of living in the developed countries are attributable to high-energy consumption levels. Also, the rapid
population growth in the developing countries has kept the per capita energy consumption low
compared with that of highly industrialized countries. The world average energy consumption per
person is equivalent to 2.2 Tonnes of coal. In industrialized countries, people use four to five times
more than the world average and nine times more than the average for the developing countries. An
American uses 32 times more commercial energy than Indian.
Country Oil Natural Coal Nuclear Hydro Total
Gas Energy electric
124.7 365.2 111.3 34.0 35.6 670.8
Global primary energy consumption Natural gas is projected to be the fastest growing primary energy
source worldwide, maintaining average growth of 2.2 percent annually over the 2001-2025 periods. In
comparison 1.9 percent average annual growth rates are projected for oil and for renewable, 1.6
percent annual growth is projected for coal, and 0.6 percent annual growth is projected for nuclear
power ( on a Btu basis)
Total world natural gas consumption is projected to rise for 90 trillion cubic feet in 2025. In the United
States, the industrial sector is expected to remain the largest end use consumer of natural gas, growing
by 1.4 percent per year on average, from 7.3 trillion cubic feet in 2001 to 10.3 trillion cubic feet in
2025. In the electric power sector, natural gas is projected to increase by 1.9 percent per year, from 5.4
trillion cubic feet to 8.4 trillion cubic feet.
Electricity generation is expected to nearly double between 2001 and 2025, from 13,290 billion
kilowatt-hours to 23,702 billion kilowatt-hours. Strongest growth is projected for the countries of the
developing world, where net electricity consumption rises by 3.5 percent per year in the IE02004
reference case, compared with a projected average increase of 2.3 percent per year worldwide. Robust
economic growth in many of the developing nations is expected to boost demand for electricity to run
newly purchased home appliances for air conditioning, cooking space and water heating, and
refrigeration. For the industrialized world and refrigeration. For the industrialized world and the
transitional economies of the Eastern Europe/former Soviet Union, where electricity markets are more
modest annual growth rates of 1.5 and 2 percent, respectively, are projected.
Over the 2011-2025 forecast horizons, renewable maintain their share of total energy consumption at
8percent. Moreover, despite the high rates of growth projected for renewable energy sources, such as
wind power in Western Europe and the United States, much of the growth is expected to result from
large-scale hydroelectric power projects in the developing countries, particularly among the nations of
developing Asia. China, India, Malaysia, and Vietnam are already constructing or have plans to
construct ambitions hydroelectric projects in the coming decades.
1.7. World energy resources overview:
The main findings of the 2001 Survey of Energy Resources, produced by the World Energy
Council, confirm that conventional commercial fossil fuels encompassing coal, oil and natural gas,
remain in adequate supply with a substantial resource base. Compared to the 1998 Surveys, coal and
natural gas reserves increased somewhat, while those of oil declined slightly, within the total coal
reserves, both sub-bituminous coal and lignite reserves declined from the previously reported levels by
15% and 3% respectively, but bituminous coal reserves increased by 2%
While coal supply in the medium and long term is assured, the future prospects for delivery and use of
coal will largely depend on the impact of deregulation of electricity markets, policies to reduce
greenhouse gases, and technological advances (cleaner use of coal and carbon sequestration i). Coal
could contribute in a sustainable way to satisfying demand for energy from the two billion people n the
world who today. Primary energy consumption by fuel in selected countries of the world 2003In
million tones oil equivalent
In the commentary on oil, the pessimistic and optimistic reserve assessments have been propounded
and appear to incline towards the former, for the following reasons:
Proved recoverable reserves of oil, which are largely concentrated in the Middle East, declined,
while those of gas which are more evenly spread, increased;
is in 6th place. Other countries contribution can be analyzed by the pie chart given below.
