A. Definition of X-Bar Theory: B. The Syntax Assembly
A. Definition of X-Bar Theory: B. The Syntax Assembly
A. Definition of X-Bar Theory: B. The Syntax Assembly
X-bar theory is discussed in almost all modern text books of syntax, and it is routinely
assumed as a theory of phrase structure in a variety of otherwise widely di ffering schools of
grammatical. The theory is to explain how sentences are built from words. X-bar theory is a
theory of syntactic category formation. It embodies two independent claims: one, that phrases
may contain intermediate constituents projected from a head X; and two, that this system of
projected constituency may be common to more than one category (e.g., N, V, A, P, etc.).
There are three "syntax assembly" rules which form the basis of X-bar theory. These
rules can be expressed in English, as immediate dominance rules for natural language (useful
for example for programmers in the field of natural language processing), or visually as parse
trees. All three representations are presented below;
XP → (specifier), X′
/ \ or / \
spec X' X' spec
Not all XPs contain X′s with adjuncts, so this rewrite rule is "optional".
X' X'
/\ or /\
X' adjunct adjunct X'
3. Another kind of X-bar consists of an X (the head of the phrase) and any number
of complements (possibly zero), in any order:
X′ → X, (complement...)
X' X'
/\ or /\
X complement complement X
The following diagram illustrates one way the rules might be combined to form a generic XP
structure. Because the rules are recursive, there is an infinite number of possible structures
that could be generated, including smaller trees that omit optional parts, structures with
multiple complements, and additional layers of XPs and X′s of various types.
spec X'
X' adjunct
X complement
Because all of the rules allow combination in any order, the left-right position of the branches
at any point may be reversed from what is shown in the example. However, in any given
language, usually only one handedness for each rule is observed. The above example maps
naturally onto the left-to-right phrase order used in English.
Note that a complement-containing X' may be distinguished from an adjunct-containing X' by
the fact that the complement has an X (head) as a sibling, whereas an adjunct has X-bar as a
sibling. Another example by using X-bar Theory:
C. Discussions
1. Why in analysis the sentence in X-bar Theory we use X for the explanation? (Nur Asiyah)
X tells a certain of phrase that being constituent. Like (V,N,ADJ,DET etc)
2. Why in the tree concepts there is (X’) for each word? (Mustika Transmawati)
The function of X’ is to make extened constituent in the tree from ceratin phrase
3. How we could know the words include to certain (X) before we make into tree concept?
Before we make a tree, we should know the place of word whether it N,V,Adj and so on.
After knowing the place or function, it would be more easliy when we make a tree
because we have known the position of the words.
4. How we could know the word in X-bar Theory is head of sentence? (Ngudisih Sayekti)
We can see from all over the words in the sentence. As we know the sentece will have
meaning if the sentece in grammartically form. If we one of the words is remove from the
sentence, will it change the meaning or there is no meaning at all. The word which has
meaning for all over the sentence, it would be the head of the sentence.
6. Why in the tree concept always begin with “S” before make the tree? (Ratmini)
Because before we make a chunk for each word, the word is a sentence. So that is why
before making tree we should put S on the top of the tree.
7. Why X-bar Theory can help us in understanding the function of the word? ( Aminah)
Because from the X-bar theory we know the right position of the word in the sentence, so
it will make us easy in understanding the real meaning from the sentence. And we know
the main point from the sentence.
8. Why Specifier and Complement are being the internal structure of X-bar Theory? (Sri
Actually Specifier and Complement are not must in the internal structure. They are just an
optional. When we talk about the scheme, it will form based on the function of the words.
So Specifier and Complement are not should in the internal structure.
9. Why X-bar Theory can be a good way in analyzing the sentence ? ( Isna Fitriah)
Because X-bar Theory is very helpful to know where the word stand for. And to know the
head of the sentence, so we can understand what the main point of the sentence.
10. Why X-bar Theory could avoid the ambiguity in sentence? (Widya Sartika)
Because from X-bar Theory we will know the complex of the word through figure of
bars. And know the the categorial position that usage. It will avoid the ambiguity of the
word even though the words from same class.
11. Why is it important to learn X-bar phrases to increase students’ knowledge? (Dhia Firiah)
Because it is a subtantive theory of phrase structure properties in natural language
12. How do we distinguish between diagramming and X-bar phrases? (Yusri Kamil)
Diagramming is pictorial representation of grammatical structure of the sentence with the
purpose to demonstrate the structure of the sentence it self. Futhermore it is use to
describe relation between words and the nature of syntatic structure which is beneficial to
help predict which sentences are and are not possible. While X-bar Pharase theory is
assume as theory pharase structure in a variety of otherwise widely deepering schools of
grammatical thought such as lexical functional grammar and generalized pharase stucture.
13. Why is X-bar pharases included in learning language? (Devi)
Because X-bar pharase is one of the item duscussion in Syntax.
14. How to apply X-bar pharses material into real life application? (RM Cipta)
It can be applied in teaching Grammar
When we want to know more the function of pharases when we read an articel.
15. How can you obtain the benfits of learning X-bar pharases theory? (Suprapto)
We will comprehence part of the sentence better
16. How is your point of view if we teach X-bar Phrases to students by post method approach?
(Lisda Enny)
It might facitited a wearness of the students in learning X-bar pharases better, because the
lecturer deliver the lesson based on students’ ability and the situation in the classromm.
17. Why is it significant to savvy well the story of X-bar pharses in post garduate program? (Fela)
Because after graduating from post graduate program, we are expected to be able to
comprehence, teach and apply the subject to our students.
18. Many students find it arduous to learn X-bar pharses. How is the most effective way to solve
the problem/issue? (Hani)
The most effective way to teach the subject is that beside mastering X-bar pharase, the
lecturer has to deliver this lesson in interesting way.
19. Why is X-bar phrases theory introduced and learned in post graduate program? (Dahlia)
Because it can boost our understanding in enhancing our knowledge with regard to parts
of sentence structure.