Motivation and Commitment To Teaching Among Pre-Service Teachers of A State University in Samar, Philippines
Motivation and Commitment To Teaching Among Pre-Service Teachers of A State University in Samar, Philippines
Motivation and Commitment To Teaching Among Pre-Service Teachers of A State University in Samar, Philippines
when it concerns the change from a "wrong" Certainly, there are many reasons
to a "right" motive? Furthermore, this study accounting for the turnover of teachers.
is interested in how pre-service teachers‟ According to Albert (2013), Philippine
motivation to become a teacher is related to public school teachers are overworked
their commitment, as proposed by Sinclair et (based on the high pupil-teacher ratio,
al. (2006). teaching hours per day, and teaching hours
per year). With long working hours and
Manning & Patterson, (2005), on the larger class sizes, teachers are unlikely to
other hand, are with the idea that while have the time, energy and opportunity for
academic qualification, subject matter professional development and lesson plans
knowledge, pedagogy and teaching skills are especially when the curriculum is changing
important factors in determining teachers' so often. Philippine public school teachers
competency and teaching efficacy, a are underpaid. Salaries are stagnant.
knowledgeable teacher without motivation Teachers' pay does not go up appreciably
and dedication to teaching may not sustain with years of experience. Teachers' salaries
quality education. In other words, the quality do not keep pace with inflation. Compared
of teaching is not only governed by the to Indonesia and Malaysia, the fraction of
knowledge and skill competence of teachers Philippine public school teachers under 40
but also their enthusiasm and commitment in years of age is much smaller. With a
teaching (Rikard, 1999). In fact, teacher significant number retiring shortly, this can
commitment and engagement has been be problematic. Graduation rates in teacher
identified as one of the most critical factors education are less than 20 percent, and for
in the success of education (Huberman, those who graduate, only 20-30 percent pass
1997, Nias, 1981). Thus, the recruitment and the licensure exam. This means only 4-6
retention of quality teachers is a crucial percent of students in teaching colleges
issue in education. qualify to practice the profession. The
faculty in teaching institutions lacks
Many studies revealed that people advanced degrees. Less than half of higher
entering pre-service teacher education share education faculty have degrees beyond the
a number of common motivating factors bachelors' degree. Only about 10 percent
such as the desire to work with or benefit the holds a doctorate. Philippine public school
students, a sense to make a difference in teachers are leaving the country for better
their community or society through conditions and opportunities.
teaching, the influence of parents, former
teachers, peers or relatives, and the Add to the above the high poverty
perceived benefits of a teaching job such as incidence in the country and these factors
career security, vacations, and salary alone can explain the current dismal state of
(Sinclair, 2008). While research into basic education in the Philippines. Education
motivation to teach has tended to focus on reforms that might work must focus on these
pre-service teachers' initial motives for issues first.
becoming teachers, these can change in
response to their educational experience and The problem of recruitment and
„real' teaching experience during teaching retention of quality teachers has repeatedly
practice (ibid). been reported in literature and government
documents in different countries. For
example, in the United States, there is a
The researcher, on the other hand, This study used descriptive mixed
had received negative feedbacks coming method design utilizing quantitative and
from the cooperating teachers of the qualitative data. Survey technique was used
different schools in Catbalogan City where to conduct the level of motivation and
the SSU practice teachers had been assigned commitment among pre-service teachers
during the second semester, last year. Some employed through stratified sampling. The
cooperating teachers complained of practice researcher got 75% of the total population of
teachers who often come late; do not make the respondents for each course- Bachelor of
instructional materials; could not deliver the Elementary Education (BEED) and
lessons well because of lack of preparation; Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd).
and those who would log in late, but log out Specifically, there were 255 respondents
early. In fact, in one of the high schools, two obtained of which 118 from BEEd and 137
practice teachers obtained very low grades from the BSED.
from one of the cooperating teachers for not
performing well during their practice A validated and standardized
teaching activity. instrument was utilized in the quantitative
study. The questionnaire consisted of three
With these presentations, the parts. Part I is the solicited personal
researcher feels a deep concern that she was information from the pre-service teacher-
prompted to get into this study of knowing respondents like age, gender, course, and
the extent of commitment to the teaching of family income. Part II determined the
the pre-service teachers, amidst the bare dominant motivating factors in choosing
facts presented above. Furthermore, this education as a course, using the instrument
study is interested in how pre-service utilized by Gu (2013) consisting of 33 items
representing the reasons affecting the pre- joined the teaching profession mostly based
service teacher's choice of the course; and on extrinsic motive factor (Chan, 1998;
27 items on the commitment that the pre- Yong, 1995; Young, 1995). The similarity
service teacher has. For the qualitative was probably due to the same composition
component, a focus group discussion was and characteristics of the samples in the
conducted to extract the motivation and studies (e.g., educational qualification and
commitment factors from the participants. background). In the previous studies of pre-
service teachers (Chan, 1998; Young, 1995),
4. Results and Discussion the students usually took teacher education
program as an alternate means or last resort
The data in Table 1 show that out of of continuing further study when they could
the 33 motivations, the three which emerged not enter their desired university programs.