Pie chart 1.7
reserves are falling, the potential gas reserves keep increasing. In fact, much of the new discoveries in
the world, including India, is gas. The global proven gas reserve was estimated to be 176 trillion cubic
meters by the end of 2003. The Russian Federation had the largest share of the reserve3 with almost
Fig-1.8(iii) Gas
World oil and Gas Reserves are estimated at just 45 Years and 65 years respectively and coal is likely
to lost a little over 200 Years
have led to some improvements in the Indian economy and aligned it more closely with the major
economics of the world. Today India is one of the fastest growing economies in Asia.
The economic growth of a country is often closely linked to its consumption of energy. As compared
to developed countries, the per capita energy consumption is too low in India. It is just 4% of USA and
20% of the world average Driven by the expanding economy, rising population and a quest for
improved quality of life, energy usage in India is expected to rise to around 450 kg/year by 2010 from
the present over 350 kg/year.
Although, we rank sixth in the world so far as total energy is concerned, but still much more energy
needed to keep pace with our economic development objectives Most of our energy requirement are
met through fossil fuel that is limited and petroleum fuel that leads to dependence on Imports and
energy mix I n India contributing to 55% of the total primary energy production. Over the year, there
has been a marked decline in oil production from 20% to 17% but during the same period the share of
production is mainly due to it being relatively poor in oil reserves, which amount to 5.9 billion barrels.
It is just 0.5 % of global reserves. India imports 70% of its oil, much of it from West Asia. In the next
International Energy Annual 2002, the coal consumption in India is projected to increase from 369
million Tonnes in the year 2000 to 450 million Tonnes by the year 2010.
production stands at around 290 million Tonnes per year. Presently the major coal production is
concentrated in eight Indian States, namely: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, and West Bengal. Indian coal is typically of poor quality and such
reserves were estimated at 84,396 million tones. This is almost 8.6% of the world reserves and it may
last for about 230 years a
coal reserves are expected to last only for 192 years at the current R/P ratio.
total energy consumption. In sector wise petroleum product consumption transport sector alone
accounts for 42% , industry 24% and domestic 24%.
51 to 112.56
MMT in 2002 03 and it is expected to reach 175 MMT in 2006 07 Future oil consumption is
expected to grow rapidly to 3.2 million barrels / day by 2010, from 2 million barrels / day in 2002.
India has oil reserves of about 504 billion barrels and the majority of them are located in the Bombay
High, upper Assam, Cambay, and Krishna Godavari. Its annual crude oil production is peaked at
about 32 million tones. By the end of the 10th plan period, the domestic production is likely to rise
self-sufficiency in oil production has consistently declined
from 60% in the 50s to 30% currently. Same is expected to go down further to 8% by 2020.
Currently India import 70% of its crude needs, mainly from gulf nations. At the end of 2004, India
oil demand has to be met by imports. Figure 1.13 illustrates the oil net imports and domestic
terminal Dahej in Gujarat with an initial capacity of 5 million metric tons per annum (MMTPA),
which amounts to 20 MCM/D. shell, transnational oil major, is in the process of setting up an LNG
terminal at Hazira.
The year 2004 could well go down as the start of a new era for the Indian petroleum sector. The first
consignment of LNG the alternative fuel for gas, landed of Indian shores in January 2004. The gas
The marketing of the gas is being down by GAIL, Indian Oil Corporation and Bharat Petroleum
Corporation in the ratio of 60:30:10, respectively. During the year, Petro net supplied 10 MCM/D
LNG to consumers along the HBJ pipeline.
decreased and it presently stands at 25% as on May 31, 2004. It is assessed that exploitable hydro
power potential at 60% load factor is 84,000MW. India currently has a peak demand shortage of
around 14% and energy Deficit Of 8.4%. Keeping this view and to maintain a GDP growth of 8% to
10%, the Government of India has very prudently set a target of 215,804MW Power Generation
capacity by March 2012.
