Gen Bio Act 1 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells

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General Biology 1

Figure 1. Animal Cell Figure 2. Bacterial cell

Plant cell and animal cell (Figure 1) are eukaryotic cells while bacteria (Figure
2) which is a single-celled organism is classified as prokaryotic cell. The above
images contain the generalized structure of a typical eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell.
Can you distinguish their differences and similarities? Try to differentiate the two
cell types by doing the next activity.

Activity 1: Comparing Cells: Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cell

Directions: Compare the structures of Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell by filling up
the graphic organizer (Venn Diagram) below. Use the above images (figure 1 and 2)
as your reference. You may use a separate sheet of paper. (15 pts)

Prokaryotic Cell Eukaryotic Cell only

 Lack Organelles  Contain Organelles
 Lack Nucleus  Contain nucleus
 Both have DNA
 Single-celled  Multicellular or
 Have Cytoplasm
 Ancient/ Oldest Cell single-celled
 Have ribosomes
 Simple and small  Larger and more
 Have a Plasma
 Single circular complex
chromosome  Evolved from
 Has Flagellum prokaryotes
 Cell wall  Multiple linear
 Has lysosomes
Activity 2: See Me, Recognize Me! (10 pts)

Directions: below is an animated sample image of prokaryotic and eukaryotic

cells. Write Prokaryote for prokaryotic cell feature, write Eukaryote for a
eukaryotic cell feature and write Both if the structure can be found in both
prokaryotes and eukaryotes in a separate sheet of paper.

Fig.4 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure (

Cell Features Cell Type

(Prokaryote or Eukaryote)
1. With true nucleus Eukaryote
2. Membrane-bound organelles Eukaryote
3. For unicellular organism Both
4. Have polysaccharide capsule Prokaryote
5. Have the DNA and ribosomes Both
6. Have a gel-like cytoplasm Both
7. Smaller in terms of size Prokaryote
8. Microscopic Prokaryote
9. Cell of a multicellular organism Eukaryote
10. More complex in terms of structure and Eukaryote

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