as the highest motivation being carried by Thus, they might not be intrinsically or
the COED students are 1) I have had good altruistically motivated in joining the
teachers as role models. (4.44 HM); 2) I teaching profession.
have had positive learning experiences.
(4.33 HM); and 3) Teachers make a Preservice teachers with intrinsic
worthwhile social contribution. ( 4.19 HM). motivation tend to endorse a mastery goal
The result is supported by the research leading to more adaptive teaching strategies
studies of Moran et al. (2001) which posits and better teaching performance (Malmberg,
that motives for selecting teaching as a 2006; Roth et al., 2007) while those with
career are various- it could be extrinsic extrinsic motivation tend to endorse an
motives such as salary, lengthy holidays; b. avoidance type of goal orientation. More
intrinsic motives such as interest, personal importantly, teachers' intrinsic motivation
experience, and intellectual fulfillment; and for teaching has a great impact on students'
c) altruistic motives as wanting to contribute enjoyment and interest in learning (Reeve,
to the growth of another individual. The Bolt, & Cai, 1999; Wild, Enzle, Nix, &
highest motivations of these respondents Deci, 1999).
show that they are more driven by intrinsic
motives. It is a good point to note since it On the whole, the data for the level
could be implied that salaries and other of career motivation which is 3.83 for males
extrinsic motives are not their only priority and 3.49 for females, had a combined mean
in taking teaching as their course. of 3.66 which is interpreted as Highly
Motivated. According to Sinclair, Dowson,
On the other hand, the three lowest and McInerney (2006) and the Ministry of
rated motivations are 1) I have good Education, Culture, and Science (2007),
teaching skills, (2.62 MM); 2) Teaching understanding teachers' motivation for
hours will fit with the responsibilities of teaching is essential to understand how
having a family (2.85 MM); and 3) A prospective teachers can be attracted and
teaching job will allow me to choose where I retained. Sinclair et al. (2006) furthermore
wish to live (3.00 MM). This is an state that it is important to attract students
indication that extrinsic motivations with the "right" motives; these students will
dominate among the respondents. be more engaged and committed to their
training and profession. It is speculated that
These findings are the same from the the performance and commitment of
previous study of pre-service teachers who teachers in teaching are influenced by their
Respondents' Category
(Xw / Interpretation) Combined
No. Item
Male Female
1 Teaching is a career suited to my abilities. 3.89 HM 3.89 HM 3.89 HM
2 I have good teaching skills. 1.84 MM 3.40 MM 2.62 MM
3 I have the qualities of a good teacher. 2.58 MM 3.68 HM 3.13 MM
4 I am interested in teaching. 3.89 HM 3.94 HM 3.92 HM
5 I like teaching. 4.47 HM 3.33 MM 3.90 HM
6 I have always wanted to be a teacher. 4.32 HM 3.61 HM 3.97 HM
7 I chose to teach as a last resort career. 3.42 MM 3.59 HM 3.51 HM
8 I was not accepted into my first-choice career. 4.26 HM 3.40 MM 3.83 HM
9 I was unsure of what career I wanted. 3.37 MM 3.07 MM 3.22 MM
10 Teaching will be a secure job. 4.32 HM 3.85 HM 4.09 HM
11 Teaching will provide a reliable income. 3.16 MM 3.25 MM 3.21 MM
12 Teaching will offer a steady career path. 3.84 HM 4.03 HM 3.94 HM
13 School holidays will fit in my family 4.16 HM 3.48 MM 3.82 HM
14 As a teacher, I will have a short working day. 4.42 HM 2.70 MM 3.56 HM
15 Teaching hours will fit with the responsibilities of 3.11 MM 2.59 MM 2.85 MM
having a family.
16 As a teacher, I will have lengthy holidays. 3.74 HM 2.79 MM 3.27 MM
17 Part-time teaching could allow more family time. 3.11 MM 3.13 MM 3.12 MM
18 A teaching job will allow me to choose where I 3.42 MM 2.58 MM 3.00 MM
wish to live.
