Human Genome Project
Human Genome Project
Human Genome Project
Human genome project (HGP) was an international scientific research project which got successfully completed in the
year 2003 by sequencing the entire human genome of 3.3 billion base pairs. The HGP led to the growth of bioinformatics which is a
vast field of research. The successful sequencing of the human genome could solve the mystery of many disorders in humans and
gave us a way to cope up with them.
1. Expressed sequence tags wherein the genes were differentiated into the ones forming a part of the genome and the
others which expressed RNAs.
2. Sequence Annotation wherein the entire genome was first sequenced and the functional tags were assigned later.
Features of the Human genome project include:
Applications of HGP
As the goals of the human genome project were achieved, it led to great advancement in research. Today, if any disease arises due
to some alteration in a certain gene, then it could be traced and compared to the genome database that we already have. In this
way, a more rational step could be taken to deal with the problem and can be fixed with more ease.
This project has opened up new horizons which can be learned in much detail with our expert faculty.
Stay tuned with BYJU’S to learn more in detail about the human genome project.