold x 8 (do 8 chin ups if you have a
pull up bar)

5 Min AMRAP:
-Diamond Push Up w/ 2 Sec Pause x 8
-Plank Walkouts x 10

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps of each exercise with no rest
in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Spider Lunge T Frame x 10 (each side)

-Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 10
-Walkout to Squat Front Lunge x 10

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds resting 10

seconds in between exercises. REST 60-90 seconds once you finish
the last exercise in the circuit. Do 3 sets.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4

-Squat Get Up to Jump Squat w/ 2 Second Pause

-Plank Breakdown to Plank Walk
-Hamstring Marches
-Back Lunge to S. Leg Jump (switch sides halfway)
-Oblique Crunches
-Lateral Bear Crawl to S. Leg Skater Jump
-ISO Squat Jack to Jump Squat

Workout Duration: 20-25 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-Walkout to Scorpion
-Groin Stretch
-Inch Worms
-Lateral High Knees
-Side Plank Reach Through (60 sec each side)


Today is a total rest day. No actual working out of any kind. You can
certainly do some light stretching or go for a short walk/hike but
that’s it. Light activities of that nature are ok. Make sure to drink at
least 3 liters of water a day and get ready to crush next week’s

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Jumping Jacks
-Push Up Spider Lunge T Frame
-High Knees

WORKOUT: Each circuit consists of 4 exercises. Perform each exercise

for 40 seconds resting 20 seconds in between exercises. Do 3
sets of each circuit. The most you will ever rest in each circuit is 20
seconds. Do all 3 sets of circuit A before moving on to Circuit
B. REST 60 seconds in between Circuit A and Circuit B.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4
sets of each circuit.

Circuit A:
-Elevated Pike Push Ups
-Bicycle Crunch to 2 Pulses
-Explosive Push Up Plank Breakdown
-Lateral Plank Walk to Tuck Jump

REST 60 seconds

Circuit B:
-Walkout Push Up Half Burpee to Jump Squat
-X Ups
-5 T Pulses to Explosive Diamond Push Up
-Broad Jump Backwards Bear Crawl

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps/time of the exercises below

with no rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Stretch Kicks x 10 (each leg)

-Squat to Back Lunge x 10
-Glute Bridge x 15
-Jumping Jacks x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 50 seconds rest 10

seconds in between exercises. REST 30-60 seconds once you finish
the last exercise of the circuit. Do 3 sets.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4

-Squat Get Up to Pause Tuck Jump

-Pendulum Lunge to Jumping Lunge
-Hamstring Walkouts
-ISO Squat Jack to Jump Squat
-Calf Jumps
-5 Sec Squat Hold to 5 Jump Squats
-Hamstring Plank

Workout Duration: 20 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-Down Dog Toe Toucher to Spider Lunge

-Candle Stick Reach
-Kneeling Hip Flexor T Frame (switch sides halfway)
-Pigeon Stretch (60 seconds each side)
-Plank Reach Toe Touch

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed reps/time of each exercise with no

rest in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Forward/Backward Arm Circles x 25 (each)

-Push Up Down Dog Toe Touchers x 10
-Superman Lifts x 15
-Seal Jacks x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: Each circuit consists of 4 exercises. Perform each exercise

for 35 seconds resting 10 seconds in between exercises. REST 30-60
seconds once you complete the last exercise of the circuit. Do all 3
sets of circuit A before moving on to Circuit B. REST 1-2 minutes in
between Circuit A and Circuit B.

*If you have extra time/want to put a little more work in, do 4 sets
of each circuit.

Circuit A:
-Pike Push Up to Walkout Push Up
-Superman Hold Prone Pull Up (pull ups if you have pull up bar)
-Explosive Plank Jack Push Ups
-5 T Pulses to 2 Push Ups

REST 1-2 minutes

Circuit B:
-Slow Blast Off Push Ups
-Superman Lift w/ 2 Second Hold (chin up w/ 2 second hold if
you have a pull up bar)
-Plank Walk Push Ups
-Slow Tricep Push Ups

Workout Duration: 30 minutes

WARM UP: Perform the prescribed time of each exercise with no rest
in between exercises. Do 1 set.

-Walkout Push Ups x 60 seconds

-Squat w/ 2 Second Pause x 60 seconds
-10 High Knees to 5 Jumping Jacks x 60 seconds

WORKOUT: For set #1, you will perform each exercise

for 35 seconds resting 25 seconds in between exercises. Once you
finish the last exercise of the circuit, you will REST 60 seconds. For
set #2, you will perform each exercise for 40 seconds resting 20
seconds in between exercises. Once you finish the last exercise of the
circuit, you will REST 60 seconds. For set 3, you will perform each
exercise for 45 seconds resting 15 seconds in between exercises.
Once you finish the last exercise of the circuit, you will REST 60
seconds. For the 4th and final set, perform each exercise for 50
seconds resting 10 seconds in between exercises.

- +1 Push Ups to Twisting Mountain Climber

-Jumping Lunge w/ 2 sec pause
-Plank Reach Toe Toucher
-3 Squat Pulses to Jump Squat
-Plank Breakdown Burpee Tuck Jump

Workout Duration: 20-25 minutes

WARM UP: No warm up needed

WORKOUT: Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with no rest in

between exercises. REST 0-60 seconds once you finish the last
exercise in the circuit. Do 3-4 sets.

-Walkout Spider Lunge T Frame

-Oblique Hollow Rocks (switch sides halfway)
-Table Pose Reaches
-Sit Up to Pike Reach
-6 Mountain Climbers to 6 High Knees


Today is a total rest day. No actual working out of any kind. You can
certainly do some light stretching or go for a short walk/hike but
that’s it. Light activities of that nature are ok. Make sure to drink at
least 3 liters of water a day and get ready to crush next week’s

Visit JTMFIT.com for more killer workout programs like this!
If you need help selecting your next program feel free to email

All the best! -JTM

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