19 A teaching qualification is recognized everywhere. 4.47 HM 3.14 MM 3.81 HM
20 Teaching will be a useful job for me to have when 3.63 HM 3.31 MM 3.47 MM
21 Teaching will allow me to shape child/adolescent 2.95 MM 3.81 HM 3.38 MM
22 Teaching will allow me to have an impact on 4.32 HM 4.03 HM 4.18 HM
23 Teaching will allow me to work against social 3.16 MM 3.04 MM 3.10 MM
24 Teaching will allow me to raise the ambitions of 4.11 HM 3.82 HM 3.97 HM
underprivileged youth.
25 Teaching will allow me to provide service to the 4.16 HM 4.16 HM 4.16 HM
26 Teachers make a worthwhile social contribution. 4.58 VHM 3.80 HM 4.19 HM
27 I want to work in a child/adolescent- centered 4.05 HM 3.73 HM 3.89 HM
28 I like working with children/adolescents. 4.16 HM 3.59 HM 3.88 HM
29 I have had good teachers as role models. 4.79 VHM 4.09 HM 4.44 HM
30 I have had positive learning experiences. 4.84 VHM 3.82 HM 4.33 HM
31 People I have worked with think I should become 3.68 HM 3.31 MM 3.50 MM
a teacher.
32 My friends think I should become a teacher. 4.26 HM 3.33 MM 3.80 HM
33 My family thinks I should become a teacher. 4.00 HM 3.75 HM 3.88 HM
Grand Mean 3.83 HM 3.49 MM 3.66 HM
accomplish the job with enthusiasm (4.23 with enthusiasm " suggest that the preservice
HC); and 3) To take the choice of becoming teachers in the present study had high
a teacher as the best decision in life (4.22 commitment in their teaching work, caring
HC). much about their students' learning and
development, as well as the development of
"To teach to improve the knowledge the schools they teach, implying they had
of students " and " To accomplish the job reached the highest level of teachers'
Respondents' Category
Xw/Interpretation Combined
No. Item
Male Female
1 To teach to improve the 4.37 HC 4.61 VHC 4.49 HC
2 To teach them with passion because it 3.63 HC 4.00 HC 3.82 HC
is my aspiration in life
3 To try my best to help develop 3.89 HC 3.85 HC 3.87 HC
4 To try my best to teach no matter how 3.32 MC 3.79 HC 3.56 HC
bad students would behave
5 To consider teaching as my first 3.53 HC 3.52 HC 3.53 HC
6 To consider teaching different 3.47 MC 3.86 HC 3.67 HC
7 To look at my teaching 4.37 HC 3.63 HC 4.00 HC
8 To work hard for the school 3.00 MC 3.68 HC 3.34 MC
9 To upgrade myself in order to 3.68 HC 3.71 HC 3.70 HC
10 To be proud of the school 4.32 HC 3.90 HC 4.11 HC
11 To prefer working at this school 3.53 HC 4.20 HC 3.87 HC
12 To deal with the future of the 3.79 HC 3.82 HC 3.81 HC
13 To perceive the school as the 3.74 HC 3.30 MC 3.52 HC
14 To spend time with the students 3.95 HC 3.59 HC 3.77 HC
15 To be proud of my colleagues 4.16 HC 3.62 HC 3.89 HC
16 To accomplish the job with 4.68 VHC 3.78 HC 4.23 HC
17 To get information about the 4.53 VHC 3.81 HC 4.17 HC
18 To try to do the best for the 3.95 HC 3.75 HC 3.85 HC
19 To enjoy teaching 4.47 HC 3.83 HC 4.15 HC
20 To take the choice of becoming a 4.42 HC 4.01 HC 4.22 HC
21 To be proud of being a teacher 3.63 HC 3.83 HC 3.73 HC
22 To perceive the values of 3.37 MC 3.34 MC 3.36 MC
23 To perceive teaching occupation 4.53 VHC 3.81 HC 4.17 HC
24 To desire to well-known in the 2.95 MC 3.22 MC 3.09 MC
25 To continue teaching without 3.42 MC 3.56 HC 3.49 MC
26 To have the perception of being 3.84 HC 3.72 HC 3.78 HC
27 To treat other teachers in other 4.00 HC 3.70 HC 3.85 HC
Grand Mean 3.87 HC 3.76 HC 3.81 HC
remarks are illustrated by their quotes. I sharing knowledge, one stated: “I want to
wanted to continue the profession and found impart/share more knowledge with students,
myself falling in love with teaching. Since the interesting knowledge that I have gained
high school, I already had in mind that I in school.”
would be teaching because it is a very
inspiring job. Another respondent says; “I About the three motivations that
joined the teaching profession because I like drove the students to take education were
the profession and I believe it is the best way that they have good teachers as role models
to serve the society.” Another respondent and that they have had positive learning
opines: “I feel like teaching profession is my experiences. This was confirmed by one of
vocation and my mission is to help and the respondents of the Focus Group
impart knowledge.” This has relevance to Discussion when she said: “The experience
the third common motivation in the survey that influenced me was during our Field
which is; “Teachers make a worthwhile Study observations when I observed a
social contribution. “ teacher who patiently taught his students
who were hard-headed and "pasaway”. He
3. „I was influenced by my parents and passionately taught even though it was hard
significant others‟ but he still did it for the students to learn.