State Sector 80,775 52.5
Central Sector 51,158
80,775 51,158 30,434 1,62,367
Total Installed Capacity (fuel-wise)
(MOP website as on 30.6.2010)
Fuel MW Percentage
Total 1,62,367
80 64.6
60 53.3
40 24.7
20 10.5 7.7
0.9 2.9
104,424 86,003 17,221 1,200 36,953 4,560 16,429 1,62,367
Total Thermal Coal Gas Oil Hydro NuclearRenewable Total
Region Coal Gas Nuclear Hydro R.E.S Total
Northern 21,950 3,563 1,620 13,350 2,690
60 766 0 1,116 218 2,303
Northern Western Southern Eastern North All India
Power Supply Scenario (April May 2010: CEA)
Energy Requirement (MU)
80,000 Energy Availabilty (MU)
60,000 Energy Deficit(%)
Northern Westren Southern Eastern NE Total for
Region Region Region Region Region the
Indian Power Scenario
Power Supply Scenario (April May 2010: CEA)
Peak demand (MW)
Peak demand (MW)
Peak Deficit(%)
Northern Westren Southern Eastern N E Region Total for the
Region Region Region Region Country
N E Region 34 to 57 (%)
Installed Power Generating Capacity in Karnataka:
(Approximate figures in some years)
Installed capacity Increase over
(MW) previous decade
Year 1948 83 -
150 %
Year 2009 (Own capacity + Central
(111 times of 1948)
sector share)
Installed Power Generating Capacity in Karnataka
(Approximate figures in some years)
Year 1960 Year 1970 Year 1980 Year 1990 Year 2000 Year 2009
Points to be Remember
Demand for energy will continue to grow even if governments adopt strict vigorous policies to
conserve energy.
Coal has the potential to contribute substantially to future energy supplies, but its reserves are
The supply of oil will fail to meet increasing demand.
Natural gas reserves are large enough to meet projected demand provided the incentives are
sufficient enough to encourage the development of extensive and costly inter-continental gas
transportation system.
Electricity from nuclear power is capable of making an important contribution to the global energy
supply. However, its acceptance is yet to be established globally.
Other than hydropower, renewable energy sources are likely to become increasingly important in
21st century.
Energy efficiency improvements and Energy conservation techniques will play a major role in
reducing the gap between energy demand and energy supply.
1. Solar energy can be converted directly or indirectly in to other forms of energy.
2. In-exhaustible source of useful energy.
3. Major drawbacks to the extensive application of S.E
1. The intermittent and variable manner in which it arrives at the surface
2. The large area required to collect the energy at useful rate.
4. Experiments are under way to use this energy.
5. Energy is radiated by the sun as electromagnetic waves of which 99% have wave lengths in the
range of 0.2 to 4.0 µm
6. Solar energy reaches the top of the earth atmosphere consists of about
1. 8% Ultraviolet radiation (short wave length, less than 0.39µm )
2. 46% visible light (0.39 to 0.78µm) and 46% Infrared radiation (long wave
length more than 0.78µm
Solar Constant:
1. The sun is a large sphere of very hot gases, the heating being generated by various kinds of
fusion reactions.
2. Sun diameter is 1.39X106 km, while earth is 1.27X104 km.
3. Mean distance between sun and earth is 1.50X108 km
4. The beam of radiation received from the sun on the earth is almost parallel.
5. The brightness of the sun varies from its center to its edge. For calculations, it is customary to
assume that the brightness all over the solar disc is uniform.
6. Radiation coming from the sun approximately-57620 K.
7. The rate at which solar energy arrives at the top of the atmosphere is called the solar constant
ISC. This is the amount energy receive
direction at mean distance of the earth from the sun. The rate of arrival of solar radiation varies
throughout the year.
8. Solar constant is an average from which actual values vary up to about 3% in either direction.
9. NASA has expressed solar constant in three common units
1. 1.353KW/ m2 or 1353 W/m2
2. 116.5 langleys (calories/cm2) per hour, or
1165/kcal/m2/hr (1 langley=1cal/cm2) solar radiation received in one day.
3. 429.2 Btu/ square feet/hr.
