Economics 2 0525 Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board
Economics 2 0525 Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board
Economics 2 0525 Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board
Economics 2 0525
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1. (a) With the use of diagrams, distinguish between a movement along the same demand curve and a shift
of the demand curve. (10 marks)
(b) Explain the conditions under which price and quantity demanded will be increasing
at the same time. (10 marks)
3. (a) Differentiate between Terms of Trade (TOT) and the Balance of Payments (BOP). (4 marks)
(b) Study the table below that shows the Balance of Payments situation of a country.
5. (a) Distinguish between Real National Income and Money National Income. (4 marks)
(b) State and explain four (4) difficulties encountered by countries when measuring
National Income (8 marks)
(c) Explain four (4) reasons why it is necessary for a country to measure its National Income (8 marks)
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7. (a) With the use of suitable examples, explain the following terms as used in Economics:
(i) Scarcity
(ii) Opportunity Cost
(b) Study the table below which shows the utility of an individual consumer of beans over a period.
Number of plates of beans consumed Marginal Utility (MU in Utils) Total Utility (TU in Utils)
1 20
2 16
3 9
4 0
5 -5
(i) Complete the table above by calculating values for Total Utility. (5 marks)
(ii) At what level of consumption will the consumer attain the point of
Disutility and why? (3 marks)
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