On that point, I realized that I want to be
There were respondents who explained
like him too.”
that they would like to join the teaching
profession because of the influence of their On Commitment
parents and/or other close relatives. It is
observed that they want to join the teaching On the other hand, the respondents
profession because their parents or other were also asked about their commitment to
close people who are important to them are teaching when they will be in the service.
teachers. And yet a respondent mentioned The respondents gave the following
that she opted to become a teacher because it common commitments:
runs in the family – both parents are
teachers. One says; "It is a desire in our 1. „I will not stop studying and learning
family to be one of the licensed teachers.” for my professional growth.‟
One response was extrinsic though. “I
The respondents are willing to grow
think teaching profession can provide my
professionally and never stop learning. “I
basic needs and also my family needs.”
am willing to learn more, and I will not stop
In addition to these three most from learning.” “I will be patient all the time
common responses, are the following: “I in order to learn more.” “I will do my best
want to make a difference in people‟s lives.” to improve professionally and personally for
“I want to educate and inspire people.” “I the betterment of my teaching profession
want to become a professional teacher to and education. ”These are just some of the
serve our nation.” Another respondent statements given by the respondents when it
mentions: “I want to become a big part of comes to their commitment to teaching.
the lives of every pupils/student and change
them and mold them to become good 2. „Use lot of materials/strategies where
citizens.” “I have the passion for teaching.” children can gain more knowledge.‟
“I think teaching profession can provide my
basic needs and also my family needs.” On
The second common commitment from changes in the curriculum; “while one says;
among the respondents is on the use of “Be aware of the curriculum.”
different strategies for the enhancement of
the knowledge of students/pupils by using 5. Conclusion and Recommendations
different materials and/or strategies. “I will
be equipped with the essential knowledge for Good teaching is affected not only
teaching using varied materials and by the knowledge and pedagogy of teachers,
strategies to suit the needs of my children.” but also their passion for teaching, which is
Another one stressed by saying; “I will use associated with enthusiasm, caring,
different learning strategies.” commitment, and teaching efficacy.
Extrinsic and intrinsic factors could play and
3. „No giving up on students/pupils.‟ are fundamental to raising standards. It is
clearly both the responsibility of the teachers
The third commitment that emerged and the schools to ensure that teachers can
from the responses is on students‟ welfare. continue and sustain passion, to exercise the
One shared her commitment by assuring that love, care and respect necessary to good
she can handle her students. One mentions teaching and carry on for a better future
her commitment by saying that she would (Day, 2004).
influence her children and touch their lives.
Still one says, “I would be an efficient and In view of the findings of this study,
effective teacher for my children.” One the following recommendations are made
respondent assured by saying, “I would intending to fostering preservice teachers‟
always ask or solicit student’s feedback.” “I motivation and commitment to the teaching
will teach my students the best that I can.” “I profession. First, the government and other
am willing to teach children as long as I stakeholders and the teacher education
can, and I will give my all best in order to institution should seriously instill in the
make the change in their lives.” These are minds of the students, the nobility and the
some of the commitment shared by the urgency of the profession in addressing the
respondents on their becoming a teacher needs of the country of more intrinsically
someday. motivated teachers, more dedicated and
proficient teachers in order to attract other
Aside from the mentioned responses, incoming students by making their years in
worth mentioning too, are the following: “I the institution more enjoyable, worthwhile,
would make a good lesson plan to ensure the and meaningful. The College of Education
achievement of my target objectives.” This should live up to the expectations of
was also supported by another respondent everyone in turning out more graduates who
who says that she would always plan her are excellent and disciplined leaders and
lesson and would always have a backup plan devoted service providers.
in anticipation if something goes wrong.
One commits to be prepared at all times. There should also be a regular
Still, one respondent is committed to training program for school leadership and
keeping herself abreast of the time. One values formation because studies have also
preservice teacher says; “I would always be revealed that many teachers in many schools
motivated to do such things as learning is are disappointed with their school
fun, not a burden.” On curriculum, one says; administration (Mkumbo, 2011), which
“I will always be prepared and adapt the further tends to erode their teaching
commitment and morale.
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