10. The distance b/w the earth and sun varies a little through the year. Because of this variation, the
extra-terrestrial (outside the atmosphere) flux also varies. The earth is closest to the sun in the
summer and farthest away in the winter.
11. The variation in the distance produces a nearly sinusoidal variation in the intensity of solar
amount and character from radiation at the top of the atmosphere. The radiation entering the
atmosphere is partly absorbed by molecules, and a part of the radiation is reflected back into the space
by clouds. Part of the solar radiation is scattered by droplets in clouds by atmospheric molecules and
dust particles. Oxygen and ozone absorb nearly all the ultraviolet radiation whereas CO2 and H2O
vapour absorb some energy from infrared range.
1. Part of the radiation is reflected back into the space, especially by clouds.
2. Oxygen and ozone absorbs nearly all the ultraviolet radiation and water vapour and CO2
absorb some of the energy in the infrared range.
3. Some part of the solar energy radiation is scatted by droplets in the clouds by atmospheric
molecules, and by dust particles.
Beam radiation:
Solar radiation that has not been absorbed or scattered and reaches the ground directly from the
It is the radiation which produces a shadow when interrupted by an opaque object.
Diffusion radiation:
Diffuse radiation is that solar radiation received from the sun after its direction has been
changed by reflection and scattering by the atmosphere
and diffuse radiation. This referred to in a general sense as the insolation at that point.
2. The insolation is defined as the total solar radiation energy received on a horizontal surface
of unit area on ground in unit time.
3. The insolation at a given location on the earth surface depends on the altitude of the sun in
ion and the horizontal)
latitude at which the observations are made, the rate of arrival of solar radiation on the ground
is variable quantity even in the time.
1. Sun at zenith: It is the position of the sun directly overhead.
2. Air mass: It is the path length of radiation through the atmosphere to the length of path and
when the sun is at the zenith. Air mass = cos (altitude angle) except for very low solar altitude
Latitude, l
It is the angle made by the radial line joining the location to the center of earth with the projection of
the line on the equatorial plane, denoted by l. It is also given by the angular distance north or south of
the equator measured from the center of the earth.
1. If l is given by the
angle between the line OP and projection of OP on the equatorial plane. As a method of
convention, the latitude will be measured as +ve for the northern hemisphere.
line extending from the centre of the sun to the centre of the earth and the projection of this line
December 22.
4. T
a. = 23.45 sin 360/365(284+n) where n is the day of the year
b. e.g.: March 22 is the 31 + 29 + 22 = 82nd day n = 82
It is the angle through which the earth must turn to bring the meridian of a point directly in line
hour angle is equivalent to 15o per hour.
6. It is measured from noon based on the solar local time (LST) or local apparent time, being
equatorial plane, between the projection of OP and the projection of O line from the centre of
the sun to the centre of the earth
horizontal plane and
ndicular to the horizontal plane
through the point P. i.e., the angle between the beam from the sun and the vertical. Zenith
angle is complimentary
It is the solar angle in degrees along the horizon cost or west of north or it is the horizontal
If north latitudes are considered positive and south latitudes negative, the declination will be
positive for summer period between the vernal equinox and autumnal equinox and negative at
other times
10. The slope (s)
It is the angle made by the plane surfaces with the horizontal. It is considered positive for
surfaces slopping towards the south and negative for surface slopping towards the north.
It is the angle of deviation of the normal to the surface from the local meridian, the zero point
being south, east positive and west negative.
Fig. Surface azimuth angle and slope defined
It is the angle being measured from a plane and is equal to the angle between the beam of rays and
normal to the plane. It is expressed as
+ cos s- s )
s) ----------------------------------------- (1)
Where l = Latitude (North positive)
cos s)
= cos s- )
( - ( -s)--------------------------------------- (5)
-1) (-tan
At 15o of the hour angle = 1hour, day length
-1) (-tan ------------------------------------------------------- (7)
Thermoelectric Pyranometer